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August 31, 2006

true story, i swear

Well, we got a lot done on the site today, as you can tell from the sidebar. Go ahead, click around. Things are moving pretty fast around here. And Kali made her sex goddess debut!

Sometimes you can tell what kind of day we had just by looking around here. Sometimes you have no idea. Turtle had a pretty rough day today and needed to step away from the computer for a while. Definitely not up to writing tonight. So I'm flying solo. But I've got a pretty decent story for you.

celebrity true stories: she who shall not be named

1995. Or 96. I was married (the 1st) at the time. It was the end of very odd summer. I spent a week or two of August with a blonde actress/celebrity who shall remain nameless here, but who is easily identifiable by the stature of her breasts and her hips and by the fortunes of her now dead, but then elderly and frail, husband and whom we shall call "A" so as not to end up with people Googling for naked pictures of this model/B-movie actress/celebrity. And no, I have none.

I was, through my first marriage, related to the person who directed A in several of her movies. This person came from California to visit his family on Long Island and brought the "A" along with him.

There are several stories I could tell you about the week or so the diva was here. The whole surreal day I spent with her when her husband died. The trip to the supermarket. Bu I won't tell those. Not now. You might not believe me anyhow. Because they are that bizarre. But I will tell you about when she returned for a visit in the fall. You should just keep in mind that during the August week she was here, nearly everyone who was kind of star-struck when she arrived loathed her by the time she left.

It was September, maybe two weeks after school started. My then husband's grandfather had gone missing and the next week his body turned up in a dumpster in the Bronx. It was, obviously, a difficult time for the family. A funeral service was planned. The relative in California was called. He was told to come for the funeral of his father. But. Don’t bring her. Do not bring "A". Please. Nobody needs her melodrama.

He arrives the next day. With "A" in tow. She wouldn't miss this for the world, she says. What? This isn’t a movie premiere, you twit. It’s a funeral. Well, she says, he was like a father to me. Yes, right. Because she knew him all of one month. And spent about 20 hours total in person with him during that time. Like a father to her. Whatever.

The day of the wake comes. Italian wakes are dramatic and overwrought enough without half-witted celebrities in attendance. Especially half-witted celebrities who seem to have taken a little too much of their medication. “A” struts into the funeral home, dressed up like she’s going to the Oscars. She's carrying on about something or other. Tears, drama, histrionics. My ex's parents ask her to please wait in the sitting area while the wake is going on. They don’t want her inside the room where the service is being held. You can’t blame them.yeathatsher.jpg You gotta question the sanity of a person who plays attention whore at a wake. So she walks out of the room all petulant like and plops herself in a chair out in the hallway. She pouts and whines and waits for people to recognize her.

A little while later, I come out of the bathroom and see “A” still sitting there in the chair, pouting. And she’s....hmmm. What is she doing? I think she’s talking to herself? Yea, she is. Like she’s trying to calm herself down. And she's stroking her coat. What. The. Hell. I stare at her. You know how a cat looks at you when he thinks you are crazy? That tilt of the head? That’s how I look at her. She doesn’t seem to notice. I go back into the room and mention A's odd behavior to some family members. Everyone agrees that at least she's staying out there so we shouldn’t bother her. Let her alone.

As we agree on that, the doors to the room swing open. “A” walks in like she’s making a grand entrance at a ball. She does some weird gesture and stands there. Waits to be noticed and admired. When no one stands up to applaud her, or whatever the hell she’s waiting for, she works her way towards the coffin. She actually flips her hair as she walks. Holy hell. What class. Then she gets to the coffin and looks down at the man she barely knew yet whom was apparently a father figure to her. She turns her head. Makes sure she has the attention of everyone in the room. Oh, she knows how to play a room, even at a funeral. Everyone is staring at her. It’s dead quiet. We’re all waiting to see what she is gonna do.

She starts to wail. She's incoherent, crying, sobbing, and there is not a person in the room who doesn't know that it is all an act. We've seen her movies. We know bad acting when we see it. Suddenly she puts the back of her hand up to her forehead 1950's movie star style, and falls to the floor in a faint. I swear to you, I started to giggle. This was better than the Chuckles the Clown wake on the Mary Tyler Moore Show. We don’t know whether to laugh or go pick her up off the floor. No one moves to help her. She lays there, hand still on forehead, skirt hiked up, a spectacle on display. Finally, the California relative comes over, picks her up and walks her out to the chair in the hallway.

The service continues. We sit there quietly, talking in hushed tones to people who are offering their condolences. But every once in a while, when it becomes very, very quiet, we hear this squeaking sound. At first, I think it's a kid crying. Someone else thinks it's a person with new, squeaky shoes. Maybe a mouse? We can't figure it out, but it stops and starts and stops and starts until it gets irritating enough for us to go investigate. We follow the sound of the squeak out of the wake room, into the hallway, right to the .....chair. The chair where “A” is sitting. She's talking to herself again and ummm.....petting herself? What is with this chick? Then it hits me. The sound. It's not a squeak we’ve been hearing. It’s a yip. A fucking yip. And then we see it. Rising out of “A”'s coat like a beast coming forth from her breasts is the head of......a poodle. A tiny, toy poodle yipping away at us.

Jesus christ on a pogo stick. It’s a dog. She brought her fucking dog to a funeral. No one says anything. No one bothers to explain to her why we are mad. Just the fact that she doesn't understand our or bewilderment speaks volumes about her capacity to figure out why this is wrong on so many levels. We turn and go back into the service, leaving her there with her stupid little dog. That was the last I saw of “A”.

By the end of that year I was separated from my husband, and his family, and I never had to deal with her again.

Once in a while, a movie of hers will show up on cable at 3am and I'll get a good laugh out of her acting. I've seen her best piece of work and it’s not on film. -M

And that concludes this long, long day. Got a celebrity story to tell?


if the ball gag fits

While we are working behind the scenes here, we thought this would be a great time to introduce you to one of our new regular contributors, Kali. You are gonna love her. Kali's sex stories will appear weekly on FTTW in its new format.

when turtle suggested the name scream like a banshee he nailed the fucker. let's just say that i have always been known for my, uh, vocal acrobatics in bed. if you've lived with me, you know this. and if you've slept with me, you've certainly not forgotten.

i'm not even sure how i knew it was okay and even useful to have loud love. it may have been a matter of me finally learning to enjoy sex so much that i just let 'er rip.

the first time i remember someone saying anything was somewhere around my senior year of high school. my boyfriend at the time (i've had somewhere near 50 -- i shit you not, and that's just boyfriends -- heh) and i were descending the stairs from a romp in his bedroom and his other guests asked me how opera practice was. ha ha. oopsy guess i was a teensy bit loud.

the best/worst case of me exercising my chops was in key west though.

my boyfriend (ya different dude) and i lived with a dominatrix who had an LSD fetish. on any given day we'd come home to find either some dude in his underwear scrubbing the kitchen floor with a toothbrush, or our living room covered in glitter confetti and neon lights and a fog machine left running. yes, those were fun times.Ball-Gag-Head-Mask.jpg

we lived in the back bedroom that had it's own entrance. the door was a florida type door with the heavy glass blind thingys that you could louvre open or closed. hurricane door or some shit. anywho, we had the airconditioner running so the slats were closed tight. it was the middle of the day but as we were both in the service industry 2pm was our morning wake up so to speak.

well, during the course of our, uh, love-making comes a rap at the hurricane door. the cop knock. you know the kind.


oh shit. what the fuck?

RAP - RAP - RAP "Monroe County PD Open Up"

"uh, just a second officer..."

what the fuck? why's he at the back door? we scramble for our clothes search the room hide the bong throw clothes on top of the stolen street signs. you know, the whole fuck-the-cops-are-at-the-door tango.

"Everybody OK In There?" booms the voice outside.

"ya coming just a sec.."

i shove the boy towards the door and i jump back into bed covering myself with the blankets. (ya, i'm a bitch like that. boys talk to cops at the door and mechanics, girls talk to receptionists and grocery store clerks.)

he opens the door and goes outside smart and experienced enough to not ask the cops inside. i hear muffled conversation for about 5 or 10 minutes. nothing's happening though. i figure it can't be us. guess they're searching the neighborhood for someone or something. my heart starts to slow a bit.

he comes back in grinning from ear to ear. closes the door behind him.

"they said they got a call from the neighbor. he called to report that it sounded like someone was getting beat up in here. said he heard smacking and banging and some girl screaming."

ya. that would be me. screaming like a banshee. heh.


Soundgarden - Loud Love

August 30, 2006

More cartoons?

Since you guys can prolly tell we are trying to round out this site as much as possible while kicking out the same amount of material we do every day, some things are going to get stuck in our brains as we try to find a few more people to fill up our last slots on this new endeavor of ours. We had something on our mind tonight. Cartoons. Specifically, what are your favorite animated movies? And I damn well know someone is going to say Fritz the Cat, but really, Fritz didn't really have a very big cock, so I wouldn't really put that in one of my cool cartoons. Plus it was kinda stupid. Let's face it. A lot of animated movies back then we thought were cool really kinda suck now, but some stood up well.

What were yours?

turtle lights a cigar, tries his best.

I had no idea what day or what time it was or even what month it was. I've given up writing a timeline of my life for the girl I am gonna marry, so I’m not gonna bother with you guys. All I remember was drinking a beer and someone kicking in a back door to let us into a theater to get out of the heat. It was so damn hot out I would have seen "On Golden Pond" just to get into the air conditioning at that point.

Kids. Everywhere. Kids. Everywhere. Yelling and screaming. What the fuck did I get myself into?

Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

OK. Before you start to think I am all jaded and shit and am just bagging on this movie, let me start off by telling you that this movie was fucking cool. Cracked a beer while getting dirty looks from over protective mothers as I shot gunned a Budweiser and watched the scenes unfold. Hey, this was kind of cool. Jessica Rabbit.jpgThose broad's tits were a little out of control and the jokes were really geared for an older crowd. Like what five year old knows who the hell some of these characters were? This was old time stuff. Sure, Popeye wasn't in there for legal reasons but everyone else was. The voices on some of the characters were changed cause the original voice overs were, well, dead, but they still pulled it off pretty good. I think.

But, I was drunk so who knows.

I still remember the way the bad guy was played. Man, he was mean. His eyes sticking out when he was going to kill the fat cop. That stuck with me. One thing I never got was that cartoons were meant to do no harm and just to entertain. What happened to this guy? Why can he kill?

Talk about hole in the script that your could drive a fucking dump truck thru. But anyways.

When the fat cop dumped out his booze and watched it hit the ground as the over protective mothers in the audience cheered, I took the opportunity to crack a beer and slam it back and crush the can.

Jeez. It's just a movie, moms. You’re lucky I'm not firing up a cigar for your god like reaction. 21st amendment? Remember that? Meh.

Well, I guess Roger was innocent and someone got fucked and bullets talked and some other weird things happened like some kid getting killed at Disneyland on the Roger Rabbit Ride.


It just goes to show you.

Fun comes with a price.

What the hell was I talking about, anyways? -T

michele's turn

Turtle predicted I would “go all weird” on him. Meaning I was going to pass over my first picks of Toy Story and Aladdin and maybe even the Pokemon movie for something Japanese. And he was right. Except I decided to leave Akira for another day. Really, there aren’t a lot of people who would appreciate the existentialism of the resulting post from that one. And when it came down to it, I wasn’t going to do a favorite animated movie and not pick a Miyazaki flick.

Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi aka Spirited Away

There are so many things to love about this movie; the animation, the colorful characters, the plot, the underlying themes, how it turns dark and foreboding at points while remaining whimsical. saway.jpgBut what I love most about Spirited Away is what it made me feel.

It was at the moment when Chihiro discovers the abandoned amusement park with her parents when I felt it. I was ten again. Pouring through books about knights and wizards and trolls and elves. Digging in my backyard for treasure or for mysterious holes that would lead me to magic kingdoms. Craving adventure, magic, anything out of the ordinary.

Hell, it wasn’t just the ten year old in me it spoke to. It reached my grown up life, too. This was every adventure game I ever played. It was Zork and Zelda and everything in between. Everything Chihiro had to accomplish to find her parents and go back to her life reminded me of traveling dark mazes and being eaten by grues and desperately trying to fill my heart containers and outwit enemies. A whole fantasyland of gods and spirits and odd characters and strange happenings stretched out before this little girl and I watched almost with envy as she worked her way toward her goal - to break the spell on her parents (who had been turned into pigs). I wanted to do this. Every time I sat in front of that 64 bit computer and typed in something like

>get lamp

this is what I was craving. To live a story like this.

This is definitely a children’s story at heart, but it is a very grown up tale at its soul. ccave.jpgLots of lessons to be found within. Metaphors and allegories and symbolism and double meanings are everywhere. You might not even get some of it the first time around. I watched this last night for the sixth time and there were things going on I never caught before. Little snippets you uncover like hidden treasures when you know which corners to look in.

You watch this movie and you see a little girl growing up and discovering things about herself and not only the world she lives in but the world outside of hers. There are greater things out there than her. There are lessons about love and courage and selflessness. About taking care of what’s around you. And it’s all so beautifully animated and the story so brilliantly told - the train sequence alone is one you can play back over and over again just to take it all in - that I can sometimes forget I am watching a movie.

I was Chihiro for a bit. I was on this adventure with her, working in the bath house, figuring out the River Spirit’s problem, helping Haku discover his name, trying to keep her parents from being turned into bacon. This isn’t just a movie. It’s an experience. It is my imagination. I am ten years old and wishing dragons were real. I am 20 and sitting in front of my C64.

>it is dark. you are likely to be eaten by a grue.

>use lamp

Bringing that all back, plus brilliant artwork? You can’t beat that. -M

So there's our favorite animated movies. What's your poison? Disney? Anime? X-rated cartoons?

And yea, I was serious about Pokemon. That was a cool movie. Pikachu rules.

What's your favorite?

Another step

We at FTTW have decided to go another step in building this site up and would like your opinion. We are making shirts to give away for contests, to sell, and because we are bored.

These are mock up stages, but we would like to know what you think and have your input. Check them out below.

We have three types of shirts that will be going out. A T-shirt, a work shirt and a wife beater. They will all be coming out soon so tell us if you like them or not. Also we have buttons coming out thanks to a friend of the site.

this one can have the bird on the back or just the front FTFW and a blank back


What the wifebeater says, if you can't read it is...


All of these shirts are still in mock up stages and since thefinn and myself can both screen, cost is gonna be pretty low. He is taking on the t-shirt and I am doing the work shirts and wife beaters. We are still open to any new ideas from you since I haven't even gotten the emusion or screens yet but we will sell these for basically for cost just to get them out there or just give them away for contests.

Tell us what you think of them. - T

update: dynamine has offered to make buttons for everyone with her button making machine. I assume she will be selling them, but I don't know. So we got that going for us. Thank you dynamine. So if you have an ideas for her and her work, shoot them over to her. And thank you dynamine. That was a real cool thing to do.

update 2: These are the end products. We tried to work with a few other comments but none came out to...well...they sucked. So this is what you will be getting in about a month. I have no idea how long buttons take to make so might see them by the end of this week, but as I have said, this site is having a major overhaul to step up one more rung to take over the world.

Thank you for all your support. Thank you to all our new writers. Thank you to all readers new and old cause without you, we would be alone.

Thank you.

From the entire staff at FTTW.

And especially from Michele and turtle

August 29, 2006

mickey and mexican hats

It's been a stressful day for both of us. Securing writers and redesigning the look of the site. It looks pretty cool, but since we aren't gonna pull it out til we hit it big on the first day, let's just say we are both tired from answering and emailing people to write on the site. We think the end result will be out in a few weeks so stay tuned for that. This isn't easy to do this but it's the price we have to pay to get where we want to go and to all who have responded, we thank you.

FTTW shirts will be coming out soon as well as FTTW bowling shirts, but that once again is killing us cause I gotta go buy emulsion again since mine has turned a funny color and I think it has gone bad. It's been a while since I tin foiled my room to burn screens, but thefinn is doing it and I am, too. So we can have contests on here to get free swag from FTTW.

And, if you haven't figured it out by now, we need one more writer who does free form so if you want to be on our team, do your best in the comments and try to impress us.

But in the meantime, we decided no topic tonight. I've been on this fucking compy all day and so has Michele. So, we are just doing free form writing tonight. But, really, our stories will prolly suck tonight cause I'm having a hard time lighting a cigar to keep awake and I know Michele is out of it.

But here we go!

turtle dons his hat.

When I was a kid, I would always drive by these migrant workers in wife beaters. Always wearing these cheap hats. Cheap. Fuck if I knew back then. Years later I found out they were like ten bucks, but seeing these guys slaving away in farms for shit money to send back home always impressed me. Something about them doing something they hated but had to do just to feed their family. And those hats. Those cheap white cowboy hats that were hard as wood and did nothing but catch the sweat from falling into their eyes as they picked some kind of vegetables for some simple wage to send home to another country so their kids could eat.hatboy2.jpg That made a hell of an impression on me as a kid.

I would watch them everyday as I walked thru the barrio to get to school and wonder why they had such devotion to someone they would never see again. But one thing grabbed me. My respect for them. They knew that to get to American Dream, the first one on this land would live hard and die harder so the others could build this country stronger.

So the hat. A sign of respect and hard work. I needed one. I always wanted one but never got one til I was given one when I had heat stroke at some goddamn summer show in 110-degree weather. Playing bass about to throw up, I got one. I still threw up. But it was a sign from my friends of hard work and their respect.

But that started my obsession with hats.

Fedoras, golf hats, hockey hats, Scottish hats, English brims, pimp hats, fuzzy hats, beanies, fuck, I even have a Hot Dog on a Stick hat.

But nothing compares to wearing a wife beater in a kiddie pool with my cheap migrant worker cowboy hat on.

In fact. I'm going to put it on now. -T

Michele tells a story:

Yea, I am kind of out of it. It's been a long, stressful day. Very little sleep last night. Insomnia sucks, but having nightmares in the little sleep you do get sucks even harder. So I'm struggling here tonight. But I'll pull an old story out of my ass just to get something down here.

A Baseball Story

It was the summer of 86. I had gone back to college the previous spring after an extended hiatus. 21 credits crammed into one semester after not being in school for a while was exhausting, so I passed on taking any summer classes. I was working nights at the time and thought I would spend my summer days sleeping until noon. Or maybe three. And then my Dean made me an offer I couldn’t refuse - a summer job that would entail driving to The Bronx every morning, not getting home until midnight most nights, working a few weekends, all for no pay except a few college credits.

Doesn’t sound like much of a bargain does it?

But I’d be working for The New York Yankees.

The New. York. Yankees.

I’d spend my days as an editorial assistant for Yankees Magazine. Cropping pictures, Proofing stories, doing advertising layout. If the Yanks were at home, I’d stay through the game and run errands. And if there were no errands to be run, I was welcome to stay for the games anyhow. It doesn’t get much better than that. Well, maybe if they were paying me. Still, this was a job I would have paid them to have.

Most of my summer was spent in the archives room, rummaging through photos of old timers like Yogi Berra and Joe Dimaggio. I read scorecards from games played long before I was born. I’d sit in this stuffy room for hours. My legs would cramp up and sweat would drip down my back and still I’d sit there lost in this baseball time warp in this room stuffed with trophies and plaques and mementos of the greatest baseball team that ever existed. Yes. Ever existed. We are talking about the Yankees here. History and fame at my fingertips. Flipping through ticket stubs and game programs. Yellowed articles and Dusty photographs. I’d breathe in this dust and cough every ten minutes and my hands were black from old newsprint but I couldn’t drag myself away from everything in that room.

The archive room was just one of the perks. ystadium.jpgI watched games from the press box. Sometimes I helped keep the scorecard. Sometimes I just bullshitted with reporters or players who were on the injured list. I had it made. Lunchtime would find me in the third base seats, legs stretched out, Yankee Stadium almost to myself. I parked in the player’s lot, sometimes walking in with the players themselves. I was the George Fucking Costanza.

Late August came. Pennant race was heating up, summer nights cooling down. My days as a part of the New York Yankees staff were coming to an end. In a way, I was relieved. That morning commute on the Grand Central sucked. But I’d be giving up some kick ass perks. Mingling with Don Mattingly. Napping in the seats behind home plate. My name in Yankees Magazine.

It was close to my last night there when I was invited to watch a game from the General Manager’s office. Oh yea. This was the big time. There I was, this lowly intern, in this huge office full of important baseball people. I stood quietly in the corner, too overwhelmed by the presence of baseball greats to move out of the spot. Not to mention I was kind of paralyzed by the appearance of Mr. Steinbrenner himself. I feared that man just on rumors alone.

A regular employee I had become friendly with over the summer saw me standing by myself. He grabbed me. Dragged me over to the huge picture window that overlooked the field. Yankee Stadium spread out in front of me. I was watching the game from an office behind home plate. I looked at the outfield bleachers where I usually sat before I landed this gig. I was mesmerized. It really doesn’t get better than this, I thought.

My friend excused himself to go get a drink. I stayed at the window, watching the game. I think I was gawking. I’m sure my jaw was hanging open.

Then a voice from beside me.”Great view, isn’t it?”

I looked up. Mickey Mantle was standing beside me, grinning.

I nodded, unable to speak.

Me and Mickey, watching a Yankee game from the office above home plate.

King of the world moment, baby.

King of the fucking world. -M

And that's it for today. We worked hard on a bunch of behind the scenes stuff for this site and we are both kind of worn out from other stuff going on. But we never like to let the site go without something fresh every day. So this is what you got. Kind of fresh, I guess. Maybe more like stuff from the day old bakery. Which really isn't that bad once you get past the mold.

Got a random story to tell? Have at it. I've still got at least two hours before it's a reasonable time to go to bed, so some reading material would be cool.

Set your goals

FTTW will be going thru some changes soon. The site you see today will be a site that will different in the next few months. Right now we are turning this site into an online magazine with regular writers with regular slots and regular features. There will be more information coming about the changes soon, but expect many new topics and many new faces. We are still deciding on what the topics will be, but we have about have about ten people in mind to write for the site on cetain topics.

The sidebar will change and Michele and I will always still be here at least once a day, but just expect to see new faces during the rest of the day. New topics to appeal to everyones different interests. From sports to cooking to cars to fashions to online cartoons to drug induced haze to being on the road in a shitty van. We have it all covered. FTTW will now become FTTFW. Faster Than The Fucking World. We hope you like it. And we hope you stick around. Cause things are going to get a little bit bumpy for a bit.

But this will be getting big soon.

Set your goals.- M/T

CIV - Set Your Goals

August 28, 2006

I never did know your name. Oh yes, you do...

We decided to lighten up tonight. Too many co-workers and readers weepy from the turtle michele vacation story, so we wanted to make this a fun night. A gun slingling Western night! What is your favorite Western movie? And by Western, we are asking a really broad question. I was going to do "Westworld" just cause Yul Brenner is so cool. Is he dead? Etc. Etc. Etc.

So what is yours and why? Lines from actors? Characters? Cool littles jokes? Seven gunman for a few dollars more while being hung up high?

What's yours?

These are ours.

turtle's! Yee Haw!

High Plains Drifter

The greatest out there movie there ever was for any western. This was a movie that you always had a feeling that this was revenge from the grave. Revenge from a man who knew too much who only wanted to help but found out too much. No friends from the start to the finish. A sheriff came here to help a town and stumbled on to too much. Killed and forgotten. Three killers wanting revenge for being turned over for killing him and being down while planning on revenge on the town. Everyone would die. A dead sheriff in an unmarked grave. And a town who just wanted to forget the past.

For those of you who don't know, people who smoke cigars like Clint are cool, but that's all I will say about that. The Sheriff was played a fool before and was killed. It wasn't going to happen again. Killing people hired to protect the town cause they fucked with him while he just wanted a shave.This was the Stranger. He didn't want a shave or a drink. He wanted Lago.bcurtis7.JPG And he was going to make Lago pay for what they did to the Sheriff. If you haven't seen the movie you have no idea what I'm talkiing about, but the Stranger was there to make his peace for what happened to the Sheriff and finally rest. They offered him everything to help them protect the town. You think you are the sheriff? No. The little man who cried as the Sheriff died ws the new new Sheriff now. Shut up and give him a big gun. You want me to protect Lago, you follow my rules. Mordecai, the little person is the new sheriff. They fucked the old Sheriff over once before, it doesn't happen again. All you fuckers watched him die before. This will not happen again..

Light a cigar and slam a whiskey, paint the town red and rename it "hell" while the three bad guys come back. Out of jail. Into town for revenge. The Stranger tries to get the townspeople ready for them, but they are relying on him. The Stranger. Ready to ambush them. Trying to help them out. BBQ tables set up. Town is painted red. Even the church. Specially the church.

The townspeople rely on the Stranger to kill the bad guys as he saddles up and leaves.

That's when you finally get the fish on a hook line.You did this to me. You left me to die. Now the Stranger leaves them to die. Now they have to deal with it. The Stranger leaves. Get used to living with your own responsibilities and taking charge of your actions and the repercussions that come with your actions.

What do you do when you kill a man?

You live with it.

One of the greatest lines ever.

A grave is marked.

And the ghost disappears into the sun. - T


Westerns, eh? I don’t really do westerns. Well, not in the tried and true sense. Most people think of westerns, John Wayne automatically comes to mind. Truth be told, I’m the farthest thing from a John Wayne fan you can find.

But this. This movie. Yea, it’s a western, but it’s unlike any John Wayne movie you will ever see.

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Couple of things going on here. First, I love Clint Eastwood. I love him so much I forgive him those stupid movies with the chimp. That’s devotion, guys. That I can overlook the fact that he made an animal buddy movie because the bulk of his work is just so damn good.

Another thing. I’ve mentioned before that I like bad guys in movies. I don’t go for the “kill the baddies, save the women and children, hero of the day” kinda guys. I like my action heroes rugged and worn and more than a little on the dark side.

Despite the title here, you’ve really got three bad guys. There’s Angel Eyes. The Bad, He’s demonic. Soulless. Evil. Devoid of morals. He will kill anyone as long as there is something in it for him. There’s Tuco. The Ugly. gbu.jpg Selfish kind of guy, greedy, reminds me a bit of Daffy Duck in that “I’m a happy miser” episode. He’s also a bit like comic relief. And then there’s Blondie. The Good. Except, how good is he, really? Is he just good by comparison? Relatively speaking? He’s not a hero, not by a long shot. So calling him good is kind of like telling an ugly girl she has a great personality. Just because the guy has a great sense of honor doesn’t make him completely good. Not that I’m complaining. Like I said, I like my heroes a little rough around the edges. Blondie is all dirty faced and squinty eyed and cool as fucking ice. My kind of Good.

So we’ve got three guys that are really in it only for themselves. The Civil War. Some buried treasure. Alliances forming. Double crossing going on. And some kick ass music to set it all off. Let me tell you, Ennio Morricone’s score is a character in itself. It plays just an important role in the movie as any of the main characters. The whole movie seems kind of off-kilter. Leone’s direction is unusual. Long shots. Weird angles. He makes time seem stretched out. And he builds up such tension in a scene and then Morricone’s music kicks in, sometimes just a few notes. This is a beautiful piece of film making.

Everyone has their favorite part in this film. For some people, it’s the bridge scene. For others, it’s when Tuco does that weird jig through the graves, looking for the right one. For a lot of people, it’s in the very ending itself.

Of course, mine is different.

Tuco is in the bath. A bubble bath, mind you. The One Armed Man walks in. And he does something I hate in movies. He talks when he should kill. I mean, he’s standing there with his gun, Tuco is sitting in a freaking bathtub and he’s going to start yapping?

I've been looking for you for 8 months. Whenever I should have had a gun in my right hand, I thought of you. Now I find you in exactly the position that suits me. I had lots of time to learn to shoot with my left.

Fuck that shit. Tuco does what anyone in that circumstance should do. Well, anyone who takes a gun into a bubble bath with him. Tuco looks at the One Armed Man and says “When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk!” And shoots the dude. Lesson learned there, kids. When you are about to kill someone, don’t take the time to be all macho about it. Don’t tell your damn life story. Don’t talk. Shoot.

See, this movie is full of little life lessons if you pay close attention. And the best one is given by Blondie himself:

You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig.

Think about that.

You can learn a lot from a squinty eyed, semi-Good guy. Especially when he’s a quick draw. -M

So somehow we both ended up with Clint movies, so that might tell you we either both like cool guys who smoke cigars or are guys who smoke cigars (me!). I stopped talking a long time ago about how many cool movies he had since he became the major of Carmel, CA. That kinda takes some street street cred away there, baby. No, I am just kidding. Mr.Eastwood is a great, down to earth guy who made some great movies.

But, since we are talking about westerns here, let's lay off the Dirty Harry and shit and go for Treasure of the Sierra Madra shit. Hell, even Butch Cassidy kicked ass.

What's yours?

Our FTTW Vacation

Sometimes even the most jaded souls can find each other and realize that they were never jaded, well maybe they were, maybe they would never stop being being jaded, but when they meet, it was always like they were. The whole time. Just in different situations asking why they wanted to keep going on with this this life while someone on the other side of the world was wondering the same thing. Let's face it, life fucking sucks sometimes and sometimes you have to go thru living hell to hell to find what you knew was there the entire time but things held you back.

But they were there the whole time.

Turtle's vacation story:

Plane flights and promises. She wanted something for her birthday and I am the kind of guy who doesn't ask what someone needs, I get what they really want, but are afraid to ask. Little words shot back and forth gave me a clue. She wanted me there. In New York. Not only in New York, but Long Island.

Fuck. I've been to New York a lot, but Long Island? No mien readers, never been there. Something about some cannibal killer or the Amityville house was all I knew of it. But other then that all I could assume was that it was an island.

See, I'm quick like that.

I used to fly almost every week, just settling in and popping valiums, but since I don't do that stuff anymore, I was kinda dreading it. This high security shit was way out of hand as I was pulled aside because of all the metal I had on me. Converse high tops. BUZZ. Metal belt. BUZZ. Lighters. BUZZ.

Christ, I know I didn't look like a terrorist, so just let me thru. Anyways, 6 or so hours later I ended up in JFK or whateverthefuck they are calling it now. I won't lie. The first thing I did was light a cigar and take a few huge drags to get the "Required Turtle Nicotine Dose" in me before I called Michele.

Turns out she was tracking my flight and was waiting for me outside. She saw my Fedora and cigar and called me as I looked for her. "No, turtle. Look the other way, dumbass."


We hugged and held and she, as usual, cried as we kissed like teenagers behind the classrooms in high school. For ten minutes we held as I set down my cigar. I don't set my cigar down cept for something special. So she must have been something special. cigar.jpgThis girl must have been special. We kissed and stroked each others hair and gazed into each others eyes. Walking hand in hand to find her car.

And we were off.

Basically I can adapt to anything, but this town was weird. This wasn't the New York I was used to. It was too...nice. I'm not saying that in a bad way. It was kind of pleasant. Middle class houses and nice streets. She took me to her house. Showed me her toys; she has a lot, and slowly prepared me to meet her family. Could I handle it?

Like I could care. One look in her eyes and not another soul on the earth lived. It was just she and I and the George Foreman grilling machine, which is pretty cool if you didn’t know it. But, it was just us that mattered right then and there.

The way she walked and talked and laughed and smiled and put up with my cigars and helped me out when I needed help told me we would be a great team. The best. Waking up to see someone crying cause she loves you so much is a powerful feeling. Makes you want to borrow her car and drive to Vegas.

One thing I will tell you about her that always bugged me is that she goes out of her way to cook meals for her kids every night tired or not. That wasn't going to happen with me. I was cooking for her. Hamburger Helper and the grilling machine were in heavy use. She never goes out to dinner? Bullshit. She will with me. Get in the car and let's go. No one buys her flowers? Bullshit. I used to be a florist. Go ahead. Make fun of me. A colorblind florist.

Actually, that is pretty funny.

I wasn't going out of my way to make her smile. This is just what I do. I get bored and like to cheer people up. Well, not everyone. Just Michele. Don't ask me for one of my cigars unless you’re named Michele. Cause these cost a buck a pop and my Cubanrollars skipped town after "la migra" raided my cigar plant.

One day we woke up to a, well the only thing I can call it, was a monsoon. She was terrified of it and I saw it in her eyes. I held her and tried to make the best of the situation. Some tape, a pencil and a little flag and the USS Turtle was born! ussturtle.jpgThe streets were flooded and the rain was pouring down. She was smiling as I built my little ship. So I did it. I walked outside and floated it down the mighty river to find its booty of gold. It didn't stay up too long but even Blackbeard had some ship issues every once in awhile.

I walked back inside soaking wet and looked her in the eyes and kissed her. Michele was happy. So Turtle was happy.

Her birthday was coming up and I already gave her my most prized possession, the talking Tick, so my gift was done, but her dad was having a Michele party at his house. Great. Meet the fam. All I can say is Italians are fucking loud. Her dad is a distinguished Ex Fire Chief who has an office on his back deck with a TV and a fridge with some chairs. And a pool. Cool office.

I know how to get in good with the pops, I've done this before, so I bought him a few cigars and a BBQing book. See, greasing the wheels. We spent the whole night talking with Michele asking me if everything was ok as I held my own. Italians talk too fast. I'm deaf. I talk slow. I say dude alot. They have funny accents. I talk perfect English (yes I do Michele). Culture clash. And jesus they eat alot. Like seven courses. I was raised that you eat anything, that if someone took the time to make the food for you, you eat it. So I was eating all kinds of sea things. Actually, it was pretty good. Her dad is a kick ass cook.

As the night ended, we realized this was the last night to be together on our vacation. We both fell asleep sad and happy. Sad cause it was over. Happy cause it was just the start.

At the airport, we hugged for about 20 minutes before I had to go. Tears streaming down her face.

I kissed her one last time and whispered in her ear.

"I'll be back around."

Turned my feet and walked away. Not looking back at her because I wanted the last memory in my mind to be me her kissing her lips.

And her saying "I know," in my ear. - T

Michele's take:

For 21 days - since the flight to New York was booked - the clock ticked at an excruciatingly slow rate. Looking at the date. The time. Tick. Tick. It never seemed to move. The closer the date got, the slower time seemed to go. And then. Standing outside the Jet Blue terminal. Passenger Pickup 2. Walking toward him, both of us on the phone, him looking for me, me telling him I was coming up behind him. He turns around. We close our phones. We meet. We kiss. We wrap our arms around each other and I hold my breath trying not to let the moment go. Time finally stops. The ticking stops. The world drops from under us and for a brief moment, there is nothing but us. No terminal, no people, no other sounds, nothing. Just two people who made time stop when they kissed. And then everything shifts back into place and the world comes into focus again, the sights and sounds pick up and we walk hand in hand to the car, talking and laughing as if we had done this a million times before, as if we had always been together. The clock was still ticking, but I no longer cared.

michele 021The next four days are a blurry mixture of things. Showing him the Island. Thinking he could tame the Atlantic Ocean. Grape sodas and New York bagels and lox. His fascination with the George Foreman grill. Stopping him from throwing water balloons at my cat. Smoking cigars on the side of my house and meeting my brother in law out there at 1am. Making me dinner - hey, Hamburger Helper rocks - and buying me flowers (which he arranged himself). Finally seeing all those tattoos up close. Playing Gauntlet on the GameCube, breaking down those walls and shooting the enemies together as a team and thinking we make a pretty good pair and then him kicking my ass at NHL 2001 about twenty times. Watching the Big Lebowski and Revenge of the Sith and Return of the King and thinking, jesus we are nerds. Having so much fun together. Just enjoying each other’s company and being comfortable and not self-conscious at all the way I thought I would be. Just turning at odd times and smiling at each other, each of us thinking, we made it. We did it. Waking up in the middle of the night and seeing him there next to me and thinking, I could get used to this. Watching a monsoon come through town, the office room flooding and him sailing the USS Turtle down my street. Spending my birthday playing video games and watching movies together which, in my world, is kind of like heaven. Then a family birthday dinner where he got to meet everyone and charmed the hell out of them. Committing to memory all the little things. The way he smiles at certain times. How soft his skin is. How clear his eyes are. The feel of his arm around my waist. The smile lines on his face when he laughs. Always asking me if I needed anything, if he could do anything for me. Always smiling. The way his voice trails off as he's falling asleep and the way he goes from awake to deep coma in about three seconds flat. And knowing that even though he spent four nights with me and got a taste of my family and put up with my crying jags and my fear of thunder and my stupid cat meowing all night long, he still wants to marry me.

And then it was over. Saturday, the ticking of the clock was back and I swear it was moving too fast. Six hours. Five hours. One hour? And then we were at the airport standing in front of the Jet Blue terminal while he smoked a cigar and I tried not to cry. Up to the gate and again time stopped, just for a few brief seconds, while we kissed and held each other and he promised me he would be back real soon, for good this time and I reminded him that we have a wedding to plan. I told him that when he came back we would get him his very own George Foreman grill and I laughed while I tried not to cry, but trying and doing are two different things. He whispered to me "I'll be back around" and I whispered back "I know." And the last I saw of him he was smiling at me and I walked away quick so as not to see him turn around and walk through the gate. I cried walking back to the parking garage and as I waited for the elevator in the garage a man asked if I was ok and when I nodded his wife turned to him and said “There’s always tears at the airport.” I guess. drsoda_1912_108184377.jpeYou always get tears with me no matter what, just ask Turtle. And then I was on the Belt Parkway, making my way back home, my car smelling like cigars and that was fine with me.

I got home and the first thing I noticed was that he left one of his shirts. I held on to it. Smelled it. Smells like turtle. But why this shirt? He could have left any other shirt here and I would just take it and keep it and sleep in it every night til he came back, but no. He had to leave his lucky golf shirt. “I love you,” he said to me later, “but dude. That’s my lucky golf shirt. I need it back.” Damn it all. I crawled into bed and my pillow smelled like his hair and I smiled and thought, I just had the greatest week of my life. The greatest birthday ever. Spending time alone with the person you love, just doing things that make you both laugh and make you both happy and stopping every once in a while to smile at each other or kiss and just appreciate the moment. That's awesome. And it’s just the beginning. That was just a taste of what the rest of my life is going to feel like.

In the morning I found a 1/4 full can of grape soda on the kitchen counter. I left it there. It stands there still. Waiting for him to come back for it. I’m not touching it (at least til the flies start gathering). So much here to remind me of his presence. The flowers. The Tick. His shirt (ok, you’ll get it back). The smell of cigars in my car. The little maze of notes he left on my computer. The whispered words - “I’ll be back around” - that play in my head over and over. The last smile at the airport. Knowing that the airport goodbye wasn't an end. It's just the beginning.

He'll be back around. - M

The Cars - You Might Think (the maze of notes on my comp led to the lyrics to this song)
Pixies - Cactus
NIN - The Perfect Drug

August 27, 2006

thank you

This was a week to remember. We asked our friends to take over FTTW and they ripped it up. So let's give it up for them. C'mon. They made you laugh and they made you think. They rocked this site up with their stories while we were preoccupied. They really had our our backs and we thank them for what they did and we want all of them to know that if they ever need our help in a situation like this, we have their back. From people offering to take take my dog to watch while I was in in New York to people helping michele out with her birthday issues, I just want you all to know you all came thru for for us and I'm not one who forgets that that kind of of stuff.

So if you read their writing and smiled or thought about what they said, visit their site.

From Michele and I, we thank everyone who wrote for us for the past week.

So fucking give it it up for them. Cause they didn't have to do it, but they did it it. That rocks.

A big thanks to thefinn for keeping this thing going. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. In case you didn't know, he had this site while we were gone and he ripped it up. He posted all the stories and kept to our schedule and wrote intros for every story. He's a huge part of fttw and we can't thank him enough for running solo while we were doing our thing. Great job, thefinn.

Thank you one and all - M/T

All guest writer posts

update when I wrote this, I had been up for 24 hours, so I'm still fixing typos - T

Rollins Band Review
by: Mr B and W

Goddamn, there are few things finer than being psyched for a show and having it kick ass... I've been to way too many shows, but there have only been a few that solidly rocked my ass.... MrBandW knows exactly where I'm coming from...
a side note... I just wanted to say a big "Thanks" to Turtle and Michele for letting me take care of the house while they were away. I really enjoy writing for FTTW and am grateful they continue to give me the chance to do so. Thanks guys....

Before this epic begins, I'd like to just say congratulations again to Michele and Turtle. Hope you guys had a good week!!


I drove to The T (more commonly known as 'a subway') station just outside of Boston and made my way up the ramp, past all the dejected Red Sox fans on their way out of the city, fresh from the latest loss to the NY Yankees. I was heading in, they were heading out. I stopped at the change machine to get the $3.00 fare and found that all of the machines were out of order, most likely out of money from the throngs that had passed through earlier in the day on their way to see the Red Sox / Yankees game.

Unsure what to do, I walked over to a bench near the train boarding area, sat down and waited. I had the money for the train, just not the exact change. I figured one way or another, things would work out. Eventually a man in a T uniform walked by. I told him how I had tried to get correct change but the machines were not working, showing him my $5.00 bill for emphasis.

'Don't worry about it, my train is the next one out, I'll let you on'

Nice. Things were working out already.

fenway-t.jpgI had dreaded taking the T into the city simply because of the duration of time it took to get through all the stops, but the traffic was light at this time of day, around 5:30 PM, and most of the people were coming out of the city not going in.

I arrived at the Fenway T stop a little past 6:30 PM and made my way a few blocks down the street towards Lansdowne Street, which happens to be located directly across the street from Fenway Park and is the address of The Avalon, the place where I would be seeing The Riverboat Gamblers, Rollins Band and X later that night. I could see the brick facade and the dimmed lights of Fenway reaching up into the sky ahead.

The main reason for my little solo outing into the City of Boston tonight was to see Rollins Band.

A few months back I had received an e-mail from Rollins' mailing list with the news that Rollins Band was going out on tour. Moments after getting that e-mail, I was checking the dates and buying a ticket for the Boston show. It was not until later that I found out Rollins was actually the middle band in a three band set.

No matter, I was there to see Rollins. That's what I cared about. The rest would be gravy.

I arrived at the Avalon shortly after 6:30 and was surprised to hear the muffled noise of drums and guitars that signaled that The Riverboat Gamblers had already started their set. Usually, the time on the ticket is when the doors are open, not when the show actually starts, dammit.

I was annoyed at myself for getting there late because I was looking forward to to seeing The Riverboat Gamblers. Usually the 1st band out in a three band performance is some up and coming band that most people have never heard of, but since I knew I'd be going to see them, I had downloaded the Riverboat Gamblers album, 'Something to Crow About' a few weeks ago. The album kicked ass and I had kept in on heavy rotation on my iPod ever since, so I was pretty excited to see these guys open for Rollins and X.

I got into the club just as The 'Gamblers were finishing up a song. I was not sure how many I had missed. I was not that late so it could not have been more than one or two songs. As I was walking in, they started up with the song, 'Ice Water'. Cool.

The Avalon is your pretty typical rock club. Its all black inside and dimly lit. There is an elevated area two or three steps up from the floor for people who don't want to get up close and personal with the other patrons to hang back and watch the bands and there are bars serving expensive drinks on either side of the stage.

