Amie: Volume 1, Issue 1
by Michele Christopher

What do you get when you put a socially inept geek, a genetically engineered mutant, and a green furball in the same story? You get - Amie!

Welcome to the first installment of Amie, a serialized graphic novel that will unfold here at FTTW each Saturday morning written by J. W. Carbonell.

Click image for this week's strip.


Nice work, Jo! I'm looking forward to seeing how this story goes.


really cool

i want to see more


I particularly like the Rocky Horror poster in the background of the first frame.

I'm not sure I can wait a whole week for the next installment though.


*Blush* I'm so glad everyone likes my comic. I hope you like it as much as I like drawing it.


nice work, thanks for bringing it!


This is cool. I'm kind of curious about how you put it together. Did you draw and ink this on bristol board and then scan it in to add the lettering?


Actually, my process is very simple. I draw the frames one by one and then I cut and paste them one a sheet of paper. I do the illustrations and lettering by hand. Once I have the page ready, I scan it and then do touch-ups and re-lettering by using AdobePHOTO. After that its a finished piece and ready for my adoring public to enjoy.

Not very high tech, but it works.


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