March 12, 2007

She Went And Got Herself Knocked Up

How it happened. This is pretty detailed, so stop reading now if you are offended easily. I am not responsible for your feelings—regardless if you keep reading or not. And, frankly, I don't really care.

Did you guys know that if you have sex without a condom or birth control that you could get pregnant? Ha, ha . . . I did! Here is my baby-making story—unfortunately without the baby-making music. If I could figure out how to get baby-making music attached to this article, I would. But hey, I'm pregnant, and I don't have to do anything for nine months!

So you've probably heard all those sayings that when our brave soldiers come back from war, they knock up their wives pretty damn quick. In my case, it was three weeks exactly! I quit birth control right after he left because 1) I wasn't having sex (and birth control sucks anyway—let alone when you aren't getting any) and 2) I wanted to have a baby as soon as he got home.

Plowing-with-Horses.jpgI decided not to do the temperature thing. You know, where you measure your temperature every morning for like ever and wait for it to spike like .03 degrees? Some ladies have time for that. Me, I'm lazy. That is why God invented those fertility/ovulation tests. It's like a pregnancy test, only it lets you know when you are most fertile and when—in laymen's terms—you should let your guy nail you all he wants.

What sucks is, I wish I knew all of this in college when I was popping my pills and making the guy wear a condom. Sexual low-point for me. You are technically capable of getting pregnant only 36 hours out of every month.

Anyway, so every day after my period (yeah, sorry guys . . . we're going to talk about that a bit), I started taking the fertility/ovulation tests. When I got a positive, it took everything in me not to scream. I calmly trashed the positive test and walked up to my husband politely and asked if he might be interested in having sex with me at that very moment, indeed that very second. Guys, this is a request that I'm guessing you don't get as often as you like, so you won't be surprised by my husband's reaction—which was, "hell yeah!" I didn't want to scare him by screaming and jumping his bones right there, so I thought this approach increased my chances of his playing ball. Now if that isn't the best phrase for this situation!

Alas, the deed was done.

Two weeks later, as we were brushing our teeth to go to bed, I decided to take a test. Why not, right? I had missed my period, and I was sick of not knowing. So before I started brushing my teeth, I took the test, and while my husband and I were brushing, we noticed that it was telling us we're pregnant. We started laughing and promptly went out and got more tests. You can never be too sure. We called our families, everyone gave their "opinions," and we began our journey.

My boobs starting hurting, and I got really tired for a few days but learned that drinking a cup of coffee won't hurt so the exhaustion is gone. My husband is watching me like a hawk, and I don't have to do anything around the house . . . he's such a great guy. And today was the final let-go-of-my-college-years when I decided to take out my belly button ring. Pretty tacky to have a mommy with an outtie and a belly button ring, huh? Besides, I would imagine it hurts like hell. Nothing like having it taken out, though. I was in the shower, and I had my husband pour alcohol over it, but the alcohol got into other places as well while we were cleaning my belly button, so I had fire crotch for like five minutes. Don't try this at home, ladies. Go to the doctor and have your piercings removed. It's not fun.

All in all, a great pregnancy story. Not at all the touchy-feely pregnancy stories you may hear from others, but that isn't how my relationship goes anyway. We screw things up and laugh about it. We make mistakes all the time, and that is what I'm looking forward to because with those mistakes come the laughs. My friends are excited to see how this pregnancy changes me, and while I know there will be a lot of changes, in the end I hope my kid grows up happy; regardless of how messed up I am, I hope this kid has fun with it.

Military Brats Archives

January 18, 2007

Overrated Excitement

Four more days and my husband will be home from Iraq! Yes, the deployment is coming to an end and I have been given the opportunity to reflect on this short waiting period. Everyone keeps asking me if I am excited that he's coming home. Emails, letters, comments on myspace, phone calls! Everyone is asking me or telling me that I should be or will be excited. While, yes of course, I am excited the elation hasn't really hit me yet.