As I walked in, the place was not that full. There was plenty of room to walk around and most people were pretty much just standing around, half paying attention to the band and bobbing their heads to the music.

I made my way over to the right hand side of the stage, right up near the stage barrier and, as I would regret later, I immediately remembered that I had forgotten my ear plugs (I'm old). I was standing pretty much right next to the front of the stage speakers. (My right hand side ear is still ringing a little as I write this two days later.)

The Riverboat Gamblers put on a great show, even though their set was relatively short. They did a couple songs from 'Something to Crow About' which was cool, since that was the record that I was familiar with. The band consisted of bass, drums, vocals, and two guitars. One of the guitarists played a Les Paul, the other was playing a Telecaster. As a guitar player myself, these are the things I tend to notice when I watch a band. I also like to watch the different styles of play as well, just out of technical interest. Is the guitar slung low or up high. Do they play up on the fret board or down near the pickups, that sort of guitar nerdery.

The singer for The Riverboat Gamblers, Mike Wiebe, is a wild-man. He is all over the place on stage, jumping up and down, twirling his mic around like Roger Daltrey and leaping from speakers. At one point he climbed over the barrier to walk around in the crowd while doing a couple songs. That was pretty entertaining. He would walk right up to people and get in their faces, dancing around and singing, while the people he was doing this in front of just kind of stood there grinning, not knowing what to do and looking frightened or embarrassed.

I could not help but think, if someone is going to come up to you like that, why not jump around with him or yell, or.. something! Don't just stand there with a silly grin on your face looking like you are afraid of what somebody might think. Anyway. I was kind of hoping he would come over near me because I would have told him to play the song, 'Cut-Cut-Cut-Cut,' but it didn't happen.

The Gamblers finished up their set with 'Last to Know,' another song off 'Something to Crow About' and then headed off the stage. I was pretty glad I got to see those guys. They had a really good set.

Now it was time to wait for Rollins. I headed over to the bar, ordered a Jack shooter and a Sam Adams. I downed the shot and put a $10 on the bar, figuring that would cover it.

'12 bucks,' said the bartender, who I could not help but notice was a very attractive blonde woman. 'Hmm. Ok,' I thought, reaching for my wallet to pull out another fiver. 'Pricey,' but I am a cheap bastard, so I think everything is pricey.

I walked around and drank my expensive beer waiting for Rollins to come out. I checked out the t-shirts, etc. Eventually I got tired of that and found my way back to my spot near the front of the stage. I stood on the elevated area, just three steps up from the floor, and watched the techs set up the stage.

I had just finished my last swig of beer when Rollins Band drummer Sim Cain casually walked onto the stage and got behind the drums. At first I thought he was just another drum tech, but moments later, out walked Henry Rollins.

band.jpgI threw down my beer cup and jumped down to the floor.

Yes! Here is the man!

Henry strode out on stage, short cropped hair, no shirt, black shorts, black Vans sneakers, oh and did I mention Rollins is 45 years old and is totally fucking ripped? Well he is. Other than the gray in his hair, and the fact that he happened to be wearing sneaks instead of going barefoot, he looked just like the the pics on the back of the 'End of Silence' album. Impressive.

I should probably mention that I have always wanted to see Rollins Band perform but I have never gotten the chance, so I was pretty primed up for this.

As I got down onto the floor of the club, I was fully expecting a pit to form up so I got into the position: left leg forward, bent at the knee, right leg back a little, slightly flexed and ready to push off, left arm out in front, bent at the elbow, fist clenched. I was ready to absorb a blow, then shove back and we'd be on our way.

Rollins stood in the middle of the stage, which was all black, with no banners, signs, or decoration of any kind. Just a barren black stage, covered with cables and monitors with guitarist Chris Haskett to the right, drummer Sim Cain behind, in the center, and Melvin Gibbs on bass to the left .

Rollins stood for a moment with his back to the crowd, giving a full view of the sun tattoo on his back with the words 'Search and Destroy' tattooed across his shoulders.

Not wasting any time, the band started right in with the song, 'On My Way To The Cage'. I was very close to the stage, only a step back from the barrier and I waited in anticipation for the shoving to start, but it never did. I have to say I was quite surprised by this, but even though the floor was full of people, there was no pit. 'Ok. That's odd,' I thought. I could not believe there was not a pit during this show, and although people were pretty close together, there was none of the usual shoving or trampling that I had come to expect.

I had a great view of Rollins and the entire band from my spot on the floor. As Chris Haskett was knocking out some killer riffs on his red EPS guitar, Rollins was like pure energy in the center of the stage. He stood right on the edge, as close as he could get to the crowd, alternating between a half crouch while leaning over the end of stage towards to the crowd, to a fully coiled crouch, bending his back down low while he put everything he had into every word of each song. It's hard to put into words but you could literally feel the intensity emanating from Rollins as he performed. Fucking cool.

I've seen quite a few bands but I've never seen anyone put so much focus and pure, all-out energy into each and every song like Rollins did. After only a few songs, he was sweating profusely and he had wrapped the microphone cable around his fingers several times to help him keep it in a tight grip in his hand. Melvin Gibbs' bass lines laid down an incredible, driving groove as the foundation for each song and Sim Cain's drum work was sharp and presice. The band members played extremely well together. These guys were tight, and the songs took on an energy of their own that is simply not captured on the studio recordings.

In the quick, seconds long breaks that took place between every few songs, Rollins would stride a few steps back to the drum kit stand, where several bottles of water stood, along with a couple of towels. The towels were used to wipe down the microphone, which was saturated with the moisture from Rollins' body. Henry would then take a swig of water and then emit a stream of mist from his mouth as he headed back to the edge of the stage to start in on the next song.

Rollins set included a several songs from the End of Silence, Weight and Come In and Burn albums including, Low Self Opinion, You Didn't Need, and Divine (Object of Hatred). The bantering with the crowd was minimal. The band stopped playing briefly to allow Henry to introduce the musicians and at one point in the show, Rollins also had a short monolouge:

'You know there's a lot of wars going on today. The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on stubborn belly fat...' That got a laugh.

Rollins got serious for a moment for his introduction to the song, 'Civilized,' saying, 'it's pretty fucked up that an American would shoot another American in a 7-11 for looking at his girlfriend a little bit to long.' That was his introduction to the song 'Civilized'.

Most of the songs had no introduction. As a song ended, Henry would return to a balled-up, crouched position in the middle of the stage as if he was trying to pull together as much of his power and energy as he could before releasing it during the next song. Other songs included, Disconnect, Volume 4, and after the quick introduction that consisted of the simple statement, 'Here is a song:' Liar.

That one was pretty cool to see live, with Rollins grinning and playing up the act, '...and now you're desperate and in need of human contact, and then, you meet me...' The best part of course is the end, as he launches into the climax of the song, yelling, 'SUCKER! SUCKER!'

Rollins played for about an hour and I was wishing he was the headliner of the show so that he could continue a little longer, but he and his band packed a lot of wallop into their short time on stage.

Rollins Band put on an incredibly good show and it was a great experience to finally get to see them live. That's going to be a fond memory some day.

- Mr. B and W

Happy birthday, Kali!....and buy our products

We at turtlemichele.com strive to serve your purposes for getting old like George Foreman wants to grill your hamburgers.

So here are the new additions to our products. We hope you older folks enjoy these.

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We carry all the top brands including Bladezkali2.jpg for when you you just gotta go. When things are just going wrong and you have three blocks to hit the nearest alleyway. Just hit the accelerator and fire that canon down the patented PoopCannon(c) and keep on your your way to get the newest edition of Elvis Stamps at the Post Office! No time lost!

The Drive Medical! For when you need to make number two without getting up! It plays the siren from an ambulance so people think she is dying or ate some bad fish the night night before. Either way. This machine says stay away. I'm fully loaded and and I can fire at will.

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The Invacare! For when the police ask you why you gassed some kids with your own urine cause they wanted your your last quarters. The horn includes the following catch pharses: "I'm Old!" "Dementia!" "General Lee!" "The South will rise again!" "I just want some spam!" "Goverment cheese is good if you smoke a lot!!"

We will personally guarantee that these will get you out of any trouble with the police.

The Pacesaver! Kind of like an oil slick of feces in case you are being chased by super spies out of Spy Hunter. You have have enemies. We do, too. If three scooters are coming to take to you out because you have failed a hit with the mob, you need to get away. This will do it.

*Optional fart smoke screen available*

The Pride! Basically a seat with Depends undergarments stapled on it so you can crap and still have your pride. McDonald's has such small doors to fit your muscle machine thru. Besides, they use Kangaroo meat. And really, crapping in diapers is kinda a turn on.

And the master of mobility. The three mile an hour Road Warrior. If this machine was around in the 70's, Jimmy Carter wouldn't have given away the Panama Canal, Castro would be dead and we would all be singing Jimmy Buffet tunes while sipping Margaritas.

A master machine.

The Zip'r Mobility! Hold your your cock out and just piss wherever while screaming at the kids waving a cane at them telling to get you another another King Cobra Malt Liquor so Old Faithful Kali could blow off in 15 minutes. With expert advice and a low price guarantee.

We promise you'll get the best handicapped scooters at the best price. Two of our recommended handicapped scooters include the Pride Go-Go Ultra 4-Wheel, which has spikes on the wheels, much like Ben Hun in the Chariot race, and the Pacesaver Passport IV. Cause the Pacesavers I, II and III couldn't get you to the crapper in time.

Prunes. Ya know

They flush you you out like Tidy-Bowl or Bud Light.

Happy Birthday Kali

From Michele and Turtle

vlad the impaler by tonkin

When I was a kid, we'd party in the woods... Just for reason's like Tonkin describes below... By the way... Ouch....

I was at a party at a friend's house where there were about 200 people, the bulk of whom were underage, including myself. You know when there are get togethers in affluent neighborhoods the police always show up.

Well I am good and drunk - it's the middle of the summer so we're all outside on the back patio - and the house we're at butts right up to a rather steep ravine.

Someone yells "COPS" so we scatter - I have two friends with me and I'm leading them through the woods along the ravine. We come up to a wooden picket fence and I boost my two friends over the fence and then climb it myself. fence.jpgThen I look around. We had climbed INTO some asshole's fenced-in backyard.

FUCK I say. So we run to the other side of the guy's backyard and I boost my friends over the fence, this time when they go over the side I hear "aaaaaaahhhhh, *thud*" both times.

I shrug it off, and start climbing the fence. I'm a bit tipsy and my balance isn't great, and I go to push off with my foot and three of the pickets break and I end up straddling the fence, and another picket impales me in the inner thigh, then it breaks off in my leg, and I fall off the fence... and roll down the fucking ravine.

At some point the fucking shank of wood has been dislodged from my leg, and as I lay there, bleeding and disoriented, at the bottom of the ravine, I hear my friends say "HOLY SHIT, are you okay?"

They picked me up and helped me back to the party, which was dead at this point, and got me cleaned up and I finished my binge where I left off.

Dr. Stangelove Part II

Michele and a few others of you asked for more... So here's the rest of the sordid tale... Enjoy your Sunday morning and don't forget that we have more guest writers coming up....

It was a Friday night in the usual spot with the kid. He seemed to enjoy hanging out and talking for a few hours after work. We’d discuss all sorts of things; music, programming and the job. But I think mostly it was the fact that he had a thing for the bartender.

I’d forgone my usual table this evening, as there was a different waitress on, one who cautioned me all too frequently on my carelessness with the drink. She was a nice girl, really and truly only looking out for someone she barely knew, but who was obviously in trouble. I would thank her for her concern, overtip her and go straight to the bar. I could sit with my back to her for the rest of the evening and not feel like I had ignored her advice. So, the boy and I sat at the bar, discussing the major aspects of a project we were working on. Trying to figure out how to get it done two weeks earlier than originally planned as we were almost consistently two weeks behind on something.

badjazz.jpgThere was a bad jazz four piece playing behind us, mostly college kids who’d just discovered Charlie Parker and Chet Baker. Normally, I’m a big fan of jazz, but not tonight. I’d had a few hours sleep here and there over the course of the week, mostly because I was working too many hours and playing way too hard at night. When I’d woken up that morning it felt like I had ground glass in my guts and someone had caved in the left sidde of my face with a ball peen hammer. My internals were thrashed from all the booze the night before and my face hurt because I’d passed out in front of my bed and landed that way. It was relatively early and I had had no intention of going home, but the night wasn’t calling to me to stay out like it normally did.

The bartender rolled over and refilled my glass without asking. She stopped, took a look at the kid, and tilted her head to the side. “What’re you boys up to this evening ?” she asked. The kid sat, wide eyed and nigh slack jawed. She’d spoken to him before, but nothing more than small talk here and there. “Nothing. Might try drinking myself stupid and going home.” I replied.

“We don’t have any plans,” the kid countered. “Good,” she replied, “A bunch of us are going to play pool. You guys want in ?” Having nothing better to do and nowhere better to go, I conceded to the evenings plans while the kid got ten kinds of excited. He was ecstatic that she’d asked him to do something with her. I pooh-poohed his enthusiasm and turned back to my drink. It wasn’t like she’d asked him to hang out alone, or anything. Just a clutch of kids playing pool. It did nothing to dampen his spirits. He sat there, grinning like an idiot.

A half hour later, the owner came in. He usually worked the last three or four hours and would then keep the place open for his friends. The bartender grabbed her coat and the line cook and we were off like a dirty shirt. We headed down to a small bar off Broad, one with pool tables and strippers. It was one of those places where the strippers almost seemed like an afterthought. The type of place where cheap booze and pool tables were a bigger draw than the ladies. We grabbed a couple of tables and played pool for a while.

crowded2.jpgWhile I was playing against the bartender, she made comment about how she was doing some DJ work on the side. She and another girl had a couple of regular slots around town. Their next gig was Sunday night and she was wondering if I’d show…. She even offered to let me bring the kid. I didn’t like the way the conversation was going, so I sunk the eight-ball “by accident”, blaming the booze and the lateness of the night. I couldn’t tell if she was flirting with me or not, but I figured so. After losing several games, it was time for the bar to close it up. I was ready to go home, but the bartender and the kid talked me into heading to an after hours with them.

So, we headed over to the after hours joint. It was far too late for me to be out and I was damn near done in. The booze seemed to be leaking directly out of my pores. I’d become a one man distillery. And the place was tiny. There was a bar downstairs (with no room to sit in front of it) and a larger area with tables just up a short flight. (funny side note… The staircase was short, but it was the primary cutoff point for most of the patrons. If you couldn’t make it down the stairs to get your beer and back up to drink it, the bartender would flag you.) Somehow I managed to order a handful of Bud and make it up the stairs. There were half a dozen small groups at some of the tables, most of whom I recognized. I said “Hi” to most of them on my way over, but most everyone was too drunk and clustered amongst themselves to make any real conversation.

I found my group at a table near the back. The kid was trying to impress the bartender and not doing a real good job of it. I took a seat across from her and motioned to him to knock it off. He took the hint, and the three of us started talking about old guitarists. She started talking about some cat I’d never heard of (Django Reinhardt, if you’re interested). After a few minutes, the bartender nodded to someone over my shoulder, but continued on. She pulled a pencil and a piece of paper out of her bag, scribbled something on it, and handed it to me. Puzzled, I shot her a look. She motioned over my shoulder, so I turned around.

crowdedbar.jpgThere were a couple of people sitting at the table behind me, a girl and a guy. I tossed the slip of paper on the table and turned back. I felt someone tap my shoulder, so I turned around… Right back into the prettiest green eyes I’ve ever seen. It was the girl from a few weeks ago. And she was so much prettier than I had remembered. Even in the dim light, I could see the freckles on her face and the glint in her eye. “Hi” was about all I could manage. “Hi, yourself” she replied.

And right then, at the sound of her voice, everything else seemed to fade away. The peeling paint of the walls, the overly loud crowd. All gone. I had to leave. I had to get out and get as far away as humanly possible from her. She was stunning and I knew I’d break her heart and she’d completely shatter mine. Everything I had left, I’d give to her and she would take it…. And I’d do something stupid and fuck it all up and be left more broken than I was before. I had to leave….

It turned back to the bartender, already mumbling some excuse about having to be up early. She gave me a look. “What ? Did my partner scare you off ?” she inquired. "Huh ?" I boggled. "That's Kat, the girl I DJ with" she replied. Great, the bartender who had been flirting with me all night had a partner whom I was convinced was the prettiest girl in the world. No matter, I was leaving. I started to put my coat on, and smacked the pretty girl in the back of the head with the arm of my coat. She turned around and shot me a look. I apologized as best I could in my current state… And she smiled at me.

That was it. I was done. There was no way I could walk away from her this time. If I did, I wouldn’t see her again. I knew that. And I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life not seeing her, not waking up with her, not staring into those beautiful eyes. I started to take my coat off and sat down next to her. She looked at me puzzled.

“Hi.” I said, extending my hand. “My name is Finn.”

“I’m Kat” she smiled back.

And that was it.

August 26, 2006

Worst Experience Trying To See The Yankees by Jay

Sometimes it doesn't matter how much you keep trying.... For that day, or that task, you are destined to fail.... The world will keep fucking with you until you just give up in disgust... Good news, it works the other way, too... It's a bad day for Jay.... Here's hoping he got some good ones as well....

I'm not even sure how old I was when this happened. I'm thinking I was like 19-21. That would put the year at 1989-1991. Thinking back, I have to slap myself for even wanting to go see the Yankees during that time. It was an era that I would rather just forget, since they were so bad. This was the Dale Berra/Bobby Meachem era.

The day started out like any other. It was a Saturday. ystad.jpgThere was beautiful weather. I can't remember what I was doing, but my brother comes up to me and says, "Carlton's mother has 4 tickets for the Yankees game and said we could have them." Of course we could. Who the hell wanted to see those losers? It was like giving away Royals tickets today. But it was the Yankees, the tix were free and I had nothing better to do.

So me, my brother Matt and his friends Carlton and Jason hopped into my 1979 Ford Granada and took off for the game. Yes, I drove this pale blue 4 door Granada. It was a decent car and for whatever reason, was probably the cleanest and neatest car I ever owned.

We lived in Carteret, NJ so we had to hop on the NJ Turnpike and head on up to the George Washington Bridge to get over the Bronx and the stadium. Everything was fine until we got off the Turnpike and got on whatever road it was that took us to the GWB. Traffic. Bad traffic. We're talking moving a few inches at a time traffic. And I knew we were a good ways away from the bridge. But it was still relatively early and I thought that we might miss batting practice and still get there in time for the game. That was the plan.

That was, until the car broke down. Sitting in that traffic, doing nothing more than idling for most of the time, the car just stalled and it would not start again. It wasn't overheating. I had plenty of gas. I just couldn't get the thing started again. The hazards go on, and people are beeping and I'm getting hot sitting in the car. I try to start it a few more times, but not too much because the battery will go dead. I check things and I got the feeling I needed a new fuel filter.

At this point I don't know what the hell to do. All of a sudden, a flat bed tow truck appears out of nowhere. Sitting on the flatbed area is a guy in a freaking Pinto or Pacer. Some kind of little crap car like that. It's an Indian guy with the big turban and everything (forgive me if my use of 'turban' isn't politically correct). He looks like he's having just as bad a day as I am. The two guys that climb out of the cab are on me in seconds telling me they can tow me out of there for $50. It was obvious these guys weren't licensed to be towing around there because they wanted to hook my car up fast.....with all of us in it. With a reputable tower, they're not going to allow the people to ride in the car they are towing. But we took the chance. That was a mistake.

The guy driving takes off like a bat out of hell. He's weaving through the traffic, driving over medians, flipping people off, beeping at others. We're in the car, helpless fools, sitting there wondering when we were going to die. I'm sitting there thinking to myself, "We're been driven around by psychos!" At one point he goes over a curb. I hear this loud BANG as the back of my car goes up the curb. He doesn't even slow down. Most towing guys have service stations they work with. Not these clowns. They just started pulling up at any service station and asking if they can work on my car. When guys at the place were saying, "No" because they were booked or too busy, the one guy starts making hand gestures, doing the thing with the thumb on the nose and waving the fingers, calling them names, etc. As much as I was pissed off, I couldn't help but laugh.

They finally find a place that will change the fuel filter.cartow.jpg The owner of this service station looked like he was 102 years old. Guys from around the area seemed to walk in off the street and just start doing things, which caused my brother's friend to quip, "What the hell kind of place is this? Do guys just walk in and start working? "I'm here Bubba. What do I do?"" This caused us to nickname the place 'Bubba's Backyard Garage.'

After waiting for what seemed like hours (and probably was), one of Bubba's cohorts comes over and changes the fuel filter. Two hours of waiting for 10 minutes worth of work. The car starts, I pay the guy and look to head home. At this point I notice that my gas tank is under a quarter of a tank. I was near full at the beginning of the day. I made a quick check to see if anything was leaking and it wasn't, so I continued on. I later found out that the Psycho Towing Brothers with their curb hop led to a nice big dent in my gas tank. Right where the sensor and line were to get the gas from the tank to the engine. So even though the tank was full, the car thought there was less than a quarter of a tank. For weeks before I got rid of the car, I had to fill up everyday which would net me around three gallons of gas each time.

So here I am, now hot and angry, driving home on the Turnpike when the front end of the car starts shaking like crazy. I pull over and guess what awaits? A flat tire. And guess where? About 1/4 mile from Exit 12 and Carteret. So now I have to change a freaking tire in the heat, a quarter mile away from our exit and about 2 miles from my house with a pool waiting. The thing that really irked me was the tire that went flat was pretty new, but since it was under warranty, I could get a new one. So imagine how much more pissed off I was when my brother's friend Carlton decided to have fun and roll that same tire down the side of the hill we were on. Since we were near the exit, the Turnpike inclined and there was just a hill off the shoulder with nothing at the bottom but weeds and fence that led into where oil tanks were located.

Now if you've ever seen the movie 'No Way Out' with Kevin Costner and Gene Hackman, you know there's a scene in it where Costner and his buddy are in the Phillippines at some strip bar. Costner is trying to make a phone call and his buddy just grabs coins he has next to the phone and throws them on stage. Costner's character looks at his friend and says "That's my money (pointing to what was left near the phone). That's my money (pointing to what was thrown on the stage). Go get it." His friends looks at him incredulously and Costner just says again, "Go get it."

I said the same thing to Carlton. "I need that tire. Go get it." He looked at me like I was crazy. "Go get it!" He was practically in tears in large part because he had these brand new sneakers on and he didn't want to get them dirty because his mother would get mad. At that point, thanks to the lousy day I was having, I wanted to punch his mother in the face for giving us those tickets, so I didn't give a rats ass how much trouble he was going to get into. I told him to get his ass down that hill and get the tire. He did it.

So we start to drive away, but the tire sounds bad. Something wasn't right. And it wasn't. In my haste, hunger (we hadn't eaten), and heat, I did something ridiculously stupid. I put the tire on the wrong way. Having had changed tires many times, I still to this day cannot fathom how I could have done something so stupid. But I did. So there I was again, jacking the car up and flipping the tire over. We finally got home.

To be honest, I cannot even remember what happened after I got the tire on correctly. I just know that it was one of the worst days of my life and I didn't even get to see the game. Knowing had crappy my day was, I am certain the Yankees won that day.


iPod iShmod by Wilhelm von Hans von Masterson von Stuttgart von Bob

It's funny how things change in just a few years.... Cell phones, high speed internet, hybrid vehicles, the death ray in the basement.... My son will never know a world without them as we carelessly toss the past away in favor of something smaller, faster and just as expensive.... Wilhelm VS. the Ipod....

When I was a kid I didn't want the smallest, thinnest, lightest iPod my parents could afford to buy me, I wanted the biggest boom box I could wrap my arm around and carry over my shoulder. In fact, if I couldn't carry my boom box because it was too big, well, that was even better because the bigger the box, the bigger the speakers and the
bigger the speakers, the louder the music.

blaster.jpgAnd speaking of volume, I didn't want the tiny, white, non-ear-fitting ear bud headphones so I could listen to my music by myself, I wanted the boom box with the dual 12′' subwoofers so as many neighbors as possible could hear the music I was listening to. If dogs weren't howling and neighbors weren't yelling then the music wasn't loud enough. I wanted a boom box loud enough to share my music with the world.

And speaking of sharing music, I didn't sit in front of a computer getting fat and pasty while I illegally downloaded dozens of songs at once, I heaved my boom box onto my shoulder, grabbed a six-pack of blank audio cassettes and got some good sun and exercise walking to a friend's house - uphill, both ways - to legally dub a tape or two at -
if I was lucky - 2x speed. That's right, I couldn't download an entire album in two minutes, I could, at best, dub a tape at 2x speed, and I could only use the 2x function if the boom box was plugged into an electrical outlet because 2x really drained the batteries.

And speaking of batteries, I didn't have to pack up and ship my iPod to the OEM - where I would have to wait 4-6 weeks for a battery replacement and most likely have all my music deleted - to replace a dead battery, I went down to the local dime store - that's right, I had dime stores, not dollar stores, when I was a kid - and bought eight D batteries. I'd spend about 10 second popping the old ones out and the new ones in and I'd be good to go.

Darned kids.

Wilhelm von Hans von Masterson von Stuttgart von Bob

Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Chile

turtle thanks

flowers.jpgYesterday was my birthday. And it was the best birthday ever. It wasn't just the beautiful flowers or the 12" talking Tick figure (which is a sentimental gift) or anything else material. Turtle knew the only thing I really wanted for my birthday was for him to be here, and he made that happen. I couldn't have asked for anything more, or for the day to be more perfect. Not even the tornado-like weather or the small flood in the house could put a dent in my birthday happiness. In fact, this whole week has been kind of blissful. But you'll hear more about that Monday when I'm sure we will both write a little "what I did on my summer vacation" thing.

I just wanted to thank Turtle for the flowers. And the Tick. And the smiles and laughs and for not making fun of me for being afraid of thunder. And for always knowing - and giving me - exactly what I need at any moment without me even saying anything. And for the best birthday ever. I love you. Thank you.

Even Drunks Get The Blues...

At about the midway point through my multi year bender, things started to slow down a little... I wasn't enjoying myself as much as I had been and I found myself just chilling out in bars as opposed to looking for a good time... This was one of those nights....

It’s a slow, dirty night. The cigarette smoke is hanging in the air, the bartender is playing CD’s instead of relying on the jukebox. It’s already ten and the bars got half a dozen people in it. It’s a Saturday and, even though I know there’s a shit show at the TLA tonight that’ll draw a big crowd (who I know will show up immediately afterwards), it still feels like it’s gonna be lonely…. I’d talk to the bartender, but I’ve seen him every day for the last three and he’s already seen the memorable bits of my late night shenanigans…

alleyway.jpgThat’s the inherent problem with becoming friends with the people who serve you booze regularly…. You end up hanging out until four or five in the morning, hitting up every after hours joint in the city… Checking out strippers drinking themselves stupid after a hard night of shit tips and shittier customers (“You’re not so pretty when your forehead bounces off the table after your fifth tequila shot, kiddo”)…. Barbacks bitching about their tips and some sous-chef at some frou-frou joint up the street (“Ice… That motherfucker wants ice and I have three customers asking for me. Me!!”)… The same handful of young waitresses lined up to use the bathroom, over and over again ("Did you leave the mirror?") And my friends, the bartenders…. Well, shit man, they’re tired… They just wanna put their feet up for a little bit, have a beer and chill for a few minutes (“Take my shoes off and… ahhh.”)….

Shit. What to do ? Talking to the bartender is out. Play the Megacrack ? Not gonna happen. It’s one of the of the few addictive things I won’t do. Talk to the other patrons ? It doesn’t seem worth it. There’s a couple of kids in the bumper car in the corner acting all first-datey, holding hands and swooning. A few haggard looking kids that’ve been here since noon, most of whom seem half asleep. A couple of frat boys playing pool and calling each other “faggot” entirely too often for my taste.

I could play pinball for the millionth time, watching the numbers rack up without really paying attention to the game (Addams Family, FIFA ’94 or Kiss.. It didn’t matter, I’d rolled them all a dozen times). Or I could just get drunk and go home. Something needs to shake this joint up. That something, though, is not me tonight.

broken.JPGI call it quits around eleven, after some small talk about the previous night with the barback. The crowd is starting to head in. They’re getting loud and tonight, apparently I don’t feel like loud. I head back to the neighborhood, pick up a six and a bottle of whiskey for when I get home. Open the door to my little hovel with fumbling hands and say “Hi” to Guinness (the cat) who barely glances in my direction. Open a beer and turn on the TV….

Oh, shit. “The Tick” is on…. My night’s looking better already…..

- Song I would have included if it wasn't too large for the server - Stratford Four - The Simple Things Are Taking Over

August 25, 2006

Jones Beach Battle

We are FTTW pride ourselves on not blogging. But, today. I had to throw something in.

I tried to take over the ocean and control it with my Turtle powers.

final beach.jpg

I stared at Michele as she begged me not to try it. But, the ocean.

It was talking shit.

It had to go down.


I must admit, I might have taken on too much for myself to handle. I needed to call up on my warrior of water and doom!


Observing what I was up against, I was taken aback. She was a mighty sea that day.


This was not working. The ocean was still beating me.


But the ocean was no match for me. We fought long and hard. Screams and yells and incantations were performed for at least five grueling minutes. With a little anger and violence, the ocean was mine!

I think. - T

100 albums that changed my life: Nos. 60-51
by: Andrew

Little bit of music for you on a Friday night... Andrew recounts a few albums that changed his life (check his blog out... lots of goodness there....), and I ask you, dear readers, to post one.... Just one that held and captivated you or opened your eyes to something entirely new.....

I count it a great honor to guest-post here at Faster Than the World. I'll try not to sully Michele and Turtle's stellar rep as true punks, but if you think this entry doesn't meet the typical fttw standards, just remember: I didn't crash this party. They invited me.

So, on with this blatant flacking for my own blog and my project of counting down the top 100 albums that changed my life. This is the fifth installment of my countdown of the 100 albums that changed my life (Nos. 60-51). (Oh, yeah, there's also an accompanying podcast that features one song from each of these albums.)

60. Alive!, Kiss (1975)
One of the best live albums ever, this party album captured the wretched excess that was KISS -- and the excesses of '70s stadium rock. "Rock and Roll All Night" was all over our car radios in '75 and '76. It made us all want to party every day.kissalive.jpg

59. Inner City Front, Bruce Cockburn (1981)
Bruce Cockburn was one of the few musical discoveries I made entirely on my own, without the benefit of guidance from peers, family or the radio. It happened one afternoon after class. I found myself thumbing through an album rack at my local record store, and for some reason this record seemed "right." I didn't know a thing about this Canadian folk artist whose songs touched on spiritual and religious themes, but I ended up hooked on Cockburn's wordsmithing, arrangements and smooth guitar wizardry of songs like "The Strong One," "Inner City Front," "You Pay Your Money and You Take Your Chance" and the reggae-styled "Justice." This was one of those serendipitous finds that, in retrospect, seems almost predestined.

58. Empty Glass, Pete Townsend (1980)
Another spiritual album that rocked my soul before I realized the transcendent nature of the tunes. Empty Glass was one of two post-Who solo albums by Pete Townsend that touched on matters of faith and spiritual longing. (The other was the awkwardly named All the Best Cowboys Have Chinese Eyes, released a year or two later.) Empty Glass' title track is a retelling of Ecclesiastes through the filter of a hard-living rocker. "Let My Love Open the Door" was ambiguous enough to be either a love song or a sermonette and, in fact, was covered years later by the Christian pop band Audio Adrenaline. Townsend was working through some spiritual tumult in his own life, wrestling with various demons, his conflicted feelings about punk rock ("Rough Boys" was about the Sex Pistols -- "I want to bite and kiss you") and the death of Keith Moon ("Jools and Jim" was aimed at two journalists who "don't give a shit Keith Moon is dead"). In the end, Townsend produced a fine album that seemed to capture a strange moment in time. Listening to it today conjures up images of a time in my life in which I was wrestling with a few demons of my own.

57. Ozark Mountain Daredevils, Ozark Mountain Daredevils (1973)
It was that subversive little tune about getting to heaven by raising a little hell. That's what stirred my pimply, pubescent soul into trading some long forgotten REO Speedwagon record for this, the Ozark Mountain Daredevils' debut album. Plus, they were from Missouri -- from the Ozarks, no less. These were hayseed rockers we could call our own. There's some damn fine acoustic rock on this here album, Reuben, and some funny stuff, too.

56. More Songs About Buildings and Food, Talking Heads (1978)
How can I explain what David Byrne's weird lyrics and halting delivery did to me? He and the rest of the Heads only made me question my entire perspective on pop music. The way he sounded so excited over the commonest observations -- "Oh, baby, you can walk, you can talk just like me!" -- or brought to light the paranoia of creative types everywhere ("I don't have to prove/that I am creative") or took a gospel tune ("Take Me to the River") and turned it inside out, sucking the soul right out of it, creating something completely new and oozy. All with jangly guitar rhythms, solid bassline and just a hint of the experimentation that would become more pronounced in later albums.

55. On the Border, The Eagles (1974)
Just in case the inclusion of the Ozark Mountain Daredevils in this countdown wasn't a tip-off, country rock has influenced my rock and roll DNA pretty heavily. What can I say? I lived most of my formative years in a little turd of a town in Missouri, where we listened to Charlie Daniels, Lynyrd Skynyrd, the Outlaws and the Eagles as well as the Stones, Beatles and the Who. This album was on the turntables of my older friends, and I grew to like the bluegrassy hoot of "Midnight Flyer," the country guitar licks of "Already Gone" and "James Dean," and, yes, even the radio love ballad "Best of My Love."

54. Excitable Boy, Warren Zevon (1978)
When I first heard the perverse title track of this album -- this upbeat, piano-heavy ditty about a guy who rubs pot roast all over his chest, takes little Susie to the prom, then rapes and kills her on the way home, etc. -- it was as though a portal was opened into a new realm of dark humor. "Werewolves of London" was the radio hit, but "Excitable Boy," "Johnny Strikes Up the Band," "Lawyers, Guns and Money" and "Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner" are all classic tracks I could listen to over and over again. Excitable Boy is proof a macabre sense of humor can be put to a catchy beat.

53. Tres Hombres, ZZ Top (1973)
Before I'd ever heard of John Lee Hooker, I had developed my own rudimentary version of the opening riff to ZZ Top's "La Grange." Having heard this album over and over, the riff had taken hold in my mind by the time I had my first real guitar. The little old band from Texas' third album is still, in my opinion, their best ever -- in terms of writing, arrangement, production and overall boogie value. "Waitin' for the Bus/Jesus Just Left Chicago" is an all-time favorite. Have mercy!

52. Murmur, REM (1983)
Just a few months after this album came out, I saw these guys live -- at my house in Columbia, Missouri! (See No. 74 on this list.) Unfortunately, I don't remember a lot about the concert, so I had to go buy this album.

51. Rubber Soul, the Beatles (1965)
Thank my older siblings for infecting me early with the Beatles bug. This one was big around our big old house in Wakefield, Massachusetts, and some of my earliest musical memories are of trying to sing along with some of the songs on this record.


Kiss, "Rock Bottom" (from Alive!)

Bruce Cockburn, "You Pay Your Money and You Take Your Chance (Live)" (from You Pay Your Money and You Take Your Chance - Live, because I no longer have Inner City Front)

Pete Townsend, "Empty Glass" (from Empty Glass)

Ozark Mountain Daredevils, "Chicken Train" (from Ozark Mountain Daredevils)

Talking Heads, "Artists Only" (from More Songs About Buildings and Food)

The Eagles, "James Dean" (from On the Border)

Warren Zevon, "Excitable Boy" (from Excitable Boy)

ZZ Top, "Waitin' for the Bus/Jesus Just Left Chicago" (from Tres Hombres)

REM, "Radio Free Europe" (from Murmur)

The Beatles, "I'm Looking Through You" (from Rubber Soul)

- Andrew

My Life As A Teenage Zombie Call Girl by Wilhelm von Hans von Masterson von Stuttgart von Bob

Every job has occupational hazards.... Some are more "gruesome" that others.... But once in a while, you find a place you actually fit, and the risks don't seem that bad anymore... Here's Wilhelm...

Okay, okay, maybe not teenage exactly but I've always looked young for my age and since the years after you become a zombie don't count, well, you know how many clients pay extra for the 'teenage' in teenage zombie call girl? Anyway, that's what the math from the birth date on my driver's license says and I'm sticking to it.

As for the zombie call girl part - that's definitely true, and it's a pretty good gig if you can get it. With zombie call girls, johns don't have to worry about catching or transmitting diseases, and since so many of them are worried about privacy, and since we're already dead, they know we'll take their secrets to the grave.

Just a little zombie humor there…look, I said a was a teenage zombie call girl not a teenage zombie comedienne.

In case you're wondering, the trade for teenage zombie call girls is pretty good. Oh sure, you're thinking 'what about the smell' or 'do guys actually ask you for head', right? As for the former, we teenage zombie call girls have our little secrets - every woman needs a little mystery in her life, and for the latter, well, no, johns don't actually ask us to do that, and can you blame them? But sometimes we ask them for a little head.

I kid! I kid.

My Life As A Teenage Zombie Call Girl

Like I said, business is good, there are actually more necrophiliacs out there than you might think. Now now, don't judge, apart from the necrophilia thing they are just like you and me, well, like you anyway. They're just looking for a little love, a little tenderness, a
little bing bang boom. Mostly they make an arrangement with the local morgue or funeral home and I end up lying quietly on the metal table with my eyes closed pretending to be dead - hah, pretending! - for a minute or two while they do their thing. They do their thing, pay me and leave. Pretty simple really. Well, except for the ones that actually want to use some of the mortician's equipment. I used to charge extra for that but some guy took my arm off once. Can you believe that? The guy literally cut my arm right off. Don't get me wrong, the guy did a really good job of it, by the cut you could tell he knew what to do with an electric hacksaw, but he chopped it right off! So I charged him triple and then ate his brains, the bastard.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to sew an arm back on with only one hand?

Anyway, when they don't use the equipment, it's a pretty safe business. The johns know what'll happen to them if they get too kinky, the cops don't mess with us because, while necrophilia with the dead may be illegal necrophilia with the undead is fairly new legal ground and there's no legal precedent yet. I don't have a pimp so I get to make my own hours and keep all the money I make.

What's that? You want to know about the 'zombie' part of teenage zombie call girl? That part's easy, there wasn't any more room in hell.


Wilhelm von Hans von Masterson von Stuttgart von Bob

Tricky- She Makes Me Want to Die

An Update

Just to keep you guys updated on what the FTTW schedule is going like, cause I know MT is going to bury the list pretty quick and you won't know what is coming up, we've decided to let you in for simplicity of what is still coming up.

Some of these stories have been hillarious and thefinn has been doing an excellent job of this holding place together while we are busy. So thank you.

So this is what is left.

Friday Afternoon - My Life As A Teenage Zombie Call Girl by Wilhelm von Hans von Masterson von Stuttgart von Bob

Friday Night - 100 albums that changed my life: Nos. 60-51 by Andrew

Saturday Morning - thefinn's regular slot

Saturday Afternoon - iPod iShmod by Wilhelm von Hans von Masterson von Stuttgart von Bob

Saturday Night - Worst Experience Trying To See The Yankees by Jay

Sunday Morning - thefinn's regular slot

Sunday Afternoon - Vlad the Impaler by tonkin

Sunday Night - Review of The Rollins Band show by Mrbandw

So that's all we have left before we all come back with a new writer and a new week starts on FTTW. M/T

Thank you all for everything you have sent in and thank you all for reading FTTW and most of all, thank you to the readers who keep coming back. Specially the ones with Scott Biao shoved up their ass..

Afghan jam
by: cullen

It's hard to be away from home for months and years at a time.... Sometimes it's the little things you take with you that help you get through... Cullen knows that sometimes it's not....

The hadji-ee-ee don’t like it, rock the chapel, rock the chapel

Believe it or not, I'm walking on air. I never thought I could feel so free.For those of you who don’t know, I spent 10 years in the Army. A significant chunk of my last year in was spent deployed to Afghanistan.

I was a REMF, a pogue, a leg, a garrison puke.

However, I was deploying out of Fort Polk, and during my tenure had spent a lot of time in the "box" at the Joint Readiness Training Center. By the time we deployed, I had about as much field time as any infantry troop. One of the things I knew was that to survive long deployments, you needed to take as many comfort items as possible.

The main comfort item I decided to take was my guitar.

Which spent most of the time zipped up in its case, stacked behind my coffee counter in my office while I surfed the net (thank you internet gods from GE contracted by the Army to run our backbone).

The building I was in (an old Russian office building) was next to the base chapel (another converted building). So, the chaplains would come over to our office often to try and get us to publish information about upcoming services or events they were holding.

Oh yeah, I was the editor of the newspaper.

Anyway, every chaplain in the Army has an assistant. One of the assistants turned out, like me, to be a fan of punk and metal. He also happened to be a drummer. He also happened to have a drum kit. Well, it was the chapel’s kit, but still, there was a kit.

And lo, it came to pass, two Army sergeants jammed Misfits tunes mightily in the Bagram Air Base chapel. And lo, it came to pass, several other military folks did enter the chapel. And lo, they did think it good, even though the guitarist sucked.

We jammed for about an hour and did this about three times. The third time, one of the chaplains came out and motioned for us to stop playing.

"Um," he said. You know that look that people get when they’re about to tell you something you don’t want to hear, well he had that. The thing you have to keep in mind is that people in a war zone don’t like giving each other bad news. You see, you carry a loaded weapon with you everywhere. Unless you’re a chaplain.

But we knew he was about to take our toy away. We’d already started packing up when he motioned for us to stop.

"This is probably not the best place to be playing that kind of music," the chaplain said.

"Okay, sir," I said. And our jamming was over.

While we found other things to occupy our time (I mean, I still had the internets), it made both me and my drummer pal happy to hear that several people who’d stopped by to hear us had asked the chaplain why we weren’t playing any more.

His reply? He didn’t think that kind of music was "good for morale."

How gorgeous is this view? It can be a very pretty place, but you wouldn't imagine some of the crap you'd see right off the base. This is a more recent view, we didn't have those hard-stand buildings for living like you see right behind the vehicles.


