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April 30, 2007

New World

Anthony woke up with the urge to wash his hands. He felt small creatures traversing the folds of his filthy skin, which was dry and cracked, and bled on occasion. He thought, “I'll douse my hands in soap, lather them up, and get ready to start the day.”

The plastic cover for the mattress crumpled as he rose and placed his right foot on the white carpet. Shaking his head, he lay back down, carefully put his feet back in their original position, pulled sheets to chin and closed his eyes, imitating quiet, peaceful sleep.

Again he rose. With care, he placed his feet on the ground, this time his left one first. A slow sensation of triumph crept from his spine to his head, bathing Anthony’s thoughts in the warmth of seeming perfection.

He walked into the bathroom—always the last to get cleaned, usually the first to get used. Through a quirk of his condition, the filth that lurked there never invaded his conscious awareness. He urinated and left without even flushing.

Through the door, left foot first, in the hallway, counting steps, into the kitchen, left foot leading, to the sink: pristine, shining stainless steel. To the left of the long, slender faucet was the antibacterial soap, and he picked it up carefully with two fingers, touching it as little as possible. Anthony looked around until he saw his cleaning towel, light blue terry cloth, folded neatly where he placed it the night before. After picking up the soft fabric, he began to wipe down the bottle.

Once satisfied with his work, Anthony squirted a half dollar of soap into his palm. He began to rub his hands together, a silky white billow lathering up, and Anthony smiled.

monk.jpgThen he realized that he hadn’t turned the water on; his rare vision of happiness was shattered. Now he would have to touch the faucet, which would ruin everything. He reached out a sea-foam hand, and almost made another mistake by using his right one. Quickly, Anthony pulled it back and extended his left arm, turning the knob slowly until the clear water splashed musically on the metal below.

It was easy to wash the soap off his hands—just don’t let them touch anything but the water—but he had other decisions to make. He hadn’t washed the knobs yet this morning, and what if a bug had landed there during the night? He couldn’t risk dirtying his hands. Plastic salvation dangled from the shiny glove dispenser to his right, and he reached up, careful to touch absolutely nothing, grabbed a pair and put it on. The solution to the faucet problem lay on the counter four steps away. Extending his left foot first, then sliding in the bottle’s direction, Anthony crossed the linoleum floor and retrieved his rubbing alcohol. After retracing his steps, he opened the cabinet above the sink, barely touching the knobs with his fingertips, and reached slowly inside the plastic bag for his cotton balls.

Anthony carefully unscrewed the top of the bottle, placed a cotton ball on top of it, and turned it upside down. The cotton ball contracted, soaked, and a cold sensation overcame the tips of his fingers, the unmistakable smell of isopropyl alcohol filling his nostrils. He had the urge to sneeze. Keeping in mind what a mess that would make, he pushed his tongue hard against the roof of his mouth—a trick he learned as a small boy—to stave off the itching in his nose. Placing the bottle to his left, he began to swab the faucet heads, sure to cover every inch of their surface with alcohol. Once the visible surface was spotless, he turned his attention to the small space between the bottom of the knobs and the cold metal of the sink, which was only vulnerable to Q-tips and the edges of paper towels.

Four cotton balls, two paper towels, and fifteen minutes later, Anthony was somewhat satisfied and closed the cabinet, touching only the parts of the knobs he touched earlier. He then gathered up the balls and walked, left foot first, over to the closet in a corner of his kitchen. Anthony detested the closet; it was the dirtiest part of his small, one bedroom apartment.

Anthony opened the closet door slowly, as if something was waiting in the dark to jump out and grab him. Inside, his trash basket sat silently glaring at him. It was absolutely spotless—a beacon of cleanliness in a world so full of dirt and grime—but a rancid odor filled his nostrils whenever he saw it. He gagged; his face turned up into a grimace of disgust and hatred. But Anthony realized that if he did vomit, he would spend all day cleaning it up. He held in his insides.

Anthony decided to try his best at throwing the cotton balls in from where he was standing, nearly a foot away. His toss was accurate, but for one moment of horror, a ball teetered on the edge of the can until gravity pulled it inside.

Anthony slammed the closet door closed with such a force that he had to open it again to check and make sure it wasn’t broken. Once he was satisfied that it was in good condition, he walked back over to the sink; he needed a glass of water. First he carefully opened the cupboard beneath the sink and picked up a brand new sponge still wrapped in plastic. He decided to leave the wrapper on the counter until he was forced to take another trip to the trash can. After retrieving a glass from the cabinet, he picked up the soap and began scrubbing. In several minutes he was convinced that there was not an inch of glass left untouched and walked to the refrigerator to get his filtered water.

Thirst quenched, Anthony decided to start making lunch. It was nearly ten-thirty; he could prepare a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup by noon.

There was a knock at the door.

Anthony tried to ignore it; he really needed to get started on his lunch, and visitors spread germs he wished to avoid thinking about. But it continued and he heard a woman from out in the corridor.

“Hello?” queried the tiny voice. Anthony walked across the linoleum to the living room, but had to stop, retrace his steps exactly, and go back through the doorway, this time crossing the threshold with his left foot first. He walked in metered steps across the green carpet to the peephole, his outlet to the filthy outside world.

With terror he realized he hadn’t cleaned the peephole yet that morning. The voice came again from outside. “Sir or madam, I can hear you in there. I am here to help, that’s all.” She sounded reassuring, but opening the door meant inviting in all sorts of nasty things. After a moment’s thought, Anthony reached out with his bare hand and turned the doorknob, nearly retching at how unclean it was.

There stood a thin, pale woman of small stature, probably right around Anthony’s age. A long skirt with flowers dotting a white background draped what little figure she had, and the cuffs of a long sleeved white blouse bunched around her bony wrists. A long chain cascaded down her steep form; a golden crucifix hung in the crease of her breasts. In her hands, which were folded across her chest, were several pieces of paper and a Bible. The woman smiled hospitably, but Anthony was having a hard time keeping his wits about him; he rarely opened the door unless the delivery boy stood tapping his foot on the other side.

“Hello sir!” She reached out her hand to shake Anthony’s, but pulled it back quickly when she saw the horror on his face. “Do you mind if I come in?”

Before Anthony could say anything to dissuade her entering his apartment, she was in his living room. The woman sighed and turned around as Anthony was closing the door, still trying to hold in the water. He started to put his gloves back on.

“Have you found God?” she asked Anthony quizzically. A feeble ‘No’ was all he could manage, and after a couple of seconds, and stepping past her, left foot first, into the kitchen, he said, “I haven’t really been looking for Him.”

Her lips curled up into a pitiful smile, and she expressed her sympathy. “But God’s been looking for you! And I'm here to show you a new world, with Christ!” The woman walked over to Anthony, who was doing his best to keep her out of the kitchen, and cracked open her Bible to the middle somewhere. Without looking at the page, she handed the book to Anthony, her long index finger pointing to the beginning of a passage. He followed along as she recited.

“‘God gives the desolate a home to live in,’ ” she said with dignity, eyes closed in ecstatic reverence for her lord. “‘He leads out the prisoners to prosperity, but the rebellious live in a parched land.’ ” As Anthony closed the book, she smiled a large, pleasant grin. “Now, isn’t that lovely? And wouldn’t you like to be seated at His feet, so that you may see His glory?” Anthony considered this, and before he could stop her, she was in the kitchen, asking for a bit of water. She turned the knob on the sink and filled a glass from the tap. Anthony watched her drink the filth. She finished drinking, put down her glass on the counter, and grinned deplorably. Anthony saw the light glint off her bottom lip, and before he could do anything, a tiny drop of water fell on to the counter.

Anthony scuttled to try and catch the droplet, but it was too late. He nearly bowled the woman over when he slammed into the sink, grabbed the soap bottle, and squeezed until it squirted noisily.

“Sir,” she said quietly, “are you okay?”

Anthony, now scrubbing the countertop, could control his rage no longer. “No!” he screamed to the woman, now standing over his shoulder, her hot, putrid breath on his neck. “No, I am not okay! Now look at what you’ve done—I have to clean everything dammit! It’ll take me the whole day, did you ever think about that! It’s all so dirty now, it’s all so…”

He noticed that her breath wasn’t on his neck anymore, and turned to see her small frame silhouetted in the doorway to his living room. She was backing out of his apartment, leaflets and Bible in hand. By the time Anthony turned off the sink, she was at the door.

The Good Christian turned around. “I’ve never seen anything like this before. I will pray for your soul sir. You need to be prayed for.” She walked out into the hallway and slammed the door.

Anthony slumped down into the chair next to his computer. “Don’t pray for me,” he muttered. “I don’t need a prayer. I need help. Help me.”

Anthony began to sob, the tears a vain attempt at cleansing his face, much less his soul.

by E. Branden Hart

Uber's Corner Archives

Plainclothes Naked

“Stranger still, the clit—no Jesus!—the clit seemed less like a man in a boat than Don King on a yacht. The departed, there was no other way to say it, sported a stubby miniature penis. With hair.”

That’s right. Know what else? The President has a happy face tattooed on his testicles. And jujubes will help a grieving widow recover from murdering her husband with 40 watt light bulb glass and Drano in his cereal.

stahl_stiller.jpgAnd so you have just a tiny bit of the crazy ass stuff going on in this week’s book, Plainclothes Naked by Jerry Stahl. Jerry Stahl is a former television writer, writing for shows such as CSI, Alf, Moonlighting, Northern Exposure and many more. He’s also written other novels, one being Permanent Midnight which was made into a movie starring Ben Stiller.

The cast of characters in this novel are quite the unique gathering. There’s Manny the former heroin addict and current well-endowed detective. Then there’s Tina, the formerly mentioned murderess who offed her annoying husband for being too nasal. Mostly it was an accident. She usually empties the cereal bowl before eats it, but that morning, oops, she was distracted.

When describing Tina, Stahl says, “Tina had that Faye Dunaway thing. Faye before the surgery, when her cheekbones were still sharp as can openers and she looked like a feral gazelle”. That just strikes me as cool.

Next we have McCardle, the black Dean Martin who killed a gay guy with a shovel and was recently on America’s Most Wanted. Mac’s partner Tony Zank, the crack addicted violent one who hangs his own mother out a four-story window and drops her ‘cause she won’t tell him who took the picture he hid under her mattress in the nursing home.

The picture? Oh, that’s the picture of the President squeezing his nuts to make it a “biobrain” with the smiley face tat smack in the middle of the focus. As George W grins goofily, the Mayor of Pittsburgh has her face within licking distance of the Presidential sack.

plainclothes_naked.jpgThe Mayor of Pittsburgh, Marge, happens to be Manny’s ex-wife. The picture happened to have been nabbed by Tina, an employee of Seventh Heaven nursing home.

Manny, being the former heroin addict, is now addicted to Tylenol 3 with codeine. He uses fake names to get prescriptions at various pharmacies around town, different names for different locations. He’s a jaded fella, popping pills to get through his day, resenting the fact that he’s a cop and driving around in a car that belonged to a former cop with a fat ass. Said fat ass causing a large divot in the seat that Manny sinks into.

Another man wandering through the pages is Chief Fayton of the Upper Marilyn PD. Manny’s boss. Fayton however came from the DMV and has never actually been a beat cop or worked a case. You wouldn’t know this however if you looked at the staged photos lining his wall. Even photos staged to make it appear he was apprehending perps and was involved in a hostage crisis.

He has every cop and detective report everything to him and they all wonder why one hand is always under his desk. They start thinking he’s whacking off under there, and from the direction of this book I wouldn’t have been surprised to find that to be true.

He’s a narcissistic, double-crossing, self-involved man who is really just waiting to strike it big with fame and fortune when someone buys and produces his screenplay he’s writing about being a Chief in a small town. Maybe get Benjamin Bratt, James Woods, or Tom Selleck to play him. To everyone else on the force he’s pretty much a joke.

Have I mentioned there’s a decapitated reporter and a very large Hispanic woman? Oh, yes, I did mention her. She has the hairy clit. Carmella that is. She’s the supervisor at Seventh Heaven and she finds herself accompanying McCardle and Zank unwillingly to a skeezy Indian motel where she turns the tables and gets them to reenact a certain scene from Deliverance. I’m sure you can think of the one.

Throughout all of this is a budding romance between Manny and Tina. From the moment he walks into the crime scene, aka, her kitchen, he’s struck by a deep fear that makes his hair stand on end when first seeing Tina. Love at first sight according to him. Right off the bat he’s covering for her and saying the death of her husband was suicide, that he was a “foamer” and Tina gives him the photo to hold onto.

Manny keeps going from crime scene to crime scene as McCardle and Zank try to find the photo of the Commander in Chief’s wrinkly basket and leave behind a trail of bodies.

The interaction between the various characters, how they communicate is at once outrageous and hilarious as well as sorta gross.

Jerry Stahl has a flowing style that moves along with a bit of noir detective novel style tossed in. Like saying a guy pulls back a blanket to reveal “seven decades of thigh” and “he had luck like other men has psoriasis” and another, “hair so riddled with dandruff it looked like confetti”. Lots of that. Maybe sometimes too much. Like I could imagine Stahl pausing at his typewriter, trying to think of witty analogies and metaphors to pepper his paragraphs.

“A chance, if you don’t end up behind bars or tied off for the lethal fix, you’ll end up in bed with a bent, beautiful, edge-of-your-seat genius female who sees right through your eyeballs to the dark room in the back of your brain, the one you never let anybody into because you didn’t know it was there….”

Stahl has a great turn of phrase. He paints pictures with his words, clearly he’s talented. And seriously screwed in the head, but in a good way. I like the way he thinks and I like the avenues he takes us down.

There were a few turns and twists, a couple little surprises, but mostly a different sort of book than I’m used to and I was glad of it. I was happy to find something that everyone isn’t talking about around me. Perhaps this is because the book isn’t new and I didn’t hear about it the first time around.

This is a weird and strange journey. One that includes barf and feces and penises and anal sex and really old mom vagina.

This book was one of the most creative I’ve read in a long time. I’ll eventually get another of his books, Perv – A Love Story, ‘cause who can resist such a title?

This guy is raunchy and demented and the sort of writer who says what he wants in the most colorful way he can imagine.

Then there’s Auntie Big’n. How many levels of wrong is it that McCardle, as a child, would have to wash his Auntie’s “lady parts” while watching the CBS Evening News? Seriously, the stuff in this book is just twisted.

There’s quite a bit more I could say about this book but I think you should just go get it yourself. I’m sure you will find something in there you haven’t come across before, even if it just references to overweight shaved lady parts.

Kristine likes her men raunchy and demented. And she shaves.


I Got Wood

Wood for your guitar. This is a highly complex and emotionally charged topic for guitar players and builders. Some people try to use physics to explain the uses of wood, others use mojo. Some build for economy, others build for looks. I simply cannot go into all the ins and outs of this topic, there isn’t the space and I don’t have the time. Here, I’m only going to talk about the basics and only cover electric guitars.

The wood chosen for a guitar is pretty important for a variety of reasons. A wood’s strength is a primary concern. How well it can be worked – carved and shaped -- into the guitar is another. How the wood looks and adds to the aesthetics of the guitar is another huge issue. How wood affects the sound of the guitar is perhaps the most contentious issue and that’s where you’ll hear about the “mojo.”

All of the building materials for a guitar, wood especially, directly effects the vibration of the strings and their resonance -- which directly effects the quality of the sound. This is especially true of an acoustic guitar since you're hearing raw sound -- naked wood, as it were. In an electric, the pickup does all the work and it is (generally) not microphonic. That is, the pickup doesn't "pick up" the sound of the strings, it picks up the vibration of the strings. This vibration creates a signal in the pickup which is translated to sound.

Something that complicates building is that the same wood may not produce the same, consistent effects. You might think then that any wood of similar resonant frequency should create guitars that sound the same. Well, I don't know why, but it's not true. Anybody can pick up an Alder body Fender Strat and a Basswood body Strat and hear a subtle difference in tone and color even though the two woods are very similar in grain, weight and resonant frequency. If you ever want to test this out for yourself a Strat is a great guitar to use, because they are essentially an assembly line, cookie-cutter product. One of them is going to be very similar to another.

What makes this subject even more complex is when you begin to realize that two guitars, using the same wood, with the same hardware and electronics and similar finishes sound different. Even wood from the same tree isn't necessarily the same. Some is denser, some has tighter grain -- it's a crapshoot. But there are some generalities and I'm going to list some of my favorites woods here and some of their supposed tonal qualities:

quiltedmaple.jpgQuilted or Curly Maple: Quilted Maple is a rock maple tree that has a wavy or curly appearance. No one knows for sure why the trees get this look. Maple is a heavy wood and the non-figured rock maple is usually used in guitar necks. Quilted maple, along with it's cousin flamed or tiger-stripe maple, is used primarily as tops for guitars.

pic01_05.jpgThe majority of the guitar body will be made with a different wood like mahogany and the quilted maple will just be a cap. If the cap is thick enough, it will effect the sound of the guitar. However, there are lots of guitar companies that only use a thin maple veneer top. This looks pretty, but doesn't do anything to the sound. Thick maple caps can really brighten up the tone of a guitar.

This guitar is a beatiful example of quilted maple in use on a JET guitar. The figured maple really pops out once stained and polished. Depending on the color used it can look like flames or wavy water. Beautiful stuff.

Spalted maple: Spalted maple is actually wood that has begun to decay. The cool lines and firguring seen in the wood is fungus attacking the grain. This leads to spectacular looking lines and figures throughout the boards. It almost looks like someone has drawn on the wood, but this is all natural. spalt23.jpg

qsgbodsm45.jpgAs with other figured maples, spalted maple is primarily used as a cap on a guitar body. However, spalted maple cannot really be used for anything else. It has a brittle structure and is not strong enough to be used for anything that could put strain on it. It looks gorgeous though, and you can get all kinds of figuring. This guitar is one of Ed Roman's Quicksilver bodies, and I think the spalt looks like a collection of fall leaves. But you can get figures that look like lightening strikes or just random lines. It's truly gorgeous and rare. The sound quality is similar to that of other maple caps.

Black Walnut: Is a gorgeous, dark, "wood looking" wood. You can occasionally find some figuring in walnut, but it tends to be pretty normally grained. Walnut is heavy and it's tonal properties are similar to mahogany -- rich, deep and very resonant. It's a very strong wood and easy to work. It's expensive because gunmakers like to use it for gun stocks; cabinet makers and hard-wood floor makers also use it extensively. This, of course, drives up the market price.

Here is a guitar I really lust after. It's by Jaros Guitars. It's got most of what I love in a guitar; it has an ebony fretboard, a cool but simple fretboard inlay, it's walnut and it has a tune-o-matic bridge. If the hardware was chrome or nickel I'd probably have to rob a bank.

Bubinga: Bubinga is a gorgeous, red-tinted wood. It is referred to as African Rosewood, even though it's not of the rosewood species.

I've seen it used in a lot of different ways – as a top cap, as accent stripes in the neck or body, and as entire guitar bodies. It is very heavy and has a deep, dense sound. The thicker the piece of bubinga used, the better suited it is for a bass guitar. Caps are great for a regular six string.

The guitar is one of Ed Roman's Abstract guitars.

Purpleheart: The last wood I'm going to talk about today is Purpleheart. It is one of my favorite woods because it's purple and just how often do you see that? Purpleheart is amazingly heavy and dense. If you see a guitar made mostly of Purpleheart and want to buy it, start lifting weights. Sometimes Purpleheart is used for a neck and even that is enough to throw a guitar's balance off. So, most of the time, you see PH used as accent stripes though the neck or body. Sometimes folks make guitar knobs out of it. You can see on this Alembic guitar how they've worked PH into the guitar body providing beautiful contrast in the woods. I have no idea how PH sounds as I've never seen a guitar made out of enough of the stuff to give me a PH "vibe." I've played some with accents and it is a gorgeous, tight grained wood. Even Ed Roman's site doesn't say too much about it. He does say it makes good fingerboard wood and that makes sense, although I've never seen it in person.

There are literally thousands of species of wood out there that have been used for guitar manufacture. I could write a book on it, as others already have.

As much as I like listening and playing to guitar, I really love looking at the art that they are. I’d hang ‘em on the wall before I’d hang a Picasso.

Because I'm All About the Guitar Archives

Branching Out (International Hip-Hop Part 1)

Since this column is about more than just hip-hop, I thought I'd take these next few weeks as an opportunity to explore some of the hip-hop that is popular throughout other parts of the world. That way it's not such a huge shock when I start talking about things like Tabla Beat Science, Manu Chao, Seu Jorge and Plastilina Mosh. I'm going to focus on Europe for now, since they have such a thriving and well-established scene.

Sweden: Sweden has one of the largest hip-hop scenes outside of France and the UK. The culture has been around since the mid-1980's, and has exploded in size in the past few years. Artists like Nenah Cherry, Supersci, Looptroop and Infinite Mass are pretty well-established in their home country and have gained some international fame (Nehah Cherry was featured on a Gorillaz album, as well as providing vocals for a number of Groove Armada tracks.) Swedish hip-hop tends to lean more towards the melodic side, and while artists still rhyme in their native tongue, crossing over into the English-speaking market has become quite popular, as well as rhyming in Rinkebysvenska, which is sort of like Latin artists who sing in Spanglish.

Supersci.jpg My favorite Swedish hip-hop group is Supersci (formerly known as Superscientifiku), who have been around for nearly a decade, but only recently put out a full-length album. If they didn't insert references to their home-country, you could easily mistake them for a West-coast clique. Their English is flawless, the music is funky and laid back, and the beats are spot-on. The song "On The Grind" is one of those tracks that you can listen to over and over again without tiring of it. It puts forth a message of positivity and the hardships of trying to juggle the life of a musician with the life of an average person with a family.

When I'm on the grind / Somebody's always tapping on my shoulder and I'm trying / To get a piece of mine (peace of mind) but I just can't find the time / My baby's always calling me, crying on the line / Won't you please come home to me.

Supersci collaborates with the production team Flyphonic to create one of the best hip-hop albums of 2006. You can hear clips from their album "Pinetrees on the Pavement" at their website .

France: The most well-known French hip-hop artist is probably MC Solaar, a Senegalese rapper who hit the scene in the early 1990's and achived American success after touring with De La Soul and being featured on Guru's Jazzmatazz project. He's put out 6 albums so far, and has another one due out sometime in 2007. He has a complex rhyming style and his songs revolve around club-friendly beats, which is probably one of the reasons he has found such widespread success in Europe, Africa, Russia and the United States.

Another great French hip-hop group is Ttc, who I just recently discovered. Ttc takes a comedic approach to hip-hop and if you take the time to translate some of their songs, you'll notice that the lyrics are both filthy and hilarious. More Jerry Lewis than MC Solaar, Ttc takes a pop and dance hall approach to their music. They'd rather have fun and get people moving than drop introspective and though-provoking albums, which is great, because sometimes you want to put down the Camus and Sartre and just shake your ass to some good tunes. They have plans to tour Europe and then venture into the US this year, so if you happen to see Ticketmaster promoting a Ttc concert, grab tickets and prepare yourself for a night of partying.

Lady%20Sov.jpg My favorite French artist is DJ Cam, who blends hip-hop with acid jazz to create extremely chilled albums. This is the type of stuff that you crank up while sitting in the back yard, drinking red wine and watching the sun set. Wicked turntablism, tons of abstract samples and punchy beats make any of his albums worth buying, but "Mad Blunted Jazz" is by far his best work to date.

Britain: Britain has produced some of the most well-known international hip-hop artists out there. A mix of garage music and UK Grime, artists like Roots Manuva, The Streets and Lady Sovereign have hit it big in the States, due to their unique musical style and unapologetic lyrical content. It's rugged and filled with the blips, bleeps and bass-drops that make the sub-genre so easy to recognize. Another thing about the recent UK scene that makes them stand out is the unwillingness to "Americanize" their music, keeping the accents thick and heavy, and dropping slang terms that might leave you scratching your head in puzzlement. Lady Sovereign has been remixed by Missy Elliot, and Roots Manuva has released dub remixes of his work, as well as collaborating with the UK super group "The Blacknificent Seven".

The Ninja Tune label (run by London residents Matt Black & Jonathan More of Coldcut) has done a wonderful job of promoting UK artists like The Herbaliser, DJ Food, Funki Porcini, Bonobo and Up, Bustle & Out, as well as dozens of others.Fuck%20the%20FCC.gif They have been running a DJ Mix show called Solid Steel for a number of years which can be heard on free-form radio stations across the US, and can be streamed from websites like Australia's Triple-J radio and "The Move" on XM Radio.

Hip-hop is everywhere in Europe, from Croatia to Portugal, Switzerland to Italy, Poland to Bulgaria. While it was considered to be just a fad a decade ago, the scene has exploded, and talented artists from all parts of Europe have garnered mainstream success both at home and abroad. While styles and languages vary from country to country (and even region to region), the one thing that remains constant is the musical proficiency. American hip-hop can be stale at times, and what you hear on the radio rarely reflects the pure talent that some artists have. But the nice thing about international hip-hop is the fact that they're NOT huge in the States, and therefore aren't as willing or quick to conform to FCC standards. You have to look a little bit harder to find the stuff, but when you find it, it's not dumbed down like certain American artists whose are driven more by the idea of money, rims and Cristal. Bonus: It's a fun way to learn another language without resorting to stuffy books-on-tape.

The really impressive thing is that Seetwist finds all this by traveling on foot.

Augrasmic Archives

i told you it was wrong, and other gambling disasters

as soon as i got my official Faster Than The World press credentials, i immediately called the Doktor to gloat. he said nothing on the phone, which i initially took as rather rude even from his ignorant ass. it seems that he dropped the phone and raced to my place with, among other things, a tape recorder. he was very persuasive that we leave at once and test the limits of my new found authority, or something like that. the following is a vague recollection of the Super Bowl week.

DATELINE: January 28, 2007. 11:58 PM. somewhere in Pittsburgh.

i show him the press pass. “well?”

strange rumblings, broken glass, a few dull thuds]

“you hit me with a
fuckin’ bat?”

“get your shoes on. we’ve got business to attend.”

“alright. fuck. where are we going?”


“well, that’s all you had to say.”

DATELINE: January 29, 2007. 8:03 AM. Portland, Maine.

johnnypass.jpg “welcome to…Portland? what the…Portland!”

“damm…this compass is worthless.”

“Portland? you drove to fuckin’ Portland?”

“well you were no help.”


“exactly. man i drive like Steve McQueen.”

DATELINE: January 29, 2007. 2:17 PM. somewhere outside of Philadelphia.

“license and registration.”

“it’s cool, officer, seriously. johnny, show him the pass.”

DATELINE: January 29, 2007. 2:19 PM. somewhere just a bit further outside of Philadelphia.

“how come they’re chasing us.”

“relax. i bet it’s just a police escort. we’re like royalty.”

“you sure?”


“why are they behind us then?”

“i dunno. it’ll be a goddamm miracle if we make it there on time.”

DATELINE: January 30, 2007. 12:27 AM. around Walterboro, South Carolina. i think.

“here comes a pick-up. keep your thumb out and look sad.”

“what are we gonna do about my car?”

“sorry about that.”

“we can’t just leave it here, can we? i mean, it’s still on fire.”

“shut up and look sad. HEY!!! HEY!!!”

“you boys need a ride?”

“yeah, we’ll take it as far as you’re goin’.”

mmm hmmm. the other one’s gotta ride in the back. but you ride up in the cab with me. you got a pretty mouth, boy.”

“whoa. johnny, show her the pass.”

“i don’t think i really need to.”

“you heard what she said.”



“well i don’t want to abuse my power, you know. so…”

“come on boy.”

“i’ll be in the back if you need me.”

DATELINE: January 30, 2007. 9:11 AM. on the dais at Dolphin Stadium, Miami.

“yo…we made it. meet the press, motherfuckers.”

“wow…look at all the cameras and shit.”


“it’s cool…we’ve got credentials. check it out.”


“look…it’s Peyton Manning. hey Peyton. Peyton. yeah…a couple of questions for ya. it’s ok, i’m with the press. seriously.”


“yeah, uh, does the back of your hand smell from taking snaps under center? if so, after about how many? and when is it the worst?”

DATELINE: January 30, 2007. noon-ish. on the way to Miami-Dade county jail.

“alright. remember…we can survive this.”

“what the fuck are you talking about? we’re going to the county for a few hours.”

“don’t protest. it only makes them feel better.”


“start growing your thumbnails.”

“look…i’ll call [
deleted], he’s got a boat down here. if we’re lucky, he’ll post our bail once it’s set, and in a few hours, we’ll be out.”

“man. as soon as we get in, i’m puttin’ some bread in the toilet and makin’ that jailhouse wine.”

DATELINE: January 31, 2007. 3:26 AM. on the way out of Miami-Dade county jail.

breathes deep] “you smell that johnny?”


“ah. that’s freedom.”

“damm…where’s my press pass?”

“don’t worry. contraband. i didn’t want The Man confiscating it. i took care of it.”

“you did?”

“yeah. i’ll get it after we eat.”

DATELINE: January 31, 2007. 7:33 AM. back in Miami. i think.

“motel time…how about that one?”


“it’s close to the bus stop.”

“indeed it is.”

“where are we?”

“i don’t know.”

“las hojas sucias por la playa.”

“wow. you’re all Spanish and shit.”

“yeah man.”

“sounds classy. must be a four-star.”

“wait until they see your press pass.”

“we’re gonna be like royalty here.”

DATELINE: February 1, 2007. the less said about it, the better.

DATELINE: February 2, 2007. 10:45 PM. south beach.

“i think we’re kinda early.”

“i know, but this is where he said.”

“i can’t believe Snoop said he’d hook us for this Playboy party. man…that press pass is working wonders.”

“i didn’t tell him about that. he’s a big Steelers fan. me and Snoop go back.”

“how far back?”

“way back.”

“shhhh…act serious. Ladies, ladies, good evening.”

“they’re smiling. they must not understand English.”

“relax. i got this. now, Ladies, who wants to see if the groundhog in my pants casts a shadow?”

DATELINE: February 3, 2007. 4:32 PM. south beach.

dirty-beach-02.jpg“listen, Officer, sir…i don’t know that guy at all.”

“well, he says you came to Miami together.”

“yeah, well, he’s a liar.”

“he said you guys are down here covering the Super Bowl.”

“we’re not…i mean we are. what i mean is, no one is supposed to know. it’s highly confidential. top secret. Patriot Act-type shit, you know. but i told him not to do it, ok. i told him, ‘you better not. you better not even touch it,’ you know. but sometimes there’s no reasoning with him. he’s an animal. the sooner you lock him up, the better.”

“he says you’ve got some kind of press credentials, immunity from prosecution or something-or-other.”

“i did…well, i do. but you don’t wanna get your hands on it. better that you don’t even know. better that NO ONE knows about this, you know what i mean? i’d hate for you to get the federalés on your back.”


DATELINE: February 4, 2007. 6:28 PM. Dolphin Stadium.

"let's walk down this way."

"uh oh...be cool."

"hey look. it's Prince."

"oh shit...hey watch this. Prince. Prince, hey. Pancakes, bitches. ha Ha!!!"


Somtimes is just best to not ask too many questions about Johnny

We're Gonna Be Using Aliases On This One.. Archives

April 28, 2007

What's Wrong With Uranus?

argo1.jpgBy now you know that they discovered a new planet, one which may be habitable. Pretty cool, eh? Maybe we'll all have somewhere to go when Al Gore's vision of an earth destroyed by Sebastian Bach's overuse of Aqua Net hairspray comes true. Quick, everyone to the shuttle! We must move to the new planet! Except you, Bach! You can stay here on earth and think about what you've done! We've got a completely new planet to destroy!

Except they named the planet Gliese 581 C. Seriously lame. I might stay here with Sebastian instead of living on a planet with such a dorky name.

So we here at Faster Than the World decided to come up with a new, exciting name for our future home. We put the idea out to our writers and the usual kind of conversation ensued. This, dear readers, is why we call this column Trainwreck.

Jo: Actually, I read the article and to me, it sounds a LOT like Krypton.

Seetwist: I vote for Omicron Persei 8. Either that, or Eternal Path (anagram for Planet Earth).

And Pluto IS a planet, goddamn it.

Ian: That's freakin' cool. I feel a short story coming on.

And Flupid - if Pluto is a planet, then we have to name every other floating chunk of crap in our solar system - we'll have several thousand tiny, useless planets to memorize in grade school.

I grew up learning Pluto was the 9th planet too, but it's time to let it float away into nothingness, my friend.

Seetwist: I can't do it... Too many songs about it. It's like taking the 'V' out of ROYGBIV. Sure, you can rarely see the violet, but it's still there. Same with Pluto.

Johnny: i hereby christen the planet Mike Oxbig.

how about Plat-9?

Ian: A small planet - circling a Red Dwarf?

Its name shall be, henceforth: Kryton!

/nobody's going to get that, are they?
Get out of here ya smeghead.

Pirate: haha-I called RIMMER first

Dave: I would call it Oxy-10

Kristine: Planet Cellular, sponsored by Cingular

then change the rights every 20 years.

Like a stadium.

Seetwist: Coke Presents: New Earth!

Dave: I want to visit the naughty nymphs from the Planet Playtex.

I like New Earth. Cuz when we completely fuck this one up, we can just go there instead. How long will it take to get there? Should we leave now?

Since we already have a planted named "uranus" lets name this one "myanus"

Seetwist: It sure beats Urectum.

Bonnie: what's wrong with Myrectum? it feels just fine to me

i have issues with myrectum.

myrectum has issues with me cause i eat a lot of spicy foods.

Michele: i guess myrectum is a gaseous planet.

Josh: mine's a gas giant.

url.htmMichele: they said this planet could be habitable. i don't want to live in your farting ass.

Josh: if i had a nickel for every time i heard that, i'd throw them at people at the mall.

Bonnie: myrectum is an overpopulated planet

Travis: DONKEY DICk!!!!!!!!

Cullen: Arthur Dent

Planet of the Big Breasted Women who Want to Bone Uberchief

Travis: BRILLIANT...I second Branden

Seetwist: Planet Traal?

/bring a towel.

Turtle: Htrae - our evil doppleganger who does not help old ladies to cross the street

Timmer: Bob

Richard: You only get/have to drink if they say "Hi Bob"

Cullen: Make it more obscure and call it Zed Zed 9 Plural Zed Alpha.

Timmer: Robert A. Heinlein if Bob is too informal.

Jim: My Left Nut in Technicolor.

Deb: "Back-up plan A"

You can see what happened here. I mean, I never really thought we'd come up with a decent name. But it sure was fun trying. What about you? Got a good name for our future home? I was going to say we'll package these all up and send them to the Geneva Observatory or whoever has the naming rights, but somehow I don't think these will fly.

The editors of FTTW swear that they, and the writers, are not really 12 year old boys.


Track Day

As we approach the first anniversary of FTTW, we'd like to bring some of the stuff from back in the day, things you might have missed and columns we loved.

This one is by a former and much missed writer, Bob, who covered all things cars in his Loud Pedal column.

I'm a road race guy, and for those of you who aren't familiar with motorsports, that doesn't mean Cannonball Run style ripping across the countryside on public roads killing innocent pedestrians. It means I race cars on a purpose built race track with curves. I turn left and right, not racing around in circles. This ain't NASCAR.

There are many of these purpose built race courses across the country located in areas that no one else wanted. Kinda like the way they build porno movie shops near the airport: the land wasn't worth anything anyhow with airplanes flying overhead all day long. Might as well build a race track there. No neighbors to bitch about the noise.

Back East, these courses are generally setup in The Middle of Nowhere farmland USA. There was one course that was pretty close to where I was living, and a group of friends and I would rent the track on a weekday to go out and have some fun. This is a "test and tune" day. People with real race cars could test out their cars, make changes and see if they work without having the pressure of an important race weekend. People with street cars could go out and run them as fast as possible without going to jail. Cars range from extremely aggressive all out race cars pulled in on a trailer to factory stock street cars with floormats and Motley Crue in the CD player.

The group was recruited on a "know someone" basis. In other words, I would organize the event, and told people I knew that were experienced. I felt, on a good day, that these people probably wouldn't do something that would kill me on the race course. Anyone else had to have someone vouch for them, kinda like the Mafia. When we had enough people, it cost about the same for the entire day as an expensive dinner for two.

That means, about ten people with a 2 mile long closed course for an ENTIRE DAY! Nothing to do but drive the car as hard as possible and try to show up your buddy. Everyone gets tired and needs a drink of water, so we were never all out there at the same time. It was fantastic.

So, I'm the HMFIC (Head Mother Fucker In Charge) at this particular event, booked it, took money, organized it all and run it. We're having our driver's meeting, first thing in the morning.

If you haven't hung out with racers, they tend to be...a little competitive. I had guys that worked in a machine shop. I had engineers. I had doctors. I had college students. They came from all over the map in terms of demographics but they all shared one thing: If they were racing, they'd knock their dear old grandmum down the stairs to get in front. Never look back.

For those with purpose-built race cars complete with roll cages and a trailer to tow the remains home, that's one thing, but lots of us were driving our regular street car, myself included. It was a mildly built street car; some suspension work, exhaust system and such, but with race tires.

I hold the driver's meeting before anyone drives. I lecture everyone about how we're here to have fun, don't fuck around, be careful, there's no money and no glory at stake, we're all buddies, and so on. I say "This is the car I have to drive to work tomorrow, so I can't afford to crash it. Don't fuck around. K?" I say that "This is my only car" thing like four times. I wave my arms. I say "Behave yourself kids." I give them The Look. (that Look your Mom gives you) They all nod and groan. "Yesssss Bob. Weeeeee'll be good. We prooooomise."

A good friend of mine asked if he could ride shotgun with me in my car for a few laps. He hadn't driven this course for a number of years and wanted a refresher. I'm thinking "Sure feeble one. I, big strong racer man will show you."

It's a crisp morning, still a little bit of dew on the infield grass, sun warming things up. We both strap on our helmets, hop in my car and go. I'm the first one out. I work my way out of the pit lane, warm the car up a little. It's faster and harder than you'd drive on the street, but I'd say I'm at about 60% of the car's capabilities.

I work my way down to turn 3, an off camber (tilted) right hander that typically has the car sliding sideways, bouncing down the course, but I'm in pretty quietly, didn't build up much speed yet. It's planted pretty solid. Swing around and enter The Carosel. The Carosel is a big half-circle, a full 180 degrees. It's a "steady as she goes" kinda turn, you enter, set it, and just drive it around. Nothing fancy. crash.jpgThe car slips and comes way out sideways, I (over)correct and it slides the other direction, and then I'm off in the wet grass, sliding sideways at speed on racing slicks, just along for the ride. WHUMP! I paste the car high up on the the tire wall at the edge of the course and a big wall of muddy water breaks over the windshield like a big brown surf wave. Ugh.

We're both ok, but my friend is covered in muck. (you keep the windows down when you're doing silly things like this to avoid breaking glass ) I'm stuck, back wheels off the ground. Nowhere to go.

So, to recap, I lecture The Boys about being nice and careful and I crash off the course, perched high on a wall of used tires, covered in mud at 8:30 in the morning after completing ONE HALF OF A LAP. AAAarrrgh. The Boys were amused. Very amused.

The good news, if there is any, is that a team of racers and a BMW 5 series with a tow rope was able to extract my trusty steed from its rubber and mud cocoon and I was able to drive the wheels off it for the rest of the day. It was muddy and it was bent, but it was mechanically sound. When you crash first thing, it makes you much more aggressive the rest of the day knowing you have little to lose.

At the end of the day, I called my wife and let her know I "bent the car". She didn't seem to respond. I said it was ok, and I would eat hamburgers and drink beer at a friends house for a while and then drive it home. She seemed strangely calm. I wasn't expecting this.

Upon arriving home, she took one look at the mangled muddy mess and shook her head. Apparently, she didn't understand "bent". A racer defines the terms as follows,
bent: ugly, but can be driven
broken: cannot be driven, call a tow truck.

Ahh well. It gave me a chance to learn body repair. For those of you who've never done body repair, it's dirty, stinky and in no way straightforward. Seems simple. Isn't.

Loud Pedal archives

April 27, 2007

Great Turtle Race, The Great End


Well, it isn't what we wanted, but at least we broke some records.

Looks like we are going for third place.


For those of you not in the know, the official turtle of FTTW was and is and will always be Turtleocity. She got off to a shaky start then got lost then pulled up fast but a little too late.

Kinda like FTTW.

Good intentions but always on the wrong end of the gun.

The real results are as follows.

Billie - cheered on by billfish and friends throughout the sea - finished The Great Turtle Race in first place around 6:00 a.m. PST on Thursday. She may not have been the longest or widest turtle of the bunch, but Billie swam a flawless race!

“We’re overjoyed that Billie has won the race - even in the face of aggressive challenges from Stephanie Colburtle the Turtle,” said Paxson Offield of the Offield Center for Billfish Studies, Billie’s proud sponsor in the Great Turtle Race. “She is a hero to turtles, billfish, and the many other marine animals that are threatened and ‘going faster than you think.’ Way to go, Billie, and congratulations to all of the other racers!"

untitledturtle.JPGBut the race isn't over yet...Stephanie Colburtle now looks certain for second place far southeast of the winner’s course. George Shillinger, a sea turtle expert who tagged the girls at Playa Grande, explained how the competitors find their way to the finish zone.

“The ocean is like a pinball machine,” said Shillinger, who works for Tagging of Pacific Predators. “The turtles shoot out of the starting gate at the nesting beach and appear to be moving in a directed fashion, but they are also subject to ocean currents and other environmental factors which can sling them in different directions. That’s why we have a ‘finish zone’ for the race and not a simple ‘finish line.’”

Elsewhere on the course, Turtleocity took the prize as this year’s deep dive champion on Wednesday when she plunged to an unprecedented 2,789 feet. Despite their occasional underwater stunts, turtles in this year’s race are actually staying closer to the surface than they have in previous competitions. Scientists say that’s because this is the first year since they starting tagging turtles at Playa Grande that La Niña weather patterns have been apparent in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. La Niña conditions can make shallow water colder than usual and churn up lots of good food closer to the ocean’s surface.

In other news, Turtleocity’s pal Purple Lightning also impressed crowds on Wednesday, swimming with gusto into the No. 4 spot. Champiro likewise had a strong swim on Day Ten as she wowed fans with her highly-anticipated sense of direction. Champiro has positioned herself well for an open, straight shot to the finish zone.

Freedom and Genevieve, meantime, swam with the same power and consistency on Wednesday that they have demonstrated throughout The Great Turtle Race. Both turtles have forged a fairly straight path for the Galapagos since leaving Playa Grande.

So we are looking at third place but we dove the deepest.

I say we still won.

We will see these bastards again next year.

And next time, we ain't fucking around.....

My Semi Will Crush Your Semi

We’re down to the final four match-up, just a month or so away from the big show. I really like the teams that are left! Well, I don’t LIKE them like them, but let’s just say I AM looking forward to the hook-up.

Western Match-ups*
(picks, as always, in bold)

Detroit Red Wings (1) v. San Jose Sharks (5)

The Wings out shot Calgary (225-129) during the first series, which is good; but took 6 games to eliminate them, that’s bad. Hasek needs to stay healthy; they have to actually start connecting on the power play and pray that a red hot team starts to get cool.

They are a very deep team dude, and not just in a California sense either. Younger and faster than the “aging” Wings, they are going to have stick to their game plan, wear them down and run the net – that’ll put Hasek off =)

Anaheim Mighty Moose Ducks (2) v. Vancouver Canucks (3)
Ducks lead the series 1-0

d2.jpg Just because I’m using their real name does not mean I’m giving them any respect. Even if they (sorta) deserve it. The hot headed Ducks have been surprisingly disciplined (except may), it’s a change for the better, but they are going to have to keep a cool head (like they did in game 1) against the harder hitting Canucks. I’d hate to see the medication stop working and have them break a wing or something, they do have spindling little legs.

During the last series the Canucks actually started developing a power play. This was a nice change from their regular season power play – they were right near the bottom of the standings for that. Carry it through boys, carry it through. They just have to start getting under the Duck’s skin feathers and drawing the penalties.

Eastern Match-up

New Jersey Devils (2) v. Ottawa Senators (4)

Welcome to what I predict will be the longest series of the four.

Brodeur is streaking (only in the hockey sense, unfortunately) and as long as he stays hot the hated Devil’s will be able to push the Sens to their limit. The Lightning were good practice in dealing with bigger players too.

The Sens are sneaky though. One of the most underestimated teams in the league, this series is revenge for elimination in Game 7 of the 2003 series. It’s cold in Ottawa for most of the year – they know how to hold grudges. They have three seasons – hockey, flooding and damn bloody hot – when does hockey start again?. The word “choke’ has been bandied about by sports writers greater than I, the only thing I have to say to them is… “Stop bringing your personal habits to work.”

That’s all.

Buffalo Sabres (1) v. New York Rangers (6)
Sabres lead series 1-0

d3.jpg The Sabres better have been toying with the Isles, because if they play the way they did in the first series against the Rangers they are doomed. If Wednesday’s opening shot was any indication, they still have some work to do. Sure they out skated them, but every time I flipped back from the American Idol crap the Rangers were all up in the Sabre’s end, and not in a good way.

The Rangers showed that they weren’t just a fluky team for even MAKING the playoffs when they swept the Thrashers in four games. They’re well rested (which may be a problem), their defensive play is legendary – but it’s not defense that wins the game (it can sure lose the game though – right isles?). They need to get production out of more then their first line. It’s going to be a good match-up though. Does anyone else miss Jagr’s mullet?

An interesting note – It’s rumored that the league is pulling for the Rangers to be in the finals. They are hoping for a return of the heyday of hockey in the states when Hockey was hotter than Basketball.

* standings as of Wednesday, April 26th.

Deb has the Poutine and Tequila ready to be added to the blender (not together –ew); she’s hoping to see a San Jose/Sens final, just to piss Bettman off

I'll See You On The Ice Archives

We Must. We Must. We Must Improve Our Bust.

This weekend is the annual NFL re-stocking program known as the NFL Draft. This, as if you don’t know this, is where all the teams get to pick new players for their team from the best that the college ranks have to offer.

For weeks and months leading up to the NFL Draft, writers pundits and plain old fans make guesses, set up mock drafts and try to predict just who the heck is going to get chosen, when they’re going to get chosen and what team is going to do the choosing.

The way the draft works is very simple. The teams that finished with the worst record pick first, the teams that finished with the best record pick last.

Here is this years draft order:




Tampa Bay 




Atlanta (from Houston) 


Houston (from Atlanta) 

San Francisco 


St. Louis 



Green Bay 




N.Y. Giants 



Kansas City 

New England (from Seattle) 

N.Y. Jets 


New Orleans 

New England 


San Diego 




This is the order that teams start out with, but once the draft gets going, anything can happen. Teams trade their picks and sometimes even players themselves in order to move up down and all around on the draft board. Some teams will trade draft picks this year to stockpile them for
future years.

While many football fans spend all kinds of time and energy analyzing the draft and trying to predict what is going to happen, I am not one of those fans.

I don’t even try to make a guess about what’s going to happen on draft day because more times than not, those guesses are wrong. So called ‘football experts’ try to tell you this team needs this player or this team will pick a player for such and such a position. It’s all bullshit. Nobody knows what these teams are going to do except the people on the teams themselves and often times a spur of the moment phone call from some other team saying, ‘let me make you an offer you can’t refuse,’ can throw the best draft laid plans right out the window.

I prefer to just sit back watch it happen and wait to see where the chips will fall. When it’s all over, I go and find out who my team has picked over the course of the two-day event. Usually they are players that I have never even heard of, since I don’t really follow College Football and
am only am vaguely aware of some of the big name players who are coming out for the draft.

The draft is an exciting time for Football starved fans. Even though there’s no games involved, it’s at least football related. For the fans of teams that had a bad year, it’s a time of optimism and hope, that with a high draft pick, their team is on the way to a better future. For
the teams that were in the middle of the pack, maybe a good draft provides them with the players that are going to let them make the next step and get back to the playoffs. For teams that are already at the top of the pile, they are aiming to stay there and replenish their team with some young blood that will enable them to remain a playoff contender.

If you’ve got any thoughts or ideas on who’s going to do what during the draft this year, I’d love to hear them, because I sure as hell don’t know what’s going to happen!

Ace Frehley and Chris Carpenter? What the Hell?

You make the connection - I'm tired. Hell, it's obvious . . .

ccace.jpgTold y'all about the Brewers. Two-and-a-half up in the NL Central as I write this and the Cards are 1-6 at home so far this year. Now, that won't last (neither will Albert Pujols' .229 batting average) but none of the teams in that division can afford for any other team to get too big of a lead. Talent levels of the NL Central teams have started to reach a sort of equilibrium, what with no Rocket or Pettite in Houston and the Cards just suckin' into '07. I don't know if I like the Brewers in the NL Central but, then again, I don't know if I like ANYONE in the NL Central.

Every so often, MySpace is good for more than raising my BP like that shitespace does when it refuses to do a damn thing - not often but occasionally. One of those times recently was been when these guys here invited me to be their friend. I don't know if we're to the "sleep on my couch or eat my food" stage yet, but DAMN . . . I like some good power-pop, especially if you can hit me with harmonies like these. And, if your computer or (Heaven forbid) MySpace doesn't work with that link, the name is Locksley .

Don't believe the hype on the Blue Jays or the Orioles, the two early wannabe contenders for the AL East. Yes, the Yankees have problems (lack of starting pitching) as do the Red Sox (surprise! lack of starting pitching again) BUT, in Toronto, B.J. Ryan's elbow just blew up so it's the 60-day DL for him and closing by committee for the team. The Jays are also counting on Doc Halladay helping A.J .Burnett find the strike zone, which is like counting on hitting the lottery to keep the lights turned on. Lyle Overbay and Royce Clayton are overrated and if Greg Zaun is rated at all, that is TOO high.

As far as the Orioles are concerned, I don't care if Leo Mazzone is the secret identity of Doctor Strange - even black magic won't save this bunch. You can have a Kevin Millar or Melvin Mora here and there, aging ballplayers on the wrong sides of their peak values. What you cannot have is those two guys on a roster with Jay Gibbons and Chris Gomez as their backups for the when/if X-Y axes of age and injuries intersect as they seem to do every baseball season. For every Roger Clemens, there are twenty Kevin Browns. And, before all you Orioles' fans (OK, the three of you) crucify me, I know Aubrey Huff is no. 1 on the depth charts behind those two; they just don't have two of him on the roster, now do they?

I have a Clark Bar for anyone who can pull up anyone uglier in rock than Ace Frehley. Lemmy's close but I think the shock value of how ugly Ace was when they finally took off the makeup still lingers and gives him a slight ugly edge. All those adorable Spaceman years and then, SHIT! Put that back on! And I'm not talking quirky, homely or strange. It's 100% butt-ugly or nothing . . .

Chicago Cubs pitcher Mark Prior has had shoulder surgery. Think God hates the Cubs or what? They once had Kerry Wood, Mark Prior and Carlos Zambrano in the same rotation and it now appears the next time you see the three of them together and healthy at the same time might be a card signing in 2027 . . . speaking of suck, the sooner this season is over and Tampa Bay comes up with a new nickname, color scheme, whatever, the better. Their whole concept is terrible, even worse than Deep Purple without Ritchie Blackmore and almost as bad as Pink Floyd without Roger Waters or the Misfits without Glenn Danzig . . . Carl Pavano found an elbow strain. Ya fuckin' think? Four years for forty million and the Yankees would've ended up getting as many wins outta me over the course of that contract as they will out of him . . .

Albums/songs I'd forgotten about that really rock:

ace.jpgMansun - "Six"
Dandy Warhols - "Godless"
The Clash - "Koka-kola"
KISS - "Shock Me" and "Ladie's Room"
Chris Whitley - "Livin' With The Law" and you best recognize! God, this guy was so fucking good but that's an entire other column.

For the coming week, if you wear Cardinal red, you better get out your Chris Carpenter good juju voodoo doll. If he can't go, it's officially gonna be Bird Season in the NL. Oh, and if anyone needed to reproduce from the ranks of MLB, it's proud new papa Dontrelle Willis. Hell, the world needs about a million more people that have as good a time as he does just being alive. Congrats, Dontrelle.

Anyway, enough hearing my head roar. Y'all have got jobs and I've got a vodka drinking showdown with Ace which ought to be EPIC.

Stay outta trouble. I ain't got any bail money.

Nobody wants to be Peter Criss, Jim. Not even Peter Criss!

Never Liked the Beatles, Never Loved Elvis Archives

Volume 4, Issue 2




Previous Issues

April 26, 2007

An Open Letter to Sheryl Crow

Dear Sheryl Crow,

I recently read your statement regarding your ideas on how to better the environment and, young lady, I must say that I am indeed impressed. Your idea for everyone to use only one square of toilet paper per "session" was quite remarkable. Needless to say I found it quite disheartening when you later retracted said statement claiming that it was all a joke. A joke Ms. Crow? There is nothing funny about mother nature young lady and I am appalled that you would try to hide your love for this planet and its environment. You see Ms. Crow I actually believe that your idea didn't go far enough. While the thought of using one square of poop-tape per trip makes good sense I believe that it is still ecologically unsound.

If we can get these United States of America down to one square how hard would it be, really, to get them to abandon the idea of toilet paper all together? Sure it sounds like a weird idea but it seems to work for the middle east. All we have to do is establish the fact that from here on out everyone's left hand is now their wiping hand. The left hand shall be the dirty hand from here on out. Of course this means that an entire section of the population will be shunned forever but that's a small price to pay for mother nature. All children from here on out shall have their left hand tied behind their back to prevent them from becoming southpaws.

Until an entire generation can be trained; the current group of left handers shall be known as the unclean. Stinkfisting will no longer be a deviant sexual fetish but rather the appropriate greeting of The Unclean. Of course this can be advantageous to the current crop of left-handed pitchers in major league baseball. No longer will lefties be the kings of the slider; now they can throw the wicked, twisting, poo-ball. And what batter in their right mind is going to hit the poo-ball?

But we shall not stop at the proverbial brown eye. No ma’am. Mother nature doesn’t stop caring when you stop pooping; Ms. Crow. While getting used to the idea of having a handful of man-mud is a bit weird and ooky; I believe it can be done. Likewise there is another personal hygiene product which has proven to be extremely destructive to our environment and, as a woman, you should be very familiar with it: TAMPONS!

Tampons are made of – as far as I can tell – cotton; and cotton is made from, you guessed correctly, little fluffy bunnies. This is of course based on the four and a half seconds of research I did by remembering a song we used to sing when I was a child.

“Here comes Peter Cotton Tail…” Read that again – COTTON. If it weren’t true then it wouldn’t be in a kids song.

I’m sure your first thought would be the female vagina diapers known as maxi-pads but young lady look at how much more cotton those use. The more tampons and maxi-pads that are used in our society the more cute fuzzy bunnies have to be killed. Are you willing to do that Sheryl? Are you willing to have the blood of fluffy little rabbits on your hands in order to sanitize your woman-hole? Well neither am I. I do understand though that it would be completely socially irresponsible for women to walk around just bleeding everywhere so a solution must be found.

Ms. Crow; I – like you – am a forward thinking individual and I have already thought of a solution. Mother nature never presents an issue that mother nature can’t solve. I was walking through the Tahoe national forest the other day and it was as if the answer to my dilemma just dropped out of the sky – literally.


They are shaped, sort of, like a tampon which means that they would be conforming to your womanly front-butt and they are 100% natural. I would see it as an affront to our planet if people were to go pick pine cones off of the trees as that would be painful to Mother Earth. But there’s nothing wrong with picking up pine cones up off the ground. We could hire people to wander the pine forests picking up “New-Tampons” and while they are earning money and providing a sanitation solution they are also beautifying the wilderness. Look at all of the good that can done there. Surely you can see the benefits.

But this, dear woman, is not the greatest idea that I have had since what I like to call “My Great Awakening”. There is one great and pressing threat to Mother Nature that has gone completely overlooked in all of this global warming, Al Gore inventing the internet, Don Imus fiasco. This virtual WMD against our planet is so obvious but somehow so easily overlooked. The greatest pressing threat to mother earth is people. Yes people. You and me.

I know that this must be hard to fathom from the comfort of your personal tour bus (by the way – did you by carbon offsets for that thing? I know you need a diesel burning luxury land yacht to travel around the country but make sure you buy plenty of carbon offsets. ) but we people are the worst thing to ever happen to Gaia. People are responsible for everything horrible thing that happens here on earth. As such I propose we get rid of the problem.

Everyone on earth needs to die. That’s really the only option. If you think about it Hitler probably wasn’t a genocidal maniac. He was probably a staunch conservationist who realized that people were the greatest threat to our world – not terrorism or the erosion of civil liberties. Surely as an environmentalist you must feel some sort of kinship with Hitler as each of you wish to do more for mother earth by ridding the planet of those who destroy it with such a willy-nilly attitude.

In closing Sheryl I just wanted to say thank you for starting the environmental revolution. Had it not been for your sound thinking and foresight alternative means of fighting the evils that plague mother earth probably never would have come to light. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go email Al Gore. I understand he’s on the hunt for what is probably the second most pressing threat to this world: MAN-BEAR-PIG


Your bestest friend


Travis only uses biodegradable tampons


Score a BIG One For The Pagans


From the ABCNews website:

MADISON, Wis. Apr 23, 2007 (AP)— The Wiccan pentacle has been added to the list of emblems allowed in national cemeteries and on goverment-issued headstones of fallen soldiers, according to a settlement announced Monday.

A settlement between the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and Wiccans adds the five-pointed star to the list of "emblems of belief" allowed on VA grave markers.

The settlement calls for the pentacle, whose five points represent earth, air, fire, water and spirit, to be placed on grave markers within 14 days for those who have pending requests with the VA.

The pentacle has been added to 38 symbols the VA already permits on gravestones. They include commonly recognized symbols for Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism, as well as those for smaller religions such as Sufism Reoriented, Eckiankar and the Japanese faith Seicho-No-Ie.

VA-issued headstones, markers and plaques can be used in any cemetery, whether it is a national one such as Arlington or a private burial ground like that on Circle Sanctuary's property.

Wicca is a nature-based religion based on respect for the earth, nature and the cycle of the seasons. Variations of the pentacle not accepted by Wiccans have been used in horror movies as a sign of the devil.


For those of you who don't know the difference, the pentacle is a five-pointed star, single point up, surrounded by a circle. The variation used to represent the devil is two-points up, implying demonic horns... and we won't go into the whole sorry tale of the demonizing of pagan horned gods like Pan and Herne.
This is a wonderful victory for pagans in America. What I found intriguing about the entire issue (along the lines of left-hand not knowing what the right hand is doing) is that the United States military itself has long recognized Wicca as being a legitimate religion. Eight years ago there was a minor firestorm over the fact that the commander of Ft. Hood in Texas allowed neo-pagan military personnel space and time to worship on base.


From the Austin American-Statesman/May 11, 1999 "Practicing their old-time religion":

. . . . Navy Capt. Russell Gunter, executive director of the Armed Forces Chaplains Board at the Pentagon, said the military is obligated to respect and make provisions for the religious needs of its members without passing judgment on their beliefs.

Haberek, the III Corps head chaplain, agreed. "You know, I raised my right hand when I came in the Army to support and defend the Constitution, and that's what I'm doing, defending the constitutional right of soldiers and family members."


From the U.S. Department of the Army, "Religious Requirements and Practices of Certain Selected Groups: A Handbook for Chaplains," University Press of the Pacific, (2001):

OTHER NAMES BY WHICH KNOWN: Witchcraft; Goddess worshippers; Neo-Paganism, Paganism, Norse (or any other ethnic designation) Paganism, Earth Religion, Old Religion, Druidism, Shamanism. Note: All of these groups have some basic similarities and many surface differences of expression with Wicca.


The rest of the entry on Wicca in the Handbook (which runs for several pages) is very accurate, factual and supportive. So, if the Pentagon has recognized Wicca for at least eight years, what took the V.A. so long?

In the end, even that question is only out of curiosity. What truly matters is that my fallen brothers and sisters can now have their faith publicly displayed on their grave markers. Anyone walking through Arlington National Cemetery from now on will know that Wiccans are Americans too, and we have bled and died for our religious freedom.


Vermont Village Witch Archives

The Upsets Begin, and Soon Will End

I have this personal rule I follow: I don't piss off people who are smarter than me, especially if they're competitive, as well. Apparently, Don Nelson doesn't share this rule, because he undoubtedly pissed off Avery Johnson to a serious degree on Sunday. His Golden State Warriors beat the Dallas Mavericks in the first game of their first round series on Sunday. It was an upset, to be sure, not only because the Mavericks finished the year with the best record in the league and one of the best records of all time, and not only because the Warriors also just barely snuck into the playoffs with the eighth seed, but also because the Mavericks are the official "Faster Than The World 2007 NBA Playoffs only-because-the-Kings-suck team." With FTTW behind them, the Mavericks really have no business losing.

Yet lose they did, and it wasn't the most shocking event we'll see in these playoffs. The Warriors beat the Mavericks every time they met this year and Don Nelson knows a thing or two about the Mavericks in general and soon-to-be-MVP Dirk Nowitzki in particular. To be fair, one of the regular season wins came right at the beginning of the year, when the Mavericks started out poorly before kicking it into gear and dominating the league. To continue to be fair, another one of those three wins came at the end of the year, with Nowitzki, Josh Howard and Jerry Stackhouse sitting out, being rested in preparation for the playoffs. But still, there's something to be said about Nelson's and the Warriors' ability to mess with this team, as evidenced in game one.

However, Johnson helped them along by messing with his starting line up, sitting Erick Dampier, moving Nowitzki to center and putting Devean George in at forward. It didn't work. In fact, it's probably a big part of the reason they lost. Sure, the Warriors did a great job of guarding Nowitzki and throwing him off his game, but Johnson really should have had his regular, big line up in there. If he had, it may have been a very different outcome.

Oh, and can I just pause for a moment to make note of Baron Davis' line from the game? He had 33 points, 14 rebounds and 8 assists. Jesus.

kobe.jpgAnyway, everyone is all riled up about the upset, probably much more than they should be. While I'm now feeling a little uncertain about my five game call for this series, I still think the Mavericks are going to win this. As I mentioned at the start of this article, Avery Johnson is almost certainly now very pissed off, and I have a feeling the game on Wednesday (which will be a day-old outcome by the time you read this but is yet to happen as I write this) is going to have a very different outcome than Sunday's game. Seriously, if you've watched Johnson coach, you know he's not a guy you want pissed off at you. He's smart--damn smart--and talented, and this is his team, and he is no doubt going to change the plan, rip apart his players, and come ready to destroy Golden State in game two. And while they may not go down that easy, I'm predicting a win. And not a squeaker, either. The Warriors won a game, and I imagine they'll win another one, but the Mavericks still control this series. Unless, of course, they've lost game two by the time you read this. In that case, all bets are off.

While we're on upsets, how about the Nuggets taking out the Spurs in game one of their series? That wasn't exactly supposed to happen. Of course, the Nuggets have been doing quite well of late, with Anthony and Iverson finally meshing and becoming quite a dominant tag team. While I didn't expect Denver to win the first game, I don't find it particularly shocking that they did, either. But I'm going to stick with my call of the Spurs in six. I think Popovich will adjust, and Tim Duncan might get a bit riled up, and while Denver is going to put up a great fight, the Spurs are going to win. They're a better team, and that's really all there is to it. They'll get a challenge with the Nuggets, but they're not going to fall to them, as intriguing as that would be.

Meanwhile, the Lakers flirted with an upset of their own, but couldn't pull it off. The Suns came out on Sunday looking horrible against the Lakers, doing little more than taking (and missing) jump shots while the Lakers quickly took and held a nice lead, with much help from Kobe Bryant's 28 first half points. Then came the second half, though, and the Suns started to turn it around. They suddenly rediscovered their inside game and Leandro Barbosa decided to become a monster. Bryant only scored 11 points in the second half and the Lakers ended up losing by eight points. I imagine it was a tough loss for them.

It was probably a bit more tough in game two on Tuesday night, when they lost by 28 points. It's not shocking that they had their asses so soundly kicked, considering that they lost by eight in game one, despite the fact that the Suns were absolutely terrible in the first half and still not as good as they normally are in the second. On Tuesday, the real Suns showed back up and reminded the Lakers that while they were rolling into the playoffs with over 60 wins, the Lakers were stumbling into the playoffs, a mess at the end of the season after starting out the year over-performing. Nash had 14 assists, Stoudamire had 20 points and 9 rebounds and Barbosa had another excellent game, with 26 points. Bryant, meanwhile, managed a paltry 15 points.

avery_johnson.jpgSo what does all this mean? Mainly, it means that the Suns own the Lakers. More importantly, it means that we are now perfectly set up for my game three prediction to come true: Kobe freaks out at the 0-2 hole and goes crazy in an effort to salvage the series, scoring 62 points. This leads to Jack Nicholson either coming all over himself or having a heart attack. Either way, it should be a brilliant mix of hilarious and disgusting. I'm also going to go ahead and say that this is the game the Lakers win. Of course, they'll lose the next two and the Suns will have the series won. Mark my words: this will happen. And then you'll all owe me $20. Every last one of you.

Finally, I want to mention one last thing. The Bulls are up 2-0 on the Heat. They're going to win the series. I'm not even sure it's going to go seven games anymore, though it's certainly still possible if Wade can find the energy to do a repeat of his performance in the Finals last year. I'm kind of doubtful he will, though. Either way, the Bulls are going to win and those many analysts and columnists (not all, by any means, but many) who predicted the Heat would win this series, reverting back to their championship form, are going to be shown to be full of it. And I will laugh and point, because I have no need for the Heat. Screw 'em. I don't hate them the way I hate the Lakers, but I do loathe them just a bit and I'll be glad to see them bounced in the first round. Good riddance.

So those are my thoughts on the first round so far. Luckily, we've got about another three weeks before the first round will be done, thanks to the fact that whoever the hell schedules the first round has been stoned for the last decade or so and thinks there needs to be about a week between each game. It's understandable, though, considering how much less interesting the first round is than the following rounds. They might as well stretch out the boredom and predictability. But don't worry. Come July or so, we should have some awesome second round match ups to watch.

I should be back on Sunday to revel in my brilliant call of game three of the Suns-Lakers series. Come back and celebrate with me, and don't forget to bring the $20 you'll owe me. I need it.

Joel has been sipping the Laker Haterade.


Totally Deep Metaphors and Shit

Whenever I buy a new game, I always try to play it on the hardest difficulty level. I am of the opinion that video games are too expensive to play on “easy” level. If a normal game played on a lower difficulty takes about ten hours to complete, I figure it’s probably better to raise the difficulty and get at least two to four more hours out of the thing before I’m finished. Aside from that, I also think that finishing a game on “Totally Fucking Psychotic” mode gives the gamer certain nerdy bragging rights. “Yes, my friend, you may have beaten Zombie Death Revolution V, but on what level?”

Sometimes, though, this approach leads to a lot of unnecessary frustration. I have thrown my hands up in annoyance on numerous occasions, when getting from checkpoint A to checkpoint B becomes a tedious affair that lasts half a day. I am currently in this kind of stalemate with both Gears of War and Rainbow Six: Vegas. PHILrainbow-six-vegas.jpg In the former, I am close to the end of the game and this sort of thing should be expected, but in the latter, I am only on the second mission and I can’t even break into the stupid casino where the main action is supposed to take place. Aside from the fact that this shows just how unfit I am for the military or law enforcement (at least as a tactician,) it is also beginning to cramp my enjoyment of the games. This is especially true of Rainbow Six, in which even the first mission turned into a lousy, aggravating slog that I was more relieved to finally finish than anything else. After being killed by crouching unseen shotgun guy for the one-hundredth time I was about ready to throw the controller through the television, and even after figuring out how to kill crouching unseen shotgun guy there was a whole room full of crouching unseen machine gun guys just waiting to make my life as a virtual counter-terrorist operative miserable. After a while I begin to wonder if it would just be better to play as a rookie and enjoy the game.

In the non-gaming part of my existence (about ninety-five percent,) though, I am finding that the problem is the exact opposite. In class, I sit in a small room full of fledgling literary critics and professors, each with a particular axe to grind. The current source of my literary misery is Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene, a one thousand page poem from the late sixteenth century which is basically a big fat smooch to Queen Elizabeth’s snowy white posterior.PBGirl_with_Dunce_Cap.jpg (English majors in the house, please back me up on how bloody dull this book is.) Anyway, my experience in this class is like being the newbie in some sort of hardcore tournament. While I am simply trying to get the plot of the thing down, the rest of the class is breaking down every sentence in order to duke it out over specific personal agendas. We have the guy who wants to prove that everything in the book somehow relates to the American colonies and syphilis (true story,) the woman who wants to find rape and sexual violence in everything, the woman who is obsessed with revenge since she is writing a dissertation on Hamlet, the guy who tries to use as many big words to say as little as possible, and the woman who simply disagrees with anything that anyone says. This final one sits next to me and whispers about how stupid everyone is in my ear, which is distracting in more than one way. Meanwhile, I sit in uncomfortable silence and watch my participation grade die because I can’t figure out what the hell everyone is going on about.

Part of the problem is that I play life in rookie mode, while those around me are in hardcore psychotic mode. It’s rather disorienting, mainly because I’m used to being the middle-achiever in a group of underachievers and now I’m the middle-achiever in a group of insane overachievers who have been playing this particular game for years. So I’m trying to learn how to play life on a harder difficulty level but without the comfort of knowing that the game will be the same the next time I pick it up. Hopefully, when I finally figure out how to get the boulder to the top of the hill it will not roll back to the bottom.

Philbrick doesn't like poems anyway, not even haiku.

Secular Monk Archives

Welcome to MyFace, Have a Seat (Part 2)

Once upon a few months ago, I was being perfectly normal and wanting to keep tabs on a lesbian I have a crush on that wasn't going to be working with me any longer, so I made a MySpace page. I added her as my only other friend than Tom and that was that, I continued to ignore the phenomenon that is awful music and louder graphics. Then, out of the blue someone personal messages me about whether I am me or some other me; I am the meest me there ever was, so I said yeah, it's me. (You can read that part back there at the link.)

I mentioned in that column that I would give the details if they were entertaining or sad, so here I am to do just that, you can be the judge of whether you are entertained or not. I got an answer back that we should talk on the phone, so I put it off a bit and then answered with my phone number. Eventually we got it together and I sat by the phone one Monday evening. I talked to Frazzle for about three hours, we talked about the jobs we'd had, the DWIs we had each collected, drugs, and people.

It was surreal, especially at first, hearing a voice I had once heard almost daily for about eight years straight for the first time in more than fifteen. It didn't take long before it was kind of Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketnormal, and then almost common as if it happened all the time. He had kept in touch with Frack, and had invited him to OtherState to stay with him when Frack was breaking up with his girlfriend and wanting to get as far from AnotherState as he could. Frack surprised him and
couch-surfed for a while and a just a decade and a few more personal (drugs) events later; they live across town from each other. I even got invited to Frazzle's 40th Birthday Bash in July. I don't know if I will be able to manage the trip cross country or the time off; but I will pop in the next time I visit my sister on the left coast.

Better still, through this reunion I have gotten back in touch with two of Frazzle's sisters, the one I dated and the one I always wished I had. I had messed around with his sister Anita for a bit 20 years ago, but I never 'sealed the deal' as it were. Eventually I became somewhat well known as the one guy that didn't, but in my defense she didn't become a come-sponge until at least a year after we were together. His sister Lisa I always had a bit of a thing for, but she's older than me by a few months and in teenaged-girl-years dating me would Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketbe like dating an infant. Later on I had my chance slip through my fingers at an Iron Maiden concert when she drunkenly abandoned my drunken gropings for some dufus Frazzle vaguely remembered from high school. She eventually married and had children with this dude, before divorcing him and discovering her taste for the clam.

(I have just begun taunting her about this in email conversations, as soon as she told me about the marriage and children. I was gentlemanly enough to tell her that if it weren't for him she might never have found her way on the path of Sappho, and that wouldn't have been fair to the little girl-lover in her heart. Y'know, 'cause, not bragging or anything, but I rock the house, and I definitely would have brought my "A game" that night to make her regret not doing it any sooner. And so she could tell her sister about it. Oh, since you weren't expecting it, I'll mention she has already asked if I mind that she wants to send a message to my hot lesbian friend.)