I know that everyone is being extremely nice and that they are trying to show me that they care. But how would you feel if everyday everyone asks you if you are excited? What I want to say sometimes is duh! Sometimes I want to say no. Obviously I don't mean this to be rude but man it can be too much sometimes.catlady-1.jpg

One example that may clear up the confusion so that you don't think I'm a heartless witch is when you tell your friends that you like cats. I don't particularly care for cats but let's just say you like cats. Now every gift you ever get from anyone is going to somehow be related to cats. Even though you probably meant to say you like YOUR cat and you think SOME cats are cute, suddenly you are the crazy cat person who has cat memorabilia coming out of your ass. Pretty soon, the idea of cats drives you up the wall, and fluffy has a new home.

So to answer everyone's questions repeatedly, yes I am excited. I'm excited, scared, anxious, and I'm not sleeping. But you don't really care about all that detail right? You just want the requisite answer, yes. So here is how I'm really feeling, you asked, so now you are going to sit there and take it! I mean this lovingly of course.

By not sleeping I mean I'm having bad dreams. I had a dream last night that I forgot him at the flight-line. He knocks on the door with bags in his arms and is like WTF?

I had another dream where he got out of his jet with two other women and they were his OTHER wives.

I'm scared that he's going to hate the old and yet somewhat new life he's coming back to.

I'm scared that he's going to take one look at me and say, "that's my wife?"

I'm anxious because no one likes waiting.

And yes, I'm extremely excited, to finally have my everything back home and safe.

Now I'm crying and Shawna (also from Faster than the World) is calling me a pussy

Andrea is not a pussy..she is just excited.


December 20, 2006

Marrying Into The Military

If you read my article two weeks ago, you may be expecting a story about female soldiers having sex in Iraq. While we all know that there is a standing order not to have sex while deployed, I have since heard that the punishment for "doing it" is not as severe as I would have hoped. Yes, I like to see karma bite someone in the ass, but there isn't really a story here, so instead I'm going to write about how you can potentially save a man from getting kicked in the balls.

Happy reading.

What is all this crap about being married to the military? There is often a misconception that military spouses married the military.

militarywedding.jpgI was having a discussion with a friend, and we got on this topic because her husband is currently on detachment. During her husband's detachment, her baby got a bad ear infection and then promptly found out that the baby was allergic to the medication to treat the infection. She made a comment that she couldn't depend on her husband, not because he wasn't dependable, but because with the military nothing is set in stone, even if it is set in stone. I once knew a couple who had orders to move to a state across the country, and while driving to their new duty station, they got a cell phone call telling them to go somewhere else. If this isn't a kick in the balls, I don't know what is.

It has been my experience that when a military wife complains about how hard it all is, the common response by family members, friends, etc. is, "Well, you knew what you were getting into when you married him." What the hell is that? Twenty-five years hasn't prepared me for life in the military, so how in the hell are we supposed to truly know what we are getting into? Not only that, but just because we made this choice doesn't mean that we don't get to vent once and a while. So back off, jack!

In essence we "got" ourselves into a marriage with a man whom we love, the military just came with it. The branch of the military that my friend and I associate with because of our husbands is one that's slogan is, " enter branch name here comes first, everything else comes second." We have heard this time and time again, and while deep down we know it's essentially true, we hope that our families won't have to suffer too much because of it. There are a few who marry primarily to be attached to the military, but generally speaking you don't marry a military service member because you look forward to the pain and suffering. We aren't into S&M; this is our life for better or worse.

militarywedding2.jpgOverall, marriages are a team effort. At this brief I had for the spouses of deployed service members, they joked about common arguments that couples have their first few weeks of being together again after deployment. It's called the "Who Had It Worse" argument. You want to know who had it worse? We did, because when we had it hard, no one listened, we were just expected to deal with it because this is what we "got ourselves into." Officers' wives club and enlisted wives' club drama aside, military wives stick together in times of need because no one else will listen to our bitching. And the bitching that our husbands do while deployed (yes, men do have PMS too) usually are heard by us at home. So it's not that we don't appreciate what our hunka men are doing over there, we just need to be able to bitch about it sometimes because war is terrible, but a sick baby screaming bloody murder can be just as stressful. And since our men can't tell us what's happening over there, our world is all we know and, frankly, all we care about at the moment.