August 24, 2006

key west style
by: Kali

Howdy partners.... Kali is up next with a tale of one of my least favorite things to do in the world, moving.... You'd think with all the times I've done it, I'd get at least a little bit used to it..... You never really do, though.... And there's always that one thing that really fucks with you when you get there... You know the one... Kali does.....

in the mid-nineties i was living in key west. i had moved down there with my best friend because up here in baltimore all of our friends were turning into zombies (read:herion addicts) and it was getting pretty gross. so my friend told me key west was great (she'd been to visit with some guys we met at marti-gras) and that we should move there. i'd just "graduated" from college so i say what the fuck. i could wait tables here or in a tropical clime. key west won out so bye to our friends bye to our haunts…

i had quit drinking by then due to the shit I would do in blackouts, but i certainly hadn't quit smoking pot and i would find lots more fun vices on "the rock" (key west locals pet name for the 2mi by 4mi piece of coral.)

the plan (for me) was to spend a year or two on the rock and then head west to california for fortune and fame as i was destined to become a famous actress.

i knew i was fucked on the way down to key west. i had sold my convertible chrysler le baron and we were packed into her father's oldmobile and towing a tiny uhaul trailer behind. about 5 hours into the trip my friend starts blasting some music that made me freaking nauseous. i thought it was a joke.hemingway-ernest-hemingway-portret.jpg

"what in the fuck is this crap?" i said as it dawned on me that she was enjoying the drone of a 50-something man over some, what was that, steel drums? holy shit.

"oh honey, you better get used to this… you're going to hear it everywhere… it's Jimmy Buffet."

jimmy who? what in THE hell is this all about? i had heard tales from my gutter punk friends of sleeping on the beach and running around topless and tons of bars and cute, tanned, punk rockers, but I had not, repeat NOT, imagined anything like this shit.

ya. you should know that i hated hippies. it's in my blood. i still kinda hate hippies. except now I'm dating one. the worse kind too. the volvo-driving, khaki wearing, rainbow brand flip flop having, phish kind. but i digress.

so here we were off to key west with my best friend turning into some kind of middle aged hippie in front of my eyes telling me that i'd better get used to it because i was going to turn into one too?... uh huh.

this was gonna be not so great…

"i'll tell you one fucking thing… i am NOT wearing sandals, that's for fucking sure…"


drunk elvis
by: tonkin

We all do goofy things when we're drunk... Tonkin seems to do them while dressed as "The King".....

Friday night I had to bartend, but we were very slow. A group of about 10 or 12 of my friends came in and kept buying me shots, since they were my only customers. Well the end of the night rolls around, and I am three sheets to the wind. Mind you, I'm dressed like Elvis, staggering up to campus from downtown Akron (about 5 blocks uphill) to stay at a friend's house because I'm too lit up to drive.

I get to his apartment complex, but cannot remember the number, nor can I remember what it even looks like.elviscone.jpg Somehow I come across a group of orange parking cones surrounding a pothole in the street, so I do what any drunk bastard would do and pick one up.

As I'm carrying the cone I hear a "woooooop wooooop" police siren and the intercom "Hold it right there!"

Now a rational person would admit defeat, but not drunk Elvis. I started running, with the 40lb parking cone, until I realized it was slowing me down.

So I dropped the cone and kept running, at this time I decide to also lose my jacket, sunglasses, and wig, thinking that they won't be able to recognize me. It didn't occur to me that I still had a GIANT WHITE POLYESTER JUMPSUIT on...

So I round a corner into a parking lot and BAM! Six cops waiting there for me. I threw my hands up and they got me. They threw me up against someone's car, patted me down even though I was wearing a skintight Elvis suit. So it was pretty apparent that the only thing I was packing was between my legs. And oh, yes, that was clearly visible.

One of the cops says "Why were you running, boy?" To which, I reply, "Why were you chasing me?"

I didn't have a wallet or ID, so I gave them my SS# and they ran it, asking me all sorts of questions like what the hell was I thinking, why is a grown man stealing traffic cones, etc.

In the end they let me go, laughing hysterically at the drunken asshole in an Elvis costume that tried to steal a 4 foot orange construction cone.

It must be Thursday... I could never get the hang of Thursdays....

Inspired by Turtle and Michele’s post yesterday, I give you the following…. It’s not a story of love and betrayal (good story, Zarba… It sucked for you, but it was still a good story). It’s just a story and a fine example of the stupid shit that happens to me entirely too often…..

aahsWhen I was in my senior year of high school, I dated a girl named Laurie. She was exactly the opposite of everything I had ever dated before (blonde hair, blue eyes, slim and a cheerleader), but in a school that only has about 300 kids in it (that’s freshman to seniors, kids….) we took what we could get. She was also very jealous and suspicious (you know the sort) and I guess, maybe just a little insecure. We dated for about nine months and during most of that time she would grill me about looking at other women and ask me to tell her how pretty she was. Which I did, mainly because no one else in the school was looking at me the way I was looking at her…..

We broke up just before I left country. She had taken some "art" photos of herself for me, just before I had gone away on a trip. Rather than leave them at my house (and let my little brother or my mother find them), I shoved them into my bag and headed out…. During the trip, however, those photos fell into the hands of a friend of mine. And he did what any red blooded American boy would do with nudie photographs of a cheerleader… He proceeded to make hundreds of photocopies and distribute them to anyone within reach. He practically wallpapered the room in the hostel we were staying in with them. He handed them out on a street corner. Sure, it was kinda funny,but I made him promise me, that once we got back home, he’d destroy whatever copies he had left and that Laurie would never find out that her nekkid body had been plastered all over a foreign country. And then we went home.

photocopyFirst day back at school and the damn photocopies are EVERYWHERE. Apparently he got to school early and started stuffing lockers with the damn things…. Needless to say, Laurie was upset. She was convinced that the whole thing was my idea, that this was some game I was playing to humiliate her. So she dumped me. At the time, I didn't care that much. She was an attractive girl with nice legs and maybe in ten of fifteen years she’d look back and laugh. Besides, I was leaving country in thirty days and I would never see her again. So who cared if she thought I was a dick ?

Fast forward six months.... I’m living and working in D.C., just trying to get by.
I’d been working two full-time, really crappy jobs. I’d just been fired from one, so I took a little walk to clear my head. Had a smoke, got a plate of rice and beans from the Mexican joint on the corner and was feeling just a bit better about losing half my income because I cursed my boss out. Passing the local gym, I spied a fine pair of legs out of the corner of my eye. I followed the legs up and recognized the shake, which was odd, as I’d only been back in the country for a few months, and I damn well knew that walk. Long blonde hair and…. Oh shit. It’s Laurie, coming out of the gym and walking to her car.

(Just as an aside, I like to watch my woman walk. Most of the women I’ve dated could walk, but there is a difference between walking and walking. It’s like a forgotten art at this point. Most women simply clomp about, one foot in front of the other. However, when a woman walks, that’s something entirely different. The hips sway, the calves elongate a bit, the thighs don’t go all hard as they move on. It’s like fine clockwork. Almost as if they are satisfied. And it’s not done nearly enough anymore….)

I called across the parking lot to her, “Meine kleine hasaufgabe madchen !!” and she stopped. Dead in her tracks. And that’s when I knew. I was positive that my day was turning around. She turned and looked at me, started to head my way. She sauntered right up to me, all beauty queen smile and had a twinkle in her eyes. “Hi”, I said.

She spit in my face and kicked me in the nuts. Hard enough to get my skinny ass on my knees in the middle of the lot. “Cocksucker” she said and turned on her heel. I was amazed that she still had a grudge and that somehow, she’d carried it across thousands of miles….. And that was the last time I ever saw her.

Funny thing is, she’s a pornstar now. Odd how that works out…..

by: DK

We love our zombies here at FTTW... Doesn't matter if they're in black and white, living bloody color or Italian... Italian ? Yeah, Italian... And not just any Italian zombies, either... Shark fighting Italian zombies.... Here's DK with all the gory details....

Okay folks, I’m not one of them hifalutin’ foreign movie afficianados. I don’t know much but I know what I like. And I like them foreign horror movies…Zombie movies in particular. italian 1.bmpThey seem to have made a bit of a comeback in the last few years – Dawn Of The Dead remake, Land Of The Dead, Shaun Of, that crappy one based on a video game that I won’t even mention by name and so on.

Part of me wants to complain about the dearth of good horror movies in recent years, but there are a few reasons why I won’t…first of all I am so optimistic and positive that you could slap me in the face and I would thank you for not booting me in the nuts. I take what I can get and make the best of it; most horror movie fans do this in the same way that you root for the sports team you love even though they suck ass. Second, you have the Horror Movie Paradox – bad is often good. A horror movie has to suck really badly before I can understand why you would seriously complain. A strong plot is about as common in horror as it is in porn, and you watch porn, don’t you? Yeah, whatever... Liar. As long as porn, not horror, is the genre that gives you a hardon then we’re cool. Some would also argue that if you were to make a list of all the elements that make a good horror movie, you could find most of the same elements in a horrible one. It’s all in the application, not in the budget.

I used to work in a store that sold a lot of videos, and I used to keep an eye out for the good stuff. italian 2.bmp Every now and then a horror movie that I hadn’t seen or heard of would show up. Before the days of IMDB it would always be a gamble, but that was always part of the fun. One day a movie with a simple and attractive title showed up – Zombie. On the cover was a simple and attractive picture of a zombie. Sold. What the hell, it’s nine bucks and it’s Saturday. Let’s make fun of a shitty horror movie tonight.

Well it had zombies and tits and bad jokes and a chick getting a stick in the eye and an underwater fight between a zombie and a shark and more. As if an underwater zombie/shark mix-up isn’t enough. There’s a cop murdered by a zombie and a zombie murdered by a cop, an intrepid reporter, a scientist who is grossly misunderstood if not mad, ethnic superstitions surrounding an island that none of the locals go to, and oh yeah, the zombies do not fucking run. A running zombie is just…illogical. So I decided that this warranted a comprehensive investigation and I read the back of the box. Some guy named Lucio Fulci was the man to thank. He’d done his share of great movies that I had never seen; even his garbage movies have some pretty good scenes. The best feeling in the world comes from discoveries like that (unless the horror movies actually turn you on, but I’ve evaded that topic once already).

That discovery started me down a gory path that I’m still walking almost ten years later, and the best part is that there are still so many out there that I still haven’t seen. We North Americans have no idea of the high culture we are missing out on across the pond. Sick of shitty horror movies that are rated PG-13 and don’t deliver anything except sudden loud noises and CGI? Leave the country and go back a few years. If you like what I’m talking about then I can give you a few more titles (not a list though, just a couple that I’ve seen and like). If you have seen any of these then jump into the comments and let us all know, because you know how it is here. We need you in on this. And I need to hear about some more before this weekend.

The Beyond – Considered to be one of his best. Good and gory.
The House By The Cemetery – Bad acting with rotten dubbing but who gives a shit. People die well.
City Of The Living Dead
– One chick pukes up her innards. She vomits her own intestines, okay? If you check IMDB it tells you that they achieved this shot by having the fine lady eat fresh warm sheep entrails and then regurgitate them on camera. That is one of the sickest things I’ve ever heard, and if it’s true then I think I’m in love.

Again, this isn’t a list and I’ve only touched on a couple of movies by one of many Italian horror directors. I’m sure a lot of you are aware and can add to this, and if you aren’t aware then methinks you might want to start digging around. Thanks for reading.


August 23, 2006

The Story of Ant, Fox, and Bole Weevil
by: Uberchief

And just when you think that Uberchief's first piece was good.... Well, here's a moral tale that trumps the rest... It may seem harmless at first.... Just a goof... But be warned..... Warned by Uberchief!!!

One day long ago, when the Earth was young (not too young, but young enough to still be self-important and industrious) Ant, Fox, and Boll Weevil were taking a walk in the woods. Ant was riding on the back of Fox, while Boll Weevil struggled to keep up.

"Guys!" he gasped, "I can't keep up with you on my little boll weevil legs! Wait up!"

Ant turned his head to look at Boll Weevil. "Why don't you hop up on Fox's back with me? That way, you don't have to run so fast, and we don't have to wait on you."

"But boll weevils can't hop!" shouted Boll Weevil.

Fox turned his furry head in Boll Weevil’s direction. "What if I put my tail down so you can climb onto that?"

"But boll weevils can’t climb!' whined Bole Weevil.

"Well what the fuck can boll weevils do?" asked Fox.

"Boll," said Bole Weevil.

"How do you boll?" asked Ant and Fox simultaneously.

"Usually around 270--though I did boll a perfect game once!"

The three of them stopped: Boll Weevil to laugh maniacally at the joke he made, and Ant and Fox to stare at him.

"See," Boll Weevil began explaining, "I said 'boll,' but I meant 'bowl.' What I was trying to do...

"Oh, we know what you were trying to do," replied Ant. "We just didn't like it."

The three of them stood there for awhile in silence. Finally, Boll Weevil said, "Well, do you guys know any jokes?"


Both Ant and Fox said, "No," and then Fox turned and began jogging away. Pretty soon, boll weevil couldn't keep up, and before long, he was watching the last little bit of Fox's furry tail disappearing over the horizon. Depressed and forlorn that he had lost his only friends, Boll Weevil turned to alcohol and drugs for comfort. Pretty soon, he was sucking dick in parking lots for a hit of H or a line of coke. His depression deepened, until the only thing he could feel was the prick of the needle as it pierced his tender bole weevil skin. He lived from hit to hit, and in the rest of his days, he never told another joke. One morning he was found dead in a pile of his own refuse, with a bottle of whiskey and two five-by-seven glossy photographs of Scott Baio shoved up his little bole weevil rectum.

The moral of the story is: Bad jokes may seem harmless at first, but ultimately lead to a path of self destruction filled with drug addiction, crippling depression, and sodomy.


breaking up is hard to do

Michele and I were sitting in bed with when we both thought of things that really shouldn’t be talked about when you are in bed. This slot on FTTW was reserved for someone else who didn't get his story in on time, so we have decided to take a break from what we were doing and fill in the spot.

We decided to write about the worst break up stories we had had. Don't ask why this came up in bed. It just did.

These are ours.

Michele breaks a boy's heart:

This one goes back a way. Waaay back. We're talking edge of 1970's here. 11th grade. Catholic high school. We're gonna call this one:

Blame it on Toto

I date this guy named Bobby. He was a freshman and I took a lot of shit for that but, in my defense, the guy had the same name as a really famous hockey player for the Philadelphia Flyers and, being the uber hockey fan I was, I found that made him irresistable. clarke4.jpgYea, shallow. I know. I found out pretty quick that having the same name as one of the greastest centers ever is not quiet enough to sustain interest in a boy. I also found out pretty quick that Bobby was a bit...hmm...let's call it obsessive.

We were "going out" (that's what we called dating, or seeing each other or hooking up with back then) only about two days when Bobby came into school with a present for me. It was a t-shirt with glittering iron-letters that said Bobby loves Michele. Jesus H. Christ. Two days, dude. I'm not even sure I like you yet, let alone love you. Inside the box was also a single rose. Some might find that romantic. The fact that he proudly declared that he ripped the rose out of the Virgin Mary garden outside the school kind of took away the romanticism. Call me crazy, but knowing where that rose came from made me think that God was gonna kick my ass. Every rose has it's thorn, you know. This one looked like a pissed off God.

This is how things went with Bobby. He'd want to make out in the hallway between classes. I just wanted to get to biology on time so I didn't get marked with a cut. Again. He wanted a commitment to "forever" from me. I just wanted to get through Tuesday without regretting the decision to go out with him. He wanted me to end our phone calls with "I love you." Coincidentally, our calls always "disconnected" at that point.

This goes on for a while. See, it's not in my nature to hurt people. I couldn't break up with him because, well, because he told me he would kill himself if I did. So I was torn between lingering in this one sided relationship or being responsible for someone's death. Great. Yea, you might have chosen death. Not me. I'm Catholic. We have "martyr" monogrammed on our shirts at an early age. So I stuck with Bobby. I hated it. It was torture and I did everything I could to get him to hate me but the more I pushed him away, the closer he wanted to get.

December comes. My parents decide we are going to Florida for Christmas. Normally, I would throw a hissy fit about spending the winter holidays in a place where Santa needed shorts - because warm Christmases are wrong on every level - but I figured this was my way out of Bobby Hell. He had all these plans for us for the vacation. He'd go ballistic when he found out I was abandoning him for Florida. Maybe he'd even be upset enough to break up with me. But when I told him, he said "tell your parents you can't go." Excuse me? I'm 15. I'm gonna tell my parents what? "Tell them you are in love and you can't leave your boyfriend for that long a time. Tell them you want to stay with your grandma." Oh, fuck no. On all fronts. First, I'm not in love with you. Second, I'd throw myself in front of a train before staying with Grandma for ten days. Not happening, guy.

Ok, now he was pissed. I must not really love him if I won't do this for him. Geez, Einstein, you just figuring that out? All that empty space in the conversation after you say "i love you" didn't clue you in? The fact that i never wear that glittery shirt even though you kept begging me to? I know I sound really cruel here, but it wasn't like that. I wanted to like Bobby, I really did. He was cute. He had long hair. He played guitar. He always had a huge supply of weed. Plus, the hockey thing. He had a lot going for him. It's not my fault he was a stalker in training. And really, it's not my fault that I didn't have the heart to just cut it off with him. Blame him for laying the suicide guilt trip on me.

The day before the Florida trip he comes over. Begs me to stay home. I go over the facts with him again. I'm 15. I don't make the rules around here. I pretty much do what my parents tell me to. Plus, the whole "I need to stay home because my boyfriend told me to" thing just wasn't going to play out well with the 'rents. So I was Florida bound. Bobby was in tears. He played the suicide card. I played the "don't be such a melodramatic tool" card. Really, I had enough. I gave him my aunt's number in Florida and told him if he really missed me that much he could call. I'm such a sucker.

What happened next wasn't my fault, either. Blame it on Toto. It seems that there were only two radio station in all of Pompano Beach, Florida (what a hellhole of wasted, toothless people that town turned out to be) and both of them played Toto's "Hold the Line" about 80 times a day. I swear to you. That song was on all the time. Every store we went in. Every car we passed. Every home we went into. Hold the line. Love isn't always on time. It ate at me. Crawled into my brain and under my skin. It played in my head when I tried to sleep at night. It was everywhere. I couldn't get away. I woke up on Christmas morning and it was 80 degrees and I missed the snow and cold and New York in general and the first thing I heard was Toto coming from the living room. It was too much. I was going to snap. It would take only one little thing to make me lose it.

"Michele, phone." My aunt hands me the phone. It's Bobby. "I have a Christmas present for you." He asks me to hold on while he gets his guitar. He's gonna play a song for me. He gets back to the phone. Starts strumming.

Jesus fucking christ on a birthday cake.

He's playing "Hold the Line." Singing. I snap.Toto.jpg

Bobby. Bobby. BOBBY STOP PLAYING PLEASE. That's it. I'm done. I can't take it. I don't love you, I don't think I even like you. In fact, right now I hate you. I. Am. Done. With. You.

"Are you breaking up with me?"
"Good call, Einstein." Yea, that was my pet name for him.
"I told you what I would do if you broke up with me."
"Whatever. Blame Toto."
"Nevermind." Click.

I told you I was a step away from losing it.

We get back to school after New Year's and the place is buzzing. Everyone is looking at me. Word is getting around. Bobby isn't in school. And you know why? Because he tried to kill himself over Christmas break. And everyone is looking at me. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I didn't think he would really go through with it. Or try to go through with it. I felt bad. Almost bad enough to go see Father John and confess the whole sordid thing to him and ask for forgivness and maybe for God to smite Toto. Just a little. But as the day went on, I discovered more people were sympathizing with me than him. Should that have made me feel better? Not sure. But it did. I was 15.

Bobby came back to school the next day. I saw him in the lobby first thing in the morning. What the fuck? Why is he all red like that? What's wrong with him?

By noon word had gotten around. Yea, Bobby tried to kill himself alright. By laying under the sunlamp in his parent's bathroom for five hours. He thought he could burn himself to death. Or something like that. A sun lamp? Holy hell, man. If you are gonna kill yourself to spite me, at least make it something dramatic. Oversdose on acid. Jump off the roof of the school during a football game. Bring a toaster into the bathtub. But a 60 watt sunlamp?

Nice move, Einstein.

[post note: many years later, Bobby's name crossed my desk at work. If you don't know, I work in a courthouse. After looking at his rap sheet and noting all the domestic abuse arrests, I let go of the residual guilt I felt over breaking his heart] -M

Tutle gets shown the door

It's not really big surprise that I hung around with seedy girls when i was a kid.
It's what we all did. Dope, cocaine, beer. Everyone did it. My girlfriend at time was a stripper, but not really a stripper, if you know what I mean. Working her way thru college with her friends. Stayed away from all the drugs stuff and prostitution stuff while making tons of the cash. It was a go gig. Stay home, do drugs, never have her home at night. Her friends always on trips with her in tow.

One time she came home to find some unmentionables on the kitchen counter table. I had some quick talking to do. She believed. Believed that? But by the end, she was still with me. Believe that?

ISOMETRIC.JPGHer friends had to go on a cruise and they decided that it would be funny to take about 100 pictures of her naked and in lingerie and hide them over the house for me to find as the weekend went on. Little reminder of her for a nice memory while she was gone. It was really kinda cool, but it didn't matter. When she was gone, I scored a case of king cobra, an 8 ball of cocaine and a fifth of vodka. I locked the door and lost my mind. My mind was shot and I slowly took off my clothes as her cats stared at me looking angrier and angrier. They hated me. The drugs were taking affect. Anyone that had dope, I invited them over. Speed, smack. Junking John Belushi style.

I finally passed out on the couch. The cats, who had been eyeing me the entire time, took advantage of me. For three days they shit on me while I slept in it. Four cats. Me, naked, rolling around thinking I had on more day to sober up befor shs came home.

The door opened.

This isn't tusday? Are sure?

It was her.

With her friends. Standing up from the sofa with pils of beers cans and cigarette butts crushed out of her floor.

coo30205.jpg In shock and awe, they dragged my naked, cat shit on body down and out the door. They kicked me down on the streets to wander to my friend’s house three blocks away. Try walking cit covered in shit an naked.

We never talked again.

And I never found those pics of her, or they would be on the internet. -T

So those are our worst break up stories. Kind of a weird thing for us to be talking about, but that's how we roll around here. I just like saying that. That's how we roll.

We know you have at least one stroy to tell us. What is it?

We're gonna get back to what we were doing before this break. Which was kind of the opposite of breaking up.

And thanks again to thefinn for doing a kick ass job of getting all these posts out here and also to our guest writers.

The Fable of Turdburglar Cockpiece, the Dog with an Unfortunate Name
by: Uberchief

I have no idea how to introduce this story by Uberchief... Except to say that my neighbors didn't take too kindly to my joyous laughter echoing down the breezeway this morning, followed by my immediate coughing fit as coffee flew out of my nose and splattered on the table in front of me.... The older couple two doors down looked out their window and told me to be quiet... Here he is, Uberchief...

You know, this reminds me of the fable of Turdburglar Cockpiece, the Dog with an Unfortunate Name. Little Turdburglar loved playing with his friends, but they always made fun of him for his name. They made fun of him enough, in fact, that he began to hate his parents. After a particularly gruesome ribbing by Percy Porcupine, Turdburglar decided to go talk to Bird about his problem, as was the custom in those days.

"Bird," said Turdburglar, "why did my parents give me such a horrible name? I hate them for it."

"That's not very nice," said Bird. "Your name can't be that bad. What is it?"

"Turdburglar," said Turdburglar.

Bird scrunched up his little birdy face. "Wow, that is a pretty bad name. You know, this may be a problem that's too big for even me to deal with. But I have a friend who is good at this kind of thing."

Bird took a piece of bark from the tree and pecked and pecked and pecked. Then he gave that piece of bark to Turdburglar, who looked and saw that Bird had given him the phone number for Kyle Menendez.

The moral of the story is: if you need help solving a really tough problem, might as well head right to the source.


Are There Divorce Lawyers In Heaven? by Wilhelm von Hans von Masterson von Stuttgart von Bob

The afterlife raises many questions... Will I go to Heaven or to Hell ? Where did my dogs go when they died ? Is this cloud climate controlled ? Who is Arthur Dent and why does he keep killing me ? However, this morning's guest writer takes it one step further and asks the age old question.... So, this morning, I'm proud to present Wilhelm von Hans von Masterson von Stuttgart von Bob...

I wonder, if my wife died, would I remarry? And if my wife died and I got remarried, would she be up in heaven watching me?

ghostbride.jpgDuring sex with my second wife, would my first wife be critical of my second wife? Would she be up in heaven shaking her head and saying, "Oh my, it looks like she could stand to lose a few pounds?" Would she slap her forehead when my second wife tried something new and say, "He never liked it when I tried that, honey, you better not…ooooooh…see…I told you so?" Would she come down to earth for some ghostly menage-a-trois and possess the body of my second wife, or, worse, would she have discovered in heaven that she was a lesbian and possess me during sex because she found my wife attractive?

And what about when everyone was dead? What if my second wife didn't make it to heaven and my first wife started nagging, saying that she knew that bitch was no good and what was I thinking marrying her in the first place and she's lucky she didn't make it up here because what I'd have done to her is far worse than anything they'll do to her
down there?

Or what if we all made it to heaven and I find out my first wife had remarried in heaven? I imagine the introductions would be a bit awkward, especially when some guy came up to us and hugged my second wife and introduced himself as her first husband when I didn't know she had been married before me and all five of us are so embarrassed that we'd stare down at our feet until the new guy's second wife walked over from a nearby cloud with her original husband and a guy she just had sex with on the side but then we'd all decide, hey, this is heaven, so we'd dream up a fabulous house and live together happily for awhile because my first wife's second husband's new girlfriend's boyfriend used to be a five-star chef in Paris and what with all the new people constantly moving in there'd never a problem finding enough people to get a soccer match going and boy howdy all this would be great until one night I'd sneak out of the bedroom where I slept with my second wife to go down to my newest girlfriend's room and as I was reaching for the doorknob the door would swing open and I'd run into my Uncle Pete sneaking out of her room backwards - who knew the old codger would make it to heaven - and I'd decide I've finally had enough and choose reincarnation and end up as a Mormon with four wives and twelve kids and we'd all die at once in a terrible bus crash that received national media attention and now the heaven house would be really full and I'd notice my oldest son start taking an interest in my first wife from a couple of lifetimes back.

Wilhelm von Hans von Masterson von Stuttgart von Bob

Pj Harvey and Bjork - Satisfaction

August 22, 2006

most rock n roll moment ever by

Ladies and Gentlemen.... Michele's off to get the Turtle and the sites ours for the next few days.... I'll do what I can to retain your interest, but I don't think that'll be an issue based on what we have coming up from our guest writers... So, without further ado, I present pril and the Most Rock n Roll Moment Ever.....

I've been playing music in bars around Southern Oregon for about ten years, entertaining drunk fishermen and loggers and whoever else wanders in to these out of the way, small bars. zbg_DSC00311.JPGOften on a backroad in the middle of nowhere, 50 miles from Here and There. Some of the best times i had were in a band out in Coos Bay. The drummer, we'll call him Djeef, and i were best buds, and still are, and we worked some painting jobs together and tried to get on this pipelining job together (another adventure in itself) and we were a formidable rhythm section. We were rock stars. "World famous locally", was our motto.

He had come out of the SF speed/thrash metal scene, and my influences lay squarely in the 80s LA punk scene. So you can maybe see how we might have meshed. Perfectly. We could be drunk as shit after sharing a bottle of Beam and a 12-pack of Henry's, but when it came time to play, we nailed it. Sometimes between sets we'd get up and jam through For Whom The Bell Tolls or Hungry Wolf. If we felt really brave, we'd throw in a chunk of Death Angel's "Ultraviolence".

He did this barehand solo toward the end of the night usually. It was great to watch. Sometimes he'd slice his hand open on a cymbal and blood would fly, and more than once he broke a finger, but he just kept playing. There was no stopping him. I gave him this stuffed toy i had, the Energizer bunny, because he deserved it more than i did.

In 2002, the band got asked to play at this festival in downtown Coos Bay called the Fun Festival. Bitchen. $350 for 30 minutes and it was two blocks away from where we practiced. Outside, on a flatbed truck in front of the courthouse.

When we got there, some of our other friends were on stage. And, honestly, their band totally sucked. They'd chased most of the people out of the area in front of the stage, and the entertainment coordinator who hired everyone was a weird shade of green, off to the side. Very happy to see us. Even though he hadn't heard us. He was happy to see us, because how could we possibly be any worse.

So we played, and the crowd started coming back. In front of me was a gaggle of young girls all probably 9-15 years old, taking pictures and videoing. Our guitar player had a herd of teenaged guys (he was an awesome git player) and our singer had her own crowd of fans. At some point, her daughter came up and sang with us, some Blondie, a Pat Benatar song, and "Respect". Yeah, we were a cover band. The best one EVAH! *snap snap* We finished off with Metallica's "Seek and Destroy". Djeef was in a good mood and went straight into his barehand drum solo. We all stood off to the side to watch, because it was always fun to watch him do this.

He came to the end of it.70-cymbal.jpg He laid into his big ol' crash cymbal. Blood flew. The cymbal flew. Up. Up. Flip flip flip it went, right above his head. We stared, open mouthed. He'd broken the bolt that holds it down. I remember this in slow motion, it was so cool, and someone somewhere has it on video. It reached its apex at about 5 feet and started coming down. Djeef had been looking around himself for it, unsure about where it went. He looked up just in time to see it coming straight for his head. He leaned back in his throne and held his arms out in front of him...

And caught it.

He stood up, holding the cymbal over his head like the goddamn Heisman trophy, and the crowd that had gathered went fucking bananas. That was it. We were done. We loaded out and took everything back to the practice pad, and finished the bottle of Beam that was waiting for us.

Damn. See, it was the. most. rock n roll moment. ever. In a town of 24,000 people.


bon voyage! don't forget to write!

Well, this is my last post until next week.


He's halfway here. Love that flighttracker thing.

Hope you all have a nice week and stick around for our guest writers. Read their stuff, leave them some feedback and just enjoy everything we have set up for you. thefinn will be your host until Sunday evening. We might stop in and post a pic or two (no, not that kind of pic), but mostly we will be away from the computer.

I just want to thank you all for your kind words and well wishes and sex advice. Really, you shouldn't have. But I will take that suggestion about jello, a wooden spoon and latex gloves to heart. Thanks for that. Seriously, you all rock. Thanks for sticking with us while we talked way too much about this vacation.

Have a great week. Catch you on the flip side.

Oh, and Kali? Turtle lost the bet. Not only did they take his lighter, but they pulled him for a search. He owes you. (see comments here for reference)

"Turtle Invades new york" schedule of guest hosts!

Want to see the "Turtle and Michele Are Busy" schedule?

Here it goes, this is the list of guest writers for our vacation.

Tuesday Night - most rock n roll moment ever by pril

Wednesday Morning - Are There Divorce Lawyers In Heaven? by Wilhelm von Hans von Masterson von Stuttgart von Bob

Wednesday Afternoon - The Fable of Turdburglar Cockpiece, the Dog with an Unfortunate Name by Uberchief

Wednesday Later Afternoon -

A Surprise! Paces and Planes by Tutrle and Bird

Wednesday Night - The Story of Ant, Fox, and Bole Weevil by Uberchief

Thursday Morning - ITALIAN HORROR MOVIES by DK

Thursday Afternoon - Precious.... My Precious.... by thefinn

Thursday Later in the Afernoon - Drunk Elvis by tonkin

Thursday Night - key west style by Kali

Friday Morning - Afghan jam by cullen

Friday Afternoon - My Life As A Teenage Zombie Call Girl by Wilhelm von Hans von Masterson von Stuttgart von Bob

Friday Night - 100 albums that changed my life: Nos. 60-51 by Andrew

Saturday Morning - thefinn's regular slot

Saturday Afternoon - iPod iShmod by Wilhelm von Hans von Masterson von Stuttgart von Bob

Saturday Night - Worst Experience Trying To See The Yankees by Jay

Sunday Morning - thefinn's regular slot

Sunday Afternoon - Vlad the Impaler by tonkin

Sunday Night - Review of The Rollins Band show by Mrbandw

So that's what it's looking like right now. We still need to pack a few more in on the weekdays and a few for Sunday, but that's the way this is shaping up. We kinda need about 5 more stories and we have it all done. Some of you have promised us stuff and if you could get it in today or tonight so we could get it all formatted and ready to go, that would be great.

Thank you all for everything you have sent in and thank you all for reading FTTW and most of all, thank you to the readers who keep coming back.

Turtle invades New York day!

Turtle flies!

I have about three hours before I am one my way to the arport to get ready to wait. Pacing inside and out of the terminal just to smoke cause there is nother else to do, then being searced again, then get bored, eat some crappy foor, watch the clock, smoke again, get searced again, take a big crap from all the shithy food I ate, then wait for boringticks of the clock,finally, get on thee plain

Sleep for six hours.

Walkup to Michele and New York and spend the week together.

I'm pretty sure this site will go off without a switch with thefinn taking over with a ton of new guess writers and thier addition , so the site will continue, but this my last post for a week.

Wish us luck while we have sex all week.

Turtle and Michele

sitting in the waiting room

Well, today is the day. In a few hours...well, about seven...turtle boards a plane headed for New York.

There's really nothing left for me to do but pace. And watch the clock. And probably make ten posts later on about how I am pacing. And watching the clock.

Turlte will stop in before he leaves to say a few words because come this afternoon, you probably won't hear from either of us until Sunday evening at the earliest.

While we are gone, thefinn is in control of FTTW. We have a slew of guest writers lined up and their stories are ready to go and thefinn will take care of getting them all out here for you. We will publish the schedule later on today. We hope you enjoy reading these stories as much as we did. There's some good stuff coming up here this week. Special thanks to thefinn for agreeing to do all the work around here while we are gone to keep the site running. We are lucky to have him as part of FTTW.

So now I just wait. And wait. And pace. And watch the clock. Excitement + nervousness + impatience = potential nervous breakdown. Looks like a picked a great time to stop drinking.

9:30. Can't this thing move any faster?

[Thank you to kali for keeping me from jumping out of my skin this morning]

August 21, 2006

A slice of the pie

Pizzas. Most of us like them, some of us hate them. Some places and towns have many more than they should and some towns have none. I have found in California, we run the gammut of pizzas from Local, New York, California, frozen, and those cheap little ones you buy when you are all out of money and need to feed alot of people. So let's talk about some pizzas (and no, they aren't called pies, Michele).

turtle takes a shot.

California pizza.

I want to start off saying just cause I live in California, in way do I support or endorse these vile creations.

Applewood smoked bacon, grilled chicken and Mozzarella cheese, hearth-baked then topped with Roma tomatoes, chilled chopped lettuce tossed in mayonnaise and fresh sliced avocados.

Jesus. There is something so wrong with this. There is not much to say about this except "Who the hell made this crap?" And then shoot the first Chef who puts his hand up with a large caliber weapon. Mayonnaise on pizza? My. God.

Chicago Pizzas.california_club.jpg

This was a little better. Thick, chewy dough that took more water to get it down your throat than the actual pizza. The problem with these places is that people went in to socialize, more than to eat. Very laid back. Sometimes I just want to eat and not talk to anyone. Be alone in the corner and just wait for a pizza to come out. Tick tock tick tock. Just took too damn long to come out.

New York Pizzas.

Meh. Since I know Michele is going to bag on me, why bother?

Frozen Pizzas.

Some of these are pretty good. Some can turn your shit white. The ones you want to stay away from are the 1.99 ones. No bueno. Tortinos, one of the worst brands on the market, does have a saving grace. Tortino's party rolls! Those little things have so many good uses other then eating. They are weapons and ashtrays. They can change the world. They can do anything.

Cheap Pizzas.

These are the ones you get when you only have a few bucks and five people to feed. This is carboard, pure and simple. But, it's cheap. So, what the say? Muscle it back with a free two liter bottle of Coke they give you if you pick it up yourself.

and how can I forget the masterpizza.

Norewegian Pizza.

The weird thing about this is the utter awesomeness of it. Norway? Pizza? Hell, dudes. This stuff is like mana from god. I have no idea why it is so good, but it is. "Pepe's" is the be end all of slices. Maybe it's the water they use. All I know is that's what we ate for six days. That's all we wanted. Telling you. "Pepe's" was a god send. -T

michele's slice:

Pizza. God damn it. He wants to write about pizza. I’ve been on this South Beach diet for almost a month now and I have been craving a piece of pizza so bad that last night I dreamed I ate four large pies. And a Diet Coke.

I don’t know what Turtle can possibly say about pizza. He lives in California. You can’t get real pizza there. Hell, the place he goes to only sells slices til 4pm. What kind of shit is that? I never heard of a place that won’t sell you a slice. Californians. Weirdos.

Before I tell you about the perfect pizza, let’s get something straight. When I say “pizza” I am talking about the real thing. Not frozen. Not from some chain restaurant that has the word “California” in its name and puts things like pears on top of their pizza. Not some other chain that serves you jarred sauce and processed cheese stuff on a piece of cardboard. Pizza Hut? Not pizza. Dominoes? Not pizza? Papa John’s? That’s a laxative right there. Two slices of that and you will be on the toilet within ten minutes of digestion. If you had the garlic dipping sauce, better take a magazine in their with you. And some Lysol.

180px-NewYorkSlice.jpgSo what’s real pizza? Real, New York pizza? Well.

In my pizza fantasy....yes, I’ve had those. Especially recently. Not fantasies in the sexual sense. It’s not like I’m thinking of doing unnatural things with mozzarella cheese. It’s just food fantasy. This happens when you are on a diet. Maybe just to me. But it happens. Anyhow, in my pizza fantasy, I am ordering a slice. With a Coke. Let it be known, I rarely drink soda. I think carbonated drinks are evil. But with pizza, you have to have Coke. It’s just the way it is. It goes back to Saturday afternoons when I was about twelve or so, hanging out in Joey’s Pizzeria, watching Joey himself make the pies, Joe Cocker’s “The Letter” playing over and over again on the jukebox, the sounds of the pinball machine sometimes drowning out the music. We’d get the first pizza out of the oven every Saturday. 45 cents for a slice and Coke. God, I’m old.

Where was I? Oh yea. Fantasy. I order the slice and the soda. I wait. Watch the guys work the ovens. Watch the cranky old man flip the dough. I can smell every ingredient. The air is thick with marinara sauce and melting cheese. Two fat ladies in flour-stained aprons behind the counter talk in Italian. There’s a soccer game on the tv in the corner. Oven opens. Big wooden shovel type thing goes in. Pizza comes out. Oh, it’s sizzling. It’s perfect. My stomach does a rumble. I watch as Vinny moves the pizza from oven to metal tray. He spins the tray and as the pie turns, his pizza cutter flies and in five seconds there are eight perfect slices. My mouth waters. Vinny puts a piece of wax paper on a paper plate and shovels a slice onto that. Slides it down the counter toward me. Mangia, he says. I take the pizza over to my table. Stare at the condiments. Maybe a little garlic. A little red pepper. I lift the slice. Attempt the fold. Ahhh, it folds so easily, like a good pizza should. Crust thin enough to make the two corners meet when you fold it. The tip of the slice points down. It is weighed down by tons of cheese and grease. I hold the pizza over the wax paper and watch the grease drip down. Just a few drops so I can make sure this thing is done right. The grease looks good. I turn the slice around and hold it above my mouth. Let more of that grease drip into my mouth. The cheese is about to slide off the crust. I lower it. Take a small bite. As I pull the slice back, I have to use my fingers to separate the cheese from the pie. All stringy and greasy and perfect. One bite down and already I’m having a foodgasm. This, my friends, is the perfect pizza. Foldable. Greasy. Cheese that slides. I am having a moment. I am in pizza heaven.

I know if I look around, my reverie will be broken. There will be some woman patting down her slice with a napkin, soaking the grease up before she eats it. That right there is blasphemy, kids. Don’t ever let me see you do that. I have killed over that. Well, maybe not killed. But I got mad. Really mad. It’s like someone putting ketchup on a steak. It’s just not right and should be punishable by death.

I know if I look around more there will be someone eating a pizza that has pineapple on it. Someone else will be eating something they call pizza, but which is just a pile of lettuce and tomatoes on some cooked dough. Salad pizza? What the fuck, mate? That’s not pizza. That’s lettuce with bread. Someone else will be eating a slice that is covered in ground beef and sour cream and jalapeños. That’s not pizza, dude. That’s a fucking tostada. Call it what it is. What it isn’t, is pizza. I know what’s around me. A bunch of blasphemers who put fruit or ranch dressing on their pizza and think they are being avant garde. No. You are hijacking a perfectly good traditional food and turning into some fancy food trend.

So I don’t look around. I just eat my slice and stare at the mural on the wall. Naked statues and fountains and canals. Some fat guy with a mustache tossing dough in the air. My pizza is good. It is perfect. I wash it down with Coke and a smile. Nothing can ruin my pizza moment.

I hear someone order a pie. Pineapple and pears and goat cheese, oh my. I have to walk out. It’s too much to take. My perfect pizza moment is ruined!

As always, my fantasy ends with me getting screwed.

And yes, they are called pies. -M

So that’s our take on pizza. Tell us yours. Tell us about your favorite pizza place or the toppings you love or the chain pizza you hate. Let us know: How do you like your pie?

QotD: Bite My Shiny Metal Ass

As most of you know, tomorrow is the day turtle heads to NY. So we are both just a little busy today trying to get ourselves together and get things ready for this week. Sometimes that means actually doing things (like me cleaning my house or turtle going to drop off his dog with a friend) and sometimes it means just worrying about a lot of things we can't control. I swear to you, if that dude in Iran blows up the world tomorrow like he said he would, I'm going to be really, really pissed off.

benhom.jpgSo today is going to be light. We'll have something later this afternoon and our usual night time post, but this morning, we are both running around doing stuff and I know we said that on Fridays we would do a Question of the Day thing, but here it is Monday and we're gonna do one again.

Being that I am alternating between watching The Simpsons Season 4 DVD (the best season, by the way) and Futurama Season 1 as I clean, I'll just throw out a really simple QotD today:

What's your favorite quote(s) from The Simpsons or Futurama? Or what are your favorite episodes? And does anyone else think Bender is kinda sexy?

August 20, 2006

Cigars, Catfights and Card games

So to keep up with our games week and to also try to wrap all of these themes up before we let you guys take this site over, we had to do the last suggestion. cards.jpgAnother underground will come out soon and yes, I will finish the last Disneyland story soon, but in the last week, getting everything together with all of your stories has kinda been a bitch. Hopefully, all of this will run smoothly and you guys can still see the same schedule on FTTW and even more stories on some days. And maybe even more as we still have more to put in. You guys better not break this fucking site when we are gone. Or we will be angry.

But, since that won't be for another few days, let's get back to where we are going right now. At this very moment. Card games. They are fun, challenging and sometimes addictive. You know you love to watch some kid who can't shuffle and laugh at him as he does such a bad job at shuffling you have to smack him and laugh. It's Darwinism in the form of 52 cards that laughed at you when you lost.

We decided to go a new route today and pick three games. One from our childhood, one from our teen years, and one from our adulthood.

You think you can do the same?

Try it.

turtle shuffles the deck.


Shanghia May I

Don't ask me if I spelled this right cause I probably didn't. Just a deck of 108 cards some bored kids and a late night in some cabin in some forest. Lot of time on your hands. 11 cards in your hand. Seven objectives. Seven games that kept getting harder as the night went on. Some so hard you wanted to quit. Match this and that and then get three pair, then subtract or add points as you went along and try to get this game over before your brother wins or your mother laughs at you as you lost. Some three hour game I begged to be over so I could play again and beat these worthless excuses for a family.