Seriously though, I feel like I missed out on a lot with my self-imposed exile. I had just simply had enough of the drama and drugs and I got out of Dodge without keeping any of the last minute scrawled addresses and phone numbers. It was something I felt I had to do, but getting back in touch makes it rather clear that I didn't have to be so extreme about it. I can't change any of it, but I will certainly never lose touch with anyone I really care about again. It's not that complicated to send a card on someone's birthday, or XMAS, or whatever; just so you are in contact, know where to reach one another. Then when you realize that you have something to say you don't have to sit and look through classmate stalker sites trying to find them.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Since this is an advice column, that is my advice, stay in touch. You don't have to see people all the time, talk to them all the time, even communicate at all, just touch base often enough so that you can when it becomes important.

Richard lives in a pineapple under the sea


we have a date with the underground, chapter 48

I hate things that don't work out. I really hate when things just fall apart. Well, let me clarify that. I hate working on something for so long to get it to almost work out, almost perfect, then some stupid little thing ruins it all and crushes down what I were trying to accomplish. Like everything I have been trying to do all night was shot to shit cause some stupid insignificant detail! A god damn detail!!!!capt.ncash10103312014.castration_dungeon_ncash101-740836.jpg

Small details should not, NOT be held up to "The Big Picture". So what if I broke something? So what if I kicked his ass? The end was accomplished, right? Right? So what the high holy fuck are you doing pointing out some small mistake that happened along the way? Should that really be brought back into the picture after all was said and done? What kind of human being would do this? What kind of human being would I be if I took this??

This was not how America became the great country it is today. No sir god damn re-Bob. No one sweated the details. We just got the job done and asked the questions later.

If I can take something from nothing and get it almost perfect, shouldn't I get some little reward? Or should some small god damn detail bring my entire accomplishment down like a castle made of cards straight out god damn Hangtown?

I think America, and the world, for that matter, would be a better off place if we took a good look at our lives and what is going on around us before we actually fucked with anyone else about their little mistakes!!

My god!

I am never playing videogames again............

Turtle knows who designed this game and is kicking his ass next time he sees him.

We Have A Date With The Underground Archives

April 25, 2007

Chapter 25

The next morning, I wake up and look around. Besides the tweakers, everyone is still asleep. There's a distinct taste in my mouth that seems to stem from the back of my nose. My tongue is dry, and as I wipe my mouth, flakes of something brown fly off at an alarming rate. Then I remember.

My stomach reels and I run to the nearest trash can, which is still smoldering from the fire the night before, sparks flying up into the air and disappearing into the cold of the warehouse. I vomit as the thought finds conscious expression--against all of my sober instincts, not even thinking about the consequences, I had done something the night before I can't even imagine now that the alcohol has had time to run its course through my veins.

Did we use a rubber? I seem to remember Angie putting one on me. But I can't be sure. Even then, rubbers don't always protect against STDs.

I stumble out into the courtyard to take a piss, trembling as I anticipate what I believe is the inevitable stinging sensation. Sure enough, there it is, but the moment I feel it, I remember—I already know I have the clap or something like that.

My stomach reels again. That means that, the night before, I had actually put someone else's life at risk. I had endangered them.

The spiral begins—a neverending coil of rationalization that I'm so familiar with. And it really, really pisses me off.

But I had learned something the night before. There was one thing that could keep me from falling through that spiral. Well, maybe two.

Tim is awake by the time I get back inside. "Eye opener?" he asks, holding up the half-empty bottle of whiskey we'd worked on the night before.

"Thought you'd never ask," I say, smiling.

We finish the bottle before either of us says anything.

"Plans today?" Tim asks.

"Errand. I'll be back soon." The warmth in my belly is starting to spread through the rest of my body, and my brain has ceased ranting and raving.

"Well I'll be here man. Someone's got to keep this place in line."

I haven’t been to a shooting range in ages. I don’t tell Tim I’m going because I don’t want questions. Just practice.

Right now I’m squeezing shots off into thin paper targets about forty yards away. One two three. One two three. One two three. Boom boom boom. Recoil recoil recoil. Reload.

The target is shaped like a man’s head. I wish it was an entire body. I don’t intend to shoot at any heads at first. When I finally do, it won’t matter whether I hit or miss. I’ll have plenty of time to try again.

One two three. One two three. One two three. Boom boom boom. Recoil recoil recoil. Reload.

Once the target is decimated, I push a button on the wall next to me and it whizzes back up the zip line. I take it off and replace it. Grouping isn’t bad. Not as good as I used to be, when my dad would take me out every Sunday and teach me the finer arts of target practice. But still good enough. I put another target on the clip, push the button again, and watch as Silhouette Man flees my merciless guns.

One two three. One two three. One two three. Boom boom boom. Recoil recoil CLICK.



I look at the gun curiously. Had I lost count? How many had I fired? I check—there are no bullets left. Had I not loaded a full round?

“Doesn’t matter,” I say to Silhouette Man, out fluttering in the breeze like the shaking coward he is. I begin to reload. “Won’t matter for you in the end how many bullets I have left. Won’t matter for me either. It’s all going to end the same.”

I take aim for his head.

One two three. One two three. One two three. Boom boom boom. Recoil recoil recoil. Reload.

I want to take off my earmuffs. As if blasting my eardrums with all these decibels will keep Irrationality at bay. As if it will drown him out.

One two three. One two three. One two three. Boom boom boom. Recoil recoil CLICK.

How many bullets had I loaded?

It's after that I understand what's happening.

"Prozac is a very safe drug," my psychiatrist told me as she was writing out the prescription weeks ago. "But, like all drugs, it has side effects. Some of them are mild. You may have the sensation that you need to urinate when you don't need to. Might have some hot flashes or cold spells here and there. If you start to get dizzy, call me, and if you can't find me, go to the emergency room."

"Why the emergency room?"

:"Just because they will keep you stabilized until the spell passes. Really, it's just so you don't fall down and hit your head on the concrete.

"There are some other more serious side effects—most of them mental. If the dose is too high, it's possible you'll swing too far one way into a manic state, where there's nothing that bothers you. That isn't good, because it isn't natural to be like that, and some people do dangerous things—such as gambling and drugs—when they are in such states. Another is memory loss."

The goddamned drugs.

"Prozac has been known to lead to short term memory loss. What this means is that your brain will take in information to the short term memory—or your memory that lasts about ten seconds—and won't transfer things to long term, which lasts a lifetime. You won't notice at first. But then, traditionally, you'll be doing simple tasks—counting out cups of water for a recipe, for example—and then in the middle of it you'll forget what number you're on. This happens to everyone occasionally, but if it starts happening at any regular intervals, you need to let me know. We'll have to take you off of it, and because of the nature of the medicine, the effects will stay with you awhile."

The fucking goddamned medication.

"At any rate, I don't think any of these things will pose problems. Just watch out for yourself, ok?"

An experiment, I think as I stare at Silhouette Man, who is now moving less with the wind, what with all the holes.

I pick up a handful of bullets and begin loading them into the gun, counting them one by one. I stop when my hand is empty. Seven.

Then, I go inside and get a coke from the vending machine. The owner is still at the cash register, chatting up a couple of trashy looking girls, showing them his new t-shirt with Chalrton Heston on the front holding up a semi-automatic and giving the thumbs up with an American flag rippling behind him. Had it not been for the girls, I probably never would have gotten past the guy, but as it was, he'd just asked for the money for the range time and let me go on my way.

As I walk back to my spot on the range, I think about how I'll never understand the rabid gun nuts out there. But everyone has to concentrate their lives on something.

Which is what I wasn't doing. Seconds later, I'm holding the gun, wondering how many shots I loaded. There is nothing I can do to remember. I remember loading them—the way they felt in my hand, the sound of them plunking down into the clip. But that's it.

"Time's up, 15," says the voice from the intercom.

How many do I have? I raise the gun and point it at Silhouette Man's head.

One two three. One two three.

And then I remember. Six shots. I loaded six. Smiling, I absent-mindedly pull the trigger one more time, shocked to find it fires once more.

"Fifteen? No more shooting—time to pack up."

As I walk outside, bag in hand, gun in bag, an uncomfortable feeling creeps over me. I threw away the medicine to regain control. But now, the medicine has ripped that control away yet again. And this time, there seems to be shit-all I can do to get it back.

Shit-all except get so loaded that it doesn't make a difference to me.

Which is exactly what I decide to do.

As I walk back to the warehouse, thinking about whether I should try someone other than Angie tonight, I see her across the street, talking to a guy in a car. She's still beautiful, even though I know she's been used more than a community towel at the YMCA. I stare a little longer than I mean too, lost in her hair in the breeze, bits of it looking like they are stretching to get away from her. When she sees me, she leans over to the guy, kisses him, and starts running across the street to meet me.

"Hey," Melissa says when she arrives, out of breath.

"What are you doing Friday night?"

I'm sure there's a part of my brain that understands why I say it, but that part doesn't communicate with any other part at all.

"I've…got plans. But I would like to see you. Things shouldn't have ended the way they did."

I chuckle. "I've got a feeling things aren't quite over yet."

She looks at me curiously, then smiles. "I was kind of thinking the same thing."

A car horn next to us startles her. I don't break my gaze.

"Can you come over tomorrow night?" she asks.

I shrug. "Sure. What time."

"Between seven and eight? Will that work?"

I nod. "Need me to bring anything?"

"Nope," and she draws in close to me, and she smells so wonderful, but then she shrinks away. "You smell awful."

She doesn't say it with surprise, distaste. She says it with sympathy.

"It's been a rough day. See you tomorrow."

I start to walk away and she yells for me to wait. "Here," she says as she runs to meet me. "I have a meeting for Student Council right after school, so in case it runs a little late, take this and let yourself in."

She hands me the key to her apartment.

"It's a spare," she says. "Just make sure not to lose it."

I smile and nod, grasp the key firmly. "I'll see you tomorrow," I say, and I lean down, kissing her exactly like she did the guy in the car.

I'm sure there's a part of my brain that formulates the plan, but that part is completely silent. All I know is that before I turn to walk away, I understand what I need to do and how I'm going to do it. As I begin to smile, at peace for once in my whole life, Irrationality attempts to ambush my positive emotions. "B-b-b-but last night!" it whines, losing its foothold.

"Fuck last night," I say out loud, walking faster. "Last night's not shit compared to today, and both of them add up to nothing in light of what's going to happen Friday."

As it turns out, I had never spoken truer words in my life.

An Audience of Shadows Archive

The Druid Of Chicago, Chapter 3

Of Course There’s a Fairy

Jackie sighed and took three deep breaths, one for his center, one for his heart, one for his head. Find your center, clear your center. Find your heart, clear your heart. Find your mind, clear your mind. Clearing his mind took some additional breaths. All the partying he’d done with Jules and Kat hung around the fringes of his consciousness like dust-bunnies. He shot his attention at the five across the two softball fields and didn’t think he wanted to face them fuzzy. He felt the green energy from the earth spiral up through his legs; he felt the silver energy from the sky spiral down through the crown of his head. The energies met in his three cauldrons, as Gran would call them, and against everything he’d learned in his Art and Physics classes, but right along the lines of his Gran’s stories, the energies became the blue fire that he seemed able to control. Witchfire. Somehow he’d tapped into witchfire. Gran’s stories?

The fact that all of her stories seemed to be coming to life in one night, in HIS body and at Touhy fucking Park no less, was completely freaking his shit. He’d imagined these energies before in his meditations. He’d thought he’d almost managed to blend earth and sky together before but…just as he’d felt the shift to blue, part of him would crow triumphantly, “There it is!” and of course, it would be gone.

“So what’s different about tonight?” he asked the night outloud.

You’d think he wouldn’t have been surprised that the night answered but…

From up above a small, strong, deeply silky feminine voice with a pure South Side accent explained, “Dat’s because dohs two witches spent da last three days preparing you. What, yous thought maybe it was just a long party? Fuckin’ Jules. How many times I’m gonna hafta tell dat slitch dat she needs to TELL her clients what she’s doin’?”

park.jpg Jack started and half-ducked while raising his arm defensively and looking up, just a bit of blue flashed from the oak in his hand but didn’t reach the owner of the voice…luckily, since the voice seemed to be coming from…sigh…a four inch tall winged fairy. Just when he knew the morning wasn’t going to get any weirder, tah dah. The fairy glowed a bit silver herself when she saw the witchfire, “Whoa! Easy big guy, I’m on your side.” Jack half heard, half felt a yelp come from the five, but his attention was fully on the fairy flitting about the lower limb of the oak above his head. He made sure his energy was under control but didn’t quite drop his arm all the way to his side. Jack got control of himself and looked closer and what he saw made him glad he was a boy. Long BLACK curly locks down past her shoulders but not covering a set of full tits capped with large and currently very pointy nipples. A heart shaped face surrounded full rose bud lips and emerald, almond shaped but at-the-same-time huge eyes and a little perfect nose. Full hips surrounding, I shit you not, a heart shaped redder than HIS hair bush over bald and full lips. Her ivory white skin was covered in the most intricate dark green Celtic knotwork he’d ever seen. He wondered if it was ink, tattoos or…just the way her skin was?

Jack gave up his famous off center grin, the one that made his Mom call him her lil Elvis, “Okay…I’ll bite. Who might you be?”

The fairy laughed a deep, sexy, chuckle that sounded just wrong coming out of something so small. “You want my name? Out here? In da open? Wit dohs five standing right over dere and a portal to da Udderworld standing wide open? Oh, you’re funny Boyo. You’re a real fucking comedian. Next you’re gonna tell me your Gran didn’t teach you better.” She jiggled in the most amazing way as she continued to laugh at the boy, but Jack was starting to lose his patience. All things considered, he thought he was holding up pretty well, but the fairy laughing at HIM after what he’d put up with so far, was just about to unravel his last good nerve.

“Okay, fairy,” he said it like it was a bad thing which made her frown, “let’s put this into perspective for you. As far as I’m concerned, I was out partying for St Pats with Jules and Kat, two girls I’ve known forever who have never shown me anything resembling witchiness, and ummm, by the way, have never mentioned hanging out with a fairy, so I already think you’re full of shite. I’m on my way home to crash after afore mentioned partying and the pretend, let me say that again so you catch it, pre-tend magic bush that my Gran and I used to make up stories about apparently DOES have some very real magical properties and there are five things over there that I don’t know much about other than there’s something in my gut which tells me that they don’t belong here. Out of almost nowhere, I’m able to combine green and silver meditation energies, stuff from my imagination mind you, into blue guardian’s witchfire. Don’t ask me how I know what to call it, I just do, and that bugs me too. What else? Ummm, there’s something deep inside of me that seems to truly need me to blast the living shite out of those five critters over there without asking any questions and I have no doubt I COULD do that, but again, don’t ask me how I know that. What have I left out? Hmmm, those are summer stars up there and it’s still fucking March, I smell blossoms when I should be smelling Captain Nemo’s Sub Sandwich fixin’s or oil from the garage next door or fruit from the fruit stand up on Clark Street, and it’s probably 80 degrees outside, which makes me say again, it’s fucking MARCH. Oh, and just for fun, there’s a naked, sexy as hell, four-inch fairy flitting about above my head blowing me shit. Care to fill in the blanks for me?” She seemed to smile at the “sexy” description for a second but frowned again, deeper, and with some worry as Jack wrapped up.

Her South Side slipped a bit into brogue as she put her fists on her hips, “You mean to be tellin’ me that you’ve no idea what you’re doing here or what those are?” She was pointing at the five.

“You got it Irish. You win a cookie.” Mom would like that one, she loves Don Rickles. Hey Mom, I dropped a Don Rickles on this fairy…no, not a gay boy from Wrigleyville, a real….nevermind…you want me to build you another vodka and lemon-lime?

The fairy looked like she was ready to kill something as she flashed hot silver again, a couple of the five yelped this time. Jackie just squinted.

“I’m NOT Irish you big human lout!” she fired in a very good brogue, but that was clearly not what was bothering her as she flitted/paced back and forth. There was a dark, ugly chuckle/yip thing from the five and it spread quickly as her pacing quickened. The fairy glanced their way and flashed silver again…which caused a chorus of yelps and angry noises, some of them forming the words, “You go too far…” before fading into mumbles and curses and, Jack could feel, no small elation.

Muttering something that sounded like, “I’m soooo going to kill that slitch.” she stopped and hovered for a moment, closing her eyes the way Jack had seen his Gran and Sister Margaret do, hands spread wide about a foot away from her body at her sides…her eyes not fully closed but not open by any means and he knew she was searching, seeking…walking paths he’d never ventured upon…or thought he truly could. He couldn’t help but check out her nipples…damn those are freaking amazing.

Everything before this moment had led Jack to believe that most, not all, but most of what his Gran had taught him were the ravings of a wonderfully crazy old lady whom Jack had loved with all his heart. He was still playing catch up with the reality of the non-real things happening and something told him he had absolutely no time for that.

fairy.jpg The fairy sighed deeply and opened her eyes, fully busting Jack checking her out, which made her smile again.

“Well, I have good news and I have bad news. Da good news is help is coming.” She sighed again. “Da bad news is dat help is about 15 minutes away from here no matter what dey do to get here, and dohs guys over dere?” She pointed at the five. “Dey just began thinkin’ dat dey can take you and dey’re moving dis way.”

Jack looked over as the five began moving, albeit slowly across the fields.

“So what do we do?” asked Jack, falling into her eyes now.

The fairy looked truly sad and sounded much older and wearier than Jack thought would be possible out of something THAT cute. “WE don’t do anything Boyo. My kind can’t interfere directly. I may pay dearly for holding dem off dis long. Da best I can do is give you my blessing and make a few things clearer in da process. Bow your head.”

Jack did as he was told though God only knows why. He could hear her muttering in what he thought was Gaelic at first but he couldn’t understand a single word, like back when Gran first began to teach him, and he felt silver light falling on his head and shoulders like light and musk imbued rain. Both thinner and yet purer and stronger than the light he pulled from the sky. All of his doubts about what was real and what wasn’t fell away with each breath of light and sound like musical rain, and scent…he knew…he knew it all... he KNEW dammit, and…oh son of a fucking bitch!

Jackie looked up, “Did I just let a fairy pee about my head and shoulders?”

She giggled, flitted down and kissed him on the cheek, “Aye, Boyo, that you did, now calm yourself, dat’s da price you pay for my blessing…dis time. Next time I’m gonna want quite a bit more. And trust me, that cost me a LOT more than it cost your pride.” She flit lower, bit his lower lip, drawing blood, and flitted back up into the oak. “Ow…dammit.” But he didn’t get riled. He was too distracted wondering how he could make it work with a four inch schizophrenic fairy and then more so by clarity of thought he’d never experienced. He knew exactly what to do…with the five…he’d work out the fairy later. Maybe she could shrink him magically when they both had more time.

He could hear her voice like a chant of old, almost sounding exactly like Gran at her prayers except the fairy was in his head, “Calm yourself Boyo. Slow down. They’re not from your world. Go too fast and you’ll miss them entirely. They don’t move at our speed. Slowly, slowwwwwwllllly, that’s it. See their rhythm? Breathe their rhythm. Now get under it. Under it…slow and steady…there ya go…and remember, they don’t much like circles.”

Jack took three deep breaths and then quite slowly, and with a grace he’d never before experienced, moved out from under the tree and circled to the right around the five, not directly at them…who stopped dead in their tracks. None of them were chuckling at all. Four of them were looking at the one in the lead and middle. That one was focused on Jack, drinking him in with his black eyes, smelling the air. Jack sucked blood off his lower lip as he rolled out and around, getting a charge as he did so, “Oh good…” he thought, “Now I know which one to blast first.”

Jackie Finneran, Jack Finn, threw his head back and crowed, feeling a rush that he never dreamed possible. Witchfire filled his veins. He was madly in love with a

This time when he crowed, the magic didn’t run away. A mist arose around him, embracing him, cooling and energizing him. He had nothing to do with that, that was the park offering its help to the little boy it helped raise.

The five weren’t chuckling now as the mist rose around the Jack. They didn’t quite know what to do, so they howled together in voices that had never…ever…been human to answer his crowing. Jackie paused as everything human about them faded away in the mist.

Jack just giggled. Werewolves…fucking werewolves…of course…makes perfect sense.

The editors realize, in retrospect, that werewolves do make perfect sense.

The Back Booth Archives

Really. Don't Go In There Pt. II

So to recap, last week I described my idiotic, fried chicken driven behaviour; how I would dress in stupid costumes in the hope of scoring a free snack pack or some such bullshit. You'd think I'd grow out of that, but apparently not.

One day when I was about, oh, 21 I suppose, I was smoking hash with my girlfriend. We got all high and shit. It was great. I think we watched The Price Is Right. Bob kicks ass. Anyway.

Later that morning I dropped her off at her house and made my way home. As I was driving along, I noticed a sign in the window of a party supply store: Clown position available, apply within. I applied the fuck within immediately. I mean, c'mon.

I walked up to the counter and said hi to the lady. “Can I help you?” she asked.

“Yes dear, I understand you are looking for a clown.”
“Uh…. Oh, yes, we are. Are you interested in the position?”
“Very much so, yes. You see dear, I don’t really need a job. But I do want a clown job. It’s probably minimum wage, I don’t even care about that. I've been a professional idiot all my life and it's about time I got paid for it. I want to be a clown. How bout it? I get to wear makeup and dance around, right?”

I got the job, man, just like that. Seven bucks a gig (just over minimum wage at the time), with access to a clown costume anytime I wanted. Anytime I wanted. Jackpot! They also had a minivan that I could drive, with a rack of orange lights on top and a siren sounding doohickey, and a fucking megaphone with the microphone inside so that I could say whatever the hell I wanted from a moving vehicle, and people would just kinda think that the clown in the minivan wasn’t very funny.

clown.jpg So I had to wear makeup and shit, funny hat, red nose, all that stuff. I had a goatee or something on my face, but they didn’t make me shave it. Have you ever seen a clown with any kind of facial hair at all? I know some kids that have and I’m not so sure they liked it. In fact I know they didn’t. Neither did their parents. They didn’t like my brother showing up at their house smelling like yesterday's rum either, but that's another stupid story.

For a while I traveled with Barney, as his sidekick. Barney and his friend the clown with the goatee and the red eyes. Barney was a 14 year old girl who had been forced into the job by her aunt (that’s why she got the Barney position, her connections) and resented every damn minute of it. I hated working with her because she was a whiny little skanky rich kid who spilled chips and diet soda in the van, but she hated her job so much more. Eventually the pressure of it all got to her and she just quit the whole business one day, just told her aunt to fuck off and went home. I thought I smelled opportunity, but it came looking for me before I could even formulate a plan.

The boss called a couple of days after her niece disappeared and asked if I could do Barney, and maybe I knew someone who could do the sidekick thing? I told her that I could usually get a second person to help out as long as I had a few day’s notice, and they bit the hook. They said sure thing. Take our business vehicle, act like an idiot in your costume with your friends and do what you feel is best. I could have wrecked that minivan altogether, but all I did with it was act like a goof and hot-box it every night with my friends. My girlfriend did the sidekick thing most of the time, and she was the best sidekick imaginable. I can’t even begin to explain her versatility as a goof in a costume. She’s my everything.

The whole Barney setup was pretty cheap, but they didn’t even get the Barney suit washed before they put me into it. They finally did clean it about a month later, but I still dealt with the last kid’s sweat until then. Fucking gross, man. I found out, eventually, that they would also rent the same suit to people when I wasn’t using it. That was pretty much the last straw before I quit, but I was already pissed off because I’d been beaten up the previous weekend. By a bunch of kids who hated Barney.

There are a lot of Barney haters out there, but none can match the vitriolic rage of an older brother who’s had to put up with a younger sibling’s screaming demands for repeated viewing of a Barney videotape. They have to be nice about sharing the TV so they go somewhere else, but you know that being driven away from the television is just about the worst thing you can do to any kid who has been born within the last 50 years. Kids who don’t like Barney, well, apparently they fucking hate Barney. They want his head for what he’s done. And part of me can identify. I mean, if anything had forced me to give up that cartoon about Rubik, The Amazing Cube when I was a kid, I would have stirred up some shit you wouldn’t believe until I got my way and got to see that fucking cube. It’s like any pop phenomenon, you either love him or hate him. Nobody thinks Britney Spears (bad example these days, but you know what I mean) is just okay.

So I lied. This is the second of three parts, not the second of two. Yeah, like you're going to lose sleep over it.

Next week, obviously, I get my ass kicked by a bunch of kids.

Dan still has overwhelming urges to humiliate himself for minimum wage. Count your spare change and give him a call.

Don't Go In There Archives

I Love Being A Mom

I love being a mom. I love watching my kids grow and learn, discover new things and
figure things out. I love that they depend on me for everything as simple as a kiss on the boo
boo to making sure they aren't the stinky kid at school. I love the chaos of the bed time
routine and the joy I get when I sneak in their rooms to watch them sleep. Yesterday was
different though.

99-back.jpgYesterday, I wanted to drive right past the driveway, down the block, out of town and clear out of the state. I wanted to never come back, never look back, and never be a mom again. I wanted to drive until the car ran out of gas. I wanted to cry. I didn't want to give another bath, wipe another butt, make another peanut butter sandwich or hear another whiney voice call me mommy. It was just one of those days. I really don't have them too often but when I do it kind of freaks me out. I was wondering all day what I would be doing if I didn't have to get home to the kids. Would my husband and I still be married? Would I be gettin' my groove on with the hottie from work? Would I be out with the girls, trying to get my groove on with some other hottie? Am I still a hottie? Would I not worry so much about finances? I hate when I feel this way, but yet I think (and hope!) that it is normal to have these kind of days....as long as I don't act on them!

I decided to not drive past the driveway and went home. Went through the routine with the happy mommy face on. Tucked my kids into bed, finished up all the other chores, poured myself a nice glass of wine and relaxed. I'm happy, very, very happy. I also looked at the calendar and saw that I will be 30 in a few days. Maybe it's a nearly mid-life crisis that I warded off. I should be 30 dammit, I've been married for almost 8 years and I have two kids! I don't want to get my groove on with hotties....I want to get my groove on with my husband for a bit.

So I went off and did that and then I peeked in at my sleeping, quiet children and thanked God that I didn’t keep driving...this time.

Bonnie just luvs being a mom

Raising Hell Archives

The Wedding Party

Years ago, one of my friend's sisters got married. A young couple, cheap parents and low budget wedding ceremony and reception were on the horizon. At this time, I was fully immersed in photography, taking college classes and filling just about every waking moment that I wasn't at work either taking pictures, developing pictures or in class.

Guess whom the poor, young couple asked to take pictures of there wedding? Yep, you guessed it: me. It was one of the most nerve-racking experiences of my life. What if my camera malfunctions? What if the flash doesn't work? Can I reload film fast enough? What if I'm not paying attention when the roll is almost to the end and I miss one of the most important moments?

It was not an experience that I ever wanted to repeat and swore I'd never agree to photograph someone's wedding. Everyone is an art director and I had plenty that day. Too many. It was awful. Never again would I subject myself to such torture.

Fast-forward 20 years. My niece, Danielle, announces her engagement. You've seen Danielle in my previous articles, the one about Robin and her ghost. Robin's cousin in one of those shots is Danielle. Of course, Danielle remembers that I can take a fairly decent picture and guess what? Here I am agreeing to photograph her wedding! I agree, reluctantly.

This time, though, I have the Canon Rebel xti 10 megapixel digital SLR!

The experience was nerve-racking due to the fact that you are responsible for capturing images of the most important day of two peoples lives to date. I insisted on going to the rehearsal, because truth be told, I had no flipping idea how to photograph a wedding. All in all, it turned out very well. The only thing I'll do differently next time (Danielle's sisters, all three of them, want me to photograph their weddings next year) is that when I do the group shots, no one else with a camera will be allowed within a mile. I have some great shots of the entire wedding party with all of them looking in different directions. Live and learn.

Here are some shots from the wedding of the happy couple, Matt and Danielle! My favorite, of course, is the one I snapped right after the ceremony was over and they walked away from the guests and out of site, and immediately lit a cigarette.






Bonfire of the Trigonometry

I've had some writer's block issues. When in doubt, post pictures, I say.

These were taken this evening.

A few months ago, my daughter dropped out of Math B because it was giving her fits. Her teacher sucked and she just wasn't getting the class. They moved her to a different math class (where she is getting good grades). She asked if she could burn her notes and exorcise the class from her system. That's how much she hated it. I said, ask Turtle.

Turtle loves a good fire, as we all know. And I got to take some pictures. Which is my favorite thing next to writing.

Click for bigger.

math bonfire 1

math bonfire 3

math bonfire 7

math bonfire 6

math bonfire 5

math bonfire 4

math bonfire 2

At the end of this school year, the daughter is inviting some friends from her chem class over to burn their notes. They want to burn the teacher, too, but we have to draw the line somewhere.

Would an effigy be in bad taste?

I wonder if she should write about this in her college application essay.

Probably not.


April 24, 2007


it was a long-gone Tuesday, and i was on my way to a place where i used to work when i came across a cat that’d been hit in the street. i remember expecting it sooner or later. where it happened, there was an old lady who let her cats run wild. when the weather broke, there were kittens all over her front steps. this scene, i remember thinking, was just a matter of time.

burntblue.jpgi remember hesitating for a moment before i pulled the car to the side of the street and got out. cars slid by my ride’s window and when things cleared, i got out and walked over to her on the sidewalk in the rain. still looking out at the damage in the street, i told her i was sorry.

she was crying softly.

without another word, i walked over to the middle of this busy city side street and looked down. i was scared to touch it – half-expecting it to jump up and claw at me or sink it’s teeth into my hand. in another world, i would have poked at it with a stick or nudged it with the toe of my shoe to be sure it wasn’t alive. but not on that day. i let my fingertips scrape the pavement as i slowly slid my hands underneath its body and cradled it to my chest.

i remember not wanting to let her know about the blood on my hands, not wanting her to feel bad about it. that would have been rude. and when she asked me to dig the grave, i couldn’t have refused. besides, the earth was soft from the rain and the flowers in the garden were just beginning to bloom. it was going to be easy for me and it felt good to be outside in spite of all the rain. that was another thing i didn’t want her to know.

i remember getting to work with blood on my shirt. there was mud on my pants, too, but that would have washed away soon enough.

We're Gonna Be Using Aliases On This One.. Archives

That's Nice Lemme See It

Hannah is getting mad because it's "late" and she needs to get home.

"OK," I say, leaning against my car, no doubt getting dirt all over me, "Just let me take one more picture."

I can tell she's mad, but she loves being the center of attention so she gives in, "One more picture."

"One more," I echo as a BMW holding two men pulls into the empty parking spot next to my car. It is so smooth and shiny and black compared to my dust caked Dodge. I want to run my hand over it just to smudge it.

"Hey girls," a man, around thirty who watches too much HBO nods to the group. tony1.JPG It is obviously one or both of the men in the car are drunk. "What are you girls up to?" He takes a puff of his cigar. I almost laugh at his New York accent, which is so thick and distinct that it sounds fake.

Hannah is having a small panic attack quietly next to me. Like a good friend, I ignore her.

"Just hanging out," I answer, and eye them suspiciously. The driver winks at me and I shudder. They were the sleaziest looking dirt-bags on the face of the planet.

"That's cool, that's cool. My friend and I here are just looking for some people to hang out with," he nods to the camera hanging around my neck. My new DSLR Nikon D40. My relatively expensive new camera. The “perfect started DSLR” says Wired. And I listened to Wired because Jenna Fisher was on the cover. "You takin' pictures? Here, let me take a picture of you girls together." He puts his cigar back in his mouth and reaches out his hand, but I instinctively begin to clutch my camera, like a mother protecting her baby. And ain’t no one gon’ hurt my baby.

"No, that's OK," I say.

"What?" he asks, adjusting the collar on his white polo shirt so that it was popped, just like that perpetually drunk college student going to State who wishes they were at Stanford and every creepy man going through a mid-life crisis wears it. "You think I'm gonna steal your camera?"

groucho1.JPG Yes.

He doesn't wait for an answer, "Well, fo-get you! Fo-get yo camera! We're going!" He throws his arms in the air and motions to the driver, "Let's bounce!"

Let's bounce? Doesn't he know it's only cool to say that ironically?

I give him the sideways peace sign, which he probably doesn't realize means "fuck you" in the UK.

"Peace!" he shouts out the window.

"Later, dude," I reply.

Hannah is white as a ghost, "We. Almost. Just. Died."

I roll my eyes and snap a photo. It’s bad and I reposition myself to get a better angle. "No,” I say, “But we almost just had my camera stolen."

After that, Stephanie would never let Hannah borrow her camera.

Obscene And Heard Archives

Honing the Message

One of the most important things that I'm struggling with in my writing right now is learning how to revise. Now, copy editing and grammar checks - those I have no problem with. But revision - true revision - is something else entirely.

It occurs to me that I have never really extolled the virtues of having a teacher before. If that's true, it's long overdue: writing is very much an apprentice art, and having a good teacher is damn near mandatory. It can be a professor, editor or friend that can teach you, or it can be the religious reading of all of a favorite author's books. Either way: if we had to start all over and make up the process of writing from scratch with each generation, we would never have gotten better than the ancient Greek myths or the tales of Homer.

Ok, bad example.

Regardless: my teacher, a man named Amos, taught me many things in our short time together. He taught me that background characters still have to be characters ("his mother can't just stand in the kitchen stirring sauce all day!"), he taught me how to accept criticism gracefully ("Shut up! No talking while we insult your writing!". But most of all, he taught me how to revise.

noze.jpgRevision is a difficult thing to explain, which makes me send that many more kudos towards Amos for doing it so well. Basically, take this scenario: you have a friend who is awful at telling jokes. He stammers towards the punchline, omits important information, then giggles so hard that he can't finish and you're left wondering what exactly happened after the two Jewish guys walk into the bar (they BUY it!).

You, however, listen to this rambling, broken, shambles of a joke and note in the back of your mind that it might possibly have potential to be funny someday. And when that day comes, you recite the joke at the office Christmas party - you color the characters, you add flavor and extra dialogue and you pause just long enough before the punchline to make the delivery ever so perfect.

The story is the same, but the delivery has been re-imagined to omit the unnecessary, to strengthen the crucial and to set up the plot twist at the end for maximum affect.

This is the process I've been working on for Regular Guys as I've been preparing it to be sent away to meet its destiny. The problem is this: when I wrote it, to be completely honest, I had no idea where I was going with it. I just got this idea about two guys setting out on a road trip to nowhere, so I picked it up and ran. It turned into something pretty interesting, but then it just ran out of gas. I wrestled and fought with it and tortured out an ending, but there was just too much time spent in the middle of the piece not knowing what was going on, and it showed. People read it and said "....what?"

So now I'm going back through and trimming the fat. Starting from scratch, I'm rewriting. I know where the story is going to end up and who the characters are, and now I'm just going to tell the joke with less stammering, stuttering, and giggling at my own cleverness. The most important strategy to a good revision is distance: you simply cannot effectively revise a story that you wrote an hour ago. You're too attached to it. At a minimum, wait about a month. My man Amos suggests that you leave a story alone for a year, but I gots groceries to buy, so a month will have to do.

The plan is to mail it out this week, and see what happens.

In a similar vein as last week's Parental Advice trainwreck, share the nuggets of wisdom that your teachers have given you.

Celebrity Update: Nothing yet from the first editor, but the publication guidelines say I may have to wait six months for a response. Celebrity has now been sent to three different magazines, so we'll see who gets back to me first.

Ian says there will there'll be no nose job. Said dodio-doe, no nose job (he's smarter than that)

Word Whore Archives

Little Back Yard of Horrors

I have to say it’s been a strange spring, weather-wise. 5 inches of snow on the Saturday night before Easter, evening temps in the low 50s. Weird. For central Texas anyway.

But this weekend was pretty normal by our standards… close to 80 yesterday, breezy and nice. It was a good day to get dirty.

I’ve been needing to replace a few plants in the back yard that were assaulted by a beagle. Little shit chewed up a banana tree and a Mexican fan palm. For those of you unfamiliar with the fan palm (Washingtonia robusta, no idea where that name came from), they are a tough palm with leaves that are connected along the vanes, and they spread up and out, shucking dead growth around the base of the trunk. They’re tough, can handle a freeze, and look great around a pool.

They’re also dangerous. Got serrated shark teeth edges, sharp as a razor, and black lifeless eyes. Like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be living... until he bites ya.

So anyhow it’s a nice day and I get in the truck and drive out to the Lonesome Pine Nursery, to find a couple of healthy specimens. They point me to the little, sick looking ones first. Bah. I already have my eye on the one. 15 gallon, I think, almost five feet high and about a four foot diameter. Perfect. Goofy dog won’t even be able to get his mouth around it.

The nice people load it into the pickup, all three of them, and I drive off thinking “gee, that must be heavy, taking three of them and all”.

I back into the driveway, get out, walk around to the bed, drop the tailgate.

And I look at this thing.

killer.jpgIt presents a bit of a logistical challenge, but I’m up to it, cause I have the Wheel(TM).

The location is an issue though, a raised bed, inside a 3 foot high retaining wall. This may require some lifting.

So I start digging this hole. A big, deep hole. Deep enough for one human body or two good sized beagles. A manly hole. A beeg, gaping wound in Gaia. And Gaia struck back. I grab the bottom of the palm, and pull it toward me, and a frond slices a 3 inch cut in my cheek. Just like that. Didn’t even see it coming.

And now it’s tasted blood. And it likes it.

I drag – pull – push – heave this thing into the back next to the retaining wall, and somehow manage to push it up on the edge of the rock wall. I have a plan. I will set it on its side, slice open the container, roll it out and into the hole where it will right itself and drop cleanly into place.

This is brilliant. Like judo, I will use my opponent’s weight and strength against him. I cut open the container, brace myself by placing my left foot against the inside of the hole. I grab the trunk of the palm and pull it toward myself. But I didn’t see the serrations on the trunk where I grabbed it and they cut into my palm. I let go and try to sit up, but the palm is having none of that, and keeps falling. Then I lose my balance, and I tip backward as the palm is now rolling toward me, gravity doing its job. I fall into the hole ass-first and the plant rolls in on top of me, and I don’t even notice where another edge cut my arm and it’s now bleeding faster than my hand.

Mission accomplished.

I think to myself, “Great. Now all I have to do is wait for someone to come put the dirt on top of me and I can die”. I’m sitting in a hole, with 80 pounds of fern and dirt parked on top of me, making mud out of dirt and blood.

Somehow I manage to get out from under this thing and get it planted where it belongs.

Next weekend’s project involved power tools.

For Dave, every day is a good day to get dirty. wink wink.


Dear Pirate....

So, most of you (all?) know I work offshore on various ships-all part of a worldwide fleet. The crew consists of people from many disciplines and they all are required to be able perform a wide variety of tasks, in addition to their particular job. It’s something like being an astronaut, where, if someone falls ill, you have to be able to do their job, if something breaks, you have to be able to fix it, etc. Because of this, we put our trainees through two types of training before they become a regular crewmember (but still very much a trainee). First, they must do a training rotation on a ship, to see if they have what it takes to work the long hours, live on a ship, get along with people in a confined environment and all that jazz. Then, they get sent off somewhere in the world for a few months to be immersed in an intensive training school where they will acquire the skills to begin their job. Someday, I may write about my experience at one of these schools.

Anyway, the trainee is usually given little knowledge of what to expect when he is sent of for his training cruise. He is told to bring a few clothes and toiletries and off he goes, into the great unknown. Usually, he’s a twenty-one yr old college kid without a clue.

Once in a while, he asks the right (wrong) person too many questions about what to bring, what to expect, etc., and that person gives them an email address to the ship and they mail us with questions. Big. Fucking. Mistake.

Hello Neil,
So, you are a new trainee about to join our ship and want to know what to expect and to bring out here? I’m glad you took the time to email me. I can certainly help you in both areas, as I have been out here for ten, long years.

First, here is a list of things not to bring:
Clothes, toiletries and things for entertainment. The crew will steal them and if you resist they will hurt you. Getting hurt your first day on the job is NOT the way to start your career, so leave it all at home. We will issue you one boiler suit to use for the ten weeks you will be out here. If you must, you can try to bring one extra pair of undershorts. I recommend you wear them under one of your socks. Don’t bother trying to crotch or keister them. Both of those areas will be thoroughly checked by the crew, rest assured. Don’t worry about that, either. You will get used to the intimacy, eventually. Oh, while I’m thinking about it, could you send a picture of yourself, before you come out? Some of the crew are asking…

misc_gay_sailors.jpgDo bring:
A number 8 torx-head screwdriver, tampons, your sea diaper, a futon because the deck up top is hard to sleep on, a mosquito net, cordless drill, Astroglide (24 oz jug) a five week supply of Imodium, malaria curative kit, a football helmet of cream cheese, cigarettes and condoms for the border guards, a bible and a sheet to be sewn into in case of accidental death. If you don’t want any words said on your behalf, you can skip the bible. Books should include; the complete works of Ozdogan Zilmaz (the illustrated version), Tricks of the Trade for Prison Bitches by I. C. Colon and The Field Guide to Trauma Medicine by I.C. Gutz. you can find these at any Borders, or online at Amazon.

Now, what can you expect while out here, thousands of miles from home? That entirely depends on who gets to take you under their wing. The boys are still fighting over it and you have yet to send a picture, not that most of us care. You will find it interesting out here and will have the opportunity to see what each of us does, firsthand. Each one of us will make you do our job for a few days. We look forward to the time off, let me tell you. Just don’t fuck up, or the beating you take when we steal your shit will seem like playtime with Tickle Me Elmo. Don’t worry about your lack of experience, though. Each night before you take over someone’s job, they will give you a stack of manuals and reference documents to memorize before morning. Sleep is over-rated, anyway.

The hours are long, but you will get three breaks a day, to prepare our food, serve us and then wash the dishes. You are allowed to eat all the scraps when washing the dishes so you’ll have plenty to eat! Cool, huh? After shift, we each do our own thing; work out, watch movies, read, or have sex. After all, its not prison out here. You will be required to attend a different crewmember each night. That way you will get a taste of all the leisure activities available to the regular crew. One night you may spot someone while they work out, another you might serve refreshments and give foot massages while the movie plays. Other nights, you will learn the intimate details of the magic and beauty of shipboard love. Ah, you are a lucky guy. My training trip is now just a few distant memories, but perhaps we can relive a couple of the special ones, eh?

We are all looking forward to having you.


The Pirate

They tell me this guy just up and quit. Imagine that.

Pirate is still looking for someone to walk his plank. Gmail in pro...

Any Port in the Storm Archives

Music From the Vault: GBH

Back in the day (yea, like a whole year ago), we (we being Turtle and I) used to do something called Music From the Vault, where we would choose an old album we both had and write about it. Not a review, just a few words about how we react to the music, how it makes us feel.

We are going to start doing these again. They were fun to write and a couple of people asked what happened to these, so here we go again.

First, we are going to rerun a few of the older ones to get our newer readers acquainted with the style of our "reviewless reviews."

This is one where we took a band and did two different albums from them.

f167530ux2w.jpgGBH - City Baby Attacked by Rats by Michele

I was working at a record store in 1983 when a co-worker played this album for me, asking me to settle a debate with another co-worker. “Is this punk or speed metal?” I listened to the first four tracks or so, shrugged my shoulders and said “Why can’t it be both?” They looked at me kinda weird and the one guy said, “Well, you know, it’s got that whole fast guitar thing going on, so I’m thinking it’s more metal than punk....” Whatever, dude. I mean, yea, it’s got fast guitar. Fucking Yngwie Malmsteem plays a fast guitar too, but we’re not gonna call him anything other than a wanker, ok? The world isn’t black and white, guys. It’s not an either/or premise here. Labeling shit is for people who live in tight confines. That ain’t me.

Label? Call it what you want; thrash, punk metal, whatever. City Baby - and GBH by extension - doesn’t need no stinkin’ label. Violent, offensive, dark, dirty, crude, mean and faster than fuck, City Baby - framed by Abrahall’s guttural vocals and Blyth’s blistering guitar work - is an attention deficit’s delight. Blasting through the songs at an average of about two minutes, each tune does what it has to do and then quits. It grabs you in, fucks with your head, gets your heart pumping, slaps you around and then drops you on the floor. Then you get up for another. By the time the album is done, you’ll wonder if you just went through some Yngwie nightmare, where it’s proven that masturbating with your guitar may get people to call you a genius, but pounding your way through some punk-rock-on-speed and leaving people breathless, worn out, scarred and begging for more counts for a hell of a lot more than having 14 year old kids with used Fenders trying to mimic your licks. It’s when the 14 year olds with used Fenders break shit in their garage while going apeshit trying to play "Bellend Bop" that you know you kick some major fucking ass.

So, if you’re in the mood to get your heart pumping, get your throat burning, and maybe jump off your couch a couple of times and move around like you’re still 18 years and can take a musical beating, then crank up City Baby and prepare to feel that familiar surge of power and excitement like you had the last time you were at a show. And then prepare to feel the agony of defeat as you lay on the ground holding your knee and cursing father time. Not saying I did that, but...yea.


*Big Women is on the reissue

f16662gwqe4.jpgGBH - City Baby's Revenge by Turtle

This was my first real exposure to GBH. Great Big Hair, Great Britain Hardcore, Grevoius Bodily Harm. Whatever the fuck it meant. Years later I found out what it meant in a different country, but that's a different story for a different time. Right now we are talking about City Baby’s Revenge.


I don't know if this was a part two to City Baby or just some cocaine fueled idea that went to far. Doesn't matter. The song kicks about why they hate politicians and why they hate their attitude. I have no idea what was going on in the UK at that time, but it seems to me like a politician did something bad. Fuck if I know, but the song fucking rocked.

Fuck, I was a kid. Make the fucker kick and I'll like it. Make it fast? I'll like it more. Talk shit about the privileges of politicians? Well just call me fucking Bill Cosby in full on motherfucking dancing mode cause I'm happy as a motherfucker.

This shit was good. It pulled up everything a kid needed to hear about. Politicians. Women’s rights. Vietnam. Bad dope.

I think that’s sarcasm but who fucking knows. Maybe it was good for me to hear about in the long run.

Cause without it you wouldn't have the turtle you know and love today.

Oh yeah....I'm modest too.

Hit a kid with all those topics when I'm still trying to find my "Capt Crunch" cereal. Make me think that wars ten years before my time were bad, the president sucks, politicians are corrupt, bad dope kinda sucks, and maybe me calling my mom a bitch wasn't that cool of a thing to do at seven in the morning.

Kinda grabs you.

That was this album. This is what made you rumble when you sat down. Shake when you stood up. Made you pay attention at school and made you shiver as you fell asleep. The album that some guy wasted off his ass on speed or LSD, or maybe both, would steal from your locker, give back to you broken and apologize for it. This made you think that there might be fucking something out there you didn't know about. It was an eye opener. And for me.....just a start. -T

We'll be doing these once a week, maybe more, just pulling old albums (ok, CDs) off the shelf and going off on them. We do take requests. And you would be surprised at what we own. So go ahead and request some music from the vault and we promise to get to it.

Sarad Bar!

Ok, folks. I've had the week to end all weeks. Lots of booze has made the situation palatable, but I'm not in the mood to talk. However, I am in the mood to rock your fucking socks off with a kickass recipe. It's a favorite of mine and I know you'll love it. Cause if you don't, I will cut your face.

roostermotivator.jpg Sesame Noodle Salad

1 lb soba noodles (linguine is an acceptable substitute)
3 Tbsp toasted sesame oil
2 Tbsp peanut butter
1/4 c rice wine vinegar
salt and pepper
2 Tbsp soy sauce
2 Tbsp rooster sauce
1 Tbsp grated ginger
4 - 6 cloves garlic
6 green onions, cut into rings (white and green parts)
1 red bell pepper, diced small
1/2 c chopped cilantro
1/4 c chopped mint (FRESH)
1 Tbsp toasted sesame seeds
lime wedges

Cook the noodles according to their package direction, drain, and toss with about a tablespoon of the sesame oil. Allow to cool to room temperature.

In a blender, combine the rest of the sesame oil, peanut butter, vinegar, soy sauce, rooster sauce, ginger, and garlic. Blend till it's smooth. If it's too thick for you, add a bit of water to thin it out. Taste it for seasoning, and add some salt and pepper.

Toss everything except for the last four ingredients together in a large bowl, until the noodles and veggies are well-coated in the sauce, and refrigerate for at least 2 hours to allow the flavors to merry.

Just before service, toss with the the cilantro and mint, and top with the sesame seeds. Serve with a wedge of lime. This is great as a side dish, or topped with grilled chicken, shrimp, or salmon, and served as an entree.

No new metal for y'all this week, folks. I've been rocking the new Shadows Fall and the new Dark Tranquillity and I will have reviews for you shortly. Until then, you'll get nothing AND LIKE IT.

Baby Huey's not kidding. He really will cut your face.

Dishful of Metal Archives

April 23, 2007

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

It's always nice to jump into another pair of shoes. And by shoes I mean perspective and by perspective I mean lazily being a couch potato, picking up a book and reading a story from the point of view of a retarded kid.

Okay, maybe that's not nice. The kid is autistic. Or Asperger's. (Just so you know, I can say "retard" because my nephew is a retard and on the day he was diagnosed I was issued the "say retard without consequence" card. Plus, I just like the word.)

Anyway, so Christopher is the kid in question. He attends a special school where he has a semi-crush on a teacher named Siobahn and is greatly looking forward to taking his A-Level Maths exams. For some reason in England they call it Maths instead of Math. Go figure.

He lives with his dad and believes his mother is dead. His dad told him that she had a heart attack and died at the hospital. Turns out, not so much. She actually ran off with some guy to the city and wrote letter after to letter to Christopher, but the dad took them and hid them without ever showing them to Christopher.

haddon.jpgThere’s a neighbor woman, Eileen Shears, with a dog, Wellington, down the street and this comes to the crux of the adventure. Christopher discovers the dog dead in Eileen’s front yard, stabbed by a pitchfork. Eileen discovers Christopher over the dog on the lawn and concludes it was Christopher that killed the dog. He didn’t though. But he liked the dog so decides he’s going to solve the murder of Wellington.

Now, Christopher, being autistic, has certain personality quirks. He likes lists and decides how his day is going to go, whether good or bad, by how many yellow or red or brown cars pass by his school bus. So he starts making a list of what he knows and proceeds on his mystery, like Sherlock Holmes. His hero.

Throughout the book there are little things like riddles and diagrams and the chapters are prime numbers rather than the usual numbering. All a glimpse inside the mind of an autistic boy.

While looking for clues he discovers that his mom never died, his dad had a fling with Eileen, and found the address to his mother’s new home. Devastated that his dad has been lying to him he decides to run away to his mom’s.

I’ve never read a book from the perspective of someone like this, although bits of it did remind me of Flowers for Algernon. This books enjoyment for me was found in the details. The day-to-day existence for Christopher. How he handles getting money from an ATM or the endless patterns of how to keep him calm an stable, from dressing to only eating certain foods of specific colors.

There are parts I was bored with and parts that were slow. It wasn’t the most magnificent book ever written, but it was overall interesting. I did like it and I liked the uniqueness of the setup of the book.

In the end he does solve the mystery and learns about sex from a creepy old lady.

And if there’s a creepy old neighbor lady explaining sex to a retarded kid, how bad could it be?

But if you’re looking for a novel from the perspective of man with intellectual challenges I strongly suggest picking up the classic Flowers for Algernon. But if it’s sold out or checked out, then go ahead and get this book in the meantime.

Kristine is not a creepy old neighbor lady. Yet.


My Top 10 Greatest Rock and Instrumentals List

A little more than a year ago, I ran a contest on my blog. I published a list of about 120 rock instrumentals and said I was going to compile a top-10 list from that larger list. It was a lot of work to both compile all those songs and to narrow my list down to 10 – but I did.

As for the contest, I had my readers choose their own top 10 from my list and whoever’s list was closest to mine won. I ripped a CD of all the listed songs. Dean Esmay was the winner, and in his post here makes some very valid points about my master list. But anyway, here is my top 10 and a slightly edited version of the original post.

Man. This was harder than I thought it was going to be. I found it near impossible to limit this list to just 10 songs, but, somehow I did it.

To offer some explanation as to how I came about with my results, I followed a few different criteria. First, I asked myself, just how catchy is the song? How listenable and re-listenable is the song? Then I asked, how complex is the song? How much musical ability is evidenced in the tune? I then asked how influential is the song is. How many places have I heard this song? How many musicians do I know or have heard of that list this musician/song as an inspiration?

Last on my list of criteria is how much do I like the song? You know, there might have been some songs that should have been on my master list that weren't there, but it's my list. If you don't like it, make your own contest.

So, without further ado, here's the list (click on the title for a 20-40 second clip of the song):

cliff_burton.jpg10. Orion - Metallica

What can be said about this song that hasn't already? It's the definitive metal instrumental. It was played at their first bassist, Cliff Burton's funeral.

The album topped at #29 in The Billboard 200, but no songs from the album hit the charts.

9. Stream of Consciousness - Dream Theater

As big a fan as I am of Dream Theater, it should be no surprise that I chose one of their songs for the list. I do feel they deserve it though. As far as influence, every progressive band that has come out in the past 10 years lists DT as an influence. As far as musical ability, well, I am of the opinion that there are none better, as a band.

It was still a hard decision to narrow it down to one song. I love Overture 1928, but I felt that this song edged it out musically. I also almost chose Liquid Tension's When the Water Breaks for sheer musicality, but just wasn't well-known enough. At 11 minutes and 16 seconds SoC offers a tour de force trip though a variety of styles, sometimes whimsical, always very Dream Theater.

The album Train of Thought topped out at #53 on The Billboard 200.

8. Journey of the Sorcerer - The Eagles (The link has been killed since the original post, sorry but I didn’t have the time to repost*)

I had to put this entry in here. While it is certainly a good song, the real reason it is on this list is because I'm a HUGE Douglas Adams geek and no instrumental Top 10 list is complete without this song, in my opinion. So, as stated earlier, it's my list, dammit!

The album One of These Nights topped the Pop Albums charts at #1 in 1975. Lying Eyes off the album won a Grammy that year.

7. Walk Don't Run - The Ventures

A great story from Wikipedia's entry on the Ventures:

The story behind their selection of Walk Don't Run provides some insight into the distinction between technical virtuousity, versus the essential elements of a wildly successful Pop-Music hit. Bob Bogle, original lead guitarist, cites Chet Atkins as one of his early influences. Bogle bought the Chet Atkins LP, Hi Fi Guitar which featured Atkins' fingerstyle rendition of a song originally written by the great jazz guitarist, Johnny Smith. Within Atkins' elaborate and laid-back delivery of "Walk Don't Run", Bogle found inspiration. He stated years later there was no way his "pedestrian" guitar skills would allow him to play it the same as Chet Atkins did, so he and Wilson worked out a highly energized, very much simplified arrangement, and a Rock & Roll Classic was born! Another Chet Atkins inspired guitarist covered "Walk Don't Run" on his album Quantum Guitar in 1998, none other than Yes guitarist Steve Howe.

6. Wipe Out - The Surfaris (Dead link, ref above *)

Billboard.com's short bio on the Surfari's says this about Wipe Out:

...the number two 1963 hit that ranks as one of the great rock instrumentals, featuring a classic up-and-down guitar riff and a classic solo drum roll break, both of which were emulated by millions (the number is no exaggeration) of beginning rock & rollers.

It's that influential. What more can you really say, except to add a Jeff Spicoli influence, "Whoa!"

5. Classical Gas - Mason Williams (Dead link, ref above *)

What a big sounding song! At first you almost think it's going to be some medieval throwback and then it just kicks it open. A huge song that is greatly composed.

The song won three Grammy awards in 1968 and was again a hit in 1987 when Williams re-recorded the song with Mannheim Steamroller.

4. Little Wing - Stevie Ray Vaughn

I can't say anything better about this song than Dean Esmay said in the comments section at his place:

"But I'd say that 'Little Wing' is his single greatest accomplishment instrumentally. It's amazing that they kept it in a vault and only released it posthumously. It's simply astounding from start to finish, and exceeds any cover of that song I've ever heard, including both the Derek &The Dominos version(which I love) or Jimi's own original.

And by the way, occasionally I hear some snotty punk say Stevie was 'just a hot dog.' All I can do is ask them to listen to "Little Wing" and then ask them to explain that."

The song charted at #26 on the Mainstream Rock Tracks Billboard in 1992. Two years after his death.

5.booker.t.jpg3. Green Onions - Booker T and the MGs

As the house band as Stax Records, Booker T and the MGs can be heard on some of the most influential soul and RB albums of the '60s. But what is perhaps more important is the instrumental work they did. Green Onions is one of the most listenable, catchy tunes ever written. This is due in large part to Steve Cropper's economical guitar work and Booker T. Jone's floating organ playing. A testament to taste and ability, this song is a vital part of our musical compendium.

The song topped out at #3 on the Pop Charts in 1962, but hit #1 on the Black Songs charts.

2. Sleep Walk - Santo and Johnny (performed by Joe Satriani)

How hauntingly beautiful is this song? Once you hear it, it sticks with you and remains infinitely listenable. A slow, jazzy, in the mood kind of song.

Released in 1959, the song reached #1 on the Billboard charts in August of that year and again in 1982 for Larry Carlton.

1. Frankenstein - Edgar Winters Group

How often do you hear this song on classic rock stations? Even if you don't know the name of this song, you've been inspired by it. Not only is this a very serious musical number, it's fun but not to the point of frolicking. To me, it is the very definition of the rock instrumental. It immediately sets the theme and there is some great interplay between the different instruments without getting tiring.

Released in 1973, this Billboard #1 song is as vital today as it ever was.


So that’s the list I came up with. What would you guys list?

Because I'm All About the Guitar Archives

Angry Jesus

What do you think would cause a 13-year-old boy to wake up, run into the kitchen, grab a pair of scissors, remove his underpants and cut them up into tiny pieces and painstakingly hide them at the bottom of the garbage can?

Drugs? Insanity? If you answered “Angry Jesus”…you win an unhealthy dose of religious guilt coupled with a mild form of obsessive compulsive personality disorder and ego-crushing sexual dysfunction well into your adult years! Welcome to living hell!

Who is Angry Jesus? Allow me to introduce him to you. Angry Jesus frequents the homes of fundamentalist Christians, heaping scorn and shame on the fragile, developing psyches of young people.

angryjesus.jpgBut Tim, you might inquire, isn’t Jesus loving and compassionate and caring and kind? You obviously didn’t grow up in my house. You’re thinking of “Loving Jesus.” Angry Jesus beat the shit out of him and put his thorn-covered, hippie head through my bedroom window by the time I was 8.

Angry Jesus took up residence in my room throughout my adolescence, taunting me. I’d be in bed with the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders scampering and bouncing about in my head, when I’d hear a growl from the dark corner.

“Who are you and what did you do with Loving Jesus?” I queried weakly.

“I am Angry Jesus and play time is fucking over! Now, see that nub between your skinny white legs, worm?”


“Go ahead and touch it…no…go ahead…oh, look…it seems to be growing…that feels good, doesn’t it?”

“Well…yeah…” Hey, maybe Angry Jesus wasn’t so bad.

Angry Jesus continued, “Oh yes…it feels real good…and every time it feels that way…you’re one step closer to eternal hell! Now hit it with a hammer…and burn it with a candle…never let it feel like that again!!!”

“Ahhhhh! Why? Why? I want Loving Jesus back.”

“Ahh…fuck him! And stop thinking about booooooobs!”

So, each night, I fell asleep with Angry Jesus glaring at me from the foot of my bed. The visions of eternal damnation and winged demons ripping the flesh off my penis replacing the cheerleaders in my head.

I would drift off to sleep and later wake with a start. “Oh no…oh no…oh no…”

You see, the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders made an uninvited return engagement in my dream, and this time, they brought along Charlie’s Angels.

nocheer.jpgI looked toward the end of my bed…and there he was.

“What have you done? Satan juice has squirted out of your demon nub, sinner!”

“It was a dream…I can’t control my dreams!” I cried.

“You’ve been disobedient to Angry Jesus!”

“But I thought the Bible said grace and not works get you into heaven?”

“Fuck the Bible! I wrote it! It’s not what it says, but what it means and it means you’re going to hell unless you cut those sin-stained underpants up and hide your shame at the bottom of the garbage can…now, run before your mother sees your shame! Let’s see some guilty tears!”

How did Angry Jesus come to live in our house? Well, my parents just brought him home one day from our new church, figuring that all that love, understanding and compassion I’d been developing might turn me into some sort of peace-loving, humanity-serving, justice-seeking, NRA-eschewing, pink tights-wearing Richard Simmons.

“Angry Jesus, this is our son, Tim. We think Loving Jesus has been a little soft on him. He seems to be developing his own thoughts and opinions, forging a sense of self worth and curiously, he exhibits almost no guilt and shame about his penis…in other words…he’s being rebellious. Maybe you can talk to him. We’ve tried everything.”

And they did. At one point, my parents forbade my brother and I from watching Scooby Doo. You know why? Because there were ghosts in it! And ghosts are part of the occult! That’s right…Scooby Doo was banned in my house.

Even at that age, I was like, “Mom, you are aware that those meddling kids and a talking dog always discover that the “ghost” is really the Harlem Globetrotters or Sonny and Cher or Shields and Yarnell or something, right?”

Angry Jesus would have none of this backtalk. “Let me talk to him! Stop thinking about Daphne’s booooooooobs!”

The irony…the hypocrisy…is that while my parents were imposing these rules on me, the TV was on in our house 24 hours a day. My dad still falls asleep with it on. And he always used to watch violent Bruce Lee karate movies. So, Bruce Lee pulling a man’s beating, bloody heart out of his chest, throwing it to the ground and stomping on it is okay, but Scrappy Doo and Charo eating Scooby snacks and solving crimes condemns my soul to hell?

My sister has taken my parent’s approach to a whole new level. She has three kids and she home schools them to protect them from the secular evils of the world. When we are all at my parent’s house, with the TV blaring 24/7, and some mild sexual scene comes on, she will scream like a crazy person, “Kids…avert your eyes!” And her kids are trained. They immediately stop playing, and place their hands over their eyes. And they don’t stop until she gives the all clear.

“It’s okay kids…you almost saw a boob…but everything’s fine now…it’s only a man’s head being smashed like a cantaloupe by Bruce Lee. Thank Angry Jesus, I caught it in time.”

And there is Angry Jesus, nodding approvingly, “Yes…yes…I love this movie! Tim, stop thinking about Bruce Lee’s booooooooobs!”

Time to go cut up my underwear.

Tim has solved the problem of Angry Jesus. He no longer wears underwear.


How this all started

venom.jpgMy parents didn't raise me to be ashamed of the things I liked to do. My dad probably would have liked me to play more sports, but he never pushed me. He always gave me the opportunity to do what I wanted, as long as I was serious about it. When I was 3 or 4, my folks signed me up for soccer at the local Y. If I remember right, I played for two years. Whether it was practice or an early Saturday morning game, one, if not both of them, were out there cheering me on. Every time I was picking flowers by the sidelines as the ball rolled past me and my coach was screaming at me, they were cheering me on. Every time I kicked the ball at the goal and somehow ended up kneeing myself in the crotch, they cheered me on. My dad used to treat me like I had won the entire game by myself, even though I usually got most excited about eating orange slices and drinking Hi-C during halftime. I think he knew from the beginning that sports weren't for me. So every day after those games, he would make me feel like a champion by taking me to Dallas. And that's where I found most of my true loves—the hobbies that really spoke to me.

We lived in a small city about an hour south of Dallas. There was shit-all to do in the town I was raised. Whenever we needed anything out of the ordinary, we had to go to Dallas. Every Saturday, we'd jump in his car and head up there. When I was really young, the best part of these trips was going to Toys R Us and finding the newest Transformer or a really cool Lego set. I'd rip open the packaging on the way home, too anxious to wait the hour it took to get back to Corsicana. As I got older, Transformers turned to video games (which my parents definitely didn't care for).

Then one day, my dad came home from work with a thin brown bag. He tossed it to me on the couch. Comic books. I fucking hated comic books. And Spider-man? That was kids stuff. I'm sure I said "thanks" in a way that made him think he had just shat on my foot. That Saturday, my dad and I made our usual trip up to Dallas. I went ahead and brought my comic books with me—after all, I had to read something on the drive up there, and I had read his Supra's owners manual from cover to cover.

I was floored. This Spider-man happened to be right at the beginning of the Venom story arc. Not only was the art amazing, the story was dark and moody. As a boy on the verge of becoming a teenager, it was right up my alley. When I finished, I asked him where we could get the next issue. He told me it wouldn't be out for awhile, but he'd take me to a comic book store where I could find some other stuff to read.

Lone Star Comics was in a strip mall. The first time I walked in, it smelled wonderful, a smell I would later come to recognize as fading pulp mixed with the Mylar bags it was stored in. I began browsing the stacks, all the time becoming more and more frustrated. There were all sorts of comics—comedy, drama, science fiction, horror—mixed in between the regular DC and Marvel fare I had so long associated with the word "comic." Why the hell hadn't anyone told me about this?!?

I don't remember what comic I bought that day. I just remember feeling like a new world had been opened to me. My dad and I continued to take our trips to Dallas, and soon, he told me we'd be spending a weekend up there to go to a comic convention called Fantasy Fair.

cbg.jpgBefore I went to Fantasy Fair for the first time when I was thirteen, I had never seen a man on a leash being held by a leather-clad woman with tits up to her chin. I had never seen anyone carrying around a three-liter bottle of Mountain Dew like it was a water canteen. At Fantasy Fair, my eyes were opened to the world of geeks. And I realized that, in their own way, they were pretty fucking cool.

My love for comics has risen again, as most of you know. And as I finished the last pages of Preacher last night, my eyes were opened another time. Today, I go to Austin, to a book store called Book People. I will browse their shelves of graphic novels, and even if I don't buy anything, I know I'll find something that I want to read, that I'll buy in the future. I can't help but thank both my parents for teaching me to love the written word, but I have to specifically thank my dad for teaching me what wonders can happen when the written word is combined with art. And for showing me that chick with tits up to her chin.

We all have hobbies. I know Michele likes comic books, she and Shawna love photography, and turtle builds things and burns Peeps. Tell us how you first fell in love with the things you love to do. Well, maybe except you turtle. I'm not sure I want to know why you like burning things so much.

Uberchief is a closet cosplayer. Whatever that means.

Uber's Corner Archives

Kickin It Old Skool

Since yesterday was my birthday, I decided to go back through my collection and re-discover some of the old school tracks that first got me interested in hip-hop. These aren't any genre-defining songs, or tunes that opened the door to mainstream acceptance of hip-hop. It's just some shit from back in the day. All links go to the video of said song.

Passing Me By - The Pharcyde
Ya Mama - - The Pharcyde

These are off one of the first "real" hip-hop albums I ever owned on CD, Bizarre Ride II The Pharcyde. Every song on this album is an absolute classic. Passing Me By is generally though of as one of the greatest hip-hop tracks of all time, and has been sampled by numerous modern artists. The beat, the hook and the smooth flow make it one of, if not the most memorable songs from my younger teenage years. boombox.jpg Ya Mama was one of the first songs to bring The Dozens into mainstream consciousness, and soon after this song became a hit, every white kid out there starting ragging on each other's mothers (if you don't remember what The Dozens were, just think of it as You Got Served, but without dancing). All the songs were witty and playful, sometimes dealing with serious subjects, but never in a serious nature. Murder, masturbation, and accidentally making out with a transvestite all flow together an create a 57 minute album that I've had to purchase more than a few times over the years. Unfortunately, due to drug use, the acquisition of a new producer
and the HORRIBLE decision to go R&B made the majority of their later releases virtually unlistenable. I did catch them in concert in 2003, and although the lineup wasn't the same as when they released Bizarre Ride, they still performed the majority of the songs from that album. They must have been aware that their newer stuff sucked too.

Mistadobalina - Del tha Funkee Homosapien

This little gem came off of the album I Wish My Brother George Was Here, and along with the song Boo-boo Heads really got me hooked on the whole West Coast sound. Del has always been one of my favorite rappers, and this is the album that solidified the Bay Area as a hip-hop powerhouse (at least for me). And speaking of Del...

Hieroglyphics.JPGYou Never Know - Hieroglyphics

This album introduces some of the finest artists to come out of the Bay Area. Del, Casual, Pep Love, Souls of Mischief, Jaybiz, and Domino. It's 72 minutes of deliciously funky and bouncy beats, a showcasing of each artist's talent, some freestyles and some of the best collaborations you'll ever hear.

Paul Revere - The Beastie Boys

The greatest hip-hop overthrow of all time. Dorky white Jewish kids who used to play punk shows at CBGB decide to put on large sunglasses, ski goggles and enormous VW logo necklaces and rap about beer and titties. After hooking up with the producer of Slayer's Reign in Blood, they create music that consists of mangled AC/DC riffs, Kerry King solos, reversed
Aerosmith rhythms and the awesomeness of looped 303 beats (*kicksnare*kicksnare*kicksnare*kicksnare *kicksnare*kicksnare*kicksnare*kicksnare GIRLS!!!). And they got away with it. Put that over-sized boombox up to your ear and make frantic gestures with your arms as you sing along.

Wit' Dre Day - Dr. Dre and Snoop Doggy Dog.

He was still Snoop Doggy Dog, their party spots always had people C-walking and drinking 40's out of fridges that were fully stocked with Olde English. Rollin' on dubs, 16 switches for all the bitches, blunts the size of your forearm. Rap videos that weren't just music, they were mini-movies. You had all the players getting together to party, a bit of the song at the party, an interlude between partying to clown on someone, more music back at the party and then the outro, with everyone leaving the party at six in the mornin'. Biz%20Markie.jpg Fuck yeah. During The Chronic years, 40's of Olde E were my drink of choice, and even the whitest kid at school knew how to crip walk.

Just A Friend - Biz Markie

"You... you got what I neee-eeed. But you say he's just a friend, and you
say he's just a friend... OOHHHH BAAYY-BEEE YOOOUUUUU!!!" Comedy. Fucking.

Cop Killer - Body Count

The entire album was condemned by dozens of decency groups, censors, parents, teachers, police officers and civil rights activists. Every song was incredibly obscene and filled with violent lyrics dealing with subjects ranging from pimping to matricide and arson to drive-by shootings. You're damn right I had a copy! And after the song Cop Killer was pulled from the album, I spend years searching for one of the original copies (Finally found it in the used section, going for 35 bucks). Screw Limp Bizkit, THIS was the original hard rock/rap crossover album.

Summertime - DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince

Say what you will about Will Smith, but who can deny that this was the ultimate summertime party song? It spawned a couple of nice techno remixes and was probably the last good thing Will Smith did before he became a full-time actor.

That wraps up my hip-hop nostalgia list. Anyone out there have a certain song from back in the day that they've never been able to fully get out of their head?

The editors of FTTW wish Seetwist a happy yesterday birthday


April 22, 2007

And the Winner of Best Cover Song is.....

Well, that was a close one. It was a horse race most of the way between Cash and FNM but in the end, the winner was:


Mike Patton rules.

Final results here.

Thanks to all who voted and nominated.

Next week, we do WORST cover songs. Stay tuned for William Shatner goodness.

April 21, 2007

NBA Playoffs - First Round Previews

Okay, after my first column's random musings, it's now time to talk actual NBA playoff match ups. The regular season is over and the bracket is set. The games start today. Let's get to it.

San Antonio (3) vs. Denver (6)

This should be a very good series. San Antonio comes in playing awesome basketball since the All-Star break and Denver comes in having finally had Iverson and Anthony gel. They're playing fun, uptempo basketball and have pulled everything together at the end of the season, which is exactly when you want your team to start clicking. I'm expected Iverson and Anthony to both be spectacular during this series.

However, San Antonio is good. Incredibly good. They're so good that I half want to move away from my ultimate pick of Dallas to win it all and hand it to them. They're going to take out Denver, and it probably won't be too hard for them. The best hope is that they play Denver's game more than their game while they're doing it. They'll still win, but it will be a much more fun series to watch.