So when a military spouse complains or vents to you, regardless of where their service member is at, listen. You just may be what saves her husband from a kick in the balls… Consider that your contribution to our country, and you can take pride in that.

Andrea knows who she married. Sometimes the military just gets in between them.


December 13, 2006

Big Girl Panties

What is all this crap about being scolded by a fellow "wife"? I'd first like to say thanks to all the wives, officer and enlisted alike, that have flooded me with ideas for articles based on their own experiences. This article topic comes from two officers' wives who received a nasty email from a member of their officers' wives club.

nastygram1.jpgLet me first explain that the Officers' Wives Club is a group of women who join together "voluntarily" to support each other in times of major life changes, deployments, etc. In no way, shape, or form is this club mandatory, but should you decide to participate, you are required to pay dues for ugly gifts that will normally just go in the nearest garbage can.

Let me also explain that there are two clubs for military wives, one for officers' wives and the other for enlisted wives. The separation of these two groups, I assume, was because officers and enlisted military members who work together CANNOT be friends as it can cause conflict within the ranks. Understandably so, but this is carried over into who the wives can associate with as well. So you can see why I have outcast myself from this organization, no?

Mind you, it is not the individual women but the premise of the organization. Got that? Good! Moving on to the good stuff. I fear this is going to be one of my longer articles, but you like me, right?

The other night while I was visiting with two lovely officers' wives, we got into the conversation about an email written by another fellow officer's wife. This woman, let's call her Madeline. (I have strong negative feelings for a woman named Madeline I knew way back when. So we can use her name for anonymity's sake. By "strong negative feelings" I mean she should be hit by oncoming traffic she was so evil to me.) Madeline was attempting to organize a gift for the big wig's wife who is moving away. Two weeks before the big wig's departure an email is sent to all club members that basically went like this:

" Hi ladies, I know this is last minute but we are trying to give the big wig's wife a farewell gift for her great work with our officers' wives club. We were hoping for a small donation from you in order to send her away with something really nice to show our appreciation for her efforts. If possible, please make your donation by December 6th to give us time to purchase her gift. Thanks for all your help."


I have obviously left out a lot of things and changed things around to protect my lovely friends from any further hazing.

nastygram2.jpgA few days later, Madeline, who sounds nice in her first email, promptly turns into Joan Collins and sends out another email that went like this:

"It is now Monday (notice Monday is December 4 th, yeah, two days before the deadline) and I have only received two donations for the gift for the big wig's wife. I am embarrassed that our officers' wives club cannot even donate a little bit of time and money to show our appreciation for how much work the big wig's wife has done for our group. We are (enter any branch name here) officers' wives, and this is not how we should represent ourselves especially during the holiday season, a time of giving. Please contact me to make your donation. I hope you enjoy your holidays!"


We all know what she really wanted to say. She wanted to say, "Hey you cheapskates, I don't care if this is the holiday season and you are busy, give me the damn money so I can take the credit for kissing the big wig's wife's ass." How's that for being politically correct?

Whether she means it or not, this second email is totally inappropriate. First, she admits that her "request" (notice the quotation marks) was made last minute. The deadline for donations is December 6th, so why on December 4th is she getting her panties all up in
email.bad.jpga bunch? Regardless of all the problems with this scenario, whether she has forty dollars or one hundred dollars, a gift can still be purchased. Madeline just wants to get a really big gift. That's her problem. Personally, I'd leave a lump of coal on her doorstep or even a flaming bag of dog poop, but that's just me. My lovely friends still have to deal with this Nazi big-panty-wearing gift-giving psycho, so their response will be slightly different.