My mother still laughs at me, by the way.


Seven Card Gin Rummycardgame.jpg

The only thing I can say about this game is that it was fun before it became an addiction. Couple lines of speed and then we were playing to 10,000. Late nights and van trips, this was the time killer game. Get to 10,000 then slam a beer and wonder what town we were in or what time it was. These cards reeked of cigarettes and vodka, like any good deck should, and were packed around from town to town. Smoke filled rooms and the stench of stale beer as the cards were passed out. You knew you could take this game, dammit, and you would stay up all night to get that goal. Bones creaking and eyesight failing as you just tried to keep going. If you couldn't sleep or were bored, grab a hand and join in. Just don't take my card and realize that we are already up to about 5,000 points each so you better kick some ass fast.

Cause we've been playing this for ten hours already.


Texas Hold'em

Yeah, I know it's all fucking trendy now that you all know how to play it. But, let's face it. This was a forgotten game that for some god knows reason became the party game. It is fun but unfortunetly, when you invite some people in to play from the old school gambling style to your family group game, you are going to get a few seedy people. So don't get all fucking mad at me when they show up. And that's all I'll say about that story. Light a cigar and watch it play out. Hundred bucks in. Bean dip? Jesus. These group games are better then Vegas. Plus they can't play for shit. Easy money. Slam a beer and bluff people. Turn the music up and watch the game go while wondering how your life got so boring you are hanging out with Betty Crocker.

I stopped playing that game cause it depressed me too much. - T

It's Michele's turn to deal the cards.


Spit- You had to have good reflexes for this game. It was all about the speed and the slap. You could watch people play this game and just see all blurs as their hands moved from pile to pile, trying to get their cards down. Steady concentration, fast hands and then a quick eye at the end to figure out which pile has less cards, cause you had to slap your hand on that pile real quick before your opponent did. Sometimes you would both reach for the same pile and there would be a little power struggle over who got there first and one of you would say “but you slapped my hand so that means mine was there first” and they would haul off and punch you and before you knew it cards were everywhere and real spit was flying as you tore your sister’s hair from her head and she scratched your face and then two minutes later you’d be dealing the deck out again. Rules


War - War was a lot slower than Spit. We played this when we just wanted to pass some time during the day. Not a lot of thinking involved, just a lot of chance. We played this a lot in some kid’s backyard, in a shed his father turned into a fort type thing for us. Beer, pot and War. Slow, stoned kids playing a card game that almost rotted your brain it was so monotonous. But we kept playing. catfight.jpg And toward the end of the game when it was apparent that one person had this huge pile and was about to win, the other person would inevitably get pissy about it and accuse the other person of cheating and before you knew it fists would be flying and cards would be everywhere and you would end up with handful of your sister’s hair in your hand and a gash on your face. So that’s why they call it war...Rules

May I - A different version than Turtle’s. We play this after every family dinner or holiday. There’s usually about ten of us and we play for money. By money I mean quarters and dollars, like that. Chump change, just to make it fun. But my uncle, it’s like he’s playing for his freaking heart medication or something. Like he’s going to die if he doesn’t win. Take a card he needs before he can get to it? He’ll start cursing at you like you just kicked his wheelchair. Throw down your hand and go out while he has a whole shitload of points in his hand? I swear, the whole neighborhood will hear him calling you a god damn son of a bitch. Make a mistake that fucks him up? Not only will he curse at you, but it will tail off into some tirade that includes the weather, the god damn Mets, the motherfucking Giants and stupid guineas. Then we call him a dumb Polack. Then the fists start flying. This game may have a really polite title, but don’t let it fool you. Rules

It might be only my family that turns card games into contact sport. I don’t know. I just know that when I bought my kids Uno when they were little, I had to take it away from them after I heard “UNO, MOTHERFUCKER!” coming from the living room and then someone yelling about hair. So we just play video games now. - M

Some of our favorite card games have good memories. Some, not so much. But either way, we always started out with the idea of having fun when we played them. But I can't be the only one whose games turned violent? Right?

So what did you play as a kid? What do you play now?

Sunday with thefinn:
Precious.... My Precious....

When you were a kid, there was always a thing…. It wouldn’t leave you alone, it came to you when you couldn’t go to sleep (stupid eight o’clock bedtime… It’s still light out for fucks sake! ), it made you pine when you saw the other kids playing, it whispered to you when you were in the toy store…. It was the one thing you had to have in order to make your small journey on this planet complete….. It was “The Toy”…. And 90% of the time, as soon as you got it, you played with it for three hours and completely forgot about it until it was time to pack up and move…. Or maybe it was just me…. There were a few, though, that you got and played with until they were completely destroyed…. Paint scuffed, arms falling off, parts missing…. But you still played with them every day… Until it was time to move and you had a 200 lb weight allowance and your clothes and furniture was 180 lbs of that…..

So that’s what we’re on about today… Toys you loved until they no longer remotely resembled what they used to be……

The Six Million Dollar Man doll Action Figure
– For a little while, this thing was like the Holy Grail…. I’d see commercials for it on TV and catch small glimpses of it at the PX before I was pulled away from it by a parent who had just come in for “one thing and then we’re leaving”….. I longed to have a Bionic Friend who would let me look through his skull and who would let me roll up his skin so that, I too, could harness the power of Bionics and become the supreme fighting machine I always knew I was….

Whenever my old man went on Temporary Duty (TDY), more often than not, he’d bring my sister and I back something…. Usually something from the airport, or something small from wherever he’d been, but we always treasured these little pieces of places we’d never been. Usually he’d be gone for a week or so, and if he was gone longer, we’d get something bigger…. So, once when he was gone for several weeks, I ended up with a box of 12” Bionic Goodness….

That cool red tracksuit…. The rubbery feel of the skin that reminded me a little bit of rubber cement and that smelled just as bad… And the one soulless hollow eye that allowed me, a kid of seven, to harness the power of Bionic sight for my own intents and purposes…. I ripped him out of the box (no wire ties in those days) and ran headlong into the backyard to study his Bionic bits and start finding scrap metal to construct my own Bionic creations….

Unfortunately, what he didn’t come with was blueprints…. I could look through the Bionic Eye, but not figure out how to make my own telescopic eyeball…. I could study the stickers hidden underneath his roll up flesh, but they would not guide me to making my own Bionic limbs…. It didn’t matter, I loved him anyway….

I lost the top half of his track suit within the first week, but I figured a man who was half machine didn’t need a shirt…. Besides he was more “karate” that way (I watched a lot of badly dubbed martial arts movies as a kid…. Being “karate” was cool….)…. Most of the roll up skin came off after a few months and the stickers stated to peel whenever I got him wet, but he was still Steve Austin and he was still my friend….. Right around the end of the summer I got him, Steve and I were crossing the street, hauling ass to get out of the way of a big truck that was heading through… I dropped him in the street and looked on in horror as a two ton truck crushed him so badly that not even the power of Bionics could save him…. So, after the truck had passed, I scooped up his remaining Bionic bits and put them in a shoebox I buried in the backyard…. I had a little service and threw in a few Adventure People, so he wouldn’t get lonely in the afterlife….. Rest In Pieces, my Bionic friend….

The Cylon Raider - I got the Cylon Raider for Christmas one year (the same year I got the Fisher Price Adventure People Jungle Safari set…. which is a story for another day, filled with fire, melted jungle cats and Elvis Costello…) I’d been watching Battlestar Galactica with my parents at night as kind of a special treat… My parents were both big into Sci-Fi, and Galactica was a great show…. I’d get to stay up late with them one night a week and watch as the evil Cylon Empire attempted to destroy the last remaining Battlestar….. I rooted for the Cylons every week, much to my father’s chagrin…. But that’s usually the way it is with me, I’ll always root for the bad guys…..

cylon raider.jpgChristmas came around and nestled under the tree was an Imperial Viper and a Cylon Raider, so I could re-enact those fabulous space battles that I had watched so often, tucked in between my parents on the couch…. And damn, they were cool…. They looked just like the ships on TV and fired real missiles…. Remember, this was 1978… We still had toys that would shoot things at you (pellets, missiles and small rubber bits that hurt like hell when you got one in the eye…..) and toys that could potentially kill you… And we liked them like that….. So for the rest of my Christmas vacation, I would run around the house, chasing the Viper with my Raider, shooting it down, over and again….. The pleading Battlestar pilots would scream in agony as my cold robotic precision blew out their engines and they crashed into the coffee table…… That is, until the news came on…..

Apparently, the toy company (Hasbro ? Mattel ?) had decided to recall the Battlestar Galactica series because kids were choking to death on the missiles….. Being that my sister was a good four years younger than I was and had a penchant for putting everything in her mouth, my parents decided that it was time for the Viper and the Raider to go the way of the dodo…. Into the trash they went…. And my father, seeing the insidious gleam in my eye (“I’ll just wait until they go to sleep and then they’re mine again!!”), proceeded to take the trash out to the dumpster…. The place he knew I would not go…. I’m not exactly a germaphobe, but even at six, I knew I wasn’t climbing into a dumpster to retrieve my toys…..

There were lots more toys I played with until they self destructed (the 12” Boba Fett, G.I. Joe’s) or just plain destroyed…. Maybe I’ll cover them in a later post…. But what about you ? What were your favorite toys as a kid ?

August 19, 2006

What's Playing, Volume 12

So we did it again. Another what's playing. This is when you say what you are playing and describe it to us. Sometimes it's ugly and sometimes it's not. Sometimes you are just in a mood and you get something weird but it really doesn't matter. The question was asked and we had to push on and give the answer. It happens.

Here are ours.

What our yours?

Turtle is first.

Janes Addiction - True Nature

By this time in their career, the drugs had clearly destroyed a few of them. It happens. The last album that they put out before they all tried to step away, but always found the same trouble. The songs are sad and empathetic and always ask you why does life suck so much. Something was different with this album. Gone was the sarcasm from the first album. Gone were the stories from the second album. This album was a final goodbye. This is what they had to say one last time before everything broke one last time.

True nature was the first song I put on today when the question was asked.jad.jpg I listened to it about five times before I got a feeling for it. See, Jane's Addiction albums all have something in common that I use here alot on FTTW and TF. All the albums start with him yelling "Here we go!" That feeling that you are getting into something bigger then you wanted but you have to keep going cause you started it. It's a powerful feeling and something that I take with me to this day when I know this might not be the right thing to do but I have to do it.

And you know what?

In the end, when everything is said and done and you are looking at the ashes of what was once a house, you can step back and say one thing.

That fire burned pretty fucking bright. - T


freeodb.jpgOld Dirty Bastard - Baby I Got Your Money

All the pretty girls, in the world. And the ugly girls too. Cause to me your pretty anyways baby. This song. It comes up and I can’t just listen to it once. I end up playing it all day. One time I made the mistake of putting it on a mix CD and played it in the car. All the way to work. All the way home. Hey. Dirty. Baby I got your money. Shaking my ass in the seat. Doing the hand claps. Yea, while I’m driving. Clap clap. Clap clap. Windows down. Hands clapping. Singing back up and lead. Doing that side-to-side thing with my head.

You can call me dirty, and then lift up your skirt. And you want some of this dirty, god made dirt and dirt bust yo ass. Oh god, I love singing that part. I find myself pointing at no one in particular. Point. Clap clap. Shake ass.

Song ends. Start it again. The record is 36. In one day. This one song. Point. Clap clap.

I love ODB in the way one loves an exploding. village-destroying, civilization-killing volcano. Because it makes for such pretty sunsets.

That made sense to me.

Clap clap. -M

So that's the way it works? Get it? Turn on what you have and tell us what is playing for you right now and tell us and then let's keep moving on. Have fun guys and remind of of songs we forgot in the past.

Saturday with thefinn:
Dr. Strangelove....

In light of Turtle and Michele’s Thanksgiving announcement, I moved the story I’d originally decided to do here today. It’ll keep. I present you instead with a story that’s near and dear to me. I hope you find it entertaining and somewhat memorable and I'd like to say "Congratulations!" to them once again.....

It’s hard to remember the first time I met her. Most things about that time in my life are hard to remember. There was a steady drip of poisons running into my bloodstream, most notably the whiskey… Whiskey was the great eraser, nothing could blow out a bad day (week, month, year) like a bottle of Tullamore. We were cleaning the blackboard tonight and I was ten kinds of self imposed importance and bravado. I had been talking to this kid I was supposed to be mentoring for about an hour, slamming back doubles the entire time, hidden away in a little bar on the right side of Broad. I hadn’t eaten all day and the hooch was kicking my head in something fierce, making time with the kid that much more tedious.smomsbar.jpg

He got up to go to the jukebox. I tried to the read the menu that the waitress had set down in front of me an hour ago, hoping that by at least glancing over it she’s stop shooting me dirty looks and just keep bringing me the booze. Tonight was not a night for southern comfort food. Tonight was a night to get rid of the kid, get a retard drunk on and hope that someone would kick my teeth in on the way back to wherever I was going to sleep. Then, maybe, just maybe, I’d feel a little better than I had when I woke up this morning.

Luck not being on my side, the kid returned and started in on me again. We’d had a running argument for three days now about whether or not Perl could be considered a “post-modern” programming language. Yes, it was a pretty geeky conversation, but I had to give the kid credit. I’d leave him little openings here and there and he’d jump right in. Bright kid, that one. Did more than his fair share of dumb shit, but he could be bright when properly motivated. We were arguing the merits of persistently defined variables versus ones that could be defined in an array, on the fly as it were, when something from across the bar caught his eye. The way he took off, it was either another music hound or a bird. I didn’t care, but I had my money on a bird.pbrs.JPG

Tom Waits was playing on the jukebox. I definitely remember that. All smoke and hurt, the man’s voice just wrapped around me. I love that voice. The smoky, boozy, voice of reason bouncing off these little red walls. Oh crap, I was getting maudlin. I waved the waitress over and ordered two more doubles. The words completely fell out of my mouth, jumbled from a drunks tongue and too many teeth. She looked at me like I was crazy. At that moment, she would have been right.

She brings me my drinks. Sets them down on the table and fixes me with the look. I’m gonna get a lecture. She knows that I’m not going to start trouble here. I come here at least three nights a week, get stupid and stumble home. But she knows that some of the people I associate with here are… We’ll call them “Less Than Productive Members of Society”, mainly because calling them scumbags seems more harsh than I mean to be. They were good kids with bad habits, just like me. She also knows that most of them are in the bar tonight and that they’re headed towards raucous. So, she simply offers me warning and leaves me the drinks. She knows I’ll back them up if it goes down. But that’s not what tonight’s about. Tonight’s about erasing whatever I have left, dumping gasoline on it and watching that motherfucker burn. And if that doesn’t work, I’ll try again tomorrow.

Luck actually left the building at this point, turning when she got to the door and blowing me a kiss on her way out. The kid came back, looking satisfied. I’d been right, it was a bird. I smiled silently to myself as he lit a smoke. He told me he’s just run into a couple of people and that they’d be over shortly, both girls, both pretty. I was in no mood for fun. I had no time for frivolity. I called the waitress over again and asked for whatever she could fit into a rocks glass. She gave a little laugh at my joke, until she realized I was serious. She went back to the bar and I could see her whispering to the bartender…

That’s when they sat down. I know it was a they, because the kid stood up and greeted whoever sat on my left. She didn’t matter. The kid didn’t matter. Nothing in the room mattered except for the girl on my right. She was beautiful. Long black hair, amazing green eyes, freckles. My head was swimming suddenly and, for the first time in a long time, it wasn’t just the booze doing it. I actually had to exhale, simply because I had forgotten to breathe. She and the other two at the table started talking about a band, while I just sat there and stared. I was completely dumbstruck. Too drunk and out of practice to talk to a woman like that, I was grateful when the waitress returned with my drink. I drained it without thinking about it, lost in the curve of her neck and the way her eyes lit up when she got excited.

After five minutes of total silence on my part, I knew I had to leave. She’d be my ruin. My little plan of self destruction, so perfectly carried out until now, would be tossed out the window if she so much as smiled at me. I reached for my wallet, threw a handful of bills on the table and said goodnight to the kid. As I was putting on my jacket, she looked over at me and said “Nice to meet you”….. and smiled.

My knees started to buckle a little. “Dammit, boy!” said the voice in my head. She smiled at me. And I really wanted to smile back. I wanted to tell her sad stories of fallen kings and run my fingers through her hair as we listened to Bonnie Prince Billy on the stereo. I wanted to smell her close to me when I woke up in the morning. By god, I could do anything with this woman at my side. But my defenses were strong, strengthened by so many years of doing my self in and getting hurt.

“You didn’t.” I answered. And I walked out the door.

And that’s how I met my wife.

So, how about you ? How’d you meet your significant other ?

(small update... I said I'd do it and completely spaced... Photos were provided by my lovely wife... thank you, kitten....)

August 18, 2006

the great turtle conspiracy begins...

What are the chances?

As our turtle is getting ready to take over New York, this happens:

The common snapping turtle drew unanimous support in the Senate, but faced a slightly more cold-blooded reception in the Assembly, where it was approved 115-19. So noted: "The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: The common snapping turtle (chelydra serpentina) shall be the official reptile of the state of New York. This act shall take effect immediately."

This has gotta be an omen, right?

Gamera 1.jpg

Planets are aligning, dudes. Everything is falling into place. The turtle is king in New York.

This is your life

Today is another day that Turtle and I are kind of busy. But we never want to leave you without something fresh here. So today we just offer you a Question of the Day (which might be a future recurring thing). What's your theme song? What song defines you or your life or your outlook or would be played as your entrance theme if you were a WWF superstar? You know what we mean. What's your song?

Here is ours.


I have no clue why this song calls me. Maybe because it so defines me. Maybe cause the video (yes, there is a video) of them getting swept up in the desert heat and wind against their faces as they just kept playing. Sand in their faces and they just kept going. The evil power made them do this and it still makes me do this. The call to ask it all to stop but the power that makes you continue. You all have felt it. And you know how it feels. It feels good. And you will keep going.

The evil power of rock and roll. - T


I'll share a secret with you. I really do have a theme song. It plays in my head every day as soon as I get out of bed. I get up. Look in the mirror. Point and wink. And sing this to myself. Really, it should be playing all the time. I should carry a little cassette recorder around with me and just press "play" every time I enter a room. Because I like to make an entrance. In fact, when I meet turtle at the airport on Tuesday night, the first thing I'm going to say to him is:

Here I am. Rock you like a hurricane - M

These are the songs that we think are our own theme songs. It took up a bit of time to think of them and we both got headaches, but as always at FTTW, we got them out. Just think about what you would like playing as you walk into the forest of the unknown(?) and tell us yours. No explanation is needed.

Just what you want as your theme song.

So what is it?

August 17, 2006

board games and bored nights

Board games! This week will end out in games. We are trying to wrap up the schedule of guest writers that we promised you on Monday (yes, I know what day it is) and kick it out to you. The schedule is almost full but anyone who still has yet to send us anything, please try to do it soon. Other people on here would like to know their spots and we can't finish it til we have yours.

*Daily turtle rant done*

Board games. These were the things you played when your power went out or you were trapped in some god forsaken place with nothing to do. Always a few pieces missing and always wanting to cheat. We all played them and some were cool while others, like Chutes and Ladders, were just straight from the devil's pocketbook. Who can't remember playing Operation on methamphetamine and wondering why that god damn light kept blinking on that little fuckers nose. Seems the fat man can't take much pain.

But, we decided on three to do and we are really interested in ones we missed.


turtle rolls the dice first.


The best part about this game was cheating. That's all this game was about. Cheating. Spin the dial and look out the window. Yell "what's that!?" Then your friends gazing away as you became a heart surgeon. That's the way it works in real life. Gotta cheat to be ahead. Unless you get strapped down with kids. I always wondered if there should be new version of this game. Like a 2000 edition. Cause this 1950 shit don't cut it.

You got a bad tattoo. Move back five spaces and get a Hep-C test.

Cause that would be funny.


Hm. A lot of parts here. Lose one part and the game is ruined. zmouset.jpgA lot of metal balls, too. This whole game looks like some sort of weird gay sex toy that was used for some bdsm action. "Oh no! The mouse is coming for my anus!"

Maybe that's just me.

But after you set this game up, you just wanted it to end. Just to see everything in progress as a final note that you lost. The other kids cheered as you watched the cage come down on your mouse and that god dammed diver jumped into the pool. Meh.

At least there was no water in there. I hope he cracked his fucking head open.

Hungry Hungry Hippos

I call it a board game. Up in the air about this one. Although I've only played this with little kids, I have one thing to say to America. Stop giving your kids so much damn sugar. Man those little bastards could hit that plunger fast. It was like watching River Phoenix OD on cocaine. They plunged away for no apparent reason as I just watched and tried to get up to speed. These kids were beating me. But, I had an advantage. I was bigger. I took one of my hands and held the pink hippo's plunger down. That's one. Looked at the kid from across me and scowled. He slowed down. That's two. Looked at the kid next to me and threatened him with no eating McDonalds tonight if he didn't slow down. Three down.

Sure. I am a bully.

But my hippo wasn't hungry anymore. - T

michele gets into trouble:

That damn popping sound. Hated it, but was addicted to the game. I took no prisoners here. I went out of the way to land on your guy and send you back home and then I’d point at you and laugh. I was about ten years old when we were sitting around playing with the whole family. I couldn’t get out of the home slot. Needed a six. Pop. Pop. Pop. Kept getting 1s. Pop. 1. I yell WHY CAN’T I GET A FUCKING SIX? Mom chooses to ignore that. Pop. 6. I’ll be damned. It worked. My three year old sister goes next. Holds her hand over the popper. GIMME FUCKING SIX! I spent the rest of my night in my room, banned from Trouble. I could hear the popping going on for hours and my little sister saying FUCKING SIX over and over. And my mother muttering “I’m going to kill her.”

witch.jpgWhich Witch
What is the deal with these complicated set ups? Who the hell wants to play a game that takes six hours to put together? By the time I got the last of the walls up, the first two would collapse. Fuck it. Who needs this game anyhow? Who cares which damn witch is which? I just took the little plastic kids and the little plastic mice and some red food dye and I brought them into the bathroom and played “Let’s pretend the kids got eaten by mice and are now drowning in a pool of their own blood.” Hey, it’s better than when I found my son playing Bobbing for Barbie Heads.

Maybe I just hated games. Because this one drove me crazy, too. Hearing that timer wind down. Faster, faster. You knew that buzz was coming and the board would pop up and the pieces would go flying. I had to do it. Had to beat the clock. Get those pieces in. This is like a freaking IQ test. How many different ways can a parallelogram face anyhow? Fuck you. You are fitting in that hole. Get in there. I am not going to lose. God damn it. Get in there. Time is running down. My heart races, my hands shake, I panic and try to put the square peg in the round hole and shit just blows up everywhere. That’s pretty much the story of my life. I hate this game. -M

So that's our take on board games and bullies and hippos and hunger. Sometimes things need to be taken care of in order to win a game. Some alliegences needed to be formed. But, in the end we all had fun and maybe I gave some kids some nightmares, but really, I was going for McDonalds anyways.

These are our favorite board games.

What were yours?


If any of you don't know, Michele has agreed to marry me. Believe it or not. She can read all my stories and hear what I have done and for some weird reason she wants more. I have no idea why, but she does. Since this got out on another site last night and we both woke up to our names in the headlines, I think it is only fair to tell you too.

We are getting married and we invite all of you. For the after party. Alot of people from other sites will be there. One site in particular makes a habit of having parties. They will be there.

This will be next Thanksgiving. Hence all of the cranberry cake references that Michele has been making. We are planning a small family wedding then a huge after party with all that want to come. Somewhere in New York. The city like part.

I just want to say thank you to Michele for saying "yes".

And I want to say to you all.....

Bring you own god damn beer.

And lets have some fun.


Reply hazy, try again

Toys! Sure we all dispise the fact that they are so expensive now and we really hate buying them. They cost too much and aren't as much fun and meh. Who cares. The simple fact is that what we had is gone and the kids now have what they have. So if you are gonna put an onion on your belt, we don't want to hear it. We just want to hear about the things you played with in your past. Yes. Add your own sexual remark there. This is about things when you were a kid that made you happy and made you grab another soda for the caffine rush to keep going another few hours to just keep playing.

To get you guys on the ball, later tonight will be favorite board games then toys they should have made, but that's not right now. These are toys you loved as a kid. We picked three to talk about and really hope you tell us yours.

turtle throws down.

Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots

What can't so say about this. Beating the crap out of another robot. The feeling you got when his head popped up. Breakin' jaws robot style. This was pure adrenalin. Kiddie cocaine running thru you as you whacked the crap out of each other. Who was going down first? Well, my robots head is still down motherfucker. I can take a few more hits. Can you?


I love Legos and still do. Well. Till they got all Star Wars on me. Jesus. I can't afford 60 bucks to put together the battle ground of Hoth. They really ruined that by cutting kids creativity and forcing them in a preconceived shell. Yeah. I know. Get off my lawn. But, back in the day we would make huge multicolored castles and then stare at them in pride. Then take them outside, cover them in gas and light them on fire while yelling "The castle is under siege!"

Good times.

G.I. Joe

No. Not the original ones. These were the little figures that spawned the cartoon or comic book or maybe it was the other way around. Hell if I know. All I know was that after the battle was done, we would dunk the fallen soliders into gasoline, lite them on fire and tie them by their necks with dental floss and spin them above our heads till the plastic melted and the little solider would meet a true viking funeral. -T

Micheles shakes her own

Magic 8 Ball

This toy ruined me. It set me up for a lifetime of being indecisive. Should I wear the burgundy corduroys? Shake. Will I pass my math test even if I don’t study? Shake. Will I be ok if I smoke this? Shake. Should I major in English? Do I want French Toast for breakfast? Should I cut my hair like Sue Smith? Should I bail Doug out of jail? Shakeshakeshake. Co-dependency is a bitch. “Should I get rid of the Magic 8 Ball?” Shakeshakeshake. “Concentrate and ask again.” This went on for an hour. It was fucking with me. It had become sentient! I gave it to my sister. The next morning she was wearing burgundy corduroys and sporting a Sue Smith mullet.


Oh yea these were a great idea. Solid balls of marble? Plastic? I don’t know but they were hard as fuck. On this rope that you swung around. You were supposed to clack them togehter, for whatever purpose. Not sure what they were really meant for.klackers.jpg All I know is that they kept my enemies at bay. That bastard kid across the street who used to throw bricks at me? He got within two feet of me I’d be swinging my klackers around my head like a god damn Ninja. I made contact more than once. The sound of klacker meeting head is immensely satisfying.

E-Z Bake Oven

I sucked at baking then, I suck at it now. Doesn’t matter if I’m using a tiny oven powered by a light bulb or real grown up oven. Everything I bake comes out like shit. But I still loved that stupid oven. The tiny cakes. So cute. But I couldn’t get them to come out like my sister’s. Hers were always perfect. Mine were sunken and hard as hockey pucks. The EZ Bake oven taught me a valuable life lesson about recognizing when someone is better at something than you are and taking it gracefully. And that baking is for pussies. - M

Toys are fun. Mine seem to be about fire and violence, but that's just the way I am. Meh. I don't think about that too much. Micheles were about shaking balls and waiting for something magical to cum out. The fact is we both had fun.

So we told you ours.

What was yours? The favorite toy that you might be ashamed to admit, but hell dudes, I just told you I burned toys as a living, so yours can't be that bad.

So what were they?

August 16, 2006

now that the statute of limitations is over...

Stupid is as stupid does. And when you’re a kid, or a teenager, or even a very young adult, stupid pretty much goes with the territory. We all did things as kids that tempted fate or even death. Things that, if we could reach back into the past, we would slap ourselves upside the head for doing. Obviously, we got away with them because we are here to tell the tales. Here’s ours. What’s yours?

Michele is up first.

1980. I was 17. We had just graduated high school. That diploma didn’t phase us. We were still stupid. Doing stupid kid things. Dangerous, idiotic things.

When you’re bored on Long Island, the only thing to do is get in your car and drive. You leave your town and go find someone else’s town to be bored in. Yea, we still spent the night trying to figure out something exciting to do, but at least we weren’t doing it in front of our own house. Sometimes the question would get asked. What can we do besides sit here and get wasted? Sometimes the answer would be: North Shore. We’d pile into the car and drive, away from our middle class town and toward the place where the rich people live. Sometimes the answer would be more specific. Sweet Hollow Road. When someone said that, you knew what was coming. Because that wasn’t just a suggestion. It was a dare.

Sweet Hollow Road was this small dirt road that ran through some really secluded, private area. There were houses on either side, but they were set far, far back. Beyond the woods. Thick, giant oaks guarded the privacy of whoever lived in those huge houses back there. They blotted out any light from the homes. And there were no streetlights on Sweet Hollow Road. It wasn’t that kind of street. Utter darkness. The kind of dark that makes you wonder if anything outside of you exists at all.

The thing about Sweet Hollow Road, this unspoken but known thing, was that if you drove down it, you had to do it with your headlights off. And you had to pound the gas. If you took the road at 20 or 30 or even 40 everyone would hear about it the next day. Want to feel lame? Drive that road slow. Everyone will be calling you ‘Grandma’ the next day. Cause word gets around.

So this particular night, we pulled up into a school parking lot not far from the turnoff to Sweet Hollow. We sat in the car for a bit getting high and getting drunk and getting to be a really lethal combination of the two. Yes, even the driver. Yes, we were really fucking stupid. And then we took off. Mickey driving. Making the turn onto the dark, dark road. Headlights off.

I was sitting in the back. You have to know this about me first: I’m a complete wuss. I mean, I’d act all brave and excited when we did something like this, but I was really ready to shit my pants most of the time. Yet I kept going on these trips.. Sometimes I think the fear was more intoxicating than the vodka. And there we were, doing 60 on a road that called for 10, stoned out of our minds and Mickey pressing the lead as if we were being chased by a ghost. Which we might have been. Because those woods were haunted. So I hear.

We were all dead silent, fingernails dug into the fabric of the car seats. Just feeling the wind and the rush that comes with doing something so stupid. This road was winding. Not just a few curves, but winding like a freaking slinky. Mickey just had to feel the road out. Squint his eyes and figure out which way the road was curving now. Slamming back more beer while he did this. Everything quiet except the wind and the Clash coming from the cassette player.

Someone lights a cigarette
While riding in a car
Some ol' guy takes a swig
And passes back the jar
But where they were last night
No-one can remember
Somebody got murdered
Goodbye, for keeps, forever

Just driving. Mickey was doing good. I started to relax. Soon the road would open up and we’d be able to see the turnoff to the main strip. Soon. I sat back. Let the night air into my lungs. Sang along with the Clash.

And then. A bump. The car seems to jump into the air. We hear a loud cracking sound. Oh. Fuck. Me. We’re gonna die. I know Mickey has lost control of the car. Everyone screaming. What the hell? Mickey is yelling above us. We just hit a rock, he says. Or maybe a boulder. I don’t know. I just know the next day the story was saying we hit a wall of pure concrete. Cause word gets around.

Mickey’s girlfriend was screaming that we hit a body. I started rambling about UFOs. Leave me alone. I was toasted. Mickey, thought he saw a man crawl down from the hood of the car and smash the window with a rock. This, my friends, is how urban legends begin.

Either way, the sudden surprise of the crack! on the windshield caused Mickey to swerve. We go off into the woods, control lost, panic ensuing. Mickey manages to slam the brakes before right we hit one of the huge oaks. The car fishtails to a stop about one inch in front of this enormous tree trunk. We sit in silence for a few minutes. Everything is deathly quiet except the hesitant gasps of the still running engine and Joe Strummer. Singing Somebody got murdered, his name cannot be found. A small stain on the pavement, they'll scrub it off the ground.

I don’t know how long we sat there. Eventually Mickey backed the car up away from the tree. His girlfriend announced that she pissed her pants. Relief. I thought that smell was coming from me. Guess that was just beer in my lap.

We got back on Sweet Hollow Road. Drove toward the main strip. With the headlights on.

That was the last time I was on Sweet Hollow Road. -M

turtle is next

Who knows what night it was. We did this every night. Like some sort of sick twisted ritual that only took an hour out of our life but ruined people's check books for a while. Hey dude. Stupid things topic. Gimmie a break here. I've done so many stupid things in my life there is really too much to go into. One night of stupidity is sure as shit not gonna stick out in my mind as some be all end all dumbass thing to do. For me it had to repetitive. Stupidity on a day-by-day basis. We can all laugh at the Summer of Swayze, but we haven't even touched the completely ignorant things the turtle has done. You haven't even scratched the stupid surface of my shell yet.

Where I lived there was a four lane street going both ways. Pretty main street. It had a side road about five feet above it covered in bushes and dirt.kidstreet.jpg Forgotten road that gave us a look down on the main road while being protected from eyes while we drank beer and flipped cigarettes onto the road. Sitting on the road talking about some dumb movie, someone came up with an idea.

Let's go buy a couple dozen eggs and nail these fucking cars as they go by!

Ok. Four of us started this out. Every night. By then end of the week there 20 of us nailing cars as they passed. One car would go by.


*Remember to read the disclaimer kids. *

The last night we went out armed with about five dozen eggs. We didn't mean it to be our last night. This was just the end. Except we didn't quite know it yet. Slam a beer and grab an egg. Look down the street and see a car. Pulling thru going about 35 miles an hour. That was a cop. I know that shit. I yelled at everyone to hold fire as he pulled thru going slow with one of those damn cop lights. Searching for us. We hid and he continued. We were safe.

See here is the part of the story you should be saying to yourself "why didn't you just go home?"

Can't do that, mien readers. Quest for fun. We all got out of the bushes shaking and full of adrenaline. Looked at each other and decided that this will be it for the night. The next car gets all of it. God dammit, I'm not going home with eggs. I hate omelettes and I have a wild imagination so I don't want these in my possession. Lets do this.

Lights coming down the street. 1 AM and twenty kids loaded on bad beer and bad ideas. We were going to nail this car. That was it for the night. One more. One cop car should be a sign to go home, but we just took it as a warning to cool out. So we will. Just this last car and we are good. One more ruined night of a driver and the laughing of kids. Here it comes.


We covered that truck and laughed. We were out of eggs and done for the whaaaaaa???

The truck turned around in the middle of the street and stopped. Turned all of the lights on and searched for us with a spotlight. Great. A tow truck. Totally lit up it found one of our eyes and accelerated towards us. Fuck. Drove up thru the bushes over the embankment and on to our private street as we ran away. Most of us, read the ones being chased by a huge truck, went into a field behind an old abandoned church to hide in the grass. Overgrown grass. He wouldn't come in here. He couldn't.

He did.

Drove into the back and got out of his car. I looked at my friends and the fear on the faces. "You guys need to calm the fuck down, ok?" They looked at me and shivered. Great. At 13 I already had to take control when things go wrong. See, you wonder why I am like this? Here is the rest of the story. Maybe this will fill you in about me a little more.

The tow truck driver grabbed his CB and was talking to someone. Who? I fucking can't tell unless you shut the fuck up. I could hear back then! I could hear him mumbling as he pulled out a tire jack and whacked the side of his truck with it. What was he saying? Once again, I will be able to hear if you calm down and shut the fuck up.

"Anyone want to beat some punk ass kids ass tonight?"

Oh fuck.

"I'll be there." "Sure" "I'm right there." Gimmie three minutes" "I'll be there."

Oh double fuck.

What did he just say, turtle? Looked at about 12 kids and slowly told them that this might get ugly really quick. We have run out of room and this isn't gonna get any better. Our backs were crunched up against the fences of residential backyards. Not ones that you would go into unless you had to. We had to. tow.jpgSome kid started crying. More tow truckers were pulling up. The whole field was lit up. There was only a matter of time now. We couldn't stay. I knew it. They all pulled out tire irons and instead of checking bushes, they would just whack them with an iron then step on them hard. Move to the next and keep the same theme going. I surveyed my options as I looked around.

"Ok. We can't stay here. You see this and I see this. We need to hit that fence and keep running. We need to all do it on the count of three. Just stay calm and we will all get thru this alive, ok?"

Everyone agreed as we heard the swings getting closer.


Everyone got on their haunches as I kept watch on the progress of the tow truck drivers. They were yelling and getting closer to our spot. This had to be now.


The hair stood up on my neck as I kept looking at the drivers. 15 feet. Fuck. This is gonna be close. They heard me say "one" as I turned my back to them and focused on the fence. None of us were getting left behind if I had any say. The drivers were here.


Everyone bolted towards the fence.

Aww fuck.

Doesn't anyone get the 1 2 3 thing? Fuck. They were in a sprint as I sat there wondering why the public education system couldn't teach these idiots to count to 3. Anyways. Being last I bolted and helped some fat kid over the fence. I was the last one to go over. Some shitty yard with a doggie that was ignored and passed by everyone. I was on the top the fence and jumped down. Hit the ground. Fuck. I blew my ankle. The drivers were running back to their trucks to cut us off or climbing the fence. Gotta move, turtle. This hurts like fuck, but it's gotta get you thru tonight. I hit the front fence and got thru. The end of the street was filled with truckers driving down towards us. Kids running.

See, when you are faced with an option of limping down the street to get your ass beat by truckers or giving up to get your ass beat by truckers, you have to do the only sane thing.

Crawl underneath a car and wait till they pass.

And I still don't like eggs. - T

So that was a couple tales of stupidity and well, stupidity that we both have had in our past. We know you have some interesting tales.

We would like to hear them.

Cause that's what we do on FTTW.

New Bomb Turks - Dragstrip Riot
SNFU - The Quest For Fun

Shall We Play a Game v.2: Seven Words

Being that we are both a little busy today, and because yesterday's game was so much fun, here's another game for you all.

Describe your favorite (or just any) movie in exactly seven words.

Don't say what it is, either, so everyone can guess.

We'll start you off:

Guys go bowling, deal with some nihilists
Space station destroyed, stupid muppets do dance
You can kill zombies by throwing albums!
Kramer says life is like a mop

Guns, blondie and two enemies find gold
Taxicab driver can't sleep, helps a prostitute
End of Vietnam. Colonel's can't die themselves
You! Say hello to my little friend!
A fish is lost. Lame right fin.

Remember: EXACTLY seven words. It's a one rule game. Pretty simple.

And if someone guesses yours try to get back in here and tell them if they are right or wrong.

Have fun! And guess ours!

new york and del taco

I was driving around alone tonight, well I had my dog, but that's just a gimmie, but I watched the lights pass by me and smelled the California air. It was so cool. So fresh. I wondered what New York would be like as I shifted gears and pushed it into fifth. Kept driving and passed all the buildings and thru all the traffic. night-driving.jpgThe sounds of honking as I kept going thru the streets. Back alley here and there. A few more obscenties yelled. A little more dirt on my car. Dust, smog and nicotine had formed a mighty bond on my windshield. I tried to clean it to see, but it really didn't matter. All I could do was look forward. Look into the future. What is coming up next. My hair was blowing and the night wind was sucked into my lungs. Stopped at a store and walked out to get something to eat. Prostitutes and gangsters sat around as I talked to a few of them. Just a basic "fuck you" talk as I pushed by them. This is California. This was good. My mind wandered. "So what will happen in seven days?" I got my cheap ass Del Taco and my mind went again. Light a cigar and pet the dog. Push down the accelerator and wonder how fast I could sell my car. Who would take my dog till I get settled and what the fuck was going to happen. I mean I've been everywhere, but never went to a place that I knew I was going to live for the rest of my life.

I stepped out of the car and shoved back some more cheap food and wondered if this crappy cheap Mexican food that I've been making fun of my whole life would be the last time it touches my tongue. Hell. No more Del Taco. I covered it in hot sauce and let my dog out. Walked up to my apartment while watching two bums fight over something. Fuck, I don't care anymore. Beat the shit out of each other for all I care. All I can do is be happy that the girl is asleep and doesn't need to hear this happening on the phone. To tell me I need to get out of there one more time. Open the door and hit the TV. The dog hit the "Michele Couch" and crashed out. The dog's done. She's asleep. I ate a few more bites and walked out to the dumpster to throw the rest of my food out. The bums were passing a bottle back and forth now. I guess the fight was over? Or maybe just a break? I walked back inside and sat down. Grabbed the remote. Turned on the stereo and thought about my future. I love California. But I love America more. I can change. What's a few funny accents and the Atlantic Ocean gonna do? Change me? Fuck no. I've been this way since I was born and bred into my lifestyle.

You can't break me, New York. If California can't do it, you have a snowballs chance in hell of getting me on my knees.

I will be there.

And I will be there to stay.

Get used to it.

But, they better have good sushi in New York or I'm walking, god dammit.

That's my only rule. - T

August 15, 2006

revenge is sweet and so are you

Tonight is just a night where we just wanted to fuck around. We really had no motive behind this. I would like to say that this was inspired by another story that came in to us. Actually by two stories. See, when you guys send us stuff, it inspires us to do different things. Some work. Some don't. Meh. We try. So tonight is just us fucking around and trying to make ourselves smile. As you'll see, we ended up with a common theme. We hope you enjoy.

turtle is up

He didn't have much in his life. Not a whole lot. A truck and some cans with a mortgage due on a broken down house in the middle of Nowhere, USA. He didn't mind it at all. In fact it was always nice to wake up with the smell of paint and rotting wood surrounding him. His house was old and dead. He lived for only one thing. And that one thing he held close to his heart.

He painted houses day in and day out. Sweated on the grass. Climbed ladders and pushed away bees. Ate bad food from Roach Coaches and and felt like he was doing what god wanted hin to do. This was his calling. Through the pain he would push. He was your holy painter.

The seams of his pants rubbed in his skin everyday as he kept painting. Had to paint and had to go on. He had no name. Like the janitor at a local high school, just a man to be looked at and feel sorry for. He ran his brush up and down the side of a house he had never seen before just for his paycheck. Something to get booze so he could get creative again for Vanilla White #5 house paint. Something to make the night to go away til he could get back to his true passion of house painting. He shined when he painted. He could paint like the best of them. Make the paint even and make everything look like new. Spackle here and paint there. The house looked like new.

Sometimes he cried after he looked at his work. He loved this feeling. Drunk on the fumes of the paint and on adrenaline he would perfectly mach the colors while telling the family dog how he was an artist.

This was his pride. This was his love. This was his profession.

One day he was painting in the blistering sun. Sweat running down everywhere as he gasped for air. He still kept painting, I was his love after all, so he had to give his all.

He sweated and sweated til he couldn't breathe anymore. The house was done. The paint was drying. He asked the owner of the house in his exhausted breath for a beer.

She said she didn't give beer to the help.

He looked at her as she walked away and scowled. He looked at his work and scowled. All he ever wanted was to paint a house. To smell the turpintine and get a buzz as he painted for the rest of his days. For his art. For his glory. For the house. But now a simple request was denied and his art form was turned into something cheap. Something easy. .
Something that could be thrown away like a piece of newspaper or an empty beer can.

All he wanted was a beer. All she wanted was a painted house.

