by Branden Hart


This weekend, about seventy people, all of whom were strangers at one point, converged on San Antonio to eat meat, have a good time, and abuse their livers. For three years, members of TotalFark and their friends and loved ones have gathered for this event, and this year, as a special bonus, several of the writers here at FTTW were able to join.

There was Josh, aka Baby Huey, as well as our favorite word whore, Ian. Mel was there (not so much) and it was great to meet everyone in person. Makes you reflect. This Internet thing is a pretty strange machine. Bringing people together and all that. I could wax philosophical, but honestly, I'm fucking exhausted.

So instead, I'll take this opportunity to quickly announce the fourth annual Texas Barbecue. It will be Father's Day weekend, as usual. I hope that you will all think about coming next year and have enough warning to save up money even if you decide that a motorcycle is a good investment (cough michele and turtle cough). Because I think a lot of us would call each other friends, but meeting in person takes it to a whole new level.

Uber's Corner Archives


I, too, am wiped out. I feel like I still smell like BBQ smoke and meat. mmmmmm....meat.

Next year sounds great.
You being in charge of it?
Ehhhhhhhh, not so much.


Mel, didn't the TXBBBBQ bumper stickers say, "You'll get over it."?

I thought I could live that one down, but now I'm thinking not so much...

See everyone back in TX next year!


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