August 30, 2006

More cartoons?

Since you guys can prolly tell we are trying to round out this site as much as possible while kicking out the same amount of material we do every day, some things are going to get stuck in our brains as we try to find a few more people to fill up our last slots on this new endeavor of ours. We had something on our mind tonight. Cartoons. Specifically, what are your favorite animated movies? And I damn well know someone is going to say Fritz the Cat, but really, Fritz didn't really have a very big cock, so I wouldn't really put that in one of my cool cartoons. Plus it was kinda stupid. Let's face it. A lot of animated movies back then we thought were cool really kinda suck now, but some stood up well.

What were yours?

turtle lights a cigar, tries his best.

I had no idea what day or what time it was or even what month it was. I've given up writing a timeline of my life for the girl I am gonna marry, so I’m not gonna bother with you guys. All I remember was drinking a beer and someone kicking in a back door to let us into a theater to get out of the heat. It was so damn hot out I would have seen "On Golden Pond" just to get into the air conditioning at that point.

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August 28, 2006

I never did know your name. Oh yes, you do...

We decided to lighten up tonight. Too many co-workers and readers weepy from the turtle michele vacation story, so we wanted to make this a fun night. A gun slingling Western night! What is your favorite Western movie? And by Western, we are asking a really broad question. I was going to do "Westworld" just cause Yul Brenner is so cool. Is he dead? Etc. Etc. Etc.

So what is yours and why? Lines from actors? Characters? Cool littles jokes? Seven gunman for a few dollars more while being hung up high?

What's yours?

These are ours.

Continue reading "I never did know your name. Oh yes, you do..." »

August 6, 2006

movie week finale: switchblades, light sabers and heros

Well, welcome to the end, my friends. This is it. Been a long week of reader suggestions, fun posts, new additions to FTTW, and stupid little girls who don't know what gratitude it. But, it all works out. And it is finally over. Sometimes you say you will do things and you really have to do them cause you said you would. Sometimes you love it, sometimes you hate it. Sometimes what you do is taken by kids who don't understand how to work a doorknob much less write a story and sometimes people love you. It's the way of the internet.

But that is neither here nor there.

Let's finish this week off with the end of all things.

Best Movie Heroes

Love them or hate them. Anti hero or just kickass. These are the people who saved your ass in the end. We are not talking about any specific actor here. We are talking about one role. Cause face it, Deathwish got its balls cut off by Part 3. Let's not even talk about Rambo. Or Rocky. Jesus. Some of these movies just sucked. Like I care about someone getting married or someone hitting a robot. I have no idea what the hell the Afghanistan people were doing in Rambo 3. Something about goats and horses. Don't ask me. I'm just here for the ride.

But heroes! Who are your favorites? Who made you cheer? Made you cry? Made you want to go out and do whateverthefuck they were doing and just keep moving? The ones that saved the day and got the girl or the boy and ending up smiling in the end?

Here are ours.

Turtle is first.

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August 5, 2006

Movie Week Gets High: Dave's Not Here

So we have a new addition to FTTW. Stay tuned for that tomorrow. Yes, we like to keep you guys wondering. That's what we do. Cause we hate you. Well, not really. But, look for his first story tomorrow.

But that really means nothing right now. Let's keep trudging thru this thing we call Movie Week. I have to apologize up front and tell you all I was wrong. 242F.jpg

So anyways. With my apology to you, let's move this on. We have one more day to go after this. These are just for the night posts. Just something easy we do to play around with while we are making cool boats made out of lighters and super glue to blow the fuck out of the bathtub or something to do when others are taking their kids to the Warped Tour. Which they should've walked to. But, that's just my opinion.

I like to watch things burn. She doesn't like her kids to walk. What can you do?

Anyways. Following that theme, we are going with another reader request.

Greatest Drug Movies

Continue reading "Movie Week Gets High: Dave's Not Here" »

August 4, 2006

Movie Madness Moves on: Who's laughing now?

Welcome to the second to last installment of the Movie Theme Nights. It's been a long week and we have really had alot of great suggestions from you guys. See, one thing with FTTW is that if you send us any idea with your reasoning behind it, we will probably look at it a lot more. Put some effort into writing two or three sentences telling us why you think we should do it and why it is so cool, we will prolly will do it. That's just the way it works around here.