I am their voice this week. You need a voice with which to vent? Tell me your experiences. Obviously, each situation is different and each experience results in different reactions. Let me note that I'm not attacking military wives, but if you do something stupid, I'm probably going to hear about it and write about it. I'm lucky, I'm the writer, so my stupid acts don't always get published. So my message today is:

Don't try to act like someone's mother just because things didn't turn out the way you wanted. We don't always get what we want, that's life and the military. If you are going to wear big girl panties, getting them in a bunch all the time won't be very comfortable.

Stay tuned for next week because I just found out that a military chick got pregnant in Iraq. Big NO! Still trying to research the legal ramifications of that one!

Andrea doesn't like nastygrams and has a real thing against the coffee klatch.


December 6, 2006

I Miss Sex

What is all this crap about the Energizer battery? Their branding is way off, they don't keep going and going! My friends and I often joke that in the six months that my husband has been gone, I could own tons of stock in the Energizer battery company. What are the batteries for? Vibrators, of course!

nergizer.jpgVibrators, a glorious gift to women but a terrible tragedy if you find out that your batteries are out of juice and you don't have any replacements anywhere in your house. And, of course, you have looked everywhere. I even tried to take the batteries out of my tv remote, but they didn't have enough juice left in them to power me up. Tip from me to you: vibrators work the best on brand new batteries. Trust me, you don't want to use old batteries, because just as you are getting there, you find your vibrator slowing down. Not good!

I didn't always speak this openly about my sexuality; well, maybe I did. My co-workers took pity on me right before my husband left and threw a passion party so that I had plenty of opportunity to stock up on sexual assistance for the long winter. Bless them! If it weren't for them, I think I'd be rubbing up against light poles, chairs, and various fixed objects around the house. Bad mental picture, I know! Could you imagine?

It got so bad that one night I got really bored and actually considered phone sex with my husband, but guess what, you can't! Why? Because you have people listening in on your conversation! This normally wouldn't be a bad thing, but my husband's an officer and I think that falls along the lines of conduct unbecoming. Besides the listeners, we only get twenty minutes on the phone, and how in depth can you get in twenty minutes? "I'm rubbing your…..dial tone." If women could get blue balls, I'd have navy blue.

I'm so sexually frustrated, I've started sending my husband mean emails, like he could do anything about it from over there. I can't control myself. I start to think about all the sex bowling2.jpgI'm not having, and then I get mad. On the phone the other night, I brought up some random bit about whip cream and chocolate syrup. It totally came out of left field and my husband's pause from being shocked just pissed me off. The poor guy isn't having sex either, and I'm mad at him for it. The cruelty of it all, I swear.

I guess we have to give honorable mention to the men deployed in Iraq who don't get sex either, but they don't need battery powered devices to help them. And something that is even more awful for them, they aren't allowed to have porn with them. It obviously slips through the cracks from time to time, but generally speaking porn is frowned upon. Poor things.

Who am I kidding? I'm a selfish prat, poor me!

Andrea just got a great deal on a case of batteries on Ebay.


November 29, 2006

Men, Women, and Careers

What is all this crap about women “having” to staying to home while the husband works? I’m sure this will be another favorite with my mother-in-law but what the hell, right?

Granted, if a woman “wants” to stay home while her husband works, then more power to her. I don’t know what the hell she’d do all day if she didn’t have children though. I’d go nuts. What I don’t get is when a man refuses to let his wife work. What is that? The women’s rights movement wasn’t just a tea party we held for kicks, we actually meant what we said.

Women_milling.jpgHere is a sticking point with me. Being in the military is a career for some. This career requires that you move every year or every few years, which the government gracefully pays for. Your wife, if she works, must either try to figure out a way to transfer to another office or quit all together. This means at your next duty station she has to start basically all over again with her career if there is even a job to be had in her field or profession. She gladly does it, though, because she loves her husband.

Not only does being in the military require you to move a lot, but it also requires you to be gone a lot. Our husbands go to war; they go on weekend stints to the field or detachments for weeks on end. This I see is the civilian equivalent to the travel time you spend with your job as a civilian, though maybe not quite as much or often. When he goes to Iraq for six months, I see this as the civilian equivalent as being on assignment or up starting a new branch of the company you work for. But let me enlighten you.