To really make it a fun series, though, I need better resolution to the Duncan-Crawford spat. This indefinite suspension was far too anti-climactic. Sure, it's appropriate, but I really need a showdown of some kind. I'm thinking game three, halftime, Crawford taking on Duncan. I mean, this is going to garner some serious ratings. But since it's not a fair match, we'll throw in Dick Bavetta on Crawford's side, the two of them against Duncan. And if Bavetta, for whatever reason, should happen to turn against Crawford in a shocking twist and then proceed to team up with Duncan to devour his flesh, well . . . that's NBA basketball, baby. It's the playoffs--you either come to play, or you go home. Or get digested.

Spurs in six.

Miami (4) vs. Chicago (5)

Yeah, yeah, I've heard all about how Miami is going to turn it on in the playoffs like last year. But guess what? Not happening. Sure, they may turn it on, but it's not going to be enough. Chicago is going to take this series, and I'll be a happy man when it happens. It's not that I hate Miami along the lines of how I hate the Lakers, but I'm no great fan. Probably because they took out the Mavericks last year.

But listen, Dwayne Wade isn't going to be able to do what he did last year. Chicago is going to be intent on murdering him and his shoulder, and there's only so much he's going to be able to do in that situation. Sure, he's going to throw himself fully into the game--and possibly lose his left arm in the process--but at the end of the day, I see Chicago walking away from this series. Plus, they have home court advantage, which I think could be key because I'm predicting this goes seven.

In the end, Wade may not be able to pull the Heat through, but he's probably going to put on a hell of a show trying.

Chicago in seven.

kingscheeseburger.jpgPhoenix (2) vs. Los Angeles (7)

Can I just start cackling now? Please? As I may have mentioned in my last column, I hate the Lakers. I hate Kobe Bryant, I hate Phil Jackson, and there's little I enjoy more than watching them fail. And make no mistake, they're going to fail. Hell, this isn't even going to be a redo of last year's series, when the Lakers nearly took out the Suns. No, I think Phoenix is going to take this series easily. Therefore, the key part of this series isn't who is going to win, but just how many points Bryant is going to score. He's been insane lately and I don't see that coming to an end for this series. If anything, the desire to win this series is just going to exasperate his need to score heavily.

So here's my call. I'm saying Kobe has a 62 point game. Futhermore, I'm calling it in game three, after the Lakers go down 0-2. Unfortunately, this scenario presents the very real possibility of having to be subjected to Jack Nicholson having an orgasm on the sideline, which really would be a disturbing event. Let's hope he keeps control of himself.

By the way, if I end up being right about game three, I better get some kind of prize. Outside of the gloating rights.

Phoenix in five.

Toronto (3) vs. New Jersey (6)

I'm just going to admit that I don't know much about these teams or this series. I know Toronto's had a much better year than most anyone predicted and are a feel-good story. I know New Jersey still has Jason Kidd and is looking to move to Brooklyn soon. And I know some people are all hyped up about Vince Carter (now on New Jersey) returning to Toronto to be soundly booed and hated by his old fans. Oh, and Chris Bosh is an excellent player.

Sorry, but my interest in this series isn't getting past about 18%, mostly because of New Jersey's involvement. They're a team I've never had an interest in. As such, I'm calling this for Toronto (and not just because of my lack of interest in New Jersey, but also because they seem to be pretty good.) Once they win the series and move on to face Cleveland, then I'll show some interest.

Toronto in six.

Cleveland (2) vs. Washington (7)

Which brings me to Cleveland. Man, LeBron James must have some seriously good karma. Cleveland, on the last day of the season, managed to land the second seed as opposed to the fifth seed, and as such, they have a pretty sweet path to the Eastern Conference finals. First off, they have to play Washington, which is about as easy as it gets. Gilbert Arenas and Caron Butler--you know, the guys who made Washington a decent team--are both injured and out. Which means that James can act as bored as he did for the first half of the season and the Cavs can still walk away from this series without breaking a sweat.

Sadly, this is not going to be an interesting series. And it had potential. Arenas is utterly crazy, which is always good entertainment, and he said earlier this year that LeBron James didn't have the fire in him. Therefore, this could have been an amazing battle between two top players, one of whom just happens to be completely off his rocker. It's entirely possible that, at some point, Arenas would have become confused and disoriented, discarded the basketball, and started shooting hibachis at the basket while yelling "Basketball!" Better yet, he probably would be making the shots. Instead, we're going to get a boring Cleveland romp. Why did this have to be taken away from me?

Oh well.

Cleveland in four.

Can I just stop here for a moment to ask why the hell are there 16 teams in the playoffs? I've been writing this article for like an hour and I'm only five series in. Seriously, something has to be done about this.

Houston (5) vs. Utah (4)

I can't quite decide on this series. Houston's going to win it, but I'm not sure if it's going to be a huge battle or if they're going to get by the Jazz without too much trouble. On the one hand, Houston is very good, and I don't think anyone should underestimate Tracy McGrady. He kept Houston going very well while Yao was out. With both of them healthy and going at it, Houston's not a team anyone wants to face.

On the other hand, the Jazz have had an excellent season, though they let down some in the latter half. Still, I have to think Jerry Sloan is going to have these guys revved up and ready to go once the series gets under way. He's an incredible coach and not someone who I would want to make the mistake of underestimating.

Getting right down to it, I'm thinking this is going to be a battle. Keep an eye on this series--I'm thinking it goes to seven and that last game is going to be a big one.

Houston in seven.

Detroit (1) vs. Orlando (8)

Oh man. This is going to be a harsh series. Detroit is winning this easily.

Okay, I'm going to be honest again. I know Detroit is very good this year and I know Orlando did some decent things. Otherwise, I haven't followed either team much. As such, there's not much to write about this, except that third sentence up there. Detroit is going to win. And I doubt it will be hard.

Maybe we'll see Rasheed Wallace get a technical for sneezing on the bench.

It's 'Sheed. It could happen.

Detroit in four.

Dallas (1) vs. Golden State (8)

Yep. This is probably the series I'm most excited about. I talked about it in my last column. You have Don Nelson, who seems to have departed Dallas under less-than-great circumstances, facing off against his old team and the coach he groomed. He knows these guys, he knows Dirk, he can very possibly get in their head. Golden State and Dallas played three times this season and Golden State won every game. There are some circumstances surrounding that, but it's still an interesting point.

Plus, Golden State is surging coming into the playoffs. You (or at least I) have to think they're going to give Dallas some issues here in this first round. Certainly, they're not going to win, but I think they'll create a fun and interesting series, which is all one can really ask for. At the end of the day, I think Dallas is coming into these playoffs absolutely ravenous and Golden State's going to be the appetizer. But they're going to be filling and they might even give them some gas. Or something.

I should stay away from the metaphors. At least, when they involve gas.

Anyway, make sure you watch this series. Both teams are fun, there are interesting dynamics going on, and frankly, while I have nothing against Nelson, it'll be fun watching Avery Johnson boot him to the curb. Because I like Avery. And he believes in defense. And I don't want him to have a heart attack, which he perpetually looks on the verge of having.

Dallas in five.

So there are your first round previews. I'll be back on Thursday with talk about the first couple games and where I think the various series are headed. Come back for it, or else I'll have Dick Bavetta hunt you down.

Joel has never met a gas metaphor he didn't like

The Twins are in Peril, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Knife

Mrs. Dave in Texas and I made two daughters. Two little girls, four years apart, who are now no longer little and still find something in me worth loving.

We agreed after daughter number two that our procreative lives were fulfilled and complete. There were a few challenges the second time around, so we both agreed we could contemplate permanent measures to close this chapter in our lives.

We agreed upon this well after daughter number two was teething. So tubal ligation was less appealing than it might have been, oh, say a year ago.

So we discussed the Big V, and both agreed it was the best option among those we considered. Safety factors were high, reliability excellent, a time-tested procedure that held minimal risks.

I was ok with it, really. Guys get all fidgety and stuff about their guys, but I was committed to the goal, and familiar with the procedure. I knew many fellows who had walked through the valley of the shadow of the scrot, and they all assured me it was No Big DealTM

After consulting with the doc, I was given a sheet of paper with all sorts of information about it, what to bring, what to wear, what to expect. No surprises, really. Except for item number 3.

3. Prepare the area around your scrotum for surgery by cleanly shaving. Shave the scrotum only; it is not necessary to remove any other hair.

I contemplated that for a moment, and didn’t contemplate it again until the big day arrived.

I stood in the bathroom, looking in the mirror, with a safety razor in one hand, a can of Edge in the other, asking myself “How does one do this, exactly”? My wife, interested in my level of commitment (she had asked several “test” questions in the weeks preceding, to make sure I was not going to chicken out still comfortable with our mutual decision), called to me from the bedroom, and asked “is everything ok”?

scalpel.jpgI said yes, fine, no problem. She asked “what are you doing”?

I replied with “I am preparing the area as directed by my physician”.

Now, I really thought that was pretty obscure. Not to her. She knew exactly what I was talking about, and I was surprised to hear her ask “do you want me to do it”?

Your brain tries to get you in trouble at times like this. Because it flashed a mental image of the gash on her leg she gave herself shaving like, 6 months ago.

It was 6 months ago, it’s not like she does it every day man.

I, did not care.

“No thanks dear, I got it. Uhm. Do you have a hand mirror”?

Without going into unnecessary detail, I can recommend to those of you facing this challenge that a counter top, a hand mirror, and a, uhm, place to rest your uplifted leg gives you the proper view and angle of attack to accomplish the mission.

I arrived at the doctor’s office, where they told me to drop my shorts and hop up on the table. A sheet was placed over me and the nurse gave me a shot of Demerol to relax me. Apparently I was in need of some relaxation because I couldn’t let go of the edge of the table.

The doctor arrived, gloves on, miner’s hat with the spotlight, and told me he was gonna give me two shots, a local in each of the twins. He said, matter of factly “it will feel like a little bee sting”.

Show of hands. Anybody ever been stung in the nuts by a bee?

I don’t know what that Demerol did for me, but I do recall feeling very not relaxed. So when he stabbed “lefty” with the needle, my left leg shot out like a whip, and I kicked over the tray of surgical instruments.

And the doctor got mad. “What the hell?! Those were all sterilized! Dammit, now I have to go sterilize them again”! He left, all huffy. The nurse was silently picking up the things I knocked over, and I wondered if I still have a needle in me.

Apparently I did. The doc came back in, still mad, and finished the injection, then gave “righty” the same treatment.

With every ounce of strength I had, I willed my right leg to be still. But all I could think about was “Oh fine. The guy that’s about to cut on my balls, is pissed off at me”.

The nurse brought in a clean tray, and he went to work. He’s a talker. Not really talking to me, just yakking. “Pull this little thing up through here, pull a stitch around like so, and ‘snip’!”.

This was getting on my nerves, so much so that when I heard something sizzling and I saw smoke, I gots to know what it is.

“Is that fire? What is that”?! I asked.

“Relax” he replied, “I’m just cauterizing the end of the vesicle”. Apparently some part of this procedure involved a soldering iron. I did not find this explanation the least bit comforting, but it sounded sufficiently technical that I stopped asking questions.

He began to talk and hum to himself again. At least he’d calmed down. And then he said it.


My head jerks up. “What? What did you say? Did you say ‘oops’? What ‘oops’”??

He said “oh nothing really, I just dropped the end of the vesicle and I have to get in there and find it”.

“Find it? Is this hard to do? Does it like, retract or something”?

“No, no, I just have to poke around a bit to find it. There it is! No big deal, you’ll have a little ‘surgically induced trauma’”.

This didn’t sound like a good thing to me. “Surgically induced trauma, means what, exactly”?

He looked up and said “You’ll have some additional swelling. Use the ice pack a lot this weekend”.

I lean back, thinking this doesn’t sound so bad. We finished up, he packed the area with some cotton or gauze or something, gave me some last minute reminders about medication, what to do if something like this or that happens, I was half paying attention. I walked very strangely out to my truck, drove myself home, and poured myself a generous portion of Mr. John Daniels. I grabbed the ice pack, took a pill, and parked it on the sofa for a nap.

That was, oh, around 11 in the morning. I woke up at 2, took another pill, and nodded off again until 5. I woke up at 5. I remember it was 5, because that was when my youngest waddled into the living room, spotted dad on the sofa, and did a header right into my crotch.

There may be a pill and a drink that deals with this discomfort. I didn’t have them, whatever they might be. I said a few things, I think it was largely a request to Mrs. Dave in Texas to please pull the infant out of my lap. Wide-awake now, I decided I need to go to the bathroom, so I got up.

And something, was not right.

Down there.

I couldn’t put my legs together. They didn’t fit right anymore. I wandered to the bathroom, and dropped my shorts, and the cotton and stuff hit the floor, and I saw a purplish thing between my legs. A scrotum the size of a grapefruit.

“Oh” I said to myself, silently, because no words would come out. “So this is surgically induced trauma”.

I got over the initial shock, realized I wasn’t going to die, crawled back to the couch with more medication and ice, and spent the weekend there. Monday morning I really wasn’t quite ready to go back to work, and had the darnedest time convincing my boss I was dealing with complications from the surgery (he had done it himself, about six months ago, and of course had no complications). But I convinced him, and he said “fine, whatever”.

This was the beginning of the complete lack of sympathy I received during the next several days. My mother, my own mother, called me to ask me how I was doing, like she was concerned. I began to tell her, and she cut me off after two sentences with “well, you didn’t have 4 children so I don’t think you have anything to tell me about pain… blah blah blah”.

In my follow up visit, the doctor explained how rare that was; he called it a “one in a thousand” occurrence. I have met one other person who had a similar experience, but just one.

So gentlemen, if this is something that you are considering, I think you will find the odds working in your favor. I understand now they don’t even use a scalpel, it’s some other amazing medical thingy, so there’s even less to worry about.

But if I were you, I’d ask the guy how many of these he’s done in his career.

And if he says “oh, nine hundred or so”, I’d put it off for 6 months.

I’m just sayin.

Dave says he wrote this just to encourage the Pirate


April 20, 2007

It's A Long, Long Road

It's a long, long road.

Longer for some than for others.

The Columbus Blue Jackets are cleaning house, they fired their GM today. I think they need a new PR team too – I had no idea that they were even in the league until this year.

The Mighty Mooses Brad May got suspended , 3 games, for punching Kim Johnsson in the back of the head this week. Dumb Moose.

The Burlington Cougars (www.burlingtoncougars.com) had their annual cry fest banquet on Monday. They renamed the Fan’s Choice Trophy in honour of my Mother – Margo (Who passed away January 24th). I got to present it…


The prime rib was outstanding.

In other news – the first round is still going on…


Eastern Race

Sabres v. Isles – Sabres lead the series 3-1. They could close out the series at home on Friday (20th) night.

Devils v. Lightning – Series is tied at two (2) apiece. They played Thursday night in NJ and I’m not psychic, so see my update in the comments below.

Thrashers v. Rangers – Rangers take the series 4-0. One year after they were the first to be eliminated, they become the eliminator… and the Thrashers get to hang onto their virginity for another year.

Senators v. Penguins – Sens lead the series 3-1. They ALSO play Thursday night. Look below in the comments for an update with me bitching or crowing…

Western Race

Wings v. Flames – Wings lead the series 2-1, but that’s only because of the fluke win by Calgary. Wings will eliminate last night. =)

Moose v. Wild – Moose lead 3-1. I’m still in denial.

Canucks v. Stars – the Nuks lead the series 3-1. Also play Thursday… so ibid.

Preds v. Sharks. Sharks always beat land mammals, they are killing machines. Sharks lead the series 3-1. Watch them eliminate the kitties tonight.

Scoring Leaders Goals, Assists, Total Points

1. Nylander, NYR – 4, 4, 8

2. St. Louis, TB – 3, 5, 8

3. Jagr, NYR – 2, 5, 7

4. Parise, NJ – 6, 0, 6

5. Lecavalier, TB – 5, 1, 6

6. Dumont, Nash – 4, 2, 6

7. Richards, TB – 1, 5, 6

8. Drury, Buf – 4, 1, 5

9. Alfredsson, Ott – 3, 2, 5

10. Crosby, Pit – 3, 2, 5

* as at Thursday, April 19th

Deb would like to write something funny. Turquoise.

I'll See You On The Ice Archives


Back when I was a teenager in the 80’s my favorite dream car was the Porsche 911 and these are still one of my favorite car models today. There were two models in particular that I was enamored with, the 911 Carrera and the 911 Turbo. porsche_911_turbo_29.jpg

I have always been extremely impressed with the performance that Porsche was able to get out of a car that had been originally introduced in the 60’s with an air cooled engine that was mounted in the rear of the car.

The Porsche 911 is a cousin to the VW Beetle. But this ain’t never been no Beetle. The configuration of the car has not changed over the years and the 911 still retains its same basic body style, though it has been refined over time to become more aero-dynamic. Today’s 911’s remind me more of a bullet than a Beetle. The car just looks fast, even when it’s parked. The cool factor of this is extremely high. It does not have the bulk of a muscle car in either the body design or the engine size, but this compact rocket will make pretty much anything on the road look like a spec in your rear-view mirror awfully quick.

Today’s 911’s boast a zero to sixty time of about 5 seconds and a top speed of around 180 MPH. All this from a six-cylinder rear mounted engine. Amazing.

While the Carrera has always been nimble and fast, the Turbo has always been more of a beast. It’s like the engineers at Porsche all got together, put on their evil thinking caps and tried to think up the most bad-ass car they could imagine. Edmunds describes the 911 Turbo as ‘ferocious’. I think that description is apt. Zero to sixty in 3.2 seconds. Dude. That is jaw droppingly fast.

One of my favorite aspects of the car? The rear wing that raises or lowers itself depending on the speed of the car. The faster you go, the higher the wing gets, to help keep the wheels stuck to the ground. Did I mention this is an all-wheel drive vehicle? God I love good car porn.

There’s not much else I can say about this car, other than the fact that at a base price of well over 100 grand, it will undoubtedly always remain a dream car for me, as in a car that I’ll only get to drive in my dreams. Hey, at least there’s no speed limit there.

Ernie is also a Viking named "Sven" in his dreams

The End Zone Archives

Sometimes You Have To Just Say It

There will be no Druid this week. I’ve got to write Jack out of the park and there are some details that just aren’t working, and honestly, it’s hard to focus on Jack and the crew while the news of the day rattles around in my head. I’m starting this on Monday night…yeah, I’m late already, sorry, I got distracted.

I don’t think those poor kids were cold before the pros and the antis were out spouting their usual pitches: “More guns would have made it better.” “Less guns would have made it better.” “It’s violent movies.” “It’s the video games, they’ve desensitized our youth.” “Spotlight Hollywood is already on the scene, following movie producer…” “I find it offensive that it’s assumed that he’s an undocumented immigrant.” “I find it offensive that a Chinese National is allowed in our country.” “Ah yes, another immigrant doing a job Americans won’t do.”

I find them all offensive. Every one. And to the last one, “Go fuck yourself you miserable thundercunt.” I mean that from the bottom of my heart. No, I'm not going to link to it, you can find it if you try.

Let’s all take a breath and remember that 33 people are dead. I don’t care if you pray. I don’t care what you do. Just turn off the fucking politics for five minutes please.

What happened on Monday was a horrific act, apparently perpetrated by one deranged individual who could not see a clearer path than to massacre as many people as possible before ending his own pain.

I don’t understand the need to share that kind of pain. The quips come quickly. “Why can’t they go straight to killing themselves? Why do they have to bring all of us into it.?”

I don’t know. Maybe he was embarrassed by something. Maybe he thought he had to try and erase all evidence of his shame. Maybe he had a toothache.

I don’t understand monsters. This man was a monster. He can’t be a regular human. That’s too scary. If he’s a normal, then we’re fucked. That’s where my head goes. There’s got to be something wrong with people like that otherwise it’s not long before the worlds of Bladerunner and Children of Men start looking like right outside the fucking window. I’m not ready for that yet.

Remember when we were just afraid of the world being taken over by computers? Or Logan’s Run? Phase IV?!!! That was how we were supposed to go out. Not individually because some pissed off English major got dumped, either real or imagined.

The story about the professor who got in between the shooter and his students made me cry. I had to shut the door to my office.

I gotta shake this and I know I will. I gotta tell ya though, I’m feeling dark like I haven’t in a long time. I’m not seeing a lot of hope. I don’t see the light. I don’t have a sense that things are going to get better. So I’ve got to remember, again, that there are things I can effect and those that I can’t and I need to concentrate on the ones I can and let the other ones go. I’m not good at being where my hands are. I get all wrapped up in other people’s crap. I know that makes me human and I’m okay with that, it’s just even after X years of sobriety, I’m not quite THERE when it comes to being okay with feeling the hard stuff. No…I don’t know where THERE is either but I don’t think it’s here.

Sorry if I brought anyone down. I had to write this out before I did anything else though.

The Back Booth Archives

Volume 4, Issue 1




Previous Issues

You'll Shoot Your Eye Out

Ready for another trainwreck thread?

Here we go.

This week was easy. Some of us have had some reasons to think our parents might not be as stupid as we thought they were. Sure, looking at your parents now you do realize that them there were some smart peeps, but back in the days of yore, you thought they were dummy head old people. so we thought what the hell. Let's think back and see if we remember anything they told us. Some words of wisdom. Things like "your face will freeze like that" or "if you can't say something nice, blah blah".

parents.gifSome were funny, and some were serious but most of the writers got their pearls of wisdom in before the deadline so without any further ado.....

What are some words of wisdom your parents gave you?


This trainwreck was my idea because my dad's coming today to visit, so I'll share a couple of tidbits of advice he gave me when I was about 9 that really stuck with me. The one I still respect to this day is "It's not what you say, it's who you say it around." I've personally tweaked that mantra to say "It's not what you say, it's how you say it and who you say it around." My sense of humor can be very caustic at times, because offensive things can be funny. However, I'm not out to hurt anyone. I'd never say anything maliciously. Unless you're Dutch. In which case, Eff you.

The other thing he said stuck with me since both he and my mother are entrepeneurs, as was his dad and his grandfather. He said "When you own your own business, you're allowed to work half days. More than that, you're allowed to pick which 12 hours that half day is." He instilled a work ethic in me that I try to use every day. Except when I'm answering emails like this on company time. And with cleaning. Cause screw cleaning.


"Don't beat yourself up. Life is too short to run around feeling bad about yourself."

Still working on that one. But it is great advice. I feel a large amount of guilt on a daily basis, and that's not the way it should be.

Dave in Texas

Mom's was pretty consistently "be pleasant. Show good manners. If you can't say anything nice about someone..."

Which didn't mean much to me at the time, but now that she's been gone for 4 years, it's the legacy she left in the world. Every person I know who knew her thought she was the sweetest woman in the world. I have heard people say more than once "she never had a bad thing to say about anyone".

Not a bad way to be remembered. Kinda reminds me of Jimmy Stewart in Harvey. "My mother used to say, she'd say 'Elwood', because that's my name, she'd say 'Elwood, in this world, you can be oh so clever or oh so pleasant'. Well, I recommend pleasant".


my father gave me a LOT of great advice when I was younger, none of which i ever took. Perhaps his best advice then was "learn from your own mistakes." Which I have.

He also told me "don't sweat the small stuff." that was his mantra. I was never able to do that until recently, like in the last year or so.

I really wish I listened harder to him back then. At least he's still dispensing invaluable advice to me. Like "don't sh*t where you eat."


Most of what I learned from my dad, I learned from watching and learning; he wasn't really big on the quotable anecdotes. Education can turn your world around. Don't f*ck it up, but know that family will always be there if you do.

Actually, my dad just had surgery this week, so perhaps I should ask him. I bet he's philosophical when the painkillers are doing the talking.


My Father's been dead for 15 years, and he only said it once, but it was something along the lines of: "It's all well and good to know things, son, but don't brag about your knowledge of the price of tea in China with your Chinese tea dealer." It was a bit more succinct than that, he was a rather brilliantly quotable guy, but I just don't remember his phrasing. Basically, don't be so quick to show off all you think you know; an expert trumps a bullshitter almost every time. A prize winning bullshitter told me that, misty-eyed, miss-my-Dad time.


My mom always gave me the strangest advice on stuff when I was a kid, stuff I never understood until I grew up and had to use it. Stuff like "When you can see the bottoms of the leaves in a tree, a storm is coming." or "If you are in a field where all the bottoms of the leaves on a tree are flat, you are in a cow field." But I'd have to say the best advice I ever got from Mom was how to handle my anger without hurting anyone. She told me that if I got mad to the point where I wanted to hurt someone, I should "take a carton of eggs, find a wall/tree/something solid, imagine the person's face that has upset me and throw the eggs and said target." The whole point in this exercise is for the thrower (me) to get the satisfaction of throwing and breaking something that is utterly destroyed afterwards AND no one gets hurt. Best advice EVER! I've given it to friends of mine and its worked as well.


All I was told was "Wear a condom son, otherwise you're the one who's
gonna get fucked". I think this was sometime after my first marriage.

Dad was a little slow.


I think the best words of advice I had ever heard from my dad was that I wasn't unique.

Believe it or not, that stuck with me. The thought that no matter what I had done, who I fucked and fucked over, how much of a bad ass I thought I was, all I had to do was raise my chin and I would see a hundred motherfuckers who were ten times as bad as me and the easiest way to die was to think that i knew more than anyone else.

He also taught me to ignore the loud people when it's calm and listen the calm people it's loud.

Cause loud people get people killed.

That got me out of a lot of shit.

Pops was a realist.

Tim Shaw

My Dad’s advice:

“In the balls. Hard.”


I don't really remember anything my parents told me other than my mother saying that if you wait long enough, your opportunity to speak your mind will present itself in the most opportune time rather than flying off the handle in the heat of the moment. And she's right.

The other piece advice that I remember came from my older brother (twelves years older than me). When I was five, he told me not to eat raw brown sugar right out of the box cuz it would give me worms. I was 5. I believed him. We still laugh about it now, although I no longer believe I will get worms from brown sugar.


Okay. From my mother after she figured out I wasn't a virgin anymore: "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" (Sorry, Mom.) From my father, by his example my entire young life: "It doesn't matter what you do for a living, get your satisfaction from doing it to the best of your ability." That was a hell of a work ethic - makes any job worthwhile. As a mother to my own child: "I don't ever want to hear that you started it, but by damn, I'm gonna teach you how to finish it - knee or foot, real hard, right between the legs. When they hit the ground, run like hell." This when I taught my first-grader how to defend herself from the bullies beating up on her on the way to school. She dropped one the following day, and they never bothered her again.


I haven't learned any specific pearls of wisdom from my father, but he has taught me to fine art of being thrifty without being cheap. Coupon cutting, BOGO, getting the generic brand over the name brand, buying hundreds of cans of soup that you might now need immediately, but could use in the future... it may not be "advice", but at least my freezer is stocked with steak and chicken.


My dad warned me that if I found a job I didn't like that paid the bills I would be there for the next thirty years. Hence, I have never had a job that paid the bills. Make of that what you will.


"hide evidence," my old man always used to say.


After my sister got arrested for shoplifting my Dad said, "I'm not punishing you for doing it, I'm punishing you for getting caught."


When I joined the Army my dad (an Air Force master sergeant) told me I should have joined the Air Force. He said, "Why'd you join the military when you could have joined something like the military?"


I love that. Sounds very true, especially having just barely escaped retail.

I can't think of any great lines of advice my dad gave me, but he had one line he used sometimes when he was really pissed. "That really frosts my ass." Great line. Once he had me and a friend lined up, chewing us out for misbehaving, and he broke that one out. We couldn't help ourselves--we started to laugh. It was just too damn funny at the time.

Man, did that piss him off. He looked about ready to kill us at that moment.


Dad said

"You get caught in a lie and it takes forever to get that trust back. Don't ever cheat on your taxes because if they find a lie once they'll never leave you alone. You can find loopholes everywhere but don't be dishonest, it's not worth it."

I don't have the energy to be a bullshitter anyway. Remembering lies takes too much work.


So those are them. Parents maybe ain't so stupid after all cause some of these are pretty good. But enough about us. We know your parents had some interesting things to say.

Enlighten us.

Tell us how your parents were smarter than ours.

Time to Vote: Cover Songs

Ok, let's do this. We took the nominations that were mentioned more than once, shook them up in a martini glass, poured a bottle of gin over them, drank the gin with a straw and passed out. When we came to, someone had made the poll already.

Here's the top ten. Vote to your heart's content to whittle this down to one. We'll be over in the FTTW headquarters puking up gin and waiting for the results.

Scroll down for poll.

TAFC# 11

Best Cover Song

Faith No More - Easy
Johnny Cash - Hurt
Hellacopters - Working For MCA
Gary Jules - Mad World
Chili Peppers - Higher Ground
Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower
Annie Lenox - Train in Vain
Johnny Cash - Personal Jesus
Dinosaur Jr., - Just Like Heaven
Joe Satriani - Sleepwalk

  Current Results

Poll stays up til 10PM this evening. Winner announced tomorrow.

Death and Taxes

Doobies.jpgMan, weeks like this are the reason I still listen to albums like The Doobie Brothers "Minute By Minute" . I mean, here I was, primed and ready to celebrate Jackie Robinson's amazing life AND set y'all straight on some diamond wisdom PLUS break off a little music knowledge (MASTODON!) . . . and that horrible thing occurred in Blacksburg. "Minute by minute by minute by minute/I keep holdin' on . . . " How true is that . . .

Anyway, it's become obvious that the NL Central is terrible and any TV games that they are scheduled in should be moved to public access cable. Their streams are weak and their seed impure. I had a suspicion that the Brewers might sneak into this thing and I may have been right. So far, it's been the bullpen to the rescue but, if Ben Sheets gets right, they have just as strong a case as anyone to win a very weak division. Keep an eye on Miller Park-there may be strange shit brewing there.

Another musical tip for karmically-screwed times: "Katy Lied" by Steely Dan is another candidate to be added to my CD player's shuffle function. The temperature for that album was very cool with a slow-moving low paranoia front lingering on the horizon. "Bad Sneakers" and the title track are worth the price of admission and when you tack on "Any World (That I'm Welcome To) and "Dr. Wu", your bang for buck ratio is maxed out.

The Braves are going to be for real all season, for various reasons. I watched Jeff Francouer, who has never been very selective at the plate, go to right and right-center the other night twice. Last year, that would've been unheard of-it was pull, pull and more pull. Pitchers Chuck James and Kyle Davies took some lumps last year and have looked like they took notes. James is 2-1 with a 2.25 ERA and Davies just got going with a 6 and 2/3 inning debut featuring 8 K's. I mention this because everyone's on a big Mets kick. I don't see it. That line of thought has El Duque making it all season; John Maine never having that one bad start that he always seems to have every season that leads to total meltdown; and that Aaron Sele can be productive in their rotation. What else need I say? The Mets are taking strong psychotropic medicine and I'm just not qualified to pop that bubble . . .

mastodon.jpgMastodon is strong as train smoke, progressive metal with no apologies for those left behind. Everyone has hip-hop/R&B/soul/etc. in mind when you mention Atlanta but this bunch is here to represent. AND they filmed the video for "Colony of the Birchmen" inside Ruby Falls, a weird little tourist attraction right here in my back yard. Kick ass . . .

I don't know, y'all. There's no reason in the universe right now - Seattle's first in their division; the Phillies are worse than the Nats; and Brad Penny is 3-0. What the hell? Maybe some chips and salsa in a recliner I reclaimed from an apartment fire (not mine, thank God) is what I need. My stream of consciousness is flowing toward munchables and highlights on "Baseball Tonight". Peter Gammon's continued good health is proof of God's status as THE hardcore baseball fan.

Y'all pray for the victims' families and be good AND safe. I got a tee time with John Smoltz.

Later taters.

Never Liked The Beatles, Never Loved Elvis Archives

April 19, 2007


di·ver·si·fi·ca·tion - Show Spelled Pronunciation[di-vur-suh-fi-key-shuhn, dahy-]


1. the act or process of diversifying; state of being diversified.

2. the act or practice of manufacturing a variety of products, investing in a variety of securities, selling a variety of merchandise, etc., so that a failure in or an economic slump affecting one of them will not be disastrous.

As I get older I begin feeling the twinge of ideas that I once thought belonged specifically to a group of individuals that I am not. That group would be adults. I've never been able to identify with adults/grown ups/mature people because their lifestyles and priorities always seemed foreign to me. Not foreign like Chinese food; foreign like trying to decode the ancient scribblings of a long gone society - that's super foreign. These entities would throw out terms and tricks of verse that would confound and confuse me. They talk about APRs, CDs (no, dear friends, that's not what you think; that means Certificate of Deposit - I found that out because I just about slapped the mouth off an adult I overheard saying they bought a CD for $15,000). They discuss the virtues of mutual funds and stock portfolios and the all important "diversification".

Diversification is a term I understand because a friend once told me, upon looking into my fridge and seeing only one type of beer, that I needed to diversify my alcoholic selection. Which is always a wise idea. But the diversification that these "adults" speak of is not that of having more than one type of Vodka. Nor is it trying to reach an equilibrium between the amount of Penthouse, Playboy and Hustler that occupy your book shelf. They speak of investments and ensuring that you have a wide variety "baskets" in which to place your monetary "eggs". The more diverse your investment portfolio is the better chance you have of raking in "the mad cash".

And I come before you today with an opportunity, nay a calling, nay (yet again) a divine summons regarding an aforementioned "basket" in which to place said monetary "eggs" which will allow you to rake in "the mad cash". I now, humbly yet full of hope, present to you:

Click for larger version and explanation.


Simply put: It Is Divinity.

If god were to reach down and touch the earth with a loving finger; from that spot would spring forth an unquenchable well of all things man and titties related. It is the shining light of a universe that seeks to pussify and make politically correct all it sees.

It Is Hope.

It Is Beautiful.

It Is Topless.

The opportunity now exists for you, dear readers, to get in on the ground floor of the ninth wonder of the world (Andre The Giant was the eighth) and assist me in bringing this dream to life. It's an opportunity for investment. It's an opportunity for diversification. It's an opportunity to be as close to the divine as one can achieve before shuffling off this mortal coil. My contact information can be found here.

Travis's new slogan will be Topless or Bust.

as the toys go winding down


A Different Kind Of Ride

so i've had this motorcycle since uh 2001 and i got a really bad deal on financing because, well because it's a fucking motorcycle and every idiot knows not to finance a motorcycle... except me in 2001, that is.

there's a good story as to when and how i got the bike, but i'll save that for another time. suffice it to say that i was in LA and i hated people and traffic and the easiest way to get around all that was a motorcycle. so my boyfriend at the time bought me a motorcycle for my birthday. well, except that i was the only one working at the time so if you really wanna be truthful you'd say that i BOUGHT MY FUCKING SELF a motorcycle for my birthday, but really that'd just be splitting hairs.

evil1.JPG anyway where was i oh yeah, so i haven't dated any motorcycle riders since i've been back from LA so the damn thing just sits there. why? you ask, well i'll tell you. 98% of all motorcycle riders are guys. so the thought of me going out riding for a whole saturday with 10 other guys doesn't really please a boy. call it jealousy. of the bike or the boys one never knows...

so now that i'm non-motorcycle-rider-less (very carefully chosen words, mind you) my friend helped me take my bike into the shop to get the carbs cleaned out and get it back on the road. also my friend gave me a jacket and has a helmet that he says i can have. fuck it if i get a pair of gloves i'm all set for the fucking summer.

and i rode the thing home last night and i forgot how freaking FAST that thing is! so awesome. fur-zearw... (that's what it sounds like when i make the fast noise.)

it feels like a part of my personality that i've been missing is BACK! you either get that, or you don't. just sayin' the motorcycle part of me was idle for far too long. AND this sunday we're going to watch motorcycle racing, yay! a very fun summer is shaping up so far.

(p.s. the puppies are due sunday night. i'm saying there are only 3. she's not half as fat as she was last time.)

Kali just needs to go to the store for a loaf of bread. She'll be right back.

Screaming Like A Banshee Archives

Comfort Creatures

radarbear.jpgOkay, anybody remember Radar O'Reilly and his teddy bear? How fierce he was in defending his attachment to it? How Hawkeye and the others actually seemed to sort of respect the fact that this little quiet dude was willing to take all that abuse to keep his comfort creature with him? I think in some ways they wished they'd had his guts. Would have made for fewer hangovers.

Think about that, my friends. What is more emotionally satisfying: cuddling up to a stuffed animal you love (or even live furry friends) or cuddling up to a 24-pack when life makes you feel like shit?

Me, I vote for the comfort creatures.

When I was five, my folks gave me a stuffed horse named Horace for Christmas. Horace was my size (at five). He took up half my bed, but he was my best buddy when my older sisters were acting like older sisters (they used me as a rope for tug-a-war once and dislocated both my elbows).

Horace has stayed with me through the years. I still have him, although he's wrapped up in the closet waiting for me to have the time to fix the spots that have worn through over the years. He's old enough to run for President - damn, he'd be an improvement!

When I was about 12 we briefly had a puppy that thought Horace was his mother. He slept all cuddled up to him. Unfortunately, my brother was toilet training at the time and running around naked half the time, and the puppy thought those bouncing dangling things were puppy toys - we found a new home for the puppy. But Horace stayed.

horace.jpgWhen I was pregnant Horace made it back to my bed. I didn't find out I was knocked up until after Nayland and I had broken up, so there I was, seriously depressed and pregnant, with a very empty double bed. I slept with Horace. He was big enough to cuddle up to, and having him there made me feel I wasn't quite so alone.

I've since graduated to cats.

So has my mother. She has one cat, Escher, who is a 14-year-old big calico longhair. Escher sleeps with her, every night. Mom goes to sleep with the cat tucked into her belly, with her hand buried in fur. When Mom's having a bad night, Escher will move up to sit right next to Mom's head and will stay there, eyes locked on Mom's face until she closes her eyes - then she moves back to the belly-tuck.

The last time Mom was in the hospital, we took her floppy stuffed turtle Myrtle to her, so she had something Escher-sized to cuddle with in her hospital bed. She sat with Myrtle in her arms, and wouldn't go to sleep without Myrtle on the pillow next to her.

Then her grandkids from Iowa got her a floppy stuffed white bear, and Myrtle has been displaced to just her bed. The Bear, which doesn't have a name but is now Mom's baby, goes everywhere. Bear rides her walker to the bathroom, gets cuddled in her chair, and lies on her lap under her tray table when she eats her meals. Mom talks to the bear, which can be hysterically funny to listen to. She's also used the bear to whomp on me, and I'm pretty sure she was more worried that she may have hurt the bear than me. That's okay. If Bear survives until Mom passes away, I swear I am going to have Bear put in the casket with her. I don't care if Dad's waiting for her, she should not go into eternity without her comfort bear.

Maybe that should get added to the list of things that we learned in kindergarten for lifelong wisdom: always hold hands when going out into the world, cookies and milk solve almost any problem, afternoon naps are a good thing, always share your toys... and keep your comfort bear with you always.

Despite all this talk, Pat is not a furry. I think.

Vermont Village Witch Archives

It's NBA Playoffs Time

Earth Day is upon us.  May is right around the corner.  Major players are riding the pine, either with an eye towards resting for the playoffs or tanking for the lottery.  Joey Crawford and Tim Duncan are about to get in a fight.  It's raining here in Oregon and I'm dumping Lo-Fi for awhile to write this NBA-centered column.  So what does all that mean?  It means it's time for some NBA playoffs.

Yes, the ridiculously long 82 game NBA season is finally drawing to a close and now we're going to get to the real basketball meat.  The 30-team league has been whittled down to a measly 16 teams, 53% of the league, the very best of the best.  That means that in the NBA, you can get an 'F' and still be considered a top team.  You've got to love that.  I wish my teachers had thought that way back in school.

Since the season is a day from being over as I write this, I'm going to aim to get a second article up on Saturday talking the specific match ups.  But those aren't quite set yet, so I'm going to throw out some random thoughts on the regular season and some general thoughts on the upcoming playoffs.

Let 'Em Fight

If you haven't heard about the Joey Crawford/Tim Duncan scuffle yet, then you're not much of a basketball fan.  Basically, Crawford ejected Duncan for laughing and challenged him to a fight.  Duncan then called Crawford a piece of shit.  God, how great is that?  It's made even more great by the fact that Crawford is suspended, won't be working the playoffs and--according to Marc Stein over at ESPN--is almost certainly done in the NBA for good.  Fucking brilliant, and I write that with total sincerity.

This little dust up has been a fun distraction from the general tanking going on as the teams fight to get Oden and Durant in the lottery and has offered up the very amusing thought of Joey Crawford--a little, bald white guy--fighting Tim Duncan.  Now, I know Duncan is fairly laid back, but I'm still going to put my money on him in that fight.  The Fanhouse differs, though, and offers up an absolutely hilarious break down of this theoretical fight.  I recommend checking it out, for the "Posse Members" comparison at the very least.

Don Nelson Wants Revenge

Okay, so let's go ahead and talk a potential playoff match up.  There's a pretty good chance that the Golden State Warriors are going to be playing the Dallas Mavericks in the first round.  It'll be known one way or another by the time this is published.  Let's just say that things do shake out as such and we have a Warriors-Mavericks series.  That has the potential to be classic.  Don Nelson apparently parted ways with Dallas on less favorable terms than has been portrayed, and there's no doubt that he, above and beyond any other coach in the league, could seriously get into their heads.  Potential supporting evidence resides in the fact that the Warriors swept the season series with the Mavs.  Yes, the Warriors beat the Mavs three times this season, which accounts for about 20% of the Mavericks' losses.  Now, granted, one of those losses happened Tuesday, when Avery Johnson rested Dirk Nowitzki, Josh Howard and Jerry Stackhouse.  So that one doesn't
count.  But the other two do.  I'm not saying the Mavs will lose to the Warriors in the playoffs, but I think it could be a damn interesting series if it does end up happening.

Fuck The Lakers

They're tanking down the stretch and I'm immensely happy about it.  Fuck the Lakers, fuck Kobe Bryant, and fuck Phil Jackson.  I would have loved to see them drop out of the playoffs at the last minute, but they have their spot.  Oh well.  Watching them get trounced by Dallas or Phoenix will be nice, as well.

Thank God For Brandon Roy

Living in Portland, I have the fine distinction of being a Blazers fan.  Which was a great team to love for a long time, until things started to go terribly wrong a few years ago.  Everything really started to fall apart in the 2000 Western Conference Finals, when the Blazers collapsed in the fourth quarter of the seventh game against the Lakers.  (Fuck the Lakers.  Have I mentioned that?)  The team faded from there, then was blown up, then we had some bad management and poor decisions and Jesus fucking Christ it was a long couple years.  But then came last summer's draft and the arrival of Brandon Roy, along with LaMarcus Aldridge and Sergio Rodriguez.  Meanwhile, Darius Miles did all us Blazers fans the favor of sitting out the entire season, Zach Randolph got his act together, and there's new (great) management in town.  Lo and behold, the future's suddenly looking quite bright.

Sure, they still only won 32 games and the final stretch of the season hasn't been brilliant, but we'll have a good draft pick, new GM Kevin Pritchard will hopefully make some smart moves in the off season, and I think it's very possible we could sneak into the playoffs next year.  At the very least, I think we'll be in the hunt late into the season.  And while that's a far cry from being back to competing for a championship, I'll take it.

An Extension?  Seriously?

How fucking stupid was it for James Dolan to give Isiah Thomas an extension while the team was in the middle of the playoff hunt?  Actually, wait, let me back up.  How fucking stupid was it to give Thomas an extension at all?  Sure, he got the team playing a bit better this year, but he's still the idiot who has spent the last couple years burning down the goddamn house.  Maybe he's a decent coach, but what the fuck is Dolan doing keeping
him on as GM?  It's like a battle of the fucking idiots over there.  Since the extension, the Knicks are 3-15 and out of the playoffs.  Nice move, Dolan.  If you're a Knicks fan, you might just want to get it over with and go ahead and hang yourself.

Bonzi Wells

Ha!  Haha!  Ahahahahaha!  There's a reason we got rid of that guy here in Portland.

Can The East Win It All?

Sure.  I think the Pistons or the Bulls could maybe sneak in and win the championship.  But it's not because I think they're any better or even as good as any of the top three teams in the West, but rather that they're going to have a much easier path to the Finals.  The western teams are going to beat the shit out of each other and it's entirely possible they'll go into the Finals exhausted but facing an East team that is not nearly so tired or beat up.  And in the case, there could be a nice upset.

I don't think it will happen, though.  I think the West takes it this year, and I give the edge to the Mavericks.

And with that, I think I'll wrap it up.  As I wrote above, I'll try to sneak another article in on Saturday talking final match ups and giving my predictions, so come back to check that out.  In the meantime, use the comments to let me know if your team made the playoffs, who you expect to win it all, and who you think would win in a fight between Joey Crawford and Tim Duncan.

Joel can whoop the Sacramento Kings on his own, with one hand tied behind his back.

Joel's Bio

Zombie Killa

[Note: I did not intend to write two game reviews in a row, but the other column I had started was so lame that my sense of shame kicked in for once.]

Sometimes I wonder if I’m totally hellbent on destroying my academic career. While I am still in the middle of a steamy and time-consuming affair with Gears of War, I struck up something on the side with a sleazy and trashy little number by the name of Dead Rising. I figured I should air my dirty laundry right here in public because on one hand I can think of nothing else to write about and on the other Dead Rising seems like a perfect Faster Than The World game. Allow me to explain. dead-rising.jpg When I first started reading FTTW, I noticed an interesting fixation with zombies among both the editors and contributors, and seeing as how I like zombies as much as the next well adjusted and healthy guy, the whole walking undead thing was one of the many grand oddities that kept me coming back to the site. Now I can finally give back to this wonderful community by adding my own zombie contribution.

Dead Rising places the player in the shoes of Frank West, a photojournalist who has received information of some strange happenings in the small town of Willamette, CO. He hires a helicopter pilot to fly him into the town and sees the townspeople engaged in some rather strange activities. Being the intrepid journo that Frank is, he has the pilot drop him off at the local mall, which soon becomes infested with zombies. Frank’s goal in the course of the game is to figure out just what the hell is going on while also saving as many stranded non-zombies as possible. Oh, and he also has to kill a lot of zombies in whatever way he can. The methods of zombie killing in the game range from guns to baseball bats, chainsaws, canned food, televisions, umbrellas, benches, compact discs…well, I think you probably get the picture. The mall is full of zombies and you have to use whatever is available in the mall to take them out. The game plays out in a sort of “real-time” game universe, and Frank has seventy-two hours to do whatever it is he is going to do and get his ass back to the helicopter landing pad.

It’s not all zombies, though. In the overall story of the game, the zombies sort of fade into the background and become nuisances that Frank must beat back in order to clear paths to his objectives, and the objectives themselves are often even weirder than the hordes of undead mall people. dead-rising2.jpg I am less than a third of the way through the game and I have already had to fight a gang of escaped convicts in a jeep with a heavy machine gun attached to the rear end, a psychotic clown wielding two chainsaws, an overzealous grocer armed with a shotgun and a fully tricked-out shopping cart, and a religious cult. Add to that the swarthy man and his equally swarthy sister (who chased me down in the mall on a motorcycle,) the characters that reveal that the mall was built on top of a…oh, why bother, you already know.

Of course, rescuing people and fulfilling objectives is all well and good, but sometimes it really is all about the zombie killing. Plenty of gamers who have beaten the game and opened up all the power ups (and probably some who have not) are treating Dead Rising as a sort of zombie version of Grand Theft Auto, killing as many zombies in one sitting as possible. One guy at Gamespot was trying for thirty-thousand the day I bought the game. To put that in perspective, my total kills so far are around six-hundred. This is where the replay value of the game no doubt comes in, because while Dead Rising is not as solid as Gears of War, it offers a sandbox mode that is always appealing. This is why I’m still playing The Warriors after I shelved God of War long ago, even though the latter is technically way better than the former.

If Dead Rising sounds like a blatant ripoff of Romero’s Dawn of the Dead, that’s probably because it is. In fact, the ripoff is so blatant that Capcom saw it necessary to add a disclaimer on the cover of the game, reading, “This game was not developed, approved or licensed by the owners or creators of George A. Romero’s Dawn of the Dead.” You might call it theft, but I call it an endorsement.

Philbrick has been preparing for the impending onslaught. What have you done to prepare?

Secular Monk Archives

Watching That's So Raven in my Underwear (How she got in there, I'll never know)

I somehow watched a full hour of Power Rangers Mystic Force this (past Saturday) morning. I'm not sure what caused this, I didn't plan it, but I've been sick and also on painkillers from my dentist, so I think I kind of zoned out. I'm actually pretty sure, it was about 20 after the hour when I realized it had come on after whatever else I was watching and I hadn't done anything about it.

Not that I have anything against kiddie shows, or superhero shows, or even cheesy costumes; I'm a fan of all three. I can watch an hour of "That's So Raven", although that is pushing my limit, I don't think I could take a third episode in a row. TSR is probably what ended and led me into PRMF, now that I think of it. Not probably, definitely; I just read the title of this post.

I have to give the producers credit, the Power Rangers have been around for a long time, and they have managed to change the format over a dozen times without changing the content all that much. I noticed much better production values since the early days when I first checked it out. They are limited in what they can show; they have to show battle scenes that are exciting and action-filled, all the while being sure to show that no one is seriously injured, including the bad guys. This requires a lot of explosions followed by people (or creachtures of some kind) flying through the air, and the requisite 'I'm Okay' sitting up and shaking their heads. "Yikes, what a whollop!" The choreography and camera work has got to be painstaking, it looked as good as the average Jackie Chan or Jet Li thing. The acting and script, unfortunately, were also as good as the average Jackie Chan or Jet Li thing.

This particular twofer of episodes was the last two of a several parter, something about a bad guy wishing that they had never become Power Rangers thus taking all the color and music from the world, enslaving Humanity, etc. The PRs ventured to some council of genie-wish-reversal-capable entities in red, black, and white flowing robes. One color each, they looked a bit like some nice chess pieces I used to have, other than there being three colors, of course. Oddly familiar, probably stolen from a forgotten film I've seen. They denied the request, leading to the episode where they, of course, reconsidered based on the determination of the PRs to continue fighting even without their magic. Gumption rewarded, ah the lessons we learn. I'm not really sure what happened after that but I'll venture a guess that it was all back to normal for the PRs. I won't know for sure since by the time they got their powers back I had realized I was watching the Power Rangers and found something else to do.

It reminded me a lot of pro wrestling, except without all the gay. NTTAWWT, I am very pro-gay rights, but that doesn't mean I want to watch thinly-to-not-veiled-at-all homo-erotic storylines featuring oily men in underpants and shiny boots beating on each other. It doesn't make it any more appealing that they have oily superbabes as well; I have access to porn. I'm actually a little skeeved out by the heavy-handed mixture of violence and sex, so maybe I'm not as jaded as I thought. I know a lot of folks enjoy the hokey storylines and the athleticism, and I remember watching in the mid-seventies, when I was in single digits, but I just don't have any interest now. I suppose there is something very masculine about watching what is basically a bad soap opera as long as there is 'whup-assing' going on, I just can't get into it. I'm comfortable with my manitudinousness enough to watch actual soap operas for my hokey storylines fix.Then again, Mexican soap operas offer horrendous acting and superbabes with the added bonus that I don't understand enough to feel bad that I don't care. And Mexican wrestling, well that's just downright entertaining, maybe I should rethink all of this.

I won't though.

Sudden Valley Ranch Archives

April 18, 2007


Our house and property back up to wetlands. This means lots of trees, brush, wild ferns, vines of all sorts and a swamp. This also means we have a variety of critters that live in our back yard. So far, we've seen rabbits, squirrels, all variety of birds (my son Riley can name most of them), frogs, toads, mosquitoes (bastards), and our favorite visitor last summer, a snake. I described the snake to the neighbor man who mowed our lawn before we bought our own lawn mower and asked him if this was a good snake or a bad snake. He laughed and said, "The only good snake is a dead snake" and suggested that we go buy a bush ax. I think I'll take his advice. Snakes are the evil spawn of the devil, right after Bill Gates. Riley says the snake in our yard was all black with a triangle shaped head. A triangle-shaped head on a snake is not a good thing. Hmmm. I never did get that bush ax. Maybe this summer I should seriously consider the bush ax investment, especially after the “alligators in the wetlands in the backyard” dream I had a few weeks ago.

Shortly after we had our first encounter with the snake, I saw Jesse, our neighbor across the street, running around our yard with a shovel. Jake, Riley and I promptly investigated (Daddy and Kaiya were taking a nap). Seems that Jesse saw something in our front yard being attacked by three birds and supposed the only thing it could be was a snake. The four of us searched the yard, looking everywhere for Mr. Snake but couldn't locate him. Jesse then engaged in conversation with our neighbor, Lyle, while the kids and I went back inside. A few minutes later, Jake yelled, "Snake! There it is!" And there it was, right outside our front door. I ran outside, using the side door as my exit, to tell Jesse we found the snake. He launched that shovel in the air, let it fall and with one good whack Mr. Snake lost his head. Well, almost lost his head. Mr. Snake's head was approximately 3/4 severed. Turns out Mr. Snake was a harmless black snake and didn’t have the triangle-shaped head that we feared.. But, like Jim said, the only good snake is a dead snake! And so ended our snake adventures.

After our exciting snake escapade, I promptly forgot about Mr. Snake. Or so I thought. Apparently, Mr. Snake had worked his way into my sub-conscience and left his mark. A few days after the snake adventure, I had the most bazaar dream. About a month prior to our snake fun, the boys and I went to Lowe’s Home Improvement and bought a couple of tomato bushes. We brought them home and planted them in the back yard. They'd been growing there, in the back yard, ever since....

Except on the night of my dream the tomato bushes had moved. They were now in the front yard. In my dream, I was walking around the yard when I happened upon my tomato plants, which used to be in the back yard but were now in the front yard. Upon closer examination, I noticed that one of them didn't appear very healthy. I reached down, tugged a little on the small stock and the whole thing came up out of the ground without much effort. My first thought was that Mr. Rabbit, which I happened to see in the back yard a day earlier, had tunneled his way to my tomato bush and had eaten it's roots. I pushed gently around the area where the tomato bush had been growing and a tunnel in the ground opened up before my eyes; as I watched, the hole got bigger and bigger. Suddenly, I was looking down into a snake pit that extended the length and width of our entire property. As I was examining this unbelievable pit, a rock had dropped down into it and a few of the snakes looked up at me and hissed....

This is where the dream ended. Thank God. But how strange is our sub-conscience? I will admit that I don't like snakes any better than the next girl, but I certainly didn't dwell on Mr. Snake. He was fun to talk about and made for an interesting story, but that's where the interest stopped...or so I thought until I had that dream.

This story has very little to do with my pictures featured here today, other than the fact that I love the outdoors and sometimes you find really cool stuff like trees that look naked, or sometimes you find snakes. I shot this tree last Friday when I was at a co-worker’s house doing a photo shoot for an ad. While I waiting for my art director to set up the shot, I discovered this really neat tree. It looked naked. So I took a few shots.

Thank God there were no snakes in the tree.




Shawna does not want any motherfucking snakes in her motherfucking tree.


Chapter 24

In the midnight darkness, under flickering flames from a nearby bonfire, Tim and I sit in the corner of the biggest room in the warehouse drinking, watching a group of people shoot heroin in their own little corner of this world.

"How the hell can they afford that stuff?" I ask, gulping down the last of the bottle of Jim Beam Tim got for us the night before. Tastes like what I'd imagine motor oil tastes like. It's a chore to get down, but it does the trick.

"This is America. Easiest place in the world to make a buck. There's always someone willing to pay you to do something nobody else will do," he replies, getting out another bottle, cracking it open, and taking a long, hard pull.

I've gotten used to the place. At first it was intimidating, but I stuck close to Tim and he showed me the ropes. I met a few other people, and by the third day, there was a little group that I fell into. Tim and a girl he would fuck occasionally named Lisa, her friend Angie who seemed to be stoned out of her mind all the time. Then there was Terry, a rough-looking black kid who was one of the nicest people you'd ever meet. Tim thought Terry was the reason people didn't fuck with us. He's the kind of guy who looks like he could put you six feet under with a single stomp of his foot. But once you know him, he'd give you the shirt off his back, just to keep you warm.

We pass the days drinking, mostly. Terry goes out every few hours and shows up with food for us. We never ask where or how he gets it. Other than that, we huddle together in our little corner of the warehouse, trying to avoid the junkies, meth addicts, and other folks who are the reason this place stinks like piss and shit.

But I'm getting used to that as well.

"Like what?" I ask Tim.

"I'm sorry?"

"Like what are people willing to pay to do?"

"Shit man," he says, his speech slurring as he passes the bottle to me. "Just about anything. You name it. Sex, BJs, hell, most of the chicks in here will let you plow them in the ass if you have enough cash. Pay even more, they'll let a couple other guys join in."


"Fuck yeah man—prostitution's the oldest profession there is. And we've got some professional ho's around here."

"So why don't you get with any of them?"

"Besides Lisa? She's cool, but those other chicks, I wouldn't fuck these bitches with your dick, son!" he says. "They got what we call Petri dish pussy. No tellin' what's growing in that shit. Plus, I got no money. I rely on Terry to get me food. Other than that, only thing I need is my booze. And that's free."

"I do," I say. "I have money. Two thousand dollars I found stashed away in the back of my foster father's closet.

I thought Tim would be pleased. But he wasn't.

"Listen up man, don't you ever say shit about that to anyone else. You shouldn't have even told me. People in here man—they'll rip you off second they find out your worth more than the puddle of shit you're sitting in."

"Yeah, but you won't."

Tim looks down at his feet, sighs, takes another long pull from the bottle. "Nah man, I ain't gonna do that to you. Money ain't nothing but trouble. But you need to keep an eye on that shit man. You don't keep those cards next to your tits, trouble's gonna come looking for you."

"So who do I talk to?"

"Talk to about what?"

"About getting laid."

"You serious?"

"Yeah I'm serious. I'm drunk. And I'm horny."

And I'm not thinking straight. Not thinking about germs. About what he said about the Petri dish—that's the kind of comment that might have sent me into panic attacks a month ago. But right now, with the warmth of the bourbon coursing through my veins and nothing else that I want to think about, I want sex.

"I wouldn't be a friend if I didn't try to stop you from doing this," says Tim.

"You're forgiven. Now who do I go to?"

"You've had too much to drink."

"So have you."

"Yeah, but I'm not about to go puttin' my johnson in a Home for Wayward STDs."

"It isn't your problem."

At first, he looks like he's about to speak again, but then an anger washes over his face. I start to notice the other sounds in the warehouse. If you listen, there are moans coming from everywhere. Some are painful, some sound like they come from people banging like crazy. Some don't sound human at all.

"Angie'll suck you off for ten bucks. Screw you for thirty. Anal for fifty. For a hundred, she'll let you and a friend pull a train on her."

"You interested?"

"Fuck's wrong with you man? What's gotten into you tonight? You're gonna fuck up big time if you don't watch out."

"Won't be the worst thing I ever do."

"And how exactly do you know what the worst thing you ever do will be?"

I can't help but smile. I know, because I already have part of it planned out.

"Where is she?"

Tim drains the rest of the bottle and throws it up against the wall in disgust. It shatters, glass raining down on some of the people sitting nearby.

"Fucking where she always is. Getting high out back."

I take eighty dollars with me. Might as well get both.

She can barely stand, but smiles when I walk over and whisper in her ear what I want. She opens her eyes, looks at me, and through the haze of smoke lazily drifting from her mouth, she says, "Oh honey, I thought you'd never ask."

She passes her joint to the person to her right, who takes it without any acknowledgement. She takes my arm, leans heavily into me, and starts to lead me back inside. We wind down a couple of hallways, and begin passing rooms with closed doors. The rooms emit noises I've never heard in my pornos before. Melissa didn't make those sounds, and my foster mother sure as hell didn't.

"Thirty for regular, fifty for anal," she says as we enter a room and close the door.

Inside is bare. There are blankets and sheets, all of them filthy, lining the walls. She begins to take her clothes off, her shirt getting tangled in the matted mass of her hair. I wobble and fall against the wall, the alcohol really setting in by this time. The moonlight streaming in through the solitary window in the room casts beautiful shadows on the contours of her body. Even the filth of this place couldn't mask the beauty of her breasts, the outline of her legs.

She comes over, gets on her knees, and starts to undo my pants.

"So what's it going to be cowboy?"


"Both, eh? Then we'll start off with a little freebie." The last part is muffled as her mouth envelops me.

There's something different about sex when you pay for it. It's simpler. There are no emotions. There are no expectations. It is purely physical, a force of raw power with nothing to hold it back and nothing to weigh it down. The sensations, while the same, take on a completely different context.

"Where'd you get your money baby," she asks when we're finished an hour or so later.

I remember Tim's advice. "I stole it."

"Well," she says, as she hoists her dirty clothes over her head, "you stumble across some more, you come see me, kay?"

I nod. In the act, I didn't notice what the alcohol had done to me, how fucked up I was. I only noticed the sex. Now, afterwards, my stomach rocks like I'm at sea.

I stumble out the door, and make it about three doors away before I double over and puke on the floor. I lay there, hoping it's the only time it will happen, when a door behind me opens and voices flood the hallway.

"Fuck man, that was some good shit."

"Yeah man, these homeless chicks give it up like no other."

Two guys, leaving a room. I hear their steps slowly click down the hallway away from me. I can hear a girl sobbing from inside the room.

"Shut up bitch, you got your money!" yells one over his shoulder.

"Bet it's better than that fucking Chandler ho, huh?" continues the other one.

"Pfft, Melissa? Shit, that bitch is still crazy. But it ain't as fun anymore—not since we don't have to run around behind her crazy ass boyfriend."

The nausea both subsides and multiplies at the same time. I turn around. The two have their back to me, and I can't make anything out in the limited light.

"You're still gonna keep fucking her though, right?"

The other one laughs. "Hell yeah. Tap that shit till the well runs dry. Fact, I'm going over there on Friday. Her mom's out of town. You down?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world, brother!"

The last thing I hear is the slap of their hands together as they turn the corner.

Friday is only three days away. No matter what, I've got to get everything ready by then. It may be my only chance.

But that will have to wait until tomorrow. Because the booze is coming back up again.

An Audience of Shadows Archive


"Sounds like an umbrella," Tim said.

Sara traced her fingers along the floor of the tent, the plastic crackling, loud against the quiet background of falling rain. Drops rolled across the top of the tent—a mix of small ones from the clouds and large ones from the tree branches above them.

Tim shifted on his sleeping bag. Sara stared down at her fingers, back and forth across the tent's floor. "I like this," she said. "This cocoon."

"It's nice."

raindrops.jpg"It's warm in here," she whispered, still staring at her hand.

A slight wind shook water from the trees and it battered the tent, a two-second downpour. The tent held both their sleeping bags, unrolled and ready for the night, and two small duffel bags of clothes, supplies. Bread and peanut butter and blackberry jam sat in one corner. The rain had been falling all day. Lunch was two hours in the past and already Tim felt hungry again. He couldn't bear the thought of another sandwich, though, so he ignored the discomfort.

"I'm going a little crazy," he said. "I wouldn't mind going outside and walking around. Too much sitting."

"Mmm, no. It's nice in here." She took her hand from the floor and laid down on top of her sleeping bag. "I guess I should be stir crazy, but I'm not. I like the sound of the rain, this warmth."

"You don't want to stretch your legs?"

She raised her legs into the air and slowly split them apart, then dropped them back against the sleeping bag. "All stretched."

He said nothing. The rain pattered against the tent and outside, a twig cracked. An animal, another camper? It didn't matter. The rain had been falling for hours and he kept imagining going outside, no coat, nothing, allowing himself to be drenched, wandering amongst the trees.

"We could just pack up and go home, you know." Sara turned to stare at him. "I know you've been looking forward to this, but it hasn't stopped raining since we got here. And it's supposed to keep this up. How much fun are we really going to have?"

"I think it will still be fun."

"If we never leave the tent?"

"Well, then let's leave the tent. We can just go outside and take a hike, get wet. It'll be fun."

"Why do that when we can stay inside and be dry?"

"Because then we're inside, and bored. And why not get wet?"

She grinned. "Wet is cold, and uncomfortable, and it's nice and warm and comfortable in here. And I like that."

Another wind blew and the walls of the tent shook. "Right," he whispered.

She watched him, ran a hand through her hair, pulled a few strands away from her lips. God, he thought. Brown hair, dark green eyes. A dark blue shirt, perfect fit. Black jeans, bare feet. Her smile stayed a few more moments, then faded. And now she really watched him, close, thoughts and considerations behind the gaze. Second by second, she worked through his words, his motivations, everything she knew about him and what he thought of her, felt of her. He held her gaze, almost frightened, knowing that everything was about to be exposed. But it had been exposed long ago, no doubt. This moment was nothing more than a reminder.

"What are you hoping for, Tim?"

He closed his eyes.


They would hike in the rain, nearly oblivious to it. The rain was warm, anyway, so it wouldn't be too uncomfortable. They would have rain coats, of course, and maybe packs. Maybe not, though. It didn't have to be a long or elaborate hike.

The trees would tower above them, both shield them and be their own source of rain. Birds would flit through the canopy and there would maybe be squirrels, maybe not. Every step would be wet leaves and mud, slippery and uncertain. But they would be fine, together, walking side by side, saying little as they moved through the forest, the trees, the ferns, wet and fragrant, slaking their thirst, thriving in the wet day.

There would be glances and short conversations and exchanges. Much of what they thought would go unsaid, though, but understood. They would laugh, multiple times, and they would stand close to each other again and again.

The hike would end, of course, and they would be back in the tent, wet and tired and satisfied. They would take turns changing their clothes, keeping their backs turned.

The tent would be filled with the scent of Sara's wet hair.

forest.jpgThey would wonder what to do next.


"You know," he whispered.

"No," she said.

Tim realized the rain had stopped, for the moment. He looked up. The shadow of rain drops painted the top of the tent. Silence pressed in on them and he could hear his breath, could hear Sara's, and it became hard to continue those inhalations, impossible to exhale. The tent's warmth turned stifling, in only a moment, with only a change in thought.

"I wanted it to be a memorable camping trip." The words sounded ridiculous to him and he wanted them dead, gone, a moment later—even as he was saying them.

"Oh." She nodded, and now she stared at the ceiling, as well. "That's nice."

"Don't say that, don't say it like that."

"You knew," she said. Her voice trembled for a moment, then came back strong. "You knew what this trip would be."

"I didn't," he lied.

"Well, you should have."

The tent was too small. He had nowhere to hide, nowhere to be out of her sight, away from her influence. "Right," he said. "I should have."

She shifted on the sleeping bag and sat up, her feet planted firm on the tent's floor. The plastic crackled, creaked, and then she was staring at him, green eyes flat, but filled at the same time, racing. They watched each other.

"Hey," he said after a few moments, trying to make his voice light. "I just need to get outside, move around a bit, you know?"

"Yeah." She nodded and the lie sat heavy between them. Her voice betrayed it. "You could go crazy sitting in this tent all day."

"Exactly." He stood, crouched due to the low ceiling, and began to unzip the tent's flap. It was such a loud sound, dominating and intrusive.

"Take your coat," she said as he stepped outside. "It's gonna start raining again."

"No." The world smelled of wet leaves and pine needles, open stoma, the breath of plants and trees. He closed his eyes and he could hear the plants moving, shifting, existing so dramatically in the drenched day. They breathed freely and outside there was so much fresh air. Everything was promising, new, unburdened by the past. "I need to get wet."


Bonus Hockey! Weekend Roundup

Is it just me or are teams actually hungry for the cup this year (well, except for the, still afraid to cross the Rubicon, Thrashers)?

There have been some fights, nothing major – but the hitting?!? Wow more banging than a sailor on shore leave, more board knocking than a knee wobbler behind the high school.

Great (and mostly clean) hitting, a few fisticuffs and refs that seem to be content to jest let the boys play for a change.

Welcome back to old time hockey.


Buffalo vs. N.Y. Islanders

Buffalo leads the series 2-1.

MooseFight.jpg When this series started I was listening to the talking heads (or windbags) on TSN (The Sports Network in Canada). There are four guys, three of them were shouting down the only voice of reason; the voice that said not to count the Isles out of it. He didn’t say that they are going to win, let’s not go crazy now. The Sabres do need to step up their game and I think (hope) that it’s finally sinking in. It was nice to see DiPietro in net last game =)

No. 2 New Jersey vs. No. 7 Tampa Bay

Tampa leads the series 2-1.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!?!?!? You may be saying. Listen I told you in my last column that Tampa outscored the Devils during the regular season. They’ve been close games, but jeebus, the NJ defence needs to be a little less pylon like.

No. 3 Atlanta vs. No. 6 N.Y. Rangers

Rangers lead the series 2-0.

Soon to be 3-0 of the Thrashers don’t smarten up and start getting into the game

No. 4 Ottawa vs. No. 5 Pittsburgh

Ottawa leads the series 2-1.

amanda_sharkie_playoffbeard.jpg THIS is the series to watch. Man, are these teams quick (on the ice). I can’t remember when three periods of hockey have flown by so quickly!

Young and Brash meet Old and Hardened. Definitely old school hockey. GO SENS!


No. 1 Detroit vs. No. 8 Calgary

Detroit leads the series 2-0

YAWN! Calgary is playing like shit, what were the Shots? 1 – 3 billion? Par for this round of the playoffs if you ask me...

No. 2 Anaheim vs. No. 7 Minnesota

The Mighty Moose lead the series 3-0

I don’t want to hear it, but YOU can! If you listen closely you can hear the sound of Turtle BITING ME.

No. 3 Vancouver vs. No. 6 Dallas

Vancouver leads the series 2-1

You wanted overtime? We give you overtime. I love it when it gets to the point where you don’t give a ship who fekking wins, just as long as it’s over. Go Canucks!

No. 4 Nashville vs. No. 5 San Jose

San Jose leads the Series 2-1.

Nashville is showing some spark, but they haven’t been able to keep up with the hard hittin’, fast skatin’ Sharks. Last Friday’s game doesn’t matter, they smell blood now...

*As at games played by 16 April 2007

”I’ll See You on the Ice” will be back again on Friday – to get you geared up for another weekend of playoff hockey. WHOOT!

I'll See You On The Ice Archives

Birthdays and Pick Ups

“So, whose birthday is it today?” a boy who didn’t look unlike Brandon Davis asks the table but looks directly at my gorgeous friend Michelle beside me. She and Katie giggle and point to me. My two friends told me that I was beginning to prematurely age into a forty-year-old woman, so they took me out to celebrate my birthday about three weeks early at a small Chinese bistro. Davis looks disappointed but keeps up the charade. “And how old are you?” He is still looking at Michelle.

Katie answers for me, “She’s twenty-one! We are all twenty-one!” she lies.

I shoot her a glance and she gives a small shrug that goes unnoticed since the kid, barely twenty-one himself, hasn’t even realized we are sitting at the same table as Michelle.

“I think then that a round of drinks is in order? Let me buy you all a drink.” Greasy Bear turns his direction towards me then back to my friend, “What do you want?”

I turn to Katie. I don’t drink. The only thing I can think of is wine since I spent all of last summer categorizing it for a private collector. I wonder how weird I’ll look ordering a 2005 Bordeaux -a “very good year” according to sources- with a Merlot base that pairs well with Asian cuisine because the richness of the wine balances the bold Asian flavor that I won’t even drink since I hate liquor. “Uh…”

Katie pipes up, “I think a round of Long Island Iced teas.”

I whisper in her ear, “Katie, there isn’t any tea in a Long Island iced tea.”

She whispers back through clenched teeth, “I. Know.”

Greasy Troll scampered off to the bar for us as one of his friends sat down.

“I’m Steve,” he says as he takes a swig of Bud Light. “Who’s having the birthday?” he taps the Superman birthday balloon tied to the open chair next to him.

“Me,” I say and he winks at me.


Grease Ball comes back and pulls up a chair, “Uh, girls, we have a small problem here. You are not twenty-one. You are twenty. Frank, the bartender, told me.”

Katie rolls her eyes. It was her fault. She told the whole restaurant she was here to celebrate my twentieth birthday.

“But,” he leans in close to Michelle, “I can still get you the drinks if you want.”