She wanted a house that was painted?

Oh, she will get one. -T

michele's turn:

Revenge of the Woman of Kleenex

The lady says to her:
“So, let’s get this profile of yours started. What exactly are you looking for in a man?
“A cape and a sword."
“Come again?”
“A cape and a sword. And he should look good in tights.”
The lady nods her head politely, but her eyes are saying “this one’s out of her fucking mind.”
“Right. Cape. Sword. Tights.” She puckers her lips tightly. “Seems like you’re looking for a superhero.” She chuckles as she says this.
“Yes. I am.”
“Aren’t we all, sweetie? Except mine would be wearing a silk robe and boxers.”
Anna nods absently.
“Anyhow,” puckered-lip lady continues, “Any specific traits you’re looking for?”
“Some kind of superpower. But not stretching. Been there, done that.”
“Superpower? You mean like breathe underwater or something of the sorts?”
Anna throws back her head and laughs loud.
“Has he been by here? You would think after all this time he would just come clean and hit the gay personals.”
anna.jpgLip lady drums her pen on the desk. She puckers again. Anna thinks it could be a nervous habit.
“I’m not sure I’m following you here,” she says. “Are you some kind of reporter for a satire magazine?”
Anna exhales loudly.
“I am,” she says slowly just in case lip lady is not quite the bright light she makes herself out to be, “looking for a man.”
“Right. Man with cape, sword, tights, and flying ability.”
“Did I say flying? No, I didn’t.”
“So, you’re open to other umm...superpowers?” Her lips get even tighter and they form a small, red-stained “o” and Anna thinks that lip lady looks like a balloon that’s about to pop.
“I’m open to anything that’s not stretching or flying.”
“You’re serious, aren't you?”
“You know what the odds are, lady?”
“I’m quite aware.”
“Tell you what. Let’s skip over this part for now and get to you.” The lips unpucker and Anna can see red lipstick on the lady’s otherwise gleaming teeth. She says nothing. The lady stifles a yawn and continues.
“Do you have any hobbies?”
“I like scaling walls in my spare time.”
“Mmmhmm. So....you’re an athlete?”
“You could say that.”
“I will.” Lip lady taps, taps, taps the pen. She puckers and unpuckers and Anna thinks of fish.
“Would you prefer an athletic man?”
“If you mean leaping tall buildings athletic, yes.”
“Lady, every woman who comes in here is looking for Superman in one way or another.”
“What? You think Superman is the only one who can leap tall buildings? I’ll have you know that he does not own a patent on that superpower.”
Lip lady is getting frustrated. She’s doing the fish thing with her mouth constantly now and tapping her pen on the desk.
“Can you not be so obtuse, miss? I’ve got a bunch of other women out there who will most likely cut the chase and ask for a SM/NS/DF and be done with it.”
“Well then, they will just be settling. There are million SM/NS/DFs in this city. And I bet hardly a one of them has a sword and a cape.”
“Let me guess, you’re looking for that specific one that does.”
Anna smiles. “Obviously.”
Lip lady thumbs through the papers on her desk, looking harried and impatient the whole time.
“I’ve got a D&D player uptown.”
“I’ve got a stage actor on Long Island. He does Shakespeare so there’s sure to be tights and a sword invovled.”
Lip lady is puckering fast and furious now and is just about to give up when a yellowed, wrinkled paper falls out from the pile she is holding.
“Hmm..what’s this?”
Anna leans forward and tries to read along with Lip lady.
“If you are looking for a super man with super power, that’s me. Don’t be afraid of a man in a cape, ladies. You never know what’s underneath that cape until you try.”Anna notices a big “C” marked in red ink across the top of the paper.
Anna smiles.
“We keep the Cs around just for shits and giggles.”
“Well that shit and giggle is mine.”
Lip lady rolls here eyes. “This paper has been around here since 1991. I don’t even know if he’s still at this number or is even still looking for a woman. For all I know, he’s at a science-fiction convention right now dressed as Luke Skywalker.”
“You know so little, ma’am, it’s scary.”
Lip lady looks like she’s about to say something but instead tucks the paper into Anna’s file and makes the fishy face.

“I’ll try to get in touch with him and give him your fact sheet. You can take it from there.”
Anna stands up and walks out. Not a handshake or thank you. Just walks on out the door, and doesn’t see Lip lady taking out a red marker and scrawling a big “C” across Anna’s paper.

Anna’s phone rings two days later.

“Hello, is this Single Girl looking for Superhero?”
“Coffee at 5 today?”
“Meet me in front of the candy shop by Penn Station. I’ll be the one wearing...”
“A cape,” Anna finishes.

5pm. Right on time. Anna sees him standing in front of the candy shop. His cape is black, lined with purple silk. He sword is hidden under the cape, but she knows it’s there. His hair is slicked back in that obnoxious, macho way. She looks for the scar above his eyebrow, just to make sure. It’s there, bright and ugly. She gets a flash of anger when she sees the scar and remembers how he got away the last time. She will not disappoint her crew again.

Cape guy stands there. Waiting. Expecting a beautiful single woman who will fall madly in love with him upon first sight. He doesn’t even give a thought to explaining to a mere mortal why he lives underground and why he can crush a two ton SUV with his bare hands. He just wants a warm body in bed next to him when he comes home from a hard day trying to save the world.

Anna approaches him, her finger steady on the laser gun in the deep pocket of her fur coat. She can tell by the smarmy look on Captain Crusher’s face that he is still the shallow, egocentric man she once worked for. Still the guy who thinks he can get by on just his looks. And his bone-crushing abilities.

She gets within two feet of Crusher, slips her hand out of her pocket and aims the laser gun at him.

In an instant it’s over. The invisible laser has struck Crusher in his crotch. The one place he doesn’t shield with laser-resistant lead. He always had this fear that the lead would make him impotent. Some super beings have an Achille’s heel. Crusher had an Achille’s dick.

As the rush-hour crowd hovers over Crusher, assuming that the crazy guy with the cape had some sort of stroke, Anna makes her way back down the stairs, into the deep of Penn Station.

Her crew will be pleased, indeed. But not as pleased as she.

[anna created at hero maker]
[title of story is in reference to this ] -M

So that's what we did this night. Just totally let things go and somehow we both worked our way back to revenge. It's what happens. I told you we think alike. One day I'll wake up with a horse's head in bed next to me or she will be cover in blood at her high school prom reunion. We work like that. No. Not really. I really hate horses and she wants to become a zombie so I think those methods of revenge will be more like Anniversary gifts. We work like that. These are our revenge stories. What are yours?

Shall We Play A Game?

Something simple, yet fun for today. We're gonna play a game called Band Sausages. I don't know what the name really means, I got it from somewhere else a long time ago, but I think it has to do with the way they cram all those meat-by products into that rubbery stuff to make one big sausage.

So what's a band sausage? Basically it's stuffing a bunch of bands together to make one. Oh, I get it now!

The rules: Take as many bands as possible and squeeze their names together to form a new band. For example; Vanilla Ice Cube, using Vanilla Ice and Ice Cube. Barry White Lion. Agnostic Front 242.

See how this goes? You can throw together as many as you want. In fact, the longer the band sausage you come up, the more we will admire you. And you know what admiration from FTTW will get you. Laid? That would be cool.

So it's pretty simple. Take some bands. Throw their names together to make a longer band name. Get laid. Or not.

Here's some of ours:


Grateful Dead Kennedys
Sonic Youth Brigade
Iggy Pop Will Eat Itself
Dropkick Murphys Law


Geto Boys II Men
A Perfect Cirlce Jerks
Bouncing Soul 2 Soul
Brand New Bomb Turks

Now get thinking and give us your sausage!

August 14, 2006

Fishin' and giggin'

So continuing with our food day ideas, and cause some of us promised to tell you stories, we continue with the theme. This is about hunting for food. Yeah, I know. Sometimes it's gruesome and for some strange reason it happened mostly in our childhood. We are both not hunters and what other people do is their own business. We are not PETA and we really don't care what you say or do, but the simple fact of the mater is, we both did it. Hunting for food.

Here are ours.

turtles gig.

Frog Giggin'

Oh, I could tell you I stared down the mighty buck horns of a deer with a rifle, but I haven't. I could tell you I have 12 gauged a beautiful pheasant out of the sky, but I haven't. I could tell you I fought a grizzly bear to the ground and killed it with a toothpick, but I haven't. Well, I have eaten Ostrich burgers before, so I guess that kinda counts. Them ostrich birds needed to be in my belly. They needed to be eaten. I took care of that. See. Hunting man turtle.

But, lets get on to funny stuff.


Woke up at 2 in the morning with a spear to my chest and some whiskey smelling guy telling me to get up and get dressed. What the fuck was this all about. We are going where? To a lake? Ok. Let me find my shoes. One thing I have learned in life is not to talk shit when someone has the spear of fucking the Merman King from "The Little Mermaid" shoved in your chest. Just get up and put your shoes on. Slam a beer and keep moving. Something was handed to me as my Grandpa asked me if it was too heavy.

Too heavy for what?

FROG GIGGIN'!FrogGigRN3200.gif

Oh christ. Gramps must have been on an all night bender for this idea to show up from nowhere. I mean we are talking about olympic fucking drunk if he and his buddies wanted to go giggin' at 2 in the morning. Like Greg fucking Loganis like drunk. Oh shit. Were talking the Miracle on Ice of alchoholism here. They held the gigs above their heads like the damn Stanely Cup and tied them down to the car. Oh christ. Someone needs to pass out here so I can go back to bed.

No one was falling.

The giggin' was on.

Whiskey was passed around as the strong smell of booze and blood was coming from somewhere. I didn't ask. I didn't want to know. If someone tells you in slurred words that you are "learning culture you damn son of a bitch" you just kinda go with the flow. Swerving along the highway with people singing about something. Shit. I still didn't know what I was supposed to do.

Three in the morning. An aluminum boat was found and we were dragging it to the water. A gig was handed to me. Small instructions about flashlights in their eyes as I gigged them. What? Something about how they froze when a light hits them. My confusion and questions were answered with "You just gig them!" This is not telling me much. I looked at this weapon. Three barbed prongs attached to a ten foot pole. Stick a frog and pull it back in. Put it in the bag, then we move on. My thoughts of over the counter liquor were dashed as Grandpa started in on the corn whiskey. Oh crap. All we need is Boss Hog yelling at us with Enos and we are as fucking white trash as could be.happy-frog.gif

I thought this was California?

I started to fade out as I heard "Gig!" from the front of the boat. What? What the hell happened there? A squirming frog was brought back on board and shoved into a burlap sack. "Gig!" Whoa! These guys are having fun! Killing frogs and pounding back moonshine! "Gig!" Oh, I'm so full into this. I pulled my flashlight and saw one. Big bullfrog. Beutiful eyes. Croaking wildly. These were the Kings of the Night. They were the Keepers of the Lake. Their strength and pride kept these waters clean. The look on the face of the frog was almost to much to take. He looked at me and almost silently asked me if I thought I could take him.


I nailed that little fucker thru the mud.

Kings of the Night?

Kings of the Kiss My Ass, Dinner - T

Michele takes a shot at it. Get it? Hunting? Well, I thought it was funny.

Hunting for food.

Let’s get something straight here. I don’t do it. It’s not because I’m some animal activist. Cow is my favorite food group. It’s a combination of laziness and an ignorance is bliss thing. I don’t need to know how you gut a fish after you catch it. I just need to know that the fish will eventually end up on my plate with some lemon, garlic and butter. Really, the only thing I hunt for is an open fast food joint when I’m on a road trip late at night. Preferably a Taco Bell. Those meximelts are hard to catch, you know.

When I was little and spent most of my summers upstate, we’d go fishing a lot. Trout fishing in America. Wasn’t that the name of an album? I vaguely remember that. Anyhow, I’d sit in the boat, crying that I wanted to go back to shore because I hate being in the water. My cousins would rock the boat to make me cry harder. And then they’d catch a fish and shove it in my face. fishing.jpgThe fish would be squirming and wriggling. I’d cry harder. Well, what do you want from me? I was about eight. Maybe nine. Ok, it could have happened when I was 14, too. But a flopping fish in the face? And knowing I was staring eye to eye with my dinner? I’d look at the hook stuck in the corner of the fishie’s mouth. The look of abject terror on its face. Cry some more. This is why I can’t watch that Faith No More video. The flopping fish. It’s a post traumatic thing. Brings back memories of being on Lake Muskoday with a smelly, dying trout staring at me, pleading with me to save it, send it back to its family in the lake.

Later on I’d go in the kitchen and see Grandma standing there with this cleaver thing, chopping the heads off the fish. Cry some more. Tell everyone how cruel they are. Think of the poor fish families who lost loved ones today.

Then dinner time would come. Fish! Straight from the barbecue! Lemon, butter, garlic. Corn on the cob. The bulging eyes, the hooked mouth, the face of the fish turning into Mr. Limpet as I watch it flopped around....all that disappeared as I shoved back mouthfuls of delicious fish.

So, yea. My noble feelings for fish and all edible animals only goes so far. I’ll be happy to eat the fuckers. Just don’t make me watch you go in for the kill.

Another food product that came by way of upstate was deer. The first time I was asked to taste venison, I had visions of Donder and Blitzen in my head. I thought Santa would be really pissed off if I started eating reindeer. So my uncle explained that these weren’t exactly reindeer. Then my cousin explained how there was no Santa Claus. Well, thanks a lot you son of a bitch. I cried. Yea, I cried a lot. And my aunt shoved a plate of venison in front of me to shut me up. I tried it. It was pretty damn good. So I came to look forward to the winters when my uncles would bring deer meat home from upstate.

Because that’s what they did, right? They brought the deer meat home. In neat little packages. I never gave much though to the fact that they actually shot the deer and dragged the deer back to the car and then drove home with the deer tied to the roof rack like some carnival prize. Other hunters beeping their horns and giving the thumbs up when they saw how many antlers your prize had. I never gave much though to how the deer went from being a whole, albeit dead, animal to being pieces of meat covered in onions and mushrooms on my dinner plate. Who needs to know that? I don’t ask how my cows or chickens are killed. I don’t care what Wilbur had to go through to become my bacon sandwich. I just want to eat. I am carnivore, hear me roar.

One night pretty close to Christmas - I was about ten - I was sitting on Grandma’s breezeway (that’s kind of like an patio) with my cousins. The same cousins who shoved fish in my face and killed Santa for me. I think Grandma had kicked us out of the house because we were making fun of Wheel of Fortune. So we sat out in the cold talking about Christmas. deer1.jpgOne cousin says to me that he knows where my parents hide my Christmas presents. No shit? Now, I’m a pretty impatient person when it comes to stuff like that. Just ask Turtle. He keeps dropping hints about my birthday present and I keep yelling at him that I need to know NOW. I don’t really like surprises. I’m all about instant gratification. So when my cousin says he knows where the presents are, I get curious. I just want to feel a few boxes. Shake a few. Figure out how many boxes are clothes as opposed to toys. This way I know how much fake joy I have to put out on Christmas morning. Oh. Yay. A pair of bellbottoms. You shouldn’t have. Really. So, my cousin tells me: Presents. In the garage. He points to the door right behind him. Well, it kind of makes sense. They’ve stored stuff in Grandma’s garage before. This wasn’t so out there. He says we should go look. Just for a few minutes. Someone else would play lookout. Ok. Fine. Let’s do this. He turns the knob slowly. It’s completely dark out now, and pitch black in the garage. I fumble for the light. Flick it on.


Deer. Dead. Deer. Hanging from the rafters of the garage like some suicide scene straight of The Far Side. There were two. I think one was hanging by its neck. The scene kind of morphed in my head as time went on so I’m not sure. All I know is one was whole, except for a bullet wound. The other one was. Well. Open. Slit open. Gutted.

I swayed on my feet. Sucked in my breath. My cousins were hysterical laughing but their voices seemed to be coming from far, far away.

I stared. I couldn’t take my eyes off those deer. Off the guts. The bullet wound. The eyes. Donder. Blitzen. I wasn’t aware that I was screaming until my uncle came running into the garage to see what was going on. He grabbed me by my waist, turned off the light and brought me back outside. I was crying. I called my cousins stupid fucking bastard assholes. No one yelled at me. Let’s face it, that was a mean ass thing to do. I spent that whole night trying to fight off nightmares about deer with guts hanging out of them chasing me through the woods. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Donder and Blitzen hanging from the rafters.

The next day was Sunday. Dinner at Grandma’s. Besides the usual pasta, there was venison. A plate was pushed in front of me. Cousins staring at me, watching. Waiting for me to cry or scream or call them fucking bastard assholes. My mind flashed for one second on the hanging deer. Those two dead guys whose insides were now sitting in my plate.

Smothered in onions and mushrooms.

Dinner time! -M

That's our hunting stories. As you can see, we really never did any big hunting. Not with guns and stuff. Well, one of us spent way too much time playing Deer Hunter on the PC. But we're not gonna say which one. So what about you guys? Ever hunted for food? Got a story to tell us? Don't tell me about that time you hunted the great white shark, either. I know you weren't on that boat with Quint. And yea, I guess going clamming counts as hunting for food. But blueberry picking? Not so much. Blueberries don't scream when you pick them. Just so you know where we're at here. Hunting stories.

What have you got?

NOFX - Clams Have Feelings Too
Kermit - It's Not Easy Being Green

tastes just like chicken, they say

We’re still thinking about food from this morning’s post. Well, we think about food a lot. I like food. Food tastes good. But not always. Sometimes you run into some bad food. Something that makes your stomach turn. Sometimes what you think is a bad food, someone else thinks is great. Like a cow’s eyeball. Don’t look at me, look at turtle. He’s the one who ate that.

So we’re gonna talk about gross food today. What’s the grossest thing you ever ate? What’s disgusting to you that’s normal to other people? Or what weird food combos do you eat that make other people look at you all weird like?

Notice how we waited til after lunch time to post this. We’re good like that. We always have our readers in mind. So get gross on us. Let’s talk about disgusting food.

turtle grosses you out first:

The Grossest?

Cow eyeball

The grossest thing I ever ate was really more of a joke, I think. I'm still not sure if it was what an honor to eat it was. I was out at a ranch and we were BBQing up a cow and the eye was pulled out and handed to me. They all said it was an "honor" to be given the eyeball, so I chomped it back. Gooey and greasy with a exploding inside. I think they were just fucking with me, but meh, it's food. This is the reason hot sauce was made.

Sea urchin

This has to be a joke.SeaUrchinRoe.jpg
I'm paying seven dollars to gag to get this food down? Trust me. I eat anything I have been given, but jesus christ man, make me work for my dinner. No amount of tobiko or wasabi could cover this taste. Jesus. There’s something wrong with this. I nailed them back and chased them down with water. No bueno. No more.


Ok. I grew up eating it on Sunday's cause someone was too hungover to think. I don't know if it helps hangovers, all I know is chewing cow stomach is like watching Cher on acid. Something that you wonder why you are doing it, but have to keep going. Chew chew. Snapping turtle.


You really never know the feeling of pulling up a fish from a canal that will be your dinner while the fish is still choking on a half eaten drowned rat. Grandpa pulling out the rat telling you how this will be a good one. Oh god. That was bad.

I'll never fucking eat catfish again in my life.

What do I eat that no one else likes?

Hamburger Helper

Imma gonna have to go with the helper. Hamburger Helper. No, it's not fucking poor people food and no, it's not ghetto food. This is sold everywhere and I love it. Don't mock me when you wake up in the morning and see me nailing back cold helper. I love it. Always have and always will. That's good stuff. And it's even good without the hamburger.

Frog legs

I love them. They are kind of cool. I'll do a story on "Frog Giggin" in a few days so you guys will know what is involved in the giggin' of the frogs. But, it's kind of fun to nail those little guys with a spear and throw them in a bag for grandma to pull apart. Those are good, dude.


sardines.gifThat's right. Straight out of the tin. On some crackers and in front of the TV. That's a snack. You get a feeling of power as you shove those whole fishies back. "Please don't eat me!" I never stop laughing as I eat those. Plus, no one steals them from you while you are eating. Want to fuck your roommates up? Order a pizza with double anchovies. The party killer pizza. And it's what I like. - T

michele gets gross:

Gross foods. Really, I haven’t eaten a lot of gross things. I have refined dining tastes, I guess. Or picky. I’ve never tried pigs feet or lamb’s tongue or cow’s eyeballs. Then again, one person’s gross is another person’s delicacy. Like right now, I’m eating cottage cheese. I know that someone will gag upon reading that. Different strokes and all.

Gross foods I’ve eaten:

Egg Foo Yung: The grossest thing I ever tasted is something probably most of you like. I had this for the first time when I was about ten. My first thought was “this is like eating someone else’s snot.” Many years later I decided to give it another try. Mainly because the Chinese place got my order wrong and it was either starve or try it. I dug in. My first reaction: “this is like eating someone else’s snot.” And then I puked it back up.

Brussel Sprouts: Again, lame. I know. A lot of people like these guys. But to me, they are like little, feet-smelling balls of mush. The texture makes me gag. The smell makes me gag. The taste is so bad that even my dog wouldn’t eat them when I tried to sneak them off my plate and under the table to him.

pottedmeat.jpgGross foods I would never eat.

Potted Meat: What the hell is this shit? I don’t even want to know the ingredients. But I do want to know why someone would purposefully eat something that looks like it came out of a baby’s diaper. Along with potted meat, there are vienna sausages (mmm..fat baby fingers), pork brains in milk gravy and, of course, Spam.

Gross foods I love:

Elvis sandwiches: I only tried this once. And I don’t know if it was an authentic Elvis sandwich or not. It was peanut butter, bacon, bananas and butter. Deep fried. Holy shit was that good. Sure, there was a fist of fat clenching my heart the whole night and grease was leaking out of my pores for days and I gained 100 lbs and found myself wearing a white jumpsuit and singing hunka huna burning love but sweet jesus, did that taste good.

hotdogs.jpgMom’s special dinner: Mom actually made this for dinner one night. She told dad it was a special treat. When she put it down on the table in front of him he just blinked. The rest of us dug in. Hot dogs, wrapped in bacon and cheese and deep fried, served over a bed baked beans, with sauerkraut on the side. Dad just kept staring at mom like she lost her mind. He wasn’t eating? More for us! Dad went out to eat and me and my sisters spent the rest of the night having a farting contest. -M

So that is our take on the weirdest, grossest and strangest food we have ever seen or seen being eating. You will notice that we waited before, or after, your lunchtime to post this.

Because we at FTTW care.

We are like that.

Enjoy your lunch and tell us what is the weirdest grossest and strangest food you have ate?

Clutch - Animal Farm

Sundays with friends and family

It's Sunday and there is nothing to do. Sure we can cook alone and hang out by ourselves and listen to music, but really, what we always wanted to do was hang out with our friends and family. Something we all do. BBQ's with friends and family. Drinking a lot and playing golf. As long as you had some kind of fun, everything was cool. That's the way it works.

Gatherings. Not really parties. Just more of a chance to hang out with family and friends and smell the food being cooked as you listened to a story about some relative or someone who broke their leg. Things you might not wanna hear, but you do it for one reason.

The food.

So today's story is about the one thing that holds all people together.

Sunday food, familes and friends.

These are our memories.

Michele is up first today.

It’s Sunday afternoon. 2:00. I’m about 11 years old. Time for dinner at Grandma’s.

2:00 dinner? It’s an Italian thing. Some kind of pasta - usually ziti, but sometimes rigatoni or spaghetti and, on special occasions, ravioli.pasta.jpg Or cavatelli. That was always home made. Lasagna, that was for holidays. Easter, Christmas. Oh, and penne. And rotelli - the curly pasta.

I walk across the street to Grandma’s at about noon. I sit at the table and watch her make the sauce. She lets me help her with the meatballs. Wash my hands. Squish up the eggs and bread crumbs and ground beef. Roll them into balls and pop them into the sauce pot with the sausages. That smell. The sauce cooking, the sausage, the meatballs. You could walk outside and half a block away and still inhale the aroma coming out of Grandma’s window. That’s the smell of my childhood. The smell of family and happiness.

Everyone comes over at 2. Aunt, uncles, cousins. Dozens of us. We all live on the same block, so it’s not hard to get us together. Kids sit in the kitchen, adults gather in the dining room. Oh, to be part of the “big people” table. I see my older cousins moving up, graduating from the kitchen to the grown ups where they have real conversations about war and taxes and things that make my Grandma blush. In the kitchen, we talk about cartoons and baseball cards. You don’t realize when you’re a kid that the kiddie table is probably the better place to be. “Nixon is a bastard” vs. “I’ll give you a mat of firecrackers for you Bud Harrelson card”? If only I could still sit at the kid table.

Grandpa sits with us today. He does that sometimes to get away from all the talk. He doesn’t care about Nixon or taxes or Aunt Carol running away with the mailman. He just cares about his wine. And he shares the love of his wine with us. A wine connoisseur, he’s not. Just a drinker. He keeps his wine in jugs. Glass, gallon sized jugs that he hides all over the house. Grandma doesn’t like the drinking. Well, she doesn’t like that Grandpa drinks all day long. So they play this little game. He hides the wine. She finds it. Down the drain it goes. Grandpa pulls another jug out of his ass! Grandpa wins! So when Grandpa sits at the kiddie table, we know we are in for a treat. Wine! Not just wine, but singing, too. A glass or two down the hatch and we get the whole Jimmy Roselli catalog.

Grandpa’s clever with the wine he gives us. He cuts up peaches and apples. Slices them with a pocket knife and dumps a few slices of each into our soda glasses. Then tops off our soda with red wine. See, the fruit makes it nutritious. Healthy. He’s just doing right by us.

That doesn't always play well. At least not today. Grandma comes into the kitchen and sees all the kids sitting around the table, holding glasses of fruit/soda/wine toward Grandpa in an Alla Salute! pose. Grandma freaks. She moves in like a cougar and in one move, swipes the jug away from the table, turns toward the sink and pours the wine down the drain. No matter how many times we've seen this, it's still horrifying. That's Grandpa's treasure. He made that wine himself. Us kids stomped on the grapes just last week. After all that work, after breaking all those child labor laws to help Grandpa make his wine, it's like watching blood being poured from a wound. My grandfather, the Wine Martyr. It's not even the loss of the wine that's so horrifying; there are a hundred more jugs just like it hidden away in the garage. It's the act of draining the wine from the bottle, the balls of my grandmother to take that one thing, that one joy my grandfather has. something he made, and discard it like that, right in front of him, while hissing Va fa 'nculo! under her breath We freak out. One cousin thinks we should make a run for it. But Grandma turns on us next.

“Now you will drink every bit of that wine in your glasses!”

Huh? Was she talking to us? After all her bitching and screaming about Grandpa giving us wine, she's forcing us to drink it? I think it’s supposed to be some sort of punishment and I wonder if it's directed towards us or towards Grandpa.

“Now! Drink it!”

We all lift our glasses and drink the wine down, afraid of what grandma will do if we don't follow through. You might think is a good thing, but none of us had ever drank a full glass of wine before, with or without peaches. We're lightweights for Italians. Hell, we are all 12, yet to grow into our drinking genes. After three sips the wine burns my throat. One of my sisters gags. Someone sobs.

“You can’t leave the table until you are all done.” She points at Grandpa. “And you, you can’t get up until they are done, either.”

I get it now. She's punishing us for being on Grandpa’s side. jugwine.jpgFor conspiring with him and his peaches and apples, knowing full well that this kind of stuff makes Grandma have a cow. I think about switching sides. Grandpa is mellow. He won’t care if I bail on him. But Grandma, she can call down the wrath of God. She’ll make him hit me with lightning or something. I could turn on Grandpa easy. Just tell Grandma she is right. Save myself some Catholic punishment.

Just then, Grandpa starts singing.

When the moon hits your eye like a big-a pizza pie, that's amore!

We look at each other and shrug. What the hell. We sing: That’s amore!

Grandpa grins. Grandma scowls.

When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine,

Grandpa looks our way. We sing. that's amore!

We sing, sip our wine and watch Grandma morph into some seething, purple monster. We drain the glasses, slam then down like cowboys in a saloon and head into the living room, feeling a little bit lightheaded. We leave Grandma and Grandpa alone in the kitchen, where they will fight it out. Again.

By the time that argument is over, the dishes are done, coffee is made and the kids all run outside. We play basketball or kickball or steal someone’s cigarettes and go up to the school yard to practice inhaling.

Another Sunday dinner gone.

After Grandpa died in 1991, the dinners faded away. Grandma didn’t want to do it anymore. She just sat around and pined for Grandpa. For the guy she yelled at 24/7, the guy she called every name in the Big Book of Italian Insults, the guy she beat with a spatula, the guy she scowled at all the time. Maybe that’s all we saw because that’s all we knew to look for. All I know is that when Grandpa died, Grandma went on strike. If she couldn’t cook for her man, she wouldn’t cook for anyone.

That’s amore. - M

Turtles up



Whoo! I guess none of this really matters to anyone any more since we aren't in High School, but it still is a summer tradition. BBQ's. Heat so hot you lose things in the sun that looks like glass beaming from the sky off the asphalt. Start the fire and add more heat. Shirt comes off and more lighter fluid poured on. Keg is tapped and then we all step back while "Hairless" Tommy lights the blaze. Fire ball hits the roof. We are going. Ladies inside making some healthy shit while we muscle back beer and wait for the ladies to come back one at a time to grab another beer. This is the way it works. They cut, then smell the fire and the grill and the fade off from the kitchen one by one to the keg while one lady sits and bitches at all of us for leaving her alone to make make some kind of tofu fucking thing. The hell if I know. It really didn't matter to us. The party was going. A band was playing and the kitchen was empty. tofu.jpgCept for Little Miss Vegan. She was getting all healthy on us. The fire was heating and there was fun to be had. But, we needed something to do. What did we have? hm.

Two story house. Golf clubs. A ladder. Golf balls. A highway. Cars driving by. Lots of beer. Bands playing.

And an idea.

I grabbed a driver and fed some golf balls into my pockets as I slammed the rest of my beer and climbed on the roof. Followed by two people with a twelve pack and some tees. We were going to make this. I threw the club on the roof and climbed up. Rested and cracked a beer. What to do now?

*this is the standard time in our stories where we ask you to look at our disclaimer*

I slammed the beer and looked around. Three highways intersected into one about 300 feet away. Hm. Idea. I placed the ball one the ground and tossed my cigarette. Grabbed a tee and shoved it into the melted tar on the roof and placed my ball on it.

Oh, you know where this is going.

Wacked those balls on the freeway for about a half hour while we stood their and gave each other handicaps on how well we were doing. I was like at 15 handicap for hitting the freeway. Balls were being thrown up to us as we kept hitting them over.

Oh! Windshield! Direct hit! Yes, looking back on this, it was really bad for me to do and trust me I have made amends to all those I could find for these past actions.

But, I think I had a five handicap by the end of the day.

The food was almost done as we ran out of balls. We did our damage and my head was spinning like jesus christ on corn whiskey. I was blessing everyone on the roof as I got on the ladder with the club in my hand. Climbed two steps down before everything was space. My hand gave out. It just let go. Two story fall and I hit the ground. Blood coming down as I just sat there wondering why didn't god save me? I was jesus. Maybe this was like some kind of biblical thing. I slowly muttered "Father, why hast thou forsaken me?" People picking me up asking me if I knew my first name.

No, I don't know my name.

That's why I drink, dumbass.

I was taken to my bed by a bunch of guys. Covered in blood as they put the covers over me and left. A few hours later, I guess, people came over asking for me. Where was I at. This is his party? Where is he? One of the nicest people in the world came up to my room with her friends and looked at my wounds. pingeye.JPGShe decided we needed to go to the ER fast. I was dragged out to the car by an armada of girls shoving me in some Ford Bronco. Pushed some more balls into my pocket to keep going. Taken to a hospital with a concussion and open wounds, drunk off my ass. Bunch of chicks in the back wrapping me up and getting me dressed.

I had a girl posse. Yee haw!

I was taken immediately into stiching, then x-rays, then waiting room, then more x-rays. The whole time the doctors were asking me if I had been drinking tonight. What do you think, Sherlock? I was just on a two story building hitting golf balls into traffic. You don't need a fucking calculator to figure out I'm pretty shitfaced right now.

I gave each doctor a golf ball from my pocket as I walked out of the hospital. Stiched up with a neck brace.

I will always remember one doctor looking at one of the golf balls I had given him and saying....

"Hey! A Ping Eye! You need to get hurt more often!"

Shut up, you dick - T

So what's your story? Do you have Sunday food traditions? Maybe you bbq with family or watch football with friends or maybe you just long for the days when you were little and your parents took you to Red Lobster on Sundays and you got to eat a shrimp cocktail and drink a Shirley Temple with extra cherries and it wasn't until years later that you realized Red Lobster sucks and your father hated going there. Or maybe that's just me.

What's your story?

Operation Ivy - The Crowd

August 13, 2006

What's Playing, Volume 11

It's that time again!

Time for us to tell you what we are listening to. I hit the CD player and Michele turns on her compy thingy. If you haven't figured out how we write this, I'll tell you. We hit whatever is on and then tell you not so much about the band, more about the feelings we get from the song. We listen to it about six times then kick out our feelings then share what we came up to you and hope you will do the same.

Phantom Planet - Big Brat

I have to start out by telling you I have no idea why this was on. I mean I think they are a great band and I love this CD, but someone must have put it on looking for that "California" song from the OC not realizing this was a little different. Yes. People come over to my house all the time and steal my dog and turn on music. Half the time I am talking to Michele, there is someone here watching TV or out playing with the dog. But, be that as it may, I didn't put this in. But, thats cool. I can do this.fight.jpg

Getting in fights suck. There is no other way around this. It fucking sucks to spit up blood the same night you are stitching up some wound then to piss blood in the morning after you took too many hits to the gut. Buying a shot of vodka to pour on your knuckles is no way to live. There's no winners in a fight. The only thing that you have is your back and if your friend doesn't have it when you are down hard, he isn't worth shit. I never asked anyone to help me out. It's just an unasked question that is usually answered. But, if something happens, especially when your friend starts it and you have to cool it down then get surrounded by three or four other people, you better god damn well get my back. I'll fall down for you, but if you stand out watching me fall and don't do your damndest to take one of these fuckers to hell you, then you ain't worth shit. I can take a lot but this is too much. You started this. I backed you. I took out two. I can't take out any more and now it's your turn. I'm down so don't leave me here to be kicked god dammit. Get my god damn back.

Sometimes it happens. Sometimes you get backed up.

Sometimes it doesn't and you say goodbye to a friend the next day. - T

Brand_New_Deja_Entendu_large.jpgBrand New - I Will Play My Game Beneath the Spin Light

Make fun at will. I love this band so much and I will make no excuses for it. At least my "What's Playing" record is still Air Supply free.

This is a great song about touring and just wanting it to end. Feeling like you’ve had enough and you miss home and even though you are putting out for your fans every night, you just feel empty and used and homesick. They really capture the feeling here, so that even if you don’t know what it’s like to tour, you know what he’s talking about. When he sings

I won't see home till spring.
Oh, I would kill for the Atlantic,
but I am paid to make girls panic
while I sing.

You can feel the longing for home, the frustration and maybe a little bit of bitterness. And in the last verse there’s just this sense of resignation in his voice. Because he knows that after he finally gets home he’s gonna get up and do it all again. I think we've all been in a place like that before. We do this cause we can, not for the thrill. Sometimes it's not enough. But you trudge on anyhow.

Jesse Lacey writes some amazing lyrics. You should really check this band out if you never heard them. Their first album, Your Favorite Weapon, is kind of upbeat and clever. The second album, Deja Entendu, is more mature lyrically and musically and is one of my favorite albums of all time. Shoot me a gmail if you want to hear more tunes.

Plus, they are from Long Island. Represent.

This has not been a paid announcement. -M

So that's our take for this lazy Sunday. Some of like to cut ourselves on cans of beans and some of lost our dog hours ago and have to keep the door opening wondering where the hell she is at. But, no matter what we are both listening to music.

This is what we have.

What do you have?

thefinn: Older But Not Dead

Did we mention thefinn is doing Sunday mornings as well as Saturdays? Maybe. I think we did. We'll be back later in the afternoon with something fun. Meanwhile, enjoy another great post from thefinn. We touced on this subject the other day but, believe me, the older you get the more it's on your mind - m/t

Sometimes you just get out of bed…. And everything creaks…. Knees, elbows, parts of your back that you weren’t even sure had bones in them….. It suddenly dawns on you, halfway through that first cup of coffee.... Dude you got old…..

You suddenly realize that you’re older than Darby Crash was when he finally bit the bullet. You’re older than Steve McQueen was in “The Great Escape”. You’ve got small flecks of grey in your beard, your eyes are a little more sunken and thoughts begin to harken back to your youth….

That’s when the reminiscing starts….
minorthreat.jpg And that’s what today’s all about…. Things that were there… Something that played a large role in who you eventually became that just isn’t there anymore…. Whether it be through time, or death… A parting of the ways or simple decay…. It just isn’t there….

I moved back to the States in 1990… My old man’s second to last tour was up and he was being transferred to California… He and the rest of my family were headed to the land of sunshine and palm trees… Me ? I was going back to D.C…

I’m an army brat…. I bounced all over the place as a kid, but we always ended up back in D.C. when all was said and done…. Because there were things about D.C. that never changed…. The Jefferson Memorial was always there, the heat and humidity of the summer, and the bands….

My teenage music years had been pretty constrained in Europe…. I had friends in the States send me hundreds of cassettes, but virtually no one I was listening to would be coming to A-burg to do a show anytime soon…. The Pixies and My Bloody Valentine might be touring, but not to small(ish) towns in Germany….. Minor Threat had broken up, Elvis Costello was starting to suck and I was not going to a Stevie B. show, even if the girl I was dating promised sex for it…… Christ, I was lucky to see the Pogues when I did…..

But D.C…. Hardcore was at the forefront of my mind when I got back…. Dischord had had put together a fantastic lineup in my absence…. Bad Brains had finally said “Fuck it” and went to New York, but had left in their wake a handful of bands who were doing it right…. And everywhere you turned there was a new sound coming together….. So, there was only one place I could go….

The 9:30…. It was old and decaying…. The only building I’ve ever been in that showed its cancer, inside and out… And it was funky.. A strange combination of smoke and beer and sweat and blood that no longer seemed to seep from the floor, but eminated from the walls and speakers, as well…. It was something that you could barely wash out of your clothes, that tattooed a stink on your skin for a few days (it wasn’t called “the dirty Thirty” for nothing)….. Tiny, nigh claustrophobic (but still bigger than the 15 Minutes) with a stage barely big enough to hold the Dead Milkmen (although I did see Gwar there.. fifteen people on a stage that was built for three and a drum kit….). Bad lighting and a pole that jutted up from the floor right in front of the stage that I saw more than one performer almost knock himself out on…. If a fight broke out… Let’s just say that everyone was invited…..

abandoned.jpgBut when the Thirty was good, goddamn it was good…. Ministry gave me three cracked ribs, a really quick pan in their “In Case You Didn’t Feel Like Showing Up” video and ringing in the ears for two days….Psychic TV played for 3 hours and actually made me dance (of course, the drugs really helped with that)…. Ride blew my left ear out for over a week, but was eminently worth it… The Jesus and Mary Chain made me retarded and G.G. Allin never fucking showed, but the parties held because of his absence were legendary…..

I left town not long afterwards (although, some would say I stayed too long) and headed north to my beloved Philly…. About a year after I got here, I was driving through Maryland on a job when I heard about the first big show at the “New 9:30” and it damn near broke my heart…. Yes, the old club was too small… Yes, it stank like your grandma’s drawers…. But there were nights when the lights came up on that shitty little stage and the guitars kicked in, the bass felt like it was moving your intestines about and you fucking rocked out…..

And now, it’s abandoned….. Boarded up, used up, thanks for playing inside my crumbling walls….

It got old, like me…. I might me boarded up… But I’m not used up…. yet.

These crumbling walls still have a few good fights in them, the lights still come up, and once in a while, they rock out….

Dude, you got old…..

Minor Threat - It Follows
Bad Brains - Banned in D.C.

August 12, 2006

Turning on the Happy Switch

Tonight is pretty simple. We were tossing ideas around and one of us said something about smiling. Happiness. What makes you happy. Maybe it's a whole bunch of things. Maybe it's thinking about one moment in your life when you found happiness. We all find it in different ways, in different places. So we took this topic and wrote. And then when we were done, we showed each other what we had. That's how we work it. Neither of us knows what the other is writing til we are done.

Well, tonight we kind of went in really different directions. It happens. We had an idea and sometimes we will sit down to write going off our idea and it just turns into something else. And we end up with two really different directions. Either way, you still get a little turtle, a little michele. But a different variety of each. We just had different paths to happiness tonight. But at least we both got there.

So tonight's topic is finding happiness. Wherever you may. Happy Places.


I have this problem with focusing on things that make me sad or angry or agitated or anxious. Not nearly enough time thinking about the things that make me happy. I’m glad Turtle suggested this topic tonight because, well, I’m kind of hardcore PMSing right now. So it’s kind of easy to sit here and think about the things that make me growl or cry rather than the opposite. I'm gonna find my happy place. Or places.

Babies. Babies that aren’t mine, especially. Little kids, too. That aren’t mine. When my five year old nephew uses a phrase like “we should contact him” or when he really, really thinks he can turn into Optimus Prime if he tries hard enough.

Clouds. Autumn trees. The sun setting on the Atlantic Ocean. A fresh mark in the front yard where a snow angel was just made. The first flower peeking up in spring. Kittens with things on their heads.

Ok, got the usual stuff out of the way. Babies and nature. Who doesn’t smile at those?

A forgotten song on the radio. One that reminds me of being a kid. Looking at pictures of my childhood. Home movies. The last day of school. The first day of school.ziggy played guitar The whole week before Christmas. Sitting in the living room late at night on Christmas Eve by myself, all the lights off except for the tree lights. Just staring at the colors and the presents and drinking hot chocolate and thinking that sometimes life feels really comfortable. The first snow, before I even think about driving in it or shoveling it and before a single tire track has disturbed it.

Good music. A book with a satisfying ending. A funny movie. Driving on a spring day with the windows down and Thunderkiss ‘65 blasting from the stereo. Weaving my way out of a traffic jam and looking in the rear view mirror at the line of cars behind me as I hit the gas pedal. The New York State Thruway in the fall. Autumn air. Pumpkin picking. Halloween.

Comic books. Neil Gaiman books. Video games. Taking out the SNES and kicking it old school. My Commodore 64. My giant stuffed turtle that my daughter gave me because she knew it would make me smile. Listening to my son play the guitar. Watching my daughter in the school play. Watching Sesame Street clips on youtube. Hearing one of those tunes from the Baby Songs videos and remembering when my kids were so far away from being teenagers. The smell of fresh ground coffee, Bucky Dent. Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

When my cell phone rings in the middle of the night and it’s lit up with Turtle’s name. A Turtle making his way to New York. A birthday that’s going to kick all ass. Love. Real love. Being loved. Having things to look forward to. Cranberry cake. -M


I could make a list, but I won't. I am just like that. Sometimes some things don't need a list. They don't want a list. They demand a story. An explanation to why it makes you smile. What was the exact moment that you were happy. I could get sappy and say the moment I met woodpecker from mars but I think you guys already know how much she makes me smile. So I will go back to another story that I think about when I am down.