As if it weren’t hard enough, my husband was stationed in a place where I had to commute 45 minutes to a job I hated and then at my second job tend bar at a run-down crack house where the head bartender was shooting up on her break. It was this or the grocery store or mall. Now, I’m not a snob, but I worked damn hard for my degree. Yes, it was my choice to marry a military man, but here is the rub.

Because I was having such a hard time finding a job where we were, I was miserable. Instead of making my husband miserable also, I decided to do something about it. I looked for jobs elsewhere in other cities and found one where my mother lived. I thought if I lived with my mother temporarily that I could work on my career while my husband womenwork2.jpgworks on his. Yes, I was creating distance that otherwise was unnecessary, but why is my happiness worth less for a choice that I made than my husband who also made a career choice?

Does anyone see the injustice in this besides me? My husband’s “job” requires him to leave for days, weeks, or months at a time and while I don’t complain. My “job” may require me to do the same but very rarely. My husband signed his life away to the military. I just married him. Of course I want my marriage to work, and I don’t want to be away from him, but where does it say that because your man is in the military you must forfeit all of your own dreams to stay at home and wait for him?

It has also been my dream to become a column writer, which I’m doing now and I’m so excited about it. When I brought it up to my husband, I told him that I would be writing about our life and the military. I also told him that this column was not about him but about me. This is my dream and while it involves him, ultimately it is my call. What I love is when you share your excitement with your family, they ultimately give you their negative opinions. And here is what I have to say to that. Hold on to your butts because when I’m done with this world, I will have accomplished everything in life I set my mind to without regret, knowing what you think about me only fuels the fire (so put that in your pipe and smoke it).

Andrea's mother-in-law has a pipe... and something to put in it now.


November 21, 2006


What is all this crap about being close-minded? I recently got back into contact with a pal of mine from grade school on the popular My Space website. She and I have been friends since seventh grade, which is generally unheard of with the constant moving around. We lost touch for a little while, but since talking to her online, I realized how different our experience as military brats is compared to civilian kids growing up. Our graduate.jpgschool had maybe 200 students ranging from seventh grade to twelfth grade. We knew everything about each other and sometimes that was good and sometimes that was bad. As you can guess, I was a raging "brat" unlike my friend who was more sensible.

Still, our experiences, I find, have made us more open-minded, at least for those of us who took the experience and learned from it. Growing up in Europe allows for the safety of experimentation without danger. Before you go getting any ideas, what I mean is that the crime rate is considerably less in Europe. I never worried about kidnappings or rapes. I always had to worry about pick-pocketers, but generally speaking we were safe to roam wherever we wanted.

Our field trips from school were to concentration camps, which sounds morbid, but was eye opening. My friend and I actually met a concentration camp prisoner who was visiting the graves of her family. She was a prisoner as a young girl and escaped. She came onto our bus and spoke with us for a little while. I was touched at the time and still thinking about her makes me cry.

I'm crying now…

Several of us on that bus began to cry. We were only in seventh grade at the time. We were extremely petty but at that moment it changed, at least briefly. When she was our age this woman was a prisoner of a horrible effort of ethnic cleansing. On that bus alone we had at least five different ethnicities represented. She came out of it though and was able to go back year after year to that horrible place to visit her family. Talk about strength.

entrance_to_dachau.jpegWhat we learned that day and throughout growing up is that we were petty, but who isn't? We realize, however, that as petty as we were back then, our lives were ultimately changed by being military brats. We were forced to leave our friends more often than most children our age, and we were also forced to accept each other. We had to sometimes live without a parent when that parent went to war. We got to experience a culture unlike our own. Open-mindedness is born through experience. I think my friend would agree.

I admit when I sat down to write this article, I didn't think it would come out like this, but I'm happy with the message. I have taken my smart-ass hat off for the day. I generally stay away from stuff like this in my writing because everyone has a belief and their beliefs define them. When we begin to hate people for their beliefs, we close the door to all the possibilities of love. So no matter what you believe, accept those around you because we are all in this together. On Thanksgiving this year, be thankful for freedom, acceptance, and those you cherish most everyday, your family.