“Do it!” Katie spurts out and he makes his way back to the bar.

I wasn’t sure if she said it because she wanted the liquor or because she wanted the guy to leave our table. I decide not to tell her that she should always get her own drink just in case the guy slips a roofie into the glass, but I figure she doesn’t need me to turn tonight into a ‘very special episode’ of anything.

“So, what do you do?” Katie asks Steve. This is a girl’s way of asking, “So, exactly how much money do you make?”

“I’m in real estate,” Steve says. “So’s Matt,” he points to the slick boy at the bar finagling drinks for us. “We deal up north a lot? Like, in development?”

I nod and pretend I care.

supermanballoon.jpg“And like, we work a lot in uh, like Mormon Lake? But, enough about me. What do you ladies do?”

“Mormon Lake?” I ask, “What’s up at Mormon Lake?”

“Um,” Steve blanks, “Mormons?”

Matt comes back to the table carrying our drinks and a beer for himself, “What’s going on ladies?”

“I’m just trying to figure out what they do for a living,” Steve answers. Matt cocks his head and nods to Katie.

“You work in the nursing field,” he says, hitting it dead on, but Katie shakes her head ‘no’.

‘I’m a business major,” she lies, “At NYU.”

“She goes to school with the Olsen twins,” I help her out.

“You’re from New York?” Steve asks her.

“No, well, like, yeah. I’m from New York, but I’m here to visit Stefi.”

“She is here to visit me,” I offer.

“But I’m from New York, but I lived here,” she nods.

Steve nods back, “OK… Where in New York?”

“Hmmm?” Katie asks, then, pretends to stretch and whispers in my ear, “I don’t know places in New York.”

“If you go to NYU, say Manhattan,” I offer.

“Where in New York?” Steve asks again.

“Oh, Manhattan. I love Manhattan!” She answers.

“I know you do!” I joke in a Cuban accent. Nobody laughs.

“How funny was that tonight?” Katie asks later back at her house, still slightly “buzzed” as she said, after drinking the three Long Island iced teas that Matt bought for us since Michelle and I were both driving that night.

“Katie,” I laugh, “You are the worst fucking liar, I swear.”

She looks kind of hurt, and I wonder if she’ll remember this in the morning. “God, really? I thought they believed me.”

“They thought you were drunk,” Michelle pipes up and we turn to look at her. “What?” she shrugs, “It’s true!”

“Hmmm,” Matt looks towards me. I notice his large body is sweating profusely and that his cotton maroon button down shirt wasn’t the best choice in clothing with his apparently anxiety or drug problem. It looks like someone dumped a bucket of water on either side of his body. “You’re just a student.” He nods towards my pink fake Chanel bag. “And you’re Italian.”

“Oh,” I say, “OK.”

He turns again to Michelle, “I can’t tell what you do, but you’re beautiful.”

She just laughs uncomfortably. She doesn’t tell him she’s actually a Budweiser girl. Matt toasts his beer to Steve. “Here’s to taking the week off of work. I work in real estate with Steve,” he says to us, “It’s grueling let me tell ya.” I try to make eye contact with Katie to let her know via ESP that neither of them could possibly work in real estate because they dress like they should be selling us a family share plan from Verizon Wireless. She gives me a small nod to let me know she reads my mind.

“Can I have your business card?” she asks, “My parents are looking to buy up north.”

“Hey, what’d I just say?” Matt winks at her and wipes away sweat from his forehead. “I’m not working this week.”

“Just a card,” Katie pleads. Steve glances at Matt the way I glance at Katie whenever she get herself into some I Love Lucy trouble I don’t think she’ll get out of. Like the time she told the hot guy who worked at Barnes and Noble that she was a lesbian and dating me. I had to have a talk with her after that one.

Matt opens his fake Louie Vuitton wallet and pretends to search for a card. “I guess I am all out,” he says. “But our new cards? Are metal. They are awesome. I did this test, and like, I put the metal business cards on a table and the paper ones on another table? And, like, the metal ones were gone,” he snaps his fingers. “It just sucks ‘cause they tear up your wallet, you know?”

Steve nods, “Yeah, they tear up your wallet.”

“I’m gonna smoke,” Matt announces, standing up from the table. “Anyone else want a cig?”

“Ugh, me,” Steve grabs one from the box and stands up.

The girls and I shake our heads ‘no’.

“Hey, yo, what’s up?” It is quite obvious that he is under the influence of just about everything. “I’m Jared.” He twitches slightly as he extends his hand and we each in turn shake it.

“Whoa,” he says as he shakes Michelle’s hand, “You’re, like, beautiful.”

I get out my hand sanitizer and slather it on.

“I see you are talking to Matt and Steve?” Jared says and takes out a pill box like your grandmother might have for her blood pressure pills and dumps a few pills into his hand.

“Is that PEZ?” I ask and he laughs.

“No, it’s uh, Oxycodone. Why? You want one?”

I shake my head, “No thanks.”

“How do you know Matt and Steve?” Katie asks Jared.

“Oh,” he knocks back a few pills and swallows sans water, “I’ve been working with them at T-Mobile for about, like, two years now.”

He leans back and pulls out his phone, “So, who wants to give me their number?”

We sit silent for a moment and I answer, “Yeah…” I turn to Katie, “Go ahead, Katie. Give him your number.”

Katie looks Jared straight in the eye, “Jared, I’m gonna be honest with you,” she slurs. “I live in New York.”

Stefi would rather be a Merlot Girl than a Budweiser girl


Celebrity Deathmatch: Facebook Vs. MySpace

This week I'm taking a break from sitting in front of my computer playing games and writing about my other hobby, which is sitting in front of my computer on the internet.

I was on Team Facebook before the Poke Me and I Facebooked Your Mom t-shirts started appearing on campuses. I had an account when it was an almost featureless college-only networker. It's not impressive when you know my secret plan. As soon as my friends, you know those people who are bigger nerds than I am, tell me about a new networker, I sign up for the brand-new site, then abandon the profile until the site's bug-free and feature-full. facebook.gif I made early-adopter profiles on Orkut, LiveJournal, Comsummating, Friendster, and the less well-known sites like Spokeo and Gaah, as well as several dozen hot new things that don't exist anymore. When Spokeo and Gaah get out of beta, you heard it here first.

I'm not entirely proud of it, but at least I can definitively describe MySpace as the worst social networker ever. It's like the AOL of networkers. So easy to use, no wonder everyone using it is a moron.

Or is it so easy to use? A quick look at MySpace pages reminds me that HTML is hard, and frames should only be used in the hands of a trained professional.

That same quick look reminded me that I should be out buying albums of bands I'd never heard of, but who want to be MyFriends! Or buying DVDs! Or downloading new rings for my cellphone! Or wallpapers for my PC! Or any of the other bazillion things in the ads that almost entirely obscure what little content there is.

Facebook also takes conspicuous consumption to heart. Facebookers can spam their friends with the same YouTube clips that MySpaceCadets can. And, you join groups. There's a group for every band, TV show, location, clique and sub-sub-subculture's obscure injoke. I'm partial to "I just tried to ford the river and my fucking oxen died" personally.

Maybe I don't hate YouTube and MySpace as much as I hate that a capital letter in the middle of fairly lame compound word is suddenly hip. Please, let this go the way of the mid-word @.

Oh, and Mark Zuckerberg? Your next feature should be a "Member Since..." stat so I could show everyone that I was on Facebook first.

Really. Do Not Go In There.

Okay, I know I've promised you a lot of things. I've promised to write about Japanese horror movies, more Cronenberg, the Leprechaun movies.. a lot of shit. And I will keep up with my faithful readers, God love ya. But today I'm going to talk about a different kind of horror.

There's a song I keep thinking of, and the lyrics go something like

The things I do for money
I'll never understand
I used to be quite practical
But now I find I'm tactical...... the world
Is just a marble in the palm of my hand

We've all talked about the things we do for money. Are we whores or are we masters of our destiny? The following is the first of two parts...

I got the idea to write this when I read the LNT section on mascots a while back….. I’ve paid my mascot/costume dues, my friends. I've done my time, and far from being ashamed of my past, this story will show what a strong person I am. I think. It at least shows that I’m a whore who will do just about anything for chicken or seven bucks and access to a minivan with a spinning light on top.

There was this one day when I was about 12 years old; I made an uninformed decision and I joined air cadets. Real punk as fuck, I know. Yeah whatever, screw you, it got me laid. Among other things I met lots of girls and got to fly planes, I learned that politics is a shitty thing but only when people are involved, and I learned that I would get free food if I volunteered to walk in the Santa Claus Parade.

santa222.JPG Free food. Now, I quickly learned that when the city was paying for your food in response to your volunteer work, it was most likely going to be Mary Brown’s Fried Chicken. Colonel Assface could always and can always go fuck himself. Mary’s was the shit. I would do some very questionable things for Mary, time and again.

So I volunteered to walk in the Santa Claus Parade, figuring that I would be marching with the rest of the geeks in my air cadet uniform. Not true. They had special plans for me. They had a Goofy costume. Shitfuck Goddammit. I knew the chicken was coming and I knew I wouldn’t get shit if I didn’t put on that Goofy costume. So I did.

Some old skank from some Ladies’ Auxiliary club had made the headpiece at some arts and crafts class, and although it did look really good, it was made of paper mache. It weighed about five or seven pounds, it was uncomfortable as hell, didn’t fit at all, and kept sliding down the front of my face while I was trying to walk. The only thing I could do to keep it in place and not faceplant was to stick my lower jaw out as far as fucking possible and let the top of Goofy’s muzzle rest on my bottom teeth. The parade lasted about 5 kilometres (3 miles). I was – seriously - a mouth breathing, drooling Disney dog with a painful case of voluntary underbite and a mouthful of paper mache paste. It was brutal, man. After the parade I walked in to claim the chicken that was so fucking rightfully mine, and you know what I saw?

That fucking Colonel. Shitfuck Goddammit.

bologna.jpg By the time I got forced into another costume I’d become rather disillusioned with being told what to do (I’d also seen the other costumes that the Ladie’s Auxiliary club had put together and they all sucked, except for this one paper mache cow head that I eventually stole and used all the time, but only while on acid). This time though, Mary Brown’s was specifically mentioned as a reward so I was cool with it, and was maybe even a touch enthusiastic. And the costume was cool alright…… The Maple Leaf Big Stick Bologna. Now, when I say cool I mean so fucking lame that I couldn’t resist putting that shit on and acting like an idiot in front of people who couldn’t recognize me. I’m very pissed off that I can’t find a picture of it anywhere, but trust me. It was stupid.

The costume was a two piece. The outer piece was a six foot long piece of fake bologna, made mainly of plastic resin and some polyethylbullshit. The inner piece was a one piece bologna-coloured spandex jumpsuit thing. It was so fucking lame, stupid and abstractly homoerotic that I simply could not resist smoking lots of hash, climbing right into that fucker, and walking around and hugging dudes in public at the manufacturer’s home improvement show or whatever. Think about it. If you were a regular guy at some event or other and you got accosted by some huge phallic piece of processed meat in a processed meat coloured bodysuit, then you just might become really, really uncomfortable – and if anyone asked you why you were upset about it, you’d only get more uncomfortable. If I saw a lumberjack shirt or untied pair of work boots on anyone that day, I’d hug that dude. That was such a great day. Everyone felt awkward but me, and I got a three piece combo with taters at the end of it all.

But you see, it was all training for the big league.

Dan will wear anything you want if you promise him chicken. You don't even have to actually give it to him.

Don't Go In There Archives

April 17, 2007

The Great Turtle Race

gtrbanner3.jpgYes. Yes it is true. Sometimes we care. Sometimes we don't know what we care about until it is forwarded to us by a FTTW writer (Thanks, Ernie!) but sometimes it happens. We actually give a shit about something other than ourselves and our last cigarettes for more than one day a year.

Sure, it helps us to care if we can have some fun with what we are caring about, but technically, it is still caring. So today's "We care a lot" moment goes to the turtles. Specifically, the Leatherneck Turtle.

Kickass name, eh?

Anyways, we were sent this link and we had to check it out.

Turtles. Racing. To the Galapagos Islands. 14 days. That is funny.

But was it really funny? The only reason the race and website were created was because the turtles were almost extinct?!?!?!

Well that's a god damn comedy killer right there.

But what could we do? We read a little more....

"Eleven critically endangered leatherback turtles, each of them are over six feet long, race from a golden Costa Rican beach into the vast Pacific. Each is tagged with a revolutionary satellite tracking device, and the race is on. Which turtle will cross the finish line first in the 14-day race towards the Galapagos Islands?"

For millions of years these turtles have been able to survive in the oceans, lay their eggs on the beaches and repeat the cycle of life. Unfortunately, leatherbacks are in danger of extinction and are declining at an alarming rate. Leatherbacks in the Pacific Ocean have declined more than 90 percent in the past 20 years.

See. Right there.

Comedy fucking killer.

But how can we have some fun with this? Well, we really can't make any "ha ha" jokes but we can still have a little fun by picking out a turtle we think will win, show the progress on the main page of FTTW, donate some money and watch him go!

Well we found the cool one. The cool looking one. But she turned out to be a girl. That's ok though. We could work around that. Then we found out it was her first year making the charge. A rookie. Well, that's ok, too, I guess. I mean, what the fuck? Let's see what this broad can do, right?

So here she is.


The call her Turtleocity on the official site, but since she is now on the FTTW side, we will name her any damn thing she wants to be called and we will fuck anyone over who fucks with our turtle.

Throughout the 14 day race, we will be updating you all on Turtleocity's progress, informing you of the whereabouts of the other turtles and generally be rooting Lil' Turtleocity on everyday while encouraging you to get into the spirit and just enjoy watching Lil' Turtleocity mop the god damn carpet with these other turtles.

We take our turtle races seriously.

And we watch our own.

GO Lil' Turtleocity!!!

The Request Line is Open

caseykasem.jpgThis week's long distance dedication comes to us from Atlanta, Georgia, where a single mother who goes by the name DR is looking for quick meals for her and her two kids. She writes:

Dear Baby Huey,

I'm looking for quick chicken recipes for me and my two kids. We like bacon, but it makes our chicken so greasy. Please help!

Well, DR, you're in luck. I've got a recipe that is sweet, salty, smoky and spicy. Perfect for a night with you and your kids!

Maple-Glazed Bacon Chicken
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
6 slices bacon, cut in half
1/3 c maple syrup
1 Tbsp salt
1 tsp cayenne pepper

Mix the salt and pepper together, and rub the chicken with it. Place on a rack on a cookie sheet. Place 2 or 3 of the half-slices of bacon on top of the chicken -- the chicken should be covered. By placing the chicken on a rack on top of a cookie sheet, you're giving the fat somewhere to go that's not touching the chicken.

Put this in a 350 degree oven for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, brush the top of the chicken with some of the maple syrup. Do this every 5 minutes after that until chicken is completely cooked, about 15 more minutes. Brush one last time after you pull it out.

Serve it with some garlicky mashed potatoes and you are set!

If you ever have any requests for something you'd like to help cooking, let me know. Makes my job easier!

And coming in at number 1 on the weekly metal countdown ...

athfcmfftcts.jpgVarious Artists
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters Colon The Soundtrack
Williams Street

If you’ve seen the series or the movie, you know how completely fucked it is. Seriously. It’s nearly impossible to walk away from an episode and not say “what was THAT about?” The soundtrack isn’t much different. Mostly hard rock, with a couple of intros—marked as “skits”--by the characters. The opening theme, "Groovy Time for a Movie Time" has great advice for moviegoers -- "Don't pull your penis out / unless you really need to / Indecent exposure is a class 2 felony".

Recommended: "Carl's Theme", "Cut You with a Linoleum Knife", "Nude Love"

Baby Huey wishes he had a hair helmet like Casey Kasem

Dishful of Metal Archives

The Illusionist

I’m watching a movie-The Illusionist. The movie is paused, mid way. Nothing of note has yet happened, though I wouldn’t give away any of it’s secrets should I possess them. Rather bad taste and possibly rude to do so, don’t you think?

However, the beginnings of the movie have me pondering a question. We are all human, full of hopes and dreams, tales of woe and longing and sometimes triumph over that which would oppose us. theillusionist.jpg You know the sort. You get the girl, the prince chooses you at the ball, the raise, the promotion, the dream job, a fulfilling career, loving spouse, 1.5 perfect children and today a security guard and a stone wall replace the white picket fence. The one that got away, or the man of your dreams who married a starlet; unrequited love, forever to mourn. Getting fired, lost, divorced, beaten, battered, or watching your best friend down a bottle of sleeping pills and saying his, or her goodbyes. Battling cancer and making the commercial that says, “Hey cancer, remember me? Fuck you, I win-you lose” and not having to neglect mentioning you lost a testicle, or a breast, or a portion of your mind. All these events that make up the sordid tale of who we think we are.

Just a few short weeks ago I asked you what you would do if given the chance to have a new career and really it’s a rather dull and shallow question, isn’t it? The more intriguing question lies in the magic and mystery that we would weave to change our lives in an instant, if only we could. From a young child, I saw what regret could do to a person, how it might eat away at that which makes us what we are. That which makes us strive to achieve, change or experience, that which makes us vibrant, real and alive. I have always tried to live my life with little, or no regret. I regret that it is not possible, for we all make mistakes and wish for the magical “do over” here and there. Some more than others and I like to think that I am one of the others with fewer, true regrets. Perhaps I am. Perhaps, not.

theillusionist1.jpg To the question dangling, precariously as I ramble-

What would you do with the power to change things in your life? Magic, if you will. What are those regrets? Would you change a past love? The one you loved for the person you thought they could be, but never became. Would you change the birth of a child that was, or never was? Make that special someone disappear? Reappear? Never be? We all know it's good to be king, or perhaps godhood suits you; though I think most would end up regretting the responsibility and day-to-day hassles that must be part and parcel with such a lofty position. Kingship, or godhood, anyone?

Perhaps you’re a bigger person than I and would disdain all that for a chance to change the world in place of your own fortune, or past. Alvin Lee wrote:

I’d love to change the world

But I don’t know what to do

So I leave it up to you

What shall it be, then? World peace, famine as a thing of the past, disease and poverty but a whisper of memory? Go away, think carefully and come back in a few hours after you roll it around on your tongue and get a feel for it, before you answer. What would you really do?

Me? I’ve a month’s captivity on the high seas to contemplate this, so I’m in no hurry and besides, I’m asking the questions, here.

What would you choose to be that one and only thing-the act of an illusionist who deals in the stuff of life?

What would you do? Give The Pirate something to think about out there.

Any Port In The Storm Archives

Texas in the Springtime

It gets goofy here. Normally the bad weather week is middle of March, when the kids are on spring break.

Not so this year. We had a freaky snowstorm last weekend, 6 inches of the bad wet stuff. This weekend we had thunderstorms and tornados.

That’s called “normal”.

I haven’t seen a “white” Easter in my life. Probably won’t ever see one again. The weather dude said last time it snowed in central Texas was 1928, but that’s one of those things you can just say and who the hell is going to challenge you on it?

Anyway the snow’s gone now, and the weather is lovely. And my favorite thing about spring in Texas are the flowers.

Shut up you dork dudes. Just shut up.

We had lots of rain, and it shows. Trees, grass, weeds, and wildflowers. Including the bluebonnet, our state flower.


Personally I would have declared the dandelion or Johnson grass our state flower, there’s a hell of a lot more of them than bluebonnets.

Still, bluebonnets and Indian paintbrush are all over fields and along the highways, and they look lovely.

17. Does the State of Texas actually seed the roadways and highways with bluebonnet seeds?

1. Yes they do. One of the few things they spend money on that I endorse. That and schools. It’s not terribly expensive, and it is quite pretty.


The bluebonnet is our official state flower. The mockingbird is our official state bird. I don’t know why states need these things but apparently they do. I am reliably informed the state bird of Louisiana is the mosquito.

Some of those suckers are way bigger than a mockingbird.

Many Texas parents will take their kids out on a day like today, and plop them down in the flowers and take cute pictures.

Be careful moms and dads. There are other things in Texas fields in the springtime, and they don’t like surprises.


Dave has been known to hide in bluebonnet fields to scare unsuspecting toddlers.


Taking the Plunge

Well, school is coming to a close; I'm right in the middle of that lull between midterms and finals, and summer is approaching real quick-like. The big change this year is that I have formally decided not to look for a summer job. The gig at the newspaper will effectively run dry over the summer, so I was pressed between finding a service job where I can hate my life or making the really uncomfortable jump to subsisting entirely on cash from published articles.

bearume.jpgEspecially considering that I'm still waiting on hearing on that first article, it's definitely a gamble. But I guess we all have to make that decision at some point: play it safe, or go for the gusto? If I actually manage to write (and then publish) enough articles to feed myself for three months, I will have a resume that I could beat a bear to death with. And if I don't, well. That's why parents always seem to have so much money just lying around, right? Yeah, I know. I'm a leech.

In order to make this work, I'm going to have to make one serious change to my writing habits: I need to learn how to multi-task. I've already started, sort of. Right now, I'm working on:

  • Getting 1200-word feature (originally written as a paper for a midterm) into shape for publication. I'm hoping that a Christian news magazine will run it and throw a bucket of money at me.
  • Polishing up a short story that I shared the first page or so of, Regular Guys. It's actually a pretty old one, but it needs a serious revamp. The story, when I describe it to people, is very “ohhh, that's cool” - but when people read it they're like “I don't get it. He did what now?”. I think I'm just going to entirely revise it, a process that I'll go into next week.
  • I have a possible idea that could be turned into a 5- or 10- part series. It's top secret for the moment, and will stay that way until I get some of it written and email an editor or two.

At a general average of $750 an article, I need to get paid for only two articles a month. That's really not a whole lot, but I need to start now if I want the checks to start coming in during the summer months that I'll need them.

So, facing the rather real possibility of having to choose between begging my parents for grocery money and loosing a whole bunch of weight on the Ethiopia Diet, I embark from the precipice. It’s make it or break it time.

What’s the scariest career/life move you’ve ever had to make?

The editors of FTTW have all their money on the bear in the Ian's Resume v. Big Bear fight.


A Lady Laments About... Imus In The Morning

Disclaimer: Read at your own risk!

The following opinion article respresents those solely of one
Lady (1), in light of recent events fueled by one, Don Imus (2), a.k.a "the I-Man", formerly of the "Imus in the Morning" radio show. Choosing to accept these terms of agreement and commence further indulgence of said article may result in free-thinking and possibly accountability in one's own reasoning. Readers discretion is advised.

1. Lady, Jennifer Philo, accreditted columist for "Faster Than the World" daily internet magazine

2. Don Imus, arguably original "shock jock" of radio broadcasting

Veteran radio personality Don Imus and his early morning team of highly opinionated coworkers wreaked havoc on the airwaves for the past forty years with his highly syndicated morning radio show "Imus in the Morning".don_imus.jpg Millions upon millions of listeners religiously turned on their radios and turned up the volume to witness the daily tirades of the aging DJ whose sarcastic wit and quick temper launched his show into radio infamy. The four hour long broadcast seemingly ridiculed everyone from public figures to celebrities alike. Mock interviews and random tangents highlighted issues of both political and popular nature, contributing to his expansive listening audience. In addition to the sardonic undertone of his broadcast, Imus played host to musical talents and journalists, senators and political hopefuls, reknowned celebrities and literary giants; bringing faces and names from the spotlight to mainstream America at 6:00am, Monday through Friday.

Though hailed in recent years for his savvy regarding current issues, his focus on charitable contributions saw as much airtime as his incessant ramblings. With his much coveted time slot for sponsors and insurmountable ratings, major corporations and wealthy tycoons found themselves repeatedly Dons' source for endless and sizeable donations. Organizations like the Imus Ranch for kids with cancer and autism awareness received impressive financial gain through his shaming tactics and on air humiliations typically directed at his major contributors. Though for Imus, this humbling status can only account for the later half of his career. The controversial DJ began his decade spanning career in the late seventies in a self described haze, largely due in part to his admitted cocaine, alcohol and prescription drug abuse. The over-medicated I-Man chose to clean up his act, thus ending his drug-induced days for a healthier approach to aging in style; insulting an unwilling list of elite while completely sober.

Once named as one of Time Magazines' twenty five most influential people, the foul-mouthed, moody host has apparently been stripped of his crown. In what I can only describe as the ultimate act of irony, Imus found himself at the receiving end of someone else's tirade. In what was less than a week, the nation watched as this once acclaimed DJ turned on his microphone for the last time. For some of us, this is a fitting conclusion for Imus. The insulted and disrespected list of people left in his wake applauded his exile, basking in the glory of justice being served. For others, his unforseen demise has constituted a laundry list of questions and demands that spans the free world as we know it. Pandoras' Box is missing its lid, but who took it off? As a die hard fan of yet another CBS program, CSI: Las Vegas, I've learned that to solve the crime, we first have to find evidence to support our accusations.

Clearly, no one is arguing that his remarks about the Rutgers' Womens' Basketball team were insensitive and ignorant. In fact, as a once avid listener, I can assure those of you who have never heard his broadcast, this is the epitome of what it is. Insult without reason, or better yet, insults with hues of immaturity and shades of bigotry. donimus2.gif As one contributor to the millions who listened to his show, I loved it. In the land of Imus, political correctness took a backseat to humor. Funny was found in subjects that plagued the nation, inadvertently bringing awareness to issues we chose to look away from and not read about. One of my favorites was a mock interview with Mayor Ray Negan, infamous himself after a public demand for accountablility in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. While engulfed in water and tragedy, New Orleans was submerged in controversy, Mayor Negan at the helm. In the land of Imus, Mayor Negan continously spoke of the levies and his assurance that they would be fixed. This three years and one election after the 2004 catastrophe.

Another popular parody portrayed the Reverend Jerry Falwell, televangelist to the Christian Right and spiritualist extraordinaire. Aside from exploiting the "channel between him and God", the pseudo-Falwell exposed his own ignorance by insulting the gay community, women and those of Jewish heritage. Cardinal Egan, another frequent target, gave new life to bad humor with a thick Irish accent and a sharp tongue. Both spiritual interpreters typically ended each interview asking for the untimely death of Don Imus while his morning team, Charles, Bernie and Chris bowed their heads in prayer.

Yes friends, Imus had no discretion when it came to insults. From the spiritual to the political, God and President Bill Clinton could both appear on the Imus show and suffer the same fate. Equally berated for our listening pleasure. But, it's always been our choice. Just as we chose to listen to songs paying homage to the bitches and hos of the world. Just as we choose to laugh at comics, their material laced with racy content and explicit language.

In conclusion, we the people find Imus guilty as charged. Further litigation is being considered for the following people/ groups: Archie Bunker, Benny Hill, George Jefferson, Steve Harvey, 2 Live Crew, Eminem, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Dennis Miller, Strom Thurmond, Wanda Sykes, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, the cast and crew of South Park, Hugh Hefner, Outkast, Chris Rock, The Simpsons, Johnny Damen, Gwen Stephani and many others. For a full list, please open your eyes.

Jenn loved Don Imus long time, but she doesn't anymore.

A Lady Laments Archives

April 16, 2007

TAFC# 12: Cover Songs

Cover songs. You either love them or hate them. Individually, not collectively. I guess.

This poll is all about your favorite cover songs. Please, for the love of Spock, save your worst cover songs for next week's poll. I don't want to hear about William Shatner's version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

richard_cheese.jpgWe want the good stuff. The songs where a band took a tune of someone else's and made it their own. Where they improved on the original or made it so different that you had to admire their creativity. Cover songs that make you sometimes forget the original tune even existed.

There are thousands of them out there. 90% of them are total crap. And we'll get to scrape that barrel next week. But for now, we want the cream of the crop, the stuff that rose to the top.

What's your favorite cover song(s)?

Nominations open for a few days. Poll will appear sometime during the week. We'll let ya know. For now, just keep nominating.

Here's a few of our own faves:


Hellacopters - Working for MCA (original, Skynyrd)

QOTSA - Never Say Never (Romeo Void)

We know there's a whole bunch of great tunes out there (including dozens by Richard Cheese or Me First and the Gimme Gimmes), so nominate as many as you want. If we happen to have the music, we'll upload it for everyone's enjoyment. Damn THE MAN.

Have at it!

Update, by popular demand:

Easy - Faith No More

The G to the L to the U Never Forgetting the E

I found god in my boom box, hiding in the high hats,
trapped under filters and waiting for the kickbacks

glue1.jpgEveryone has at least one album in their collection of an artist who is so absolutely outstanding (and not just in a specific musical niche either) that you just can't believe that they're not getting more attention and respect.  For me, that band is Glue.

Glue is a hip hop trio who come from decidedly non-hip-hop backgrounds.  Representing Aurora, Illinois (party on, Wayne!), Keane, New Hampshire and Cincinnati, Ohio, these 3 have more credentials than you would think possible.

Emcee Adeem is the only person to win twice at the massive hip-hop festival, Scribble am .  He took the crown in 1998 and in 2001, respectively.  To put this into context, Eminem couldn't even make it past the semi-finals, and he was defeated more than once while trying.

DJDQ, the music behind the group is currently a part of the turntablist group The Animal Crackers, who took the 2006 title at the
DMC championship.  He's been making incredible music since the early 90's, and between being a part of The Animal Crackers and Glue , he delivers pizzas in order to make a living.

glue2.jpgFinally, the man behind the production, Maker.  He's been producing for a variety of different labels, including NinjaTune, one of the most prestigious and well-known hip-hop labels out there.

It pays to be persistent, to be a story of success,
So I'm rapping to get this tension out of my chest,
Blessed by karma's opposite, holding it down,
Trying to put some positivity back in my sound,
Relax by cooking dinner; take it step by step,
It's been eleven hours straight, still haven't slept,
When things get crossed off the list, the panic drifts,
Away from my nervous system, where my heartbeats skips,
My attitude to fuel my passion for music,
I'll give the world a throwaway and give you the exclusive.

The first time I heard Glue, I was at an outdoor music festival in Denver, Colorado.  I had just finished seeing some unknown college band perform and was on my way to purchase a $12 cup of warm beer, when I noticed a scrawny white kid come running out of the tent that housed the hip-hop and electronica acts.  He flipped on the mic and launched into a massive 5 minute freestyle, causing the majority of the crowd to stop and just stare at the dorky Caucasian who was spitting rhymes so quickly that the speakers couldn't keep up.  When he finished, he turned around and calmly walked back into the tent, followed by a few thousand new fans.  I eventually got my flat Bud Light (why does concert beer always suck so much?) and made my way over to the tent to check out the action.  I walked in right as DJDQ was working the turntables, producing some of the craziest scratches I had heard outside of a DMC

CatchAsCatchCan.jpgI spent the majority of their set just standing to the side of the stage, watching Adeem run back and forth while switching between album songs and freestyle sessions.  And people were going NUTS.  I had attended a Busta Rhymes concert the week before at the same venue and he couldn't get the crowd half as hyped up as they were now.  The 'heads were up front, holding their hands in the air and hopping along to every song.  The people at the fringes of the crowd were pushing forward, trying to get closer to the stage, and spontaneous b-boy sessions kept breaking out in the middle of everything.  At one point, there were 3 large circles where people were popping, locking, head spinning and even moshing.  Crowd surfers were getting picked off by security, and as soon as they were pulled down to the floor, another one took their place.  The joints started sparking up, and soon there was a sweet-smelling haze hanging in the air.  And through all of this, Glue kept ripping up the stage.  They ended up performing for a short 45 minutes, but it was the best set of the day, hands down.  And when they finished cleaning up after the set, all 3 of them hopped into the crowd and spent the rest of the afternoon milling about, watching the other acts with the crowd they had just performed in front of.

The other thing I really enjoy about Glue is the lyrical content.  It's emotional, raw and yet still uplifting.  There are no songs about drugs, bitches or violence.  There's no need to skip tracks because you're sick of hearing the same message repeated again and again.  Adeem delivers positivity and variety; from science fiction themed songs ( Vessel) to songs decrying the overly misogynistic lyrics that creep into 90% of mainstream hip-hop (Glupies). 

I'm looking for dignity,
Not a chick just to dig me,
The last thing on my mind is sex with a stranger,
I'm trying to play shows and make some paper,
This is my living, stop killing all the feeling,
Hey drunk girl stop sleeping,
On your own self esteem,
Thanks for digging the game but you've got the wrong team.

Take the tight beats, impeccable turntablism and heartfelt lyrics, mix them together, and you have Glue.

Glue's latest album, Catch As Catch Can, is now out on Fat Beat Records.  Bonus for those who actually purchase the CD:  It comes with an additional disc of pure instrumental tracks.

For those who like:  Sage Francis, early Run DMC and Eyedea & Abilities.

Glue's Homepage:

Glue on Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/glue
Free Tracks:
Lot To Say

Seetwist used to sniff glue; now he just listens to it


God I Can't Believe I'm Doing This


The very mention of the genre may send chills up your spine.

But I'm starting to understand why people do it.

And it makes me feel very, very dirty.

So here's what happens. Some geek feels like Gene Roddenberry didn't take it far enough. "Why didn't Spock and Kirk end up together?" asks the geek plaintively. "I know—I'll write a story where Kirk and Spock are stranded on a planet together. They have to huddle for warmth, and then, Spock finally experiences emotion, and he and Kirk make beautiful love—Vulcan style—on the sands of this planet."

Pretty weird, eh?

Not really.

fanfiction.gifBecause, when it comes down to it, fanfic is about one thing—the love for characters created out of the void.

There's all sorts of fanfic out there. You want to see how Harry Potter and his mentor Dumbledore pull a train on Hermione and Professor Snape? You're just a google away from finding out. Want to see what happens when Optimus Prime and Starscream invade the land of Rainbow Brite and turn that little bitch into a sex slave? Well, I'm working on that one. But the point is, people find these characters they love, that they can't let go of, and they start to create stories about them.

This isn't new. Remember Greek mythology, anyone? It's fucking fanfic. It wasn't created by one person—it was created throughout generations of people who told stories about how the gods influenced mankind. Fanfic has been around for ages. It's just up until now that, with the power of the Internet, it has gained notoriety.

Like I said, I finally understand where these people are coming from.

I'm on the verge of finishing the serialized comic Preacher, which I've talked about multiple times on this site. And it kills me that I'm about to end my run of acquaintance with the main character, Jesse Custer. I don't want to see him go. When the story ends, I want there to be more adventures for him. And that's the guts of fanfic.

Am I going to write fanfic about Custer? Hell no. But I'm starting to understand why people do it. It isn't something geeky or weird. It's something honorable. It's a tribute to those who create these characters that we fall in love with. And it's a tribute that every creator should cherish. I can only hope that one day, someone will come across this website and read my archives and think, "Man, I really want to see what happens to Ted Rhobe Rae, but Uber isn't writing about him anymore. Maybe I'll write my own Ted Rhobe Rae story."

Then again, maybe, once Audience of Shadows is done, I'll continue the adventures of Ted Rhobe Rae. Who knows? After all, he's a character I don't want to see shuffled off into the void. And that's the spirit of fanfic. It's about taking the characters you love to a level that connects you with them more intimately.

Ok, I feel dirty now. I'm going to take a shower. In the meantime, tell me about some characters you want to know more about. And then you can take a shower too.

Uberchief loves him some Harry Potter / Home Alone crossover slash

Uber's Corner Archives

Fretting Over The Board

Most guitars you've seen have dots as position markers along the fret board. It's not the most obvious place for a musician or guitar owner to express themselves, but it's one of the places that has some of the best artwork available.

Perhaps you've seen the guitars that have "shark tooth" inlays or perhaps even something more outlandish. The following are some of my favorites and range from mild variation of dot markers to outright garish.

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This eclipse inlay is probably the one I would have if I could afford a custom-built guitar. It's simple, uncluttered but still neat. I really like it.

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My next favorite is this double helix. However, without good side position markers, I'm sure I would get lost on the fret board. Cool looking though, huh?

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I adore this inlay. I can't imagine how long this must have taken. It's gorgeous (and I love tigers). There's no way I could play this. This would the kind of guitar I would buy to display. And believe me, if I had that kind of money, that's exactly the kind of thing I would be doing.

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Lastly ... well, there's a point where there's just too much. In my opinion these guys crossed it a while ago. However, this is a very popular, well, common anyway, design on JET guitars. It's a jungle scene with parrots, if you can't make it out.

All these images are from Ed Roman Guitars. His inlay gallery has some great examples of what's available out there.

Because I'm All About the Guitar Archives

The Eyre Affair

What comes to mind when you hear words like: Shakespeare, Dickens, Poe, Marlowe? If what comes to your mind involves time travel, portals into prose, rainbow painted convertibles and a Crimean War that's been going on for over a century, then your brain just might be the sort to enjoy Thursday Next.

In a previous review I mentioned briefly the Thursday Next series of books by Jasper Fforde. Satire, mystery, scifi, comedy—it's all right here in this collection of novels. This is the sort of series that makes me think, "damnit! I wish I had thought of that!!" because it really is just all-around entertaining.

As of today there are four novels in the series, beginning with The Eyre Affair, followed by Lost in a Good Book, The Well of Lost Plots, and Something Rotten. There is a fifth book, Thursday Next: First Among Sequels: A Thursday Next Novel, available for pre-order with a release date of July 19th. I am all over that!

EyreAffair_cover.jpg The story begins in 1985. But not the 1985 we're used to, no, this is a 1985 where dodo birds are pets and the Crimean War has been raging between England and Russia for over a century with no end in sight. Thursday Next is basically a literary cop. There are various law enforcement agencies, and she is a LiteraTec in SO-27.

Due to earlier experience with a particular villain named Hades, she is momentarily promoted to SO-5 which is a super secret arm of the law enforcement and no one outside of SO-5 itself knows what they do. Thursday Next, having met Acheron Hades when she was a student can identify him as well as repel his unusual charm and powers of persuasion.

A little more about Thursday. She’s 35 and single, a veteran of the Crimean and pretty anti-war. She has a brother, Joffy, who is a preacher and another brother, Anton, who was killed in action. She lives alone with her pet dodo. Her father is a member of the ChronoGuard which is the time traveling arm of the law enforcement and technically he no longer exists since he went rogue in time. So he jumps about time and drops in from time to time to say hello. Her mother is a little flighty, sort of reminds me of the mother from Bridget Jones.

Okay, so Thursday is in London where she gets involved in trying to nabb Hades and things go wrong and two agents are killed. While Thursday is in the hospital recovering from being shot, she sees herself show up in a strange looking hotrod with a waving man sitting next to her, telling her to move back to Swindon (where she grew up) and take the LiteraTec job there. Then she watched herself disappear. The next day she sees an ad for a job in the paper
for a position in Swindon and taking her own advice, she applies and gets the job.

After moving, she runs into her former boyfriend who was also in the Crimea with her, but she hasn’t seen him in 10 years. Landon is his name and they had a sticky break up due to his testimony of Thursday’s brother screwing up in the war which resulted in the deaths of pretty much everyone around him. Thursday didn’t take that well, broke up with Landon, and moved to London.

Okay. Keeping up? Her new boss is named Braxton Hicks and there are various other characters with plays on words and phrases twisted and dropped and just all around clever.

The Wall Street Journal said The Eyre Affair combines elements of “Monty Python, Harry Potter, Stephen Hawking, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and also says it’s part “Nancy Drew and part Dirty Harry”. That sums it up fairly succinctly. The Buffy reference comes from another SO department that fights vampires and werewolves. Oh yes, these books have it all.

Thursday also has a brilliant scientist type for an uncle who invents many odd things. His name is Mycroft and he’s created a Prose Portal. I want one. A couple of them actually. This machine enables a person to literally jump into a book or poem and see it from the inside. Talk to Jane Eyre or Edward Rochester, or any other literary character, and even nab them and bring them out into the “real” world.

Which is the problem. Hades has kidnapped Jane Eyre for ransom and the Goliath Corporation, which is what actually runs Great Britain and has since WWII, wants to end the Crimean War by using a weapon that can never work, period.

Unless the imagination of a writer creates a book in which it did work. Get the Prose Portal, jump inside, and pull the weapon out and arm an entire army. Not bad really.

An ever growing government, doing whatever it needs to keep the “peace” of England, with an “ends justify the means” mentality.

And one dysfunctional woman with a wobbly love life and a sassy mouth is fighting them.

This is one of the most creative and clever books I’ve ever come across. The entire series just got me all excited. Could not wait to see what familiar character was going to pop up next and I loved the personalities the author gave to fictional characters. I got a kick reading Miss Haversham from Great Expectations having a thing about racing cars in the real world
and getting speeding tickets.

There are other clever bits like book worms that get gassy and fart out extra commas and random capitalization and those extra punctuations show up in the paragraphs.

These books are for people who really, really love books and have read lots of them. Also for people who get a giggle out of puns and grammatical play.

As often happens, this author got his groove the more he wrote with a few hiccups here and there, but after reading The Eyre Affair I had to get the other three and devour them upon purchase.

There is so much to find in these books that I guarantee you will be entertained. Pick ‘em up, you won’t be disappointed.

Kristine has combined elements of Monty Python, Harry Potter, Stephen Hawking, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer into her sex life.


Wanted: Odd and Interesting Friends

Well another week has just flown by. How did you spend your week? My week was filled with work and snow, which has suddenly decided that the ski season should survive for just a few more weeks. My plans however, have not changed; though I work at a popular hotel on a very lucrative ski resort. I will spend the next week packing my things in boxes for a move
that will occur within the next week. So hopefully by my next column, I will have moved to my new location! We hope to have internet access within a week or two and I am very excited! No worries my dear readers! Even without access at home I will still be able to fill you with stories, and my odd insights on a regular basis! Thank goodness for computer disks and good

So what to talk about this week? A lot has happened, and then again a lot hasn’t really changed. So I am kind of a little miffed. Why don’t I do a little talking about my favorite topic, MEN more importantly, GAY MEN. I find myself a little bit vexed and confused about a few things I have come to noticed about the gay community that I deal with here in Vermont. While I
have many friends, and a few ex-lovers within this area, I seem to notice a few patterns and a few real interesting men over the years. Most of it sadly and interestingly enough, seems to revolve around sex, so we may have to dive into those controversial and yet riveting waters of the oddness of gay men. I have recently been in contact, not by choice, but more by providence, with a gay man that happens to have a great heart. He is a wonderful man really, with relatively good values, and a great love for life and people. However, he doesn’t seem to possess the little cricket that acts as a conscience when it comes to his sexual practices. (You all remember that little guy that told Pinocchio what was a really BAD idea?) I met him in my younger days while I was still at cosmetology school. (Yes this little queen was almost a beautician before I dropped out. And if you sing that song from “Grease” I will find you and smack you about!) We met at a local watering hole and his good nature and his big heart won a bit of my affection. So we went on a few dates.

tailpipe.jpgWhen things got intimate however, he became a kind of animal. I am not talking about a man who just wanted sex. He had needs that I’m not sure I could fill. I suppose the upsetting thing about this, is that I would be called frequently, and at odd times with requests for sexual acts. All of which would make my blush in such a fashion that my guests at the hotel I worked at would comment, or at least take note of.

What possesses people to do this? I have received calls from one man once while I was working at a hotel a few years ago, asking if I would “shave him bald and fuck him and call him my bitch” and yet another asking me to “Skull fuck him and cum all over his face.” Both propositions are a little too far out there for what I call “lovemaking” and were both placed at such a time that I have no means to actually be honest and let the man on the other end of the telephone know that that’s not exactly what turns me on. I have received calls and e-mails to meet from people online asking me to do unspeakable things, all in the interest of sexual pleasure. Now I know that it takes many people and many different and often odd fetishes to keep the sexual revolution rolling. But I continue to wonder how on earth I manage to find such very odd and interesting men. I also wonder, how it is that people seem to think that certain things are ok, when really, at least in my world, they aren’t. Another question I ask myself is, what kind of world am I missing? Is there some sort of sexual plane that I am just not on? Should I be ok with receiving these requests? An even odder question: “Should I follow through with any of these bizarre and unusual offers?” My moral and ethical upbringing tells me to stay away from such behaviors. But I have to admit dear readers; that on occasion, I am quite curious about what I am missing. Now then, I am not promiscuous, nor do I think I could ever be as wild as these people that I meet. But I wonder if I should let maybe a few of my smaller inhibitions go. What do you think?

I do believe that many sexual practices are healthy and perfectly fine for consenting adults, but is that really the kind of FIRST impression you want to give romantic prospects? Then again many men have decided that they do not want relationships with others that are any more meaningful than a quickie or a one night stand, wanting to sample all of life’s little pleasures. I do know I am not one of those people. I know that sooner or later they will wind up old, and alone. Certainly NOT where I want to be. I think that once I have come across the man for me, we will have those discussions about how far we are willing to go sexually, and even do a little experimenting while we are at it. But that will come once we have gotten comfortable with one another and feel that we can be honest about our curiosities and personal fetishes. For the dating scene, I think that sometimes people just go too far and that can actually push prospective mates away. This is a little upsetting, because I believe that somewhere out there, there is someone for everyone. To see someone drive away a potential with bizarre offers and requests right on the first few weeks of dating makes me wonder if those same requests might be ok later on down the road.

But it would be too late to really find out, because the skid marks on the ground tell me that person surely won’t be back to find out if they overlooked a good love match.

There are also gay men who are completely rude, of course there are rude people in every subculture known to man, but gay men can be just as discriminating and stereotypical as people perceive us to be. Looking for “masculine acting people” Or saying things like “no one over 30 years old”. To me, this is just a horrific way to alienate yourself from people that you
might want to talk with. Who ever said you had to screw everyone that you spoke with? So if I were more on the feminine side I could not be friends with you?? Boy that makes you quite an asshole in my book. The phrase: “You aren’t really my type, but we can be friends” is much more polite to me than telling me not to even bother to say hello if I’m not tall enough, skinny enough, or have enough of a “masculine” outlook on life. So my advice to those of you with such items of unfriendliness on your profiles and ads is to remove it. Say that you are looking for a romantic partner with these traits, but that you look for friends of all types. Maybe you’ll meet the unexpected!

Until next week dear readers! Many happy thoughts to you all! Please keep smiling and enjoy the ever changing weather! Don’t worry about me, I’m a drag queen, what do I know?

Diary of A Vermont Drag Queen Archives

a hard lesson in politics

i had to go to one of those chain retail stores to take back something. and i swear it wasn’t stolen merchandise. anyway, i went in the front doors and over to the return counter. the girl who was working, she was talking with a middle-aged lady over on the other side of the counter. so i sat down in one of the ‘job opportunity’ kiosks and became vaguely depressed that the place drug tests.

these two guys walk in and i notice the one sit down at the kiosk opposite me. the other guy goes directly to the counter. he looks at me, looks at the girl, and then back at me again.

“hey man,” he says, leaning lazily on the counter, “that your girl?”

the clown is wearing a headband pulled down over the tops of his ears. his hair isn’t combed, got lint in it. he’s got a neck tattoo, one arm in his jacket – this big leather-type thing – with the other half just brushing the floor. yellow teeth. fingerprints and smears all over his wire-rim glasses. and he needs to pull his pants up.

i look over at her. she doesn’t seem to notice.

“naw man,” i say, “that’s my little sister.”

“oh yeah?” he rubs what scraggly chin beard he’s got. it could be leftover pubic hair. i don’t know. “how old is she?”

“i don’t know,” i say, “twenty?”

“yeah. she got a boyfriend?”


“does she talk to…”

“yeah man. big motherfucker. Big. crazy, too. my moms don’t even let him in the house no more.”


“word. and he ran my dog over, too. RIGHT IN THE DRIVEWAY!!!"

“aiight. i get wit’chu later,” he said, and put out his fist.

i’ve never really been good with those types of pleasantries, and i just shook his fist with my outstretched hand. he threw his hands up to the girl, nodded his head, and he and his buddy headed towards the cash registers to no doubt menace some more girls working hard for minimum wage.

after the girl behind the counter finished with the old lady on the other side, she made her way over to me. i laid out the merchandise and my story about a bad gift. when she asked for it, i handed her my license and made some wisecrack about the guy who just left.

“he’s been in and out of here for about a month. he keeps trying to get me to go out with him, and i keep telling him ‘no.’ he’ll be back, though. i should tell security.”

“i don’t think he’s coming back,” i said.

“and why is that?”

“i told him you had a boyfriend.”

“oh you did?”

“yeah,” i tried to laugh, “i told him i was your brother and you had a big, crazy boyfriend. he got outta here pretty quick after that.”

“what the fuck did you do that for?”

“excuse me?” i tried to laugh again. “i was just…i mean, it seemed…”

“look, motherfucker, i don’t need no one to do shit for me, ok? i pay my own motherfuckin’ bills. i got my own motherfuckin’ place, ok. i’m a grown-ass woman. i can take care of my own motherfuckin’ problems. i don’t need no one to look after me, especially some brokedown lookin’ motherfucker like you.”

“i was…”

“I WA – I WA – I WA!!! just listen to your stutterin’ ass. what makes you think you can do shit for me? hmmm? here,” she threw my license across the counter. “get your shit and get the hell outta here before i call security. stupid motherfucker.”

so after that, you know, i just kinda stumbled towards the door in a daze most familiar to boxers, crash tests dummies, and mass-transit riders. it wasn’t until i was outside the front doors, distractedly bumping into people waiting for the bus, that i realized i’d forgotten my merchandise.

i went back to the counter and reminded the girl – in the most pleasant way possible – that i’d left my unreturned goods behind.

“what kind of sorry ass shit is that? huh? even that other motherfucker’s got better lines than you. ‘you forgot your merchandise.’ please. i got a good mind to mace your crazy ass. you know what, where’s the motherfuckin’ phone at? i’m callin’ security. and i’m havin’ them call the police.”

i don’t need anyone to tell me when i’ve worn out my welcome – i’m sensitive to that type of shit. still, plenty in the general vicinity were able to hear her remind me that the whole incident was caught on the security tape.

Johnny has forgotten his shit many times in the chase of a good piece of pussy....

We're Gonna Be Using Aliases On This One.. Archives

April 15, 2007

File Under Found Stuff

The beautiful and serendipitous phenomenon of finding drugs.

The first time I ever saw weed, it was found weed. I was in grade school; my friend’s older brother let slip that he’d found his Dad’s stash somewhere in the house. My friend and I were looking for hash when we came across a shoebox in the back of his Dad’s closet. No hash but lots of weed, which neither of us had seen before. “Holy shit” my friend said, “Mom has this at her house too. Lots of it!” We ended up stealing about half an ounce between the two of them.

There were these two friends of mine back in high school, Kirk and Tyrone. Kirk and I both smoked dope but Tyrone wouldn’t touch the stuff. Until one night at The Garage when he kind of had no choice.

garage%202.jpg The Garage was behind the driveway at another friend’s house, this guy Jason. His parents didn’t give a shit what went on out there. The Garage could comfortably hold about 15 or 20 people but usually managed to accommodate about 30 or 40. The first night I was there, I asked my friend how many people could fit in this tiny little room with the woodstove. He called out to Jason, “Hey man, how many people fit in here last New Year’s Eve?”

“Uh, seventy something, seventy two or seventy four? Seventy something.”

Fuck’s sake, you could hardly fit two Chevettes in here.

So, it was Good Friday, one night back in the 80s. On Good Friday where I grew up, you couldn’t buy beer or booze. Everything was closed. So that Friday night, everyone at The Garage was smoking. Except for Tyrone, who as stated didn’t smoke. But when you put one non smoker in a small room with about 30 potheads, it’s unavoidable. That guy’s going to get high eventually. And Kirk is blowing it in his direction as often as possible.

“Fuck’s sake Kirk, stop blowing that shit in my face.”
“Sorry man, it’s too crowded in here, I got nowhere to go. Jesus, everyone else is smoking hash too ya know. The whole place is hotboxed”

Looks at me, smiles his evil smile and blows more smoke at Tyrone.

Tyrone got high and it took him about three hours to figure out why he felt so good. He said he wished it hadn’t happened, but you could tell he was enjoying the buzz that had come guilt free… He didn’t actually smoke it but he did inhale.

A few weeks later we’re all having a cigarette behind the school. Tyrone notices a bag on the ground… with three joints inside. He kept one for himself and we all shared the other two. That evening he smoked the joint before he went out to buy a quarter ounce. Took him less than a month to get to quarter ounces. All you need is an excuse, I guess. The first one is free.

punkorama_vol_2.jpg When I was working at the record store, the better part of ten years ago, this kid about 17 or so comes in to buy Punk O Rama 2 or 3… the one with that stupid Epitaph headed monster pissing on the wall anyway, whatever. 5.99 or something.

A couple of minutes after he left, I walked out from behind the counter and found a little bag on the floor. Scoop. Hit the back room and check it out… Nice, I just found a gram of weed. I wonder what loser dropped that.

Then I start thinking, and I know it’s the kid who bought the punk comp. A gram of weed and a new comp CD sounds suspiciously like a week’s allowance or something, or at least a bigger investment to him than me. And I feel guilty. And I can’t exactly leave the store to go looking for a teenaged kid because it might be his weed. So I decide to hang onto it, and figure that I’ll ask him if I see him.

But I didn’t see him again so I said fuck it and went home and smoked it with my wife. Pretty good too.

Earlier this week, I was walking home from work. Walking along, listening to music and thinking about eating dinner when I saw a little bag on the ground. Stop, turn around. Look again to confirm before I go picking up garbage on the side of the road. Nope, that looks like weed.

Nice, I just found a gram of weed. I wonder what loser dropped that. Stuff it in the pocket and get it home, open it up and it’s a funny feeling. This little pile of chopped up weed that I’ve formed into a little rectangle. I feel like I’m a kid again and I'm trying to remember that line from Reservoir Dogs… Mr. Orange says it, something like, um...

“I don’t even know what ten dollar’s worth… looks like anymore.”

But nope, that’s a weighed gram of doobage, all tied up in the corner of a sandwich bag. And I figure that it probably belonged to another kid and I start to feel bad. For a second.

Fuck that noise, like I never dropped dope before. Like I never lost weed before. Live and learn man, keep it secure. I hope someone found whatever I dropped and made use of it.

So what about you? Have you ever found drugs? Didn’t happen to find mine, did you?

Dan hasn't looked up all week.


April 14, 2007

I'm Bored Part 3

fingerlighter.jpgI hate Peeps. I think they are disgusting little mobs of goo. Name one person that has never gotten sick on them at least once in their life. Everyone hates Peeps.

I like lighters. I love Zippos. I have a passion for the stench of the burn. Everyone likes Zippos.

I like fire. Specifically, I like things that are on fire or anything that causes fire or burns it hotter or faster. Everyone likes fire.

I get bored easily. Very easily. I don't like being bored.

Often, I do something about it.







God, I love Zippos.

Anatomy of a Road Trip

welcome_to_canada.jpgSo, imagine a 21 year old Baby Huey. If you need help, imagine me with more hair on top of my head, less hair on the sides of my head, tack on about 50 lbs, and make me way drunker. Got it? There, I knew you could.

Now, time to blow your mind again. I was a frat boy in college. I'll let you wrap your brain around that. ... Ok, back to the story. My junior year of college, I didn't go anywhere for spring break. Just stuck around the house and got hella drunk nightly. The Thursday of break, four of us were sitting in the study room of the house. It was about 5:00pm, raining like a bitch, and cold as a motherfucker. All of a sudden, the power went out. We're all bitching when all of a sudden, Dominic's head popped up with a glint in his eye that I knew meant trouble.

"I'm hungry. Let's go to Canada." he blurted out.

The other three of us -- me, Hank, and John -- looked at each other like he just shat a pristine white bunny. Almost in unison, we said "We're in." I hopped in the shower and we walked out to the parking lot to choose our chariot.

We had two choices, as John and Hank were both wheels-less. We had my Ford Taurus, which ran great, had a full tank, and had plenty of leg room for the four of us, and Dominic's Chevy Celebrity. Built like a shit brickhouse. I swear to god that thing was made of wrought iron. It was still raining like a motherfucker and it was getting colder. We were afraid that the weather would get first, so we hopped into the hoopty, and we were off.

As an aside, we were all so hungry, we ate before we left Cleveland. But goddammit, we were on a road trip, and we were not to be deterred.

A lot of people are making a big hullaballoo about the Cleveland Indians games being snowed out last week, but snow in Cleveland in March and April isn't really unheard of. It's not even that uncommon. As we headed for Windsor, the rain slowly changed to sleet, and then to snow. By the time we got to Toledo, it was a full-on snowstorm. Giddy up.

We get through Detroit and to the border. The customs agent takes our IDs, and ohmygod, he was SO CANADIAN. "So, why youse guys comin to Canada, eh?" I'm driving and I'm honest, so I looked right at him and shrugged and said "we were bored?" Hank, the dumbass, chimed in "well we were hungry too." Joe Canuck looks at us and says "so you guys drove all the way from Cleveland because you were bored?" ... "yup" ... "I'm gonna have to ask you to pull over there and wait for the next available agent."

Fuck. We just wanted a beer. As we pull over Dominic's riding shotgun chanting "please tell me I took my weed out of the car please tell me I took my weed out of the car please tell me I took my weed out of the car please tell me I took my weed out of the car." Fortunately for us, he did.

At this point, it's midnight. We're in Windsor. We're in an Irish pub, drinking beer and singing Irish drinking songs in an irritatingly loud fashion. After about 90 minutes, we hopped back into the car and headed back.

1:30 am. Gridlock. In Detroit. Yee-fucking-haw. After about an hour, we're a bit south on I-75 and we see a place offering hotel rooms for $39.99. We pull off and find out that they're sold out of those single rooms, and the only thing they have left are $79.99 a night. $20 a person. Fuck that, that's not worth it. Remember that part, it's important later.

Next thing I know, I wake up with a bright light in my eyes. We're stopped. We have a spot in the parking lot of the house, since we lived in the ghetto, so I figured we were home. But no, we weren't. We were pulled over by a helpful Ohio State Highway Patrolman, who thought we should know that we were going 84 mph in a 65 mph zone. $120 ticket. That's $30 a person. Motherfucker.

At 3:45 am, we finally get to our exit on the Ohio Turnpike. "$3.55, please" says the nice old tollbooth attendant. Nobody's got any cash on 'em. You have GOT to be fucking kidding me. I fish around in my pocket and hand them a $5 Canadian bill. "That's about $3.50" ... see, currency jokes are funny AND useful. The toll booth attendant saw four road-weary dumbasses and said "fuck it, go ahead."

We got home around 4:30 am and I slept till 3:00 that afternoon. All in all, the trip was pretty mundane, but I'll be goddamned if it didn't end up being a great story.

At least Baby Huey wasn't involved in the road trip where two guys tried to drive from Cleveland to South Padre Island in a Dodge Omni.

Justin Timberlake's Balls

Mama I don't know if I'm ever coming home. So begins another edition of a long forgotten column that we used to like type out and stuff that we really enjoyed. So we decided to start it again. Cause we do that. This is a pretty simple one. We hit play on the ye ol' music box and tell you what comes out and why we like it or in some cases, why the fuck it is on in the first place. We have no secrets and no shame. We encourage others to do the same. Total openness and honesty will set you free. Join us now in a trip from Souther Oakland to Southern Uganda as we bring back one of our favorites....How Much We Really Liked Jim Jones.

So sit around for awhile and remember this once great and powerful man.

The Reverend Jim Jones.

Jimmy was born a poor child with....no really, what we are talking about is What's Playing Now.

We tell you what is on and then take your abuse or accolades (shit, I am writing some big words today) and let the cards fall where they may. Cause it's always raining on Tuesday and amateur porn is found in corn fields....so let's go.

My pick first......cause I can do that.

Hand_of_God_goal.jpgThe Business - Maradona

Oh wow. The Business. Lemmie guess. Maradona is probably a soccer player. Or something soccer related. Or he was a hooligan. Or he was a coach in the last Euro. Maybe a referee.

Well, I'll let you figure it out.

Whatever you sniffed you wanted more
Now you can only score with a whore
All supplied by the hand of god
Out of the cup that's the way it goes
Shouldn't have had a bucket of charlie up your nose
All supplied by the hand of god

Maradona...You're shit
Maradona...You're shit

Oh yeah. That Maradona. "The Hand Of God" Maradona. Jeez. I'm not even English and I hate that fucker.

Welcome to The Business. Not only will they tell you why they hate ever god damn Brazilian player, Italian player and German player, they will sing it in a way that if you don't agree with them, they, alongside of about 30 skinheads, will beat the living shit out of you. Good time music. The best part about The Business is the way they talk. Jesus fuck, these guys are incomprehensible ('nother big word for those of you counting). Add a few beers in them and it seems as if you are listening to some sort of weird leprechaun language that comes straight out of da hood. Having a translator for an Englishman is kind of a sad thing. But I love the band. I learn about everything that happened in English Premier League by buying their albums. Not like a care about the teams that much, but one thing that I did learn from them is that Southgate really sucks and they don't like him, her or it.

The Business is better than the sports section of your local paper. - T

Michele goes next. Cause she can do that.

So we're back to this. Me telling you what I'm listening to. And you making fun of me. I listen to a lot of good stuff, but when you have 5,000 songs on your winamp and you hit random, it's not always going to be punk rock and metal that comes up. Because I'm more complicated than that. There's other stuff in there like Broadway tunes and classic rock and lots of emo and hip hop and movie scores. And....other stuff. Like what, you ask? What could be worse than some of the stuff I've already admitted listening to in past columns? What could make me be hesitant to tell you what I am grooving to at this very moment. What, in fact, I have been grooving to for about a month now, with absolutely no shame?

jt111.jpgI'll tell you.

I'm listening to Justin Timberlake.

I'm going to come out to you right now and say it. I love him. Not in a "I want to be your concubine and have your love child" way. More like, I just dig him. I think he's talented and funny (ever see him on SNL?) and charming and his music makes me shake like I've got ants in my pants.

I'm currently enjoying "Sexy Back" but I have also been rump-shaking to some of his older stuff like "Rock Your Body" and more songs from the latest album.

It's groovy. It's funky. It's got a good beat and god damn it, I can shake my ass to it.

You know damn well that you have musical skeletons in your closet. At least I bring mine out for everyone to see. You may want to say snarky things to me about my love of JT, but I don't see you coming clean about your Air Supply albums. I don't see you raising your hand when I ask who was into Damn Yankees back in the day. No, I have balls. You don't. So don't you be making fun of me when you hide your shame underneath a pile of blankets in your bedroom closet.

Maybe you love JT, too.

Maybe you are glad sexy's back.

Maybe you can join hands with me and say:

If sexy never left, then why's everybody on my shit?

I leave you with one of the greatest things Mr. Timberlake has ever done. How can you not love this guy? -M

Dan has been doing Scotchguard powered bongs.

Oh I love this shit. Getting caught with what you're listening to right fucking now. The action, the suspense, the humiliation of it all.

I've been having a good Friday evening; there are a few people over and we're having an average weekend. Chinese food was ordered but I needed to hit the store for smokes. Threw on the headphones, got the smokes and got back home. Then I read the email telling me that I needed to come clean, and I couldn't help but wonder what I was listening to five minutes ago.

thepod.jpg What do I got? Pork Roll Egg And Cheese by Ween.

Mama if you please
pass me the pork roll egg and cheese
if you please
on a kaiser bun

That's exactly what I need to hear when I am out of smokes and waiting for Chinese food on a Friday night. You know? Ween has been with me for a long time. Each of their albums has a different feel but they're all unmistakably Ween. They've had their brushes with fame and their share of stupid fans, but it's really hard to denigrate their work. Holy shit, they have a song called Pollo Assada, a song that's comprised of people ordering food at a mexican fast food drive thru, and I love it. One of my favourites. That probably says more about....

Anyway, for the state of mind that I'm usually in when I listen to Ween, they still sound great when you're in a normal state of mind. I also have a lot of great memories that I associate with Ween from when I was in another state of mind. Whatever that might mean. I admit nothing. You know. Right. -D

So that is it. some of us are proud of what we listen to and others just kinda let it roll. Hey hell, we can do that. After all, I didn't bother to go into work tonight cause my testicles wanted a nap. Not that that means anything to this column...I just wanted to say my balls were tired. So I didn't go into work.

Since we already have four columns dedicated to me and my balls, we turn this column over to you and your music.

Whatcha listening to?

/This is where we also find cool new music from you so feel free to tell us what is cool and new and what we have been missing.

What's Playing Archives

April 13, 2007

When You Believe In Things That You Don't Understand

It's Friday the 13th edition of the Trainwreck of Thought.

We passed the mic around at the weekly FTTW meeting of the minds and asked the authors about their superstitions.

We were going to ask them what their favorite Friday the 13th movie is, but there's only one right answer to that. So it's the cliche of superstitions instead.

6424_6436_6CT-024_CORN_BROOM_72ppi.jpgBranden: The only superstition I have is that I must clean the blood from my killing knife with the Mickey Mouse towel I bought at a yard sale in 1993. Why? Because it was a damn fine yard sale, that's why.

Ernie: All my superstitions revolve around sports. As an example, I am wearing my Red Sox socks today in combination with my Patriots superbowl t-shirt, because together they have the power to help the Sox get a win tonight. I have so many of these it's fucking ridiculous...

Turtle: From my new Alaskan Crabbin' buddies:

A naked woman on board will calm the sea.

Something about her boobies and the sea god being horny.

You all see where I am going with this so I might as well stop now.

Pat: Well, being a WITCH, this is my favorite date on the calendar - no bad vibes about Friday the 13th here! I walk under ladders (always making sure no idiot's going to drop something on my head), step on cracks in the pavement, and I love black cats - have one... although the cat that's my familiar is the pure white one. Am I superstitious? Of course I am. I do the salt over the shoulder thing if I spill any. Bright Blessings to everyone who writes for and reads FTTW!

Shawna: My Japanese mother-in-law (very superstitious) yelled at me once for standing my fork up in my food, she taught me that you should never hand someone the salt shaker, always put it down for the other person to pick up and she also told me that it's good luck if it rains on the day you move. So, those are my biggest three.

Meg: In China, 6 is a lucky number, so as a foreign teacher I was given a phone number with 666 in it, at no extra charge.

Um, thanks?

rabbitrabbit.jpgKali: 13 is my lucky number.
that being said i still have to FORCE myself to step on cracks in the sidewalk. ...

Pirate: My examples are all from the sea. First, naked woman DOES calm the sea and anyway beats anything else you have onboard. Next, there are several things which are not allowed onboard, and we don't mention while at sea. I'm at sea. And you want me to mention them. Dammit man! OK, a large, four-legged animal cowboys ride around on, what you use to sweep the floor with, the ugly bitch that kidnapped Dorothy in the WOO and those furry little animals that we say other things fuck like. Yeah, those things, but I'm not.the least bit superstitious. There are a few more but I need to sacrifice a goat up on the bow, just in case.

Turtle digs up some more weird sea stuff:

Avoid people with red hair when going to the ship to begin a journey.
Red heads bring bad luck to a ship, which can be averted if you speak to the red-head before they speak to you.

Avoid Flat-footed people when beginning a trip.
They, like red heads, are bad luck. The danger can be avoided by speaking to them before they speak to you.

Michele: If you're watching a hockey playoff game and your team scores a goal, you have to stay in the exact same position you were in when they scored or they wont' score another.

For reals.

Ernie adds to that: That is totally true. Also your position in the room can be a huge factor in the game. For example, if you're on the couch and your team is going nowhere and generally getting an ass kicking, maybe it's time to switch to the other side of the couch, or move to the standing position in another part of the room.

Lucky socks can be helpful. So if you are wearing slippers, take them off. OR, the socks could be chilly, so if you're not wearing slippers, put some on. Whatever it takes to help the team.

Michele adds: As I watch the Islander game tonight, I will be sitting on the left hand side of the couch.

I will be wearing no socks.

I will be eating a peanut butter sandwich.

If they win, I have to do the same thing tomorrow night.

funbofelubos.gifThe peanut butter sandwich, no socks, left side of couch thing goes all the way back to 1983.

Ian: One of the only things that I really, truly believe in - that can't be proven by science - is Karma. I don't know if tossing salt over your shoulder or not walking under ladders will actually change anything but, if it does, I see no reason to tick off the universe.

In addition to the usual salt, cat, ladder and cement-crack related superstitions, I basically will adopt any superstition that I hear about. Because you never know which ones will really stop karmic retribution from coming down on your ass.

Oh, and lucky boxers. They're zebra-striped.

Seetwist: The number 4 never fails me, but as for lucky items, I always carry around at least 1 pig on my keychain or backpack. They're good luck in Germany, and I have a relative who sends me a new batch every year.

Bad luck: I'm more afraid of the jinx than anything else. If something good is scheduled to happen to me, or if I am about to get a new job, a raise or something like that, I keep it to myself. As soon as I tell someone about it, it usually ends up not happening, and I look like a fool.

Deb: It's bad luck to turn your calendar to the next month on the first day of that month.

No I don't know why, it just is.

Also if the last words you say out loud on the last day of the month are "Hare Hare" and the firsts words you utter the following morning are "Rabbit Rabbit" you will get your fondest wish.

I learnt that from Trixie Belden.

I am obsessed with calendars

Pirate has another: One more for your list is to steel the broom from the last whorehouse you visit before setting sail, then mounting it on the bulkhead in the common room. You always touch the broom before coming on shift.

Philbrick: Remember: Always spit over your left shoulder when you see a dwarf. Try not to hit the dwarf, though, 'cause that's just plain rude.

Let's close this out with some interesting words from Johnny:

this dictionary i normally use to break my weed up on says that a superstition is an irrational belief in or notion of the ominous significance of a particular thing, circumstance, occurrence, etc.

now, i don't know if this qualifies because i don't feel the fear is irrational, but it is certainly ominous in its significance.

i'm talking about a girl's shoes. i'm totally superstitious about them. cuz if they're dirty, it means a dirty puss. to me, it's like walking under a ladder or breaking a mirror or having a black cat cross your path. i won't do it. i'll go out of my way to avoid it. and if it happens, it's guaranteed bad luck.

That's a sampling of our superstitions. What are yours?

Otis and Me

Wow. He got it. He got them. Now what?

I want to make some money.

So started another excuse for a road trip. A couple cases of Lucky Lager and a few sheets of acid. Add in some cocaine for ourselves and we had the makings for a long weekend. Someone screamed out "road trip" and we were a go go.

Andy_Griffith_115.jpgEver notice how the one who screams "road trip" the loudest is the first to pass out? That was Otis. Otis always came along on these trips.

This brings us to another lesson on drunken road trips.

The road going there is always louder than the trip home.

Otis and myself wanted to make some cash on the acid. Going through that much was pretty much impossible and the next best thing was selling it to some dumb kids on a Fourth of July weekend in Tahoe City. Those kids up there wanted it. The craved it. We just had to get it up to them and we could keep that whole damn lake high for a few hours. This would work.

So we packed up our clothes and took off in the middle of the night. Not knowing where to stay or where to go when we got there, we thought it might be a wise idea to take some sweatshirts along. You know it might get cold. Most of the cocaine and beer was gone before the sun even came up leaving us with just the acid to keep us up. Relying on strychnine to give you energy is a bad thing. It never works out and you end up smoking like three packs of cigarettes. And nothing ever looks right. That's what I hate about acid. Nothing ever looks right. It seems like it should or it could, but there is just something off. Eventually you pass out, but until then, things are just a little weird. Maybe that's why they call it a drug. Hell, I'm not here today with a "Dr." in front of my name so give a fucking break, ok?

So by the time the liquor store had opened up, things were a little wonky. I tend to turn things off when I'm on drugs so seeing the things I was seeing really didn't phase me. I was just walking down the street alone 'cept for my invisible buddy Otis and my 12 pack of Coors. Coors fucking light, no less. Hey. There was a sale at the LQ. Gimmie a break, ok? So me and Otis sat down with our 12 pack and proceeded to make friends with a few sheets of acid. Ever seen someone on acid ripping off hits of acid? Fuck those perforations on the paper. I'm not following those. This is my art. I was doing this like I was fucking that Guggenheim dude. Gimmie some Federal Funds, baby cause I am making modern art. Otis agreed with me that I had ripped off enough hits so we proceeded to the beach to finish off our beer. Otis had now moved into my stomach and was freely repelling any amount of alcohol I put into my tummy onto the crowded streets. Sheesh, it was like these people never saw an invisible character from Mayberry living inside my stomach pushing beer out of me. Otis didn't like Coors Light. Neither did I. It was vodka time. Otis liked vodka.

images_bigotis.jpgIf you ever ate a shitload of acid and chased it with cocaine and Lucky Lager, you can kind of get where I was at. We called it "Frunk". That feeling of being on acid and liquor. Where you felt you had a shield around you where no one could touch you. Quite an awesome feeling. invincible. They could have written an after school special on me. "The Bad Kid Who Sold Acid On A Crowded Beach While Your Baby Was Cooking In The Microwave." It would have been great.