A few years ago, I was really down. Everything in my life had collapsed. I really had nothing. I had quit everything and left LA to come back to my stomping ground. I just stayed on the couch for about a week and didn't want to talk to anyone. I just stared at the TV and ignored phone calls and just basically wished I would die everyday. There was no life left for me. Nothing on this planet I really wanted or needed. I picked a night to go to a park and to try and fade away. Just sit on a park bench with my dog and just hope not to wake up. Forgotten about. Dangerous town. No light. Middle of the night. Sleeping on the top of a park table. Waiting to not wake up. This will come. I know it. My dog fell asleep next to me as I stared at the stars and wondered why they were so ugly. Why did I hate them so much? I don't know. All I knew is that I did. I hated those little lights and the clear sky. I hated the trees. I hated the smell of the clean air.

I liked my dog thou.

But anyways, I finally fell asleep. Waiting for the death of all cowards to take me. I left my car keys in the car so if anyone wanted it, they could have it after I was gone. Hard, cold table and a sleeping dog next to me.

But, something went wrong.

doggie.jpgI woke up in the morning. Awwww crap. I thought this was it. Dammit. I lit a smoke and wandered around. The dog was gone and my life was gone. I flicked the cigarette and put another one in my mouth. Looked around for the doggie. I heard sounds from around the pond that sounded like her. Meh. She's around. She will find me. I have no issues here.

Then all of a sudden ten kids came running out of the forest playing with my dog. The sounds of them laughing as they played with this dog was incredible. This dog was way bigger then all of them. Just having fun and laughing while my dog just ran around them. Balls were being tossed and kids were having fun. They would toss the ball in the pond and the dog would dive in after it. They were having the time of their lives in the exact spot I was trying to die the night before. A smile cracked on my face as I looked on. My dog didn't care about me anymore. She just wanted to have fun.

That's when it hit me.

I was happy.

I thought back to the innocence of childhood. How much fun you could have by just running around with a dog. Why doing something like tossing a ball to a dog could make you smile. Something so easy as just having your parents take you to the park. Playing in the grass with your friends and not having to worry about what we all have to worry about. The innocence and the complete wonder of a new world to explore. There were things out there for the kids. But not now. Now was all about fun.

All the while someone who wanted to die eight hours ago looked on.

My attitude changed as I just sat there and looked.

Fuck this shit.

I need to get back to simple things in my life.

The dog kept running and the kids kept laughing.

A smile hit my face as a teardrop fell to the ground.

I was finally happy. - T

SNFU - The Happy Switch

thefinn: Summertime and Music

If it's Saturday morning, it must be thefinn time. Just a reminder to our readers that this is thefinn's regular spot now, so expect something from him here every Saturday morning. Probably Sunday mornings, too. We love his writing and he has some excellent, creative ideas for future stories and we hope you guys enjoy his stuff as much as we do. Thanks again to thefinn for joining us at FTTW. - T/M

There's a multitude of reasons why I hate the summer.... The humidity, the sweat that always drips in my eyes, the way the asphalt seems to buckle underneath my feet every time I take a step... Don't even get me started on the bugs and the fact that half of the East Coast was built on top of marshlands.... It's August and oppressive here in South Philthy…..

But the summer can bring good things.. For one, my ice cream intake has quadrupled in the last few months.... And it’s warm enough now that if I get up on the morning I can read outside for a few minutes before my head starts to melt… For another, the Kinks.... There’s just some music that belongs to sunny days and can make you feel like those days belong to you….. So, for some reason, I only listen to the Kinks in the summertime… There’s a bunch of other bands who only sound right when the wind's in your hair and the sun’s in your eyes… So, that's what we're about today… Summertime Bands… Here’s some of mine…. What’re yours ?

Kinks.jpgThe Kinks – When I was about fourteen, nothing in my life was stable…. I'd just started living with my father again and more often than not, whenever we'd go somewhere in the car, there was more awkward silence than conversation.... We would continue this way for a few minutes, just looking at each other and then away again, and eventually the old man would turn the radio on…. Something came on the radio on a bright July day and my father proceeded to wax poetically on the first time he’d heard “Where Have All The Good Times Gone” and how much he loved the Kinks when he was younger…. Intrigued by a band that would make my father discuss any aspect of his closely guarded younger days, I went to the PX the next day and picked up a copy of “Face To Face”. It was the only Kinks album they had and it stayed in my walkman for a week as I listened to it over and again…. “Sunny Afternoon”, “Little Miss Queen of Darkness”, “Session Man”…. Simple chord progressions, simple lyrics and catchy as hell…. All the while, in the back of my head, thinking that I’d finally have something to talk to the old man about….. I love “She’s Got Everything”… Whenever I hear it, regardless of where it is, I get taken back to that one summer where my father and I learned how to talk to each other….

Headcoatees.jpgThee Headcoatees – All jangly guitars and girl group goodness… Say what you will about Billy Childish, I think the man’s a genius…. First time I heard “Ca Plane Pour Moi”, I was really digging on this little California expat DJ chick who, I believed, had done the impossible…. She had grabbed a hold of my attention and would not let go…. And I was more than willing to let her keep it….. She was hot, surly and loved this song…. Dancing around her darkened living room, a little bit loaded, the sign from the piercing place downstairs providing the only illumination…. Mentally I kept running the same thoughts in my head, “Fuck Annette Funicello…. This is what surf girls should be… Surly, bent and just a little bit sad….. Damn that’d make the beach a lot more fun….” Okay, so I have an interesting imagination…. But she was and I loved this song just as much as she did…. And still does….

thebeat.jpgThe English Beat – I don’t remember the first time I heard the Beat… It seems like they’ve been in my head forever, like “I’m a Little Teapot” and …. I do know that after a long day, I jump in the car, put the windows down and put on “Click, Click”… and suddenly, the heat and the humidity and everything else just melts away in that damn bass line. Frenetic, moving and grooving and goddamn, I can’t stop skanking when it’s over (just a side note…. I have never been able to play the song once…. immediately after it’s over, I have to rewind it and play it again)… And it’s nice to know that at the end of a crappy, hot day, “I Just Can’t Stop It” is there and waiting for me…..

So, those are some of the things I only listen to when it’s too hot out for most people to think….. What’ve you got ? ---thefinn

The Kinks - She's Got Everything
The Beat - Click Click
Thee Headcoatees - Ca Plane Pour Moi

August 11, 2006

welcome to friday night

Not a lot going on around here tonight. My trusty co-writer had a really bad headache and went down. It happens. What can you do. So In lieu of writing a story, I thought I would update all of you on how the reader week was going. Stories are coming in and they have been placed in our system. We have not altered anyone's style or format.

And.. there is more room for other writers. So if you want in, just send us something. All credit will be yours and crossposting is encouraged.

The Captains go down with the ship!

We can't put out a schedule of writers right now because we are still waiting on a lot of you to send yours in. Yes, I am looking at you. Hopefully on Monday, we will have it all and be able to set something out to where anyone who contributed can see when they are up. thefinn will have all control of the site in these few days and hopefully we will get a few more stories in from you to keep up our three a day rountine. This will work. I am confident in you guys and we will get this ship sailing again. The USS FTTW will sail even though we are gone. This will be the 22nd thru the 26nd. This ship will sail with you guys in command. The USS FTTW will never go down.

Remember, we have no format other then to have fun. And search for buried gold!

I just want to say thank you to everyone who was given us stories, a meh to people who want us to promote their TV shows without giving us free stuff, cause we like free stuff, and thank you all for taking an interest in this.

This will be fun.

I hope you guys enjoy taking over USS FTTW as much as we like having sex.

Cause that's what we will be doing.

Having sex.

That just sounds funny to say.

We might see you later tonight but we might not. But, thefinn is up tomorrow and we hope you come back to read his work.

Sink or swim.

Land ho, mateys! - T


My countdown clock says ten days. Really, it's ten days til zero I guess. Weird clock. I don't know. But it says ten, so ten it is.

My friend Dan has been sending me a song each day to correspond to my "Turtle in NY
countdown. I was thinking of "ten" songs today and suddenly this came into my head. It's not just ten. It's ten turtles. How appropriate.

ten.jpgThis is one of my favorite Sesame Street tunes, too (ten eggplants over easy
That's one of our little jokes
). That and the Ladybug Picnic.

Ten Tiny Turtles (Sesame Street)

Ten. Turtles. That rules.

Here's a link to the clip on youtube.
A really trippy clip for the number 10 with Grace Slick singing
Another psychedlic looking count to ten from Sesame Street

So. Ten.

Yea, I'll probably do this tomorrow, too. I can get away with this when Turtle is not around. I'm gonna start looking for Sesame Street "9" songs now.

Hey. Sesame Street rocked.

yes, i'm just a little excited.

get off my lawn

So, in case any of you don't know, Michele and I will be out of commision for a few days shortly. We didn't want this site to go all ghost town, so we are getting volunteers to submit stories while we are gone.
help.jpg thefinn will be the one who is running this ship called FTTW and he will set everything out.

Thank you for all the stories already sent in. We still need more so if you want to jump on this, there are still about 10 slots open. Once we get everything set up we will post a schedule so you can see your story when it comes out. Gmail us at fttw10 at gmail dot com if you want to be involved.

But that is neither here nor there.

Inspired by another reader, who will be a guest poster when we are gone, we have another idea.

Things change as you get older. Things sometimes get better or sometimes you want to tell the kids get off you lawn. These stories might have absolutley nothing to do with each other. We don't check on each other FTTW. We just do. Grab an idea and just go. So this is our take on what has changed since you were a kid.

What changed for you?

turtle is up.

Since I am the one on this site who keeps on topic, I am going to start out by saying that some things have changed in a big way since I was a kid. I lost a lot of things that I held dear because of the introduction of veeedeeoo games in the home. I lost arcades. I lost socialization with other kids. Everyone shelled up in their home and just played these fucking things. Instead of having 20 friends all together, you got three. And most of them had some mental problem that made them want to pick up some sort of instrument of join a band. Something weird like that. Hell if I know. But I do know I lost one of my favorite things as I got older.

Pool halls.

They were dying. They were my blood. Crap. Another one closed.

These were the places that you sat in someone's car at four in the afternoon doing methamphetamine while waiting for the sun to do down. Sitting by the Tetris machine drinking a beer with a smoke in your hand. I'm not that old, mein readers, I just knew where to go to get beer. Shooting pool all night long in a 24 hour joint. Ordering six beers at 1:55 just so you could keep going till six in the morning. Cause let's face it. You don't drink on speed. Those poor beers. They were just dumped out. But if you didn't have them, a pure panic would run thru your mind. You needed them sitting there. For no other reason for having them. In case you needed them. Don't ask me why. They just had to be there. Like a pack of cigarettes that you had to have even though you know you wouldn't smoke them, beer had to be there.

Another line and your name was called. This was good. 20 pool tables and they were all packed. It was two in the morning and this place wasn't stopping. It was a shopping mart of drugs and decadence. Light a cigarette and find out what table you are on tonight. Please god, don't let it be those two damn snooker tables. Hey dude. I've been playing pool all my life and I still have no fucking clue how to play snooker. Too many red balls and shit like that. It's like figuring out a woman's vagina for the second time. I did it once. I don't want to do it again. So I don't want some three pussy monster coming at me asking her to make "Lefty cum".

I don't do that. One game. One pussy. No snooker.

Geez. I think I might be horny.

Dammit, I got off track again.

The rule is whoever has the table calls the game. You guys all know the drill. Most of time, well, almost all of the time, it would be 8-ball. No big deal. The table would be mine fast. But, every once in a while you would get that certain asshole who thought he was a badass and set up 9-ball. That little set up of the balls meant only one thing.

Great. I'm going to be here for awhile.

You guys know the games, so I'm not going to go into them that much. 8-ball. Stripes and solids. 9-ball. Hit them in according to the numbers working up to the 9. Jesus. That would take forever.cued.jpg It was easy when you were sober, but as any pool player knows, there is a line you cross. You come to a place where everything just doesn't work. My limit was usually a six pack. Man, you are on then. Six beers and you are rolling. Everything is going in. You own that table. But, then you pass the point of no return. You keep going and just can't hit anything. 15 minutes roll by and you are wondering where the 4 ball went. Well, that got sunk on the break. Oh. Fuck. I think I would be better at the color ball game. I'm not really good at this counting like thing. Can I get another beer?

You had just passed that point. Now just bouncing balls off the rail.

Sun would come up and I would leave. Another day to sleep. The place reeked like ether and alcohol and cigarettes. I would walk out to my house and crash out for a few hours. Just sleep for a bit before I heard the sounds of impending doom for my beloved pool hall. I heard the sounds from my bedroom. My roomates had something new.

Those god damn Mario Brothers. - T

Michele comes in next.

When I was your age....

Don’t you hate when someone starts off a story like that? Well, too bad. You don’t like it, get off my lawn. Today, I play the part of the cranky old person who wears housecoats and has 12 cats and hoards the baseballs that land in her yard. We all become that person some day. It happens. The minute you say “kids these days,” you are one step away from buying kitty litter in bulk.

Kids these days. I feel sorry for them. The self-esteem movement of the 90's combined with the ultra PC, touchy feely, litigation happy society we live in, kids are living the life of Bubble Boy.

Back in my day (yes I said it), we didn't worry about self-esteem or agonize over feelings. We didn't care about elbow pads and cooperative games where everyone was a winner. You lost? Tough shit. It happens. It’s how you learn about life. You will lose at things sometimes. Deal with it. But no one loses today. Everyone is a winner! Everyone is student of the month! We never had that shit. We were told, “try harder, you suck,” instead of being handed some empty award just for existing.

We played musical chairs at birthday parties and laughed and pointed at the kids left standing. It wasn’t a party til some kid ended up crying and bloodied after fighting over some pinata candy. playground.jpgWe played dodgeball without sissy rules. I’d be standing there like a deer in a headlight, too small and too slow to really get out of the way and I’d hear the gym teacher say “Open season on the short kid!” and the balls would come flying at me. Well, fuck. Pelted with dodgeballs and laughter. Suck it up, hit the bleachers and plot revenge. They don’t even play dodgeball in most schools today. They play some pussy game where they learn to teamwork and cooperation. Why? Like those things ever happen in real life? I thought we were supposed to prepare kids for the future.

I watch “Extreme” sports shows and laugh. Extreme? How can anything be extreme if you're wearing fifteen layers of protective gear while you're doing it? You want extreme? Try powering a rickety, unstable bicycle going about 50 miles per hour - with your sister riding on the handelbars - down this steep slope that ended in a concrete wall. We called it Brake or Die. No helmets. No knee pads or elbow pads. We didn't even carry Band-Aids with us. That's extreme.

We played soccer without headgear. The boys played baseball without cups. We rode in the backs of station wagons, no seat belts. Hanging out the window, waving to strangers. We walked to the store by ourselves. And bought cigarettes for our parents. We rode our bikes after dark. We called each other horrible names and sometimes we had fistfights right on my front lawn and my mother would tell us to shut up because the noise was drowning out Dark Shadows. And when we got up from the fistfight all bloodied and scraped, mom would tell us to stop our crying, slap some Bactine on us and send us back outside. Today? The cops would be there, a psychiatrist would be called in and at least one parent would file a lawsuit.

Oh yea, you saw this coming. In my day we walked to school. Our district was on an austerity budget for years. Walked in the rain, the snow, the sleet and hail. Our parents never drove us because our fathers were at work and our mothers were busy preparing for some fondue themed dinner party where they would all smoke and drink and tell raunchy jokes. So we walked to school. When we got there we learned about history without some P.C. agenda. And we read books in that would be banned in schools today. We sang Christmas and Hannakuh songs in the winter concert and nobody cared.

Self-esteem? We didn't exist to build up each other's egos. We were supposed to knock them down. Life was all about rivalries and competition. If a teacher back then ever told us how wonderful and beautiful and special we all were, we would have reported her to the authorities on suspicion of being a pot smoking hippie.

You know when the world went to hell? When Coca Cola decided to teach the world to sing. The second that commercial came out, childhood as we knew it was dead. Parents everywhere were suckered in by the feel-good lyrics. All those who missed the hippie train of the 60's were going to jump on the Free to be You and Me train of the 70's, and ride it hard.

Back in my day, kids weren't sheltered. We were fed the day's news raw. Our parents took us to see gory, bloody horror movies. We were read fairy tales, grim and perverse and wicked as they were, without remanufactured endings where everyone is beautiful and everyone smiles.

We had real playgrounds with merry-go-rounds and metal slides and wooden see-saws, all placed on concrete. None of this plastic adventure-in-learning crap sitting on a gentle bed of soft wood chips. We had broken noses and we had scabs covering half our bodies. bactine.jpgThe school nurse would wipe up our blood, throw some Bactine on us and send us back outside for more. Today's kids get a piece of wood chip dust in their eye and they're carried to the nurse's office on a stretcher where they're handed ten different accident and liability forms to give their parents and forced to sit through a video taped lecture on playground safety, presented by a singing, dancing, man in an elephant costume.

We learned about life with all its cuts and bruises and hurt feelings. We worked hard around the house and yard and built up a work ethic. We earned our allowance and walked half a mile to the candy store where we spent it all on sugary, fattening candy and rolls of caps for our guns. We would point our guns at each other and say things like bang, bang, you're dead without having a parent yell at us for it.

Who knew that a generation later, that phrase would probably get you sent to the principal's office and an appointment with the school psychiatrist and a visit from Homeland Security?

Sure, I lived in dangerous times. Maybe somewhere in 60's or 70's America there were babies flying out of cars or kids smashing into concrete walls and maybe death came calling in the form of a merry-go-round or a lethal dose of Red Dye #2. But most of us made it. And most of us made it without the lingering head wound side effects.

A little head wound builds character, anyhow. - M

So thats our take on getting older. Meh, it happens. Sometimes you lose thing you love. Sometimes you look at kids on skateboards with helmets and knee pads and wonder what the hell the world is cominig to.

It happens. We all get older.

And I can still rip the shit out of a halfpipe.

I just need an icepack after I'm done.

So what has changed for you? What have you lost?

August 10, 2006

snow job

So it's been a bad few weeks for weather. And we aren't really talking about your hometown cause we really couldn't care less about you when we are covered in rain or sweating so much we could bottle it and sell it as "Evian" water.

I'm just kidding. Really. We care about the weather where you live. No, really. I'm leaving the land of earthquakes, forest fires and mudslides for humidity and snow. Everytime I was on the east coast I was told about the humidy thing. Meh. I never felt it. Could be because it was always snowing but who knows. I look at the pictures from all the bands from New York and they are wearing coats and jeans. Michele wears jeans. This can't be that bad. I'm from Fresno. That's where I cut my teeth on weather. Streets of glass. It can't be that hot in New York.

But, this brings into mind our topic for the night.


What scares the hell out of you when it comes to weather? What makes you want to lock the doors and watch reruns of "Mr. Rogers" and let the day go by? Other than The Roger's cool causal wear. prince_01_01.gifprince_01_02.gifThe Rogers. Loafers. Cool sweaters. A little train that takes him to some drug induced land with puppies and cats and owls and shit like that living in trees. Plus there is a ghastly looking Prince who is too retarded to figure out why no one likes him much less run a kingdom.

Wait. Weather.

What kind of weather really messes your mind up? Heat? Humidity?

Here are ours.

turtle is up.

Weather. Let's face it. It's been on all of our minds lately. While I laugh at Michele for her weather patterns in New York, I still know that living in California, I am gonna get the extremes. But, you have to get to them.Things that come at you from nowhere are pretty much called earthquakes here, so extreme weather changes don't really exist in one town. If you want heat, you go to the desert. If you want snow, you go to the hills. If you want dry, tired, glass on the street heat, you go to the valley. If you want fog, you go to San Francisco.

You get the point. No big surprises around here.You get what you go for. The Pacific Ocean loves us. What can we say? It's cause of my dog. The Pacific loves my dog.

Which brings me to what I think about in Tahoe all the time. No, I don't live there for any of you wondering, but I used to spend a lot of off days there relaxing in a big house with just my dog. Sometimes it was perfect weather. 70 or so odd degrees. Just enough to keep that cool scarf on and warm enough not to wear a shirt. That's turtle weather. See, I've never been afraid of any weather. Shit happens. I will admit I hate hail, but getting a cool pic in the hail is kinda funny. So the hail is an evil friend.

But, anyways. Tahoe. Snow.

Sometimes I would go to my hideaway and crash out to be alone for a few weeks to not be bothered by anyone. One of those things I do. Cook some fish on the outside BBQ and smoke some cigars. Perfect for when you just want to be forgotten about for a week or so before everything starts up again. Just my dog running around and me cooking the pasta while puffing away on some Cuban. Man, that sounds gay. Light it up again and walk out on the deck and just look around.

The snow had stopped falling and the ground was covered with about eight feet of snow. It was really kinda nice. The smell of the fire combined with the smell of fresh cooked fish on the BBQ. I had gotten away. This was the smell of victory. Pet my dog as I let her run out into the forest. Light a cigarette. Just smile.

She got about about 25 feet out into the snow pack and turned to look at me. Ok. What the fuck is this all about. She never does this. There was something wrong. A confused look on her face.quizzical_dog.jpg.gif A sad look in her eyes as I flicked my cigarette away and got ready for something. Anything. She doesn't pull this kind of shit. Never. Something was wrong. She knew it. I knew it.


She was gone! Sunk down deep in the snow!

Well, fuck.

Well, if we are gonna get thru this, we gotta stay calm.

You can't really describe the feeling as you see your dog crush the ice on top and fall into an eight foot snow pack. There are really no words that you have except for "Crap." The sounds of the dog. The sounds remind you of sometimes when you know when you are beat. It's like that feeling of being on the ground slowly moaning asking anyone for help. That was what I heard from her.

Well, crap. Time to go.

I ran out into the snow and only listened for her whimpering as I pushed my way through the ice. Breaking it all down as I went just listening to where she went. Crap. Maybe she was over here. Crap. Maybe there. I kept my one good ear open as I could hear her cries. I found a hole and buried down into it. Feeling fur. I hope this is her. Either that or some member of the Donner Party they never found. Her neck. I grabbed it. I pulled her out as I went in deeper in the snow. Stuck her over my shoulder and pushed back to the deck. My weight had pushed me down to almost the bottom of the powder. Her weight on me pushed us to the bottom. I couldn't get up on the ice and could get out. I just had to keep going. A few times I tried to pull myself up but it wasn't happening. Too much snow and a dog trying to get away on my shoulder. That wasn't happening. She was freaking out and I just kept walking to get thru this. I wasn't far. I can do this.

I looked at the dog and in a real calm voice told her "Hey dude, you need to calm down if we are gonna get thru this alive."

Great. I decided to go a new way back to the deck. More snow to break thru. Common sense, turtle be not thy name.

The air. I had made it. Holding on to the dog I wandered inside.

I threw her on the couch and dried her off.

She was confused.

I was soaked.

She wanted a chewie.

She got one.

I wanted a piece of BBQ Tuna.

I got one. - T


Turtle said, let’s write about weather fears. I know why he said that. Because I was freaking out about the lightning. Thing is, Turtle isn’t really afraid of anything. I think the guy is absolutely fearless. So he will tell some great story that has something to do with weather and I’m gonna sit here and actually stay on topic and you will all think I’m neurotic or insane or both. That’s how things work around here. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose.

I have a lot fears. It’s just the way I am. But we don’t have to get into some of the more...interesting fears I have just now. We’re talking about weather. Lightning. Floods. Hurricanes. Things like that.

The weird part is, I’m a weather freak. The Weather Channel is the first on my programmed favorites on the remote. And I love extreme weather. I will sit for hours in front of my tv watching Jim Cantore stand brave against hurricane force winds or work his way through a blizzard. I just don’t like when it happens to me.

Well, mostly. I can handle some lighting. I get kind of freaked out when it’s cloud to ground lightning and it lights up the night like the freaking Fourth of July, but it’s also kinda cool. Thunder doesn’t really bother me unless it shakes the house and rattles the window. Then it’s more unnerving than anything else. Blizzards? Meh. Any excuse to not to have to leave the house for a few days and I’m down with it.

Let’s talk extreme weather. Really extreme. As in, I need to start paying attention to those “coastal evacuation route” signs on the roads around here. evacuationRouteSign.jpgThey try to prepare us for this. I mean, I’m on an island. A fierce hurricane, a tidal wave, a tsunami (yea, I know, what are the chances of a tsunami in NY, but this is the way my mind works), anything that’s going to make the ocean take leave of its bed and pour itself onto the island? That’s where I panic. Not a big fan of water as is. I certainly don’t want the Atlantic Ocean suddenly pouring into my house.

I’ve thought long and hard about this. About the evacuation routes and all. And just like my worst case scenario with a zombie attack, I’ve decided to just give up and let the ocean take me the way I would let my zombie neighbors chew on my neck.

Ok, work with me here. Suppose they (they being a catch all phrase for terrorists/aliens/mad scientists) dropped a bomb in the Atlantic Ocean, just for the sake of totally fucking with us. Tidal waves and earthquakes ensue. I live four miles from the ocean. I'm pretty much fucked in this scenario.

They (they in this case being the people in charge of telling us Don’t Panic!) will give some kind of warning. A general announcement, like you have one hour to get the hell out of the way. Ok then. You all pack your bags and load up your cars and get on the road. Those Coastal Evacuation signs I mentioned? You have to read between the lines. What they really say is: Hey, head this way if Long Island is suddenly being deluged by a tidal wave. But I have to tell you, traffic is hell. You may as well stay home and drown in the comfort of your own bed.. And that’s just what I’m going to do. You all go on with out me. Because I would rather die in my own home, clinging to my loved ones and maybe a bottle of Jack Daniels, than drown while sitting in traffic on the Grand Central Parkway, trying to get off the island like thousands of others. Hell, the LIE and the GCP are parking lots all day long anyhow. Imagine everyone trying to get the fuck out of Dodge at once? Good luck with that. You are going to die in your Lincoln Navigator, clutching a cold cup of 7-11 coffee and your last vision before the wave crashes will be the back of the SUV in front of you. Some bumper sticker that says “My kid is so much fucking better than your loser kid.” My last sight before the Atlantic Ocean crashes through my windows will be the look on Turtle’s face as I tell him to hurry up and let’s finish this because I always wanted to die in the middle of an orgasm. LIE and the smell of fumes or in your own bed yelling for jesus, and not in the “help me jesus” way? You make the call.

See, this is how you conquer your fears. By meeting them head on and preparing for the death they will bring. You may get me in the end, oh tidal wave, but it will be on my terms.

Naked, drunk and not in a traffic jam. -M

[and I'm the one who went off topic tonight]

So even thou some of us aren't that scared of the weather, we all have bad weather stories. Sure, I brought bad karma on myself by mocking the heat and rain in New York for the last couple of weeks when it came back to me in the heat of California.

Karma is a bitch.

So what what type of weather do you hate?

update: Fear is in everyones heart, Michele. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do to get thru the situation and ignore the feeling of fear. - T

skip the intro and start the song

Because this has already be a long day for some of us, we have decided to do something fun. We know hitting you with long stories in the morning has been pretty much the norm lately, we dont want to overwhelm anyone to much. Read as we really don't care about you but just want to have fun. So we are still looking for a few more writers for our vacation. I think we have six lined up but we still need a few more to keep up the pace of FTTW. Just gmail us at fttw10 and gmail dot com. We aren't being too picky, we just want writers who have a story to tell. No format. Just have fun.

This morning's post is something that will hurt your head. It did mine, but it's only six here so I can get away with that excuse. I think. This was inspired by a post michele saw at Waved Rumor.

This is about great opening verses. The first few lines off a song that drew you in and held you in. Something simple. The first ones that made you think this is a great song because it spoke to you. Or maybe you just thought they were cool words. We limited ourselves to a few lines and there was no limits on what the music would be like. It could be anything. I have no idea what Michele is doing, but I snagged some of the top of my head.

We want you guys in this one to come in and make us smack our heads and think, "Oh crap. We forgot that one?"

So here are ours.

Have fun with this and don't get too much of a headache thinking about it.


NoMeansNo - The River

"When I speak the words I repeat
Are lost within this roaring
And when I call your eyes turn to me
But what are they exploring"

The beginning of an awesome song. The way he asks this is what hooked me into the song right away.

Misfits - Astrozombies

"With just a touch of my burning hand
I send my astro zombies to rape this land
Prime directive, exterminate
The whole human race"

I don’t know. Just gotta love the chance to sing the lyrics “prime directive.”

TSOL - Code Blue

"I never got along with the girls at my school
Filling me up with all their morals and their rules
They'd pile all their problems on my head
I'd rather go out and fuck the dead"

I think this is self explanatory. No I’m not a necropheliac. Much. I just admire its honesty.

mycoffee.jpgLagwagon - Mr Coffee

"Morning has broken
Mr. Coffee has spoken
The familiar wake-up call
sings to my ears
I wake up with a shrug
To the floor with a thud
Where in this hellhole is my coffee mug?"

My theme song. Really, I mutter it to myself every morning as I walk like a zombie into the kitchen, reaching for the coffee.

The Jam - Thats Entertainment

"a police car and a screaming siren
pneumatic drill and ripped up concrete
a baby wailing and a stray dog howling
the screech of brakes and lamplights blinking
that's entertainment"

The Jam have a lot of great opening lines, but I just love the flow of this one and the story it tells. You can almost see the scene and hear the noises.

Black Flag - I Love You

"I put my fist through the door
I hate myself for you
I love you
Suspicion rules my very soul
My knife is sharp, my thougths are cold
I love you I love you"

Meh. No comment.

Monster Magnet - See You In Hell

"A little room on 7th street is getting cold
And secrets sing like mescaline
They don't get old
I saw a pattern on a blanket just the other day
It looked just like the pillow you threw away"

They always have lyrics that read like non sequiturs. Reminds me of poems I wrote while...on mescaline. -M


Down By Law - 1944

"Somewhere a pen is busy with hate tonight
jaded eyes and cynics bring me down
somewhere a kid is playing his heart out tonight
but he'll get nowhere with the Berkeley in-crowd"

Frustration and anger and frustration and anger and just a total bagging on a scene that bagged itself. No one was good enough. When you try your hardest and get shot down, it makes you do one of two things: quit or ignore them. It's up to you.

snfu809.jpgS.N.F.U. - Welcome To My Humble Life Of Disarray

"Seeing Sunday morning through bloodied eyes
I feel so dead, yet I'm so alive
And the aftertaste of alcohol makes me want more
As I peel my face off the kitchen floor"

This one is pretty easy. Just being fucked up on some floor wondering where your next gasp of air will come from. Making friends with a cat who has slept on your back all night while your body starts to recover from what you did the night before.

nomeansno - Real Love

"Real love is scary. You try to hide when it looks for you
You never know what it will do
Not real love"

Oh, like this is some big shock. You guys have to know by now that nomeansno is one of the most underated bands of all time. They are like a horror movie on acid everytime they sing. You want to look away but instead you watch and think to yourself "This is kinda cool."

Black Flag - Police Story

"This fucking city is run by pigs
They take the rights away from all the kids"

Well that's just a hell of an intro and I really don't think I need to say much about it.

Cyndi Lauper - Time After Time

"Lying in my bed I hear the clock tick,
and think of you
caught up in circles confusion--
is nothing new
Flashback--warm nights--
almost left behind
suitcases of memories,
time after--"

I hate you guys for doing this to me. Yes, I am looking at Michele and Kali. Ok. Great sad song that makes me happy. Damn you two.

So that was it. Short notice. Short first verses. Fast songs. Slow songs. Hell, don't even get me into Cyndi Laupers Time after Time or you will see a turtle cry. Cause it's so sad. Cyndi just wants to be accepted. She just wants to be loved. She will always be there but she has to leave. God, that's a sad song. Time after time.

Time after time.

Well, anyways. Feel free to make fun of my breakdown there and add your own to the mix.

What did we miss?

Time after time. Time after time.

I need a minute here.

What did we skip?

update. Yeah yeah yeah. Time after time was added. I hope you guys are happy now

August 9, 2006

I'm on a fastfood diet

Some days you just don't want to cook. Some days you wonder if you have the energy to change the TV to something less annoying then finding out "Who the daddy's mother's baby is" and Maury Povich is drilling a hole in your head. Open the fridge and there is nothing. Well, There might be something, but since it has grown legs and now seems to making an army of other rotten food you might wanna stop the revolution before it starts and toss it out. Christ. I don't need Lenin in my fridge and from the looks of the cheese, we might have another Stalin coming up. Food assasinations. For the good of the fridge.

Ok. When you start thinking about Russia in 1918 in your Kenmore fridge, it might be time to get something to eat. Bolshveik Bologna and Communist Cold Wraps means only one thing.

You need to eat.


So we decided on something today that we hope you will all enjoy.

What's your favorite fast food?

turtle is up!

Sometimes it's not good to stare at a judge and tell her "I got more time than money."

"Well, I don't give time."

"Well you can lock my fucking ass up when they come to pick me up for not paying the fine."

Welcome to 100 and so odd days of furlough!

roachcoach.jpgMy first real exposure to the hell that is called the roach coach. Fast food my ass. I have dealt with these before but not in such desperation. Starving and always hungry. I had to eat these. This. Food. I had fifteen minutes to get back to my station and shove food back so I wouldn't get rolled up and taken to back to county.

This was fucking fast food. Well, but not really.

I would wake up in the morning reeking of alcohol and cover my breath as I walked into my site while others were walking in around me. Chew more gum. Cops up ahead. Head down. Drugs wandering out of my system. Body starving. Head count and we all wandered away. Where was I at? A cemetery. I had to clean and weed the city graveyard for a few months. Just some stupid charge that I fucked up on and begged just to serve time. I got this instead. Great. Well this is all fucked up. It took me a few days to figure the scene out. Always take smokes to the site. Don't talk to anyone and just act like you are busy when the cops come by. Doesn't matter what you are doing.

Just be doing something.

After about a week I started looking arount the place. Masoleums from the 1800's broken into. Crypts ripped open. Really nice monuments and....crypts ripped open Yeah! Cold hard marble floors. Well, hell yeah! This is hidden, in the back and sleepin' time. Close the marble door and crash. Don't get all weird on me, mein readers, and act like I am a terrible person for sleeping in some families final resting place. They looked like nice people. Well, their names sounded nice. The fuck if I know. After head check I would grab a rake as the Mexicans grabbed all the hoses and we would all run to claim a spot in the shade. Those bastards would flood my floor if I didn't get there before them. They would do it on purpose.

I know it.

So I had to sit with a rake and shake it at them and yell "NO AGUA! NO AGUA!" Meaning back the fuck off cause I got here first. A little war was brewing between us as I slept away. It was like the god damn Alamo every morning. Sure, I had made a lot of friends, but I had this down. If I have to do this everyday, then I am going to be asleep every day and I don't want that god damn floor flooded. I'm not Davey fucking Crocket and this sure as fuck isn't some Disney special. mas.jpgDon't flood my bed and everything is ok. I could sleep on a marble floor. Hell, I even started wearing a sweatshirt just to use as a pillow.

Nothing would wake me up. Sure, I got caught for a few times and had to go mow the back forty in the blistering heat, but all in all it really wasn't that bad. Just doing time. I never really got the weekenders. Those are people who only had two days in. Saturday and Sunday.Just there for two days to pass off some DUI or something like that. Old men willing to pay of their way in the system while not really getting that once you are in, you are already fucked. Meh. Might as well sit down and see who has a lighter.

Or wait for...The Roach Coach!!!

Yay! Break time! Time to wake up and dig what ever money you have out of your pocket to get a burrito egg like thingy. Just something. If you ate, the screws wouldn't fuck with you. That is a big rule of thumb. Eat slowly and they will walk by. But when you lose that fifteen minutes and the whistle is blown, nail that fucker back and run back to your sleeping place before the Mexicans and their god damn hoses fill the fucking place up with water. Viva la Turtle.

Very fine line there.

Keeping one eye on your food and the other on those god damn hose bearers. The place I was sleeping in had all the shade. They wanted to be watering there. No bueno, big guy. That's my napping spot.

So as I ran back in a foot race with the water crew, I looked back and watched the roach coach tear out. Another fine day for him.

Another race for me. - T


I’m writing about a salad. Yea, a salad.

I don’t like Burger King. Let’s say that right off. I'm no food snob. Hell, I’ve eaten more than my share of White Castle burgers. But I just don’t like BK. I don’t like their rubbery burgers or their starchy fries or their evil looking king. Damn, that dude freaks me the hell out. But sometimes, you have to compromise your fast food integrity. When BK does a fundraiser for my kid’s school, I have to bite the burger bullet and go. I suffer for my kids. Hey, I’m Italian. Raised Catholic. The only mothers who have more martyr power than me are Jewish. So we’re trudging to Burger King. Home of the Evil Looking King Guy. I’m doing it for you, I tell my kid. Remember this.

This was a couple of years ago. Right about the time all these fast food places started offering salads. It was like the King and Ronald and Dave and the Colonel all got together to wage war against the Atkins diet. Meeting in secret location. Figuring out how to offer fast food meals with no carbs. Banding together for the cause. Down With Atkins! Lettuce! Tomatoes! bk[1].jpgOne for all and all for one! And then the CEOs went their separate ways and ordered their product and development teams to come up with a better salad than their competitors.

So all these places had fresh, exciting salads. Not Your Mother's Salad! Taste mandarin oranges! Cranberries! Sesame seeds and apples! It's a fruit! It's a salad! It's a dessert topping! This was stupid. Wrong. Fast food and salads do not mix. Fast food and grease? Yes. Fast food and fat? Of course. Lettuce, cucumbers and mandarin oranges? Fuck no.

Anyhow. That night I decided to be brave and try the salad. I was hungry. And there was no way in hell I was eating one of those Angus burgers because my cousin said she threw up after having one the week before. Besides, it was up to me to try the salad, proclaim it to be terrible and let everyone know that the Great Salad Conspiracy was a bad, bad idea.

I order the salad and think, I have a bad feeling about this. But that might have more to do with the cashier's reluctance to speak or understand English than with the food itself. Once we get it clear - after four minutes, yes I clocked it - that I want the Fire Grilled Caesar Salad(r) and I’m not trying to tell her that her hat is on fire, and once I get past the fact that she smells like one would imagine Louie Anderson might smell like if he had just chased the ice cream man for ten blocks on the hottest day of the year, we proceed.

I get a choice with my Fire Grilled Salad; chicken or shrimp. I have this thing against ordering anything that comes from the sea in a fast food place, but I was feeling daring. Bold. Adventurous. I stared the cashier in the eyes, slapped my palm on the counter and whispered in a low, Clint Eastwood-as-gunslinger voice, Shrimp. I'll try the shrimp.

We get our food and move over to the last available table. The place is packed with mothers and kids. Most of the mothers doing the martyr thing like me. But not as good as me. No way.

This table is under the air conditioner vent. This has nothing to do with the salad, but everything to do with creating the proper dining atmosphere. Granted, you're not going to get a quality dining experience at Burger King. I mean, there’s a partly padded cell to the left of me - well, it’s a ball pit - where some bratty, greasy kids are throwing balls at the window. It’s like they are engaged in a contest to see who can interrupt your conversation or ruin your dinner first.">cecballs.jpg But I’ll tell you, it takes only one time for an adult to press their face against the window and mouth the words "I will eat you and your little sister for dinner if you don't stop throwing those god dman balls right now" for a kid to really get it. The balls stop coming at us and we make the attempt to get comfortable, which is hard because it’s about 40 below zero under that vent and I had to keep putting my arms across my chest because apparently the town workers that were standing on line thought they could determine the temperature in the room by staring at my tits. Well, that might be true. Ask turtle. We have talked about this.

Anyhow, the salad.

We didn’t get off to a good start. I opened up the plastic bowl and saw too much Iceburg lettuce. Caesar = romaine. Caesar does not equal Iceberg. The sooner all restaurants figure this out, the better off we will all be. So strike one. Inferior lettuce.

The shrimp. It comes in this foil bag. Yes, a bag-o-shrimp. They’re swimming in some kind of murky brown mixture. I decide to ignore this. Instead, I move right on to the smell test. I don't like my shrimp to smell too...shrimpy. Or fishy. There is no bigger food turnoff than trying to eat something that smells like Christina Agueleria's crotch. Not that I've smelled it. I just heard. From Fred Durst.

I decide to use my assistant for this one. I pick one of the shrimp up with my forefingers and hold it to my daughter's nose. She recoils. Ewww, I'm a vegetarian, get that shrimp out of here. Gross. Ewww! Gawd, mom, you're so rude! Relax, I told her. I don't want you to eat the thing, I just want you to smell it. Does it smell....dead? She leans in and puts her nose real close to it, takes a whiff, pronounces it "dead smelling", and then I gave her a little slap on the back of her head so that she springs forward and the shrimp ends up in her nose. No, not really. But I thought about it.

I shake the shrimp out of the bag and onto the salad. My sister starts singing "It's Raining Shrimp." My daughter crawls under the table.

I have to say, I was surprised at the amount of shrimp that came out of that bag. I expected seven or eight at the most, including the one up the daughter's nose, but were twenty-two. That's right. 22 shrimp swimming in that murk. Yes, I counted.

One last moment of preparation before I can actually eat the damn thing and pronounce it good or bad. The dressing. Sweet Onion Vinaigrette, as it were. No bueno. Points off for not having actual Caesar dressing. I go up to the counter and ask why. I do things like that. You might not want to go out in public with me a lot. I’m a nuisance. As it turns out, they did have a Caesar dressing but, for some unknown reason, Miss I Smell Like Louie Anderson decided I would prefer onions.

I get the dressing. Open packet with my teeth. Because, really, there is no other way to open it properly. I prepare to eat. Wait. Something is missing. Something isn’t right. hey!Croutons! You cannot have a Caesar salad without croutons! louie.jpg I search the mess of BK foodstuffs on our table but, no croutons. I send the daughter to the counter to ask Louie Anderson for croutons. She reports back that they do not have any. What? Are you kidding me? Many style points taken off. Many.

Well fuck. I’m hungry. I’ve got to eat what’s in front of me whether it’s a proper salad or not. I put the cover back on, properly secure it, grab the bowl in a frisbee grip and toss it to my sister across the table. She throws it back. Salad mixed. Don't ever think those high school days spent playing Frisbee instead of studying Trig won't come in handy, because they will. As I just showed you.

My salad was now tossed. By my sister. Go ahead, I'll wait while you make your juvenile sexual innuendos. Done? Good, because they were lame. Surely you can do better than that.

Ok, I’ve got eat. I’m eating a fast food salad. This could go real bad. I take a quick glance at my wallet to make sure my insurance card was there. I go all Babe Ruth. Rais my arm and point to the hospital across the street. I uncover the salad, grab a plastic fork, and dig in, just waiting til the moment where I could proclaim that fast food salads are a bad idea.