Andrea put her smart-ass hat back on as soon as she finished writing this.


November 15, 2006

Think Before You Speak Military Style

What is all this crap about thinking before you speak? Getting a foot in your mouth, whether it is your own or someone else’s, is never fun. In the military a foot in the mouth is a whole other beast. Remember the article I wrote about military ranks? Yeah, this is right up the same alley.

My husband and I went to dinner with his whole “office”. By office, I mean every officer he works with and their spouses, including the big wigs and their wives. Anyway, so we are at dinner, and the big wigs wife asks if anyone wants to share a bottle of wine, Chardonnay. I don’t know about you, but I’m a traditionalist in that I like white wine with my fish and poultry and red wine with beef. Anyway, that night I was eating prime rib, so I didn’t pipe up. I guess she had no takers, so she yelled across the table, which is rude in itself, and asked me if I wanted to share the bottle. My answer? “No thanks, I’m eating beef.” Everyone was staring at me except for my husband, who at the time happened to drop something under the table. Wimp. The table was silent for just long enough for me to feel like a jackass and then conversation commenced. At the end of dinner, we were all gathered around the bar when four people came up to me and told me I had balls. Balls? Why is it when a woman says something “strong” she has balls? Why isn’t there a saying like, “She has tits of steal”? steelballs.jpgWait a minute, I see why: that’s gross. Okay, so balls it is. I had balls, because I was talking to the big wigs wife, but what if I was talking to a wife who was the same rank as my husband? Would it have been different? Maybe?

I’m all for thinking before you speak. Wait, I’m lying because I never think before I speak, but if I had, the correct answer would have been, “No thanks”. Why didn’t I just say that? Because I’m an idiot and I’ve never before existed in a class system where I couldn’t say what I really wanted to say. As a military brat, everyone thought I was just that, a brat. Now that I’m a “wife” I can’t be brat, which sucks because I love the brat side of me. Military wives or not, there is always a time when you stick your foot in it. If I lived in any past time, I would have been burned at the stake.

What’s great is that my boss is the kind of no bullshit woman whom you can be blatantly honest with. She’s wonderful. Sometimes when my colleagues say that they are scared of her I often wonder why. I guess the way I see it, she’s human, and so are you. Why does it matter what station in life you are? There is a difference between respecting people and then respecting yourself. If I knew someone didn’t like something, and this would be because they told me, I wouldn’t do it. There is a fine line between respecting a person’s position and then treating them like a god. No one is better than you, regardless of what they think. We don’t live in the Renaissance era where who your parents decided to have sex with determined your station in life. India Arie, my current “girl power” artist favorite, has this great song where she says, “A woman ain’t what she wears, but what she knows”. All slang aside (“ain’t” is actually a word in the dictionary now), respect should come from within. Respect yourself and others will respect you. And if they don’t, you could always flock them.

November 11, 2006

The Strong Woman

What is all this crap about strong women? Being a self-proclaimed “strong woman” I thought I would write about my experience as a woman whose personality often times awards her with the title of BITCH. Let me know if this sounds familiar. There is a nifty little comment box at the bottom, holler if you feel me.

strong_woman.jpgYou go to a function that is “voluntary” (In the military nothing is voluntary) and “everyone” is there. Some random wife that you’ve seen only once gives you a hug and says hi in a way that makes dogs come running. Not only are you now embarrassed for her but you are looking around to make sure you don’t get bit in the ass by some
random dog. And your husband and his friends are making fun of you because the “girls” just screamed to say hello. First of all let me say that woman should never do the hello scream. The hello scream is for teenage girls under the age of 14. 14 is even pushing it.

Laughing loudly is okay to a certain degree but usually it's only okay as long as you have a beer in your hand. Besides wanting to smack your husband for making fun of you, you feel violated. Who is this random woman hugging you? Did she wash her hands after she used the bathroom? Did she take a shower that day? Unbelievable, because if you don’t hug her and smile, you are the bitch.

