A Busy Week
by Matthew Chase

Hello good people! I hope that everyone has had a good week and that everything that you wanted to accomplish got done! The new week is upon us, and I am about ready to dive in with my usual gusto. The past week was quite eventful and fun! I had a houseguest come to keep me company for the week, and I also had a relatively relaxing work week. I wind up feeling very accomplished and yet un-rushed at the end of the day.

I almost have no clue what to write about this week because things have gone so well that I barely have any idea where to begin. It seems that the better things go for me, the less I have to write about, I wonder why that is… So this week I think I would like to talk about happiness, the little things and the big things that bring me joy. I have a smile on my face as I write today because the sun is shining, and there is nothing better than a nice sunny and comfortable day to really get me to be in a good mood and perk my spirits. I love to go out driving or walking in such weather, and just soak up the sunshine and the pleasant temperatures. My energy levels rise, and my natural optimism is magnified when I have had a good dose of sun for the day.

I love to watch old cartoons from my childhood; they bring me back to a time when things were a bit simpler, and a lot easier to get over when I had a bad day. So by reliving those old shows, it gives me a great feeling of nostalgia, and a sense of calm.

I enjoy watching Horror movies too, a good scare is great for the heart every so often, and the little jolts of adrenaline give me a natural high and make me quite giddy for a bit afterwards, this is a great way to feel what it is to be alive, at least for me…

sorry.jpg I once spent an entire summer just going out-of doors daily and walking in the woods with my dog and my friend JaWa, I have to say that those outdoor excursions brought me closer to “God” than I have ever been the sounds of nature and the smells of the forest always bring me to a place in my soul that is calm and serene. I hope that I can soon encounter those feelings again this summer. It has been entirely too long for both me and my dog.

One of the other guilty pleasures that I have is that; on certain days off, I love to crack open a beer, and sit on the couch with the dog and watch an episode of Jerry Springer. I do not make a regular habit of it, but every few months there’s nothing like pretending I have no class, and watching the classless members of society to crazy things so as to be on television. The beer is more of a prop than anything else. But it fit’s the feeling and sets a relaxed and humorous tone for the day. The dog seems to enjoy it as well!

I also love to spend time with a good book and a bottle of my favorite red wine called “Love My Goat” by the Bully Hill Vineyards. I read a great number of books every year. Currently I have been re-reading “Brothers in Arms” From my favorite series: “DragonLance”. And I am eagerly awaiting the release of two other books from the same series later this year, not to mention the last volume of the Harry Potter series. Due out this summer! I find it wonderfully relaxing and fun to escape from reality for a few hours during the day. If it is early afternoon, I will usually substitute my wine for a cup or two of hot tea. It is a perfect fix for a rainy day, when my mood is not exactly the best.

Twister-Case.jpg I also spend time with my friends, and when we get together, I try to keep the television off, and get them to all come together to play a game. Why just last night I had great fun playing “Sorry” and then a rousing game of “Twister” I am sad to report that I lost both games miserably, but I had more fun losing a game, then I would have if we had all just sat about like couch potatoes watching television. Which seems to happen more and more when I am visiting my friends, which kind of makes me wonder if we should call it “Watching” instead of “Visiting”? I have seen potentially great gatherings turn into dull and boorish TV watching experiences. I could do the same thing at home without having to drive. The point of my going to see these people is to talk to them and see how they are doing, not stare at the television.

I get a wonderful feeling from taking care of my animals, and I really enjoy some of the challenges they present to me. Sometimes it’s stressful I’ll admit, but on a whole, they provide hours of entertainment simply when they want to play with one another. I cannot tell you how many times I have been brought to peals of laughter simply by watching my cat attempt to prove to the dog that he can out maneuver him. (Which he usually can, and the dog is a great sport.) My three “kids” as it were also provide me with the comfort that I need on the days when I am blue. This also brings me joy.

I get great pleasure from swimming and the smells of the ocean, or even the distinct smells found at the shore of a lake. Bodies of water art therapeutic for me, I have been told that this is because I am a Pisces, and I believe that might be a part of it, but I also think that it might have to do with the fact that when near bodies of water, it is the connection of two very powerful elements. Water, is very powerful, and can lever entire areas. The earth, can swallow you whole, or make life miserable for you in landslides, earthquakes, and molten rock. Any area where those powerful elements meet is thought to be very potent in energy. I also like the feeling of smallness I feel when by the ocean in particular, I get a sense of futility and a sense of purpose and destiny at the same time.

I think I will just close out on that note this week. I have many things to accomplish, and very little time to do it all in. But until next week, I wish you all happiness, joy, and the discovery of something new and wonderful about yourself!

Don’t you worry about me, I’m a drag queen, what do I know?

Matthew recognizes the value of losing at Twister.

Diary Of A Vermont Drag Queen Archives


I agree. Nothing is worse than driving across the city to visit a friend and then just spending the evening sitting side-by-side, staring at the TV for hours on end.

Occasional exceptions can be made for Jerry Springer...


While I cannot relate to Jerry Springer since he is one of those things that make me think of target practice with the old .35 cal, there is nothing on god's green earth like walking in the woods with your dog to sooth the soul.


Thanks guys! My dog and I spend alot of time outside when the summer months hit us here... We also just love to cuddle on the couch when there's just the two, Three of us counting the cats, at home. Consider My soul soothed.


I share a lot in common with you here. Nature, old cartoons, reading and a tv guilty pleasure. Not Springer, though. On Friday nights I love to sit on the couch and mindlessly watch Trading Spouses.


Hey Michele, I like to sit on the couch with a mindless, traded spouse. Does that count?


About the only thing I miss about Nebraska was Saturday nights at a friend's house, moinking out on BBQ and then playing board games. Everything from Monopoly to Scene It. If it was nice out, we'd be out in their backyard pitching shoes or horseladders. We'd end the evening with a movie.

I miss that. As shitty as the weather is here, we thought we'd get that going at our house, but no luck.


...and I'm becoming one of those people that would rather spend time with my dog than most people. Never thought I'd be a dog person but Max has really gotten under our skin.


Well My dog can be better company than alot of people I know, he's quiet, cuddly, attentive, loving, and lets me do whatever I want..haha. All in all a wonderfull companion!


Hey matthew, i had a great time with you last week and hope i get to come over to your place again to play some twister....LOL


hey matthew i had a great time at your place playing twister. U were a great host and i would like to visit again some time. Thanks for everything you did last week


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