Anyways. We have this one and one more after that. We probably already have the last idea, which is the be all and end all of movie ideas, but that is not tonight. Tonight was something fun. Something that you laughed at while your mother asked you why you watched this thrash. Supposed to be scared? Hell no. This is to fun. That's right.

Horror Comedies

Michele is up first.

Army of Darkness

Evil Dead and ED2 were awesome. Great horror flicks. Some comedic relief thrown in. But AOD took that comedic relief and let it loose. It was like Three Stooges Meet the Zombies. Except there was one Stooge. And deadites.

Continue reading "Movie Madness Moves on: Who's laughing now?" »

August 3, 2006

movie week continues: no shirt no shoes no dice

So this was another hard one to pick out. We had to do it cause this is movie theme week. If you have any suggestions for the last two topics we will be doing this week, feel free to post them. I think we have taken care of most of them, but we might have missed some. A few were passed on to Michele and a few were too blurred to get a feeling on. Best Music Movie and Best Musical is kinda hard to split up. We still have two more days and we really want your input. If you notice, there will be a lot of posts by Michele alone when I am not around and vice versa. We will cover all the bases.

But, what is up for today?

Best 80's Movie

Fast Times At Ridgemont High

Aloha, Mr. Hand.

Let’s get this out of the way. Phoebe Cates taking off her bathing suit. Judge Reinhold wanking it. We all know the scene. I know it’s your favorite. Yea, I’m talking to you. You, with the turtle shell. And the rest of you. But let’s move on to the real star of this show.

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movie week fun: you can quote me on that

We're having a lot of fun with movie week here at FTTW and we thank you all for coming around and making this a fun thing to do.

Right now we're just gonna have a bit of easy fun. See, it's really freaking hot outside. And humid. I'm not leaving my office during lunch because it feels like the seventh level of hell out there. And turtle is gone for a bit. So I need some entertainment. Movie quote style.

We all have our favorite movie quotes. The ones we recite again and again. Hell, I could have an entire conversation with my sister using just movie quotes.

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August 2, 2006

more movie week: guilty as charged

Guilty pleasures. We asked you what you wanted to see in our movie week posts and this was put out there. Guilty pleasures. Those movies you love to watch even though everyone bags on them. Movies that mostly suck, but for some reason you think they are cool. They probably have bad acting. Stupid plot lines. Cheesy dialogue. But maybe that’s what you like about them. Maybe some people only watch movies that win awards and shit. Maybe they don’t know what they’re missing. The fun of watching something that you know is really bad. Just getting lost in the special effects or gratuitous sex and violence. Sometimes you just gotta have fun. That’s what guilty pleasures are all about. We all have them. We watch the movies that other people say are unwatchable. Here’s two of ours.

Now tell us yours.

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Movie poll winner: wasting my life away for a few dollars a day

This one surprised me. I really didn't think it would win. It's a documentary so I'm not really sure if this counts. The others that were on here were real movies, but I guess a movie is a movie. Personally, I wanted another movie to win, but as it goes here on FTTW, we never get our way with you readers. Grrrrrrrrrrr. But anyways, this is a really cool film. And we review the winners. Poll results here.

So who won?

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movies, movies, movies

Ok. I'm bored and avoiding the pile of work on my desk. Trying to de-stress from work events this morning. Turtle not around. What to do. Oh hey, I'll ask you all for ideas!

Obviously, it's movie theme week here at FTTW. We have a bunch of ideas in the bank but we'd like to hear what you are interested in, too.

Some ideas we have thrown around: worst movie, bad movie endings, best western, movies that make you cry, best soundtracks, movies you love that everyone else thinks suck....things along that line.

If there's anything you'd like to see done in the movie theme, let us know. We are up for basically anything, no matter how out there your suggestion may be. And we're all about you guys, so it's always good to know what you like to read about.

Also, if you would like to get on the mailing list for emails that go out when we have something going on here, shoot us an email at fttw10 at gmail dot com and we'll add you to the list.

So let us know if there's a movie theme/poll type thing (either one of our ideas or an idea of your own) that you'd like us to cover. We'll try to get to everything suggested. As long as it doesn't involve watching Pauly Shore movies.

August 1, 2006

and movie week continues: Frankenstein and farts

So what's up for tonight? Funny men and funny women. Funny plots and funny inside jokes.