Here are some other good ones. You know what you want and you are a bitch for it. Some examples:

You tell your husband (in front of another couple) to get you a drink. You don’t ask because if it were the other way around and he told you to get him a drink you’d get it for him. But because of this, you're being controlling. Now I’m not being rude about it. I could be saying, “Get me a drink fool” but I’m not. I say, “Honey, get me a Coke”. DING DONG BITCH. Who has time to sugar it up? I’m thirsty!

You and your husband get invited to go to a party but you don’t like the dude that’s throwing it so you don’t feel like going. You tell your husband to go and have a good time. Your husband doesn’t want to go without you so he stays home. He could have gone to the party but he chose to stay home. DING DONG BITCH and now your husband’s balls are in your purse. First of all, I don’t like any balls in my purse so can you get them out, please and secondly this is the guys fault but somehow the “strong woman” always gets blamed.

The thing is, it actually hurts my feelings to be called a bitch and I’m sure there are other woman out there who would say the same. Not the real bitchy women though because they’d tell you that they don’t care what other people think. I know better but I don’t say anything because sometimes being a bitch is the only way to get the job done and sometimes its just fun. Oops there I go again.

Andrea isn't really a bitch. She's just drawn that way.


November 4, 2006

Dog Shit

What is all this crap about military wives can’t handle life without their husbands? I swear I think I’m going to lose my mind sometimes.

You know how I said that I’m getting tired of taking out the trash by myself and sleeping my bed alone, yeah I’m totally and completely fed up with it so much so that I’m thinking of getting rid of one of my dogs.

poo.jpgThis morning I got up to do my morning one-mile jog and one-mile roller blade lap with my two dogs (a golden retriever and a lab). After my jog I got all geared up to take the dogs on their lap but couldn’t seem to get them to stop freaking out. I try to let them poop before they run because we all know how it feels to have a prairie dog and you can’t do anything about it. By prairie dog I mean, fuck it you know what I mean, and if you don’t, hold it for like two hours and you’ll know what prairie doggin it is. Anyway for some reason I couldn’t get them to poop and when I finally did they both went berserk on me. This wouldn’t have been so bad except I already had my roller blades on. Yeah I’m stupid I know.

So I got them situated and gave them the signal to go. One dog went one way and the other went the other way. We somehow got tangled around a neighbors mailbox and I face planted it on the concrete driveway. So my pride is shot and I have bruises all over so I just let the leashes go. I’m yelling at them, “Go! “Run away please!” But they just stood there looking at me like I was nuts. Stupid dogs, but how cute are they, huh? So I sat up crying, took my roller blades off and walked the two houses back to my house with MY tail between my legs. The dogs followed even though I didn’t have them on a leash and we went inside.

What is terrible is usually they roller blade really well with me and I consider myself an average roller blader. Today was just an off day. But on those off days I want to yell at my husband because he’s not here to kiss my bruises and he’s not here to just take some of the crap away.

The other day I’m vacuuming and one of my dogs got so scared of the vacuum that instead of pissing on my brand new floor she actually shit all over it. Funny right? It gives a whole new meaning to scaring the shit out of something or someone.

Honey come home soon! Otherwise you might find me under a huge pile of dog shit!

Andrea enjoys torturing her dogs with the vacuum cleaner.


October 28, 2006

You and Your Husband’s Rank

What is all this crap with wives taking on their husbands’ rank? I’m going to hell for this article, so I might as well go out with a BALL OF FIRE, BABY! Here goes:

You all know or have met those wives whose sole purpose in life is to be there for their husbands? I’m all for choosing how you want to live your life, but in this case aren’t you living his? Now before you get all pissed and slash my tires, hear me out. I understand supporting your husband. The healthy support, though, like you get from your favorite bra or those spandex skinny shorts you wear on a night out when you’ve gained a few pounds on your tummy. By the way, I totally wore one of those the other night when I went out with my gal pal and I looked HOT! I’m not even talking about stay-at-home moms like my lovely neighbor who volunteer and take care of the kids. I’m talking about the women out there who say some bullshit to me like, “when we were a lieutenant.” UGH! What the fuck? Sure, we all go through the pains of military life WITH our husbands, but we didn’t sign an oath to the government, THEY DID!