So after the vodka moved me from "talking to cars" mode to yelling at cars" mode, I figured it was about time to move some of this dope and get some cash. Maybe get a hotel and sleep this off. I didn't need to see these fireworks. It was only about 1 o'clock in the afternoon and I was swerving up and down the beach with Otis inside me talking shit to everyone I walked past. I needed a hotel room now. I needed cash now. Otis needed to leave me now. Well, not right now. He was kind of fun.

My hand shook as I pulled out the drugs and blatantly went out to sell as many as I could, as fast as I could and as quietly as I could before Otis would see what I was doing and take over the selling.

Otis found out and soon after that, the entire beach knew I was selling acid. Even deaf guys knew that if you were looking to score, that guy over there on the large rock had some drugs and apparently some sidekick named "Otis" hanging around behind him.

Needless to say, I was swamped by people. Like "Night of the Living Dead" swamped. These fuckers were all around me screaming for a few hits of this or that. Secrecy was gone as I began just tearing off hits to get these zombies off of me. Otis was counting money as I was tearing hits. Once I hit two hundred I would be out of there. That was my rule. Two hundred bucks and I would walk. Fuck the rest of the dope. I didn't need it. I just wanted enough to get a fifth of vodka and a hotel room. Otis was even starting to get paranoid. More hands came in. Otis was talking about cops. He had stopped counting money now. Telling me we had enough. Let's go find a hotel. Maybe just sleep awhile. Find a few friends and call this weekend a wash. C'mon. Let's go now. I couldn't be bothered. Still spitting up backwash of a vomit vodka mixture, I realized I was way past two hundred. Way past what I needed. People were coming over from cliffs now. Now it was a matter of time before this ended. Otis left. I needed to leave.

HalSmith.gifAnother rule of thumb, when a drunken hallucination thinks that what you are doing is bad and leaves, it might be a good time to follow him.

I saw a friend in the crowd and handed him the sad remnants of the hits. Tiny tore of pieces of a once mighty sheet. Dropping them on the beach. Walking for an exit. I passed a friend who was getting arrested. Screaming something about freedom of mayonnaise or something like that. I wisely ignored him and headed straight for the liquor store. Purchased two packs of smokes and a handle of "Winner's Cup" vodka. Crumpled up dollar bills flowed out of my pockets as I pushed "what was close" to the cashier. Cracked the handle and spit out "the regulator". This was what I wanted. That cold medicine flavor burned down my throat as instantly a calm cool wave washed over me and sat me down on the asphalt. The cars weren't talking shit anymore. No one was in my stomach. That cigarette was sweet.

Otis peeked out around the corner and smiled at me. He had cash. He pointed to my pocket filled with 20's and pointed out a vacancy sign. Our work was done here.

As the sun was starting to set, I sat out on the porch of my room and watched all the kids pour down to the beach. Otis lit a smoke and sat beside me. We both looked at each other and started singing "Groove is in the Heart" by DeeLite as loud as we could. Otis was a good friend. He always seemed to do what was right. Our travels together did not end for many years to come.

But that is a different story for a different day. - T

Editor's Picks Archives

Look Out World

Grapes is expanding his reach (see below), people are shuffling off to Siberia, my picks at the beginning of the season didn’t suck and there is some kind of playoff happening in some league...

Other Hockey News

US gets its Cherry Popped

Don%20%26%20Blue.jpg States meet Grapes, Grapes; try not to embarrass us too badly okay?

Don Cherry has been a hockey icon in Canada, with his rants on Coach’s Corner every Saturday night for as long as I can remember (and my long term memory rocks). Grapes is a former NHL player (one game) and Boston Bruins coach during the fabled “lunch-pail gang” era. He never won the cup, but the Bruins did make it to the finals twice during his tenure – losing to the Canadiens.

He’s going to be bringing his particular brand of straight talking and fashion to NBC coverage of the NHL playoffs. It’s going to be very interesting to see the US fans take on him. His take on himself...

In the States, they wanted me to go on one time in Pittsburgh. Jaromir Jagr, it was when he had long hair and he was with Mario Lemieux and I said, 'There's Mario and his daughter.' It didn't go over too good. That was my last time in the States.

Just think of him as Terry Bradshaw for the hockey set.

When we get to dear Siberia...

Phoenix’s assistant head coach, Barry Smith, announced this week that he was stepping down and is taking a head coaching position with the Russian Elite league.

He’s 55 and is facing the truth that he’s probably never going to get a shot at the head coach position at the national level (he’s coached at collegiate and European levels).

Either that or they made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.

Deb doesn’t suck (no matter WHAT it says on the bathroom wall)

So back when I was young and not as jaded by this season of hockey, I wrote a column espousing the virtues (or non-virtues) of 12 teams. Let’s see how I did...

Top 4 Picks:

Carolina Hurricanes: Finished 11th (East – out of the playoffs) – very wrong on this one!

Ottawa Senators: Finished 4th (East)

Detroit Red Wings: Finished 1st (West)

Calgary Flames: Finished 8th (West)

Teams to Watch

Buffalo: Finished 1st (East)

Atlanta: Finished 3rd (East)

San Jose: Finished 5th (West)

Anaheim: Finished 2nd (West)


Ones that Suck the Fad Lad

leafs_suck.jpg Toronto: Finished 9th (East – out of the playoffs)

Montréal: Finished 10th (East – out of the playoffs)

Colorado: Finished 9th (West – out of the playoffs)

Edmonton: Finished 12th (West – out of the playoffs)

So I’m not as bad as I thought I was =)

Onwards. To what you’ve all been waiting for...

Eastern Conference Playoffs

No. 1 Buffalo vs. No. 8 N.Y. Islanders

Buffalo has to be the favourite, they not only had the best record in the league this season, but they are all healthy and ready to bring the cup home. They’re still hungry after coming so close to the finals (one game) last year.

As for the Isles... Well Miracles do happen, even with Yashin on the team. Dubie is their starter, although I did hear a rumor that DiPietro skated a couple of days ago, so that’s good news for him – Dubie’s got to be their go-to-guy though, even if he has only 17 NHL games in three seasons... Believe in Miracles? Not this time.

No. 2 New Jersey vs. No. 7 Tampa Bay

Firing their coach with three games left in the regular season sure didn’t slow the Devils down, but they need to bring their “A” game if they want to beat the upstart Lightning, who have outscored them this season. Plus they have Wins and Shut-outs leader Martin Brodeur in net.

The Achilles heel for Tampa is in goal. Do you put in swiss cheese or string cheese? If you’re the Lightning you go out and get new farmer cheese and see how that works.

Great, now I’m hungry.

No. 3 Atlanta vs. No. 6 N.Y. Rangers

Hey look boys! A virgin. That’s right children, it’s Atlanta’s first time in the playoffs. Will the Rangers be man enough to take them down. Size wise it’s a pretty good match-up, but the Rangers have the star and goal power with Shannahan and Jagr.

No. 4 Ottawa vs. No. 5 Pittsburgh

This is going to be a great series to watch, not just because I’m a HUGE Ottawa Senator’s fan. Pittsburgh has Crosby (season points leader with 120) and a young hungry team and Ottawa has a solid, methodical team with a crazy ass goalie – who WILL take you out if you mess with him.

Good times, good times.

Western Conference Playoffs

No. 1 Detroit vs. No. 8 Calgary

I love Detroit, I tolerate Calgary. Maybe it’s the Ontarian in me, but I just can’t see Calgary getting away with this one. They really don’t have the drive that they did in previous years. The only things I don’t like about Detroit are 1) Shanny isn’t there anymore; and 2) I fekking HATE Hasek. The fire of a thousand suns does not even BEGIN to describe my hatred. He’s a good goalie, don’t get me wrong (2nd overall in shutouts) – it’s just that he’s left teams I was rooting for high and dry with his prima dona actions. So I’m torn.

No. 2 Anaheim vs. No. 7 Minnesota

I’m going to pick Minnesota just to piss Turtle off. Actually the Wild had a very good season and have an amazing goalie in Nicklas Backstrom (#1 in Save % and GAA) – that will be their saving grace. A good goalie is golden. The Ducks outstanding power play and defensive special teams will make it a tough go though. This is going to be another interesting one to watch.

No. 3 Vancouver vs. No. 6 Dallas

Yeah – historically they both suck in the playoffs, but Vancouver is due for strong goalie performance for at least ONE of its playoff runs and I’m betting that this season is it, or next season...

No. 4 Nashville vs. No. 5 San Jose

My love for Joe Thorton (#2 in points with 114, #1 in assists) knows no bounds. I have his Team Canada sweater =)

Plus Forsberg is on Nashville and I just can’t get over his hissy fit in Philly.

Any other thoughts? Picks? What are you having for dinner?

Deb IS ready to rumble, and not just in her tummy either.

I'll See You On The Ice Archives

Worst Comic Book Movies

If you've got a quarters worth of a brain then you've heard the expression "Just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD." Well I'm going to hire someone to start tattooing that on the foreheads of studio executives in order to make them think twice before they start looking into more comic book properties to develop into feature films. Sure comic book movies are popular but that doesn't mean you have to squirt one out every summer. Especially if you don't have an understanding of the source material.

What some studios are doing to comic book films would be tantamount to an executive studying figures and seeing that the move Philadelphia raked in a lot of cash, and then a few years later Titanic brought in buckets full of the green dollar, and based on that information deciding that the best way to make money would to be to make a film about a boat that has aids that sinks. After all if both an AIDS movie brought in money and a movie about a sinking ship brought in money, shouldn't blending the genres bring in even more money? Hell, why not try to capture every market and it can be an animated film from Disney?

Fortunately I don't really have to illustrate what shitty comic book movies might look like because the hollywood machine has churned out it's fair share in the last few years and, from what I've been reading on the interweb, plans to continue doing so until they run out of ideas. But that's okay because once they've strip-mined the comic book landscape we can start recycling TV shows from the 90s and beyond into feature length films. But I'm diverting my attention - probably on purpose - from the whole point of this article: The Shittiest Comic Book Movies ever made.

The Hulk

The Hulk is a shitty character. Hulk get mad. Hulk smash. He's got about as much story worthy credence as watching a pro-wrestler do Hamlet. Two fucking hours of"you wouldn't like me when I'm angry." and then the big payoff of the whole film is when he finally goes on a roid rage rampage and bounces around the desert like the Trix rabbit on crack busting up helicopters. This movie sucks on a colossal level and much to my chagrin...there will be a sequel.

Judge Dredd

One of the greatest things about the Judge Dredd comics is that it truly was it's own environment with rules and order, social standards and guidelines. Judges aren't allowed to date other judges. Judge Dredd never takes his helmet off and, unlike every other comic; Judge Dredd takes place in real time so as the comic book goes on in years Judge Dredd ages accordingly. The comic has been running for thirty years now and Dredd has age 30 years. This movie broke almost every tenent set forth in the comics that made it great. The only redeeming quality was the killer robots which would have saved the movie had they killed Stallone.

Ghost Rider

If I were casting ghost rider I'm fairly certain I would have cast a brick with a face drawn on it before I cast Nick Cage. This movie was too fucking campy for me. Oh my god, Ghost Rider is fighting the spirits of Water, Wind and Earth - OMG Ghost Rider must be the spirit of Fire LOL!!!1 I actually heard someone make this brain chilling exclamation in the theater. Being the considerate movie patron that I am I walked over dumped 64 ounces of frosty cold Cherry Choke on their head and then punched them in the face. When she was done crying I made her go buy me a new one. Though I wish I had just left the theater instead of watching NIck Cage ham-handedly stumble through another performace.

Tank Girl

Hewlet and Martin created a work of Pop Culture genius with Tank Girl. She was irreverent, crazy, a drunk, a fuck up, a bandit, a whore and several other less than savory adjectives. Her nipples shot whiskey and her vagina was a more than ample killing machine. But the movie...oh god. The movie opened up the chest of Tank Girl Ideology and shit inside of its still beating heart.


You could drive a Mac-Fucking-Truck through the plot holes in this piece of crap. Matt Murdoch is a do gooder, pro-bono lawyer who - according to his partner - get paid shit by his clients all the time. But regardless of that fact he still has a secret lair, a deprivation chamber and a shitload of special Daredevil style weapons. Somehow he's got a Bruce Wayne style hideout on a delivery boys budget. Of course what's worse than Daredevil?


Here's a neat idea: Make shitty movie based on a supposedly dead secondary character from another shitty movie. Or I could just dip my balls in hot lava.

V for Vendetta

But we already covered that didn't we?

and last but certainly not least

All of The Superman Movies

I hate superman and as a result I hate George Reeves, Christopher Reeves, Dean Cain, The guy from the new one, and that mop haired fuck on smallville. The superman movies had one redeeming quality: They somehow convinced Richard Pryor to be in one of them but other than that this series has been a monsterous waste of film. I do, however LOVE the fact that this series has almost mirrored the Rocky Series, including shitty comeback attempt. Superman is not a character that people can identify with - unless of course we're talking about the horrendous religious/jesus complex overtones of the latest film - because he's unstoppable. What you have to do, in order to make a good superman movie, is actually put the man of steel in peril. Here's an idea I came up with for the next Superman movie:

Superman flies home to his quaint apartment after having saved a bus load of nuns, or something equally as boring.

As he lands on the balcony he peaks in the window and sees four large ex-cons running a train on his ladyfare. But he stops short of killing them with his eye lasers because he sees a video camera, and a sound crew, and a man dressed like a leprechaun and he realizes that while he was out saving the world Lois was at home taking every last ounce of Cock that Metropolis had to offer.

Depressed Superman flies off unsure of how to live his life further. He changes into Clark Kent and stops at a local gun store to buy a pistol. Then he walks to a liquor store and buys three gallons of shitty cheap vodka.

He flies to the top of a skyscraper and chugs down all of the vodka, pulls the pistol out and puts it in his mouth.

He pulls the trigger but nothing happens 'cause he's Superman.

Alone, Drunk, Depressed, Lacking Love and unable to kill himself he moves to a seedy town in Guatemala and opens up an internet webcam site where he regularly performs acts that border between sex and a snuff film. Because he's invincible he has dubbed Thursdays to be "Thrusting Thursdays" and allows local members of the drug cartel to fuck him in the butt while they repeatedly try to stab him in the eyes with hyperdermic needles.

Sadly, Lois Lane's website - loislanelovesthecockineveryholeshecanfititin.net - becomes a new sensation on the interweb and she goes on to be the next Jenna Jameson. She has wealth, power, sex and fun and superman ends up coming back to the states to be the front man for a Fall Out Boy cover band called "Got My Dick Caught In My Zipper".

Even then I still wouldn't go see it because Superman is a douche bag.

Travis is in therapy to deal with his Superman anger issues.


Hail Toyota!

My first dream car was not a car at all, it was a pickup truck, and it was the only dream car, or in this case, truck, that I’ve ever actually managed to own.

I’ve always liked pickup trucks. I’ll bet you never knew I was a pickup man. Pickups are awesome. Go anywhere, do anything. Ride high. Look cool. You never know how useful one is until you actually own one and you never realize how much you really used it until you no longer owned one.

My pickup was about as bare-bones as you could get, but that’s what I liked about it. ’93 Toyota Pickup, 4X4 deluxe, forest green. They were not called Tacoma’s back then, they were just ‘pickup trucks’. I don’t know why they called my model a ‘deluxe’, since the only option that it came with was a tach and intermittent wipers, but none of that mattered to me. I liked that everything was manual. Crank windows, single cab, sliding rear window, bench seat, no AC, manual locking hubs (totally bulletproof), 5 speed, and a really cool lever to switch between 2 wheel, 4 high and 4 low. Fuck those fancy buttons on the dashboard. A neat lever sticking out of the floor. That’s the way to go. Rough trail ahead? Lock the hubs and you’re ready. You can shift into 4-high on the fly. If things get really bumpy, stop, push in the clutch and go into 4-Low.

When that Toyota was in 4-low, it would crawl over practically anything. I got to some damn good fishing holes that way.

FP2407~Mud-Flap-Girl-Posters.jpgIt came with an AM/FM radio in it, no cassette, no CD player. I pulled that out and put in a Clarion tape deck and some of those really big speakers that hide behind the seat. Throw in my CDB’s ‘Decade of Hits’ or Hank Jr’s ‘The Pressure is On’ and I was good to go, yo. Oh yeah, I was a full on redneck dude. Actually, I still am, kinda. I just don’t have my truck anymore.

I kept my truck pretty stock, I never lifted it or anything like that, except for an upgrade in the tires and rims department. 31 inch Goodyear Wranglers wrapped around some American Racing Gambler rims. Sweet. Add in a tonneau cover for the bed, a bug deflector, and sticker in the rear window that read, ‘Pretty Cool, Huh?’ and there you have it.

One of the best things about the Toyota was the ground clearance. You never had to worry about getting hung up on anything on the trail. Prior to the ‘Yota I owned a Chevy S-10 4X4. One day my friend, who had a Toyota, and I went fishing. The trail to get to the pond was pretty rutted with some big rocks and what not. Not impassable. You just had to take it slow. Well, when we came out of the woods at the end of the day, he washed off his truck and I took mine to the shop for a couple grand in front end repair. That’s when I decided Toyota was the way to go. That thing handled whatever you threw at it. Snow, mud, rocks, whatever. I remember it was really good in the snow. It would churn though all kinds of snow drifts and whatever kind of snow/ice barrier the plows left at the end of my drive-way during a storm.

Another one of the great things about a truck is all the stuff you can haul with it. Wood, stones, furniture, anything. When you’ve got a truck, there’s always somebody that needs to move something somewhere, something that’s too big for a car, and ‘hey can you help me out on Saturday to…’ haul/tow/move some thing or another.

And last but not least, the tail-gate. Where do you think the term ‘tail-gating’ came from anyway? A tail-gate is a great place to hang out and have a beer or two. You don’t even have to be at a football game to enjoy a quality tail-gate.

There’s just something women like about a pick-up man. Damn I miss that thing.

Ernie likes his trucks like he likes his women. Insert your own joke here

The End Zone Archives

Paul Byrd, Another Arctic Explorer

(Cue John Facenda, the "Voice of God")

The frozen tundra of Lambeau Field . . . the scowl of one Vincent Lombardi as he directs his field general, Bart Starr . . .

bball1.jpgHey, wait a fucking minute, this is a baseball/rockandroll kinda freakout, innit? By the freakin' way, listening to more Actress tracks on MySpace (The Evil One! Devil horns thrust in air) and it rocks harder every time. Total tangent alert - if you can ever get to see the video of the Ronnie James Dio interview where he explains how he started using the gesture at rock shows, DO. It really is an interesting view into a highly-underrated performer . . . oh yeah, BASEBALL!

While watching Star Wars Episode Seven: LeafBlowers vs. the Force (of Nature), it occurred to me: what the hell was MLB smoking when scheduling the start of the season? All these games in Nanook of the North conditions: Paul Byrd one pitch away from an abbreviated, Mother Nature-aided no-no; the grotesque sound of Victor Martinez's quad/hammy/whatever is attached somewhere around the nether regions that HURTS going pop (why, no, he's not on my fantasy team; why do you ask?); postponing games due to temperature . . . no, that is not a typo from my addled mind - temperature. Opening series scheduled in NY; Pittsburgh; Chicago; Detroit . . . what the hell? Didn't somebody somewhere build a dome? Are there no teams below the Mason-Dixon Line or on the West Coast? Bud Selig got $14.5 mil for this? Easy, must remember blood pressure . . .

The Giants are 1-6 to start. So's Philly. Ow, that must sting. The A's, supposedly reloaded for another shot at . . . what? A first-round loss in the playoffs? I'm sorry; I'm TERRIBLE. They really are not much better at 3-5. Not what Brian Sabean nor Billy Beane nor Pat Gillick had in mind. The Yanks rotation may be the worst of the past 15+ years by far - Pavano's got a lot to prove; Igawa has no breaking ball he can throw for a strike as yet; Mussina's an enigma (but a borderline HOF'er in my book; c'mon, bring your beef with that one and I will feed you your own head); and who the hell's next in the meatgrinder after them?

(Pause for deep breaths and Side A of Motorhead's "On Parole")

. . . the frozen tundra of . . .

(screw deep breaths; straight to bourbon)

episode%207.jpgCarpenter's DL'ed in St. Loo; Schmidt is headed the same way (probably) in LA; and Mark Prior's in the minors. Damn dude, if I was a big-name major league pitcher, I'd go in witness protection or some shit. Big props for Braden Looper and Adam Wainwright and Kip Wells for doing more than most thought they would/could this early in the season. Treading water isn't glamorous (KILL FERGIE NOW!) but, in the NL Central, it'll do until they formulate another plan, i.e. Albert Pujols actually hitting (.136 as of 4/9).

New changes/tweaks of Cincinnati and Arizona's uniforms are pretty sharp. If I missed any others, let me know - I'm a uniform geek.

Breaking news: Lidge out, Wheeler in as closer for Astros. Whoop-dee-damn-do. Like that will come close to fixing anything that's wrong down Houston-way. Lidge isn't a fourth or fifth starter, or a clone of Jeff Bagwell, or a fountain of youth for Craig Biggio; this will only hasten his ticket outta town which may be best for both he and the Astros.

And, oh yeah . . . Mike Hampton's not pitching THIS year either. Who'd a thunk it?

Y'all stay outta trouble-I'm running Paul Byrd some moonshine for that frostbite.

Never Liked The Beatles, Never Loved Elvis Archives

Volume 3, Issue 9




Previous Issues

April 12, 2007

Using Trent Reznor To Hone Your Parenting Skills

A while back (the link is no longer valid) I read a parenting column in some online newspaper. It was about shopping with kids.

As the author tells it, he's got three young daughters with birthdays coming up. he and his wife take the kiddies to Target to scan the toy aisles so they can make out their birthday wish lists. It is, of course, a horror show for them, resulting in the parents wanting to drink themselves
through lunch. Reading this, one gets the impression that these kids have never been in a department store before.

startrek_cereal_big.jpgI've never heard of the practice of taking your kids "pretend" shopping for their birthday presents, parading them down aisle after aisle of toys, leading them to believe that the toy department is their own personal shopping mall and if they wish real hard, mommy and daddy will make their Barbie dreams come true! Mr., that's what commercials are for.

In my Reality-Based Parenting(c) world, I not only streamline efforts like buying/picking out birthday presents, I take every available opportunity to toughen my kids up and teach them the hard, mean lessons of life early on so they don't turn into sissies with a sense of entitlement.

Here's how it works in my world.

You plop your kids down in front of the tv, Nickelodeon being your weapon of choice. In twenty minutes, and without ever having to leave the comfort of your own home, your kids have found fifteen new toys they want, in addition to eight kinds of candy and four brands of cereal and you are presented with the opportunity to teach your kids some valuable life lessons and harden them up for the tough life ahead of them.

After they come to you with their hastily scrawled list of toys and games, you tell them you'll think about it, then you fold up the list and put it in your pocket. The kids are still standing there, wide eyed and shaking with giddy, over-sensitized commercial awareness.

Can we have Loaded Sugar Bomb Cereal?
Can we have Chocolate...
Can we have Donut Breakfast Sprink..
Kool Aid?
Twelve foot long fruit strips?
A pint size, battery powered Lexus complete with vanity plate?
That game with the six thousand marbles?

nin.gifYou keep a harsh edge to your voice. And just wait for it. As if on cue, they howl, they cry, they pout and throw themselves on the floor and kick you in the shins and scream that they never, ever, ever get to have ANYTHING good or fun or new.

So you do what any responsible parent would do. You sit them in front of the stereo, turn down the lights and make them listen to Trent Reznor emoting about something he can never have. You sing along, making sure to pantomime your heart breaking. You make it resonate. When the final, heartbreaking notes of the song fade out, you tell them, If you think it hurts to not be able to get your damn sugar coated chocolate filled breakfast treat, just wait until that hot chick who has been teasing you in math class for three months tells you she's a lesbian.

When you put the kids to bed that night, you eschew the lullabies and put Stabbing Westward's Wither, Blister, Burn and Peel on repeat in their Winnie the Pooh CD players.

The next day, when you realize you've used the last of your 40 pack of paper towels and you make a panic run to Costco, you take them with you. You purposely take them down the toy aisle to see if they learned anything. There's rows of brightly colored packages; board games, mechanical toys, whirring lights and beeping robots and stacks of pink boxes stuffed with busty blonde dolls. You look at your kids and you can see their hands twitch involuntarily. But they keep walking. They don't reach for a box or try to play with the electronic drum set on display.

You can't help but test them a little bit.

"Hey look, Johnny. It's that new gizmo you wanted!"
"Eh. Why bother asking for it? It would only end up disappointing me later, anyhow."

You try to hide your proud smile. And when your daughter sullenly walks past the rows of Barbies, kicks one of the boxes and mutters bitch under her breath, you quietly pump your fist and say yessssss.

Michele is the author of The Gauntlet, which appears here every Tuesday.

The Lighter Side of Alzheimer's Disease

"What?!" you exclaim. "What do you mean, the lighter side? Alzheimer's is a terrible disease that robs the victims of their memories!"
Yup, it does. It also robs them of their inhibitions, a lifetime of repressing what they'd really like to say and do. And there, if you can manage it, is where the humor comes into it.

My mother is just shy of 81 years old, and has recently progressed to the second stage of Alzheimer's - which pretty much means that while she can still talk, the words coming out aren't necessarily the ones she means; that she forgets anything from recent events to her entire life; that her ability to learn anything is squat. As this stage has progressed, living with her has grandmaruth2.jpgstarted to closely resemble living with Sybil. Mom now has multiple personalities. We've started to give them names.

First is "Clara", so named for my miserable bitch of a grandmother. "Clara" is a stubborn, opinionated, verbally abusive, crotchety old biddy. She swears we're lying to her about everything. She thinks we, or various other someones, are trying to kill her. She thinks we're trying to poison her. She tells us we're liars, cheats, thieves, free-loaders and sluts. She tells us she hates us. She wants out of this place, because this whole situation is bullshit. If not that, she wants us out. She calls my sister's cooking garbage, and won't eat it. It's pretty hard to screw up scrambled eggs... but I got to dodge flying eggs one evening. She doesn't remember that her balance is crap, and will get out of her chair and try to walk without her walker - someone has to be within eyeball distance all the time, in case "Clara" sneaks up on us.

Last week "Clara" decided that I was the villain of the day, and that she was going to throw me out of the house. She managed to stand up, with my sister and I hovering on each side of her. When I put my hand out to steady her, she grabbed my wrist and proceeded to thrash me with her soft fuzzy teddy bear - whipping it back and forth with this look of absolute glee on her face! Lynne and I were laughing so hard we were crying!

Then there's "Ruth", which is my mother's real name, and that's who she is when she's pretty much with the program, but doesn't remember that we're her family. Instead of arguing with her, and getting her upset, we just call her "Ruth" instead of Mom, and leave it at that. We have some lovely talks about just about everything. "Ruth" tends to be fairly pleasant, but sometimes she gets sad or worried, and starts running on this mental hamster wheel that takes a crowbar to get her off.

Then there's "Sarah", the drama queen. Oh, yeah, Mom always had a dramatic streak, and man, is it coming out full force now! "Sarah" cries. "Sarah" wails. "Sarah" wants to die. "Sarah" has been a pain in the ass, because when Mom cries, she gets a headache and a stomach ache, and she won't/can't eat. "Sarah" gets shut down as fast as possible when she
idiotdemoncat.JPGshows up. Don't get me wrong, when it's Mom or "Ruth" crying, because she's sad or feeling helpless because she's just remembered the Alzheimer's and her blindness, we hold her and comfort her and help her past it. "Sarah", on the other hand, gets told to knock it off and get a grip - and she always does. The tears stop, and the whining stops, because nobody's being a good audience.

Then there's "Ruthie". "Ruthie" isn't fun at all, because it turns out that my mother was severely emotionally and verbally abused as a child, and "Ruthie" is Mom regressed to childhood. I have legions of dead relatives I'd like to dig up and do very very bad witchy things to. When "Ruthie" is scared, all we can do is hold her and tell her over and over again that she's safe.

Mom does show up from time to time, and she remembers that we're her kids, how old she is, what's wrong with her - our names escape her most of the time, but she does remember that she has grandkids and greats. It's funny, in a way, but the most reliable trigger to get Mom out of "Ruth" is to remind her of our cat Idiot. He's this humungous 15 lb. fixed tomcat, black & white longhair, who decided long ago that his purpose in life is to guard our house. He patrols. He also sleeps with Mom, and will put his face up to hers to get a kiss when she goes to bed. I think he sticks in her head because a couple of the great-grandchildren love to come over and call him by name, because it's the only time they can say a bad word (idiot) without getting into trouble. Either that, or just because he has such a singular name.

Sarah_Bernhardt.jpgMom also shows up fairly consistantly for my daughter, Jo. Mom helped raise her (we've been together for 21 years), and Jo is "our girl" to Mom. When Jo takes her shift in the afternoon, she always assumes that it's Grandma she's dealing with, calls her that, and most of the time that's who she gets. They chat about what's been going on in Jo's life, they sit and bead together (my mother strings plastic pony beads for kids' necklaces that I sell at the Farmers Market), and they usually have a pretty good three hours together.

Finally, there's "Elizabeth". That is Mom in smart-ass mode. She'll sit there and hint at something, and when asked, smile sweetly and tell us she's not going to tell us, figure it out for ourselves. She laughs at us when she drives us nuts. She also appreciates a good sick joke. I can deal with "Elizabeth", because I'm a smart-ass, too.

"Life is a tragedy for those who feel and a comedy for those who think." Fortune cookie wisdom. As I told "Ruth" last week, when she asked me why I laugh at things so much, I choose to view life as an ironic joke, because otherwise I would have eaten the end of a shotgun a long time ago.

So we name her personalities, and wait for the next one to show up!

Vermont Village Witch Archives

Guns, Guts and Geekery

I got depressed last week and bought an Xbox 360. Don’t try to make sense of that sentence; it won’t work. When I told my friend the same thing, he asked why I was depressed. “Dude, that’s not the point,” I told him. “I bought a 360 and it’s fucking awesome!” Now, what’s odd is that I was going over the FTTW archives this morning (specifically Meg’s columns) and I found a comment I wrote that basically said I would never buy a third-generation system. Well, as usual I can now say that I made a dumb statement, because the damn Xbox is sitting on the VCR right where my Ps2 used to hold its little throne. Do I regret this? Perhaps when the credit card bill comes in the mail, but for now I am in the midst of a blissful honeymoon with my brand-new overpriced and insanely impractical toy. So I am writing this column today in the midst of rapturous geeky enthusiasm instead of my usual cranky “What can I complain about today?” mode. We shall see how well this works.

gears-of-war_box.jpgMy gaming life, much like my love life (when one exists) is usually intense short-term serial monogamy with the vague and unlikely possibility of a romantic flare-up after we have gone our separate ways. With this in mind, allow me to introduce my new sweetheart, Gears of War. It has been around a while and has quite a few other lovers, but I am nothing if not forgiving, especially when the love of my life is such a hot little package. Gears of War, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

As far as I can tell, the plot goes something like this: the main dude, one Marcus Fenix, is serving a jail sentence for defying military orders when the earth is overrun by big, ugly mutant subterranean bug thingies generically called “locusts.” Marcus is let out of jail because he’s a kickass soldier and the planet needs all the help it can get. Marcus is a big dumb crazed oaf who teams up with other big dumb crazed oafs in order to rid the world of the mutant menace. That’s the plot. Nothing more. This game is pure action porn, with none of those damn twenty-minute cut scenes (unlike that bitch Metal Gear Solid,) so there is no huge conspiracy that you have to piece together while playing the game and there is thankfully very little downtime. Mutant bad. Marcus kill mutant. Marcus like guns. Grunt. Snarl.

Gears of War owes a lot to the classics like Doom and Quake, which have similar plots, but the gameplay isn’t run and gun like the oldies. Instead, the player has to rely on a take cover-fire-kill mutants-take ground system that the designer apparently thought up while paintballing. He thought that this would make the game seem more like a “real” firefight, though whether or not that is true is up for debate. I won’t speculate because I know that a lot of the readers and contributors here actually have been in real firefights and I frankly don’t need to be told that I’m full of shit, so I’ll just say that the system is very satisfying from this gamer’s perspective.

For the most part, the weapons are fairly typical for a shooter: there is the shotgun, the pistol, a burst-fire machine gun, grenades, and a sniper rifle. On top of that, though, Marcus occasionally gears_of_war_1.jpggets to use a weapon called the Hammer of Dawn, which fires a huge laser beam from the sky and fries large enemies. There is also the Torque Bow, which fires arrows with explosive heads. Eat your heart out, Ted Nugent. Finally, the gun that is used most often is the Lancer, a really big machine gun with a fucking chainsaw attached to the end…Sorry, I had to stop typing for a moment. This attachment is very handy at times when an enemy gets too close, as Marcus can lay into a mutant with this little bayonet and spray gore all over the camera. When he or one of his AI buddies uses the chainsaw, one of them will often grunt something along the lines of, “That saved some ammo.” Yep, these guys are that cool.

Even on my low-definition television, I can see the difference between the second and third generations of game platforms. The frame rate is pretty amazing, especially when Marcus is running: the camera goes into a sort of handheld mode and he runs fast. The novelty of that alone still hasn’t gotten old, and I have put plenty of hours into this thing. Secondly, I know that if I had a stereo system the sound would be incredible. The mutants let out some amazingly creepy sounds, especially the “wretches,” which are some kind of mutated dog-lion things that emit a blood-curdling screech before attacking. The only things that are stopping me from going out and upgrading my entire entertainment system are my bank account, my studies and every last bit of restraint. (These same things have kept me from upgrading my DSL and buying the wireless card, incidentally.)

In conclusion, I’d like to give all due apologies to the Wii partisans here at Faster Than the World. I have found my system. I’d also like to extend a big hearty “fuck you” to Sony, who just lost a customer to Microsoft. Yeah, that’s right. Microsoft. Here’s an idea for the future, guys: make your damn product, get it out on time and don’t require me to sell any organs in order to buy the thing. Oh, and Gears of War rocks. Did I mention that?

The Word Whore Archives

The Deer Hunter

Everything I know about whitetails, I learned being hunted by orangutans in Borneo. Several years ago, I visited the island of Borneo in the course of my job. I was excited to be going there. You know, the jungle, toucans, orangutans and such. What an adventure! Well, it didn’t quite turn out the way I envisioned it and in the end, I was lucky to escape with my life.

I flew into the port city of Miri, Sarawak, just East of Bintalu and West of the tiny country of Brunei, on the north coast. As the flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia descended from the clouds, the view of fog-shrouded jungle peaks sent my mind reeling and my imagination into overdrive. Here I was, about to enter the green heart and the experience of a lifetime. If I only knew what was to come and how short life could be.

Miri_from_air-Miri.jpgMiri is a bustling, noisy and somewhat crowded city of about 300,000 people. The air is steamy and oppressive, especially when you’ve just left home and temperatures below zero, in December. After a few hours of sweating like a professional wrestler in a cage match (I really don’t believe pigs sweat), you finally come to tolerate the heat and constant 100% humidity. The puking also subsided after a few hours and only then could I venture out to explore the city and all it had to offer. Big mistake.

A block from my hotel, I had the strange feeling of being watched. A few casual glances around the street offered no likely suspects. I kept walking. In the next block, I found a discount electronics store and stopped to scan the items displayed in the window. I caught a sliver of movement behind me, in the reflection off the window and whirled around. Nothing. As I turned to make my way down the street a whiff of something unnatural sent the hairs on the back of neck arise and I couldn’t stop my nostrils from flaring. Craning my neck around, the scent seemed to be everywhere and nowhere. I spotted two guys moving purposely down the street, staring at me. Something wasn’t right about them, but from a half a block away, I couldn’t tell what it was. I moved on, wary and cautious of every alleyway and approached the next intersection as if it was my last. The street was unnaturally quiet, now and the number of locals seemed to rapidly dwindle, fading away like the wisps of fog burned off the mountaintops in the morning sun. At the intersection two men strode toward me from both left and right. Short and stocky, they both sported bright orange hair and looked to be headed right at me.

I crossed the street and entered a drinking establishment. The place was quiet, muted and dark. I ordered a beer and nearly choked on the first sip; my throat was dry and tight. I leaned against the bar and looked around. I noticed a guy in the corner had orange hair growing out of the backs of his fingers, tufts of the stuff sticking out of his long sleeved shirt. I wondered why there was no music and looked to the jukebox against the far wall. Curse me, it had arms and orange hair on the backs of its hands. I tried to remain calm and appear as if nothing was dive%20bar.jpgwrong. I slowly lowered my head to drink, but kept my eyes on the jukebox and saw it begin to slowly raise a gun. My mind raced. I quickly scanned the room looking for an escape, but the jukebox had a clear field of shooting across the entire bar. He was well placed. I was being hunted by orangutans and had walked right into their bait pile! Slowly I began to walk at right angles to the orangutan in jukebox camo, nonchalantly allowing my gaze to slide across him, halting the slow rise of his rifle. I had a feeling that once that gun drew a bead on me, it was over. I sipped my beer and surreptitiously eyed the door, angling toward it as much as I dared without raising suspicion. I knew my nose quivered and my ears were pricked. I knew he knew that I knew I was being hunted and we both moved as if we didn’t. My heart was ready to burst and adrenaline coursed through my veins. I involuntarily crapped my drawers and kept moving. Ten feet from the door, I hear the click of the hammer as he pulled it back. Pure instinct and sheer terror sent my legs into overdrive as I dropped my beer and bolted straight through the door. The muted boom of his rifle reached me one step onto the sidewalk and I instinctively ducked, while feinting to the right, then tearing down the street to the left in a move that would have made Barry Sanders shake his head in awe. I didn’t stop for 6 blocks and it wasn’t until then I realized I had been shot. It was only a flesh wound, a small furrow across my left shoulder that would soon stop bleeding and eventually heal. I looked behind me and seeing a blood trail, immediately loped off down a side street with my shirt bunched up against the wound to stop the blood and end the trail that would lead the orangutan straight to me for the finishing shot. An hour later, winded and shaking, I entered my hotel, fairly certain he had lost my trail. I phoned my travel agent, demanded a ticket home and flew back out that evening. I now avoid that part of the world, whenever possible and pay better attention to every jukebox I come across.

I take this experience with me into the great north woods, every fall. I still-hunt and post and when I see a whitetail pause in its foraging; nose-a-quiver, ears pricked-I know what’s going through his mind and I’ll get that shot off before he drops his beer and heads for the door.

The Pirate is the author of Any Port In The Storm, which appears here every Tuesday.

Madge No Longer Relevant (but telling people makes them doubt it)

Richard regrets that he must partially plagiarize an article from himself written a couple of years ago, but he's blanking and short on time. Next week, Kathy Ireland and Cindy Crawford, for now, please enjoy his ragging on Madonna.)

It is an interesting cultural anomaly, if that makes any sense, that anything you hear often enough becomes disbelieved by the masses. I understand the reasoning, most people are sheep, so if most people believe it then it probably isn't true; whatever it is just has a good publicist. The contradiction is rather obvious; most people are aware of what sheep most people are, and want to believe the opposite of what they think most people believe. ???? yep.

A labored, murky explanation to make the point that Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone stopped being relevant at least 15 freakin' years ago, yet I hear about her views all the time. Even if every time her opinion is repeated the pseudo-journalist doing it has a smirk on its face, or perhaps because of that; somehow the idea that what she thinks means something seems to be spreading rather than simply inspiring gales of spiteful laughter. I'm well aware of her because she was famous when I was in high school, but what would a teenager know her for today? What she did to Don McLean's "American Pie"? I doubt it, they would likely think it had something to do with the 'American Pie' movies and have no idea who Don McLean is. I kid the kids, I realize that today's teenagers have access to old recordings, just as my friends and I were able to be Jimi Hendrix fans even though we were in diapers when he died. I'm just curious how her opinion gets press, but Billy Idol's does not.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketSeriously, he's a good match, let's use him for comparison. They both put out two or three well-selling records, a few videos in heavy rotation on the old school MTV, a few photographers assaulted, etc. They had very similar career arcs, it's just that his ended rather abruptly and she sort of faded away, almost. Yet somehow, I don't have any idea how Idol raises his children, or even if he has any, geez I don't even know his position on gay marriage! I never hear from Hammer or the respective members of Bananarama, now that I think about it. Curious.

It's a fact that famous people rarely have to keep the same quality in their product once they have an established fanbase, especially musicians. The Rolling Stones have put out many albums since their last good one, but there are a lot of people that simply buy each one that comes out with no questions asked. I don't begrudge them or Madge continuing to ply their trade, but really; no one is asking Mick about how he raised his children, nor would anyone listen. Is every day a slow news day? The fact that Madge doesn't let her children watch television having been presented to me by no less than 5 different sources suggests that this may be the case. Yes, it is cute that a media whore is shielding her children from what made their opulent lifestyle possible. Yes, I understand the contradiction; it's still not news. Kabbalah? If Kabbalah were a dude he would be telling you he never met her, he wasn't even at the club that night, and she must have been pretty drunk to think they were ever together. A writer of children's books, hmmm, perhaps the name that gets the ghost-writer published is a little more like it. Much like her later music that is really some hard-working technobop musicians without enough clout to get record contracts of their own, joining their creations with her breathy squawk.

I was never a huge Madonna fan, she was ubiquitous, very much the Britney Spears of her day; you would learn the words to her songs by simply being a member of American society. Eventually the day came that "Borderline" was plink-plinking across the neighborhood grocery store's Muzak system. You couldn't watch television without hearing about her and her husband's latest antics, and the mocking of her movies was limitless. Not that I dislike her early work, I will let the radio stay put when the 80s weekend people put on one of her tracks, but that's beside the point. I am removed enough to say that once and for all we should stop hearing her name. It is a well-worn, disingenuous tool of the media to mention someone's opinion just to attach controversy, whether pointing out how relevant the opinion or the person is or not. Obviously, they see some value in dropping a name, even if to mock the opinion. (Yes, if I got paid to do this I would be just as guilty, I'm writing this as a public service, smart aleck.)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketThe point is, she was never known as an intellectual heavyweight by any means, so it isn't her reputation as a great thinker of thoughts that is getting her so much press. That leaves only her fame to legitimize her claim on relevance. Well, her last good record came out in 1989, and Dick Tracy was 1990. Even though her tepid, sophomoric, (and over-priced) 'Let's antagonize the blue noses' tome "SEX" came out in 1992; that didn't make her opinion worthwhile. She has been irrelevant for at least 15 years, let's stop talking about her at all. Just because she continues to sell a few records shouldn't be reason to still consider her famous. AND, if being famous for being famous meant your opinion mattered we would be hearing a lot more from Ms. Hilton and her ilk. If that were the case, I would then in turn be forced to drive walk to Pennsylvania and find some Mennonites to adopt me. Again, yes, I get that I have gone on at great length decrying her value as a subject of discourse, it's not ironic. Much.

Richard thought an 'anomaly' was an invertebrate sea creature until a few minutes ago, thanks dictionary dot com!

Sudden Valley Ranch Archives

April 11, 2007

Chapter 23

If Tim didn’t have any booze, there would be no way I could sleep in this place.

Where I am is an abandoned warehouse. There are several dozen people here, all kids my age—some a little younger even. All of them running from something. Abusive parents, a grabby uncle, juvenile detention centers. All of them have something chasing them, breathing down their back. Not like me. I’m the predator. I’m the one doing the chasing.

And my feet are really fucking tired.

There’s a large bonfire in the middle of the room. The entire place smells like piss and pot. People are smoking drugs that probably don’t even have a name yet. Combinations of things you find under the bathroom sink. The entire place is concrete. It’s cold and it echoes.

How I hear about this place is pure chance. I’d call it luck, if I believed there was such a thing. A Hushedwhispers conversation unlike most I’ve heard. Two boys in the back of a classroom, about three weeks prior.

“It’s on the corner of Wilson and Lockhill,” says one of the boys.

“When are you going?” asks the other.

“Tonight. I gotta get out of the house. If my dad hits me again, I’m going to kill him.”

That night, when I go to the corner of Wilson and Lockhill to check it out, it’s drizzling rain and pretty chilly. But I go anyway, because I don’t have anything else to do. At first, it’s quiet. Then I notice a kid who has to be younger than I am jump the chain link fence and walk inside. Then another. And another. In less than ten minutes, at least half a dozen kids have gone inside, and more than that have come out. They pass me without looking. I’m just another part of the world they don’t care about. I’m a shadow.

Knowing this, I don’t know why I’m surprised at how many people are actually inside. After I leave my foster father’s tomb, I stop to get some water and food at a convenience store, and then head to the warehouse. When I jump the fence, there are some kids outside smoking cigarettes. They don’t look at me. As I walk through the front entrance, I pass two girls who are obviously intoxicated. They look right through me.

But Tim comes up to me as soon as I walk in. “First night?” he asks.

“Yeah,” I say, not sure how much to divulge to this stranger.

“Tim,” he says, sticking out his hand. “Good to meet you.”

“How can you guys stay here?”

“What, you mean why don’t the cops bust us? Fuck man, they don’t care. They come by every so often, make sure we haven’t killed each other. Then Angie,” he points to a pile of clothes in the corner that vaguely resembles a human, “she gives the patrolmen blowjobs and they take off. It’s a pretty good deal.”

“Good deal for the cops.”

“Nah, Angie likes giving head. Shit, just go ask her—she’ll blow you off.”

“No thanks.”

“Well, anyway man, it’s pretty chill here. Just don’t mess with the crackheads and you’ll be fine. That group is crazy. I’m surprised they haven’t all killed each other yet.”

“So what are you?”

“What—you mean what group am I in? Shit man, I pretty much stick to myself. Not a lot of people in here up for stimulating conversation, if you know what I mean. Nah, I got a couple of friends here. One guy goes to his parents’ house every week and steals a coupla bottles while they’re playing bingo. Gives me one—usually takes me through most of the week.”

“And why does he do that? Out of the kindness of his heart?”

“Nah,” Tim answers. He takes the bottle of Jim Beam he’s holding and takes a long, drawn out pull. After wincing, he says, “Nah man. I saved his ass. He OD’d. I took him to the hospital. Even paid for his bills with money I stole from my folks.”

“And why did you do that?”

Tim takes another pull. “Out of the kindness of my heart.”

He smiles slyly and hands the bottle to me. After about thirty minutes, we’re in the corner by ourselves, gulping down the whiskey and exchanging stories.

“They always do that?” I ask, pointing to the boy and girl having sex on the other side of the room. They’re both completely naked, making all sorts of guttural noises, not caring that people can see them.



“Ecstasy. The drug, you know. They manage to get quite a bit of it somehow. Take it all the time. That drug takes hold, they don’t give a fuck who is around or where they are—they start going at it.”

“Why don’t you take drugs?”

“Motherfucker what you think this is?” Tim says, holding up the bottle.

“I mean hard drugs.”

He sighs. “I did, back in the day. Really nasty stuff, that. See, I don’t like feeling out of control—know what I mean?”

I nod.

“Tried coke. Before I knew it, I was jonesing for more. Didn’t even want more, but it’s like I had to get more of that shit in my nose. I tried acid, and went insane for about twelve hours. I tried ex too.”

“What happened?”

“Ended up like those two over there. ‘Cept the next morning when I woke up, it stung like hell when I pissed.”

“What did you have?”

“Just a little case of the clap. Got some antibiotics, cleared it right up.”

“Know where I can get some?”

“What, the clap? Hell, I bet most of the chicks in this place…”

“No, no. Antibiotics.”

He takes a long pull from the bottle and puts it down with a clink on the ground next to him. “There’s a guy in here, he can get you almost anything you want. For a price.”

“And how much is it? I’ve got money.”

Tim laughs—a long, somber laugh. “He don’t want money man. He’ll get you anything you want. You just gotta let him fuck you up the ass.”

“Are you fucking serious?”

Tim laughs again. This time, it’s forced.

“Shit man—how do you think I got my antibiotics?”

And then he takes another pull from the bottle and leans in real close to me. He looks into my shocked eyes and says, “Sometimes man, you just gotta do what you gotta do.”

I’ll be damned if I ever let some vagrant motherfucker peg me, I think. I’ll just have to learn to live with the clap or whatever this is. After all, there are much, much worse things in life.

Unfortunately, I didn’t know it, but I was about to find out what those things were.

An Audience of Shadows Archive

Rant 'n Roll

weebl.jpgDiabetes Sucks but if you walk around for two decades being a pompous fat-ass, you deserve it. put down the ice cream and go for a walk, you weeble.

Speaking of fat, anyone that has the weight loss surgery and ISN'T bedridden or the size of robert earl hughes needs to be pummelled about the head and neck with a two by four for at least 45 seconds. (disclaimer: there is a segment of the population that truly can't help being huge and for them, this is a godsend. IF you look around your family and find a few regular sized people amongst your gene pool, think again. for the rest of us who got fat over the years, this is not the path. these aren't the droids you're looking for!)

if you can get up, go to work five days a week, pay your bills enough to where you hold the insurance to actually pay for such a procedure, you can PUT DOWN THE FORK AND GO FOR A WALK, YOU BLOATED IDJIT!

if you're piggybacking on a spouses insurance, then feh to you. double feh. i am attacking you(yes, you!) because i am a heartless bastard with no empathy for my fellow man and mostly because i've kept off over 130 lbs for 13+ years now.

oh my, says the bloated populace! however did you lose that much weight, richard the mean? they cry out for answers. "give us the panacea, slightly overweight man!!!" well, guess what? i ate less than i had been and i exercised by walking in place for no less than a half an hour and no more than an hour five to six days a week with not more than 2 days off in a row. WHAT????, they say. that's it? When a fellow fattie hears THAT gem o'information, their face falls, their shoulders fall and their entire demeanor changes because they thought there was another way.

why yes, virginia, there is another way. let's walk over here to the barnum museum of oddities and look at this exhibit: the american shit head! don't get too close, folks. you might lose a finger to it's gaping maw and ravenous appetite. beware the eyes that speak of self-pity. do not be led down the path towards "i couldn't help myself(to anything but another plate brimming with calories)." grrrr!

Look here, Fattie McEats-a-Lot, if you think cutting your stomach to the size of a dixie cup is the answer to the ten years of no self control that got you so huge your health is in danger, go right ahead. guess what? your mutilated stomach will STRETCH later and you'll wind up fat again because you never addressed the real issues.

here's how things work for most people. you get up, you take a shower, you take a crap, you wipe your butt(maybe!, i know when i was HUGE that act took some stretching before i went "jesus, even i don't hate myself this much!"). you go to work, you come home, you do it again.

if you can do that, if you can still waddle to the store and buy food or fit in your car to drive through a window and order 3 milkshakes with your triple hamburgers, you can EAT LESS AND GO FOR A FRIGGIN' WALK. (ah, vitriol, better than coffee!)

concious mutilation of your wonderful God-given digestive organ is indicative of several things. low self esteem & having given up on yourself (if there was ever a yourself to begin with) are no excuses to avoid hard work. how did you get so obese? did the fat fairy come and leave sugary treats under your pillow each night? NO! did the mayor of milkshakeville give you a reward for being so indolent? NO! you did it to yourself! fix it yourself with help and support from others and resources.

if you'll say "a-ha! i am fixing it myself with the help of a bariatric surgeon, my great insurance and the support of my family and friends", then a pox on thee. someone should give you a bloody cox-comb! you've got bigger balls of brass than Bill Clinton when he wagged his finger at you or broke from laughing into crying when he saw the cameras at Ron Brown's funeral. pffffft!

that's not fixing, that's CHEATING! it is indicative of the mindset in our post hippie world. do what you like, it won't matter. just don't hurt peoples feelings, say the intelligentsia. Bull! F U, buddy.

ok, enough of the ranting. let's examine some facts. if you get bariatric surgery, you'll lose about fifty lbs the first 8 weeks, then it tapers off and it might take up to a year to lose 100 lbs. Hey! Guess what happened to me? i lost fifty lbs in 8 weeks by eating less and walking in place!! when i weighed 350 to 360 lbs(and i got there myself by eating like a HOG for 10+ years. no one gains 180 lbs without a concentrated effort!) and i started to work on my problem, the stuff came off like it was pouring out of me. oh, wait, it was pouring out of me, as sweat! i got so happy i had lost to 310 lbs that i slacked off my diet as a reward. so when the five lbs came a creeping, i started to eat less and exercise again.

fattynomore.jpgfrom 310 to 290 to 270 to 250 to 240 to 230 to 220, every time i would lose 20 lbs, i'd take a break until it started to creep up again. now, how on earth was i able to quit exercising and eat like a hog again the last decade without gaining or loosing within a ten lb range just by moderating my intake? ANSWER: I CHANGED MY METABOLISM THROUGH EXERCISE! by doing that little amount of piddling effort daily when i was losing weight, i was able to be a slacker and eat crap again without blooming to stretchmark-ville. amazing, huh? stay tuned and watch the sun rise in the east and it get dark about sunset!!

now lest you think i'm of the opinion that my shit don't stink, think again. i've got reams of my own health problems that came from not just a sedentary, but a sedimentary lifestyle. i've smoked TOO MUCH for 27 years and i ate too many carbs and sweets because i was a "little bitty fat man now" for the last 14 years or so. oh boy, now i'm diabetic and probably have been for 8 years. i can barely breathe. emphysema, here i come. heart disease, eye disease, dialysis and the loss of toes loom large in my future. i haven't had warm hands since 1998 and my feet are like ice. bah! i've been the lord of "don't care town" and the emir of "i don't give a shit-land" for so long, even my vaunted narcissism won't save me now. we won't even address the worst part.

so it got so painful to breathe last week i stopped smoking. it took real pain to do what i knew was right. so i'm not perfect or in an ivory tower. i'm just saying that if you're fat and getting cut with a knife to lose weight, you're a freaking asshole. takes one to know one. i am and so are you, you miserable self loathing grabasstic piece of puke. (hat tip, R. Lee Ermey!)

the point to all this is there is always something in our lives we need to address and for whatever reasons we choose, we don't. self destruction is our choice as is self preservation. i'm sure hitler was nice to his dog. deep down i'm sweet. it doesn't matter, i'm still killing myself by lifestyle choices.

what's wrong with me, i'm fixing by my own choice and by my own hand. something as simple as "i ate too much. i gained weight. i'm too screwed up in the head to put down the fork" does not need to be subsidized by insurance and advertised in the paper. you see it as a panacea. they see you as a paycheck. otherwise there wouldn't be seminars on weight loss surgery every couple of weeks at your local hospitals. Good Lord, people. we're a nation of fatasses. over 60% of the population is fat. what the hell is going on with this country? you think manifest destiny and the grace of God above is going to favor us when we can't roll over out of our beds anymore?

we're at war for the existence of western civilization. we will be for the next 50 years. this is just an example of why we could lose to jihad. Wake up!!!

so once again, my self referential outlook and inability to have empathy reaches across borders and oceans via the inter-web. what a world we live in! now i can harangue weak minded people and preach from my chair in a semi-public forum. Boo-yah!

Jazz Bass did this without Subway. I hope.

It Baffles Science! Archives

Deep Thoughts Caused by Sea Life

worm.jpgI asked a guy at work how his weekend was.

And because of my indulgence in polite conversation, he proceeded to tell me about his aquarium and the worm problem.

He said something about worms coming out at night, and I thought about how sinister worms are really. And then I considered that maybe there was nothing nefarious about this nocturnal behavior at all. Maybe worms just realize how truly ugly they are and choose to hide in the shadows rather than listen to the constant shrieking and screaming during normal business hours.

I continued to think about worms and their appearance at night and I may have even thought about worms that live inside humans, you know, like pin worms, until I heard him mention the anemones. He said the anemones usually allow him to pull them from the rocks but for some reason the other day they were suddenly holding on tight and when he pulled, they - well sort of fell apart.

"Ohhh, " I said, horrified. Justifiably.

"Don't worry," he said. "They'll grow back."

And I thought, how great it would be to suddenly find myself a creature that could be ripped apart and simply grow back, as if nothing had happened. And I wondered how that would be for all of us - if it were that commonplace - the norm. Let's say we were to suddenly lose part of an arm. You know, over the weekend. Who knows how or why. We'd come to work Monday morning with one full arm and a half arm. Others might already be walking around with a full arm and the beginnings of another arm - like maybe a hand dangling from the shoulder. We'd say, "Oh sorry, had a rough weekend. Going to be a bit of a problem for a while but not for long. I should have fingers in about a week. Don't worry." And our co-workers would nod and groan in sympathy and we'd all get on with it.

We'd learn to adjust and marketing geniuses would come to our aid with keyboards on flexible, adjustable arms designed to enable our short armed fingers to reach our computers. Forks with extra long handles would be invented, and hands-free devices would fly off the shelves causing another Cabbage Patch Kid like frenzy, minus the bloating, bulgy eyes and just plain ugliness.

But on the upside, during romantic interludes one hand would never be far from our lover's face. And maybe our lovers would secretly wish that particular arm would never grow back. And then maybe they'd change their mind because of the heavy lifting. Who knows.

spongebob.jpgThe co-worker continued to talk about aquariums and rocks and coral and all things oceanic and I have always enjoyed a good aquarium as long as it was in someone else's house and as long as I was not expected to have anything whatsoever to do with the well-being of it's inhabitants, so I listened politely, moderately interested in sea life suddenly. He talked about buying special fish whose whole purpose in life is to eat these worms who are killing his coral, but instead he found the fish hanging out with the worms, staying up late at night, playing poker and smoking seaweed.

That story inspired a comical painting on the canvas of my brain - it was similar to Elvis on velvet or those dogs smoking cigars paintings only no dogs, but lots of worms and no cards because worms don't have hands and in my painting all their little worm martini glasses had tiny straws in them. The fish, on the other hand, was drinking beer from a can because he has fins and a dislike for vodka.

And even though talk of worms and worm eating fish is more than enough inspiration to entertain me for hours, my thoughts kept returning to the anemones and how tightly they hold on. How they refuse to separate - how they allow themselves to be ripped apart and how much that must hurt, yet all the while they know these parts will return, every finger, every toe, every missing everything.

And they know that eventually, someday the numbness will fade and the feelings will return and so will the desire to grab hold of something tightly and simply refuse to let it go.

Lovemonkey lives in a pineapple under the sea ...

I Guess this is it, Then Archives

The Joshua Tree

We left Encinitas around 8 pm on a Friday night. We attempted to get on the road earlier but it just didn’t happen. Considering traffic, it most likely wouldn’t have mattered had we left any earlier that afternoon. We made the trip in my black Mazda 323 hatchback extraordinaire. And we were on a mission: photograph the absolute best landscape for our assignment.

Kathy and I were taking the same class: Advanced Black and White Photography. When the landscape assignment came up, we decided we had to get out of the city and find something cool. North San Diego County didn’t have much open land as development was never ending and the only open space to be found was at the beach or Camp Pendleton. And who wanted to see another beach shot? Not us. How boring.

We decided to go to Joshua Tree. North on the 5, to 78 East, north again on 15, then hit the 10 and go right. Three hours later, we followed the signs to one of the park’s entrances. Joshua Tree is in the middle of the high dessert and there’s not much there but weird trees and big rocks. At least that’s how it looked 18 years ago. Who knows how close the golf course grass grows to the edge of the park now.

It was dark. Very, very dark. Not a light in sight. No moon that night. We decided to take a look around. We drove. As we came upon the Joshua trees, the car’s headlights were shining into those strange looking trees and the light gave the trees an eerie lifelike quality. We were mesmerized. It was one of the most awesome sights either one of us had ever seen.

We wanted to be awake before sunrise and decided it was time to stop for the night. We found a small parking lot that clearly stated “no overnight parking” and slept in the car. Just before sunrise, we were startled awake by a park ranger who promptly ticketed us for parking in an area that clearly stated “no overnight parking”. We thanked the ranger for waking us before the sun came up and decided it was time to find our landscapes and start pushing our shutter buttons.

We drove through the desert, through the Joshua trees, down the highway with the car’s headlights beaming through these oddly shaped trees that looked very surreal. We found our spot, pulled off to the side of the road and waited for the sun to come up as we fixed our tripods and loaded our film. At some point, as the sun was rising, I ran back to the car, opened all of the windows, threw U2’s Joshua Tree in the tape deck, turned the volume up full blast and spent the next hour photographing Joshua trees in Joshua Tree State Park listening to U2’s Joshua Tree album. I’m not sure how they did it, but U2 captured the feeling of a Joshua Tree with that album. Or maybe I captured the feeling of U2 in Joshua Tree…. Whatever it was, it was powerful.

Later that afternoon, we found a camp ground in which to legally pitch our tent and stay the night. We happened upon some other campers who generously shared their beer with us. We spent the next few hours sitting at the picnic table at our camp with a couple of guys we didn’t know, drinking beer and smoking cigarettes. It was dark except for our campfire. I have no recollection of what we ate the whole time we were in the desert except for the diner we stopped in on our way out of Joshua Tree. Funny the things we remember, or choose not to. I do remember that we had a hell of time pitching that tent, though.

The next morning, we explored more of the park and came upon the phallic rock formations. Of course, we had to stop and photograph them. We laughed our asses off at those rocks. The rock climbers there that day looked at us like we were idiots.

So, I have two photographs today; a tree and a couple of rocks.

The tree shot is a classic Joshua tree. I shot this photo as the sun was rising and the shadows that were cast are kinda cool. Now, go find your U2 cd and play Where the Streets Have No Name really loud while staring at this picture… Can you feel it? No? Well, maybe you had to be there.

Next up we have what I call Penis Rock. Do you see the phallic resemblance? Surely you do. Other than the resemblance to the male anatomy, which still makes me laugh, I like the details and the light and shadow in this image.

That’s it for today, kids. Next week, tune in for more portraits. Right now, I gotta go listen to Running To Stand Still.



Shawna may or may not have found what she's looking for.

Film and Developer Archives

The Druid In Chicago – Chapter 2

The Bard and The Seer

Just a little over half a mile due South of Touhy Park, in the rectory of St Jerome's, Father Joe Brennan awoke in a cold sweat. He was panting, cold, hot, cold, couldn't get warm, couldn't get cool enough, his skin was one giant nerve. Out of nowhere cold blue fire enveloped his brain.

Witch fire? Witch fire in the parish? Who in the name of God? No one in the parish was strong enough in the old ways. This wasn't possible. Ever since Granny McCool passed away, there were no more practitioners of the old ways. That meant someone new had entered the parish. Lightning flashed in his skull. He took a deep breath and began reciting Hail Marys in his head, calming the fire, cooling the heat, putting up a buffer between the magic being thrown about and his nervous system.

rutherford-church-fire2.jpgHe was about to go for his harp case when barefoot footsteps ran up to his door and knocks came frantic with a frightened young female voice, "Father Brennan, Father! Dammit Joseph, let me in. We have unwelcome guests in the parish." Joe Brennan threw on his plaid bathrobe over his cotton pajamas for the sake of modesty and then opened the door.

Sister Mary Margaret came into the room dressed in a plain grey jersey track suit that she wore when she wasn't in her full habit and, of course, her Chinese slippers. Basically from ten o'clock at night until seven in the morning. From five to seven in the morning, she jogged the mile from St. Jerome's to Loyola University on the lake. She walked a cool down over to Mundelein and then taught a very unofficial Tai Chi class on the North Lawn of Mundelein's Library to anyone who would join her, rain or shine, summer or winter. Always wearing nothing but one of her grey track suits. The Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary who ran Mundelein had often asked her to move her "class" inside where everyone on Sheridan Road who bothered to look couldn't see her and her students. Mary Margaret would simply say, "No thank you, it's better outside." The Sisters absolutely refused to come out and say it was an embarrassment for them for a Catholic Sister, a Carmelite no less, to be practicing Taoist exercises on blessed ground. Sister Mary Margaret thought it made perfect sense. As the pastor of St Jerome's, the SOCOTBVM let their feelings about his rebel charge be known. He promised them, often, that he'd speak to her about her transgressions, but never quite got around to it. Since he was one of the only people in the city who could actually play a 36-String Celtic Harp in a city full of Irish Catholics, they gave HIM some leeway.

She came in and Joe closed the door behind her. Mary Margaret paced back and forth, hugging herself and breathing deeply and fully. After about the fifth lap she finally settled into that weird way of standing the bothered Father Joe. She looked like Bruce Lee right before he dispatched a bunch of Chinese thugs, hands at her sides, looking nowhere and everywhere, absolute relaxed tension, ready for anything. Father Joe was known to go downtown in civilian clothes and catch a martial arts film festival. He considered it a not-too-guilty pleasure.

"What have you seen Sister?" Father Joe Brennan's deep voice was legendary. Many parishioners referred to him as The Big Bopper. Father Joe began to unzip his harp's case.

"In the park to the North, behind the Cullen's, the portal has been opened. It's too late, five have entered from the Otherworld. Five who are not friends to this side."

"That doesn't make sense, I felt blue witchfire, there's a guardian present there…who?"

"Jackie… Jack…Jack Finneran has come into his own early."

"Jack?" Father Joe Brennan staggered and sat down on his bed. Granny McCool's grandson. Of course. He'd heard Jack had been hanging around a couple of low born witches with practically no powers but with a passion for potions. Father Joe had kept his eyes and ears throughout the parish on Jack, knowing that someday Joe might have to take some action in guiding the boy if he ever came into his powers, but he didn't think it would happen so soon. Of course, the fact that Jack hadn't been back to Mass since he graduated grade school didn't help matters either. He'd come into his own with a deep deep resentment toward the Church. Sister Theresa (Sister Spitfire to the kids, partly because she resembled something out of a Nazi horror movie and partly because she literally spit whenever she talked) had made sure of that. She was old school, Germanic, pre Vatican II, and she had no tolerance for those who practiced the Celtic with the Christian. She and Jack had almost come to blows when she went on a tirade about witches and old crones one day…making no attempt to hide that she was talking about Jackie's Gran. Jack had stood, his freckles fading into his burn, Kevin Calahan and Mike Kelly held him before he rushed her…he shrugged them off but then simply walked out of her catechism class, but not before he'd muttered something under his breath in Gaelic. Sister Theresa had fallen ill the next day and didn’t get better until she'd entered St. Francis hospital over in Evanston. She'd gotten better and then tried to come back, but once she crossed Howard Street back into the parish, she was stricken once again. She never returned. The children were told that she was teaching up in Wisconsin somewhere. Jack had been grounded by his mother for over a month and his Gran didn't intervene for a change, even though she did bring him all his favorites and let him watch whatever he wanted on the television.

"He must be either very tired, very high, or both" concluded Mary Margaret. Her eyes rolled back in her head for a moment. "He's picked up a piece of oak and he's playing with his energy, that's what you've been feeling. He knows the five are there. He knows they don't belong here. Joseph…I think he's figured out what his name means."

crucifi3.jpgFather Joe grunt-chuckled, "He's just playing so far? Jesus help us if he gets serious. How strong is he? What all did she teach him?"

"How exactly do you think I'd know that?" Mary Margaret snapped and paced again. "It's not like Granny trusted me with any of her knowledge. She didn't like me much, remember?"

Father Joe nodded. Granny McCool wasn't too fond of "blenders." This generation kept finding links between cultures and blending their arts. Mary Margaret was definitely a blender. He was just as happy celebrating Mass as she was attending an American Indian drum circle as she was going down to Chinatown and practicing Tai Chi in the park with about 250 other practitioners. Oh, and of course, she was one of the most powerful seers Joseph Michael Brennan had ever encountered.

By all rights and tradition, Granny McCool should have taken young Peg Kelly, red-haired and all knees and elbows under her wing when her family first came to the parish. Peg's parents had moved to Roger's Park when she'd started having her visions, at about the age of 13. They'd heard Granny had taken other girls under her tutelage and hoped that she'd take on Peg. After their first meeting though, both women, young and old had decided that they simply couldn't work with each other. Granny thought the young lady was confused and distracted by too many different schools of thought. Peg thought the old lady was simply a close-minded throwback. They didn't "get along." Luckily, Roger's Park wasn't exactly short of…practitioners of alternative arts. Over on Estes and Greenview lived the Birch family. Emily was the matriarch and, as seers go, wasn't too shabby herself. The fact that she was British and Anglican no less, didn't make Granny's love for Peg grow any. No one was more shocked then Gran when Peg disappeared at age 18 and then had come back six years later as Sister Mary Margaret.

Father Joe shook off the wool gathering and stood up. "Well, step outside and let me get dressed. We should get over there. One way or the other, we'll have a mess to clean up when all is said and done."

The nun just stopped and put her hands on her hips.

"No. No matter what we do, it will be too late. You can play and sing a warding for him, and I can pray but other than that…"

She turned to look at him.

"He needs a druid is what he needs, not us."

Father Joe got angry now. "Don't start that again. You know we can't call himself."

"You can't obviously, you're the one that pissed him off."

"I'm the one that wouldn't let him go any further while wearing the collar you mean."

"Exactly. It's not like we're pure as the driven snow."

"He wanted to head down paths too dark. I believe many of the old ways are gifts from God, but he…he wanted to explore the serpents' arts. The fact that Patrick was made a Saint tells me everything I need to know about what the church thinks of that!"

"And yet still, the five have entered from the otherworld, a young, untrained Jack is about to confront them, and we need himself this morning like we've never needed him before."

Joe's eyes flashed now. "We don't know it's the five o' them. We don't. We have no idea which five have crossed." He went back to opening his case.

Sister Mary Margaret took a deep, calming breath and whispered, "I do Father. I know. It's them. I'm not likely to forget the likes of them."

Father Joseph Michael Brennan met the young Sister's eyes. "I know." He could feel the witchfire crackling in the distance, wild, uncertain, too powerful in one too young.

"Call him, do NOT use my name. He always loved the boy, use that."

The Back Booth Archives

Books with Pictures Part III: I’m in love again

Well, it’s official. I’m a comic book geek again. And you know what—it’s actually pretty good to be back. It’s been years since I’ve been to a comic book store, and they are still just as funky as I remember them. Shelves of action figures, the smell of Mylar wrapping in the air, guys in the back playing Dungeons and Dragons.

HB230x400.jpgAnd in the ten years of my absence, some more subtle things have changed. I remember when DC first launched the Vertigo line. With that move came the advent of adult comic books. Not that there hadn’t been comics around for adults before, but this move really brought it to the forefront. Then, being a grown man in a comic store was kind of weird and a little creepy. Now, it’s perfectly normal.

So I’ve been plowing through several series. The only bad thing about comics is that you’re subject to their availability. For instance, when I first started reading the Preacher, I got through the first volume in about a week. I immediately went back to the store to get the second volume. They had every other freaking volume except that one. If you don’t know anything about Preacher, it’s a story you cannot read out of order. So I went to every other store in town and never found it. I had to order it, and it still hasn’t come in yet.

But that’s not entirely bad, because I had to find something else to tide me over. That something was 100 Bullets. This is another great series, and I’m about two volumes into it now. In the meantime, I’ve continued to pick up new books. I read the first volume of Hellboy, and am very curious if the movie does it justice. I picked up the first volume of a great Hellblazer story arc, and I already know that Constantine doesn’t do it justice. John Constantine played by Keanu Fuckwad Reeves? Give me a break.

There are so many new stories out there. For some reason, comic books seem to contain the most innovative stories of any medium today. Economically, producing a single issue of a comic book is far cheaper than producing a television show with the same story. This makes them the playing field for people who might have never gotten their ideas out any other way. And thank goodness.

So folks, who among you will admit comic geekness? Come on guys, we’re all friends here.

Uberchief is the author of Uber's Corner, which appears here every Monday.

April 10, 2007

Love the One You're With

This is a repeat. I wanted to post this today because of something that happened in my family this weekend. Just a reminder to love the ones you're with while you are with them. And to be thankful for the love you have and the love you've known. I originally wrote this in November of last year when Turtle had a seizure and I thought I was going to lose him. -M

You wake up not quite sure where you are. Look around.