Well, hell.

It was good.

Pretty damn good.

I was all set to bag on it. Now I had all this worked up negative adrenaline and nothing to do with it. Or did I? I noticed one of those “how was your dining experience” cards on the table. I make a lone comment: I do not think the temperature in your establishment should be such that my “headlights” get turned on when I walk in the place. Meh. It was best I could do. I felt like I had to complain about something. I came in there expecting to give a bad review to an out of place salad and was cock blocked.

So if I had to give a review? Let the Burger King toss your salad. -M

So that's our fast food stories. Give or take a little. Sometimes we get off track. And you get to hear about turtle sleeping in a masoleum or my temperature telling tits. I think it works out in the end.

And this begs the question (well, sort of): what's your favorite fast food?

Faction - Fast Food Diet

A call to the readers

turtle_beach.jpgAs most of you readers know, I am leaving to meet Michele for a few days pretty damn quick here and that's gonna fuck FTTW all up. We have a new writer, thefinn and he will hopefully pick up some of our slack. Cause we will be having sex. A lot of sex. But for five days we need some of you to fill in for us to keep this going. A lot of sex.

So our idea is to get a bunch of you to write some short stories and to post them on our site for a few days while we are having sex. A lot of sex. We will always be in for those days when we are not having sex, a lot of sex, but we need you take on the challenge of writing something for us.

So this is the deal. If you want to write a one, two, three paragraph sory about anything, post in the comments and we will figure out a way to do this so you all can get your shot on FTTW. It might not be much but it's something. Just say you would like to try and you got it. Remember, we all like stories. We will be checking in every once in a while but really, that week will be up to you. Cause we will be having sex.

Lots of sex.

Anyone want to do it? You won't have to do any more than one, unless you want to, but just gmail us or tell us you want to do it here and we will make a list and a schedule and make another post of it.

It's really easy and really a lot of fun.

Cause we are going to be having sex.

Lots of sex.

[note: there will also be pizza and sushi and birthday cake and love. and sex. lots of it. -M]

Love punk rock style

Another reader suggestion day! As we have always said, if you have any ideas, send them to us. We will probably do them. penguins.jpgIf you want to see your name up in lights as some others have been, type something about it and you might become a FTTW writer. Lucky you. That was sarcasm. No really, impress us. I know we started out asking for a few lines about your ideas, but someone took it all the way and now he is a permanent writer here. So you never know what you are going to get when you submit something to us.

But really, this was a great idea and it couldn't come at a better time. I know that both of us will do one song and the rest will be, um, idunno what she is doing. But there will be one song I know we will both hit. I apologize for our format change today, but I have to do something today that will take up a lot of time so you won't see me again till the end of the night. Hopefully, Michele can pick up the slack, but if not? Meh. It happens.

Today's suggestion comes form Dan. A regular poster on FTTW. Thank you very much for your idea. We appreciate the hell out of the fact that you guys care enough to keep sending in ideas. So thank you for reading this site and sending us ideas.

So what was Dans suggestion?

Best Punk Rock Love Songs

Michele rolls in first

NoMeansNo - Real Love

This is the ultimate love song. Intense. Deep. It’s dark and light, confused and sure, hopeful and pessimistic. It’s everything real love is. It takes you on this ride through the emotions of real, hard love. Stops and starts, slows and speeds up. It takes hold of you and grabs onto your heart and you feel it, you feel his passion and intensity and it’s like he is the voice of love. Speaking everything you’ve felt. Vocalizing every fear, every feeling you could never put words to. A ghost passing through you. A crow on a telephone pole. A great wind. This song is so personal, so intimate you feel almost voyeuristic listening to it but you know. If you’ve felt it, you know what he’s talking about. How real love is scary almost to the point of not wanting it because to feel something so big, so deep and wide is like stepping into a void. And you don’t know. Yea, love is like a sunny day, but there’s always that crow watching you from beyond. It’s always there. The what if. The fear. Not just in giving real love, but in taking it. How it consumes you.

It's like thunder, like lightning
The way you love me
The way you love me
The way you love me
It's frightening

This is a love song that doesn’t hold back. It’s the most honest love song I’ve ever heard.

Mr. T Experience - You’re The Only One For Me

Dr. Frank has a way of putting the right spin on love songs. Let’s face, love isn’t always great. It doesn’t always work out. And when you’re used to having everything fall apart at some point, you start going into relationships thinking, well, let’s enjoy the ride until the inevitable heartbreak. It’s just how it goes for you. turtle_bird_m.jpgSo you find someone that you really love. You adore them. Worship them. Die a little when you aren’t with them. You’ve let yourself do it again. But this time it’s different. Because at least if you’re going to have your heart broken in the end, it will be at the hands of someone cool.

i know there are so many others out there
who might like a chance to get a crack at it too
but if my hearts gonna get broken anyway
i’d rather have it get broken by you

It’s about knowing how this kind of thing goes and just giving in and accepting it. Enjoy it while it lasts.

The Damned - Love Song

Is this a love song or is it bagging on love songs? It’s every cliche you can think of thrown together with a chorus that makes you think Scabies’ girlfriend was like “Why haven’t you ever written a love song for me?” and Scabies said - ok, fine. Here’s your damn love song. Like it was thrown together in ten seconds for shits and giggles.

But you know what? It’s kind of cute. It’s catchy as hell and fun to sing and you think there had to be at least a little honest sentiment behind it. Just for you, here’s a love song. Like, I love you, I really do, but do I have to get up on stage and sing about it? Well, he did. So that must mean something. So it’s a love song that’s not a love song, but is. Follow?

Didn’t think so. - M

turtle is next

My first all time pick would be "Flirtin With Disaster" by Molly Hatchet. The song calls me for some reason....wait...punk rock. Right? Dammit. I never get my way here anymore.

Actually, I just like saying flirtin' in that southern kinda way. It makes me giggle.

Let's do this.

NoMeansNo - Real Love

I know damn well Michele is doing this one, too. This is a really kind of a sad song. There are lines in this that pull you down and ask you if you really want to fall in love again. Walking over a grave and looking down wondering if this was the end when you are only 21. Or 22. I forget. Then climbing in a bottle and forget when the sun came up for another eight years. Just one after another of meaningless feelings and sleeping in other peoples beds who thought that this would be the man they lived with forever. While you slowly died a little more each day. Just feeling that what you once had died on a bike that one night and it would never be the same. Then finding it one day. Smacking you in the face and dragging you into the feelings again. You tried to hide, but it found you. It doesn't care about anything. Nothing. Not a state or an emotion or a pulling back. It doesn't care. It just happens. And when finally hits, you wonder why you had been doing for your entire life before she came along.

The Damned - New Rose

OK. Forget that shit. Let's move on to the joys of finding someone. nuovo_u.gifThat first feeling of when you hear she is back. That knock on the door. While everyone is groaning that she is here again, you can't stop the feeling of adrenaline rising up into. She is back. Sure, she might be over every night and sure your roomates are sick of her, but she brings pizza! A fast fun song about being in love with someone. I don't think the song has anything really to do with pizza.

I'm just hungry.

Decendents - I'm The One

Now we are getting really down there. This has a personal feeling for me. When you see someone getting fucked over everynight not changing their lifestyle, but continuing on in self destructiveness. You want to fall in love with them, but you can't. Some dickhead boyfriend who you had never seen and a girl who cries on your shoulder everynight after they fight all night. You just look at her and have to wonder if you are wasting your time. Is she really worth it if she can't she that you are the one that could help her and love her? But, she goes back to him the same night and it starts again the next day. Sure, people get used and sure, maybe it is an enabler song, but I really liked it. There are words in there that I used before. Frustration that a girl can't move on and see your love because she wants to get yelled at some more. Maybe this is a sad song. - T

Well, that's our takes on love punk rock style for the day. Some songs are funny. Others when you look at them are just kinda way too deep. I know there are a ton of these out there but we felt it would be better to do just a few instead of a list. You guys can tell us what we missed.

So what did we miss?

August 8, 2006

from the music vault: The Beatles

So we have been off on the movie week theme for a bit. Well for a week. For the last week. Get it? Week? Movies? That is done now and all of your ideas have been saved. We sometimes run out in ideas for the night. If you didn't notice FTTW has long stories in the morning that have been written all night before when one of us can't sleep, short games in the day, then a short fun post in the night. We also have a new writer who we all hope you like. thefinn is now a permanent writer on this site. We need to figure out what to do, but most likely this site will get busier as he adds more stories in. He is good and we admire him. More writers will be added shortly and this will get really busy, but since that is neither her nor there right now, let's move on to the next topic.

Favorite Beatles Album

I really don't care what you say or do, but you really have to think that anything these guys wrote had some affect of you. These guys were the epitome of getting to where you wanted to go. Amphetamine and rat cellar nights. Three shows a night. Seven days a week. They keep going. They were bigger than god.

So what was your favorite album?

Here's ours

Turtle is up.

Rubber Soul

Two words. Norwegian Wood. That music. That story. That voice. Forgotten and left in the past. That was a song about just laughing a day away with a lover while looking at everything but understanding nothing. Sleeping in a bathtub while she sleeps in the bed. Just waking up with sand of something that could have been slipping thru your fingers as you looked at the clock.

Thinking back on the night before when someone tells you they had to go to work in the morning and you didn't cause of what you do. Kinda resembles what is going on now with your fearless leaders of FTTW.

This bird will never fly. One of the happiest and saddest songs ever. Something about celebrating a love so fast and letting it go the next morning. Not like a one night stand. Just something that touched and flew away. Enjoying someone and then the end.

I think it is one of the best songs ever written. It tells you of life in two minutes. Sure, it's sad as fuck, but it lets you in on what has happened to you in the past. It tells you that at some point in your life, this might happen to you. Whatever you were thinking before this, just forget it. Hold on to the seconds you have and enjoy every moment you have with her.

Just savor the moment.

Because the bird might fly away the next day. - T

Beatles - Norwegian Wood


If you know me well, you know I’m not a big Beatles fan. I pretty much dismiss their early stuff as boy-band pop music. But their later stuff, I was able to get into some of it. Abbey Road. At least the second side. The White Album. And -


Jesus. 1966? This album is almost as old as me. I remember listening to this on my parent’s stereo, one of those huge cabinet deals that look like a piece of furniture. This had to be the early 70's, I guess. I ask my mother - is this the same Beatles that sang "I Wanna Hold Your Hand"? Yes? Really? Wow.

I borrowed the album and brought it in my room. This was headphones stuff. I guess I was about 11. Maybe 12. Thinking this was a trippy kind of album, though I didn’t really have the word “trippy” in my vocabulary at the time. Psychedelic. That was a big word then. That’s what Revolver was.

I kind of grew into this album. The older I got, the more the songs changed meaning, the more the music felt like something different. But the thing that remained was the songs I skipped. Eleanor Rigby? Pass. Gotta Get You Into My Life? Pass. Good Day Sunshine? Pass. And there were songs where when they were done I lifted the needle and put it back on the beginning of the track again. A couple of times. I’m Only Sleeping. She Said, She Said. You can pretty much figure out that the heavy McCartney tunes don’t do much for me but the Lennon tunes do. In fact, I have this disdain for McCartney that eats at my soul, but that’s another story for another day.

She Said is the one song I still listen to all the time. This is about being in a relationship where the other person makes you feel meaningless. Where you are with someone, but alone. And nothing matters anymore. You may as well be dead because everything sucks now and it's not going to get any better. Kind of grabs you. What was just a sad song to me when I was younger became a really depressing song later on. But I listen anyhow, because it gives poetic words to something I've felt.

Beatles - She Said, She Said

Kind of a departure from punk rock, eh? . Really, I never thought I'd be writing about the Beatles here. Or at all. But sometimes you just like to recognize music that had an influence on you. Or on the bands you like. I mean, it's the Beatles. Gotta give props. And were were both able to find albums by them we really liked. And we did it without really bagging on McCartney. Much.

So what's your favorite Beatles album?

we have a date with the underground, chapter 19

The end of the road. Sometimes things aren't pretty. Sometimes things need to get done. There is no way you would quit. You just kept moving. You just couldn't stop. You never can. All you can do is take more hits to the gut and cover up your nuts and move to the next town. Grab and beer and get back in the van cause we have more dates to get to. This wasn't gonna end til you seeunderground19.jpg your home town again.

The flu. What the hell can you do with it. Well, first of all you can yell at someone in the band for sandbagging and just not wanting to play and getting sick of the tour, but that wasn't our style. We didn't do that. He looked bad and was just getting worse. He was sick and this tour was almost over. Shit. We held together as his germs hit us. Talk about your worst nightmare for moms. We would play every night and watch him fade away while someone else faded into the sickness. I was fading. I could feel it. Maybe because of all the beer I drank, I had some sort of immunity. But, my kryptonite had hit me. The King Cobra was fading. One of the last shows on the tour, I got out of the van and threw up. My head was cold and I wondered what was going on. Walked out to the street corner and went to the balcony and just crashed out. Just waited for a few hours while everyone else slept in different places. The PA came on and the stupid song check guy started. Great. Gotta move.

I grabbed a chili dog at the bar during sound check and went downstairs. Turning the corner, I saw a sight that was something to be never seen by human eyes. Seven bodies on the floor. Weezing and gasping for air as they kept turning over to feel comfortable on a hard wooden floor. Just sweating. Walking into other room just to be alone for a few minutes. I won't lie, my readers, this bug had me bad too.

I ate the chili dog and stared at the others. I asked the ultimate question. The question that never should have to be asked. Only one time in my life has this been answered in a positive manner. But, I had to ask it.

"You guys even want to fucking do this tonight? I mean, we are kinda in a bad state here."

I'll tell you one thing about me. People know how much I respect the people who come to see bands. This isn't an art form. You aren't paying for the honor of seeing us. You are walking into the door to have a good time and to have fun with us. Without you, we are nothing. Just like FTTW, if we didn't have you, it would be nothing but a few writers and some talk about dog food or music. It is an honor when someone pays to see you play. If you can't play, it is a slap in the face to them. To them. The ones who are here to see you.

So the band yelled yes as I shoved a chili dog back and walked back upstairs. I tuned the guitars and the bass and set up the drums. Asked for some help as we rolled into sound check. Snare. Snare. Snare. Bass. Bass. Bass. My head was going to explode. This flu had me bad. There was no way I was going down, but it had me hard. Walking back downstairs in a haze, I heard my bass back upstairs in sound check. That was mine. I know that tone. Someone was playing my bass?

What the fuck?

I ran upstairs in my sweaty, flu stricken body to find four other people using our equipment. I walked on stage and grabbed my bass and asked some guy why he was playing it. He looked at me and told me straight in the face that he had heard we were down and wanted to help us out. They all wanted to help us out and to sound check for us. The sound check had stopped and I just looked them up and down and said "Thanks." I shook their hands and walked off stage. Turned around again and surveyed the scene. A bunch of guys restringing our equipment while others worked on the riser. All I could do was walk back up there and tell them "thank you, you have no idea what this means to me" one last time.

See, that's the cool thing about bands. We have all been in those situations where you just don't want to play but you have to. It happens. But, when everyone in the band is down, people notice and they will try to help you as much as they can. In the end, it is up to you to walk on the stage and play the set. But in those times when you are down, people usually will help you get back up. Sure, you aren't shit compared to what you were two days ago. Sure, you aren't shit compared to what you were a week ago. Fuck, you can feel it in your head but you can't let the audience feel it. You are there for them. And you have to die trying because they have no idea where you are, where you were or where you are going. All they know is right now. This very moment when the lights dim. That's all they have. So you have to get focused on right now. You could have a one night stand or a one hundred night tour, but you have to remember, they won't know. They won't be with you. So you have to play for them as best you can for that one night and then go back and fall asleep. And the next day you do it again.

But, always remember, without them, this would be over.

We got on stage and played. Sweaty and sick. We gave our all. Having played with all these guys before, I knew something was different. Too much sweat. Way more water. No beer. I was drinking some cocktail while slamming a bottled water to keep down the vomit. The drummer was in a living hell. His shirt wasn't dry. All off his sweat had left his body. The other band crews were feeding him water as we started another song. We were going to get thru this. These people paid to see us. They deserved to see us give our everything. And we did. It might not have been that great, but we gave everything we had.

See, that's one thing you always have to remember.

We do this for ourselves first, but you next. We will go thru anything to keep this going.

Because without you, we are alone.

Welcome to FTTW. - T

The Who - Naked Eye

warning: post contains saccharine. proceed at own risk

Well, turtle is on the disabled list for this morning (a viking funeral related injury) so we won't be kicking out anything interesting until much later today. He told me to go ahead and write something on my own, but I really have a shitload of work on my desk that needs my attention. I'm on vacation in two weeks and I need to get my desk cleaned before then.

In two weeks? Shit. Yea. Two weeks from today, turtle rolls into town. That countdown clock thing I used says 13 days, but I guess it's 14? Or maybe the clock is counting down until zero instead of one? Maybe it knows me and it's counting the days until I say "Oh fuck, turtle will be here tomorrow and I still haven't cleaned the house or shaved my legs!" I'm great at last minute panic. The life of a procrastinator. I've got shit to do. Lots of it. Mostly just sit around in state of being that is a molotov cocktail of nervousness, excitement, anticipation, happiness and panic. Stare at the walls and say, I really need to get this done, but get distracted by something else. Plus, my kids are going on a cruise with their father and step family about two days before turtle gets here. See how that works out? It's not like we planned it like that. He wanted to come for my birthday (the 25th) and it so happens that the kids will be away for my birthday.

Anyhow. For someone who didn't want to write anything I sure have a lot to say. Working out the adrenaline, I guess. I'm excited. Two weeks from today. That will go pretty fast. Turtle says not to think about it. He calls it "tour tantrum," likens it to when he was on tour and there were about two weeks left on the road and they would all start counting the days til they could get in the van and head back home again. Feeling like it would never get there. Yea, I know that feeling.

Have I mentioned how much I love him? I know this isn't what you come here for but sometimes it is all I want to say. How I spent the last, oh, 20 years of my life thinking that wrong turns and dead ends and disappointment were all I could expect, that real, true, deep, unconditional love was going to always be elusive for me. But here I am. About to start over with someone who is everything I thought I would never have. He is truly the kindest, most thoughtful, considerate, compassionate person I have ever known. He makes me laugh. He makes me smile. He picks me up when I am down, he calms me when I am anxious, he goes out of his way to make my day brighter. He is patient and loving and romantic and understanding and easy to talk to and be open with.

This seems to be the week for talking about this stuff. Talking to my friend Dan, who is going through a tough time and trying to give him hope. I use me and turtle as an example. Both of us had pretty much given up on being happy. And then it just happened. Sometimes you go through a lot of shit first. It's like all those wrong turns and dead ends were there for a reason. You had to go through what you did then to get to where you are now. If I could do my life all over again, I wouldn't. I would take every bad thing I ever went through all over again just to make sure I ended up right here, right now (cue bad Van Halen song). That's what I tell Dan. Keep going. Don't keep looking down the road for something though. Keep up hope, because sometimes it is all you have. And sometimes that thing you are looking for just comes out of nowhere. It can't be forced, it can't be made, it can't be created. It just comes and taps you on the shoulder and says, thanks for waiting. I tell the same thing to Kali, who is wondering about true love. Don't look. Let it come unexpected. And never give up.

Then I was talking to my friend Carol about this yesterday and I was saying that I never got why people cried at their own weddings. It's just not something I could understand or relate to.

Now I know. You ever "happy cry" before? It's kind of neat. When all is said and done, I think that's what explains everything about what turtle and I have best. I know what a happy cry is now.

Man, is he going to be surprised when he gets up and sees this. I told him I wasn't going to write anything today, that I didn't have time. I didn't mean to write this, it just happened.

I keep staring at the calendar. Two weeks.

Tour tantrum.

Bear with us here, guys. This could be an weird two weeks around FTTW.

August 7, 2006

we just got tired of cleaning our windshield

Inspired by the comments on one of the new writers on FTTW (yes, there will be more) we have decided to take on a subject that is kinda iffy in our book. We know this is a site that is visited by a lot of younger readers so we try to keep all of this stuff family friendly (turle's nose grows) and we try to make this stuff a little easy to our softer readers (turtle's nose grows more) we try not to make any enemies (turtle's nose is now touching the screen) and we all try to have fun (turtle's nose comes back a little). But, sometimes we have to kick in something that was talked about in thefinns post.

This is FTTW after all.

Addiction and withdrawl with a vanilla flavor.

Quitting Cigarettes

turtle first:

I was on the floor. Just got out of a hospital after a car wreck. I really only knew to save the butts. Save them for an hour later. Mexican children and bad TV were running thru my head as I wondered if I would ever walk again. Sorting out the details of the wreck while trying to feel the fingers on my left hand. Numb. Numb. Feeling. Feeling. Feeling. Well hell. I got three out of five. That's better then fucking Vegas odds if you ask me. Slam my hand on the table and realize you will never feel them again. Shit. Tie the wound up. Oh well. I guess that's just life.

Light another cigarette and roll back on the floor. needle.jpgStitches rolling up my side from some dumb ass home stitching I did. Let's figure this out. I'm in some weird ass place, trying to sleep, not taking the drugs they gave me, running on three cigarretes. No car. Can't move. Body in so much pain even the baby jesus couldn't help me now. Wallet. Crap! No wallet. It was somewhere else. I had nothing. I couldn't move. All I could do was not sleep and work on the computer. FTTW wasn't around then. In fact, this was the birth of FTTW. This is when the bird and turtle first met. Everyone on another website knew I was going down hard. My parents knew I was going down hard. My fingers were cringing up.

My body was crumpling and I was fading. I couldn't think and I couldn't eat. I had an injury to a private part of my body that kept me up for three days. I sweated and thought I was going to die. Let's keep this straight here. This was three things on one. Not just detox on smokes. I have detoxed off of speed locked in a room for three days, detoxed off smack, which really wasn't that bad, and detoxed off Jack in the Box Curly Fries. I have done this before.

But, this was different. I didn't want to do this. I was at my mom's house in a spare room. She knows I'm covered in ink and I've done drugs and I've done this to myself and talktalktalk type stuff. Hey. She's a mom. What can she do. Honestly, my parents really had never seen me with my shirt off before and when I keep sewing myself up and bleeding at their house, well, they are going to see. I walked out shirtless and begged my mom to get me a pack of smokes. camels.jpg Three days and I could move again and the first thing I wanted was a smoke. Addictive type guy. I asked her to help me out and she said "no".

Well, fuck, I have no car. I'm fucked. The next morning I woke up and vomited. Pure bile. I did it for two hours. My stomach was clenched as I stuck my finger down deeper to get it all out. See, I've done the detox gig before. I know what works. Too bad for my parents though.

They were standing at the door watching their son with his fingers down his throat, tears streaking down his face, totally naked, covered in homemade stitches saying to them, "hey, dude, it's cool. this will be ok if you just walk away."

After about half a day I finally got back up. Restitched myself and sat at the table.

Wondered what it would be like to get back home again.


I need to get home! I can't take this floor. I need to feel my own bed and see my fucking dogs. This has been a fun vacation but I need out. This scene had run it's course. It was a mistake to come out here and let them really see me. They knew I had a lot of stuff on me and they knew I could stitch myself up, but they didn't need to see it. I shook in front of my family and made them worry. My dad took me out to a driving range and watched me throw up. They didn't need to see that.

The last night I was there they begged for me to eat anything. I said sushi. We went out to a sushi bar and I could finally eat something. Sure the stitches still hurt like fuck, but it was done. It was over. I had been hurt but I came thru it.

I quit not by choice, but by circumstance.

Now I would never smoke again.

*As he lights a cigar* - T


I’ve quit a lot of things. I’m a quitter, what can I say. I quit drinking, quit smoking pot, quit taking a bunch of drugs, quit college twice, quit a plethora of jobs, quit caring about life, quit two marriages, quit cleaning my bedroom.....I could go on. But you get it. Sometimes you quit things that are bad for you. Sometimes not. Just the way it works.

I quit my daily cocktail of Wellbutrin and Paxil. Cold turkey. You want to know hell? Go off meds like that cold turkey. You will start looking at death as a viable option. But the thing about me is, when I am determined to do something, I do it. I was determined to rid myself of the evils of those meds, and I did. I got through it. I got through all the bad things I quit. But none of them was quite so hard as kicking nicotine.

I went back to smoking in 1996 after having quit for about ten years (I had started smoking at 12. That’s 1974 for enquiring minds). I was completely stressed out one day and asked a co-worker for a cigarette. I don’t know why. I just did. slurpee.jpgTook one long drag and that was it. Three days later I was back to a pack a day. The next month, two packs a day. It was a tough time in my life. I was living on cigarettes and coffee and mini snickers bars and Surge flavored slurpees mixed with tequila. Smoke, drink, coffee, candy. Smoke, drink, coffee candy. It’s quite the lifestyle, I’ll tell you. You know what depression smells like? It smells like smoke, tequila, coffee and snickers bars.

When the dust cleared on that portion of my life, the tequila and snickers bars and slurpees were gone. I was left with the coffee and cigarettes and there was no fucking way you were getting either from me. I compromised. I came out from under the covers. I put the slurpee down. But don’t take my smokes or my coffee from me. Ever.

Cut to last year. January 2005. I’m driving home from work and realize I’m out of cigarettes again. I need to stop at the store on the way home. And then something just clicked. Maybe it was my kids’ voices in my head, begging me to quit smoking. Maybe it was the lingering cough I couldn’t get rid of. Maybe it was the fact that I got winded walking to the bathroom at night. Or the way my car smelled like the smoking section of a restaurant. Or that cigs had gone up to about five dollars a pack. Everything clicked. I didn’t want to buy another pack. Fuck this. No more. I’m done.

Oh, I tried to quit many times before that and it never stuck. But this time was different. I felt it. I was ready. Or was I?

Jesusfuck, I was out of my mind. I wanted to kill. Strangle. Take a total stranger and shove him head first in a woodchipper. I was completely on edge as my body screamed at me for a cigarette. It fought me with adrenaline, with rage, with the shakes and headaches. My body threw everything at me it could to get me to feed it some more nicotine. I resisted. I said no. I fixated on other things. I put my CDs in alphabetical order. I washed every counter in the house in bleach, scrubbed them til the wood was about to wear away. Organized books. Rearranged closets. Kicked the wall. Screamed and cursed. I was bottled up rage. I could feel my body fighting me every step of the way, trying to force me into sneaking out into the backyard to dig through the sand bucket for an old butt. Just one puff. Just one drag. I stopped myself. I was going to do this. But I had to keep my hands and mouth busy. Not like that. Busier. I played video games until I had the imprint of the controller embedded in my thumbs. Kicked some more things. The hole in the bathroom door is still there. I have a rage problem. I know this. Quitting smoking just enhances it.

The thing is, you need support with something like this.ashtray.jpg When the person closest to you is smoking a pack a day still and lighting up in the car with you and blowing smoke your way and telling you’ll never make it, well fuck. That makes it kind of hard to keep going. It’s dejecting. But I stick.

The cravings get more intense as the days go on. I go into full on lunatic mode. Pacing. Talking to myself. I need something to do with my hands because they are waiting for a box of cigarettes to pack against my palm. Waiting to hold one, to light one, to flick the ashes. My mouth is crawling with desperate nerve endings waiting for the smoke. Clenching my teeth. Tight. Everything hurts. My brain hurts. Nails are bitten down to the end. I listen to Husker Du’s Candy Apple Grey over and over again. I write letters to people I hate then shred them when I’m done. I wake up with my body set on vibrate. It’s waiting. Waiting for that nicotine. It’s five days now. Six. Seven. When will this end? I think back to other cravings I had. When I was pregnant and had to have Kool Aid every single day. That craving was so intense I fantasized about the Kool Aid guy. If the Kool Aid guy showed up now I would kick him in his fucking nuts. I’m sure that if I get out of bed and try to face people, I’ll end up tearing someone’s head off their neck and smoking their corpse. I listen to Cypress Hill. Here is something you just can’t understand, how I can kill a man. Oh, I understand, dude. I understand.

A week. Two weeks. It’s getting better. Sort of. Maybe. I’m coughing up pieces of my lung. Lung butter. I feel like I’m falling apart. It gets worse before it gets better, everyone tells me. A month in and I’m still craving at least twice a day. I call my sister at midnight. I. WANT. A. FUCKING. CIGARETTE. She hangs up on me. More days pass. Weeks. Months. I crave less and less. Think about it less and less. The rage is gone. The lung droppings are gone. Six months. Seven.

A year. I’m clean. I can breathe. I can walk without gasping for air. I don’t smell like a night club. I made it. No patch, no gum, no meds. I fucking did it on my own.

And just after that I met up with a guy who was just starting to quit. I remembered what it was like to have no support. So I stuck with him. Talked him through the days. Talked him through the nights. Ended up falling in love with him. See, cigarettes are good for something.

It’s a year and half now. I still get cravings but they pass. Like now. Sitting here jacked on caffeine and anticipation and writing about this has made that familiar sensation rise up in my body. It wants a smoke. I ignore it. I learned how to do that.

I’m a quitter. - M

The reason we stuck with quitting cigarettes is because we both have that in common. We both could go extensively into quitting other drugs but as in our disclaimer, we really don't want to encourage or push anyone anywhere. What we say and what we did had a price to pay. Getting phone calls at 10 in the morning about another dead friend is not the way you want to end up. And trust me, it follows you forever.

We are just having fun here

Welcome back to FTTW.

Today we are still both out of it. Thank you everyone who mocked me for burning myself and for calling me stupid. Hey. You damn well all know you would have done it it too. It's like dumping extra wasabi on sushi. You know it will hurt, but you need to do it.

So lemmie alone.

Anyways, a new day is rising and we need something else to do.

I have a few things to do today and so does Michele, so we will keep this short. Tonight will be a new story inspired by a reader that will be long and hard. That sounds like a porno, but really it is about recovering off an addiction. This one will be about nicotine, but we really don't want to get into any deeper drugs. Read the disclaimer.

So, since we are doing something deep tonight, we decided to do something fun today.

Many times I have said "That would be a great name for a band" from some of your comments. Just messing around. I would never be in a band named that, but really, some of them are really funny.

So for today. Take a minute and let your mind go and tell us what you think a cool name for a band would be. And really, as you will see in mine, the don't have to be serious. Just give us a few so we can all laugh at your creativity.


turtle is up first.

Battalion of Masturbators
The Saints of Prostitution
Clown Lust
Running on Poo Poo
The Hygh Flygers (Gay band from San Francisco)
Nightbird (Journey cover band.Don't ask me.)
Muppet Mudslide
My Ball Hair Is Too Long (Wait... that wasn't a name. Just an observation)
The Simons (ug. I think I watch too much American Idol)
The Hammer Banging Testicles
Piecered Pussy? Thumb Up! (It would be PPTU on flyers)
Homework Whores (Double meaning there. Get the kids in and has some kinda bondage thing too. I think)

and the end to them all

We Hate Cute Puppies

cute-puppy.jpgA speed metal band that watches Little House but hates god while they do it. There first song can be "Half pint in Hell "

"Half pint in hell!
Laura rings the bell!
Nellie is a bitch!
Satanic little witch!

Someone is going down!
When we put her in the ground!
Charles doesn't give a shit!
He is really done with it!

Burn in hell half pint!
Burn in hell half pint!"

I'm good at this! - T

Michele is up next

I always wanted to be in a band. I can't play a single instrument and I can't sing worth shit, but being in a band seemed like the coolest thing a person could do.

I had a made up band with my sister called Pond Scum (big hit: Save the Whales), another made up band with friends: Polly Gram and the Sires (hey, we worked in a record store) and another fake band with friends later: Halite (big hit: Billy Corgan's head). I think that site is still online somewhere. No, I'm not finding it for you.

So I've spent a lot of time thinking up ridiculous names for ridiculously fake bands. My favorite of all time is Run For It, Marty! I'm thinking it would be an emo band. They all have stupid names like that.

As for more:

The Daves I Know
Crackmonkeys Ate My Mother
The Condom Keepers
We Made You
Biker Dudes
Let's Get Dangerous
Imprisoned Monkeys
Fargo North Decoder
Majora's Mask
My Ass Is On Fire (MAIOF for short)
The Anal Probes
Butt Plug Jesus
The Born Again Virgins
Lesbian Seagulls
Coleco Coalition
The Hartford Whalers
KY Jellystone Park
The Patrick Swayze Dancers
Monkey Meat
Feces is Not Art
Barnyard Beauties

Hey, just think of all the names I decided not to put here. This isn't exactly a family friendly site, but I think we have to draw a line somewhere. Like with bands named after vaginal infections. Line drawn. - M

So that's our choices and really, this took about five minutes. So send us some of yours and see if yours can rock more then WHCP or MAIOF. Cause they really hate them puppies. And an ass of fire is nothing to be laughed at.

USS Turtle


It happened. The boat burned. Well, burned is really not a good word for it. It blew up hard. What you will figure out about this site if you stick around long enough is that some of us have common sense, but I don't. But, dude, it was funny.

If you don't know what I am talking about, read down a few posts to the Isaac thing we did tonight.

All my neighbors were out as I launched my boat. I lit the oars up on the little Viking boat and pushed it in the water.

Meh. This isn't working. Dumped more gas on it and planned on running back to take a pic.

But man! The little oars were burning and the water was on fire and everything was cool.

But, it wasn't cool enough. It needed more gas dumped in.

Hey dude, I took off my shirt to not get it in the water/gasoline. I was being careful. Safety first! The little lighters burned thru the bands and the gas was barely lit so I dumped about a gallon more of the gas on that motherfucker and it exploded. All over my chest. I walked back and my chest was put out while the boat was dumped over and crushed by my neighbors. The boat was over and the story was done. Meh, it was just getting good.

Man, that fucker blew up. It was fucking awesome. I had gas and lighter fluid on my chest burning away as my neighbors just looked and said "You are one dumb white boy". Patting me down. Kids cheering me on. Me feeling disappointed that I couldn't have seen it expoded from, well, maybe a few feet back?

But, for those few seconds, the USS Turtle floated!

And no, I am not drunk. I just can't do these kinda things when Michele is around. She has this crazy idea I'll get hurt or something.

So I'm sitting here wondering if I want to go to the hospital or if I just want to go to bed. Man, that blew up good, thou! That was a fire ball! 50 lighters covered in gasoline! Fuck the 4th of July! This blew the shit out of things! One big explosion that took me back a few feet! That was cool!

So the USS Turtle has sunk. Long may her glory reign. Remember her name next time you light a cigarette.

And try not to talk too much about this to Michele.

She doesn't dig it when I do this shit.

But it was funny, dude. - T

August 6, 2006

movie week finale: switchblades, light sabers and heros

Well, welcome to the end, my friends. This is it. Been a long week of reader suggestions, fun posts, new additions to FTTW, and stupid little girls who don't know what gratitude it. But, it all works out. And it is finally over. Sometimes you say you will do things and you really have to do them cause you said you would. Sometimes you love it, sometimes you hate it. Sometimes what you do is taken by kids who don't understand how to work a doorknob much less write a story and sometimes people love you. It's the way of the internet.

But that is neither here nor there.

Let's finish this week off with the end of all things.

Best Movie Heroes

Love them or hate them. Anti hero or just kickass. These are the people who saved your ass in the end. We are not talking about any specific actor here. We are talking about one role. Cause face it, Deathwish got its balls cut off by Part 3. Let's not even talk about Rambo. Or Rocky. Jesus. Some of these movies just sucked. Like I care about someone getting married or someone hitting a robot. I have no idea what the hell the Afghanistan people were doing in Rambo 3. Something about goats and horses. Don't ask me. I'm just here for the ride.

But heroes! Who are your favorites? Who made you cheer? Made you cry? Made you want to go out and do whateverthefuck they were doing and just keep moving? The ones that saved the day and got the girl or the boy and ending up smiling in the end?

Here are ours.

Turtle is first.

Ok. I'll be the first to admit that I am tired today and sometimes that happens. Been a frustrating day with me being held back from attacking someone who doesn't even spell her name right. Some people wouldn't take that. Some ass kickers wouldn't. You know who I am talking about.

Dirty Harry

Ok, anyone who argues with me on this one loses. This is simply one of the finest movie heros of all times. The street loves him and he loves the street. Don't piss him off and don't break the law and we are ok. You kill someone? He will get you. You rob a bank outside his local hotdog store? Oh. You just fucked up.dirtyharry2795959.jpg Cool and calm. He runs this show. He has had his ass beat many times and just keeps getting a bigger gun. Harry had no real enemies, he just hated everyone but loved the underdog. He played no favorites and stood up to everyone.

I don't want any more trouble like you had last year in the Fillmore district. Understand? That's my policy.

Yeah, well, when an adult male is chasing a female with intent to commit rape, I shoot the bastard. That's my policy.

Intent? How did you establish that?

Well a naked man is chasing a woman through an alley with a butcher's knife and a hard-on, I figure he isn't out collecting for the Red Cross.

See now that's coolness in pure 100 percent form. Stick a needle in your vein to get that kind of uncut cool cause that dripped from his veins. Harry was a man who saw something wrong and would take any punishment for doing what was right to stop it. He was amazing.

And he knew how to count his shots.

- T

michele's up -

What a day. Part stressful, part agitating. Dealing with children is frustrating. Especially when the children are really adults. Eh, what are you gonna do. Some people will learn the hard way; you look a gift horse in the mouth, you get Trojans banging down your door at night. Or something like that. Anyhow, on subject. Heroes. You got your real life heroes and your movie heroes. Sometimes one will save the world or rescue children from fires or stop meteors from crashing to earth. And sometimes one will go outside and light a Viking boat made of butane lighters on fire just to see it blow. You gotta admire a guy who finds something constructive to do with all those lighters after he quits smoking. Or just call him Beavis and move on.

Movie heroes. Like I’ve said before, I dig the bad guys. They have more style, more substance. But sometimes you get a hero who is a little rough around the edges. A guy who you look at and think, he could easily turn villain in the right circumstances. A guy who knows how to use his tongue to cut people down as well as use it to...well, whatever else he wants to do with it. A guy who can make girls go weak and his enemies quake in fear. A guy like....

Han Solo

Oh yea, you knew I was going here. Well, maybe you thought I’d say Luke Skywalker. Fuck that. Where Luke whined, Han snarked. Where Luke complained, Han acted. Where Luke acted like he’d rather be anywhere but there, Han made it look like he was born to knock off Stormtroopers. Luke was a pussy. Han rocked out with his cock out. He was rockin’ like Dokken.

He was a cocky bastard, that’s for sure. han.jpgBut if I’m gonna have someone saving my ass, I’d rather it be a guy who had full confidence in himself and his abilities than a guy full of self doubt an self pity. I need to be protected by a guy who believed in nothing but himself and his weapon. Who could look at a Jedi and say “Magic tricks and hokey religions ain't no match for a blaster at your side, kid.” Fucking Jedi. Always thinking with their feelings. Han thought with his head and his blaster. Ok, sometimes with his dick but eh, he’s a guy. It’s gonna happen.

Listen, the guy made it through being shoved in carbonite and made it through the frozen tundra of Lambeau Field Hoth, he dealt with being screwed over by a good friend, he had to put up with a petulant, whiny Skywalker the whole time - not to mention Leia playing hard to get, was sold by Boba Fett and had the stink of Jabba in his face. Plus he had a walking carpet for a partner. And he was a hell of a pilot. If it weren’t for him Luke would have ended up embedded in the Death Star in about a hundred different pieces.

You know what my favorite line of the entire six movies is? “Sorry about the mess.” Oh, we aren’t even going to discuss what that fuckwad George Lucas did with that scene. Don’t even bring it up, ok? Anyhow, in this scene, right after Han blows Greedo away, he just walks up to the bartender and says “Sorry about the mess.” That is fucking cool. That’s Han in a nutshell right there. Calm. Cool. Smartass. Hero. Greedo deserved it, Han served it. And walked out of there like he just bought his mother lunch. That’s what heroes are made of. Guts. Sarcasm. Glory.

You want to try messing with a guy like that?

Laugh it up, fuzzball. -M

So that's the end of the Movie Week! I hope you guys had some fun with it and we are glad to have had the oppurtunity to write about your ideas. A lot were missed, but they get done sooner or later. As with always in the past, send us a few sentences to tell us why you would like us to do an idea and we will probably do it. We are pretty easy here and we do write a lot. We hope we brought a few smiles to some faces in remembering these films but for now the real question is......

Who do you think the best hero was in a film?

Your ships bartender


Coffee and Cigarettes

This weekend Michele and I would like to present you with the new addition to the staff that works here so tirelessly at FTTW. This place has gotten so busy lately, we decided on adding a new member to the team. This is someone who has both made us laugh and respect him from his stories in our comments. Sometimes they have been better then ours. Sometimes not. It works that way. So we both talked and decided. Let's give him a weekend slot. If he makes us laugh and stay interested, two of the blackest souls around, then he will surely make you laugh and stay interested.

Everyone please welcome thefinn.

We both think the story is great.


Cause here we go!

The standby... The old familiar.... Breakfast of champions...

I've been smoking for as long as I can remember and drinking coffee almost as long.... I've been doing both for such a long time, that, when I met my wife, she told me I always smell like two things... coffee.jpg Coffee and cigarettes and beer and cigarettes.... But the beer is a story for another day.....

The coffee must, without a doubt, be black. And I'm not talking about any old black. Midnight black, jet black, black black black. And strong. You have to smell it coming strong. I'm not a coffee snob. I don't require beans that have been slightly roasted by small albino virgins in a faraway country. I don't need a fancy cup. I just need it to be brackish and muddy and smell enough like coffee that it'll burn through my crap sinuses and tell the brain that it's time to start fucking moving.....

Cigarettes should be harsh, vulgar little things that stink like the French on a hot day and provide no pleasure whatsoever. Kings, preferably…. Firebomb the back of the throat, lay waste to the sinuses and take no prisoners when it comes to the lungs….. I want to see a twelve year old in coughing spasms if he tries one, maybe a little vomit as well…

Light up, sit back, inhale the coffee smell and exhale..... Smoke curling with the steam from the joe.... butts.jpg Ahhhh, yes.... If this it what it means to be alive, this isn't a bad way to start the day.....

It almost sounds like a solitary little ritual.... Smoke, cuppa, a little peace and quiet to start the day... I've never really viewed it that way... I've had all kinds of good times while looking for (or enjoying) a good cup of the black and a Camel.... There was the redheaded girl in the Avignon cafe that I was trying desperately to hit on with my horrible French, the Vietnamese cat who worked at 7-11 and was always reading Soldier of Fortune when I came in at 3 a.m., trudging through the piss hot rain on an August morning to buy a cup and running into an old friend I hadn't seen in years.....

The people may come and go, but the coffee and smokes.... and the memories remain.....


August 5, 2006

Movie Week Gets High: Dave's Not Here

So we have a new addition to FTTW. Stay tuned for that tomorrow. Yes, we like to keep you guys wondering. That's what we do. Cause we hate you. Well, not really. But, look for his first story tomorrow.

