Things Are Not Pretty
by The Pop Culturista

It's been a quiet week here in Celebrity Hell, but I did manage to find a few morsels to snack on... Let's get the nasty out of the way first, so we can move on to things that please me.

First, I really cannot stand this twit. Yes, she has money and privlege, but is she someone you want to have over to the house? The Esquire Show House says no, saying they "don't want her ‘type' there." I cackle, with actual glee. Stupid girl, why don't you make an attempt to learn something and be someone other than this Barbie-as-whore caricature.

And then there's her sister. Does she have no agent to advise her against being photographed with people prettier than herself? Hmph. Be sure to view the larger version of the image, compare and contrast. Yummy. VERY NSFW

Ah, my poor Spice Girls, what has become of you? But then again, Miss Scary, you were always my least favorite. Still, does that give you license to go marrying and breeding with a donkey-voicing tranny afficionado? Seriously, what can you imagine that child is going to look like? It's worth worrying about, people.

Here's two people that I like immensely, and am pleased that they are (apparently happily) married. However, it appears they do not actually have mirrors in their house, or people who will not lie to them, because this dress is so very very bad. Tom looks great, kilted and sporran-ed in the appropriate fashion (can I be the one to do the kilt check, please, please, please??), but dear Patricia really needed that dress in a size 14 instead of a 12. There's no guilt in being buxom, sweetie, but if your clothes don't *fit* then you just look like an idiot.

And now, please, on to more pleasant things, yes?

I've always liked the Affleck. Sure, he's made some bad film choices, but you cannot seriously hold that against the boy when studios are stupid enough to offer idiotic paychecks for pretending to be someone else. Hell, I'd grab all of that I could and use it to build a fucking wall between those I love and the rest of the world, ensuring our safety, comfort and... *blink* Sorry. Anyway, he's deuced cute here with his bebe, isn't he?

And lastly, like a post-meal, palate-cleansing sorbet, here's our weekly Jessica Biel. She claims to be tautening up (!) for a Halloween party she's hosting, costumed as Catwoman. Pardon me...I need a moment...

See you all next week.


Patricia looks like she just stepped out of the showere and has a towel wrapped around her.

If I had tits like that, I'd be wearing something to enhance them, not ridicule them. Cute girl, horrible outfit.

As for Jessica.....oh my.


Oddly enough, I hate Affleck, but like most of his movies (sans Gigli, Daredevil, and a couple of others).

I think I'm the only person on the planet that loved Jersy Girl.


Ahh..I do this at home on a weekly basis! Love your article. I buy "People", and "US" or "In Touch" and I compare notes and trash famous people. I call these my porn. Two hours every week dedicated to this.


I'm an idiot


Cullen, I got your back...

Anything that has Carlin as a grandfather and Kevin Smith's dialog is absolute gold, Affleck or not. And J-Lo is only in the first fifteen minutes.


I'm apparently the only person on Earth who loved The Affleck in Dogma. And I've heard he's good in that George Reeve movie. Don't find him cute, per se, but whatever.

Also, I love Patricia Arquette, and I choose to believe from the slight bunching at the waist, that this dress fit when she left home. Leave me my germ of denial.


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