Oh, yea. A hospital bed. Not your hospital bed. Someone else’s. You open your eyes and the person you love is laying there next to you in a hospital gown with an IV stuck in his arm. You blink a few times. How did we get here?

Oh, yea. Last night.

You ever look into the face of someone you love while you think they are in the middle of dying? Pretty frightening.

Have you ever been in a situation where you are pretty sure you are supposed to be doing something to save someone’s life but you’re not sure exactly what? Terrifying.

This is where I am. About 10:15 at night. Looking at him laying there, knowing that something is really wrong and that I’m pretty helpless to make it right. Just saying “wake up wake up wake up” over and over again isn’t really something you’ll find in medical books as being very helpful.

I realize right away what's going on. This isn't the first time. Just the first time I'm seeing it. So I know from previous explanations what's happening. Doesn't make it easier.

I call a friend who is all too familiar with this situation. I ask her what I’m supposed to be doing. Apparently I’m not supposed to be doing everything I am. I stop. Why did I think I was supposed to put my fingers in his mouth? I have this weird flash of a memory from fourth grade when they told us that’s what we do if Jenny ever has an episode. That’s what they called it. An Episode. Good thing I don’t follow through on that thought because he’s kind of gnashing his teeth.

I just hold his head so it doesn’t hit the ground. I touch his face, touch his hair, try to talk in soothing non-panicky tones so that if he comes to there is something familiar there for him. Just a voice or a touch.

It’s kind of amazing what can go through your mind in the space of two minutes. What if he dies? What would I do without him? What would I tell his parents? Yea, he made it to New York but....Jesus. I couldn’t do that. I can feel myself starting to cry. I tell myself to stop, that’s not what I need to do right now.

I'm going to lose him.

That thought, 100 times at least, running through my head.

Then: No, I'm not. Just focus. Keep focused. Quietly saying "don't die" to a person who isn't hearing you on a dark side street late at night is not going to make anything better. Get him help. Now.

Everything is bathed in red and white. Ambulances coming down the block. I’m sitting on the curb, trying to hold him up. Dead weight. He has stopped all motion. His eyes are closed. I open one eyelid. Thank god. They have stopped rolling in back of his head. He's no longer shaking. But is he concious? Alive even? I look for a pulse, but my own pulse is racing and I can't remember where to put my fingers and my heart is in my stomach and I think I'm going to throw up. Don't be dead. Don't be dead. Don't be dead.

His eyes fly open all of a sudden. He looks at me. He’s aware. Ok. He’s out of it. I talk to him. He knows his name. That’s good.

But he's looking at me with a blank stare.

He doesn’t know my name.

He doesn’t know who I am.

That’s a weird feeling.

Before I can feel bad about that I remind myself what it must feel like for him. To not know where you are. Who you are talking to. How you got there. I can see the frustration on his face as he tries to remember.

He doesn't know me.

I try very hard not to cry.

I answer some questions for one of the paramedics while another fires off questions at him. He doesn't know. He thinks he's in California. No, he doesn't know who I am. He only knows who he is.

He’s on the stretcher now, they tell me to follow in my car.

Now I cry. Just because.

I know he’s going to be ok. I know this. Everyone says it. He’ll be ok. He’ll remember soon. He’ll be fine. I drive behind the ambulance. I can see him talking to the medics.

The WhatIfs starts. What if he doesn't get his memory back? What if he hit his head when he fell and now he has some kind of permanent amnesia? What if. What if.

What if he never remembers me?

See, thinking about this stuff is keeping me from thinking about the other big things. Like, why. And what next. And what if this happened when he was on the road? Or alone?

I give myself a mental slap in the head.

What if he never remembers me?

I get to the hospital, find a parking spot, go into the emergency room. There he is. Still on the stretcher. I walk up to him cautiously. If he doesn’t know who I am, I don’t want to make him nervous. I glance up at him.

He looks at me. Says "Hey babe!" Smiles that smile. That grin.

I breathe out for what feels like the first time in hours.

I thought I was going to lose him there. Looking into his eyes as he laid on the ground, no one else there to help me, just me and him and some kind of medical thing between us, that was the scariest moment of my entire life. Scared that I didn’t know what to do. Scared that I was going to do the wrong thing. Scared that his life was in my hands. Scared that he was going to die on me.

So yea.

I am at that cliched place today. The whole “appreciate what you have because you never know when it will be ripped from you” thing. I mean, the guy just drove almost 3,000 miles to move across the country to be with me and not two days into his residency as New Yorker, not two full days into our new life together, I’m staring him in the face telling him not to die.

He probably was never even close to dying, but I didn’t know that at that point. In my mind, he was a breath away from leaving me forever. So even though he wasn’t hearing me at all, I told him I love him. It was all I could do. Silly as it seems, I just wanted that to either be the last thing he heard before he left, or the first thing heard coming out of it. Small comfort either way, I suppose.

Here’s where I get all Hallmark on you.

Don’t take people you love for granted. Don’t just assume they will be next to you tomorrow. Don’t just assume that even if they are next to you tomorrow they will be healthy. The other guy in this hospital room just collapsed out of nowhere and didn’t wake up til five days later. Lucky to be alive, and he knows it. We should all know that. It shouldn’t take a coma to make us realize it. It shouldn’t take a medical mishap to make us realize how lucky we are to have the people in our lives that we do. Well, I knew I was lucky all along. This just made me appreciate our time together more.

You have no idea how much I love this guy. Maybe I had no idea until I was holding his head in my hands willing him not to die on me.

Cuddling on a hospital bed while all you hear around you is people coughing and screaming and nurses yelling and loud TVs and sirens isn’t exactly quality time. But it’s time. Something we really don’t have enough of. Enjoy it while you can.

-November, 2006-

RIP R.M. Underneath all that stuff, you were a good guy. I'll take care of my sister and the kid for you.


A White Easter in Texas

What%20is%20this%20shit.jpg(a note to all my friends north of the Mason-Dixon line. Just chill. I know you know everything there is to know about wintry weather. Just like you know I don’t know diddley-squat about it).

Like the rest of the nation, a chill wind began blowing here Saturday morning. A normally sunny and headed into the 80s weekend was in the 40s and overcast.

The Intellicast goobers, who this weekend became the bestest and smartest weather prognosticators ever, said on Wednesday of last week we’d see snow showers across Texas.

I laughed. Ha ha ha. Oh you silly tricksies you. Do you have any idea when it last snowed in Texas in April (not counting Amarillo)?

Right. Neither do I.

But it happened. On and off during the day, at times quite heavy, but hey, it was in the upper 30s, no way it was going to accumulate or amount to anything.

Note. Until now, Dave in Texas was operating under the impression that 1) it can’t snow if it’s not below freezing, and 2) it can’t accumulate if it’s not below freezing.

For the first time in 2007 that I can recall, I was wrong twice.

Oh wait, my youngest daughter just reminded me about something. So, second time this year.

Mexican%20Snow%20Palm.jpgBig heavy wet snow. That fell on big unmanaged tree limbs around power lines.

Yes, the story is they’re so behind after Katrina and Rita and blah blah blah.

The snow got interesting around 8pm last night. When the transformers started tripping. Loud blasts and blue flashes. Then the freezing rain, thunderstorms behind that. Yellow flashes, thunder, more blue flashes.

The power was out here for 20 hours. When I came home from church this morning, three guys in hard hats were swinging from the trees in my back yard with chain saws and tree trimming thingys, and they politely left a pile of crap in the yard, moving south to piss off my neighbors.

There were snowmen all around town today. Big ones, not like those weeny little snow Ewoks we made when I was a kid. These were big boogers.

So kids had fun. Adults shook their heads in amazement. I ran into a barricade last night.

Did I mention that? This snow stuff is pretty slippery. Especially in a pickup truck.

Still, for all the cold, and the candles, and the rest of it, it was nice. Me and youngest and one of her pals had a snowball fight this morning before church.

I still got it.

Yes I do.

Dave in Texas just used the term "snowball" and referred to his daughter's friend, and didn't break any laws.

Roughing It Archives

Adventures at the Pump

Please don’t come over here, please don’t come over here, please don’t come over here.

deebo.jpgA man, twice the size of myself, is zigging around on a bicycle in front of the Shell station I’m at. And I’m nervous. It’s one AM and I had the feeling I was going to get raped tonight. I also desperately needed gas, so I took the chance. He is dressed like a homeless man trying not to look homeless. Or like a college student trying to be artsy. He slowly rides over to the pump I’m at and eyes my car up and down like he’s giving a beautiful woman the once over. That’s it. I’m toast. I silently pray to any god or demigod who will listen; Don’t let me die tonight. Not like this. My legs aren’t even shaven. I am careful to avoid eye contact as his eyes move from my car to me. I wonder if he notices that my shirt matches the color of my car? I wonder if he knows I planned that?

Hola,” he says.

I ignore the man and instead pretend to be focused on the digital numbers telling me how much money the government is taking from me: $2.46, $14.72, $32.56, the figures move so quickly it makes me dizzy.

He clears his throat and peddles a little closer to me, “Hola!” he says louder.

Oh crap. He circles the pump and waits for me to respond, mouthing off something else in Spanish that two years in high school couldn’t help me decipher. I debate whether or not I should respond. Then decide to respond as to humanize myself. I learned that on CSI or Law and Order or maybe Oprah. I also decide to play dumb. And in a split second decision- Russian.

Previet,” I say v Russki. He breaks and cocks his head to the side like a dog listening to their master. He tries English instead.

“Do you have money?” he wants to know. Now I’m nervous. I don’t have cash on me or any identification. My purse is at home. I have one credit card in my pocket. When he kidnaps me, steals my credit card, and takes me deep into the desert to rape me, then finally kills me, the police will have to get my dental records to identify my body, which has decomposed by this time.

panic_button.jpgI shake my head and answer him simply, “Niet, no.”

He takes another look at my car, then back at me. “None?”

Jesus, I think, it’s just a Dodge.

Nol, pagalstah.” I give my sorriest look to show I might be sincere.

He reaches out to touch the hood of my car and I press my panic button, causing my headlights to flash and my horn to screech, which sends the man scurrying away, “Lo siento! Gracias!” he shouts as he peddles as fast as his legs can manage.

I am so frightened that I get back into my car so quickly that I don’t bother getting a receipt for the 90 dollars I spent on gas and I forget to close the fuel door. It isn’t until I am almost to my house that I realize I was listening to bad pop music the entire way home.

Stefi luckily managed to not get knocked the fuck out.

Obscene and Heard Archives

F-F-F-F-Four Nineteen!!!

Several months ago, I got a little fed up with the spam constantly hammering my Yahoo email account. One day, I had three, or four of those “African Lawyer” emails right in a row, lined up like fucking overdue payment notices in my mailbox. I forwarded them to each other. I thought I was being cute. A few days later, I had four more. This time, I took the first one and read it. It was such a lousy attempt that I mailed the dude back to complain and well, came up with a better idea in the process. He mailed me back! It seems he likes the idea, I think especially the part about hot chicks. So he wants to work together and I’m going to string him along for all its worth AND publish it for the entertainment value. I’ve just cut these right out of my emails to him and switched the order so you can read top to bottom. Here’s our correspondence, to-date:

--- Barrister Richard Wilson wrote:
TEL: + 221 4183317
Email: barristerwilson@terramail.com.sv

Dear Friend,

scam.jpgI am Barrister Richard Wilson, I am the personal attorney to Mr. Patrick a National of your country who works with a petroleum Company in Europe and he is known and referred to as my Client, he died along with his entire family of a wife and two childrens in a car accident. Since we heard of his death, I have made several enquires to his embassy to locate any of my clients extended relatives but all my efforts proved unsuccessful and to no avail. After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to track his last name over the Internet, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you.

Now my contacts to you is to assist me in repatriating his money which is been lodged in a security/Finance company in a trunk box in Europe, before the money will be confiscated or declared unserviceable by the security/Finance company where he deposit this money valued about $20,500,000 (Twenty Million Five Hundred thousand United States Dollars) More importantly, the security/finance company where the deceased client deposited this huge sum of money has served me a write of notice to provide the NEXT OF KIN of my client or the (money) will be confiscated and send to the government treasury as unclaimed funds. Since I have tried and failed on several occasions in locating his relatives I am now seeking for your consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased so that the money will be paid to you while I will come over to your country for the sharing. I will take 45% while you will take 45% and 5% will be for any expenses incurred during the transaction and the remaining 5% will go to any charity organization.

All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see this deal through. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you and I from any breach of the law. Finally, if this business interest you, please get in touch with me immediately via my private email address or telephone for security reasons, I will welcome messages that come only from my private email address and telephone. Also indicate to me your contact phone and fax numbers to enable me call you immediately for more information. PLEASE, I RESPECT CONFIDENTIALITY AND I WOULD LIKE YOU TO RESPECT THE CONFIDENTIALITY OF THIS TRANSACTION.

I await your urgent response to this message.

Yours sincerely,
Barrister Richard Wilson (ESQ)
TEL: + 221 4183317
Email: barristerwilson@terramail.com.sv

Dear Barrister Richard Wilson,

I would offer just a few words of advise to you:
1) When seeking to scam someone via email, check your spelling, punctuation and especially grammar if you wish to pass yourself off as a Barrister even if English isn’t your first language, or your supposed to be from Dakar. Mine suks too, but I’m not trying to pass myself off as somebody who should know better.
2) When asking someone to pose as someone else for the purposes of fraud, do not ask for their “honest” help, it smacks of sarcasm and makes me want to insert a 10 cm diameter (metric, just for you) metal rod up your ass until I break teeth.

3) Only an idiot would believe that they could pose as someone else for the purposes of fraud and not breach any laws in this country, or in Europe. Since variations of this scam have been ongoing for years, you need some fresh material-a new angle, anything not quite so tired as this one. Try good old check fraud, phishing, or conventional ID theft-whatever, just don’t insult me by saying we can pull this off, legally. Hey man, I’m always up for a good scam, but this shit is LAME.
4) If someone is greedy and immoral enough to participate in fraud, they wouldn’t want to give 5% to charity. Hello? I suggest you drop this little nugget from your schtick and focus on the pot of gold, or like I said, try a new scam. I have received HUNDREDS of these emails from all sorts of donkey-dick, cocksucking, ass-wipe Sengalese lawyers just like you and while this isn’t the most unintelligent attempt, it ranks right up there with the very worst. Please don’t be offended, I really meant most of this as constructive criticism. I mean, quit insulting my intelligence and present me with a scam that at least makes me consider it for a microsecond.

Or, you could ignore all this good advise and just put in lots of porn shots. A nice set of tits is an excellent method of distraction and misdirection. That’s why the successful magician usually has a hot fucking assistant. You know-he’s pulling a white dove out of his ass while your oogling her awesome rack.

Wait, that’s it! You could run the whole scam around a nice set of BOOBS. THIS is a good idea! Dude, I’m with you on this. Lets see, say your representing this poor hot blonde widow who’s been wrongfully imprisoned in a Lagos jail. Yeah, then you slip in pics of said hottie tied up in some sort of interesting position that shows off her tight ass and mighty fine rack, right? Then, um, give her a couple of hot daughters that need a place to stay in the states while we work out the financial details instead of offering to come over, yourself. I mean really, I’m sure you’re a fine-looking man but I’d take a couple of hot daughters over your ugly old ass any day of the week-no offense. Think about it. If you had the choice to hook up with someone while while pulling off a case of fraud, would you rather it was a grey-haired, fat-ass, Sengalese lawyer or a couple of young hotties all broken up over their wrongfully imprisoned mommy? THIS is a scam. THIS can work.

So, what do you say? I dig Dakar, man. We could always meet at the Miramar, over on the Plateau, off of Rue FÃlix Faure. Know the place? The bartender’s name is Ragu Snot. He’s the short, fair-haired fellow with the tattoo of a snake eating a baby. He’s a nice guy, but a shitty bartender and has a predilection for buggering small animals. Order only bottled beer and don’t squeak like a chipmunk. Later, a drive down to the Cap Manuel, or North for a day out at Ile De Yoff to hammer out the details?? Ever been to La Siesta at Hann, Bel air, Cambérène, Parcelles Assainies? The terrace view is to die for. Anyway, are you willing to work together on this? It would cost you nothing financially and I can assure you that we can draft an agreement that would be executed legitimately, with no breach of the law by you or I.

I would only require your private bank account number along with your credit card numbers and expiration dates. While your at it, give me those little, 3 digit numbers on the back, too. Just in case I need to send you money or make a monthly payment on your cards as a gesture of good faith. You know the routine, man. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge;)

Finally, if this business interests you, please get in touch with me immediately via my private email address or telephone for security reasons, I will welcome messages that come only from my private email address and telephone. Also indicate to me your contact phone and fax numbers to enable me call you immediately for more information. PLEASE, I RESPECT CONFIDENTIALITY AND I WOULD LIKE YOU TO RESPECT THE CONFIDENTIALITY OF THIS TRANSACTION.
I await your urgent response to this message.

Yours sincerely,
Barrister Theodore Nugent III (ESQ)
Seismic Pirate & Associates
123 Pirate’s Cove
Uncharted Island in the Caribbean

ps. Sorry I borrowed the last paragraph from you. It sounded pretty good and makes me feel impotant.

--- Barrister Richard Wilson wrote:

TEL: + 221 4183317
Email: barristerwilson@terramail.com.sv

Dear Mr. Nugent,

I am Barrister Richard Wilson, the personal attorney to Mr. Patrick who corresponded with you in October of 2006. Mr. Patrick remains to be known as my Client, who has died, along with his entire family in a tragic car accident.

As I have told you in our correspondence in October that I have been unsuccessful many times to locate the family and to contact respected citizens of your country such as yourself. However your response to my inquiries of
help to secure the personal money of Mr. Patrick may not in all seriousness as I requested of you. Have you make a jest of my Client and his unfortunate death in a tragic car accident?

You may not be a Barrister, sir but you speak well and have good knowledge of my country and Dakar and our business. These things are important for me to insure my Clients money can be successfully repatriated for the full amount of Twenty Million Five Hundred thousand United States Dollars. I would hope you to be kind enough to wish to help me as you state in your reply to me. You have made many good suggestions that are helpful to my cause of helping my client and I believe working with you will be a large value to you and I. Your knowledge of my country is most interesting and I would learn how you might know of Dakar and the Cap Manuel. Were you a National in my country, previously? My efforts are not stopping to bring my Clients loving money to your country.

I am wondering if you can assist me to find a respectable person as you in your country that can be presented as the next of kin to the deceased to the security/finance company. I am saying that we will conduct a legitimate transaction for this person if we can use your ideas to help us in our cause for my Client. I do not wish to be to be untruthful to any citizen of your country with using females to insure help for my client but my associates agree it to work for the good of you and I. We can protect you from any breach of the law and we will not offer a 5% for charity organization, as you suggest and can offer the 5% to you for the good help and ideas. I will take 50% and the remaining 45% can be divided as you want between you and a good person you will find to help us in our cause.

You are willing to organize the efforts and information of your respected citizen and you may welcome a visit to Dakar to view my seriousness in this arrangement and I will arrange for you to take residence at the most beautiful Rue FÃlix Faure, you know very well. If you will make the necessary arrangements for yourself, my associates will pay for any cost undertaken by yourself when we meet to discuss the arrangements and for your enjoyment we will take a ride by automobile to Ile De Yoff where my associates have their esteemed place of business and enjoy their privacy in these matters.

Your desire to exchange financial information is agreeable. I will be unable to provide you with no more than the name of my associates financial company but I may give you the numbers to our many credit cards which are assured to be in good standing. We are joyous to be working with you to secure the full amount of Twenty Million Five Hundred thousand United States Dollars for you to share in good faith with us.

My associates also wish for you to bring those females that will be so beautiful to use in our arrangement if possible. Photographs of these women will be good if they cannot come to Dakar.

Please now indicate to me your contact phone and fax numbers to enable me call you immediately for more information. PLEASE, I RESPECT CONFIDENTIALITY AND I WOULD LIKE YOU TO RESPECT THE CONFIDENTIALITY OF THIS TRANSACTION.

I again await your urgent response to this message.

Yours sincerely,
Barrister Richard Wilson (ESQ)
TEL: + 221 4183317
Email: barristerwilson@terramail.com.sv


May I call you Dick? Dick is a less formal name in my country for Richard and you seem like a dick to me. You seem to also be such an important person in Dakar with many associates. A very important, big man. Yes, to honor your greatness I will call you a Big Dick.

Can you please tell me why a big dick such as yourself needs my help? I mean, yes, your use of English has improved immensely since your initial email, and I will take that as a compliment. You listened and I am touched. Really.

I am also surprised that you are unable to find a sympathetic person to cooperate in your business proposition. You seem to be a favorable business partner looking for the same. A very good friend of mine, P.T. Barnum, once said that a favorable business partner is born every minute.

Nonetheless, I am very willing to work with you and your ass ociates. However, I will require the following:

1.My share to be 60% of Mr. Patrick’s money, before costs. After all, I’m bringing the chicks.
2.A suite in La Siesta at Hann, Bel air, Cambérène, Parcelles Assainies.
3.Car and Driver. Both the real thing and a few editions of the magazine, waiting on the back of my shitter at the La Siesta.
4.The number and expiration date of your Visa card in order to reserve my airline flights (I will pay in cash upon getting to the airport).
5. A bank account and routing number to transfer some of my personal funds into your country to avoid the poor exchange rate found at the Dakar Airport.
6.Your personal telephone number. The number in your email is not in service.

I again await your urgent response to this message.

Yours sincerely,
Barrister Jeffery Dahmer
Forearm, Liver & Associates
123 Pirate’s Cove

The Pirate scams the scammers. But who will scam the scammer scammer?

Any Port in the Storm Archives


Morrowind.jpgAbout four years ago (Long ago, in pre-Stick history), I was at Eric's, lying on the couch and studying. With characteristic focus on my homework, I looked over Eric's shoulder and saw Morrowind.

"Oooo, that looks pretty. And you have lots of stuff in your bag! Can I play?"

"I told you about it when I first got it, and you said it looked too bloody and you wouldn't even let me make you a character," Eric reminded me.

"Oh yeah," I said. "Well, you were slashing somebody up then."

"Oh yeah," (This conversation explains why Eric and I don't argue)

I like really open-ended games. If a quest has more than one ending, I'm happy. If almost every quest has different endings, which unlock even more quests… I'm in gamer girl heaven. Morrowind is the most open-ended game I've ever played. You can pick a detailed combination of racial traits, birthsign, talents and skills, or if that's still not enough customization, you can invent your own character class. (And the preset classes include things like Witchhunter, Nightblade and Spellsword, instead of the usualFighter, Mage and Rogue) If you decide, after hours of gameplay and several levels, that you're not so crazy about your skills and you want to become something else, it's possible to work on those other skills. Nothing's forbidden.

The Morrowind world is well-written, too. You find (or in my case, steal) bottles of flin and mazte, instead of Potion of +50 HP. When you find (or, um, steal) books, you can read about the history and myths of Morrowind. If anyone from Bethesda is reading this, and needs someone to write fictional myths for a computer game, I'm your girl!

If you ever run out of things to do in the game, say there's a blizzard and you can't leave the house for weeks on end, you can download new mods for Morrowind. My personal favorite is the boyfriend mod. (Hey, this was before Stick, ok?) He's programmed to say sweet things, and you can sleep at his place without the assassin mod coming for you. You can also leave some of your loot at his place, but I think he might borrow your razor while you're away.

Morrowind2.jpgAnd I really like games with stuff. Sure, I like leveling too, but I'd much rather have a sexy new set of armor and a better sword. (New cleavage-baring robes for the magic-users don't hurt, either) Morrowind gives you different styles of clothes, armor, weapons… and modders have built a complete wardrobe, plus weapons and all kinds of trendy Pottery Barn accessories for your house. Celtic and Persian-inspired clothes, NPCs with Roman-style names and an incredible variety of architecture keep Morrowind from becoming pseudo-medieval generic fantasy.

The mapping system is not so good… or maybe my sense of direction is not so good. Quite a lot of my Morrowinding time involved me shouting "Eric! I'm lost again!" into the kitchen. I was playing it at Eric's place because Morrowind required a better videocard than I had at the time.

I liked Morrowind so much that I finally had to break down and get a new videocard and Eric and I went to Best Buy to get one. I was supposed to go see a movie with a boy I'd just met and kinda liked but I was so excited to play Morrowind that I kind of blew him off.

Unfortunately for me, that boy was Stick.

I'm sure Stick forgave Meg.

Rolling Dice Archives


It's almost summer! Seriously. Don't pay any attention to that cold white shit on the ground in half the country. It's just Colombian marching powder. Go snort it, I dare ya. It'll be fun.

Since it is almost summer time, and I refuse to accept this reassertion of winter, I'm going to go ahead with some warm weather recipes. It's salsa time, baybee. I love making salsa, and make at least one batch a week in the warm weather months. Two of the three recipes are originals of mine, and one is adapted from a Mexican joint I used to hit all the time in college. All of these are great on chicken, steak, pork, fish, and lest I forget, chips.
Mango Salsa
2 whole mangoes, peeled and diced small
1/2 red onion, minced fine
1 habanero pepper, seeds removed and minced*
1/3 c cilantro, chopped fine
juice and zest of one lime
1 tsp salt
1 Tbsp honey

*For the love of God, man, don't be a hero. Wear some gloves.

Mix the lime juice, lime zest, salt, honey, and cilantro in a bowl. Add the mango, onion, and chile. Toss lightly to combine, and let sit for at least an hour before using.

Asian Cucumber Salsa

1 lb cucumber, chopped into a small dice
4 scallions, chopped fine
1 serrano chile, minced
1/4 tsp red chile flakes
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 Tbsp soy sauce
2 Tbsp toasted sesame oil
3 Tbsp grated ginger
1/4 c rice wine vinegar
1/4 c chopped, dry roasted peanuts
1 Tbsp toasted sesame seeds

Mix everything together, reserving 1 of the scallions until just before service. Sprinkle that one on to keep it nice and crisp.

Smokin Salsa
This recipe is adapted from the salsa of the same name, available at Que Tal Mexican Cantina in Cleveland, OH

8 plum tomatoes, cut in half and de-seeded
1 head of garlic, with the top sliced off
2 onions, cut in quarters
4 chipotle peppers in adobo sauce (3 if you're a pussy)
juice of a lime

Place everything except the chipotles and lime juice on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with 2 tsp salt and drizzle with oil, and place in a 375 degree oven for 45 minutes, or until the garlic is soft.

Place all of the now roasted and carmelized goodness into the blender with the chipotles and lime juice. Puree till it's smooth, adding vegetable oil until it's the consistency you want. Reseason with salt, and you're good to go.

mhblackening.jpgMachine Head
The Blackening
Roadrunner Records

The first release for Machine Head since 2004's Through the Ashes of Empires, they had to, in the eyes of some of their most ardent fans, make up for a couple of very lackluster releases. I have no doubts that The Blackening will satiate their desire for a kickass Machine Head record. Long, riff-heavy, Bay Area thrash abounds in this. The high point in the album is the song "Aesthetics of Hate," a song dedicated to the memory of Dimebag Darrel Abbot. Immediately after Darrel's death, some douchebag writer on some ridiculous online conservative rag wrote an article called "The Aesthetics of Hate", a vitriol-laced heap of bile about how Dime basically deserved what he got because he played metal. This song, which is unbelievably powerful, is a great big fuck you to that guy, who I won't even justify naming.

Recommended Tracks: "Aesthetics of Hate", "Beautiful Mourning", "Clenching the Fists of Dissent", "Halo"

April 9, 2007

TAFC#11: Time to go somethin your somethin

The editors of FTTW are sick, depraved folk. There, now that I've stated the obvious, let's move onto this week's poll ... masturbatory euphemisms.

This all started last week when we were deciding to write for our editor's picks. Here's how it went down.

Michele: Do we have a theme for this weekend?

Baby Huey: your mom. Everybody here like baseball enough to write a baseball-related post?

M: I do. I'm pretty sure turtle hates it but could probably write a whole post detailing why some other sport is superior to baseball.

if not enough of us like baseball we could do a general sports theme?


Finn: I hate baseball the way a fat girl hates Kate Moss... but I love ball
parks. It's odd, I know.....

Turtle: i could do a basketball team and a hockey team.

BH: Like, at the same time? damn.

M: it's easy once you get used to it. I could do football, baseball and hockey. You should see him take on a bowling team. Pins and all.

T: it gives "pinch hitting" an all new meaning. And don't even ask what "pulling the goalie" means.

BH: Do you often suffer from an empty net?

M: You can violate my crease anytime, baby.

T: You guys can all get what "icing" is. At least Michele knows what icing is.

M: My favorite part is the "shootout"

T: I'm going to clear my bench and sent all my boys out on the ice.


T: there would be a topic. If you had a map of the earth, what country would you must like to cum on?

M: I think someone needs to get laid. Today.

BH: Yes. I do.

M: Now when I watch the hockey game tonight, I'll feel like I'm watching porn. You people warp my mind.

yul.jpgYou can see how things like this happen. Really, it's all my (Baby Huey's) fault. I take full responsibility, so I'll get things started. If you need some help, check out these links:


Kill da Wabbit -- Come on, that's AWESOME. You have to sing it, though. Don't say it And you gotta sing it just as you bust that nut.

Go number 3 -- Originally heard it on "Drawn Together." Love it!

Badgering the witness -- Anything that demeans lawyers is OK by me.

I'm really good at this coming up with names for this. -BH

Meanwhile, back at the ranch....

Really, when you think about it, it’s almost a testament to the ingenuity of humanity that we’ve managed to come up with so many ways to explain exactly how much self love we have for… ourselves. Whether we’ve got a date with Rosie Palm and her Five Sisters or we’re stuck at home Looking For Clues with Fred and Daphne, we never fail to come up with newer and more clever ways to tell everyone in the room that we’re heading out to Shake Hands with the Unemployed. Because when you think about it, the only thing that separates us from the monkeys is the fact that we tell everyone that we’re off to Test Fire the Death Star… They just do it.

Euphemisms that almost made the cut: Beating the Bishop, Hugging the Hose and Shaking Hands with Yul Brynner.


Time for you all to give us your choices! And you know you have one. If not, you're lying.

The Vibrato Tremolo

Every decade or so something comes along that changes the way people approach playing the guitar, and, because of it's central focus in most popular music, it changes the way many genres of music are played. The tremolo bridge is one of those changes.

A tremolo bridge holds the strings at the tail end of the guitar, usually has a tremolo arm and allows the guitar player to apply a varying degree of vibrato to a note or chord by using the arm to apply or relieve the tension on the strings. Interestingly, what we call a "tremolo" is actually a "vibrato." Vibrato is a change in pitch where a tremolo is a change in volume. But, way back in the day, Leo Fender patented a unit for the Stratocaster called the synchronized tremolo and we've called it that ever since.

The first commercially successful tremolo/vibrato unit was the Bigsby vibrato tailpiece. It incorporates a spring loaded tremolo arm, or whammy bar that controls the tension of a bar that crosses all six strings. The bar raises or lowers to release or increase tension on the strings causing the pitch to lower or rise.

There are some downsides to the Bigsby unit. First, the change is pitch is relatively moderate. When first introduced, rockabilly players used them to add vibrato to their melodies. But as people sought more extreme pitch changes, the Bigsby couldn't really deliver. Second, raising notes by pushing down on the arm was no problem, but lowering notes by pulling up became an issue. When pulling up too high, the spring could fall out.

Despite these problems, the Bigsby is a popular unit and is still used on many classic hollow-body rockabilly guitars and special model Les Pauls and the like.

However, Due to these problems, Leo Fender created the synchronized tremolo which popularized the term tremolo (Leo was an engineer, not a musician).

Rather than simply screwing to the top of the guitar, the Fender tremolo actually passes through the body, as shown in the diagram. It allows greater control over pitch changes and you don't have to worry about losing any springs. You can see that the spring tension is maintained at the bottom of the route (it also passes string vibrations to the body of the guitar this way -- leading many people to believe that these springs were part of the classic Fender mojo). The unit is held in place by and pivots on, two screws. The bridge has indentations that partially encircle an indent under the screw heads. Or, there are six screws in the front of the unit that holds it in place. This tremolo unit also changed the way you changed the pitch. Now, string tension is directly effected by the whammy bar as the entire bridge is moved. Pushing the bar down, toward the body, causes slack in the strings as the bridge is moved forward. Pulling the bar up, the bridge moves back, increasing tension and raising the pitch.

Just about any guitarist you can think of has, at one time or another played a guitar with this style tremolo bridge.

Not only has this tremolo fundamentally changed music. It has spawned many licensed copies. Pictured here is one of the best -- a Wilkinson tremolo unit. It smooths some edges and is a bit more playable than a factory Fender unit. This unit has such popularity that Fender has begun installing Wilkinson units in their high-end model guitars.

The issue with Fender-style tremolos is tuning. If you've ever heard any Jimi Hendrix songs live, you know he beat the hell out of his whammy bar. You also know that half way though songs he suffered tuning issues. Feedback and the very sloppy distortion of the era helped hide this. Today’s compressed, chorused, tight digital recording environments would never allow for this. Even in the late '70s, as recording and live sound got cleaner and mistakes and sound variances became more apparent, guitarists sought greater tuning stability.

Enter the Floyd Rose double-locking tremolo. This is probably the last truly significant change in tremolo/vibrato technology. While there have been improvements and tweeks, the double locking system revamped, again, the way people approached guitar playing.

Introduced in 1979, the system is similar to the Fender tremolo in that it passes through a route in the guitar body. Tension is provided by the same springs in the same place as the Fender system. The difference is that the Floyd Rose bridge locks the strings in place with a little block. You cut the balls off the end of the strings and the strings lock in place. THEN, you tune the guitar and the strings are locked at the top of the guitar with a special locking nut. This creates extreme tuning stability and spawned the divebombing and extreme pitch modulation style of play among the heavy metal guitarists of the '80s. Eddie Van Halen probably did more to create the style, but Steve Vai is the certified master of tremolo play.

Today's tweeks have involved a variaty of ways to produce this double locking system. In the late '80s, engineer Ned Steinberger introduced a series of "headless" guitars where the ball end of the strings are at the former headstock end and the strings are tuned at the bridge. This is one of the most stable tuning systems and allows some of the most extreme style of play. However, the headless neck was a bit extreme to most guitarists and it fills a very niche market.

Recently, guitar manufacturer Ibanez introduced the Edge Pro style tremolo. It's very similar to the Floyd Rose style trem, but you don't have to cut the end of the string off and it eliminates many of the sharp edges that the Floyd Rose has.

Another solution people use is to continue to use a Fender-style bridge but use locking tuners creating tuning stability. It's a popular solution for people who like the ability to change their strings quickly like a Fender but like the tuning stability of a Floyd Rose.

Me? I prefer no tremolo. Give me good ole tune-o-matics. But it's always good to know your instrument.

Because I'm All About the Guitar Archives

the fix is in

i’m looking for these kids.

right now, those savage little bastards are probably crouching behind bushes, half-naked in this foul-weather, waiting to pounce on mailmen or brush salesmen or elderly mothers on their way to serve free lunches at the church. i’m sure i heard their terrible screams just the other night, along with the lonesome wail of a three-legged dog they were no doubt menacing with a fireplace poker.

i had picked up this old man and was taking him across the river to “137 Patterson, my Missus place.” it’s a mostly residential area where he wanted to go, with some row houses here and there and a bunch of houses packed really closely together. so, i’m driving through the side streets, and it’s a really slow go. cars pretty much lined both sides of those narrow-ass streets. there’s a stop sign on every corner. i got to one of them – an intersection with a hill running north to south – and the car just gets fucking pounded with snowballs. must have been a dozen or better.

BadFinger.jpgthe juvenile delinquents were up the hill a little ways, but they weren’t trying to hide or anything. they were all laughing, baring their hideous yellow teeth sharp as razor claws. i opened up the car door and managed to stand with one leg outside of the vehicle before the snowballs began to fly again, and i had to hurriedly duck back inside. this time, they were gunning for my head. snow spattered against the driver’s-side window and ricocheted off the door. one or two managed to explode and scatter snow all over my seat. it wasn’t long after i sat down again that my marbles were soaked and cold from melted snow.

i cursed their mothers and the days they were born.

the old man in the back, well, he just started chuckling. “i’m gonna get them,” i told him, “matter of fact…” i turned the wheel to head up the hill after them, but the old man gave a shout.

“hey,” he said, “the meter’s running.”

he was right. those unnatural little punks were still grinning up at the top of the hill. most of them had their arms at their sides, but a few were hunched over, scooping small piles of snow together and getting ready for another assault. i eyed them warily as i pulled away.

the old man was still chuckling in the backseat. “that shit ain’t funny. someone could’ve been killed.” i said.

“come on,” he said, “it wasn’t like they were throwing rocks from a highway overpass.”

“i’m not talking about me getting killed. I’M TALKING ABOUT THEM!!!”

later, just before he got out of the cab, he put his hand on my shoulder and he said, “the good in a man is revealed by how he treats the least of those amongst him.”

with that, he got out of the car, ambled slowly up the steps to his Missus’s place, and casually tossed a snowball down onto the hood of my car before he disappeared in the doorway.

yeah. so like i said…i’m looking for these kids.

We're Gonna Be Using Aliases On This One.. Archives


Please welcome another new writer to the FTTW fold - Eric. He'll be doing two columns, a weekly column introducing you to new, eclectic music (that's this one) and a monthly column on street art.

Hi everybody!Dr%20Nick.jpg

I'm really no good at introducing myself, so I'm just going to blindly forge ahead, hand extended in greeting, and hope that I don't knock anyone on their ass. I am Eric, and I will be your guide to the magical world of music. I spend entirely too much time (and money) surfing the internet, rummaging through record stores and attending live shows, and one day I thought to myself "wouldn't it be great if you could share some of the gems you've stumbled across with other people and make a living while doing it?" Hell yeah, it would! Unfortunately, Michele has refused to pay me a dime (not even reimbursement for the hookers and blow!), so I guess I'll be doing it for free...

I am here to write about music that you might not have heard of before. Pieces of music from all corners of the world. From the dusty record crates in the basement of Wax Trax to the unpronounceable foreign websites at ends of the internet, I'll be bringing the umlaut, the circumflex, the acute and the háček. There will be occasions when a band or song seems to missing important vowels, or has 5 consonants in a row. Sometimes the vocals will be be in 4 or 5 languages, none of them English. But if you're willing to take a chance on something different, I'm more than happy to bring it to you, week after week. I'll even try my best to do it without sounding like some asshole coffee-shop music snob.

Here's a little sample of some of the genres that I'll be writing about:

Hip-hop turntablism
Indian reggae
Hungarian downtempo
Politically-charged Latin-funk
French afro-pop
Asian death-metal
Cajun punk
Candian blues-hop
Chinese bluegrass
Jewish nerdcore
Maori R&B
U.K. grime
Palestinian hip-hop
Japanese trip-hop
Australian freestyle
Swedish synth-hop
Arabic dancehall
Parisian party rap
Italian electro-folk
Kenyan blues

Now, I know that some people looked through that list and saw a number of different styles of hip-hop listed. Let me assure you that this is not your average Eminem/DMX/Ying-Yang Twins type of hip-hop. 99% of what I bring to you, you won't hear on Clear Channel or Jacor-owned radio stations. This is hip hop in it's rawest form. DJ battling each other, switching up records every 20 seconds. Emcees who can rhyme over any beat you give them. Newcomers and 20 year veterans of the game. Straight-edge vegans who are signed to punk labels. Devout Christians, Muslims, Jews, Atheists and Buddhists from every race, sex and background.

Some diverse stuff, is what I'm getting at....

Now, I know that nobody is anxious to shell out their hard earned money for a CD of something that may sound cool in writing, but could easily be god-awful. There is a thin line between eclectic and total shit. So I will include links to websites where you can sample the tracks before buying (you do plan to pay for those tracks, don't you?), and include the homepage of the artist whenever possible.

Since this was more of an introduction article than anything else, here are some free tracks of sweet, sweet music to tide you over until next week.

Definitive Swim

Rhymesayers Entertainment

Stone's Throw Records

National Geographic's Guide to World Music

My Last.fm Radio Station

My Pandora Hip Hop Station

In the meantime, why don't you tell me who your favorite hip-hop or foreign artist is? It's OK if you like Nelly. I won't tell anyone.

Eric's Profile


Anyone out there who is remotely interested in politics? Do you lean a tiny bit more right than left? Ever wondered what would happen if there was a modern day civil war between the red states and blue states? If yes, then Empire by Orson Scott Card might be the book for you.

Empire_Cover.jpgMajor Rueben Malich, formerly in combat in the Middle East is sent stateside to attend university where he is enrolled in the courses of one Professor Averell Torrent. Unsure of what he was doing there but attentive nonetheless and taking notes in Farsi, he listens to Torrent and on occasion participates in verbal sparring. One great mind pitted against another. Arguing about Rome versus the United States. Absolute power. Revolution. World domination. Democracy. Race. The usual.

One day after class, Professor Torrent says to Malich, "Dammit, I'm trying to find out if you'd be interested in a covert assignment to help hold this country together and prevent its collapse into pure chaos….If there were some way you could help in an effort to prevent civil war, to preserve the republic, such as it is, how far would you be willing to go?" Malich's answer? "I'm a major in the United States Army, sir. I will never do anything contrary to my oath." Torrent responds, "Yes, that's what I'm counting on."

That sets Malich on a path of deception and secrets. However, he's stationed at the Pentagon and used to many secrets. See, his new assignment is to find holes in the security of the Secret Service. How can the President be assassinated? So he sets out to the do the best job he can and he finds a way.

And then that way is used to kill the President, Vice President, and Secretary of Defense.

While Reuben and his partner, Cole, avoid the authorities and try to find out which domestic terrorist is responsible for the murders, Reuben's wife Cecily, a former aide to Senator LaMonte Nielson, who is now the interim President, begins to worth with Nielson from that direction to find who is responsible.

While all this goes down, while the nation is in emotional chaos a secret movement becomes public. A radical left-wing army calling themselves Progressive Restoration invade and take over New York City, shooting and killing anyone in a uniform. Even a hotel doorman. They use high tech weapons, what I visualized to look a bit like the big spidery metal aliens used in the last remake of War of the Worlds. They are 14 feet tall and bulletproof. Seemingly invincible. Not many people on the planet have the resources and money for such massive research and development. So the list of possible leaders is narrowed down.

While this civil war begins to rage with National Guard versus city cops and people confused about their roles and what they’re defending, the rest of American society goes on about their business like usual. Everyone goes to work, goes grocery shopping, still goes to the movies.

Not much changes in the day-to-day lives of the citizenry and it’s more of an apathetic disinterest with moments of paying attention to CNN but for the most part it’s not everyone else’s problem. No one seems to care what the politicians are doing, as long as it doesn’t mess with American Idol.

The author, Orson Scott Card, takes a departure from his usual writing genre. This novel, written in approximately three months focuses on current events. Typically, as in Ender’s Game series, he is a sci-fi futuristic writer. This time, he was commissioned to actually write this story for a video game focusing on a modern day civil war in America. This book was the result.

I found this book entertaining because it’s just paranoid enough to be plausible. Every election season nowadays, who doesn’t get tired of all the jingoism and rhetoric? Even now, the next Presidential election isn’t until November of 2008 and the media has already been focusing on candidates and party platforms. Can we get a break here?? Among other things, 9/11 has taught us all that life can change on a dime and our priorities can be changed in a millisecond. So we end up tuning it all out due to political overload.

So a civil war between blue & red states, while sounding impossible, maybe isn’t quite. Citizens turning a deaf ear and blind eye while the nation melts around them, as long as they still get their cable TV? I can believe it.

Empire_game.jpgThis is tale of what might happen if someone like George Soros used all of his resources to “fix” the country after the debacle of the illegal elections of 2000 and 2004. To put it all right, the way it should have been if the true winner had taken office.

Orson watched episode after episode of 24 in order to keep the pace going in this book. He also relied heavily on the internet for research. So in more ways than one this was a very modern novel, utilizing pop culture, the web, and television shows to help put you inside the story.

In a lot of ways I lean to the right so I didn’t hate this book. I have a feeling that it might piss people off who lean more to the left. There were parts of this story that I found to not make much sense due to my pre-conceived conceptions of behavior. By this I mean, what sort of leftist liberal wife is a stay at home mom and on the staff of a conservative politician? Okay, so there’s a few out there, just like I’m a Republican pro-choice atheist, I’m sure there are liberal SAHM’s. Just seemed a little strange. But I suppose if Mary Matalin and James Carville can make their marriage work, the marriage between Malich and Cecily could work too. Since they’re fictional and all.

In the Afterword the author tries to explain that he really isn’t biased or anything and doesn’t mean to give an impression of leaning to either the left or right but it definitely leans. He does mention that in today’s political environment, a moderate does get vilified like never before. Believe one thing of a party and suddenly you’re labeled as being in lock step with that particular party and not allowed to think anything else.

Look, the story moves along, it’s another fast paced book. Lots of battle, intrigue and wondering if it truly is the Left or the Right who is behind this. I have my ideas and the story ends in such a way as to leave it open for a sequel or for you to draw your conclusions about whether the actions of a particular character were for the good of the country or the advancement of his own selfish goals. Is one man capable of master manipulation of the entire nation, to become a benevolent leader that everyone looks up to and trusts, and actually be hiding a desire to dictator? Is it possible for a single man to dupe the United States in such a way?

Are we that naïve and trusting?

I can see this being an interesting video game. I could visualize the scenes in my mind very well.

There were twists and turns and yes, I was even shocked over a couple of unexpected actions. I even gasped once.

This isn’t a book that is going to have mass appeal in my opinion. I even asked someone who read this book what his impression of and he didn’t like it compared to the author’s previous work. It was too “Tom Clancy”. While Tom Clancy is a great author, he isn’t what you expect to read from a SciFi writer. This was the first book I’ve read from Orson Scott Card and I like espionage/spy thriller types and I was entertained.

This was simple enough to make a good summer blockbuster flick with lots of things blowing up. And it reads just like that.

I am not an expert on the military or the weaponry utilized so I can’t really tell you if all of that was accurate, but it sounded good. Big and shiny with lots of noise and blood.

Another thumbs up for a recently read novel. Pick it up if you’re interested in a hypothetical modern day American civil war where in the end, the right side wins. Maybe.


Spring Cleaning

Well Happy Easter everyone! I hope that the holiday weekend was a success, and that everyone filled up on Jelly Beans and family! I myself worked through the holiday, but I don’t mind because this holiday, for me, marks the true beginning of spring! I am really looking forward to warmer weather, and flowers and all the wonderful changes that mean summer is not far behind!

Easter has always been a holiday that I have trouble remembering, though as a child, I remember waking up before the sun, coming downstairs and finding an Easter basket placed on the table with candies and usually a nice pair of dress socks. (Why is it always socks???) I would always get a hollow chocolate bunny as well. I remember one year the bunnies were EasterKitty236w.jpgmissing and there was a note from the Easter Bunny, telling my brothers and I that this year he had hid the bunnies somewhere in the house and we had to find them! I found two out of three bunnies that year. One I found hidden underneath a cushion on the couch, the other was slyly on the bookshelf masquerading as a novel. I can’t for the life of me remember where the third Bunny was or who found it. I wonder if one of my two brothers knows where it had been… I also have a vivid memory of going through my Easter basket while my mother was fixing dinner in the kitchen, it was dark out and we were preparing to go to the “Sunrise service” for our local church, she was running a bit late I think, and our cat, “Ebony” was also in the kitchen looking to be fed. This particular cat, (I remember her fondly.) had the habit of weaving in and out of your feet whenever she wanted attention. On this particular day she managed to trip my poor mother up a couple of times so she got frustrated and did what she called “Kicking the Cat” this wasn’t as awful as it sounds, but she would get her foot under the cat and then: WHOOSH!, Slide her foot in such a way that the cat would slide across the linoleum floor and into the waxed floor of the den. Still on all fours, the cat would retreat to a position in the den until she felt she could return to harassing my mother and her savvy feet. It was always a sight to see the poor creature slide a good ten to twelve feet across the house. And even now it gives me a chuckle recalling that particular morning.

Ebony, stayed with my family until I turned about 11 or 12, that year she contracted Feline Diabetes, and we had to put her down because she was in so much pain. It’s funny though, she used to have this habit of sleeping with me at night right on my chest, rising and falling with my breathing, and to this day I sometimes wake up with the feeling that she still sleeps there. Though neither of my cats sleep in a similar position on the bed. Those mornings I tend to feel a bit rejuvenated and calm. I miss that cat, and hope that when my days on this plane are up, I will see her again. Easter as I have said marks the beginning of spring for me, and like the waking of the season, things are changing for me too! I am relocating to an area in Vermont that I have always felt connected to, and I will be altering my days and nights again for this period of rejuvenation. I think I will reinvent parts of myself that I am unhappy with, and try to improve the parts of me that I feel need modification. If there was a time for New Year’s resolutions, I think that now would be a better time for those decisions as opposed to January, when everyone is still feeling the winter blues. So I will resolve to get out of doors more often, to take the bad things more lightly, and to find a new hobby that will be productive and conducive to my newly forming lifestyle.

Now then, with that out of the way I’d like to take a moment to bring up something that has always bothered me a little bit, and I’m sure that someone will disagree with me about it, however I was talking with a friend of mine the other day about good and bad movies, and he mentioned to me that he was going to see “Shindlers List” again. It was at that time that I
brought up the fact that I had no interest in seeing that film, Or the “Passion of Christ” either, Nor “World Trade Center”. Now I am not particularly too sensitive about any of the events in any of these movies. Blood, Gore, and explosions are nothing that I haven’t seen before. My reasons for not wishing to see these films are because the events portrayed in them are real, or at least, based on real events. “Passion” being largely a myth, because proof of that time is sketchy at best, however I do believe that Jesus existed. The thing is, folks, is that these things HAPPENED. The events of the Holocaust were real, disgusting, and awful. The events of 9-11 dude%20wheres%20my%20cross.jpgwere sad, shocking, and altered the way we as a country perceive the rest of the world. Many lives were lost in both events. It is, for me, just heart wrenching to know that these stories aren’t made up by some story-teller. That the horrific events actually happened, to people like me, my neighbors, and family.

My friend’s argument was valid enough, that those who do not understand the future are doomed to repeat it, that the films are made out of respect and reverence to those people who passed away under such awful circumstances. I suppose that this is quite true, Steven Spielberg himself being a Jewish man, must have felt a great connection to his Masterpiece of cinema. From what I hear, it is a heart felt, and honest depiction of the events surrounding the Holocaust. I do not doubt the reasoning behind films based on true events. What my problem is, that I know, that someone somewhere, is making a profit on the deaths of all those people. Now before you jump on me about the fact that most of the profits go to causes for refugees, the families of the deceased, and many foundations, that is all true. Most of these films are made to benefit one or more separate causes. That’s great, but the rub here is the key-word: “Most”. Most of the profits…Why not ALL of the Profits??? Why don’t the actors DONATE their time in honor of those lives lost? Why is someone still making money off death? Should someone you don’t know make money because your Aunt passed away?

Should some musician make money because your parent’s died in a tragic accident involving a chicken coop, a radio, and the latest edition of “Who’s Who”? I don’t think its right for people to take money that has real blood on it. People died in horrific ways that are unimaginably worse than anything I have seen on “A Nightmare on Elm Street”. Instead of revering the dead and mourning the loss, we seem to have made a habit of deciding that this would make the perfect weekend blockbuster film! When did real death become a source of entertainment? I don’t find death funny. (OK I do when watching really bad horror movies, but those are completely made up, with funny dialogue.) I don’t think that all those gay men, lesbians, Jews, and other minorities who died horribly in the fires of the holocaust, should be made into entertainment. Education, maybe, and I am sure that a couple of these types of cinema will wind up in the schoolrooms across the nation. But why do we not distribute them for free? As a means of waking up America? Why does someone manage to collect money on all that true horror?

It just doesn’t sit right with me and so I refuse to watch them. It took me a very long time to watch “Titanic” for the same reason. For all those people to have died so horribly just makes my heart hurt. I finally did see that particular film, at my sister-in-laws request. It was very well done, epic, and sweeping. A very moving film and I believe James Cameron made a very fitting tribute to those lost souls. But I do not believe that anyone should have made money on it either. I suppose that it is simply my opinion about these true-life films. But at times it really makes me upset to know that someone, somewhere, just got a check that thousands of people died to generate. It just makes me Ill. I suppose I’ll leave on that note. I’m sorry that it’s a rather upsetting one especially for me. I know that many of the profits for these films go to good causes, but I wonder why it is only a portion, and not the whole amount. I think people should donate time and services to create a proper tribute to those we have lost in time and to tragic events. Not expect payment for the exhibition of death. May you all find happiness in the weeks to come, and may you rejoice in the spring air. Find joy in the little things, and the big things are sure to follow! And don’t worry about me, I’m a drag queen, what do I know?

Diary Of A Vermont Drag Queen Archives

Local Cuisine : Pam's Patio Kitchen

No matter where you live, there is always a local restaurant that blows you away each time you go. Someplace that, for myriad reasons, is special. When you live in a city like San Antonio or New York, one of the most exciting things to do is go out searching for new places to eat. In San Antonio, there are thousands of restaurants. Some are great, some have potential that they just haven't reached, and some leave you with a burning need for Pepto Bismol. I am fortunate enough to have one of those rare great restaurants within walking distance of my house.

pamspatio.jpgWith its small, unassuming front, one wouldn't necessarily expect four-star cuisine from this strip-mall occupant. But if you've been picking out restaurants as long as I have, you know to never judge a book by its cover. Pam's has a nice outdoor patio for days when it's pleasant outside, and when the candles are lit and the sun is setting behind the restaurant, it makes for a gorgeous place to spend time with friends and family. On the inside, Pam's is a nice, modern looking little joint, painted with bright colors and funky paintings from local artists. In one corner, they have a projector that displays old black and white films. As I discovered last night, "old black and white films" includes Mel Brooks' classic Young Frankenstein. Just another feather in the cap for this establishment. If I ever go and they have Monty Python's Holy Grail playing, I won't eat anywhere else—ever.

But enough about the establishment—let's get to the meat. And by meat, I mean meat. Pam's serves a wide variety of entrees. Their menu includes dishes from Thai Panang Beef Curry with thin strips of beef, coconut milk, and Thai curry, to Bistec Tacos with grilled Angus beef, sautéed onions, and homemade guacamole served on fresh corn tortillas. I have yet to try all these delicious dishes, but friends rave about each and every one of them. What I have tried is the filet with Roquefort. Two eight-ounce filets, served medium rare, topped with exquisite Roquefort cheese. When this dish comes out, the Roquefort is pleasantly melted, leaving the beautiful steak near sizzling. It is very rare that I find places that use bleu cheeses with any satisfactory results, but the combination of the premium cut of meat with top-quality Roquefort is a taste that I have yet to find rivaled anywhere.

Pam's Patio Kitchen is a local treasure. Pam herself will come by your table to say hello. It is one of the friendliest places you will ever dine in. So when you readers make it down to San Antonio next time, you let me know, and I'll treat you to some of the best food in town at Pam's. In the meantime, tell me about some of your favorite local establishments. Cheers!

Uber's Corner Archives

April 8, 2007

The Curse Of William Penn

I’ve always said that this was a heartbreak town. The first time I lived here, I lost a wife, a life I didn’t want much to do with and a very, very cool kitten. All within the space of a couple of weeks. And, for the most part, that’s how things seem to run around here. For a few weeks or months, you’re living high. “Sky’s the limit, Ma…” and you feel unstoppable. Then the rug comes out from under you and the next thing you know you’re penniless and broken. That’s one of the beautiful things about this town. You may be destitute and desperate… but there’s nowhere to go but up. It’s almost as if Philadelphia only exists to remind us that there is Hope in the world. Because, believe me, if we didn’t have Hope in this town, no one in their right mind would live here.

billy%27s%20gonna%20be%20pissed.jpgSport in Philly works the exact same way. More often than not I have seen a team fumble in the pre-season, only to come out strong and sure of them selves as they start to gel and coalesce into something that the media will always describe as “Unstoppable” or “A Legacy in the Making”. And they’ll play great ball until their sudden, and quite inevitable, loss. And that’s what always gets me. In this town, it’s never a series of small missteps that lead up to the sudden crushing defeat. It always comes down to one game or one stupid thing that sends the entire season into a tailspin.

According to the old(er) bastards around here, there was a time when being a Philadelphia sports fan wasn’t a life long lesson in getting your hopes up only to suffer a crushing defeat. Most of the city simply believes that we’ve just had a string of bad luck that somehow managed to last for 23 years or so. There are a few stalwarts, however, that believe something entirely different. They believe, it’s a curse.

For most of this grand city’s life, we had a few simple rules. Don’t say “Wop” in South Philly. Never, ever get into a debate about who has the finest cheesesteaks with your best friend. There is not and never will be a 14th St. And you shall not build a building that stands taller than Billy Penn. You see, old Bill stands atop City Hall, gazing down upon the City he worked so long and hard to develop and build. It was his reward, you see, for his years of dedication that he would be allowed to look out upon his city every day and survey his handiwork.

All that changed in 1987. Liberty One (one of the taller structures in the city) was finally completed. Liberty One stands a full four hundred or so feet taller than Old Bill and ever since, there’s been a steady decline in our glorious team’s track records. It’s almost like Mr. Penn is taking this personally and taking it out on our beloved sports teams (There’s a fantastic movie available that covers this whole theory in a little more detail.).

The Fightin’ Phils have been in a steady decline for years, the Flyers are officially the worst team in the NHL and even the almighty A.I. can’t save the Sixers from taking an early playoff vacation. Hell, my beloved Eagles fought like titans this past year, after Donovan McNabb got dropped like sack of potatoes. And they made the playoffs. Once the town rallied around Jeff Garcia, for a few weeks, we had something to look forward to. A new QB, an new excitement for the team and suddenly we’re winning games. Did we win the Big Game ? Or even the playoffs ? Aw, hell no.

But really, did you think we were going to ?


April 7, 2007

Book Review: Where Did I Come From?

I should preface this by warning that it contains some pretty graphic sex and quite possibly some hot photos, thereby insuring that everyone will read it…

Over the years I have read many books. To say I read a lot is an understatement. Oh hell, I’ll even admit that I used to read while driving, but I’ve never been arrested for it. Well, not yet, anyway. In fact, the best thing about writing at FTTW is reading the wonderful articles here. (shameless brown-nosing now out of the way:) And I have never done a book review, until now. I have finally found a book worthy of review by me. I give you an unsolicited review my latest read:

Where Did I Come From? By Peter Mayle, with illustrations by Arthur Robins

I was taken aback at first by the golden emblem on the cover proclaiming “Over 2 Million Copies Sold!” I haven’t had much luck with the tofu and latte mainstream crap on the bookshelves, today and I shy away from pretty much anything “award-winning”, or “best-selling”. I tend toward the more obscure gems to be found when digging deep into the local used book dealer, with the only exception to popular authors being Stephen King. I don’t care what anyone says, Mr. King is a real storyteller, but I digress.

The reference on the back cover is however, impressive: Doctor Spock gives it top grades for humanness (I’m not sure what that is, but it sounds important) and honesty (I know what this is-honestly), but says some may be offended. I should note that Peter and Arthur have also teamed up to bring us What’s Happening to Me? and hopefully after this offering will reunite to answer the timeless, Whisky Tango Foxtrot? The current Mayle/Robins books are part of an awe-inspiring series that includes the powerhouse, Why Am I Going To The Hospital? and the chilling, ball-breaker titled, How To Be A Pregnant Father. Guys, don’t read this alone at night. Scary. Scary. Shit.

The storyline is pretty straightforward with a mere casual glance. A healthy nod is given to red-faced parents all over the world to jump-start the topic.


If you have a kid older than 3, chances are you’ve been nailed to the post with at least one tough question posed 23 years before you were ready to give an answer. You know-your 3 yr old daughter catches you coming out of the shower and asks why your package is smaller than her tootsie-roll. “How do you pee with that little thing, daddy?” Yeah, kids are great.

The kids, themselves take the spotlight next with a few choice examples of speculation on where they came from. My personal favorite is little Tommy who nails it when he says that his dad got him from the saloon.


How does one become so wise at five? So far, I’m thinking this is a great book and I’m gonna read it to the little one and then I turn the page. Holy Shit! There’s mom and dad playing together with a plastic boat in the tub. Pop’s wang is swinging in the breeze and he’s hung like a horse. Hello! What are they going to do with that little boat? Mom? Yeah, she’s got a decent rack, but fuck me if she doesn’t look like DAD wearing a wig! Like I said, they need to reunite and answer the inevitable WTF? So while the fact that mom and dad are not made the same way is covered, you are left with a queasy stomach and wondering exactly how mom and dad are related.

The author tackles the subject with relish and doesn’t pull any punches when he tells children that breasts are like mobile milk bars and gives a quick thank you to breasts in general before moving on. One gets the feeling he wasn’t breast-fed as a child. A sort of honor roll of breast names is presented so our kids don’t get lost when their older siblings start talking trash about titties, boobs, bazookas, etc. After he touches on breasts, he moves on down, but I should not forget to mention I love the shot of the little dude getting a feed on, thinking, “ Ahhh. Milk. Wonderful Milk.”

When covering (or in this case, uncovering) the genitals, Mayle neglects the honor roll of slang. Wang, dang, sweet poontang, and all that. Then, he says that a penis is like peanuts, except without the “t”. WTF? I’ve been looking at mine for an hour and I just don’t see it. His only saving grace is that he promises mine is going to grow bigger someday.


I am patiently waiting… He also notes that vagina rhymes with Carolina, so he must have heard the one about, well, never mind. Anyway, no slang terms here-I was disappointed. I mean, what a dick!

Nonetheless, he dives into bumping uglies with gusto! I mean he goes out on a limb to note that we only play hide the sausage in bed most of the time and only because a bed is nice and comfortable. Obviously he’s never done the horizontal bop on a pool table, or pulled the “O” face in the mud at a rock concert, but he’s obviously given the missus a really tight hug, once or twice. That’s right, according to this book, babies come from really tight hugs and the guy’s penis gets bigger because it has lots of work to do. (That’s what she said) Making love (that means fucking) tickles and makes you wiggle. He says it’s like scratching an itch, but a lot nicer and yeah, I suppose that is right on target, isn’t it?


Anyway, he says it all ends with a big sneeze and then it’s all sperms, eggs and babies growing in the “woom” with a b. The book closes with a baby who comes out yelling like a pissed-off football fan.

I suppose this book is appropriate for all ages under 13 and lays out all the necessary bits for a complete birds and the bees story. Sex and babies are covered honestly and simply, just what every parent needs to educate the little ones with only two faults, in my humble opinion. First, the author uses to many analogies. I think the child will toddle away remembering itches, tickling, wiggling and a big, fucking sneeze. I think the analogies should be left up to the parents, tailoring to the child’s age and environment. Second, the image of mom and pop in the tub getting ready to utilize a plastic boat is wrong and for fuck’s sake, mom should NOT look like dad with a wig!


Pirate is the author of Any Port in the Storm, which appears here every Tuesday.

Ozzie Guillen Deathwatch

Please welcome the newest FTTW author, Jim. His column will be about baseball, interspersed with tidbits about music, especially from Jim's local (Tennessee) scene. While he debuts today, his column will be appearing on Fridays after this.

Listening to a band called Actress as I get prepared to bang away on the keyboard, They started here in Chattanooga and have gone far, so far . . .

Anyway, the baseball season's start is insane. Daisuke Matsuzaka's "gyroball" leads to ten strikeouts in his first start; Barry Bonds looking dangerous at the plate again and MOVING in the field; Bob Wickman's pursuit of Terry Forster's claim as the *ahem* biggest-boned closer in baseball history; and I have officially started the Ozzie Guillen Deathwatch for he will be gone before the season is over. All this, the Drive By Truckers' "Never Gonna Change" and a cup of java. Here we go . . .

dice-k.jpgOzzie Guillen will be gone for the exact reason listed in the DBT song: he's never gonna change. He speaks without thinking sometimes, which can be handled with good media handlers, but his main problem is that he rides his starters like rented mules and it's starting to show. Mark Buehrle's been over 200 innings for six years running with a K/9 rate starting to sink fast; Jon Garland's been over 190+ innings for five; and Jose Contrera's usage is just about the same and he's slightly older than dirt. This season (2007) is going to be Ozzie's fourth at the helm of the South Siders and he has shown no indication that he has any inkling of what new stats, or "metrics" as those fellows over at SABR (Society For American Baseball Research) like to call them, are out there showing how wrong his approach is. Ya know, names like that make me wanna form something like the Society For Omani Baseball Research and call it SOBR and have meetings in bars but I'm a natural-born smartass and I digress . . . there's a thing called Pitcher Abuse Points that was posted over at Baseball Prospectus almost ten years ago. Pitching coach Don Cooper missed that one, or is too afraid of Ozzie to even mention anything remotely similar to that. There's plenty more ideas/articles like that out there but they challenge "conventional baseball wisdom" and the mere thought of such things probably gets Ozzie ready to call someone else a fag, as Don Cooper finds somewhere else to hide or maybe a sudden "doctor's appointment". Oh well, I hope all the Pale Hose fans enjoyed 2005, 'cause it's not happening again anytime soon. Ageing stars with oversized, far too long contracts such as Paul Konerko, Mark Buehrle and Jose Contreras will limit what Ken Williams will be able to do when the wheels start to come off and the Indians start to beat them like red-headed stepchildren. It will not be pretty and the faithful at Comiskey or US Cellular or YourNameHere or whatever the hell the name is this week will demand blood sacrifice and hey Ozzie, looks like you're at the head of the line, bruh.

bob%20wickman.jpgBy the way, Daisuke's throwing a screwball from what I've been able to see. It's not an unheard of pitch to throw (see Fernando Valenzuela) but no one throws it much because the strain on the arm is tremendous. However, Matsuzaka's never been an injury problem in Japan, so who knows? Maybe we're in for a treat - a fine pitcher slinging a pitch that an entire generation of baseball fans have never seen.

Kasabian's "Clubfoot" is on the headphones now and rocks hard. Listen and enjoy.

Teams that are having good starts and won't do anything: Twins, Pirates (of course), and Colorado. That's a short list but this season's truly a crapshoot and we haven't even started to play the "When the hell is Roger coming back?" game yet. And Bud Selig made 14.5 mil last year to stand around like Mr Magoo. Sweet baby Jesus . . .

That's all I got for now; I'm off to have a Vienna sausage eating contest with Bob Wickman. Y'all stay outta trouble.


Look for Jim's baseball/music column every Friday on FTTW.

Hockey Hope, Baseball Boredom and Bucky Fucking Dent

dipietro_rick_194x240.jpgTechnically, it's still hockey season. My team is still in it! They just have to win their last two games against two teams they really have no business beating and Toronto has to beat Montreal and then the Islanders are in the playoffs!!! Which just means that we've prolonged the misery by a week or two because they just don't have what it takes (a starting goalie without a concussion) to get out of the first round.

So let's talk baseball instead. Let's talk Yankee baseball.

Now, I'm not delusional. I can see where this season is headed already. I'm going to be frustrated for a while. Maybe a little angry. After a while I'll just stop caring and start counting the days til NFL training camp opens. Eventually the pennant race will heat up, the playoffs will come around and I will do the obligatory Yankee fan hand wringing thing but fact is, I've stopped giving a shit about baseball. I stopped bleeding Yankee blue. Maybe it started back when Clemens became a Yankee. Maybe it started when my favorite players started bleeding from the team. Maybe it's because I just can't bring myself to like A-Rod. Maybe I just lost some of the attention span I need to watch four hours of men scratching their balls. I need action. I need excitement. If you want to keep my attention, it's gonna take more than seven foul tips in a row. It's gonna take something like a goalie getting a concussion.

I used to love baseball. I used to plan my schedule around Yankee games. In fact, there was a time when a single swing of the bat could end up being one of the greatest moments of my life.

Yes, I've just got to tell this story.

October, 1978. Junior year at my Catholic high school. Because the kids in my school came from all over Long Island, we would often stay after school, hanging out in the front lobby or the grass by the side of the parking lot instead of asking our parents to drive us all over creation.

The previous August I had a sweet sixteen party, one of those dress-up, dancing affairs where we played nothing but Who records and my friends got in trouble for pouring vodka into the pitchers of soda.

Those drunken friends, Kevin, Tim and Chris, had chipped in to buy me a wonderful birthday present: a portable radio. Keep in mind this was in the days before boom boxes. This radio was small, had no cassette player or 8-track player, just an AM/FM radio, which was all I wanted. Their intention in getting me this particular present was so I wouldn't rush home after school during the baseball playoffs - I could stay after and hang out with them and listen to the games (which used to be played in the afternoon) on my portable radio.

On October 8th of that year, there was a one-playoff game for the AL East title. Yankees. Red Sox. Fenway. This is what baseball was all about. This is the stuff that rivalries are made of.

I listened to most of the game in front of the school while everyone else was smoking or starting fights or whatever it was we did in those days. I held the radio up to my ear and did a play-by-play for everyone who was interested. As the game wore on the tension grew, everyone gathered around me on the lawn and I turned the volume up. And then the late bus came. I had to leave them all there, not knowing what was happening.

My school district didn't give us private school kids our own yellow buses. We had passes that allowed us to take the public buses for free. So for the four miles home, I had a bus full of commuters gathered around my seat, crossing their fingers and praying.

The moment happened when I got off at my stop. It was a 1/4 mile walk to my house, down one straight road. I had the radio up to my ear again as Dent came up to bat. My heart was beating fast, my nerves were tingling. I went into a half-run, hoping that I could make it to my house - which I could see all the way at the end of the block - before anything great happened. And there was no doubt in my mind, I felt it in every nerve in my body, that something grand was about to happen.

The only reason the Yanks left Dent in to hit in the seventh inning of a game they were losing 2-0 was because they were out of spare infielders.

Before his home run, Dent fouled a ball off his foot, hopping around in pain and asking the trainer to come out and take a look. After walking around a bit, Dent decided he was OK and went back into the box.

Mickey Rivers was on deck, and the Yanks leadoff hitter had been closely observing Dent the entire time. While most everyone in Fenway Park was watching Dent grimace in pain, Rivers noticed that the bat Dent was using was the same one that Rivers had used earlier in the game and Rivers knew the bat was cracked. He grabbed a bat-boy and sent him to the plate with the bat he was holding, and Dent took the new lumber despite being in the middle of an at-bat.

And then it happened. Dent swung at a Torrez fastball. It was going, going, gone. A three run homer. I don't even remember the call of the play on the radio because I was whooping it up, all by myself on the sidewalk. I heard the happy roar of a man coming from inside the house I was passing. I was literally jumping in the air. I broke into a sprint and ran the rest of the way home, where my mother, who was the source of all things Yankees for me, was standing in the kitchen, waiting for me. High fives all around. The Yankees went on to win, 5-4.

"Deep to left! Yastrzemski will not get it! It's a home run! A three-run homer by Bucky Dent! And the Yankees now lead by a score of 3-2!" - Bill White

And that is how Bucky Dent came to be known around Boston as Bucky Fucking Dent.

Michele may get tired of the Yankees and baseball, but will never tire of goading Red Sox fans into insult-a-thons.

April 6, 2007

we have a date with the underground, chapter 47

Part 4 of a series.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

So this was the way it was. This is where you end up. Or so I thought at the time. These were the people who couldn't quite commit to killing themselves quickly or slowly. They were the inbetweens. The ones who would have rather just lived lived their life in the great gray rather then going black.

cigarette11.jpgNo one was in there cause they cared. They were all put there by family or friends. Maybe it was their last way out and they took it.

It wasn't that way for me. It was just a break. A drinking timeout. That's what I thought of it. I knew there was no way in my life I could live sober. It just wasn't in my cards to deal with things on the straight and narrow. My whole life up to this point was just one reason after another to drink or use drugs. There was always something wrong in my life. Some reason I wanted to feel numb. If it wasn't wanting to feel numb cause my life sucked so bad, it was wanting to feel numb because I always felt numb. That's an interesting concept. I got high and drunk because I was depressed I was always high and drunk. Self respect was a thing of the past.