If you haven't noticed by now, this is movie theme week on FTTW. We will get them all in here and deal with the most popular later. Maybe a poll. Maybe a Chimachanga at some dive. I hate writing these when I am hungry. I always get off track. Be that as it may, we are on a theme this week. "The Best of Series."

Tonight was hard. Actually, the toughest that we have ever done. I proposed, in one or two diferent ways, that we decide on one movie. She agreed. I wanted more nachos. The hunger thing. While I got off on some trip about dive food, she started writing. I got crap food and cigars and had to play catch up. Little more for you to know about FTTW. This is the way we work around here.

So our theme tonight is......

What is the funniest movie that you have ever seen? Mine was easy. I just looked at some old quotes from the film and laughed. I had five movies, but one killed me reading the quotes today. So we are going to go ahead and pick the one movie that always makes us laugh. The one that made us cry from laughing to hard.

Wanna play along?

Then here we go!

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these go to eleven

Once again, we have to apologize for what's been going on around at FTTW. We know that sometimes we run a little slow and sometimes we run fast. Emotional things have been happening in both our lives and coupled with the plane ride to New York have slowed us down to about two posts a day. Sometimes they aren't even that good. Like you guys care about my flight? Well, it took me a few days to soak that in. Plus, we get free weekend minutes on our phones. So we have been talking a lot. But, I do apologize for not getting anymore Underground stories out. One will be coming soon. Just wait a bit.

Plus guys. Soon, you will get turtle in New York stories. And Michele with turtle stories. And turtle sleeps too much stories from Michele. That will be kinda cool.

So we decided to take the easy way out today. We know that we usually do stories from the past or just something off the top of our heads, but this week has been emotionally draining. So today we will keep it easy. We want your full participation in this cause you readers always keep us laughing.

What do we want to do?

Music Movies

This is really broadly defined and we didn't really discuss this with each other before we did it. Just made sure we weren't doing the other's movie and just went with it. So if one is totally different then the other, just remember that some days are diamond and some days are gold.

So what are yours?

turtle is up first.

Continue reading "these go to eleven" »

July 31, 2006

Bad Guys, bad guys, whatcha gonna do?

Favortie bad guy. How do you know who a bad guy is? Well, in horror movies, it's pretty damn easy. Um, Jason is bad. Um, Leatherface is bad. But, really, aren't they all just trying to serve their own goals? Who are you to say they are bad? Like The Thing, Chuckie, and countless other horror movies, they were just doing what they did.

Kill people.

It's what they did and made no excuses.

But, in some movies, there were truely bad people. People with self serving goals. In my case, I wanted to see them achieve their goals. People who weren't killers but could kill. People who could smile at you and shove a knife in your back. You watched the movie and just wondered why he wanted to keep going. Why he didn't get a nice surburban home and watch his kids and dogs. The hell was he doing this for?

Because he was an asshole.

So this is our tribut to our favorite movie villians. We want to know yours cause I'm sure they exist. And, FTTW loves to hear you speak.


turtle goes first today.

Angel Eyes, Tuco and Blondie.

Continue reading "Bad Guys, bad guys, whatcha gonna do?" »

July 27, 2006

do you want to see something really scary?

First of all, I want to say thank you to Kali for starting this idea going for Raymi's book tour. Granted, I don't know who Raymi is, but anything we can do to help works for us. We will review it, in our own FTTW way, then send to others to read and review. I think that's the way this is going. I'm not quite sure how this is going to work. Hey dude, we're just here for the bean dip and Doritos. Tell me what to do and I can do it too.

But, we will get that out as soon as we get it. That's all the promotion I have for you all tonight cause really, I have an ouchy on my finger so my words are going to be short type writing things.

Thank you guys on your additions to the FTTW readers poll and thank you to everyone who has had fun in the last few months. We are trying to get the best material we can out for you. Laugh, cry, think about, or just have fun to it. We do this for us, but we love the fact that you keep coming back.

Thank you.

By now we have figured out that most of you are readers are just like us. A passion to print and to get your feelings out. But sometimes we take a break. It happens. We don't slow down. We just cut it a little shorter. We do long stories in the mornings, ones that really just need to be told, then we do short stories in the night, so we can have fun with reading your responses.

But, one last time, I want to say thank you to all of you for reading us and adding your responses. You make this site fun. Michele makes this site fun. Thank you to everyone.

So what's up tonght?

Scariest Movie As A Kid.