Let me take you back to 2003. I was at a book club for wives on base. I generally despise functions where the only reason for getting together is to hang out with other wives of husbands your dumb husband works for. But what the hell, right? Makes for a good story. Anyway, so I’m at this book club and a lady says to me, “Are you in (I’m totally making up this name) Z367?” farkmepumps.jpg I was like, “No, but my husband is.” All innocent right? Inside I’m screaming at this wench and imagining wringing her neck. Sure, she was being nice, but I almost barfed all over my Antonio Milani black pumps. By the way, if you don’t have a pair of great four inch black pumps, stop reading this now and go buy a pair. Really, go NOW! Anything stupid you’ve done as a woman is totally null and void if you have great shoes. So this lady says to me, “No, silly, if your husband is in Z367, that means you are too.” By this point, I’m feeling really sorry for her and wanting to educate her on how to be shrew, but I realize this woman is totally happy with her life and why should I make her husband’s life miserable by informing her of the women’s rights movement? He’s a lucky bastard. I wish I had a wife like that. Who am I to mess that up for him? Haven’t we all heard ignorance is bliss? Bullshit concept, by the way, but whatever works for you.

So the next time you run into a woman like this, don’t pity her. Instead, think to yourself, “what do I have to do to get a wife life that?” In general this species of woman is harmless. Just make sure you have a barf bag handy just in case you have the urge to spew all over your new shoes.

Andrea is a military wife who looks stunning in spandex shorts and black pumps.


October 21, 2006

Military Brats - Taken to a Whole New Level!

Please welcome our newest columnist, Andrea Scott. Andrea will be doing a weekly column on being in a military family.

What is all this crap about being a military spouse? You see all these books on military life and how to cope. Let me just say that none of these books really helps you cope with the sometimes insane lifestyle that you have just entered, no matter how tough you think you are. You are not tough, you’re just stupid, but you do it anyway because you love your spouse. And let’s face it: the benefits can be really awesome!

wives.jpgBeing a military brat raised in Europe, I thought I’d be an old hand at the lifestyle. But now, being a military spouse has opened my eyes to the true meaning of how to deal with shit that I’d rather not. My husband and I have been married for two and half years, and while we consider ourselves a strong couple, oftentimes there are situations where we have to remind ourselves that we both dedicated our lives to the military. He dedicated his life by signing up and fulfilling his dream of being Goose from the movie Top Gun. And I dedicated my life, thinking, “Its not so bad, I’ve done this before”. What the hell was I thinking?

We are currently in the deployment phase of our marriage with him being in Iraq and with me having to hold down the fort at home. We moved into our new home, and two days later he flew off to Iraq. Being a self-proclaimed “tough cookie” I thought, piece of cake, right? I am the type of person who loves to be home alone. When my husband has twenty-four hour duty, I use that time for girly stuff. You know, ordering Chinese, lounging in pajamas, watching a movie, and then crawling into bed and being able to really stretch out and take over. My husband is hip to my game and knows that those twenty-four hour duties are sacred to our relationship and that if I didn’t have these duty-free nights, I might be one of those ladies you see on the new Oxygen show Snapped where the wife kills her husband. When he went to Iraq, I thought, “This is going to be tough, but think of how many girly nights I can have”! Needless to say, the
girly nights are getting old and so is taking out the trash by myself. Sleeping in that big bed only makes me wish that he were there for me to yell at him to move over or, if necessary, to have him just lay on top of me so that I could feel the warmth of a man.

This is my story. I’m not the average military spouse—or maybe I am-- and the stories I would tell you will have you rolling with laughter, crying like a pansy, and loving your spouse even more everyday. Except for those days when you want to kill him.

Andrea is a beautiful, yet slight neurotic officer's wife who eats rusty nails for breakfast.


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