This hospital was strange. It wasn't loud. People looked happy. It didn't smell. Clean beds were new to me. Nice people were new to me.

This was new to me.

This place scared me.

I never let my cigarettes leave my side. No one would see the pack and no one would get them. What's mine is mine and you better be blood to have any. A left eye on you and a right eye on what's mine. That's a hard concept to understand for some people. You wake up and the only thing that you have to get you through the day alive is who you can lie to and what you have in your pockets. That is the way I lived. Smokes never left my side. Slept with a lighter. Always a couple bucks for that first forty. Always a smile and forked tongue for that first line and a mind that will never forget your name if you do me wrong.

That way of thinking wouldn't leave me in 28 days. It is still with me today.

So going into this place and being expected to trust people was a lost concept. Sure, I'll talk with these people. I'll get what I can, even if I didn't really want anything, then I'll leave. I'll get high again.

One of the stupidest reasons I never quit using before was because I could not talk while sober. Words would not leave my mouth. When I was drinking, I could. I could talk anything out of anyone. Be your best friend and take your last dollar. But when I was sober, things were different. Words escaped me. Sitting in a blank without an answer. It wasn't right. I wasn't right. My mind would focus on the past and I would ask myself questions. Was I ever able to talk? Was it always the drugs fueling my humor? Was that the only reason why people liked me? Was there ever a point in my life where I could carry on a conversation without a beer in me?

I could not think of a sober fun time I had. I could not remember anytime sober.

The drugs and alcohol were putting in one last fight. One last pull on my mind and body to try and tell me that without them, I would not be me. If they were going to go, they sure as shit weren't going out easy. In those first days, my mind was telling me that I needed a drink to forget that my drinking put me here in the first place. Wouldn't a few drinks and some cocaine be great right now? A few shots of well vodka and pint of Pabst to get started. A few lines in the bathroom and I'm off to play Golden Tee. Maybe some speed if I was too slow and maybe some dope when I wanted to sleep.

5013759286274548340.jpgA week long binge and I would be back here to get with the rest of the program.


There was something in my mind. Some voice. Something telling me to stay. Just a little whisper in the back of my head begging me to stay. Pleading with me. Telling me it would get better. I would come out of this shell. I would be able to talk again. I wouldn't be in a corner about to cry all day long. I wouldn't be hiding from people. Just give it a little more time. Please. One more day and things will get better. I would bargain with my brain and give it a few more hours. If it didn't get better by tomorrow, I was leaving. If I had to beg pills to get through another sleep, I was leaving. I didn't come in here to get hooked on another drug. If I hang my head down one god damn more time when a girl talks to me, I am leaving.

I'd heard stories about how you stop maturing when you start using drugs. That all those years where normal people did their growing up were lost on people like me. That we had to do it again. Maybe it was true. Maybe I was one of those people. Maybe I was just like a 14 year old. Maybe worse. All of the evidence was there. I wasn't responsible. I moved around constantly. I was totally immature. Maybe I was just a kid. Maybe I was afraid of girls.

This kind of thinking scared me.

It terrified me.

That wasn't me. That was the drugs again. Telling me this. Telling me that. Over and over. But the evidence was there. I had lived in some strange places and been friends with all kinds of seedy people but I had always been on something. Maybe I was only able to handle the things I did because I was using.

Maybe the drug was me.

And without it, I was nothing.

We Have a Date with the Underground Archives

I Had a Dream I Was a Vigilante's Sidekick

If this is the Trainwreck column, then it must be Friday. Made it through another week!

For the uninitiated, this is the weekly column where the writers of FTTW get together and talk shit about things. I'd call it a roundtable discussion, but there are no tables at FTTW headquarters and it's not so much a discussion as a bunch of people sitting around fighting about the last piece of pizza or the last swig of FTTW-brand moonshine.

That's our weekly meetings. You should check out our office parties.

Anyhow, this week's discussion was about sidekicks. You know, those guys that always hang around someone famous and usually have all the good ideas and do all the hard work while the the sidekick has to sit around and bear the brunt of the other guy's wisecracks and pretend that he isn't the brains behind the operation. A good sidekick will play dumb for his partner. You just hope that some day he gets the karma owed him.

So, who's your favorite sidekick?

Dave in Texas: Baba Louey

Pril: Barnacle Boy. Because he's like 100 years old and is still "barnacle boy" (sidekick of Mermaid Mad from Spongebob).

Joel: I'm going to break out my Buffy obsession for this one and go with season four-era Spike. For those who don't know, he was a bad ass vampire who was constantly trying to kill Buffy, her boyfriend, her friends, her family, and anyone else he could get his hands on. But he was also a total romantic, in a twisted sort of way, both in love and in terms of liking this world.

spike4.jpgKey quote to demonstrate the twisted romanticism: "We like to talk big. Vampires do. 'I'm going to destroy the world.' That's just tough guy talk. Strutting around with your friends over a pint of blood. The truth is, I like this world. You've got... dog racing, Manchester United. And you've got people. Billions of people walking around like Happy Meals with legs."

So come season four, he gets a nice little computer chip in his head that makes him unable to hurt humans.

And hilarity ensues.

A neutered Spike first coming to Buffy and her friends for help and then eventually helping them to fight demons when he realizes he can still hurt them, even if he can't hurt humans, was brilliant. Of course, he was still evil, but he was so desperate to commit acts of violence, he decided to help Buffy go after the demons, just because that was what he could beat up on. It was a season filled with many very funny Spike scenes and it was the start of turning him into one of the most fascinating and entertaining characters ever to grace television.

Branden: Comics: Tetsuo from Akira. Whiny sidekick turned kickass telepathic/kinetic prime minister.

TV (sitcoms): Larry from Three's Company. The perfect 80s scumbag.

TV (not sitcoms): Jonesy, from the short-lived HBO series Carnivale. Tough, racist, but would always stand by people he believed in.

Movies: Patsy from Holy Grail. Hell, the entire round table kicked ass. Sir Robin is a total whiner, Gallahad almost gets it on with dozens of women in Castle Anthrax, and Lancelot is just a guy who likes to do this in his own...his own...um...

Baby Huey: I'mma go all obscure. My favorite is Utahraptor from Dinosaur Comics. He's T-Rex's straight man. He really sets up old T-Rex for some great lines. For example:

[click for bigger]

Richard: Bender B. Rodriguez, because he's a robot. A robot that gambles, and pimps, but does not advocate the cool crime of robbery. I forgive his adoration of Beck, 'cause robots have zero taste in music. You might say that Fry is Bender's sidekick, you would be not entirely incorrect, so I'll go with Kif Kroker, the complainingest sidekick in the galaxy, to 25-star general Zapp Brannigan. The dog and the baby on that Family Dude show are the only not-annoying part of it, not sure which is the sidekick or if they are a buddy team like Hope & Crosby.

Forget all that, or don't, but I want to say Arthur to the Tick. Because he is the rational one, and it always bites him in the ass. How did I get the idea they had to be cartoons?

Phil: I'm going to pick up on Joel's Buffy obsession and say Willow Rosenberg. I think she was the only reason I watched that show, because I have a thing for really hot nerds with magic powers. Mind you, I never had a crush on Alyson Hannigan, because I know that there is a difference between characters and the people who play them on TV. So I get crushes on fictional characters. Umm...I think that's healthy..

Pirate: I am compelled to pick Keith Richards as the greatest sidekick of all time, based only on this headline I just read: Keith Richards: "I snorted my father".

-He rocks and everybody else just rolls.

PeanutButterJellyTime.gifBonnie: My favorite sidekick is peanut butter. It goes with everything!! Just think of everything it's linked with:

Jelly, Chocolate (in all forms), Marshmallow Fluff, Bannanas, pretty much anything can be dipped in or coated with it! Great sidekick!

Cullen: Best sidekick? Bruce Lee.

Best roundhouse? Chuck Norris.

(Seriously though, Lee as Kato in the Green Hornet was awesome.)

DR: Zan and Jayna...The Wonder Twins! They're each other's best side kicks. Who else can you count on to turn herself into a bucket of water at the exact time you need to turn yourself into a pterodactyl so you can defeat the bad guys?

Awesome sidekicks, indeed!

I also like Cleft, Boy Chin Wonder from Fairly Odd Parents. He's the Crimson Chin's sidekick.
Nice suits. Red. Not too flashy. Ass kicking boy.

But that Crimson Chin is pretty hot, so I think I have ulterior motives to getting the boy chin in the limelight with all the attention.

Tim: I'm with Cullen. Bruce Lee as Kato.

How often does the side-kick out-shine the hero?

Quick, no Googling, who played The Green Hornet?


Shawna: does kermit have a sidekick?? cuz this video just cracked my ass up.

my pick is whoever kermit's sidekick is. cuz he's so cool.
maybe it's miss piggy. it's been a long time since i've watched the muppets.

what are you still doing here?? go watch the video!

Tim Shaw: Kato seconded.

With a nod to Arthur from the Tick...the animated version.

Michele: Pinky.

Everyone thinks Brain is the brains behind the operation, but it's Pinky who always comes up with the brilliant ideas. Sure, they are disguised as the ramblings of a drooling idiot, but in the end, Brain ends up forming his schemes off of what Brain suggests while he's doing his pondering. Brain may look like he's the one doing all the work and putting the plan into action, but look carefully.....Pinky is usually the one doing all the dirty work. Without Pinky, brain is just another Pavlovian lab mouse who will never get to the end of the maze.

"Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
Uh, I think so Brain, but this time, you wear the tutu.

Pat: Mr. Spock on the original "Star Trek" series. Why? Because there was never any doubt that he was smarter than Kirk, and he did straight man sooooooo well.

Ian: I second both nominations for Kato and Gir. Both totally brilliant.

But my ultimate vote is cast in favor of Arthur from The Tick.

Arthur is a Jewish accountant who is placed on "indefinite psychiatric leave" after he decides to pursue the life of a superhero. He purchases his "moth suit," which allows him to fly, at a garage sale. As such, it does not come with an owners manual, and he can't activate most of the other features the suit offers.

While The Tick chooses to shout "SPOON!" as he goes into battle, brave young Arthur instills fear in evil-doers by screaming "Not in the face!"


bender343.jpgJohnny: if i'm thinking of a sidekick i'd want, it would have to be someone who is loyal to a fault, someone who'd stick by you in those tight situations, someone who could get you quality blow.

my vote is for Al Cowlings.

i mean, how many of your friends would help you out once you got a murder rap? trust me, it's not a lot. and not only that, but he was probably the getaway driver when the Juice went on the loose in the first place. remember, he was also the slow and steady driver in the White Bronco, out on the L.A. Freeway. you just know O.J. was in the back, doin' line after line of Peruvian Flake. most people would be like, "hey man, there's all kinds of cops back there. i told you you shouldn't have killed those people. hey, ease up on that shit. it's not even paid for." but not A.C. nope. he kept on drivin', then made himself real scarce when the trial rolled around.

that's a fuckin' sidekick if there ever was one.

Ernie: Elwood Blues

And I also second, third or whatever Spock.

PS. I have walking pneumonia. Touch Me I'm Sick.

ed note: better than running pneumonia?

Turtle: The ultimate be all end all sidekick is of course Barney Fife. Mayberry's law and order. One bullet caring ass kicking machine. Without him, the town would become a lawless town of still making, moonshine drinking Otis Cambells.

Don Knotts reached his acting pinnacle in those early days only later to be bought out by Disney and turned into some gaywad cartoon fish who found German subs for the Army.

And that wraps up another FTTW trainwreck, and another week. Hope yours was good and your weekend is even better.

Now tell us - who is your favorite sidekick?

If I forgot to put anyone's in, I apologize and blame it on the FTTW kegerator.

This Idea Sucks

The NFL has postponed The China Bowl. YAY!! I was not too keen on the whole idea of the China Bowl and I was downright displeased about the Patriots having to play in it, so I was extremely happy to hear the news that the China Bowl has been postponed until 2009. Frankly I hope by the time 2009 comes around that the whole thing will have been chalked up as 'what were we thinking' and canceled.

040513_chinabowl.jpgThe downside? The only reason the China Bowl has been postponed is so that the NFL can focus on the regular season game that is to be played in London this year instead.

I can understand the NFL wants to reach an international audience, but I am completely against teams having to play a 'HOME' game, especially a regular season game, on a field that is an entire continent away in front of spectators who more than likely could not give a rats ass about the game's outcome.

This idea sucks.

If the NFL wants to do this international novelty game, since that is all it is to the majority of the people that will be in attendance, a novelty, they should do it as a special pre-season game, or as a Hall of Fame game, a game that does not count for anything except it's entertainment value.

I don't like it. Not one bit. And it's not even my team that's affected (this time).

I feel bad for the teams that are going to be playing in this game, the Giants and the Dolphins. This is going to be a huge disruption for the players, the coaches and everybody involved with the teams. On top of that, the game has been scheduled for October 28, so the game is going to take place during a critical time of the season for teams that are trying to get into position for the playoffs. This London game could potentially throw a big wrench in the works for the playoff hopes of either one of these teams.

And I haven't even mentioned how this is going to affect the Giants and Dolphins fans. What about them? Is the NFL going to ship the NY Giants and Miami Dolphins season ticket holders over to London so they can root for their teams? I doubt it.

The Dolphins have been designated as the 'home' team. So does this mean that Miami fans are now gipped out of one of their legit home games, you know, the ones that are actually played in Miami? Or is the NFL going to give the Dolphins an extra game in Miami to make up for it? I doubt it.

blazin41.jpgCan we expect that the people who will be attending this game in London will honestly have a clue about what is going on down on the field in front of them? Yes, I'm sure there will be people in the stands that are football fans, and there may even be some legit Giants or Dolphins fans in attendance, but let's be honest, the majority of the people that will be watching this game are going to be there to see a novelty event. They won't care about the game's outcome and, unless they are fans of NFL Europe and have watched the game of 'American Football', probably won't even know what's going on down on the field. Are they going to know when to cheer 'D-FENSE' and when to be quiet? I doubt it. Maybe in the days leading up to the game the NFL will hand out flyers around London that explain how the game of American Football is played... Yah. Sure.

I think the idea of playing a regular season NFL game in London or anywhere else that is outside of the NFL's home markets is a bad idea. Unfortunately, it's something we are going to have to live with and even worse, depending on the outcome, it could very well become a regular event.

I love football but sometimes the NFL really pisses me off. Of course it's entirely possible that I am just a jerk who knows nothing about the rabid NFL fan base that exists overseas which can't wait to see a real NFL football game live and in person. But I doubt it.

Ernie and Lili Von Shtupp are both so sick and tired of this

The End Zone Archives

Volume 3, Issue 8





The *REAL* Final Countdown

tfc1.jpgYou know you’re humming and air guitaring the opening, aren’t you?

The Writing is on the wall (and has been for weeks for some of our teams *coughbostonphillycough*). The East’s final spots still aren’t decided, the final placements for both coasts are still wobbly and several hockey people have lost their freaking minds.

Playoffs (Part 1 – the race to the bottom)

I’m listening to the Leafs/Isles game. The Isles just scored. The Leafs are arguing it, it’s being reviewed, but it’s a goal, by Ryan Smith – great acquisition eh? It’s hardly surprising for anyone who follows the Leafs, seriously. Even their coach doesn’t believe… (From the Globe and Mail)

Paul Maurice says the Toronto Maple Leafs don't have it, that they are not a good enough team to have it.

Reverse psychology? Distancing himself from the flaming suckage? Or did the Devils make him an offer he couldn’t refuse?

Another quote that amused me – about the Islander fans (from The Toronto Star)…

Islanders fans love Wade Dubielewicz, mostly because they can chant his nickname – "Du-bie, Du-bie" – whenever he makes a save.

That sums LI up I think ;-P

letsgoislanders.jpgBest case scenario for me? The Leafs win, the Canadiens (who are playing the Rangers Thursday night) lose and the game in Toronto on Saturday Night (Leafs v. Habs) is the deciding game for 8th. Man would that be a great game to watch. If the Hockey Gods (who are handsome and omnipotent – yeah, I said it) could see clear to give me that game, I’d really appreciate it. Like free porn appreciate it.

Playoffs (Part 2 – who’s playin’ who)

Yeah – I donno. The playoffs start next week (April 11th), we know where the top ones are going to be (East and West), where the bottom ones are going to be (golfing) – but the middle (and the Bottom East) is a fuzzy area, like the Mighty Moose’s tails.

We’ll talk next week. I’ll make picks, y’all can tell me how much I suck, I’ll provide references and we’ll all get caught up in our picks race for the most famous cup in the world. Le coup Stanley. Long live Stan.

In Hockey News – The full moon made itself know, with a vengeance

The Devils fired their head coach on Monday *crickets*. Not kidding. Claude Julien was surprised. So was I – they have three games left in the season, and the Devils are looking to Maurice%20and%20Stanley.jpgcinch FIRST PLACE. GM Lou Lamoriello is coaching the remaining games. Something major must have happened, this is the second time he’s been fired before the end of the season (Montréal 2006-2006), but with three games left and gearing up for the playoffs – it’s a bit of a slap in the face.

No playoffs for you! Move to the side (or maybe Toronto?).

Remember how I was talking about former Toronto enforcer Tie Domi last week? Well he’s making headlines in Toronto again this week. For allegedly (see, a law degree IS helpful) threatening the coach of his son’s hockey team after they lost a sudden death playoff game. The coach didn’t think it was literal. How is he handling it? He’s threatening to sue the coach for slander, the coach and his supporters/witnesses are trying to get him banned from the rink.

I think Domi needs a hobby. Maybe woodworking?

In Non-Hockey News…

Alanis Morissette Rocks…

This week’s column is brought to you by the letter “E”, E is for pain reducing electrodes. Mmmmmmm electrodes.


And The Winner of Best TV Theme Is................

This one was pretty heated. At first The Muppet Show fought it out with Super Chicken for a bit, and then some nerds went crazy voting for Battlestar Galactica and made it a real race. In the end, cooler - less geekier - heads prevailed and this theme song has gained its rightful place amongst the FTTW/TAFC Hall of Winners:


To the Battlestar Galactica voter(s): We like to keep the ability to vote more than once open because it makes the poll more fun. However, you went above and beyond, in such a way that you were taking all the fun out of it. Finding a way to cheat the system when the ability to do a little cheating is already enabled is above and beyond LAME. Remember, losers never win.

Thanks to all who nominated and voted. Final results here.

We urge to return to FTTW on Monday. We have quite the poll scheduled for then. I wont' say what it is, only that it will be a lot of fun and probably NSFW.

As always, we encourage you to leave your suggestions for future polls.


April 5, 2007

Time to Vote for TV Themes!

We have finally tallied up the nominations and used our patented, closely guarded mathematical formula to figure out which ones belong in the poll. Below the great, gaping maw of unintended white space below, you will find the poll where you may vote to your heart's desire. Yes, that means many times for one title. We really don't care about fair at FTTW. We just care that you vote. The democratic process depends on you.

Voting remains open until 10pm EST this evening. Results will be announced tomorrow. The world hangs in the balance. The fate of the universe may or may not rest upon the results of this poll. It's all in your hands now. Godspeed, voters.

The Almost Final Countdown #10

Best TV Theme Song

Muppet Show
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Dukes of Hazzard
Barney Miller
Battlestar Galactica
Sanford and Son
Spongebob Squarepants
Hawaii Five-0
Sesame Street
Super Chicken
WKRP in Cincinatti
Miami Vice
Rockford Files
Gilligan's Island
Greatest American Hero
The Simpsons
Cowboy BeBop

  Current Results


What I find wonderful about art is the brevity and expansiveness of it. Over the course of a good two hour movie, an artist can comment brilliantly on incredibly complicated and sweeping elements of life. A twelve page short story can speak a numbing truth about love. A three minute song can rip your heart out or just make you laugh. Or a single, beautiful photograph can leave you breathless, lost in thought yet unable to get your mind around all the thoughts it inspires.

These things happen in life, of course, because life is exactly what the art is reflecting. But life is messy, complicated, drawn out, boring—pretty much everything but sharp and neat and immediate. A great artist may be able to distill a human experience into a single inspiring frame, but that same experience in real life is rarely so compact and direct.

Saturday, I visited the Portland Art Museum and found myself browsing an exhibition of Elliott Erwitt photography. Black and white shots, Erwitt's pictures focused mostly on humans, sometimes in absurd situations or with absurd expressions. A significant minority featured dogs and their owners, with the dogs typically being more strange than normal. Most were beautiful, some were fascinating, a few of them were sad and others acted as societal observations.

val2.jpgWhile I enjoyed all the photographs, laughed at a few, and was left thinking by others, one of them just blew me away. It's pictured at left—a couple in Spain dancing in their tiny kitchen. I'm not sure what it is about this picture. Certainly, the framing of it is intriguing, with Erwitt taking the picture through the kitchen's entryway. The photograph's effect on me, though, really has nothing to do with the framing. It's what the picture shows of this couple. It's the quiet intimacy in their touch, in their kiss. It's how small and worn, yet inviting, the kitchen appears. It's the writing on the wall: "papas R.I.P."

I don't know if the pose was captured or if it was staged, but it looks real. It seems spontaneous and based on love and affection, rather than any desire to pose for Erwitt. Everything about the photograph feels real to me, a capturing of one of those beautiful, contented moments of life.

I love everything that this picture says about this couple's relationship. It's quiet, simple yet expansive, mutual. It's incredibly compelling and hopeful. Yet, perhaps more impressive is just how much the picture seems to encompass. It's not just about the relationship between these two people, which is captured in the pose, but it's also about their life. And their life is in the kitchen, it's in the writing on the wall, it's in the dirt and grime, it's in the bowl on the counter, the pattern on the wall, the bare light bulb. Every detail is there. The picture is filled with small elements of theirval1.jpg life that is normal and every day for them, but that can speak volumes to strangers, if looked at in the right way. And while these small objects may slip into the background for this couple as they go about living their lives, the objects are imbued with details of how they live, memories of what they have done, traditions and habits and beliefs. All of that is in the frame.

I literally just stopped short when I saw this picture. It hit me instantly. I stared, and I stared, then I slowly took myself away from it and looked at a few other pictures. Then, a few moments later, I was back, staring at this one mesmerizing capture. Eventually I was able to get away from it and appreciate the rest of the exhibit, then move on to other sections of the museum. But I returned to look at this photograph twice before I finally left the building. I just wanted to see it again and again, to experience the emotions it brought. I wanted to continue to look upon this couple and believe in every promise it held, every moment of happiness it suggested.

There were other great photographs in the exhibit, of course. The picture of the boy on the 3rd Avenue El, looking out its back window at the train tracks and city skyline. The funny and fascinating shot of an art class in which the artists are naked and the model is clothed. The snapshot of a tiny, sweater-clad, rat-like dog, wide eyed at the feet of its owner, New York fuzzy in the background. The ridiculous bouncing dog. A haunting shot from the Kennedy funeral. Or simply an amusing expression and interesting situation.

Yet, while I love all those photographs, none hit me the way that simple picture of a couple from Valencia, Spain dancing in their kitchen does. It's just a perfect example of how art can often be so much more succinct at summarizing life than life itself is. It's an example of how a great artist can take so many elements of life—so much of the expansive human experience—and show it to us, simple and condensed, shocking and beautiful, in a way that we simply can't and don't see when we're actually living it.

Joel is naming his next band The Ridiculous Bouncing Dogs

Lo-Fi Archives

TV Party Tonight (Alllllright!!)

I'm a TV snob. Not one of those pretentious fops that don't watch television, and make a point of making that point frequently, but I'm a snob about what I do watch. Recently I was watching Oprah, (ironic segue, and yeah, referencing her again, can't help it, I find her fascinating as a cultural phenomenon, plus she's hawt), and whilst gushing about the show "Grey's Anatomy" to one of her guests that - you guessed it, doesn't watch television - she mentioned haughtily that she doesn't watch tv either; but she watches Grey's. That was priceless, it is very telling for any of us that might be prone to take her advice of movies to see. Maybe that lack of regular television viewing has something to do with her finding Tyler Perry so incredibly hilarious. 'Cause he ain't. Really, not at all, not a titter, not a teehee, nothin'. People that make their living on television should keep it a secret that they don't watch any, not loudly condescend through the medium their disdain for it.

I suppose I'm more of a reactionary whiny baby about people that say they don't watch any tv than a snob about what I watch, but what you watch probably sucks anyway. I don't mean that in a bad way; I'm a full-on raging hypocrite about what I watch, so we can still be biffs. I will belittle the viewing of "Full House" reruns when I was sitting there catatonic during their first run. Oh, there were roommates and chemicals involved, sure, I've always got excuses, but if you know the name Kimmie Gibbler you can't pretend you don't. You watched it, you can't unwatch it. I can bash Urkel, Balki, and Blossom, but I was there, oh yes, I was there. I can envision Blossom's daydream of pushing a shopping cart filled with enormous feminine napkins, and I haven't seen the show since it went off the air. I can even sing this: "There's nothing my love can't fix for you baby, I'm positive of this I tell youuuuuu", so yeah buddy, I've watched some crap tv.

I'm even hypocritical about shows that I wasn't embarrassed of then or now, but they got too popular so in reverse-poseur style I will claim to not watch "Seinfeld". That's not entirely accurate, now that I think about it, I don't watch Seinfeld; but I will. I watched it from the beginning, always liked it, thought the last few seasons were weak, watched them anyway, then watched for years in reruns. Then I stopped. It was surreal, feeling the next words out of every character's mouth before they happened. So I started skipping over it in search of something else. Not expecting anything better, just fresher. Then I made it back around to wanting to watch it again, depending on the episode, and I would watch more often than not. Currently, I am not watching Seinfeld, I'm on the down slope. If I say I don't watch something doesn't mean I haven't, it might even mean that I have seen every single episode multiple times.

closet2.jpgI know who the Hekawi are (and the joke their name comes from), which twin from "Family Affair" died, I know why Tim Conway was a 'guest' for most of the time he was on "The Carol Burnett Show". I know how many girls were trimmed from "The Facts of Life" before the second season, I know that "E/R" and "ER" are two different shows starring an actor that also showed up on Facts of Life for a while. I know the names of Donna Pinciotti's sisters, I know how many Chuck Cunninghams there were, and I know what happened to Judy Winslow. I even know what state Springfield is in.

Not that my life is actually so tragic that I watch television all the time, (it may be a bit more tragic that I spend so much time at Fark, TWoP, and Pr0nsylvania dot com); I just use television as background noise during a lot of daily chores. I could listen to music, but worn-out reruns are less distracting, and I can gauge time better with a half hour sitcom than a random album or the radio. That might not make sense to you, or you, but one or two of the rest of you do the same thing. I need to get these dishes washed, or this shirt ironed or whatever and be ready to do something else at 7; so the 6:30 Everybody Loves Raymond episode I've seen 12 times subconsciously lets me know how I'm doing on my timetable. I don't have an excuse for the first 11 times, but whatever, stop judging me!

Since this is an advice column (wait, what?), I'll use our remaining time to spout off expertly about some popular shows of the recent past.

"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" ... is a soap opera. A sublimely great one, as interimnet chatter will attest to, but a soap opera nonetheless. Like "Knot's Landing" with slightly less cosmetic surgery. I say is rather than was because she continues in print, fanboys and girls shriek a collective "Duh!" in my general direction.

"Xena Warrior Princess" was a kajillion times better than "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys", in every conceivable way.

If you watched "The West Wing" and thought it was because you were really smart and only super brilliant pimples like yourself were hep to just how far beyond incredibly ultra-keen the show was - you should go watch "Bananas in Pyjamas", it's essentially the same show; and the characters talk over each other less so it's easier to keep up.

"Family Guy" should have stayed gone, in its stead FBC should have kept/brought back; "Arrested Development"; "Greg the Bunny"; "Action"; "Andy Richter Controls the Universe"; "Wonderfalls"; "The Tick"; "Herman's Head"; add your picks to the list and be entered to win an ipod nano!*

*Terms and Conditions
This is not a real contest, you will never win, earn, or find a free electronic device by participating in online schemes. You can, however, get a free dinner for 2 at Applebee's if you forward this to 10 people.

The editors of FTTW would like to state that Richard's endorsement of Andy Richter Controls the Universe does NOT reflect that of the site.

Sudden Valley Ranch Archives

Close Encounters

One of the joys of living in Vermont is the close encounters one has with the wildlife. No, I'm not talking about the nightclub scene. I'm talking about the critters that slither, crawl, walk and fly.

When I was a kid, we lived in this old farmhouse in Rochester Vermont. This place was so huge, we closed off the upstairs and all lived on the ground floor in the wintertime to save on the heat. Mom and Dad slept in one room, and my two sisters and I shared another, which was right outside the bathroom.

One night, Dad got up in the middle of the night to pee, which was a usual thing. What wasn't was Dad heading back to the bedroom moments later to wake my mother up and ask her what she wanted him to do with the squirrel swimming in the toilet bowl. Mom wasn't at her bestnuts22.jpg being woken up with ridiculous questions, so when she got the sense of what he was asking her, she kinda yelled at him to just get rid of it! So Dad grabbed a towel, fished it out of the toilet, dried it off and tossed it out the front door. My sisters giggled on and off all night.

The next morning Mom asked Dad why he woke her up to ask her what to do with it. He said "Well, it wasn't mine, so I thought it had to be yours."

One of the things that my wonderful, Brooklyn born-and-bred Dad thought was that he had to protect the womenfolk. One night we heard this commotion just north of the house, so Dad went out with his rifle and his flashlight to find out what it was. We watched him as he walked about 50 yards north of the house, shining the flashlight around to find the source of the squalling. Then he shone it up in a tree, paused for a moment, and was suddenly headed back to the house at an amazing pace for a man who weighed in at around 300 pounds. What he'd spotted up the tree was a black bear cub, stuck and calling for it's mommy. He got back in the house before mommy got there!

ratt22.jpgWe had a gift shop about 500 yards south of the house, with a large gravel parking lot. I used to ride my bike down and back every day, 'cause there was a great hill to coast down to get there. One day I was riding back through the gravel lot and almost hit this five foot long snake. It's size was freaky enough, but then it rattled at me!! I set off for the house, peddling for all I was worth, screaming for Dad 'cause a rattlesnake tried to get me! Dad grabbed the rifle and the garden rake and followed me back down. He managed to get the snake tangled in the rake and shot it. Up until then we hadn't known that there were rattlesnakes in Vermont. Shit!

When I was fifteen, I'd inherited the tiny bedroom on the second floor that had the enclosed stairs from the attic inside it. It was a cool room, but the stairs made for a couple of interesting encounters.

The first was the night of my first ever slumber party. Now, my room was too small, so we'd put down a bunch of mattresses on the floor of one of the spare bedrooms, and that was where all my girlfriends were hanging out when I took Anne into my room to show her something. She pounded on my arm and pointed to my window.batty2_1.jpg On the inside of the window was this tiny little bat, hanging upside down, wings curled in, asleep. By the time I turned around, she was gone. I went back to the other room and found all the girls plastered against the wall. Silly me, I asked if anyone wanted to help me catch and release the bat. All I got for an answer was squeals. So I went back, took a small blanket and scooped it off the window. Bats squeak like mice, I found out. I carried it downstairs and outside and flapped the blanket. It took off into the dusk. Pretty thing, too.

The second was one night, as I lay in bed reading, I heard something come thump-tumble-crash down the attic stairs. I opened the door at the bottom and there was this very groggy crow sprawled on the bottom step. It had gotten into the attic and couldn't find it's way back out, and had tumbled down the stairs. Out came the small blanket again, and I repeated the performance, just this time with a crow.

The next close encounter wasn't mine, it was my fifteen year old daughter's. When we moved back to Vermont fourteen years ago, we spent the first couple of weeks living in a National Guard tent in a friend's backyard. We had our two cats with us (which was why we couldn't stay with my sister), and it took them about a week to figure out how to get out of the tent. At that point, I started sleeping in the car with them, so my friend's wife wouldn't run one of them over when she came home from work at midnight.

One night, Jo was sleeping on her stomach on her cot, and felt something four-footed walk across her back. Half asleep, she brushed it off, thinking it was one of the cats. Then she woke up enough to remember that the cats were in the car with me. She pulled her little Maglight out and turned it on, and there was this skunk, standing a couple of feet from the cot, looking at her. Apparently it was in a good mood, or decided that she was a stupid human and it would be merciful, 'cause it just turned around and walked out of the tent. Next thing I know, I've got this hysterical kid pounding on the car window, yelling "Let me in! Let me in!" We both slept in the car until we got an apartment the following week.

skunky.jpgThen last year, I wound up with the best 'what I did on my vacation' story. On the second day of my vacation, a Sunday, I was meeting a friend out at his farm in Whiting, except I got there before he got home from church. I decided to go out to the barn to see the baby chicks they'd just gotten that week. When I opened the barn door, I heard the adult chickens in their pen going nuts - for good reason, because there was a skunk in their pen chasing them!

Part of me was really fascinated, because it was a reverse skunk - white with black stripes, but mostly I didn't think anything except how could I save the chickens and not get sprayed. I opened the door from the barn into the pen, and then the door from the pen to the outdoor run, hoping to get the stupid chickens to go outside. Nope, the stupid chickens ran past me into the barn. I caught the skunk with the inside door, and then pulled it closed a bit so it could get outside. Instead, it jumped past the door, landed on my foot and bit into my second toe (sandals, of course). I yelled at it to let go, which it did, and then bit again deeper.

At that point many years of cat ownership came into play, I grabbed it by the back of the neck, tore it off my foot and threw it out the outer door! Last thing I saw was flying skunk! I slammed the door shut, closed the remaining chicken in the pen, let the other two run around the barn having fits, checked that the babies were okay, and went outside to wait for my friend. All I had for water to clean the bites were two cans of seltzer, which I poured over my foot.

When my friend got out of his car, looking very confused (I was sitting in a canvas deck chair, behind my car, with a six-foot walking stick), I told him there was a slight change in plans, he needed to take me to the emergency room.

Everybody at the emergency room in Middlebury agreed that it was pretty odd behaviour for a skunk, so I got (1) tetanus shot, (1) rabies vaccine shot (four more to follow), and four shots of rabies anti-globulin in my thighs and ass, in addition to the four shots of it IN THE DAMNED BITES! It's a small toe, it doesn't have a lot of flesh on it, so it frigging hurt!!!! At least the doctor who had to give them to me didn't lie and tell me it wouldn't - he apologized instead, and told me it would.

Ah, yes, the wildlife of Vermont.

Pat's signature wrestling move is the Reverse Skunk

Vermont Village Witch Archives

How Did I get Here?

The column that will get me banished to MySpace

I had lunch with an ex-girlfriend the other day, for no other reason than that she had pestered me via email until I finally relented and agreed to see her. Having arrived a half-hour early to the appointment, I wandered down to the beach and sat on a short brick wall to watch the waves and the people, and I was struck with the strange sensation that I was witnessing what normal people do when they live in a beautiful place, or at least have access to one. Families were well represented, with fathers and mothers getting sunburns while their kids made sandcastles and dug holes in yet another futile attempt to reach China. Others walked around in various states of appropriate undress, and some carried surfboards, volleyballs and other fitting things. It was a very pleasant scene, one that I had seen many times before but never from such a remove as to appreciate it fully.

musclebeach.jpg The appointed time came and I met the ex at a Mexican restaurant nearby. We ate our burritos and chatted about music, movies and other such things that people talk about when they don’t really want to talk. We were surrounded by groups of people doing the Sunday afternoon at the beach thing, chatting loudly, drinking wine and fawning over small dogs out with their owners. After we finished our burritos the waitress shuffled us out of the restaurant quickly, and we decided to go for a walk on the beach because there was really nothing else to do at that point.

We must have made for the most ridiculous pair of people on the beach that day: two people under thirty trudging through the sand on a sunny day in jeans and sweatshirts. Even the old hippies doing yoga in Speedos seemed more in their element than the two of us, since there is nothing odd about old hippies on the beach. At that point I realized that something was plain wrong with the way I have been living my life. What exactly was I, a man with no real responsibilities, doing walking the beach in a sweatshirt and jeans with an ex-girlfriend who I knew was at some point going to berate me for something or other?

Comparisons are odious. I know that because some dead poet said it. Even with that in mind, though, I could not help comparing myself with the people I saw around me. I know that their lives are probably no more perfect than my own, but hell, they were actually out doing something and seemed to be enjoying themselves. The young couples were probably going to go home and screw each other, the families would go home and treat their sunburns just like mine did years ago and the old hippies were…well, the old hippies were going to do whatever old hippies do. I was going to let my ex-girlfriend yell at me for a while before going home and playing God of War or reading The Faerie Queene until it was time to go to bed.

There’s nothing wrong with reading The Faerie Queene or playing God of War of course, but good God, I live within a two-minute drive from the beach and actually pay rent to live here. Why on earth am I not doing anything to take advantage of this situation? People take whole weeks off from work just to come and hang out where I live and all I ever see are the walls of my apartment and the stacks in the school library. Talk about a wake-up call.

Philbrick is afraid he's not old enough to do yoga on the beach in Speedos yet.

Secular Monk Archives

No Sex in the City

I am not like everyone else in this class. I am not taking this Humanities 330a, Visual Culture in Literature, Drama, and Film course because the professor was rumored to have Richard Gere appeal. I am actually taking this class to learn something about culture. Personally, yes, I would like to know how Sofia Coppola’s Lost in Translation has shaped American culture and ruined popular democracy because I am not like the other college girls. Oh, college girls and their need to have sex with anything that will shower once a day regardless of whatever band shirt it’s wearing. It’s almost endearing.

I have never been a “sheep” and consequently, have never been Spring Fling Flower Princess or anything and I am OK with that. In the fourth grade, I was the only girl who didn't show up to school with those awful butterfly clips in my hair and that same day, was thrown out of the Pony Club my so-called “friends” and I started, but I didn't mind. I was on to bigger and better things anyway. Like Zach Morris from Saved by the Bell. Non-conforming teen detective Veronica Mars isn’t popular either, but she was prettier than anyone else over at Neptune High and she has scored her own television series. I figure it’s a tradeoff. I like to think that my own non-conforming super power is my awesome hair. The TV show comes later.

clooney.jpg The young ladies in my class, all five hundred of them, were getting ready to fight for the kill. Anything with cleavage that actually shaved their legs that day was seen as a threat. The skirts felt vulnerable as they eyed each other through their lined and mascara caked eyes, looking much like a wide-eyed doe prancing through a forest of flowers wondering where their mother is and why they smelt gunpowder. I could see their thought bubbles, all in text message short hand, mentally challenging their opponents over the lone hot guy who “accidentally” signed up for a girly class and undoubtedly will “turn” gay by the end of the semester. “Go ahead,” their perfectly glossed lips sneered before returning to their practiced pouts, “Try me.” And then the real reason they were actually in class on time with full face make-up and styled hair before noon walked in. Our professor. Played by George Clooney, or as close as you can get in a university at 7:30 in the morning.

“OK,” Clooney says at the podium, whipping his reading glasses off and flashing us a dazzling set of perfect, white teeth that must have taken thousands of dollars in veneers because nobody is that flawless, “If there’s anything I can do to make this class more enjoyable, I’ll do it.”

“He could grope me…” The girl sitting next to me, who has decided we are now friends, whispers in my ear.

I won’t deny that the professor is crazy good looking in a movie star kind of way, but I will admit I can’t picture myself sleeping with him. Not that I could ever picture myself sleeping with anything other than the stuffed dog my Grandmother gave me when I was born. “I’m just not that kind of woman,” I like to tell people, but as my twentieth birthday fast approaches, I wonder how much longer I can keep up the Jessica Simpson approach to life.

In high school it was a lot easier to hide behind this mask of innocence and fairy tales. In high school, we are still “children”. We have parents who enforce curfews and make us eat our vegetables. College is different; there are more reasons to screw up. College has more alcohol, more parties, and the promise of a Girls Gone Wild baseball cap if we flash our breasts.

According to my peers I should now be writing essays more along the lines of Sex and the City episode recaps. “I finally had sex last night!” a girl friend of mine tells me over a giddy phone conversation.

“What?” I’m shocked. I’d known her since I was twelve, back when I had bangs and before she was slutty.

“Yeah, yeah,” she says again, “With this guy I met at the party.”

“Let me get this straight,” I sigh, “You had sex.”


“With a guy you had only just met at a party.”


“Were you drunk?” I ask.

teen-wolf.jpg “Well, psh, yeah. Obviously,” she tosses back as if we’re talking about how cute Jesse Metcalf was in last night’s episode of Desperate Housewives. It’s almost as if MTV’s The Real World: College has invaded her once demure little brain and the producers were telling her she’d get more camera time if she put out in a hot tub. Some people will do anything to be in a thirty-second promo.

Perhaps I am old fashioned or perhaps I am just flat out prude, but I find there’s a difference between having fun and being stupid. “You just gotta stop caring. Then your sex life will improve,” a male friend, a skinny guy who was once considered “nerdy” but now, thanks to The OC, is a hot commodity, advises. “This is what college is all about. You go to some parties, the girls get drunk and… boom! It works for me.”

“I have these things called morals,” I counter.

He teases me, “I’m… I’m not following…”

“I had a good childhood,” I explain. “My dad was nice enough to me that I have no need for random sex.”

“Boring,” He sighs. “You need to at least relax and have a little fun or else you’ll end up a forty year old crack addict like Whitney.”

These words haunted me as I sat in a car about a month later with a date. I almost laugh because the arrangement is so cliché; a car parked on a mountain over-looking the city at night with two young adults sitting in the front seat listening to dangerously mellow music- so cliché it didn’t feel cozy at all. I just felt like I was in some horror movie and big hairy werewolf played by Michael J. Fox was going to fly onto the roof of the car ruining what my date, Michael, seemed to consider a “perfect moment”. I was actually kind of sad when a werewolf didn’t crash our evening because thirty seconds in, I realized I just wanted to go home and go to bed. Alone.

I’m not slutty Meredith Grey who only ever thinks she’s worth something if she has a man in her bed. I never had this thought that I couldn’t be alone and needed to be with someone all the time until I got to college and realized I was the only student alone and not with someone all the time. Suddenly, I was the odd girl out and the third wheel. I can’t just hang out with my friends. I have to hang out with my friends their boyfriends. Or at least what they are calling their boyfriends, but I think we all know what they really are. College has no rules. Except maybe that the girl in the least amount of clothing always goes home with a guy. And sometimes also another girl. These co-eds are free to do what they want when they want with whom they want and I’ll never be like them, not matter how many times I see Animal House on DVD.

“You look really pretty tonight,” Michael said as he stroked my arm.

“Thanks,” I said, as I yanked it away to switch out CDs. I put in the most non-romantic music he had to try to change the mood, and to do this, I had to turn on the light. Well, actually, I didn’t have to, but I did.

“Hun,” Michael grumbled, “turn off the light, you’re killing the atmosphere.”

Did he seriously just call me “Hun”? As in Atilla the? Is this 1954? What am I doing here? I shouldn’t force myself into something I’m obviously not ready to do, especially not with “some guy” I’ve known since high school and didn’t have any romantic feelings towards. I shoved The Beastie Boys in and turned it up as he lunged for me. He may have put on about twenty pounds since high school, but I was angry enough to have the strength to push him off.

“Michael, stop!”

He respected me and slithered back into his original seat. “You don’t even want to make out?” he yelled over the three Jewish rappers on the stereo. I shook my head “no” to the defeated kid.

“Sorry,” I shrugged.

“Nah,” he said, adjusting his shirt, “I respect that. That’s good, I think, to have morals and whatnot.”

“Seriously?” I questioned, shocked.

“Yeah,” he said, “I mean that. Give a guy like, three more years. They’ll kill for brains and standards. You know, when you’re dating long term or whatever. Its kind of sexy if you’re into that I guess?”

I guess.

Maybe I have some deep seeded fear of having intimate relations or I’ve watched Fifteen and Pregnant too many times? Carrie Bradshaw might ask me if I’m afraid of my own sexuality and then add that media might be screwing me before any guy could. Even though “time is ticking” as a friend once told me, I’m not ready to just “get it over with”. I realize my first time won’t be perfect or probably even remotely romantic, but I’d at least want to sort of like the guy I’m with. I’m still kind of young, and I just have a feeling that finding love will take a lot longer than one night with the drunk creator of the “Boobies ‘N’ Beer” Facebook group.

Stefi is the Spring Flower Princess of FTTW

Obscene and Heard Archives


so i broke up with my boyfriend. and there must be a sign on my forehead that says as much. because all of a sudden i'm covered in boys. i can't shake 'em off of me. this must sound really arrogant to people that don't know me (or to people that do) but i'm just telling you the facts. don't get me wrong, they're not all winners. but i mean they're not all losers either.

which leads me right up to a conversation i was having with my friend the other night. i asked her how many guys a girl can sleep with at one time in this day and age without being a slut. not at once. i just mean i'm going to be dating here in the soon time and i like to fuck. so i can only imagine that i would fuck some of the guys that i'm dating. the glitch is that i don't want to be in a relationship. so, let's say i want sex 5 times a week. that seems reasonable, right? but if i start fucking the same guy five times a week, we're going to end up in a relationship. unless he's gay. and really come to think of it that has happened to me too. fucked a gay guy so much that we ended up in a relationship. he's out smoking crack in hotel rooms now so no bother but at least i hope he's come to terms wiht his sexuality.

breaking.jpgso, ya. five times a week without a relationship. i'd think i could manage that with three or four guys. but is three or four guys too many? trust me, two is not enough... because somebody in that situation is going to catch feelings (never know it could be me) and it would be down to one quicker than shit and then BAM! before i know it i'm in another relationship.

so i have two ex boyfriends. one's a trucker. you'd know this if you've been reading. he comes through town once every month if i'm lucky, and i AM lucky if you know what i mean. (ya sometimes even i don't know what i mean.) so that really doesn't cover much territory. i have another ex who lives in town. but exes are always kinda tricky. plus they're not as intoxicating as new fucks.

so really, is four boys too many? i think four is good. then i'm not clingy on any one of them. they'll not be sick of me, in fact they'll find my non-interest attractive and they'll try really hard to impress me. seriously, this could work.

sure, i bet some of you are at home judging me. shit, if i weren't me i'd be like crimony what a slut. but i think boys do this shit all the time. i can't afford to get in to another relationship right now. i'm just not ready for that crap yet. in fact, i'm going to try really hard not to get into a relationship. it's harder than it sounds for me. and it's also one of the things i don't really dig about me. i tend to get into relationships really fast. then i'm like dude i don't even really like you. meh. i know i know i don't like myself how can i like anyone else? dude i get it and i can't wait to start liking myself.

but in the mean time i'm going to have to get laid...


April 4, 2007


One night, very late, very, very late in fact, I was awake watching TV. One of those wonderful Infomercials that tell you that you can make millions by sitting on your ass. Well, there I was, sitting on my ass, halfway paying attention. Well, how do you make millions sitting on your ass? I don't know, none of the infomercial made any sense. Anyway, I was in a sort of fugue- seeing the screen, hearing the words, and not absorbing any of it. Certain words would catch my attention, and my train of thought would shift.

It was quiet, it wasn't much past 4 am probably, but I was still hearing the phones. The damn phones. I always heard the phones. It comes from working at an answering service, I guess. But there, in the silence of a mid February predawn, I heard the phones. I tried to shut them out, but as usual, it was futile. I would hear the phones until the job ended, just like when I worked at a gas station, I would hear the service bell ring for months after I left the job.

In a half effort to forget the phones, I looked out the window. The moon was supposedly full, but it was cloudy out. The light that did arrive from the moon was diffuse. There were no hard shadows, as there are in the summer when the sky is clear and the moon is full. Instead of the silvery touch of a clear night, there was gray, gray and more gray. Frost had formed on parts of the window, and when I stood by it, my breath fogged the glass.

60990400_bb2914e5c2.jpgI inspected the parking lot between the buildings. I pondered going out on the porch and smoking a cigarette. The glass was staying fogged up for too long; it must be damn cold out, so forget the cigarette. All was right in the lot. Cars were where they were supposed to be, and the puddles were only a little full of water. A cat ran from the bushes near the driveway over to the Dumpster. My eyes landed on the silver and purple monstrosity known in the house as "The Leeeeeesure Van", and they narrowed. An evil thought or two flitted across the screen of my mind.

There it was, sitting sullenly in the muted moonlight. It's dingy chrome shining weakly through layers of rust, the spare tire looming blackly on the back doors. The windows, and their months of dirt, which had been smeared and wet by dew, were busily forming new runnels of road-muck down the side of the body. It was silent, for once.

The Leeeesure Van was a pin in my eye unlike any other. In the apartment, Donna and I called it "The beastly Family Moleeeesure Van". We never spoke of it without a sneer of contempt. It was hated.

It was often started up late at night, and driven somewhere, presumably the driver was making a delivery of the crystal that was so popular here. Another reason to hate it- it was associated with a speed freak/dealer.

It had a V8, dual pipes with no mufflers, a starter with bad teeth, a filthy carburetor, bad timing, and loose belts. It also had a driver with a lead foot. It was always started like this: The door would slam hollowly, then quiet for a few minutes. The accelerator cable would squeak a few times. Suddenly, it would roar to life, its RPM teetering dangerously on the red line as the driver stomped the pedal to keep it running. The RPM would drop, it would sputter and cough, then die. The process was repeated several more times, then off it would roar, down the driveway. The noise probably wouldn't have been so bad if the van wasn't parked between two buildings that created a canyon, Which made the noise echo off the walls and get louder.
Yes, thankfully, it was quiet..

My vision focused on it; I was looking it over, marveling at how much dirtier it had become, and wishing terrible wishes about it, when there was a flash from the rear, followed by a boom that shook the apartment. I peered at all the windows in the complex; no one else seemed to notice it.

A smile crept across my face. The Leeeeesure Van was catching fast, its windows breaking out, flames licking up the sides. Its evil tires were melting. It caught, and caught well. Through the holes that were once windows, I could see the upholstery flaming up… polyurethane melts, and it looks kind of cool when it does. The fire lit up the apartment complex. I saw a face in the window across the lot, it was sleepy looking. It appeared for a moment, and a look of shock crossed it, and it disappeared into the darkness of the room. I looked over it at the phone, thinking I should probably call the authorities. But a glance back at the flaming van made a grin cross my face again, and I went back to watching the fire. The phone was out of my reach anyway.

I was leaning out the open window, smoking a cig, when the fire department came, the sirens echoed painfully through the buildings, like every other noise. There were a few people standing outside in the lot, wrapped in blankets, in pajamas. They were all watching the van. The owner sat on a curb, a garden hose trained on the van, but the dribble of water did no good. It was too far-gone, and the look on the guy's face showed that he understood that. But there was another expression, under the "there goes my van" look.

Steamer.jpgSuddenly, I heard Donna's whiskey voice, slurred and incoherent from sleep, from behind me.

"What the hell is going on?" she asked, only slightly interested.

I giggled a little and nodded my head towards the lot. "It's the van. It's barbecued. Toast. Check it out".

Donna came over by the window, bummed a smoke off of me and lit it. Once she was situated, she looked out into the lot. Her eyes widened, "I'll be damned" she said, a trace of glee in her voice.

"Yeah, I was gonna come wake you guys up. I watched it blow up. I thought you might like to sleep, though. It exploded, man, I figured you guys would hear it and get up anyway, but I don't think it woke anyone up."

I went to the fridge and rooted around. . The firemen were just standing there; the van was pretty much just a smoking mass of metal with some flames here and there. There was a package of marshmallows in the fridge and I got them out, went back to the window.

I threw them at the owner. "Hey! This is the best thing your van has ever done! Eat up while it's still hot!" I yelled. Donna laughed. The firefighters gave us a dirty look and went back to talking with the police, who just arrived while I was digging in the fridge.

The owner of the Van shook his fist in rage at us. An officer walked over to him and spoke to him for a few minutes and nodded. The guy was looking panicky for some reason. Then, the officer beckoned his partner over, and the owner was handcuffed and put in the squadcar.

Donna and I stood at the window for a little while, amazed at our good fortune. Then we went to sleep. Me on the couch, her back to her room.

In the morning, we read the paper over Donnas kick-ass pancakes. In the police blotter was a blurb about the "incident", along with the finishing touch- the police and fire department had found the remnants of a portable meth lab.

Pril loves the smell of portable meth labs burning in the morning

Shut Up And Play Your Guitar Archives

The Druid Of Chicago, Chapter 1

Well, here's the first part of the first chapter of the novel that I've had in my head for about the last five years. Do you want to see more or should I just keep it to myself?

-------- The Druid of Chicago, Chapter 1, A Jack in Roger's Park--------

Jackie was coming down. He decided to stand in the train on the way home so he didn’t crash and get woken up all the way down to Howard Street. Three days hanging with Kat and Jules is enough for anyone. This night was almost already gone as it was. Hopefully Ma wouldn't already be up when he got home. He'd called, but that didn't always keep her from worrying. Especially if she'd been up late with her vodka and yummy lemon lime.

Kat was a "friend." She'd dated every one of Jackie's friends but no matter how often he'd been there for her, she wouldn't go out with him. "That would be too creepy. You're like my brother." Great. Thanks. So happy I can be here for you. He wouldn't mind if she wouldn't treat him like shit when she was dating someone else…usually one of Jack's buds so he had to hear all about it from both sides and then when it blew up, and it always blew up, she turned into a wreck in his arms.

Jules was another girl entirely. She was perfectly happy to sleep with Jackie but she was perfectly happy to sleep with anyone. She just refused to stay faithful to anyone. Which usually meant that another one of Jack's buds would think he was in love with her and she'd basically laugh at them and then shut them off. "I'm 17, what the hell do they want? Marriage? I don't think so Boyo." Jules was one of the few people that could get away with calling Jackie "Boyo" without pissing him off. His Gran was another. How or why Kat and Jules ever became "best friends" confused Jack to no end.

paddysdaysm.JPG This had been one of those legendary Jules' runners. A little of this, a little of that, add some wine and some grass to take the sharp edges off the "that" and all in all, it was a mad way to spend a couple of days. He thought they'd hit every outdoor fest and party for Saint Paddy's da fair city of Chicago had to offer. Planxty had been jammin' and Jack couldn't get some of those reels out of his head.

Jack got off the El at Jarvis and decided not to hit the 7-11 around the corner. He'd been going without a break for over 72 hours. He didn't need a coffee, he needed sleep. He headed west on Jarvis, past Ashland and Pearlman's Pharmacy. At Paulina he hopped the fence and moved through the playground. He stopped and sat in one of the swings. He really missed the days when it was a painted wooden plank instead of these canvas things. The sandbox needed filling again. The slide needed a few kids to run down it on wax paper. He smiled at that, remembering his Gran pulling sheets of wax paper out of her bag for all the kids to slide down and get it good and slick. The big ol' 10 foot steel slide was getting old. Pretty soon the city would hit this playground and put one of those wooden monstrosities in here. Short slides. Swings you couldn't even slide off of at the top of the arc. Hell, they'd already pulled out the monkey bars. He'd been the pilot of many a space expedition in that set of steel bars.

"Okay Boyo…you're too young to be living in the past." Jack took out his pack of Marlboro Reds, thought about the last joint and decided to wait until he woke up for that. He lit a cigarette and held the smoke…then exhaled slowly. He shivered a bit in the spring too-early morning even though he was wearing a hoody under his leather. Fucking March. It was 70 yesterday and it was supposed to snow later today. Fucking Chicago in March. And OH FUCK Easter was in a couple of days which meant the church fight again. FUCK! Jack took a deep drag and decided, not this year, he wasn't having that fight this year. If Ma started up again, he'd just disappear for a few days.

He smoked some more, swinging around a little and then…froze. Someone was in the park…not here in the playground…Southwest, over by the Tennis Courts. What the fuck? How did he know that? He didn't know how he knew…he just knew. "Okay, calm down Boyo, you're coming down from way too much this and that and…" Okay, bullshit! He KNEW there were things over there…right by the magic bush and…they were trying to figure out if he'd sensed them yet.

The magic bush was right behind the Cullen's backyard. Actually it was about 6 different sticker bushes that formed a perfect cave if you were small enough to crawl under one end of it. Jack had first found it when he and his Gran picnicked over that way under the elm tree behind the backstop of Field 2. Gran had been the first one to call it "The magic bush." She taught Jackie how to used his imagination and pretend that cave would lead him through the mists to the Otherworld.

Otherworld. Suddenly the park smelt like summer instead of early spring and that just wasn't possible. The crab-apple trees wouldn't be in bloom until June.

Jack started moving along the fence line behind the swings, all of his senses focused on the bush and it's surrounding area. There were five of them, sniffing the air like dogs but looking almost human. He stopped at the edge of the basketball court. Moved behind the field house and moved along it's wall. They'd caught his scent the moment they'd appeared, but now they knew they were being hunted.

Hunted? What the fuck? What did he think he was going to do when he had them in sight? He didn't know, but he knew they didn't belong here and that they had to go back. Jack also knew that…they were more afraid of him than he was of them.

Jack moved from behind the field house to under the big oak behind Field 1. He could see them now…shapes in the dark, huddled around the magic bush…which, by the way, this wasn't weird enough, was glowing. Kat…where the hell did you find those mushrooms? This was some serious vision quest kind of bullshit.

But it wasn't. Somehow Jack knew that it wasn't. Those weren't men huddled across two softball fields from him wondering if he was going to close on them. They were something else. This was beyond paranoia. This was serious mind fuck shit out of one of Gran's stories.

Skyline-Chicago.jpg Jack took a couple of soothing breaths like Sensei Chuck taught at the dojo and tried to tap into his chi. He wasn't surprised to find he could reach it with no problems. He found his center, tapped in, raised it up and out then looked at his hands. They were glowing blue. Of course they were. Tonight wasn’t weird enough yet.

Jack. "My name is Jackie Finn and I'm the biggest, baddest, giant killer in all of Chicago." And his Gran would just laugh at the little boy with his fists on his hips, his feet planted wide, and the gleam in his eye.

She never told him to hush when he got cocky like that. She'd tell him to hush if he was being disrespectful to his elders. She'd hush him if he asked the wrong questions about God from his Ma or the Fathers over at Saint Jerome's. But when she told the story of Jack the Giant Killer and he started swinging branches all she'd do was chuckle and tell him, "A Jack always uses oak Boyo."

Jack looked around the tree and found an old branch about a finger thick and about a foot and a half long.

He looked up and…and saw the summer sky in the stars. The warrior should still be out but the big and lil dippers were up there instead and suddenly, it was way too warm and moist for his leather and hoody. He didn't take them off though…he was Jack and he was about to go to war with some Otherworlder baddies and it was the only armor he had.

Note to self: Next time Uncle Mike and his SCA buddies wanted him to get some armor and join them, say YES for fuck's sake.

Timmer's been more productive since he's found the vodka and yummy lemon lime.

The Back Booth Archives

Boy vs Backyard

Jake is eleven years old and has more persistence than most people I know. And I don’t mean persistence in the way that a kid will bug his mother to death for something that will kill him if he doesn’t have. I’m referring to the type of persistence that drives one to complete a task that’s been started, no matter what, at any cost.

Like, for example, trying to start a fire with sticks.

Jake has been watching Man vs Wild on the Discovery Channel. He loves Bear Grylls, the man behind the show. He watches intently, soaking up all the nature lessons like a dry sponge.

Like, for example, learning how to start a fire with sticks.

On several occasions over the past few weeks, I have happened upon Jake in our backyard, on the patio, or in the driveway, with sticks and dry grass, persistently trying to make fire. His first attempt was a solid 30 minutes. No fire. He’s made several other attempts, including last night when he asked me if we had a larger magnifying glass because, obviously, the sticks just weren’t working, nor was the small magnifying glass he found in the kitchen.

I don’t think he’s a pyromaniac. At least I hope not. One thing that I do know for sure is that he is still trying to make fire with his bare hands. What he has accomplished: a tree house, which he “designed” on his own (and will be a work in progress all summer, I’m sure); he’s made a bow and arrows from wood he’s cut from trees in the back yard (and he learned that bamboo is not good material for a bow); he wants a new Swiss army knife, one with a sharper blade so he can cut stuff easier. He’s a busy boy.

Here’s Jake trying to start his fire. I’ll let you know if he’s ever successful. Hopefully, he won’t burn down the tree house.




Shawna will be receiving an mp3 of Talking Head's "Burning Down the House" - just in case.


Failed Monument

A wind blew as extra punishment, the night already so cold and the bright stars lancing her with too sharp light. She stood on her back porch wearing gray wool socks, the cold of the wooden planks seeping through, but not so harsh. The wool softened the world.

The stars above created infinitely complex patterns. Staring upward, wiggling her toes within her socks—their cocoon, their warmth—she wanted nothing more than for the stars to begin to move and shift, for the universe to rearrange itself into a more comforting pattern. Everything would be new and hope would emerge.

She closed her eyes. She counted until she lost track. When she opened her eyes, the stars remained the same.

The cold permeated the night. She crossed her arms and lifted herself up and down on her toes, her cold feet, the air cutting through her fleece jacket. Why was she standing outside in such cold in her socks? The world needed to be harsh for her to understand it.

Her flesh shook and when she blinked, it was a scrape. Stand long enough without blinking and the cold would freeze the film on her eyes. It seemed that way. Each inhalation of air felt slow, arduous, a process that, given only a little time, would wear her down, destroy her immune system, starry_sky.jpgleave her vulnerable to all kinds of new and exciting illnesses, viruses, creeping bacteria. She exhaled crystals. This is what it would be to die of cold, standing on a porch in wool socks, breathing oxygen tainted by the angry intricacies of existence.

She placed her bare fingers against the porch railing. The new contact only allowed more cold to enter her.

The stars faded a moment and a soft face replaced them. Hours and hours she had thought of him, considered him, and in her mind he became something more solid and real than he ever could be in reality. She could touch and caress him, grow with him. She created intimacies that comforted her so completely that she slept well at night, deep and satisfied, as though her inner desires had manifested, solidified—crawled into bed with her and crept so close, pressing against her body, sharing their warmth and beauty. Those nights she slept with hopes and certainties and awoke with intentions. Every day would bring new revelations.

And yet.

She shook. The cold invaded her, violated her. Needles stabbed her skin and her breaths now left gasping, grasping, the pain in her chest a deep threat. It was not so cold to justify the pain. Even the stars and their sharp light could not be held to account. It was the death of her hopes that weighed against her chest, crushed her lungs, that stabbed her flesh with cold spikes. She knew this. The intimacies never did manifest and now an angry reality would reassert itself, mocking her for daring to turn her back.

The years crushed her. Capillaries restricted and veins collapsed, arteries were clamped shut. With each breath, as her lungs screamed, she could feel the slowing of her heart, of her blood. The cold would soon be complete. Her blood would thicken at first, then stop, and then it would only be moments as the cold rushed through her. Her blood would freeze and expand just enough to burst every pathway—to shred and destroy her body from inside out. No one could live forever, even in ice, as the cold would only serve to kill. Every inch of flesh touched would be blacken, die. It could not survive such cruelty.

She took her hand from the railing and slipped it back into her other hand, twisting together her fingers and squeezing. Already her grip had weakened. Everything would weaken—the first step toward death. It did not matter. The years pressed down so hard against her that she wondered if it would not be the cold but instead a crushing force, a heaviness that would mutilate her before she could ever freeze to death. That would be as appropriate, but not nearly so poetic. How beautiful it would be to freeze to death, to grow ever quieter, ever more still, until there was nothing but a brittle statue that spoke of a broken and ruined life—that could stand forever as a warning to the rest of humanity, not to ever nurse dreams or dare to believe, to revel in hopes, to expect or reach or try to touch—to never dare try to touch and feel and share. People would travel from across the country, the world, from far galaxies and gather and stare, transfixed, and for a moment they would see soft, shimmering faces within their own minds—then they would turn away with shame, with fear, and know the source of deep, aching cold.

She wanted this. She wanted to wander into the world and find a large field with nothing, not a single monument, and to stand so still in the middle of it while the nighttime air crept around her and froze her dead, solid, a simple and heartbreaking scarecrow for the rest of humanity. Except she would be made of flesh, rather than straw, and she would die naked and alone, held upright by shattered emotion instead of a stake in the ground. People would come from everywhere to stand and stare. Some would worship, but those would be the fools. The wise ones would recognize the cruelty of the world and understand their fate. They would look upon her and the moment her sad beauty broke them, they would understand. They would recognize themselves.

A board beneath her creaked as she shifted and dared to stare out at the black landscape that stretched beyond the porch until engulfed by the horizon. Cold starlight provided vague illumination. The ground rolled, slight rises and falls, and small plants pricked up from the ground. Grass, weeds, brush, wild flowers. A creature slunk across the dirt, toward the edge of the horizon, and she froze, her fingertips brushing against her hip, staring at the small animal as it moved, hesitantly, a few feet at a time. After a moment, it stilled, shifted, and she thought that it must have looked toward her, picking her out from the shadow mosaic of the house, the porch, the land. It focused, hypnotized, on her eyes—on the glint of broken belief within them. Could it know? From it's vantage point—the distance and such a different perspective of the world—could it understand the pain behind her gaze or did it see only a threat, a predator, a soft and vulnerable human that would normally be simple prey but could harm it through some sick twist of fate, the use of weapons, of tools? Did it understand or was its mind a mess of instinct and base reactions and nothing more? Did it hate her or pity her?

She blinked. Her fingers flexed and flexed in the cold night air and more wind slipped past her, through her, assaulted her with its cold and vampiric tendencies—the way it tore the moisture from her and claimed it as its own. It would lift into the clouds and return to earth somewhere far away where she could not utilize it. It did this; the world stole from her. It knew no other way.

The wool socks did nothing now, invaded so thoroughly by the cold. For brief moments she considered undressing, unconcerned with who might see her. She wanted to bare herself in front of the animal, so far away, and beg it to come close and view her, revel in her exposure, to see her for the nothing she was—to see the vulnerability, the unsteadiness, and to consider whether or not it should take, devour her, tear her apart and return her to the earth. She wanted this, as much as anything. Yet, even as she hovered her right hand at the zipper of her fleece jacket, she could not bring herself to shed her clothes. The world had not yet claimed her so thoroughly. It stopped her mind for a moment, the realization that she was not so far gone and broken as she had imagined—that perhaps some vague hope remained.

It broke her. coyote.jpg The thought that she could continue on, pushing forward through the shattered intimacies, perhaps even coming to believe again—she hated it. Such a resiliency could only lead to greater pain, continued hurt, a neverending cycle of destruction and debasement. She wanted all of it to stop and fade. She wanted to snuff out these blows, the heavy hits. No longer could she flinch, hurt, and come back again and again in the hopes that the next time would be a caress instead. They never were. No one would touch her—they only knew how to hit.

This was life. Truth.

The creature began to slink toward her, keeping low to the ground. She watched. It moved cautiously, as though hunting, and she wondered if it somehow knew she held no tools or even the motivation to fight it. If it wanted it could crawl onto the porch and devour her whole, alive, starting at her woolen feet and working its way up. The pain would be a relief—a full bore frontal attack that she would see coming, for the first time. Perhaps that was all she wanted: fair warning. Perhaps a misery that she anticipated would be the perfect antidote to the sly humiliations.

The animal stopped, though, twenty feet out from the porch. It watched her for a long time and she met its gaze. The wind buffeted her and she trembled, shook in the cold. She felt on another planet. She felt in a harsh and cruel landscape. But this was earth, her home, the only place she had ever known, even if she only recently had come to truly know it.

It watched her and she considered going to it. She considered begging it to devour her. But she knew the smallest movement would send it running, for it still wanted to live. It desired no death.

After long moments, the creature—a coyote, of course—turned from her and crept away, slipping through the brush as easily as a snake and disappearing into the silvered night. She exhaled as it faded and began to cry, silent, realizing even in that short time she had created expectations and lost again—a punch, a hit—and knew it would never end. The cold could attack her all it wanted but she would not die. The predators would not come. No god would freeze her in the middle of the field and the worshipers, the frightened viewers, would never appear. It was endless—disappointment and heartbreak and rejection, and she could only live it again and again, day after day, until there was nothing left of her but a shell moving amongst the world and stumbling into each new disappointment, each new twisted opportunity.

She was no monument—only a failed experiment, a shattered girl, standing in the cold and bathed in starlight, trembling, with nowhere to go; yet the destination set, confirmed, so far into the depths that she could not see—would not dare try to penetrate the darkness to discover what awaited her.


Next Week, We'll Raise A Barn!

My son comes up with all sort of crazy ideas. Most of them revolve around wanting to have ice cream for dinner or wearing his pajamas to school. Sometimes he has an idea that actually makes me say, “hmmmm...maybe we should try that”. Like the day he asked if we could be Amish.

It was a typical fall evening in suburbia. Dinner was on the stove, kids were watching TV. Just as I am about to call everyone in for dinner my son comes bouncing in the room yelling about something he saw on TV.

“Mom, let’s be Amish!”
“Yea sure PJ, sounds great.”

Suddenly everything is dark and PJ is asking where the matches are so that I can finish cooking dinner without the stove. OK, what did I miss?

He explained how he had just watched something on TV about being Amish and he wanted us to be Amish for a little while.


I asked him to tell me what he thought being Amish meant. He did a very good job. He said that we weren’t allowed to use any electricity, we should make our own clothes, get a horse, and start planting vegetables.

Alrighty then, let’s take one change at a time.


For the rest of the evening we were Amish. After I convinced PJ that dinner was ready, and I didn’t need to start a fire, we sat down. We ate by candlelight, which I must admit was very calming. Everyone seemed to eat a little slower and talked quietly. We talked about all the things we could do without electricity, and I reminded my son of all the things we couldn’t do. I also told him that I was NOT going to make clothes for us to wear.

After dinner I put the dishes in the sink and ignored them until we were done being Amish, since there was no way I was doing them by hand. My husband declared that the basement was “Amish Free” because he was “very busy” on the computer. The rest of us continued to be Amish. We sat and read some books by candlelight, played a few games, and got ready for bed.

I sat by PJ’s bed for a while that night because he wanted to fall asleep by candlelight. As he fell asleep I thought about our evening. No noise from the tv or radio. No fussing and complaining at dinner. We read five books that I never even knew we owned. No torturous bedtime antics. I think there is something to be said for living life at a slower pace.

We made a promise to be “Amish” once a week. It actually worked out for a little while until the crazy schedule we live by took over once again. I think that we might have to be Amish again tonight.

Bonnie is wondering how the Amish view their porn.


Princess Diaries

There's a game I secretly like, and I'm a little embarrassed to admit it. Then again, my column is late because I spent the weekend in at a Latinists' convention, so really, who am I trying to impress?

My guilty pleasure is Princess Maker. It's a Japanese PC game, it seems that in Japan preteen girls are a bigger segment of the gaming market. (This might be because the American games for this demographic are along the lines of Super Model Barbie. )

pmkaer3.jpgThe story is set in a pseudo-medieval fantasy kingdom. You play as the victor in a epic battle against the dark lord, now retired from combat and the adoptive father of a baby girl. The goddess Venus appears in a cloud of light, ok, in a King's Quest-era speech box, and gives you the baby and tells you to raise the girl to be healthy, attractive, good-natured and smart. You send her to school, art and dance lessons, etiquette class, assign her chores, take her on vacations, etc. Although you are trying to increase her stats, the random events in the game like competitions or potential suitors, keep Princess Maker from being a repetitive leveling game.

With proper training, your little princess can become quite an accomplished mage or swordswoman, and venture outside the city looking for monsters and dragons to fight.(See above regarding "pseudo-medieval fantasy kingdom") The combats are bloodless, although I can't tell whether that's intentionally keeping the game girl-friendly or a function of the ancient graphics. Either way, it fills my need for slightly-squeamish conquest.

There's a not-so-subtle message not-so-cleverlypmaker2.jpg embedded in Princess Maker about the fine balance between attractive and slutty. It's not a good theme for preteen girls, but it's a message they'll get from hundreds of sources more important that a videogame. And your princess can also be happy and successful by excelling at academics or fencing or dancing or another skill.

