September 12, 2006

Wii Will Wii Will ROCK you

Welcome to The Action is Go! I'll be writing each week about video games in typical FTTW fashion. So you never know what you'll get here, you'll just know that it will have something to do with gaming. And in my world, gaming is anything from Pong to pinball to the Atari to the (droooool) Wii to the Vic20 to my beloved Dreamcast.

And just so you understand what you're getting with me, let me sum up my gaming motto in one sentence:

Old School beats New School

Yea, I'm one of those. Always talking about the old days. The days you blew on a cartridge to get it to work.nespanties.gif The days before graphics became more important than gameplay. Before you had to sit through twenty minute cut scenes to get to the next screen. Before CGI rendering and 3D artists turned games into slick movies. I hate video games that spend too much time presenting themselves as slick CGI movies

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