But that really means nothing right now. Let's keep trudging thru this thing we call Movie Week. I have to apologize up front and tell you all I was wrong. 242F.jpg

So anyways. With my apology to you, let's move this on. We have one more day to go after this. These are just for the night posts. Just something easy we do to play around with while we are making cool boats made out of lighters and super glue to blow the fuck out of the bathtub or something to do when others are taking their kids to the Warped Tour. Which they should've walked to. But, that's just my opinion.

I like to watch things burn. She doesn't like her kids to walk. What can you do?

Anyways. Following that theme, we are going with another reader request.

Greatest Drug Movies

You know them and you love them. You know that when you watch this kind of movie, you want to be there. Well, maybe not in some of them, but you get what I mean.


turtle goes first tonight:

Coin toss night for the turtle. I had two. Comedy or violence. Hm. Since I'm on this theme of blowing the USS Turtle up in my bathtub in a few hours (I will post pics) might as well go out with violence. And what better way to do that then to go out with the greatest drug movie ever.

*update. I've been told by a very sexy Italian not to do it in the bathtub. So the USS Turtle will be burning down the river. She never lets me have any fun.*


How much blow can you do? Jesus H Christ!! scarface-sitting.jpg This was a man who was just pissed and had a moral that couldn't be beat. Don't touch his family. Don't touch his friends. He could take anything on alone but if you hurt his own, then you would feel Tony. The movie really has an appeal to me because of his loyalties to everyone who was around him and his hatred, sheer animal hatred if you took advantage of them. Or him. He was someone, believe it or not, I admired alot. He tried everything he could to make everything right but he always kept getting deeper into the mess that was called his life. Nothing was ever good enough for him to feel accepted. Sure, he was a criminal, but he had the broads, guns and dope. See dude. That's cool. Plus, he got to kill a bunch of people.

Sure, in the end his head was blown out. Sure, he killed his best friend. Sure, his sister died in his arms.

But hey.

That gun he had in the end.

That was cool.

Don't piss off a man who has his sister's blood on his hand, a nose full off dope and a grenade launcher.

Well, I think a good rule of thumb is don't piss off anyone with a grenade launcher, but why split hairs here? - T


I tossed that coin, too. I got comedy. And then I had to decide between Friday, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and Up in Smoke. I had no three sided coin so I polled whoever was lit up on my gchat thingie. We had a winner.

Cheech and Chong's Up in Smoke

1978. I’m pretty sure at the time the movie place was called the Jerry Lewis theater. I guess he owned a chain of them. I have this real aversion to Jerry Lewis and I hated going to that theater. What can I say. The guy gives me the creeps. But the theater had a back door that was easy to get open without setting off any alarms. So I compromised my integrity and snuck into the theater about fifteen times to see Up in Smoke.

A movie about pot that wasn’t telling you not to smoke it. Hey, we all saw Reefer Madness. And some other films they showed us in high school about the dangers of the wacky weed. upinsmoke.jpgAnd some after school specials where people jumped out of windows because they were on the dope. But this movie telling us to get high. I swear, it was. So we did. This was when I was hmm...the person who procured the illicit materials for others in exchange for a specified amount of currency. Yea, that. So we were fully stocked every night. Sitting in the Jerry Lewis theater laughing at Cheech and Chong and smoking joint after joint like this was an interactive movie. Ushers? They might have kicked other people out. But we were smart enough to share. Puff puff pass.

Oh, the movie. Well you all know what it’s about. Two stoners. A van made of pot. A dog who ate the pot. Battle of the Bands. Pedro eating acid by mistake. MELLOW OUT! A whole bunch of stuff all revolving around pot and getting high and hey, when you’re 16 years old and your life kind of revolves around pot and getting high that shit speaks to you. Plus, it was just funny. I mean, even my parents laughed at his movie. And I know they weren’t high. Maybe. You never know. It was the 70's. Everyone was getting high.

And I don’t care how old or how straight you are, "I wonder what Great Dane tastes like, man" is funny no matter what.

Oh, and go ahead and light your bathtub afire, Beavis. I'll be ready with my "I told you so." -M

So that is our take. We have one more night to go in our series and we will be back on track by Monday. Drug movies are broad and undefined. Held together because the basis of it is, well, drugs. So you can basically go anywhere with this as long as the movie left you with a little feeling in the back of your head that "Man, they got high."

We told you ours.

What are yours?

*update: I just glued on 4 more lighters to the boat. They look like little oars. All Viking style and shit. - T

What's Playing, Volume 10

It's that time once again!

It’s time for the 10th version of What’s Playing. That’s when we sit here and think, hey let’s do a quick post. And one of us says, ok, what should we do? And the other says, hey what are you listening to? And no cheating. What have you got?

Well turtle was in his car when I asked, so he got whatever was on the radio, which could have really sucked for him. I was at the tail end of a song. Like, the last note. And I almost tried to get away with it and say I was listening to the next song, which was a kick ass Weezer song but, being the scrupulously honest and moral person I am, I fessed up to what was really playing. That’s how we roll here. We listen to a lot of awesome music, but sometimes we get caught with our pants down. Well, I did. So to speak. I was actually wearing pants when the song was playing.

So here’s what we had going on. Check it out and then tell us what you’ve got playing.

turtle is up first.

Fatboy Slim - Praise You

fatboy.jpgJust to clarify for you guys, I was getting on my shoes when this was asked.

Today was a challenge. The question was asked and I had no answer. I have no podcast or Ipod or anything like that. I just never got into that stuff. When you work in IT, most of the time you hate compys so you don't bother with any at your home. It's just one of those weird things. When I am online, it is just to fuck around with Michele when she is at work. When she goes to bed, I turn off the compy. That's just the way it works for me. So, since I have no CD on and the background music was something from some Ironman thing on NBC, what to do?

Well, I had to pay rent today, get food and mail something. I need to draw something out. I might need dog food. Looks like I am getting in the car. Hey dude! Let's do the most challenging! Just start the car and keep her on the phone. Give her the lyrics and let her google what it is. See dude. We here at FTTW take the big risks. We stopped fucking around about the time your mama last changed your diapers. Hardcore, babe. Hardcore. Phone in hand. Michele picks up. Ask her if she is ready. She says hit it.

Fatboy Slim comes on!

I can hear her disappointment as I sing the words to her and get all funky like while I'm driving down the street. Gonna praise you like I should. Sure, this album is good for about three listens till you give it away to some stupid little girl on a beach drinking your beer and hiding her empty cans in the "most pristine place in the world," but for those three times you listen, it is a good album. The CD may be gone back to some weird place in the East Coast with the little girl and sure, the buried beer cans prolly were picked up by a "professional recycler." But the memory of this song is still in my head.

Plus the video made me laugh.

It's been a long time, baby. -T

Michele is up next!

Night Ranger - Sister Christian.

578563.jpgImagine me sticking my middle finger out at you. That’s a pre emptive strike for all you that are thinking about mocking me. Go ahead. Mock. I fucking love this song. Love it. It’s cheesy, it’s bad, it’s everything that was wrong with 80's metal. But. it’s Sister Christian.

Look. There are extenuating circumstances here. Memories.

A party in the park, a lot of mescaline and me on air guitar, standing on a picnic table. Swearing that guitar was real. Singing. Motorin........

Some club. Tequila. Hair metal night. Tequila. Lots of hair spray and tight jeans. Tequila. Standing on a huge speaker cabinet. Tequila. Swearing that guitar was real. Singing. Motorin........

A bachelorette party. Me with a giant penis on my head and coconut shells over my tits. Drunk as all get out. Swearing that guitar was real. Singing. Motorin........

I think you got the point.

Excuse me while I listen again.

But you’re motorin’..........yea.............motorin’.............

Man, it’s not quite the same without the drugs or alcohol. Or the penis on my head. But I still kick ass at air guitar. And I still love this song.

So fuck you. - M

So pee pee wearing girls and funky time turtles are what we had going tonight. Told you. Sometimes the truth isn't pretty.

We told you our songs.

So what are yours?

The turtle gets a surprise

Our resident artist made something for me today. She was giving me some ideas today on what to write about when I was out getting pizza. Since in about five minutes we are going to start writing tonights features, I just wanted to take the time to say thank you Michele. You have helped me thru alot, inspired me, and this was a great drawing. And the cheese pizza was meh, as always. But, even thou the food sucks here, just remember one thing.

I love you.

And thank you for taking the time to do this pic.

Let's get back to the punk rock, ok?

August 4, 2006

Movie Madness Moves on: Who's laughing now?

Welcome to the second to last installment of the Movie Theme Nights. It's been a long week and we have really had alot of great suggestions from you guys. See, one thing with FTTW is that if you send us any idea with your reasoning behind it, we will probably look at it a lot more. Put some effort into writing two or three sentences telling us why you think we should do it and why it is so cool, we will prolly will do it. That's just the way it works around here.

Anyways. We have this one and one more after that. We probably already have the last idea, which is the be all and end all of movie ideas, but that is not tonight. Tonight was something fun. Something that you laughed at while your mother asked you why you watched this thrash. Supposed to be scared? Hell no. This is to fun. That's right.

Horror Comedies

Michele is up first.

Army of Darkness

Evil Dead and ED2 were awesome. Great horror flicks. Some comedic relief thrown in. But AOD took that comedic relief and let it loose. It was like Three Stooges Meet the Zombies. Except there was one Stooge. And deadites.

aod.jpg That lone Stooge was Ash. One of the greatest movie characters of all time. Faced with danger or death, Ash could handle it. He was ready. If he couldn’t use his The 12-gauge double-barreled Remington chainsaw, then he’d use a one liner. His boomstick or his smarmy humor. Either one would get him out of a jam.

I was watching this movie with my parents once. It was on IFC or something, in the afternoon. Dad was switching channels around and I made him stop when I saw Ash. We caught it right at the beginning. At first my parents were like, get this off, Shark Week is on! I said give it a chance. Just watch it with me. For a little bit they just watched me as I recited every line. Every line. I know this whole damn movie by heart. About fifteen minutes in I glanced at my parents and saw them smiling. Kick ass. The were getting it. This is a movie that makes you smile. Even with the blood and army of deadites and Ash trying desperately to say the words right and get the fuck out of there, it still made you smile. And laugh. What kind of crazy horror movie is this? Well, they hadn’t seen either Evil Dead movie so they didn’t know. They had no idea what Bruce Campbell could do. No idea of the power of Ash’s sarcasm.

He was just this goofy guy who worked at S-Mart. He’d been through a lot already, but even after all that, he was still this guy with an ego that didn’t really fit him. He was kind of a fuck up. A bit careless. But somehow he manages to do what he has to. Just talks his way through everything. You have to laugh at him, even when everything around him is kind of getting freaky, he just has to make a certain face, have a certain expression and you laugh. You can’t wait to hear what he’s gonna say next because you know damn well that the next day when you’re hanging out with your friends you will be throwing Ash’s lines at them. And they’ll say what the hell was that from? You tell them. This horror movie. No, this comedy. Well what the hell is it? It’s like the peanut butter and chocolate of movies. It works. It works because Bruce Campbell makes it work. Ash rules.

Groovy. - M

turtle goes next.

Evil Dead 2

Like you didn't know this was going to happen. Who hasn't sat on a couch and watched this asking themselves why they are laughing so hard. Gallons of blood, hands running away, that one acting guy who was in some other movies (I kick ass on remembering names. Just ask Michele. Oh yeah. I'm a catch.), some dead grandma in the cellar and bondage scenes with little people in bukkake scenes. Ok, I might be wrong about that last part. Cause little people bukkake is just wrong. Albeit funny, but just wrong. Seeing little people getting covered in the sweet man mustard of five different men is kind of wrong. In fact, I think it's illegal in California.

Man, I'm horny right now.

Whoa. I went of track there.

Anyways, this movie had a lot of things that really made it one of the best horror movies ever. It built tension while the LSD you were on was building up. You could have two people who never saw the damn thing before watching it while they were balls out tripping and look over at them and laugh in that manacial way the deer's head did when Bruce was down and out. Missing hands and dead relatives.ed2.jpg Hillbillies and crazy trees. Like "Deliverance" on acid, this movie gave you everything. And yes, yes dear readers, someone got fucked by a tree in this movie. See dude. Just like "Deliverance" but not so gay. At least the trees were straight. They didn't play the "Squeal" game. They went for the hot women. Not some fat fisherman. Jeez, the trees could find that if they went to a local gay bar.

They knew the scene.

It was like some sort of disco of trees who just wanted to get laid out in front dancing around as a strange hand keep running around flipping you off. Bruce thought this was a nightmare. His worst dream. Everything he knew was gone. It was his hell to live thru.

I watch that movie now and just wonder to myself.....

....Bruce thought this was hell?

I just called it Tuesday.

Pussy. - T

So that is the second to last installment of movie week. So everyone who has been asking about cars and shows and underground and how to make outr manhood grow bigger in our gmails, let it be know. This is the second to last day. A new day will dawn.

But, untill then. What are the horror movies that crack you up? The ones to damn goofy to be taken seriously?

that song sucks. like, really sucks.

This afternoon is a movie break afternoon. This theme will continue when we do another post tonight, but we both had a feeling that kicking out these titles to you so fast is really not giving ourselves enough time to think about what we really like. So the rest of the day, we are going to sit around and think about the picks we have for tonight. Because every time you respond with a movie, we slap our heads and say "oh yeah." So we are going to take the rest of the afternoon off and think about it and come back tonight. Movie week has two days left and we still need input for what you guys want to see as the final two themes.

But, since that is neither here nor there and you really can't do anything about it now, let's move on to a new topic for this afternoon.

Bad Memory Songs

You guys know these. I have a lot. Some will only be told to a close friend, but there still are ones that can be told for some strange reason. You have them. You still remember from something. Somewhere. Something that when you hear on the radio, you cringe and remember where you were at and think back to those times and just shiver. You might hate the band or you might love them, but that doesn't matter. When you hear it, you just put your head down and wonder why you did that.

These are ours.

What are yours?

turtle is up first.

Stxy - That Stupid Fucking Domo Arigato Song

I'm not even going to bother find the real name of the song and knowing Michele she will find the MP3 and put it up for you to listen to so you can all go thru the hell weekend I did when I was a kid. I have no idea what it was about or really what the fuck any of it meant. Some great concept album. Oh, like I give a fuck. It was one of those bands like Journey that you just kinda ask yourself why are you listening to this crap. I know I don't bag on bands cause I know that whatever they were doing, they really believed in it. At the time. Maybe. Blurry line there, but since I don't know, I can't talk. I'm just here to tell you why I hate this one song.26_Vanguard.jpg

Vanguard had just come out on the Atari 2600. This was a cool game. I think. I don't really remember. But everyone wanted it and it was sold out everywhere. That didn't really matter to us cause we couldn't afford it anyways.See, the thing with 2600s was that the games were cool but they were short. So take a kid and let him play any game, except Pitfall, and they will finish it in two days. What to do? Get a new game. No money. Well, that's just all fucked up. Might have to go outside and like play or something. Hell if I know. I don't do good in the sun. So you can see when this new game came out, we needed it. This ball game bouncy outside shit gets old real fast if I can't kill you and get points. So what to do?

Slam a beer and sit in the garage. Yeah, I drank as a kid. Hey, I am German. Give me a break. Turn the radio on and spin away another day. The DJ was saying something. Every hour he would play a song. All the DJs would. All weekend. If you called in and was number whateverthefuck, you could win a game! The game? Vanguard!! The song? Domo Mr. something or whatever.

We had a plan. Someone stay by the radio for the entire weekend. We would take shifts. Like some bad island movie watching for some monster or keeping the campfire lit, we had to do this. The monster might come or the campfire might go out. Then what would have? A bunch of bored kids playing Pitfall wondering if this fucking game ever ends all summer. Or playing with some bouncy thing that went in some kinda hoop.


Set up camp. We will win this.

My shift was in the day. Six hours of listening to this crappy 70's music waiting for it. Six chances. Six games. Six songs. It would happen. I could feel it. Teasers on when he was going to play it. The start and then the pull off. Saying he was just kidding and then playing Foghat or something like that. Pure adrenaline running out of my veins as the hour drew to a close. The start of the song! Call! Call! Stumbling with my fingers as I typed in the numbers! The phone call!

The busy signal.....

The sad recognition that I had lost.

Pitfall has no ending.

And I hate that song. - T

michele's turn:

This is one of those songs I loathed upon first listen. But I tolerated it. For years. On the radio, in dance clubs and on jukeboxes and on my parents’ stereo. I tolerated it. But I reached a saturation point. Something happened and I snapped. And this song became the song I hate more than any other song that has ever been written, performed or copyrighted since time began. I'm serious. You play this song in my presence, I will get stabby. Real quick.

Paradise By The Dashboard Light

I know. It’s a classic. Everyone loves it. Great bar song! Great party song! My ass.

I reached my breaking point with this asinine tune about ten years ago at my sister’s wedding. Now it’s my kryptonite. Just the mere mention of it and I break out in hives. Right now, my arms are starting to itch. I’m gonna need a bottle of calamine just write this out.

I’m sure you’ve all been to weddings or the like where people acted this song out. It can’t just be a Long Island thing. Please tell me that this happens in other places.cal.jpg Don’t leave me all alone here in loserville.

Ok, my sister’s wedding. I’ll tell you what happened. Let me just get some more calamine.

As soon as the DJ hit this song - I’m talking as soon as the firs note hit - , the dance floor was packed. Everyone who sat on their fat, drunk asses all night during the great dance songs of the night were suddenly lined up on the floor. Oh, like you don't want to dance every time you hear Funkytown. Guys on the left. Chicks on the right. Ready to....what? Rumble? Line dance? What the fuck were they doing? Following the song? Acting it out? When did Paradise become the new Hokey Pokey? Was I that sheltered that I missed this memo?

Excuse me while I gulp this Benadryl down. The hives. They multiply.

At this point in the reception, I’d has about five thousand shots of tequila. Ok, maybe twenty. Twelve. Whatever. Point is, tequila will usually have me up on a table swinging my bra around dancing to some Donna Summer song. But not even a good Cuervo buzz could get me out there for this song. They tried. I told them to back the hell off. I’ll sit this one out. Call me when the DJ puts on Bad Girls.

I just stood back and watched. Grown men and women doing this dance thing. We’re talking town councilmen and judges and the president of the local Kiwanis here. They all took turns singing the boy/girl parts. Standing across from each other like some scene out of West Side Story and doing this back and forth singing thing. And they acted the parts out. Pretending to be lusty teenagers in a steamy car. During the Phil Rizzuto play by play part, one couple stood in the center of the two lines. Pantomimed the whole thing. I kid you not. Acted the whole fucking thing out. I was embarrassed. Why weren’t they? My jaw dropped as my cousin informed me that this went on at every wedding, in every bar, every night of the week and I needed to get out more. No. No. I need to never leave the sanctity of my house again. I’ve been emotionally scarred by witnessing this.

Oh it got worse. The play by play part is over. Some lady does a sliding split into the middle of the dance floor, holding up her hand and singing "STOP RIGHT THERE!" What the fuck. That’s no lady. That’s my daughter’s religious ed teacher. And that guy singing “let me sleep on it” in her face? Jesus, that’s my uncle. Then they all chimed in. All of them. Doing this back and forth thing, guys and girls, and this went on until the very end, where they all did some bizarre dance as they whispered “glowing like a metal on the edge of a knife.” I shook my head to clear it. I thought maybe the tequila had gotten to me. I was hallucinating. Dreaming. had been transported to the ninth level of hell and Satan himself was going to rise out of the dance floor. But no. It was real. It was real and it was horrible and it formed some Pavlovian response in my brain so that I start itching and screaming and begging for mercy every time I hear this song.

That happened ten years ago. And I remember every little thing.......nah, not going there.

Pass the calamine. -M

So see, we aren't the nicest people on the planet when it comes to songs. Some people say we only review what we like. Well we do try to do that and forget what we don't because really, life is too short to worry about things we don't dig. Sure, sometimes we are forced to do things we don't want to do and we do because we agreed to, but really, this site is for fun.

So, if you feel up to it, tell us what songs you hate. With a deep dark passion.

Styx - Domo Mr. something or whatever

One other note: Every Friday I play a version of Match Game over at Mikey's site. Go check out today's game and try to match up some of my answers. Mikey is a cool dude. Check his site out.

August 3, 2006

movie week continues: no shirt no shoes no dice

So this was another hard one to pick out. We had to do it cause this is movie theme week. If you have any suggestions for the last two topics we will be doing this week, feel free to post them. I think we have taken care of most of them, but we might have missed some. A few were passed on to Michele and a few were too blurred to get a feeling on. Best Music Movie and Best Musical is kinda hard to split up. We still have two more days and we really want your input. If you notice, there will be a lot of posts by Michele alone when I am not around and vice versa. We will cover all the bases.

But, what is up for today?

Best 80's Movie

Fast Times At Ridgemont High

Aloha, Mr. Hand.

Let’s get this out of the way. Phoebe Cates taking off her bathing suit. Judge Reinhold wanking it. We all know the scene. I know it’s your favorite. Yea, I’m talking to you. You, with the turtle shell. And the rest of you. But let’s move on to the real star of this show.

jeffs1.jpgJeff Spicoli. He’s what made me love this movie. Well, Mr. Hand was pretty cool, too. But honestly, the rest of the characters? A bunch of whiny, petulant kids. Meh. Ok, the movie was fun as a whole. But Spicoli? He was this movie. Wouldn’t have been half as funny without him.

There’s a lot going on in this film, but I always get impatient for the Spicoli parts. Yea, yea, there’s the whole romance/sex thing and the fast food thing and the abortion thing and (man, I hated Damone) coming of age and all that other angsty teenage stuff that took place in nearly every single movie that came out in the 80's. And the Phoebe Cates scene. I know, I know.

That all worked, really it did. It’s a good movie with a lot of subtext going on beneath the laughs. But really. I was 20 years old when this came out. Slacker, stoner, looking for nothing but a good time. I didn’t care if Stacy and Linda found happiness. I didn’t care if Brad got fired. But I cared about Spicoli. Because he made me laugh. And he was cool. Even when faced with rejection. No shirt. No shoes. No dice.

Really, didn’t you ever want to be that guy? The one that doesn’t give a fuck about anything. The one that just takes life in stride. Laid back. Marches to his own beat. Maybe he lives in an alternate reality most of the time. Just doesn’t care what people think of him. That was Spicoli. Every line he had in this movie was quotable. And he delivered it all perfectly, in that cool California way. All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine. That’s a pretty cool way of life. Not necessarily the buzz (those days are long gone), but the whole philosophy behind it. He’s pretty simple. Easily pleased. Plus, I like the way he talks.

Guess I just have a thing for the laid back California type. - M

What's your last name?
What's your first name?
What's your middle name?

You know what it is.

16 Candles

Let's get this straight first. I don't give a flying fuck about how Molly Ringwald wanted Jake. All I cared about was the destruction of a wedding and the stupidity of high school. Sure, when I saw this movie, I could pretty much identify with a lot of the characters, but really, let's focus on what this movie really was about.

The Donger!gedde watanabe.jpg

A man of slow wit and big dreams. Someone who knew he was being held down but only needed a pair of tits and some liquor and he was like Tojo the Japanese Emperor coming to stick Pearl Harbor. He was awaking a sleeping tiger with a keg of beer and a pair of tits. He knew it, but meh, it was only grandpa who would mind, so who cares.

What a great role. This fine actor showed what chaos can do to someone who doesn't know what is going on. How someone could embrace America and hold it close. The Donger saw the decedance of America and embraced it. He not only embraced it, he got to nail a huge chick, help destroy a house, get totally fucked up on cheap beer, insult old people, dive out of trees, mess up our language, grab Jake's balls, and smash a car.

The Donger was the American Dream.

Confused, forgetful and always wondering where he was in the morning.

Donger's here for five hours, and he's got somebody. I live here my whole life, and I'm like a disease.

God Bless the USA.

God bless the Donger. -T

So what are your favorite 80's movies? I mean, I know there were a lot, but once again we nailed ours down to funny movies and tried to keep them to not being the easy ones. Sure, we could go with movies that kicked ass, but this is a very broad range we are working here. In truth? If you ask us five minutes from now, they will be different.

So those are ours.

What are yours?

movie week fun: you can quote me on that

We're having a lot of fun with movie week here at FTTW and we thank you all for coming around and making this a fun thing to do.

Right now we're just gonna have a bit of easy fun. See, it's really freaking hot outside. And humid. I'm not leaving my office during lunch because it feels like the seventh level of hell out there. And turtle is gone for a bit. So I need some entertainment. Movie quote style.

We all have our favorite movie quotes. The ones we recite again and again. Hell, I could have an entire conversation with my sister using just movie quotes.

So what we'll do here is play a little game with each other. No, not that kind of game, pervo. A movie quote game. You put your favorite quote(s) in the comments and eventually someone will guess it. There's no order here, you can throw something out whenever and how often you want. Or you can just guess someone else's. We're not keeping score or anything like that. We are just having fun. And entertaining michele while she avoids the weather from satan.

I'll start you off with a couple of my favorites (I once made a list of 100 of my faves, I won't attack you with all those, though).

1. Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.
2. Lighten up, Francis
3. Gee, I'm real sorry your mom blew up, Ricky.
4. Dozens of people spontaneously combust each year. It's just not really widely reported.
5. Janet, you rock my world.
6. Yeah, and maybe I'm a Chinese jet pilot.
7. You know what I'm going to get you next Christmas, Mom? A big wooden cross, so that every time you feel unappreciated for your sacrifices, you can climb on up and nail yourself to it.
8. Oh my God, the quarterback is toast
9. And that's all I need. The ashtray, the remote control, the paddle game, this magazine and the chair.
10. Breakfasts come and go, Rene, but Hartford, "the Whale," they only beat Vancouver once, maybe twice in a lifetime

Have at it. Put yours in. Guess the rest. Let's have some fun.

August 2, 2006

more movie week: guilty as charged

Guilty pleasures. We asked you what you wanted to see in our movie week posts and this was put out there. Guilty pleasures. Those movies you love to watch even though everyone bags on them. Movies that mostly suck, but for some reason you think they are cool. They probably have bad acting. Stupid plot lines. Cheesy dialogue. But maybe that’s what you like about them. Maybe some people only watch movies that win awards and shit. Maybe they don’t know what they’re missing. The fun of watching something that you know is really bad. Just getting lost in the special effects or gratuitous sex and violence. Sometimes you just gotta have fun. That’s what guilty pleasures are all about. We all have them. We watch the movies that other people say are unwatchable. Here’s two of ours.

Now tell us yours.

Starship Troopers

I know the haters are out there. I’ve run into you before. Whining about loyalty to the book. Nerds. All of you. This movie rocked. I don’t care if it strayed from Heinlien’s book. Why argue over that? So it was different. Big deal. You still ended up with a kick ass movie.

img78.gif Yea, there’s some intricate morality things going on here and Verhoeven kind of turns it into a gore and sex fest, as he is prone to do, and maybe at some point you do root for the bugs or wish for Jake Busey to just die already but god damn this is a fun flick.

Let’s look at what we’ve got here. Bugs. Giant bugs. BUGS IN SPACE. Forget your snakes on a motherfucking plane. We’ve got bugs in motherfucking SPACE. And there’s gore. Brains being sucked out of someone’s head. Doogie Howser. God damn Doogie Howser playing a space Nazi. The cheesiest, wooden acting you can ask for in a cheesy movie. Yes, it’s pure cheese. Yes, it’s absurd. Yes, I know that it’s got flaws out the ass and the dialogue is ridiculous. "You're some sort of big, fat, smart-bug, aren't you?"

Dude. It’s got tits. Dina Meyer in a shower. Tits and giant alien bugs. What’s not to like? Forget that it’s not like the book. Forget all the political/moral undertones. Forget that they didn’t include the power suits. Take the nerd hat off, put your brain on stand by and watch this flick. Sex. Violence. Giant bugs. Rue McLanahan.

There’s only one thing to say to all of you who hate this movie: You got a bug problem, man?

Plus, it’s got tits. -M


Don't ask me why I defend Mr. Patrick Swayze all the time. I really just think he is the most underrated actor of all time. You can say Gary Coleman or even that little short kid from "Webster" holds this title, but I will have to disagree with you. Midgets are cool, but Mr. Swayze breaks knees. He was the cool while Gary Coleman was asking about what we were talking about.

Confused midget verses knee breaking ass kicker.

I think Mr. Patrick Swayze wins.

Plus Mr. Patrick Swayze has one advantage.

He breaks knees.

Why is this movie so cool, you ask? It all has to do with one summer. Bored kids with no money to spend except just enough to buy a few forties of malt liquor. Sitting in an alley way. Maybe just a street corner. Passing a bottle around just waiting for the rain to come to wash away the boredom. We had nothing to do and we were poor. Just drink, pass, drink, pass. You get the idea.

A van pulled up one night. A friend. He looked us up and down. We were a sad lot of kids. Drinking warm beer and counting our last smokes before we would have to shoplift again. He asked us if we wanted to go to the drive in with him. He had to take his sister to see some dumb movie. He didn't want to go alone. Meh. We have no cash. It's the drive in, dude. Unless you are a cripple that can't hop a fence you better get the fuck in the van.

We drove to the drive in and found a way in. Hopped a back fence and wandered into the parking lot. That's when we knew we were seeing something big. drivein.jpgThis was it. This was something to behold.

Kegs overflowing and staff not caring. Lounge chairs all around the parking lot. Bodies running into each other as everyone screamed the words to the movie!

The Summer Of Swayze was born!

No more alley ways. No more dead end streets waiting for the night to end. No more drinking cheap beer. All The Summer of Swayze asked you to do was hop a fence, grab a beer and watch him kick ass for 90 minutes! This was awesome. We owned the parking lot! It was ours! People too drunk to talk! Mumbling out "Pain don't hurt" as they passed out! Bodies having sex in the bushes! Bar fights on the screen! Drive in parking lot fights in front on me! Grab a beer and get numb! The movie played three times in a row every night for the entire Summer. I know that movie like the smell of yesterdays keg of Pabst that no one bothered to fill up again. Questions were always left unanswered. People left feeling dead after watching it three times in a row every single god damn night for three months.

But you know what?

We kept coming back.

And so did Mr. Patrick Swayze.

Until the Summer ended. - T

So we did it! We admitted what our own guilty pleasures are. I like spending a Saturday watching golf all day, if that gives you any more ammo. Well, the thing about this, it was fun.

What do you watch, other than porn, that you are afraid to cop to? Cause we all watch porn so that's not like a guilty pleasure. More of an addiction. So what is your favorite movie that no else likes?

Movie poll winner: wasting my life away for a few dollars a day

This one surprised me. I really didn't think it would win. It's a documentary so I'm not really sure if this counts. The others that were on here were real movies, but I guess a movie is a movie. Personally, I wanted another movie to win, but as it goes here on FTTW, we never get our way with you readers. Grrrrrrrrrrr. But anyways, this is a really cool film. And we review the winners. Poll results here.

So who won?

B0000057C2.01._SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpgDecline of the Western Civilization

You can't really go wrong with this one. An explaination of what was going on in the early 80's punk rock scene. This was LA and punk rock was starting up again. d04p072.jpgThis was Hollywood. This was just something that someone caught on tape at sometime. It really let you in on the start of the second generation punk rock bands. Sure, it has got some bands in it that you have never really heard of and the fast forward button was made for, but the rest of the bands are really good. It's interesting to watch someone so fucked up on stage, he doesn't know he is cut. Stories about how many drugs Darby Crash can pack into himself. Like a sick "Dateline" where you can witness a man falling down. Then you move on to really early Black Flag where they are being asked about their haircuts and living in a church for a few dollars a month. Then X with home made tattoos and sadness. Little pre-emo for you all. Billy Zoom explaining how he knew he could play good, but never wanted to show it off in some macho KISS like stance from the 70's. He wanted just to stand and smile and forget about you while he played. And at the end of it all, FEAR. No interview with them. That would take away from their "beer drinking time". Just a fucked up guitarist and a fight between Lee Ving and some girl from the audience who kept spitting on him.

Let's have a war. - T

movies, movies, movies

Ok. I'm bored and avoiding the pile of work on my desk. Trying to de-stress from work events this morning. Turtle not around. What to do. Oh hey, I'll ask you all for ideas!

Obviously, it's movie theme week here at FTTW. We have a bunch of ideas in the bank but we'd like to hear what you are interested in, too.

Some ideas we have thrown around: worst movie, bad movie endings, best western, movies that make you cry, best soundtracks, movies you love that everyone else thinks suck....things along that line.

If there's anything you'd like to see done in the movie theme, let us know. We are up for basically anything, no matter how out there your suggestion may be. And we're all about you guys, so it's always good to know what you like to read about.

Also, if you would like to get on the mailing list for emails that go out when we have something going on here, shoot us an email at fttw10 at gmail dot com and we'll add you to the list.

So let us know if there's a movie theme/poll type thing (either one of our ideas or an idea of your own) that you'd like us to cover. We'll try to get to everything suggested. As long as it doesn't involve watching Pauly Shore movies.

August 1, 2006

and movie week continues: Frankenstein and farts

So what's up for tonight? Funny men and funny women. Funny plots and funny inside jokes.

If you haven't noticed by now, this is movie theme week on FTTW. We will get them all in here and deal with the most popular later. Maybe a poll. Maybe a Chimachanga at some dive. I hate writing these when I am hungry. I always get off track. Be that as it may, we are on a theme this week. "The Best of Series."

Tonight was hard. Actually, the toughest that we have ever done. I proposed, in one or two diferent ways, that we decide on one movie. She agreed. I wanted more nachos. The hunger thing. While I got off on some trip about dive food, she started writing. I got crap food and cigars and had to play catch up. Little more for you to know about FTTW. This is the way we work around here.

So our theme tonight is......

What is the funniest movie that you have ever seen? Mine was easy. I just looked at some old quotes from the film and laughed. I had five movies, but one killed me reading the quotes today. So we are going to go ahead and pick the one movie that always makes us laugh. The one that made us cry from laughing to hard.

Wanna play along?

Then here we go!

Blazing Saddles

Hmmmmmmmmm. This is a tough one. Let's just start this off by saying a disclaimer. No one got away from being made fun of in the movie. Every race and every religon was nailed in this. Racism, stupidity, religon, mentally retarded people, alcoholism and hating the Irish.

So if you think this movie is bad because of the insults or thinking what they are saying is derogatory towards whatever the hell you are, just remember, everyone got taken apart here.

Mel Brooks took it all on here. You guys know this movie. BlazeSaddle103.jpegThis was the one you looked at the ground after you heard what a character said and thought "I don't believe he said that" but still kept laughing. I guess in my mind the movie was always fine with all the racial insults, as long as Mel Brooks covered all the bases. No one was safe. He took them all on. We were all fair game in his book. And if you don't think your race was insulted, you aren't looking hard enough. It's in there somewhere.

The funny thing about this movie is I can justify a movie about making fun of the Irish, Jewish people and black people cause in the end, it shows you that they win. The Chinese got land. The Irish got land. The Sheriff walked away and the new town had a new bunch of people who worked together now.

It was like they all bagged on each other for the first 70 minutes, then pulled together at the end to save themselves by working together. Colors and religion mean shit when it 's all down on the line. You help me and I'll help you and we can get thru this together. We can get thru this together.

That was the thing about this movie.

It was mean spirited but the message at the end was simple.

Work together or die alone.

And we will take the Irish. - T

When we said we would do funniest movies, my first reaction was Blazing Saddles. But my reaction was a bit slower than turtle’s and he grabbed it first. That’s ok. I’ve got the next best thing, a movie that came out the same year as Blazing Saddles, also directed by Mel Brooks.

Young Frankenstein.

1974. What a year for Mel Brooks. Two amazingly funny movies that would go on to become classics.

I was twelve when these films came out. Yea. Twelve. Get off my lawn. I saw both of these with my parents. Blazing Saddles in the theater and Young Frankenstein in the drive-in. With my parents. Hey, they raised us right. Horror movies and Mel Brooks comedies before we were even teenagers.

Let me do a little math here. How many fingers do I have? Not enough. Ok. It’s over 30 years since that movie came out? Shit. I’m old. youngfrankenstein.gif Point is, I can throw Young Frankenstein in the DVD player today and still laugh as hard as I did the first time, the 50th time, the 100th time I’ve seen it. And yea, it’s been that many. I still watch it occasionally with my parents, and I’ve watched it with my kids (who love it). It says something about a movie when you know what’s coming, know every line and every joke and it still makes you laugh like it’s the first time you are hearing it.

It’s a testament to this movie and Mel Brooks and everyone in it that over 30 years later, we still quote it extensively on a near daily basis. And once we start, it keeps going until someone whinnies. Then we laugh til we pee a little.

It’s not just the brilliance of the writing. It’s Marty Feldman’s crazed eyes and Gene Wilder’s delivery. It’s the way Madeline Kahn Terri Garr* says enormous schwanstucker. It’s Peter Boyle singing Puttin’ On The Ritz. Terri Garr rolling in ze hay. The timing. The scenery. The cinematography. Everything about this movie worked. Everything. It’s such a mixture of things; satire, comedy, raunchiness, slapstick, and Mel Brooks brought everything together with perfection.

And it had Gene Hackman in it.

Walk this way. - M

So that's our take on what we think the funniest movies ever filmed were. No, we didn't make a poll because we realized we had missed so many in the last one. But, knowing us, we prolly will later in the week. But for right now, we need input.

This is where you come in.

What did we miss?

* I was corrected in the comments about that. Fixed.

these go to eleven

Once again, we have to apologize for what's been going on around at FTTW. We know that sometimes we run a little slow and sometimes we run fast. Emotional things have been happening in both our lives and coupled with the plane ride to New York have slowed us down to about two posts a day. Sometimes they aren't even that good. Like you guys care about my flight? Well, it took me a few days to soak that in. Plus, we get free weekend minutes on our phones. So we have been talking a lot. But, I do apologize for not getting anymore Underground stories out. One will be coming soon. Just wait a bit.

Plus guys. Soon, you will get turtle in New York stories. And Michele with turtle stories. And turtle sleeps too much stories from Michele. That will be kinda cool.

So we decided to take the easy way out today. We know that we usually do stories from the past or just something off the top of our heads, but this week has been emotionally draining. So today we will keep it easy. We want your full participation in this cause you readers always keep us laughing.

What do we want to do?

Music Movies

This is really broadly defined and we didn't really discuss this with each other before we did it. Just made sure we weren't doing the other's movie and just went with it. So if one is totally different then the other, just remember that some days are diamond and some days are gold.

So what are yours?

turtle is up first.

Since I am cheating today and throwing in one that really isn't a movie, I'll do two reviews. The only reason I'm doing this is because this first one has a personal call to me. The destruction of a band. The last days before the end. Beat down. Released a year after the band was had spun out, smacked out and walked away.

Turbonegro - The Movie

597810.jpgOk. By now you guys all know I am a rabid turbojugend. This was the band that coined the phrase deathpunk. They came out of Norways black metal scene with something new. They talked about drug addiction, alcoholism and nutrition all on one tape. This was it for them. The road had beat them up. You could see in all the interviews that they just wanted to stay numb. From the start of the tour till the end. You follow it. And you can watch them. Look in their eyes, mein readers, this is a look of the end staring at you. This was a band that was over. As the crowds grew bigger they just grew number. It wasn't surprising to me that after this tour, it was all over. It is interesting to see something like this from the outside. Something that you know is going down but you had to keep going to the end. They had talent. They had guts. But they lost it all on the road to darkness.

Pretty much sums it up.

SLC Punk

All this movie had to be named was turtle punk and we had my life. No, I didn't grow up in Salt Lake. No,I didn't shoot a car to sink in a lake. screens.film.slcpunk.jpegWell, maybe I did. That's neither here nor there. But yes, I had friends like this. I had a hatred of anyone from anywhere else but the USA. And yes, if you touched any of my friends, I would hurt you. But I would drink a beer afterward with you. Pretty much the feeling at the time. Hatred of the old school punk rockers for dropping the ball. Hatred of any UK band who said The Clash was the only band that mattered. Any soundtrack that I have every song from is going to be cool. I think the only UK band on there is The Exploited and having "Sex and Violence" open up any movie is kinda cool.

But, there is a quote in that movie that I used to use.

"American punk rock sucks."

"Oh yeah? Well, we did it harder, we did it faster and we did it first."

*been along time since I've used it, so don't quote me on that.

I assume the time frame in this movie takes place in about 1985. Frustration and drug addiction. Restlessness and being a kid. Pushing the boundries while still wanting to feel safe.

And the soundtrack rocked. - T

This is Spinal Tap

It's such a fine line between stupid, and clever.

That about sums up this movie. Oh, it's clever. But it is so close to being stupid. I suppose if you aren't into rock and roll or don't have this warped sense of humor, you'll find it stupid. Trust me, I've had arguments with people over this film. Some of them just don't get it.

I don't really have to explain the premise of the movie to you. You all know. This is Spinal Tap. Nothing else needs to be said about that.spinal.jpg

I can't be the only person who thinks of Iron Maiden when I watch this. Especially that whole scene with Nigel explaining the song he's writing:

It's part of a trilogy, a musical trilogy I'm working on in D minor which is the saddest of all keys, I find. People weep instantly when they hear it, and I don't know why.

I can totally picture Bruce Dickinson saying something like that. The whole movie I think of him and all those other power metal bands that border on pretentiousness with their gothic themes and literary references. Hey, I actually like Maiden, so don't get all defensive about it, but I'm just saying.....Spinal Tap is Iron Maiden with jokes.

We're very lucky in the band in that we have two visionaries, David and Nigel, they're like poets, like Shelley and Byron. They're two distinct types of visionaries, it's like fire and ice, basically. If you've ever seen the Rollins bit where he disses on Iron Maiden, you'll know why I find this so funny and relate it to Maiden.

Enough about Iron Maiden. Spinal Tap. I couldn't even pinpoint the best part of this movie. It's a brilliant piece of work from start to finish. The Stonehenge scene? Yea, I'd have to go with that scene.

This movie is really a genius stab at rock bands who took themselves too seriously (I'm looking at you, Led Zeppelin. Maybe you too, KISS). But the best part is, even though it's a "mockumentary" it sort of blurred the line between fiction and reality because Spinal Tap the band really existed. And put out some kick ass music.

Come on, tell me you don't rock out with your cock out to Big Bottom. You know you do. Put it on. Turn it up.

Because these go to eleven. -M


We have a short poll for you today.

What do you think the best music movie is?

Our list isn't perfect and face it guys, it will never be. Add your own into this if you feel we made a huge mistake by forgetting yours.

When we are done with the votes, we will do a write up on the movie. That's when you come into play. We want you to review the winner. This will be later in the week, but have fun and vote often.

Update: From now on, we will consult you guys first before we make a poll list. We leave off a lot of good stuff by not asking for your opinions.

Come back tonight for our "funniest movie" post and we'll do that. - t/m