At the end of the game, when your princess turns eighteen, you receive a letter from her, telling you about her life. Some of my princesses ended up happily single, some married nice boys from good families (yes, that's the description), one ran off with my butler (apparently I had a butler) and I finally got one to marry the prince. Oh yeah, that's the goal of the game. One princess was unhappy since she had no children (I'm not entirely sure where I failed as a father).

I don't know if I enjoy Princess Maker so much because it's like playing dolls or a very low-tech Sim. Maybe it was the nostalgia factor, because it reminded me of the Laura Bow mysteries and the King's Quest games. Either way, it's worth downloading this game and getting your own little princess. I won't tell anyone.

Meg will too tell on you. Shame loves company.


The Gift

She had been on her feet for hours. from the time she got up out of her chair where she had sat and had her morning coffee and cigarette, it had been "one of those days". it would be understatement to say her shift at work was stressful.

He had kept a good attitude despite his being exhausted from the long hours and hard work that was expected of him. funny enough, he thought to himself, this "grin and bear it" attitude seems to be more natural than he thought it would be when he adopted it.

A lot of changes had happened fast for both of them. unexpected things, wonderful things understood only by the two of them, as a direct result of time spent together, they had grown a bond into something more tangible than words express.

She walked into the house, dropped her purse on the table. she let her shoulders sag for a moment, took a deep breath and gave a short prayer of thanks for having been able to get through the madness that had descended on her workplace. "oh, to sit down for just a moment and think of nothing!" was what she wanted. so she did.

He came in the door, almost bouncing, just at the joy to be home again. despite being worn "slap out", as the saying goes, he knew that the reason for all his change was already home and, most likely, looking forward to his presence. they had laughed about that before, the pun of each other's presence being the best present a person could get, but then again, they were so in love that their friends were envious. respectful but envious. now that's a problem we should all have.

"hi honey." she said as he walked toward her. "hi baby." he replied, reaching down to hug her neck and stopping to rub her shoulders. electricity shot through both of them, a manifestation of the connection that they were blessed with, and it made them both feel better instantly. it was still there after all those years, after all that time they had shared from those first moments of wonder and discovery. "i gotta pee, i'll be back in a second. you need anything?" he asked as he stepped away quickly to answer the call of the full bladder that comes with drinking too much water on the drive home. "i was thinking i'd like something to drink but i'm too tired to get up and get it right now.", she said. "ok, i'll get you something when i'm finished" he hollered from the bathroom. "just wash your hands first", they both said in tandem, her as an admonition to him and him in tribute to her request that he not forget there is a lady in the house who might not be made of snips and snails and puppy dog tails like most boys are. they laughed hard at each other, a sign of respect they shared.

lovers.jpgHe came in, shook the last drops of water off his hands toward her as proof he was sanitary and they shared a grin. taking a glass from the shelf and rinsing it out in the sink, he yelled into the living room "so did you want a beer, water or a glass of wine, babe?" and she replied "i'm too tired to make that decision, sweetheart, please surprise me." "please", he thought to himself, "she said please. i'll surprise her alright!". walking out of the kitchen, he put down a glass of chilled wine on the table for her, bent to kiss her gently and exhaled from the electric feeling again. "why was it" he thought " that kisses from her take my breath away like that?" he really didn't want to understand it because he already knew on a deeper level that some things just are. whatever grace and spark of the divine that was manifest in their relationship had just grown more and more intense as the seasons passed. "had it really been so long ago?", he thought. it just seems like it was recently they had met...but that was an o.k. feeling, he thought, because at the beginning, it felt like they had always been together and that was a great gift during the courtship.

he stopped to rub her neck this time and they talked about their day, sharing the high and low points and even being glad for the stress of success, for with it came pride in each other, joy in the work that they did and truly it was a reflection of the character of the individuals that they were. "that feels so good, baby. i will give you five hours to stop it" she purred. "i wish i could do it for five hours, darling" he said with that thick southern accent, really emphasizing the darling part. "but if i did i'd have to charge you overtime." still, it was relaxing and the first time she remembered that day she had not been preoccupied with something. he had always been able to do that, if even for a moment, to transport her away from the stress and make her feel special like no one else could. it was their gift.

she took his hand in hers and held tightly. learning to trust and lean on him had been easier than she had imagined, especially after all the hurt she had experienced. "i've got what i wanted!" she thought and softly kissed his fingers, which smelled of some flowery soap that she had gotten at his insistence. he always insisted that she get things that were "girly girl" and said "a woman should indulge herself where she can, because girly things make her happy". he was always spouting something appropriate like that. he understood. not just powder and paint and dress up time but he understood her and that was still an amazing quality in her eyes. it was their gift.

he took his hand away and told her to keep her eyes closed, that he had a surprise for her and not to spoil it. she acquiesced to his request and waited as the tingle of excitement got more and more powerful. "how can any man have this effect on a woman and how did i get lucky enough to have THIS man effect ME this way?", she thought, "and WHAT does he have up his sleeve this time?". he walked into the room and breezed past her "now?" she asked. "no, not yet!" he replied "keep 'em shut". he walked out again and she heard him running water, mumbling to the faucet to hurry up with the hot water already. "what a goof!" she thought, "but he's MY goof!" that thought made her happy and she drew on it throughout her day, especially when things were tough. he did the same when things got tough for him, whatever the situation, he had a precious jewel in her that was beyond riches and wealth and he appreciated it.

"ok, open 'em up" he said after settling in front of her. she opened her eyes to see he had a basin of hot water, soap, washcloth, a towel and lotion. "what ARE you up to, my sweet man?" she asked. "what do you think, brainiac, i'm fixing to paint the eaves?" he grinned like he always did and they locked eyes like they were prone to do. after a few moments, he looked at her feet and began to unlace her shoes. "now, i know you are tired, i know you are worn out and i know your feet hurt...gimme them socks" he said as he took her shoes off. he pulled one sock off with his teeth, growling like a dog and she pushed him back on his butt with her other foot, making some comment about socks cost money, you know. "well, you can wear some of mine, then", he answered, coming up on his haunches and smiling.

He took her left foot in his hand and set it into the basin of hot water. taking a little of the soap in his hands, he began a sudsy massage and washing job that made the electricity shoot through her again. he does so much with a look or a touch, she thought to herself, how does it happen, why does it work and then she forgot all her thoughts and drifted to a quiet restful place and only felt his hands on her. he worked her foot from the top, from the bottom, massaging her heel, her toes, her instep and up her ankle. switching feet, he kissed her toes and she giggled. "you don't know where them toes have been", she said. "don't matter none" he replied, "wherever they went, we're kosher." everything they said to each other illustrated the rapport they shared. they were lucky and blessed to have communication like that and they both knew it. taking her right foot, he repeated the sequence of washing and massaging, taking some time to try to send his energy into her through his fingertips. he was always trying to send his energy to her through his fingers.....they would lay in bed at night and talk and he would trace the outline of her body, almost not touching her and feeling electric himself. he only hoped she felt something like he did and in her eyes, he could see that she did. it made life better, it was their gift.

He took the towel and dried her feet, sliding the basin out of the way and producing the softest comforter they had, he asked if she would lay next to him for a few minutes. she slipped out of the chair, tingling from head to toe (his touch on her feet had always had that effect and they both knew it), and lay down. he put his arm around her and lay behind her, moving her hair aside so he could kiss her neck. "i love you, i love you, i love you" he said softly as he put his arm around her and pulled her tight. they were spooned up on the floor, and you couldn't have put a business card between them. he began to sing in a deep and soothing voice. something she had never heard before and frankly, neither had he, for there was part of the two of them that manifested itself in songs and poems and the words just came out without too much thought at all. it was a feeling and he always had it. he carried it in his heart and he was glad to have it. that was part of their gift.

after five minutes of silence, just being close and breathing in and out together, she took his hand and turned toward him. she had to see his eyes. they were soft and full of love, joy, excitement and mischief. "like always" she thought. how did he do it? how did he "get" her like he did? how did she "get" him? for many moons she had pondered those questions and came back to the same answer every time. some things just are, she thought. he had said that once, early on in their time together.

"ok, time for the second part" he said, leaning up and offering her his hand so she could get up off the floor. "what's the second part?" she asked. "oh it's good." he assured her and he leaned her back against the couch and took her feet in his hands again. instantly she was electric and this time she wasn't going to keep the wattage down. she burned for him with the passion that all women dream of when no one is around, the kind that bonnie raitt sings about when she does the one about "longing in their hearts", like all the songs he had ever written her, like the way it was "supposed" to be. taking her right foot in his hand, he raised it to his lips and began to kiss and nibble on her toes. slowly he went down the line and back again, taking his fingertips and coming from her ankle to the ball of her foot, trying his best to be erotic and loving. evidently he succeeded because she moaned without thinking and whispered his name. "yes, dear?" he said, "does that feel good?". "you know it does, you know what that does to me" she cooed. he made love to her foot with his hands and his mouth, licking her instep like it was a popsicle, swirling her toes with his tongue like they were candy. he loved her with all his heart and never tired of pleasing her. it was her gift.

she moaned again as he switched to her other foot. she was wet now, and hot and could feel herself opening up to him. how does he do it? she knew but only admitted it to herself after coming to the conclusion that it was just the way they are. such a good thing, she thought as the heat of her passion began to make her warm all over. this time he kept kissing her ankle and began to lick his way up her calf. she had such sexy calves, he thought. how did i get so lucky, he thought over and over again. each touch made them both jump and they were happy. setting her feet on the floor, he jumped up and lay next to her again. their faces were close together. "please, may i have a kiss?" he whispered. she kissed him with all the love in her heart and they both struggled to keep from being overwhelmed. he took her in his arms, rolled her onto her back and looked into her eyes. "i want you." was all he said. she took his hand and squeezed. "i'm yours." she said. he knew she was but he never wanted to take her for granted. it was their gift.

she pulled off his shirt and he took off her blouse and laid her on her tummy. trying to burn every sight, thought and touch into his memory, he rubbed her back for her. each time he got to the base of her spine, he went lower onto her buttocks, sending chills through her "you ok?" he asked. "oh yesssssssssssss!" she replied, "just wonderful." "ok then, he said with a smile and leaned down to kiss her back. he got up on his knees and worked his way down her legs, kneading the muscles and getting the relaxation she longed for to happen. as he worked his way up to her neck and shoulders, he paused and gave thanks. working her shoulders and going from her scalp to her spine, he showed her the love in his heart and she felt it. she could feel him across the country was her only thought as the passion burned brighter.

he stood up and offered his hand. she took it and they walked to the bedroom, side by side, except when he had to move behind her to pass the table in the hallway. as he was behind her, he took a long look at her shapely rear and gave thanks that someone with all that love in their heart for him could be so attractive, inside and out. he had told her before that she was everything he had asked for, but he wondered if she knew or believed him. they walked to the bed and he picked her up in his arms, kissed her and lay her down on the bed as smooth and gentle as a mother would lay her baby to sleep. he got in the bed and kissed her again. slow at first, the passion got them and they kissed each other like they had that first time, when the connection was revealed. not something quiet or something tentative, the first time they had made love, they had been effected like "getting hit with a gol-darn axe handle". thus it ever was....it was their gift.

they made love.

later, when she was sleepy, he brought her the glass of wine(he had slipped it back into the refrigerator and it was still chilled. so thoughtful) and her cigarettes and they talked, her laying on her side and he facing her. they spoke of their love and the desire to grow it deeper, they spoke of their days together and their nights apart and they spoke directly to each other's hearts. they could do that without words but sometimes words are good too. it was their gift.

he told her that when he was away from her and felt the tingle, he would sometimes pleasure himself to the thoughts of their lovemaking. his greatest climax would happen when he thought of being in her, looking into her eyes, unable and unwilling to look away or let any other thoughts intrude. she smiled. she burned for him in the same way.

he kissed her again and got up to go make something to eat. she followed him in a few moments and shooed him out of the kitchen. she threw this together and got that out and fixed him a meal fit for a king, which was fitting because he was the king of her heart and a gentle, kind and noble ruler he was. he thanked her for the sandwich and ate with gusto. he loved anything she made, from butter beans, squash and cornbread to desserts. she had a knack for cooking. he had a knack for eating. they were a good match.

"what time is church?", he asked. "same time as it always is", she replied. "oh, too early then" he grinned. they went to sleep in each others arms after saying prayers of thanks for good and bad times, for their lives and their love and all the ones who mattered. talk about a gift!!!

It Baffles Science! Archives

Chapter 22

Welcome to the third and final part of Audience of Shadows. I hope you’ve enjoyed the story so far. This next part is going to be a somewhat significant diversion from what I’ve done up to this point, and I’m open to any and all criticism and comments. Thanks to all of you who have read and commented thus far.

Chapter 22

Melissa’s crying now because she knows she’s going to die. She knows she’s going to die for one reason. It isn’t because of all the blood she’s losing. If the ambulance gets up here fast enough, they might be able to patch her up. It isn’t because I just killed the bastard she was sleeping with. There was still a chance I would have a change of heart and let her go free.

She knows she is going to die because I tell her I’m going to kill her.

“Do you have any idea why you won’t live through the night?” I ask.

“Because you are a sick, twisted fuck, that’s why.” Her words aren’t that clear. Blood spouts from her mouth with every syllable.

“Wrong. That’s only the reason that I am going to be able to kill you. Were I in charge of my mental facilities, I wouldn’t be able to rationalize what I’m about to do. No—the reason I’m going to kill you is that you don’t deserve to breathe the air on this planet anymore. After what you did to me…”

“And what was that?”

“That” is what I should have been concerned about from the beginning. What she gave me.

The day after I kill my foster father, I’m cleaning the house. My OCD is back—with a vengeance. Nothing can be too clean. I polish the faucets at least a dozen times each, and every time I go back to look at one, I see a place it could shine a little brighter. I put all the linens and laundry through the cycle—I even wash the shower curtains and liners. Every drawer in the house is expertly organized. The closets too. When I’m done, it’s nearly 10 at night—I’ve been cleaning for almost fifteen hours. I make some toast and watch the news. Salmonella outbreak at Jack in the Box. Doctors being sued for improper sanitization practices. Germs reaching havoc on organisms thousands of times their size. Everywhere.

I finish my toast. Now it’s time to dig.

The backyard looks out onto a greenbelt. The privacy fence rises ten feet above the ground—the neighbors on either side can’t see a thing.

I have on two layers of plastic gloves and one layer of real working gloves. I'm wearing a trash bag poncho that covers my entire body (three bags cut apart and then put back together with duct tape). I found an old surgical mask under the sink in the kitchen. I look like a Hazmat worker if he was imagined and filmed by Ed Wood.

It rained the night before, so the ground is soft and gives easily to my shovel. I dig with fervor, carefully placing each shovelful on the ground beside the hole. It doesn't take long before I'm already two feet down. In less than two hours, I'm inside the hole, tossing dirt out over my head.

The body stinks. I know that because I could smell it the day before, when I went into the attic to make sure it's still there. As if a corpse could rise up and just walk away from the scene of its own demise. An irrational thought, perhaps. But these days, I'm taking comfort in my old friend Irrationality.

That's why I've lined the inside of the surgical mask with Vicks Vap-o-rub. As I'm loading the stiff, bloated corpse into the wheelbarrow I lugged up to the attic, all I can smell is the nostalgia of being sick as a child. As I slowly take the wheelbarrow back down the stairs, hoping some random limb doesn't flop out of the tarp I've used to wrap up the bastard, I think about the days I would wake up coughing. My dad would come into my room, rub Vicks on my chest, and call to tell people I wasn't coming to school. At least, that's what he did when he wasn't drinking.

Digging and refilling the hole is the hardest part of disposing of a body. Everything else is easy. Cleaning up the mess—hell, that's what I was born for. Sending an email from my foster father's email account telling his work he wouldn't be in for a couple of weeks due to a death in the family—just as easy as finding his password and username in his Filofax. Wrapping him up tight and snug in the tarp they used to use to cover plants when it was freezing—only hard part about that was the time it took to clean up afterwards. And like I've said—I'm relishing that kind of thing these days.

But the hole is different because of the dedication it takes to do it and do it right. After all, I have to make sure that I can get somewhere to pick up some borders and tomato plants the next day. "New garden, huh?" the neighbors will say. I'll nod. "Say, where's Tom?" they'll ask, having noticed my foster father's absence. "Out of town," I'll reply.

But at one in the morning, when you've been standing up all day long, cleaning, bending over, cleaning, lifting bodies and wheeling them outside, you start to get tired, and part of you just wants to quit. Fortunately, it's a part of me that I can shut up easily by just counting the shovelfuls of dirt as they're thrown out of the hole. I can shut it up later, when I'm counting the shovelfuls as I pitch them back in.

One two three one two three.

At the hardware store the next day, the guy checking me out asks me if I know the first thing about growing tomatoes. I tell him that ignorance about what I plan on doing has never stopped me from doing it. He laughs as he scans the stakes I'll use to set the plants up.

I spend the afternoon at the grave of my foster father, planting tomatoes. The temperature these nights should be fine for them—usually just a hair over fifty-five degrees. I have two kinds of seeds: Brandywine and Roma. Brandywine was more expensive, and I still don't know why I was drawn to it. It's an heirloom tomato cultivated by the Amish. Maybe it's the simplicity of the Amish lifestyle that draws me to it. Good, clean living. Sounds like my kind of deal.

That night, I start packing. I know where I'm going, I know what I'll need. Changes of clothes. A pillow, a towel. Plenty of sanitizer—there won't be any showers where I'm headed. But I'll have to get used to it, because I can't stay at the house. Sometime, someone will catch on. And hopefully by then, I'll be gone.

I sleep until ten the next morning. My bags are next to my bed. I get up, pick them up, and head for the door. Before I leave, I turn around to look at the house. "Completely clean," I think to myself. Then I notice the urge to take a piss. I put down my bags and walk to the bathroom down the hall.

As I'm watching a steady stream splash into the pristine toilet, I notice a sting. And then another one. And then it becomes constant.

"What the fu…"

My thought is cut off because of the almost excruciating pain. I double over, piss getting everywhere.

"Which one is it?" is the first thought that comes to mind. Because a lot of them have this symptom. When you read about them, the symptom is listed as "painful urination." That's science's variation on "It hurts like Satan himself ripping through your scrotum."

As if everything isn't a variation of something it's not.

I zip up, a sinking feeling in my gut. I can't go to the doctor. I can't do anything about this. I'm screwed. There's only one thing I can do.

Before I leave—after I sanitize my hands and, for some reason, clean the toilet I'll never use again—I check my bag, just to make sure I have the gun. It's in there, nestled next to the bullets and a box of Kleenex. "You sure you know how to shoot that thing?" asks Rationality as I zip up my backpack again.

"Hell yeah I'm sure," I think. "I was taught by the best there was."

Thanks Dad.

Previous Chapters

April 3, 2007

Jesus Christ, SuperBar

There's a whole thing going on in the news this week about an artist, some chocolate and an iconic religious figure. Yea, the chocolate Jesus thing.

This guy needs to get a late pass because someone came up with the blasphemous idea of a chocolate Jesus SIX years ago.

That someone is ME.

I always knew I was ahead of my time.

It was Easter time 2001 when the idea hit. I had been listening to Bill Hicks and he was ranting about Easter and how the modern symbols of this religious holiday (bunnies, chocolate) don't really speak the meaning of the holiday.

So, being the sacrilegious atheist that I am, I began devising a plan to bring Easter and chocolaty goodness together in a way that made more sense.

Of course. A Chocolate Jesus.

I started melting chocolate and figuring out a way to mold it into shape. I stuck a blob of melted chocolate in the freezer and waited until it was not quite frozen and a bit pliable. Then I began working on my masterpiece.

I'm not a very good artist, and I'm sure he looked more like Charles Manson than Jesus Christ when I was done, but lo and behold, two hours later I had myself a Chocolate Jesus.

I had toyed with the idea of making a crown of thorns out of spun sugar, but decided against it. Not because it was improper, but because I haven't the slightest clue how to make spun sugar.

chocojesus.jpgNow, how does one go about eating a chocolate Jesus? With the chocolate bunnies, you generally eat the ears first. So that's what I did. I ate Jesus's ears. The next logical step would be the tail. But of course, Jesus doesn't have a tail. So I started chomping on his lower half. And the lapsed Catholic in me heard the words in my head:

"Body of Christ, Amen."

It was good chocolate. I kept eating.

I ate his head and his arms and the the remnants of his robe.

And then I made another. I decided I would give them out for the holidays. No, no. I would sell them for the holidays. What a grand idea.

But somehow it never happened. I think I ate every chocolate Jesus I made. 20 pounds and one handbasket to hell later, I gave up on the idea.

So now Easter is approaching again and chocolate Jesus is making headlines, I'm thinking the time is right to put mine out on the market. I just need the right marketing tools. I need a slogan.

Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hymn Book!
Body of Christ: Now available in Krispy!

If it turns out there is a hell, I am sure I will be there. But I'll be in good company at least.

No Catholics were harmed in the making of this article.


A Lady Laments About... Springtime Renewal

Waking just before the sunrise, I can hear their soft, melodic song. It’s that low, deep, sorrowful song that I long to hear during the long, cold winter. Morning Doves signify the beginning of Spring, the renewal of life. The landscape is budding with anticipation and the vegetation reconfirms that rebirth is incredible in it’s simplicity. The sparse mounds of snow gravitate towards the earth, and reveal the beauty that lies underneath. The Crocuses and Hyacinths peak through the dulled greenery, letting us ponder the wonderment of what is happening right before our eyes.

hyacinth.jpg Instinctively, we all open our windows and clean out the past seasons, readying ourselves for the new. The smell of the air is crisp and sweet. It’s easy to tilt your head back, close your eyes, and let go. I covet the Spring, holding it’s spirit and majesty in my heart and soul.

Spring is a forgiveness, cleansing the anguish etched in our minds from enduring the harshness of nature and helplessly watching as a silent slumber washes over the earth. Sometimes I wished as a child that I could kiss the world awake. Like a fairy tale when the naive Princess pricks her finger or a peasant girl eats the tainted fruit, conditionally lost in sleep. But, with loves first kiss she awakens and all is right again. The birds sing, the sun overtakes the darkness and happiness reigns once again.

Spring is a reminder of life. Mesmerizing us, reassuring us that life will go on. It’s a reflection of us. How we recondition ourselves with the changing earth, thriving from the energy that pulsates beneath our feet. Enabling us to bury the darkness that resides in our own minds, letting the light emerge from the core of our be-ing.

I’ve learned to welcome Spring and celebrate it’s triumphant return. It allows me to reconnect and re-evaluate myself, eliminating the ghosts I feared in the dark, finding strength when their nature is revealed in the light. Spring renews my spirit; re-igniting my internal fire and resurrecting the power that lie dormant through the layers of yesterdays. Merging old with new, birth with death and goodbyes with welcomes. Springtime renewal is our validation that living for today means never forgetting yesterday, and always remembering tomorrow.

Jenn's house is very very clean right now.

A Lady Laments Archives

Desolation Boulevard: Dead End

III. COMPLICATION (The taconite wars)

She was just another pretty face. A refrigerator magnet, working the coatroom at one of the seedier hard-hat bars the tripods operated as a front for the safe house in back. Just another door hinge trying to make an honest buck who got in the way of the monster that was me as I lit a grapefruit and tossed it into the bar, ducking into the coat room. Our eyes met and I knew she knew her days were numbered in seconds.

I whipped out my best Elvis and asked her for a peanut butter and banana sandwich, just as three, fat tripods blocked the doorway and fired their pea-shooters. She died laughing, a frozen pea right between the eyes. Those eyes. Locked on mine as she giggled her last foaming breath unto her ample chest. She slid slowly down the door of the fridge and those eyes haunted me for years to come. I took the first tripod with one swipe of my splintered ruler, as a pea shattered the mirror behind me. The other two folded like tripods at the end of a photo shoot. Don Ho would have been proud.

I could smell the flatulence, like cordite after a gun battle, as I stepped over them and into the bar, frozen peas crunching underfoot like so many frozen peas. Those eyes still danced in my vision like sunspots, refusing to let me forget her sweet laugh and rancid breath as I began to systematically eliminate the bar tab of every patron in the joint, hard-hats and tripods and the three stuffed shirts in the corner, smoking a crack. Just as I leaned over to grab a shirt by the collar, I saw his eyes widen as he looked past me toward the front door. I flung him upright, diving into the crack just as six taconite pellets opened up on me with flashlights blazing. I dove out the window, rolled into the street and came up running. I could hear the shirts laughing as I rounded the corner with a dull router.

I taken a stab of light across my shoulder, just a slight shadow remained, so I wrapped it in mystery and headed straight for the one place I knew I could uncomplicate this mess-the hideout of the head taconite pellet, himself-Hematite…

wiggum.jpgIV. BROKEN SHARDS (Of nose chili)

The taconites aren't like you and I. Come to think of it, neither are you.

I mean, it’s all relative and you can pick your nose…

The taconites. They are spawned of the dark places and favor the same dirty things we all do, but there is a horrible difference. Taconites are devoid of the kind of ritualistic hatred and screaming fits that make you and I what we are. I cannot imagine what drives them and fear that someday I might be confronted with that horrifying truth. For now, I content myself with the knowledge that what I am about to do is unrealistic and fueled by irrational headcheese.

At the nearest pay phone, I stop and call the law. The more weak-minded and soft amongst you might step back in shock and horror, but I had to do it. I tattled on the taconites and it was good. Whistling a merry tune, I headed back across town toward the old lady's apartment and my perch atop the radiator. A block down the road, I caved in to temptation and turned into the cafe I passed the first night back in this hellhole. The watering can behind the counter stirred a pot of chili, dropping ash from his fountain pen into the vile mix. I ordered a big bowl and tried not to think about the radios roasting in the back, or the recently fried ream of copy paper, still dripping tiny bubbles of Don Ho juice, right in front of me.

The watering can served my chili and ash; leaning back on the grill to stare at me as I inhaled a shot of chili through a straw inserted into my left nostril. "A dang lefty", he drawled. "You must be from up North". I just stared and shoved the straw up my right, inhaling half the bowl in one long snort. " He shivered once, nodded his head and replied, "I'll give you that one and this one, y'all can have for free, too. The tripods are massing at the camera shop, two blocks down the street. You know the place? The one they took when they rose up against...", he trailed off. This time I shivered and nodded my head, remembering the telephoto lenses impaled on tall poles, lining the streets. Deciding against emptying the rest of the chili, I pushed the unfinished bowl toward him and stood up, reaching for my liver. "It's on the house", he stated, taking my bowl and pitching it into the bin. I walked out, thinking it was likely to be in the gutter, soon as well.

Making my way down the block, I noticed small, furry shower curtains scurrying into the sewers and alleyways, predicting mayhem for the near future and damn me if they weren't right. I didn't think, didn't hesitate, just walked up and threw four grapefruits through the window of the building on the left-the only one lit from within. Within seconds it erupted in flames. Those few tripods that made out the front door were cut down, splinters from my ruler strewn about the broken bodies like unused kindling. I stayed and watched long after they stopped coming through the door, leaving only when the sirens began to wail and it was obvious I had to beat feet, or answer a lot of questions nobody wanted to hear answers for.

I was only three blocks from the old lady’s apartment when I broke down, unable to control my rage and overwhelming shame for not storming the building and dying in the process. I knew you were in there, tied to a chair, or a large can of salted peanuts, silently praying for me to come to your rescue. Yeah, I knew you were in there and I chose me, letting you burn. My mother used to call me a punk. I knew I wasn't a punk and told myself that I would never grow up to be one, either. I was wrong. I'm the worst kind of punk and your dead. I feel something dribbling down the front of my shirt. Reaching up, I feel blood running freely from a wound on my earlobe. A bloody piece of copy paper lies at my feet, uneaten. I try to stem the flow of blood and begin to cry.

When the crying stopped, utterly spent and bereft of memories of the time spent in libraries and other such places of ill-repute, I found myself leaning against a telephone pole, covered in posters advertising the latest number-13, I think and of all things, a drapery rally on the edge of town, set to begin in the morning. It called out to me like buggery in a church. "Perhaps there can be some good in my life, after all", I thought, as I pulled the tin foil flyer from the pole. Taking stock, I took stock and emptied my pockets of the thawed peas and rotten memories of this town and the feel of your skin against the doors of my mind. A block down the street, I turned the corner, heading toward the alley cutting across the district to where the taconites used to hang out in the hard hat bars before I put them to bed with a phone call.

Entering the alley, I pulled my coat tighter, looked to the still dark eastern sky, thinking the moon would soon rise, lighting my way out of town to the woodlot mentioned on the flyer and I felt alive for the first time in my life. Maybe Don Ho would be there…

Any Port in the Storm Archives

Professional Interview #1

This week we have the special privilege of talking with Leah Shafer, who has worked as a professional, full-time freelance writer for the last three years. You can find her work in The Dallas Observer, Quick, Luxe, Modern Bride, American Way, The Meeting Professional, Rx.com and several other publications. Her corner of the web is over at LeahShafer.com.

It only took 15 minutes AND I got her to reveal her secret ambitions for world domination.

Shafer%20quote1.bmpME: How did you first get your start? I hear there was some drinking involved.

Leah: Well, actually, I lost my job and basically came home and cried for a week, and I only had two weeks’ severance pay. So I kind of thought I would try to augment my unemployment wages from the state by writing some freelance things. And by the time I ran out of my unemployment benefits I was writing quite a significant amount. I decided I would go ahead and take a stab at it.

One of the things that I have a lot of trouble with is finding time to write. Is that a problem of yours? Was it a problem at the beginning?

It’s always a problem. There’s a joke among my friends about how busy I am, that I am basically never not working. I’m thinking about something, brainstorming. I spend a great deal of time on the weekends and at night; if I’m watching TV I have my laptop on my lap and I’m frequently Googling.

So yes, it is a challenge to find the time, especially if you’re working a full time job and you can’t interview people because your day is already taken up. Email is a wonderful thing because you can just email questions to people.

How often do you send an unsolicited piece out to an editor? What is your advice on query letters?

Right now, my plate is really full with assignments; I have myself booked up until August in terms of my work. So currently, I don’t do very many unsolicited pieces – although I’m getting ready to go up to Vancouver next week for a piece I’m writing and I’m going to try to put together a couple of extra pieces on top of that – so I will be doing an unsolicited manuscript drop at several different travel editors around the country.

I always recommend that people do a full-on pitch. A lot of editors will look at it, and a well-written pitch can be sent to 15 people; each one that turns you down, you just move on to the next one.

So… about getting paid to write about your experiences while you take a free vacation: how do I get on that gravy train?

Basically, you start doing some travel articles for different newspapers. Then, over time, you try to pitch yourself and your ideas to travel magazines or “industry” magazines – like the people that I do most of my travel writing for is a meeting planner’s organization (because meeting planners travel all the time).

So you’ve just got think about who pays you to travel places and then you just get an assignment from your editor. Then you take that assignment and email it to the Convention or Visitor’s Bureau people and often those people will say “Come on up! Come to Toronto, come to Louisiana, come to Utah!” then they’ll put you up in a hotel.

It’s really exciting, but it’s also really, really hard. I have to say, travel writing is way less glamorous than I ever imagined.

burj-al-arab-dubai-hotel.jpgWhat is your goal for the future? Is freelancing for TIME magazine as good as it gets, or do you ultimately have other plans?

I want to be QUEEN OF THE WORLD! I’m always aiming for larger circulation and higher pay. I mean, always. You know, the goal is to be able to make a whole lot of money without much effort. So I would love to get $4000 where they send me to Dubai where I’ll hang out by the pools all day.

Best single piece of advice that you could give someone hoping to start freelancing?

Get. A. Laptop. I’m totally serious; getting a laptop changed my life and made freelancing possible. I can take it on the road with me and as long as there’s an open Wi-Fi connection, I’m in touch with my editor and I’m in touch with my sources and I can write from the road.

If you could go back to the beginning of your freelancing career, say, the day before you started – what would you tell yourself about what the next three years were going to be like?

I don’t think I’d want to know – I’d be too scared. I think I’d probably tell myself to aim higher and spend less time on the small-time newspapers. Just pretty much, except for travel writing, ignore newspapers because they’re a huge amount of work for not much money. In the end it, unfortunately, becomes completely about the money.

Word Whore Archives

Easter, Dishful Style

I was raised Catholic, I'll admit it. I learned how to party. Shit. Catholics party every time some nice guy got bludgeoned to death a thousand years ago. We also party when Jesus was born, when he died, and most importantly, when he became our zombie Savior.

evil_easter_bunny.jpgI was severely writers-blocked about what to share with you this week, till I realized that Easter is this Sunday. Instant topic. These aren't family recipes, just things I've developed or adapted over the years.

Main Dish:
Stout - Marinated Beef Tenderloin

3 - 4 lb beef tenderloin roast
12 oz stout beer
2 Tbsp salt
2 Tbsp brown sugar
1 bay leaf
1 Tbsp whole black peppercorns

Mix everything except the beef in a bowl and add it to a gallon sized freezer zip bag. Add the beef and seal the bag, getting as much air out as possible. Put that in a bowl and into the fridge for 4 - 8 hours.

Put a cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat for at least 10 minutes before cooking. Wipe the marinade off the beef and pat it dry. Brush it with just a touch of canola or peanut oil, and season liberally with salt and pepper.

Place the roast in the now-nuclear skillet for about 1 minute per side. After four minutes, take the beef out and place on a plate to rest. Make sure you keep the skillet off the heat. Set your oven to 250 degrees. This method is adapted from Alton Brown's method for cooking tenderloin roasts. The point of the rest between cooking steps is to keep more of the interior medium rare, as opposed to a small center of medium rare and a large ring of too-done.

After 15 minutes, your oven will be up to temperature. If your oven can't get to 250 degrees in 15 minutes, get a new oven. Put the roast back in the skillet and cook in the oven for probably 25 - 30 minutes. Time is not as important as temperature at the center of the roast. It's done when the center reaches 140 degrees, which is beautifully medium rare.

Pull the beef back onto the plate and rest for about 10 - 15 minutes (or longer, this cut of beef is absolutely wonderful at room temperature) before serving. The cut is so tender, and the beer flavor is so delicate, that I really don't recommend any sauce. A drizzle of the best extra-virgin olive oil and some cracked pepper never hurt anyone though.

Don't turn that oven off, though -- crank it up to 400 degrees for one of the side dishes ...

Bacon Wrapped Asparagus

6 spears of asparagus per person
2 slices of bacon per person

Wrap 3 spears of asparagus in a slice of bacon and put them on a cookie sheet. Put them in the oven. When the bacon is cooked, so is the asparagus. Nice, eh?

Now, it's time for a nice springtime salad.

Artichoke salad
1 lb artichoke hearts, quartered. Canned or frozen, it doesn't matter. I don't even bother with fresh -- too much damn work for not a lot of return.
1 pint of cherry tomatoes, cut in half
1/2 pound of fresh mozarella cheese, cut into cubes
1/2 c extra virgin olive oil
1/4 c balsamic vinegar
salt & pepper
1 c fresh basil, shredded

Toss all that together. You're done. If you're making this one ahead of time -- and you should, because it will be much better if you let it sit, covered, in the fridge overnight -- add the basil at the very end. It'll get all wilted and narsty otherwise.

And now, dessert!
Mascerated fruit salad
1 c sugar
1/2 c orange liqueur (like Triple Sec, Cointreau, or Grand Marnier)
2 lbs fresh seasonal fruit, cut into chunks
1/2 c fresh mint leaves, shredded
pinch of good (kosher or sea) salt

Mix the sugar and liqueur together, and toss with the fresh fruit and just a sprinkle of salt. I'm not going to tell you what kind of fruit to use. Use whatever's fresh. Stone fruits like peaches and plums, berries, melon, mangoes, and pineapple all work really well. I'd avoid citrus fruits, unless you wanted to throw some mandarin orange segments in there. Fresh citrus segments will just dissolve. Let it sit for about 2 or 3 hours in the fridge. It will be nice and soupy as you get it out.

Just before service, top with the mint and a dollop of freshly whipped cream.

As for the metal this week, it's a doozie.

The Arockalypse
The End Records

RIYL: Kiss, Andrew WK, party rock, glam rock

Imagine, if you will, a band that looks like GWAR and sounds like KISS. Have I blown your mind yet? Yeah, I didn’t think so, but that’s Lordi for you. Fresh off their monster (no pun intended) win of the 2006 Eurovision song contest with their anthem “Hard Rock Hallelujah”--and yes, that song is on this album, and even better than the contest version—these Finnish ghouls give us The Arockalypse. This is, without a doubt, awesome party rock. To paraphrase a friend, they’re so godawful and cheesy that they’re actually kind of magnificent. I couldn’t put it better myself. Seriously, great poppy rock with great guitar work.

Recommended: "Hard Rock Hallelujah", "Chainsaw Buffet", "They Only Come Out at Night", "Night of the Loving Dead"

Baby Huey would totally worship Jesus if the church only recognized his zombie status

Dishful of Metal Archives

My Travels Among the Mormons

I arrived in Salt Lake City, home of the Great Salt Lake, which incidentally was the original name of the city, it later being abbreviated to just Salt Lake City. This is the manner of abbreviation for the Latter Day Saints. If you have a four word name, cut it by 25% and there you have it. Great Salt Lake City is now tidily abbreviated to Salt Lake City. Done and done.

I suppose this should not be considered an unusual practice for the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Given the official name of their organized religion, they do seem fond of exposition. Well, while they may struggle with word conservation, never let it be said you don’t know what they mean. It isn’t just a Salt Lake. It is a Great Salt Lake. Very Great. Huge in fact.

I was struck by the size of the airport. It isn’t terribly large. I’m sure it suffices, but there are quite a number of ski resorts in the area, and in fact this was the host city for the 2002 Winter Olympics. My first thought was, what a beautiful wintry setting for the Winter games. Lovely snow, beautiful mountain ranges.

My second thought was “how in the hell did they get all those people through here”? Gracious, there are only 5 baggage claim carousels.

The first Caucasian to visit the area is believed to be the explorer Jim Bridger in 1825. I’m sure he wondered the same as I, could you handle the Olympic traffic here? Later U.S. Army officer John C. Frémont surveyed the Great Salt Lake and the Salt Lake Valley in 1843 and 1845. Someone also told me the Donner party stopped nearby for lunch on their way to California, but I haven’t confirmed that.

Then came the Latter Day Saints, led by their church leader Brigham Young, who upon seeing the location in a vision, declared “Lafayette, we are here”!

The next few decades are a bit of a blur. The settlers felt that Nevada would be a good addition to the territory, and appealed for statehood. The Congress replied “perhaps so” but cut the area back down to the size of Utah and declared it a territory in waiting. All this while waiting for the Saints to come to some middle ground, a compromise if you will, on the issue of how many wives a man might have while still walking the earth.

Frankly I do not understand their thinking in this regard. If a man chooses to make himself miserable through one marriage, he deserves every bit of grief a second, third or fourth delivers upon him. I do not see this as an issue of Federalism, so much as some sort of psychotic recidivism. A man usually learns from his mistakes, but a latter day Saint applies mistakes as self-discipline.

Anyway, President Buchanan got a bee in his bonnet and declared the territory to be in rebellion and for a while it was on beeyotch. Many unpleasantries were exchanged, some at the point of a gun. Eventually the issue was resolved and in their 1890 Manifesto, the LDS officially renounced the practice of excessive misery through multiple concurrent marriages. Peace broke out, and there was much rejoicing.

mormons.jpgI traveled south to Orem, home of the great University founded by Mr. Young. It was a Monday, Presidents Day, and as I wandered and explored I noticed the strong influence of the LDS almost everywhere. Even at the liquor store. Yes, Utah has liquor stores. These are operated by an arm of the state government, and are referred to as “State of Utah Liquor Stores”, which is consistent with their practice of using exactly the number of words you need to understand what this thing is. The first thing I noticed was they open at eleven in the morning and close at seven in the evening.

The second thing I noticed was they are closed on Presidents Day.

Damn it.

I will say that the people of Utah are gracious hosts, very pleasant and helpful. They are kind and considerate, and very white. With the exception of the indigenous peoples and Hispanic settlers, they are some of the whitest people I have met since my visit to Vermont or those gardeners in Connecticut; those folks were downright alabaster.

I do not recall seeing a single person of African descent, although I am toying with a theory that the layers of salt one acquires in the winter months might do a little bleaching of the skin. I will research this further.

After five days my journey came to an end. The weather had been quite exciting, and upon the day of my departure, it snowed heavily. Being a Texas boy, this was quite a lovely experience for me, watching the large flakes come flying down from the grey skies, collecting on the buildings, cars and ground. I sat in the teensy airport awaiting my departure, gazing out at the beautiful scene. There is something magical about a heavy snowfall, something peaceful and good, and it cheered me so to think I was going to beat it out of here before the rest of these poor souls get snowed in, and my connection through Denver was 6 hours ahead of the storm.

That was quite a comforting thought.

It is a good place, and I’m sure I will return.

With a heavier overcoat. And shoes that do not have leather soles. Those are quite useless in Utah in winter.

Dave is sticking to one marriage at a time. For now.


April 2, 2007

TAFC# 10: TV Theme Songs

We got a right to start a little fight Bonanza!

Did you even know there were lyrics to that theme song? No shit, man. Not only lyrics but really shitty lyrics! Maybe that is why that theme song is so cool. No matter when you hear the song, you can just picture Little Joe (pre Charles Ingalls) kicking ass on the Ponderosa.

Sigh. Memories.

Anyways, when I heard that song this weekend on TV Lands Bonanza marathon, I started thinking about theme songs to TV shows. There have been some memorable ones. Hawawai Five O was cool. So was Streets of San Francisco. They were funky. I can still picture that theme song and Karl Malden's nose cruising up and down the streets to catch the bad guys. Funky style police brutality kicks ass, yo.

So in the spirit of Hoss Cartwright, "Danno" Williams, and Bull Shannon we ask what is the best all time theme song?

I'll have my say first.

Streets of San Francisco

No I am not biased. This is a kick ass down and dirty funky ass kicking song. Too bad the show never quite lived up to the theme. And yes. Yes it was a cop on the Dirty Harry themes but we can forgive them for that. As long as we could see Karl Malden's nose, it was all ok. I still am in shock and awe of it every time I see a rerun. It's like the thing had it's own life force. I mean really, if you take a close look at it, the nose seems to have split off into two different hemispheres that are succeeding away from the main island. Like revolutionary war type shit on the nose. Pretty soon one side will start saying shit about taxes and no representation then some asshole will dump some tea off the left nostril and next thing you know the Beatles will be flying over the top will some big British Invasion thingy. The fuck if I know. But man, that guy has a big ass honker.

Rockford Files

I think I am noticing a trend in my shows here. They all seem to be West Coast kick back and live near the beach shows. I mean, I am not doing Hawaii Five O or anything like that, but I do notice a trend here. Anyways, wasn't Jim Rockford cool? He lived on a beach! That was cool! Plus he slept until noon! Really cool. And he was friends with Isaac Hayes! I don't know about any of you, but in my opinion, hanging out with Isaac Hayes in the 70's was about as close as you could get to a Centurion American Express Card for pussy as there is.

Plus the theme of the song starts with an answering machine.

Saying he is not home.

See. He is not home.

He is out hanging wit' Isaac.

Getting pussy. -T



One of the coolest tv shows ever had one of the coolest themes. Men in black with big ass guns doing bad ass things set to a funky/disco beat. I didn't know whether to dance or shoot someone in the head.


What tv theme makes you want to groove, surf and solve mysteries all at the same time? No, not Scooby Doo. As if. We're talking tasty waves and Jack Lord.


Which then makes me think of the greatest current tv theme. One that I never tired of singing. One that makes me smile upon hearing the opening notes. One that allows me to sing about the most amazing thing to come out of a pineapple since I had that nightmare about Don Ho.


See. He hangs out on a beach. And is friends with David Hasselhoff. That's about as close as you can get to an Green American Express Card for pussy. - M

That's some of the editor's picks. Now it's your turn. Nominate as many as you want. We'll pull the top ten nominations from now til Wednesday and throw them into a poll for voting on Thursday.

TAFC archives

Dear Uberchief

Dear Uberchief,

I have recently entered the homebuying arena. Unfortunately, every time I think I have made a good decision, I get unsolicited advice from friends and family which puts doubts and fears into this already scary experience. I would love to be the "dutiful daughter" or the "subservient sister" and listen and follow their advice. However, I doubt that this advice is really in my best interest or is even feasible given my current financial situation. Now, I am asking you, what should I do?

Thanks in advance, Harried Homebuyer.

bloodorgy.gifDear Harried Homebuyer,

Thanks for the note. Buying a home is a hard task, which is not made any easier by people who won't mind their own business. It reminds me of the story of Fat Freddy Frog, who used to live in Blue Lake west of Big Tree, in Deep Forest. One day in autumn, long ago, when nomadicElvis-impersonating transvestites roamed freely in the Grasslands outside of Deep Forest, Freddy Frog was getting ready for the winter by digging a hole in the bottom of the lake, where he could hibernate until spring. On the first morning of digging the hole, he kept having to come up to take breaks, because of what a fat frog he was.

"Fat Freddy Frog!" laughed Maven Mayfly, "you're so fat you can't even dig your winter hole without running out of breath! Why don't you quit eating for awhile and try to quit being so freaking fat!"

Panting, Freddy Frog said, "I did not ask for your advice, nor do I need it, thank you very much."

The next morning, Freddy Frog couldn't bring up the mud from his hole as quickly as he needed to, because he had not exercised in years and had little strength.

"Fat Freddy Frog!" laughed Maven Mayfly, "you're so weak you can't even bring up all the mud you need to get out of the hole you're digging for the winter! Why don't you go to the gym and try to bulk up some, you little wimp!"

Huffing and puffing, Freddy Frog said, "I did not ask for your advice, nor do I need it, thank you very much."

The following morning, Freddy Frog had finally finished his hole. He sat on his lilly pad, waiting for unsuspecting bugs to come by so he could eat them and get even more fat before hibernating for the winter. But every time one came by, he moved too slowly and missed it.

"Fat Freddy Frog!" laughed Maven Mayfly. "You're so slow you can't even get dinner for yourself! Why don't you just go on and hibernate--you're fat enough as it is!"

"I did not ask for your advice, nor do I need it, thank you very much."

"You can't even catch me if I'm in front of your face!" teased Maven Mayfly as he buzzed around Freddy's head. But Maven was wrong. Fueled by anger and years of being laughed at and teased, Freddy Frog concentrated as hard as he could. In a split second, his tongue darted out of his mouth and caught Maven in midair. He pulled his tongue back into his mouth and smiled, Maven's fluttering wings tickling him.

"Please don't eat me!" yelled Maven, still stuck to Freddy's tongue. "I promise, I won't give you any more unsolicited advice!"

"Oh, I'm not going to eat you," said Freddy. "I've got something much more important planned for you."

That evening, Freddy settled into his winter hole for a long, deep sleep. In several months, he woke up, stretched, shook the mud from his slimy skin, and looked to his right. There, mangled, wingless, with a look of absolute horror on his face, was the body of Maven Mayfly, held down by a small pebble, just as Freddy had left him. Freddy never told anyone what horrible, wonderful things he had done to Maven that autumn. By the time he resurfaced from hibernation, the animals who didn't hibernate had already begun guessing what had happened to Maven.

"I heard he was in love with Craig Caterpillar and couldn't bear it when Craig died so he killed himself!" said Percy Porcupine.

"Well, I heard that he got caught up in a heroin ring and left Deep Forest to get into gay porn to support his habit," said Mom Fox.

But only Fat Freddy Frog new the awful truth. Only he knew the terror Maven experienced in the last hours of his life. Only Freddy knew exactly how to make a mayfly scream for forgiveness by inserting various objects into his tiny mayfly rectum. But he never told anyone how to do it (unless, of course, they asked him first).

The moral of the story is: ignore unsolicited advice and just do what you think is best. One day, all those pompous assholes will get what they have coming to them.

Good luck with your new abode!


Uberchief did not participate in any blood orgies in the making of this post.

Uber's Corner Archives

A Busy Week

Hello good people! I hope that everyone has had a good week and that everything that you wanted to accomplish got done! The new week is upon us, and I am about ready to dive in with my usual gusto. The past week was quite eventful and fun! I had a houseguest come to keep me company for the week, and I also had a relatively relaxing work week. I wind up feeling very accomplished and yet un-rushed at the end of the day.

I almost have no clue what to write about this week because things have gone so well that I barely have any idea where to begin. It seems that the better things go for me, the less I have to write about, I wonder why that is… So this week I think I would like to talk about happiness, the little things and the big things that bring me joy. I have a smile on my face as I write today because the sun is shining, and there is nothing better than a nice sunny and comfortable day to really get me to be in a good mood and perk my spirits. I love to go out driving or walking in such weather, and just soak up the sunshine and the pleasant temperatures. My energy levels rise, and my natural optimism is magnified when I have had a good dose of sun for the day.

I love to watch old cartoons from my childhood; they bring me back to a time when things were a bit simpler, and a lot easier to get over when I had a bad day. So by reliving those old shows, it gives me a great feeling of nostalgia, and a sense of calm.

I enjoy watching Horror movies too, a good scare is great for the heart every so often, and the little jolts of adrenaline give me a natural high and make me quite giddy for a bit afterwards, this is a great way to feel what it is to be alive, at least for me…

sorry.jpg I once spent an entire summer just going out-of doors daily and walking in the woods with my dog and my friend JaWa, I have to say that those outdoor excursions brought me closer to “God” than I have ever been the sounds of nature and the smells of the forest always bring me to a place in my soul that is calm and serene. I hope that I can soon encounter those feelings again this summer. It has been entirely too long for both me and my dog.

One of the other guilty pleasures that I have is that; on certain days off, I love to crack open a beer, and sit on the couch with the dog and watch an episode of Jerry Springer. I do not make a regular habit of it, but every few months there’s nothing like pretending I have no class, and watching the classless members of society to crazy things so as to be on television. The beer is more of a prop than anything else. But it fit’s the feeling and sets a relaxed and humorous tone for the day. The dog seems to enjoy it as well!

I also love to spend time with a good book and a bottle of my favorite red wine called “Love My Goat” by the Bully Hill Vineyards. I read a great number of books every year. Currently I have been re-reading “Brothers in Arms” From my favorite series: “DragonLance”. And I am eagerly awaiting the release of two other books from the same series later this year, not to mention the last volume of the Harry Potter series. Due out this summer! I find it wonderfully relaxing and fun to escape from reality for a few hours during the day. If it is early afternoon, I will usually substitute my wine for a cup or two of hot tea. It is a perfect fix for a rainy day, when my mood is not exactly the best.

Twister-Case.jpg I also spend time with my friends, and when we get together, I try to keep the television off, and get them to all come together to play a game. Why just last night I had great fun playing “Sorry” and then a rousing game of “Twister” I am sad to report that I lost both games miserably, but I had more fun losing a game, then I would have if we had all just sat about like couch potatoes watching television. Which seems to happen more and more when I am visiting my friends, which kind of makes me wonder if we should call it “Watching” instead of “Visiting”? I have seen potentially great gatherings turn into dull and boorish TV watching experiences. I could do the same thing at home without having to drive. The point of my going to see these people is to talk to them and see how they are doing, not stare at the television.

I get a wonderful feeling from taking care of my animals, and I really enjoy some of the challenges they present to me. Sometimes it’s stressful I’ll admit, but on a whole, they provide hours of entertainment simply when they want to play with one another. I cannot tell you how many times I have been brought to peals of laughter simply by watching my cat attempt to prove to the dog that he can out maneuver him. (Which he usually can, and the dog is a great sport.) My three “kids” as it were also provide me with the comfort that I need on the days when I am blue. This also brings me joy.

I get great pleasure from swimming and the smells of the ocean, or even the distinct smells found at the shore of a lake. Bodies of water art therapeutic for me, I have been told that this is because I am a Pisces, and I believe that might be a part of it, but I also think that it might have to do with the fact that when near bodies of water, it is the connection of two very powerful elements. Water, is very powerful, and can lever entire areas. The earth, can swallow you whole, or make life miserable for you in landslides, earthquakes, and molten rock. Any area where those powerful elements meet is thought to be very potent in energy. I also like the feeling of smallness I feel when by the ocean in particular, I get a sense of futility and a sense of purpose and destiny at the same time.

I think I will just close out on that note this week. I have many things to accomplish, and very little time to do it all in. But until next week, I wish you all happiness, joy, and the discovery of something new and wonderful about yourself!

Don’t you worry about me, I’m a drag queen, what do I know?

Matthew recognizes the value of losing at Twister.

Diary Of A Vermont Drag Queen Archives


kim%20atlin_overpass.jpgrush hour on the parkway is for suckers. that’s why my ride to work is all side streets and forgotten boulevards. it takes me by this one spot where a graffiti vandal stained the stone under an overpass with the last name of our president. and while the Doktor and i rarely see eye to eye, he agreed that the graffiti would be much classier if it had the word ‘fuck’ above it.

we traveled old-school style, picking up a can of ‘whisper white’ Krylon at the hardware store before catching the 35f downtown. we got off and walked about a mile to the overpass, up an aged stairway that commuters used back in the good old days, and back to that towering abomination. the spot was fairly overgrown with weeds and liberally littered with beer cans.

i took the paint out of my backpack, started shaking, and got the balls rolling. a smashed beer can clanged near my feet and slid on the gravel and into the weeds.

“what the fuck?”


a spotlight light shone suddenly from our left. i turned towards the Doktor and saw my shadow splayed ominously on the ground to his right.

“it’s the cops,” he said.


“the Man! WE WILL LIVE TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY…” he croaked as he hopped a rusted fence and tumbled down a steep embankment to the boulevard below. i was just like, fuck it, dropped the paint can, and reached for the sky.

“what’s goin’ on?” i said.

after a moment, i was able to make out the shape of a police cruiser against the neon lights from the street below. the officer walked towards me until i could see the whites of his eyes against this foul blackness. we stood there for a moment, i with my hands in the air, surveying the situation. he broke stare first and turned to look at the handiwork of the vandals.

“coming down here to add to that?” he said and nodded to the writing on the wall. he patted my pockets, my waistband, the small of my back, my sides…unzipped the backpack and took a quick look inside.

“can i put my hands down?”

he didn’t say anything, so i took that as a ‘yes’ and put them down. slowly.

“can i see some identification?”

all i had was an expired driver’s license, but at this point, i figured that could be the least of my problems. let’s face it, he could have taken me down for any number of crimes that i did in the past. make a few up, even. i’ve willfully committed innumerable misdemeanors and a felony or seven along the way and have emerged relatively unscathed. this would be poetic justice. i’m guilty…i confess…why not beat me into a puddle of my own piss and blood and spare the taxpayers a lengthy trial.

“Johnny St. Clair? you have any drugs in that backpack?”

“no sir, they’re at home with the guns.”

“wait right here.”

when he returned, he had a a string of beers in his left hand and my i.d. in his right. he returned the i.d. and kept his eyes on me as he opened a beer and took a sip.

“that’s a nice perk,” i said.

“yeah…i’m off duty. sometimes we come down here when the shift is over.”

i watched him drink and looked back at the wall. of the many lessons i’ve learned in this foul and wretched life, few are surer than accepting as gospel the word of a man with a loaded gun. so when he asked if i’d like a beer, i thought it would be rude and imprudent to refuse.

“my brother did that,” he said and nodded to the five-foot letters on the cement.

“oh yeah.”

“he’s overseas now.”


“yeah…with the army.”


“yeah…they told him he was going to help with the elections. that was a while ago.”

“have you talked to him?”

“no…got a letter at Christmas.”

i sat silent for a moment and sipped the beer. “so…cops run in the family?”

“he’s not my blood,” he said. “so what’s up with the spray paint? you and your buddy have an arts and crafts fair you were planning on attending? or were you guys just gonna paint each other up real nice here under the bridge?” he got a real kick out of that shit.

“i was thinking about a change of scenery. since i have to drive by here every morning on my way to a dead-end job…i figured seeing ‘Fuck Bush’ in giant letters would be a sure fire way to cheer me the fuck up.”

i braced for the mace but it never came. he half-laughed. “you know, you get raised to believe in God and Country…”

“and look what he’s doing to it?”

“what do you mean?”

“i mean…”

…now, i didn’t feature droppin’ the heavy shit on johnny law, but what was i supposed to say? where do i even start? do i tell him about the fear? do i tell him about God? about evil? about war-mongering? hijacking religion? about trust? belief? God-mandates? principles? a soul? how about i come off as arrogant and call them all stupid? huh? that’ll work, right? maybe i’ll just jump right into labels – liberal and conservative, Democrat and Republican, rich and poor, have and have-nots, young and old, right and wrong…that shit’s the same old song.

“i mean…” i continued, “i don’t even know what i mean anymore. this whole mess just seems unhealthy.”

“when hasn’t it been?”

“but now it seems worse.”

“you walk around these streets lately?”

“that’s part of it. your brother went off to war for people and reasons that have nothing to do with him.”

“but look at the alternative?”


“you might be right…they probably don’t give a shit about where he comes from, or the problems we have right here, on this block, in this city, in this country even.”


“and it might really be all about money…”

“it is…i mean, the president of Afghanistan is a former employee of a Halliburton sub-…”

“whatever…that don’t mean a goddamm thing to me.”

“so what’s your point?”

“my point is…is if this war really is a lie…then my brother has to fight because of that lie all the same. he has to believe in what that man says,” he nodded to the wall, “he has to believe in his country, in what he’s doing.”

“i don’t get it.”

ambush.bmp“you don’t have to because you’re not over there. and i hope you and yours don’t ever have to go…”

“yeah, but he didn’t have to go either. he knew what he was getting into when he signed up for the service. what…did he expect a holiday in the sun?”

“he’s just trying to do the right thing.”

“i don’t know, man, everybody should be trying to do the right thing. sometimes, shit just seems so wrong…”

“do you remember what you felt on September 11?”

“i couldn’t wrap my head around it…”

“when the second plane hit the tower…”

“i thought shit was going down that night...like, when the sun went down, evil was coming out of the woodwork.”

“it felt like the beginning of the end…”

“maybe it was. looking back now, we had to be blind not to see all the trouble that was seething just below the surface.”

“who saw all this shit coming anyway? besides, that’s not even what i’m saying…i mean he has to believe, because what’s the alternative? that he could die for an ignoble cause? that he is willing to sacrifice life and limb…for what? he has to believe in the tradition…of the nobility of the cause, of the soldier. because if he doesn’t, and he dies, then he dies without purpose. as fucked up as it is now, he has to believe that it can be right again one day…”

“ignoble? that’s a big word for the police.”

he laughed. “if you got some big fuckin’ secret, why don’t you show me something. what’s your big plan? to write the ‘fuck’ word?”

“it would have been if i didn’t get caught by the cops.”

“come on, man, write something.”

“what? like ‘fuck?’”

“something better.”

“i guess we could turn ‘bush’ into something else.”

“okay, smart guy, write on.”

“yeah, but like what though?” i thought for a moment. “how about ‘ambush?’ as in ‘that cheap motherfucker ambushed a nation.’”

“too cliché.”

“who says cops are stupid?”

“criminals that get caught.”

“point taken. not ‘ambush’ then. alright…” i thought again and took another beer. it’s always nice drinking outside in the nighttime. “i got it. ‘a bus has potential.’”


“’a bus has potential.’ i’ll write it in all capital block letters, no spaces.”

“what the fuck does that even mean?”

“i don’t know. get on the bus. take the ride. a community endeavor. a little unity. some positive shit, you know…that shit’s got potential.”

“arguably the most important societal advancement of the twentieth century got a shot in the arm from an incident on a bus.”

“you right, you right…plus there was that whole hippie thing with the merry pranksters.”


“nevermind, copper.”

“a bus has potential. i like that.”

i got the ball rolling around in that paint can again. in block letters…whisper white…ABUSHASPOTENTIAL.

after, i took another beer and we stood in silence, looking at the wall. the cop and i shot the breeze about nothing in particular until an unmuffled exhaust and a dusty horn blared from the street below. i could hear the Doktor yell, “!!!odelay!!! where you at, homes?” if he found me consorting with the enemy…i shudder to think.

“sounds like my ride. this is a cool spot to hangout, though…mind if i come back?”

“sure,” the man said, “make sure you come back when there are a bunch of cops around. we can play Rodney King.”


i shambled down to the blacktop and found the Doktor in the bed of a beat-up pickup truck. the cab was loaded with young women who looked vaguely Mexican or Puerto Rican.

“thought you got arrested,” he said.

“naw…i tied the cop up and shoved him in the back of the cruiser.”

“did you get his radio. i need a fuckin’ police radio, yo.”

“we’ll go back later and get it.”

“how we gonna get there? you ain’t got no car.”

“we’ll take the bus.”

“the bus?”

“the bus, baby. it’s got potential.”

Johnny St. Clair's latest showing can be seen underneath the 405 on Ohio Ave starting this Friday and continue until someone brings a sandblaster down to clean it off

We're Gonna Be Using Aliases On This One.. Archives

G3 @ The Tabernacle, Atlanta

My first concert in over 13 years, guys. I mean, I’ve been in bands during that time and have seen plenty of friends’ bands play, but not an honest-to-goodness concert in 13 years.

And I couldn’t think of a better show to have seen.

Joe Satriani, John Petrucci and Paul Gilbert at The Tabernacle. If you live in the southeast and have never seen a show at The Tabernacle, you really must. It’s a small venue, a little less than 3,000 people max. It’s a converted church and there’s really not a bad seat in the entire house. A very intimate setting. And loud. G307_color_admat-250.jpg

Paul Gilbert opened the show. It was Gilbert’s first time as a co-headliner for a G3 show, although he did play with Steve Lukather for the tour in 2001. Gilbert mostly played stuff off his recent album Get Out of My Yard. Of note, his touring band includes former co-band member with Racer X – Bruce Bouillet. When taking the stage, Gilbert and crew entered to the 2001: A Space Odyssey theme song. When they got to their instruments, they all bent over and picked up their instrument cables and then thrust them high overhead. It was a funny gesture, made funnier when you saw that the drummer was doing it too.

Gilbert started off with the song Get Out of My Yard which requires both special tuning, a double neck guitar, and a second person to play. It sounds great on the album, but it amazing to see live. We had great seats for the show – seventh row – and it was like being at a friend’s house watching their band practice.

They played two songs not off of GOoMY. One featured vocals and I wasn’t familiar with it, but the other was Scarified, a Racer X instrumental and probably Gilbert’s most famous instrumental. Watching Gilbert and Bouillet trade solos and harmonize licks was one of the coolest guitar playing I’ve seen in quite some time.

When Gilbert finished up his set, the roadies broke everything down and had the stage set up for Petrucci in 15 minutes. Quite the feat considering the amount of gear these guys use.

Of course, the crowd really popped for Petrucci. We stayed in our seats for most of Gilbert’s set -- standing occasionally to cheer. We never sat down once for Petrucci’s set. When entering, Mike Portnoy (Petrucci bandmate in Dream Theater) got just as big a cheer as Petrucci did. Then bass player Dave LaRue got almost the same level of props.

Petrucci played songs of his solo album Suspended Animation. It was perfect. It’s quite a thing to see him play on video, but it’s quite another to see it live. Petrucci just owns the fretboard. Owns it.

Humor in the set came while Mike Portnoy spent most of the time drumming with one hand and tossing drumsticks back and forth to the roadies. As awesome as Petrucci is on guitar Portnoy is just as damn good on drums.

Satch took stage last. And what can you really say about Satch? It was simply awesome. If Petrucci owns the fretboard, Satriani owns the whole damn guitar. It’s amazing to see how he coaxes the sounds of his instrument.

It’s the 20th anniversary of Surfing With the Alien so Joe played a selection of songs from that album and from his most recent Super Colossal. I didn’t get to hear my favorite recent tune -- Just Like Lightening -- but was quite pleased with the set regardless. Toward the end of Joe’s last song, he slowly drew down his wailing guitar and then Petrucci walked on stage and took over the soloing. As he wound down his jam, Gilbert walked on and took over. Then the crew went into the G3 jam. They played a couple of Hendrix songs, I’m Going Down, and a Rolling Stones tune, all of which Paul Gilbert sang.

It was too much awesome, to be completely honest. My throat is still sore from all the yelling.

If you have the opportunity to catch this tour, I highly suggest it.

Cullen will soon be shaving his head bald to prove his love for Satch

Because I'm All About the Guitar Archives

Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story


A lot of people have read novels by Christopher Moore, mostly chatter about
Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal which I
haven’t actually read but intend to. The first book of his I picked up was
Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story about, you guessed it, vampires.

We begin in San Francisco, following the pretty hot redhead lead character Jody around who has a bad history with relationships. She picks the ones who use her and never quite commit.

Walking home from work one night she is mugged in the financial district and awakes under a dumpster, with tears in her skirt and runs in her stockings—and money stuffed down her top. Strange mugging.

Soon she realizes that something very strange has happened. Her hair becomes soft & full, all the fine lines disappear. Even her crooked toe is suddenly straight. She’s perfect. She’s also undead and really hungry.

Trying to recall everything she’s ever seen on TV or in movies, or read in a book about vampires, she puts together that she definitely needs to be out of the sun, and probably needs a little bit of help because as soon as the sun rises she falls into a sleep so deep as to be pretty much dead. Wherever she might be, in the street, in a store, or in bed—she will drop dead at sunrise and not wake again until sunset.

Clearly it’s time to find herself a minion and that she find in one Tommy Flood, aspiring writer from Indiana. He’s 19 and naïve and very small town. The two meet, become lovers, and soon move in with each other. Sure it’s fast, but she’s hungry and needs to feed.

Tommy gets himself a job at Safeway on the night shift, where he falls in with the Animals (the other night shift employees) and learns the intricacies of turkey bowling and smoking weed.


The conflict here is that the centuries old vampire that turned Jody, Elijah,
is quite bored and changed Jody so he would have a toy. Jody, however, was not
interested in that in the least. So to amuse himself, Elijah leaves dead
bodies all over San Francisco with broken necks, intentionally leaving a trail
right back to Jody.

Another character in the book, The Emperor of San Francisco (a homeless guy)
and his Men (two dogs) guard the city and protect it and he wanders in and out
of occasional scenes. I guess he fills the eccentricity requirement and while
he does that quite well, I liked his dogs better than I liked him.

In the end, Jody and Tommy team up with the Safeway Animals to do battle with Elijah and free the city from his presence.

I won’t tell you anything further, but the ending does sort of just stop. Thankfully at the time I first read this book I was high on morphine and in the hospital so the most outrage I could muster was “oh, look at that”. Another thing in my favor is that the sequel to Bloodsucking Fiends, You Suck came out not too long after so I was able to pick that up and read what happened after the most unusual bronzed ending of Bloodsucking Fiends.

I enjoyed this book. Enough so that I bought the second. I liked that one as well. This was another case of a writer getting his groove better with a second attempt versus the first. It kept rolling along, right where the first ended, which I prefer in a sequel.

Anyway, Bloodsucking Fiends was humorous and seemingly original. Very quick read on this one I finished it within 3 days while completely high. Don’t expect anything intellectual here, but there are some pop culture references and a bit of snark. Toss in some satire and you have a winner of a book, even if it does lack depth. I thought Christopher Moore could have expanded a bit on Jody’s relationship with her mother for example. I see some comedy gold to be mined there.

This is the sort of book you want to grab yourself a Bloody Mary, sit back and enjoy. Have a few laughs and then maybe go nibble a neck or two.

I recommend both Bloodsucking Fiends and You Suck.

Next week, I will try and find another book I thought was pure crap.

Kristine vants to suck your blood


April 1, 2007

One Tin Soldier Runaway

The editors are covering music this week, and we all get to pick whatever the hell we want to pick. This is pretty cool, being able to do whatever the hell I want to do. I’ve got two picks for this. The first one is a band that I never hear people talk about anymore, and I wish they did. The second one is a band that people continue to talk about, and I wish they wouldn’t.

killdozer1.jpg Anybody remember Killdozer? Man, what a great band. I loved that band. I grew up in a small town and it was hard to get their albums, but I managed to get my hands on a couple. I don’t have either of them now, both are long lost to parties or theft. I managed to download their first album a while ago….. most of their work is out of print, and some of their original albums go for hundreds of dollars on ebay and shit. I’m not into that at all. I’ll wait for them to be re-released at a decent price and I’ll keep trolling for them online in the meantime.

Really crunchy, crunchy music. They did some original work and some covers. Yeah, a lot of covers. A lot of covers that you wouldn’t expect; everything from Madonna to Conway Twitty to Joan Baez and beyond. I really liked their version of One Tin Soldier by Joan Baez. Like everything else they did, loud and distorted and crunchy as fuck. The singer kind of yell-growled his way through every song. Really quite a talent, don’t you know.

They also covered Don McLean’s American Pie. Now, I fucking hate that song, that’s up there with Piano Man and Paradise By The Dashboard Lights. It’s been overdone and it’s been killed by drunks at parties way too many times for me to ever get any kind of enjoyment at all out of it. Unless they’re covering it. Then I love it and I sing along like a drunk at a frat party. They massacre that song, they kill it, and they do it in perfect time.

Holy shit I hated those parties in high school where the only music anybody played was shit like that… Shitty classic rock of the shittiest variety. Fuckin air guitar experts everywhere. Jesus. Anyway.

You know who I fucking hate? You know who I really hate? They suck, they suck, they are Bon Jovi and they suck. Yeah, I know, easy target. Right? Well somebody fucking likes them. Now, I would never pick on anyone for liking any kind of music. I feel it’s purely subjective and that whole “your favourite band sucks” mentality only makes people miss out on good music. But, although I believe your simply visiting this site indicates a level of intelligence beyond that of the most advanced Bon Jovi fan, maybe one of you here today is a fan and maybe I can help you. Because I am not picking on you. You just need to understand how shitty a band Bon Jovi is.

I am not picking on you. I am not looking down on you.

You like them as a guilty pleasure, you say? Well that’s fine, but you need to be sure that you are being honest with yourself about it.

bon_jovi1.jpg I almost feel silly, taking up this time and space to blather about it. It’s too easy to talk about how you hate a band, and it’s too cool, and Bon Jovi – again – is too easy a target. I mean holy fuck, those lyrics. Moon and June, rain and pain type lyrics. I want to be just as close as the holy ghost is. We're living on love they call it living in sin, oh whoa. Bon Jovi is the musical equivalent of a semi attractive blonde girl in her early twenties, fresh out of school and into her entry level office job, driving a brand new shitty Cavalier convertible that's painted bright yellow, and she thinks she's the shit because she's a grown up and driving a sporty new car that she's paying for herself. And people keep falling for this girl called Bon Jovi. But you have to understand how far back this goes for me.

I remember being a kid, about, oh, eleven or twelve years old. It was late on a Friday or Saturday night and I was watching videos. It was a lot better back in the 80’s; the videos had more imagination to them and there was a better mix of music styles in the average video show. MTV was still a baby, I think it was around by then, and a lot of television stations had programs that only played videos because the demand was so high. Public television had this show called The Beat. It was out of Detroit and they played a lot of metal, and a little bit of punk – and any punk back then was a lot. I loved that show. I came on at about 12:30 and went for two hours. It was the shit. Of course, they played their share of crap too.

So anyway, this one night I’m watching The Beat, eating a bowl of popcorn and probably thinking about Lita Ford’s tits or something, and this video comes on. This band I never heard of, but the guy introducing them says they’re a great hard rockin’ band, so I pay attention. It’s this band called Bon Jovi, and the song is called Runaway. And the boys all have perms and are mugging for the camera and wearing silky scarves and shit. And the music sucks the dirtiest ass in town, man, it’s a rotten song. I was repulsed by it. I mean shit, they had just played the video for Freewheel Burning, and they’re playing this now. The fuck?

And I remember, distinctly, like it was yesterday….. I remember saying to myself, “Thank God these guys suck and I’ll never have to listen to them again. Nobody’s going to like this.”

And I’ve been eating those bitter fucking words for over twenty years now. The classic rock station in my town, which used to actually be a good classic rock station (if you heard Hendrix it wasn’t necessarily Purple Haze, if you heard Zep it wasn’t necessarily Stairway, etc), now plays Bon Jovi. Because it’s classic rock now. So yeah, I’m a little spiteful.

It can't be that I don't understand how good they actually are. That's got to be wrong. Right?

Fuck me. I wish I had spent more time talking about Killdozer.