John Carpenter's "The Thing"

200px-The_Thing_DVD.jpgSee, when you start to get some recognition, you can start writing titles that have your name in it. It wasn't the cheesy low budget move from the 50's anymore. It was now the cheesy low budget John Carpenter movie from the 80's. Hey. Don't confuse one with the other, ok? This one had Kurt Russell in it. And maybe Scatman Crothers. Maybe Goldie Hawn. And maybe Donkey Kong for all the fuck I cared. This movie scared the living crap out of me. It dragged me down thinking of some poor guys trapped in an ice town just getting knocked off one by one. And also Goldie naked in the bathtub in "Wildcats". And Ernest Borgnine in "Escape from New York." Snake Plisskin. Issac Hayes. Naked Goldie. Cause we thought Snake was dead.

Oh yeah.

I had some fucked up dreams.

Hm. The Thing.

Continue reading "do you want to see something really scary?" »

June 23, 2006

Vampires, Zombies and Acid, Oh My!

We here at FTTW have always let you in on our passions in life. You know almost everthing about us cause, well, we write about it every day. You know we like cars. You know we like punk rock. You know we may not have been straight edge kinda kids. You know we have now turned our allegiences to Brazil in the World Cup. And now here's another thing for you to know about us: We both have a passion for horror movies. So we are starting a new feature here to go along with all the other stuff we offer: reviews of classic horror movies. Like all of our reviews, you know damn well the movie we choose to write about is just gonna be a backdrop for a story and our post will go completely off topic and somehow, some way, Charles Ingalls will find himself in one of these reviews.

So, for your reading pleasure, the first installment of movies, monsters and mayhem. We start off with two of the classic horror movies of all time. Enjoy them. - M/T

Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922)

I'll be the first to admit it. I don't know what that means. No clue. And yes, I'm too lazy to put it in a translator. I think that's French. Or maybe German. Or maybe I took too many drugs and it really says "Free Chili Cheese Fries with the Purchase of an Extra Large Coke." I dunno. All I know is that this movie is silent. Maybe that kinda drew me to it. Silence and vampires. Don't get me wrong. I'm the farthest from goth you could ever get. Apart from me crying when I run out of toliet paper, I'm really not that sad of a person. But this movie was goth. As Goth as you could get. And it was silent. And if it wasn't? Hey, I don't like to read movies. But, at least this wasn't a talkie. Listening to people while I have to read is almost unbearable. There is only one foreign movie I can stand that I have to read and listen at the same time. Well, two, but "Run, Lola Run" gets kinda old really fast. The other one being "The Seventh Seal." That one was just cool. Playing Chess with Death. That's kinda cool. But, I won't go into that cause Bill and Ted already took my idea for a remake of that and threw it in that stupid movie. Don't worry. Lawsuits are pending. I'll get my payback.

What was I talking about.....

Oh yeah.


This movie was just absolutely creepy. I mean I know I watched it in altered frames of mind, but I never got over it. Was that stop action? Why is this so weird? Why did this do this to me? Why did I always see this movie and just think "Well that was weird?" Why?

LSD! That's right! I never watched this movie sober. I was always on something. What was I on. Beer? I'm passing out. Cocaine? I'd need to get more cigarettes. Speed? Hey dude, lets go play pool. LSD? Well, wait dude. This movie is kinda cool. It's kinda funny when you sit and think about it. This movie that had so much influence on great directors and everything about the history of film making and great actors were influenced by it and al you can think about is that everytime you watched it you were so balls out tripping you could be having a conversation with Timothy Leary while staring at a screen with this black and white vampire.

"He looks like a rat, Tim."

"Think of the bigger picture, turtle. Think of it as a mind altering experience that takes you to a new corner of the world. This will change your mind and open your world. Tomorrow, Yoko Ono will come over and she will sing you love songs and watch you sleep. This movie is life and death. Nosferatu is life. Nosferatu is death. Do you understand the meanings of life and death, turtle? Do you understand now?"

"He still looks like a rat, Tim."

LSD and vampires. Stop action and tripping with Timothy Leary while he was threatening me with calling Yoko Ono to get her to come over if I didn't understand the meaning of life. That was this movie. Completely void of anything but a creepy dude and some reading type wordy like thingies. Don't get me wrong. This movie was awesome. And also, please be aware that I am not advocating using illegal drugs while watching this. If they add to your amusement of this movie, rip it up. But dude. Rats follow him around everywhere he goes. Not Timothy Leary. That vampire guy. Well, maybe rats follow Leary around but I don't know. Is he still alive?

But really.

He still does look like a rat.

Pretty creepy for 1922.

And fuck you Timothy Leary. -T

Night of the Living Dead (1968)

Ok, let’s start here by telling you that I really, really want to be a zombie some day. Some people want to be firemen, some people want to be rock stars, I want to be a zombie. I’m really rooting for this whole bird flu thing to take off in the hopes that it will end in zombie infestation and I can just give up my being to the flesh eaters. Oh yea. You think I’m fighting the undead? No way. Why fight off the zombies? Why spend days running from them, trying to fend them off, beating them, shooting them, cowering in fear in the basement (shit, we don't even have a basement) when eventually, they are going to win? Once the zombie infestation starts, that's it. It's assimilate or die. You can shoot as many brains as you want, but in the end, the undead will outnumber the living and you may as well just let them bite you early on rather than attempting to put up some brave and noble fight for survival.

Had they realized this in Night of the Living Dead, things would have worked out a lot differently. Maybe if Barbra and Johnny and Ben had a “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” philosophy, they could have avoided all that family-eating-family tragedy. No one wants to see that. Give yourself up at the start and you won’t find yourself staring down your zombified teenage daughter gnawing on her father.

Yea, I would give up that easily. What can I say? I'm a joiner. I follow trends, I don't set them. It's just so much easier to hold out your arms and accept what fate hands you than to fight it. It's easier to convince yourself that being a zombie wouldn't be so bad after all - no work, no taxes to pay, abundant food supply and, best of all, I could go on the hunt for people I hate and zombiefy them. How cool would it be to sink my undead teeth into Yngwie Malmsteem’s fleshy neck?

Anyhow, Night of the Living Dead. Yea, social commentary, racism, class warfare, women are weak, blah blah blah. I’ve heard it all. Dude. It’s a zombie movie. People get eaten. Teeth are bared. Kids eat their parents. Brains explode. The living dead! Braaaaainnnnnnnssssss! Who the fuck cares if George Romero was giving us a subtle lesson in social mores? Jesus. There are zombies. They’re coming to get you, Barbra! For all I care the movie - and all Romero’s movies really - could have contained within the dialogue the hidden codes to figuring out the order of the universe, the secret life of Jesus Christ, and how to get eternal life in Legend of Zelda and I still wouldn’t care. Well, maybe I’d care about the Zelda thing. Because eternal life would rule. Take that, Ganondorf!

Stay on topic here, Michele. Night of the Living Dead.

Listen, there’s not much to say here. It’s a classic. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t seen it. It paved the way for zillions of zombie movies after it. Without the cheesiness and stilted dialogue and awkward social commentary of Night of the Living Dead, we wouldn’t have Dawn of the Dead or Day of the Dead or Return of the Living Dead or even Shaun of the Dead. And then where would we be? If it weren’t for Romero, I would be just another aimless human being, a worker drone living out a meek existence just waiting for death to come take me away. But, no. I have a goal. I have a plan. I’m going to become a zombie someday! Come on, bird flu! Work your viral magic! I can’t wait for the day I wake up only to find my children all bug eyed and bloody, arguing over the last piece of my neighbor’s leg. Then I’ll know I made it. I will walk out the door and down the street and look for the first large group of zombies I can find. Because they always travel in packs.they're coming to get you, barbara And then I’m gonna climb on top of the nearest building and do the most awesome stage dive ever right into the middle of that pack of living dead things, some White Zombie song playing inside my head. Yea, it might hurt at first. The flesh tearing thing probably isn’t a whole lot of fun. But in the end, I win. I get to be zombie.

We need to pay tribute, not really to this film, per se, but to the undead in general. How many Misfits songs would have gone unwritten if not for zombies? Would there be an Army of Darkness? A House of Dead game at your local arcade? See what I mean? Don’t fuck with the zombies, man. They have added more to our culture than most Europeans.

Next time you’re enjoying brains for dinner or brains for lunch, give a little thanks to George Romero, ok? -M

*that's my kid in that last picture. he inherited my obsessive compulsive zombie disorder*

Misfits - Night of the Living Dead
TSOL - Dance With Me
Fang - Fun With Acid
Type O Negative - Black No. 1

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